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Rated: 13+ · Book · Friendship · #2295863
This stuffed Beanie Baby dog came tagged "tracker" which fits my search for knowledge.

Here are words I like to write
All day long 'til it is night.
Words go up and words go down
When complete approve the sound.

If you complete my little rhyme,
Things will come your way in time.

signature from Gaby's design shop
Blog City image smallA clover image for the Power Group to use Group Angel Army Signature The Poet's Place
Made by Hanna For Members in Veterans Group.2023 Quill Winner
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July 11, 2023 at 1:53am
July 11, 2023 at 1:53am
July 10, 2023
10:35 PM

I referred a member who registered. I think I read they have to be a paying member to get kudos for that. I left my referral link for another person today who said:

"I shall have to venture forth and see what your new neighborhood looks like." Isn't that written as an author would write it? She has an amazing style and is the Empress of Wordsmiths.

I am not looking at my cheat sheet as much linking things here and there. When I make a mistake, like linking to a former contest location in error, I hear about it toute suite! Sorry Cubby.

I have completed chores, schoolwork, and personal business transactions. Now it is time to play.

See you on the playground!


July 9, 2023 at 6:17pm
July 9, 2023 at 6:17pm
** Image ID #2299477 Unavailable **

I should turn off this reminder email. However, from the look of things, I need it!

July 9. 2023
3:15 PM

I am so busy I think I shall go mad. I watched Mom and Dad in retirement. Their lives were relaxed. A day in their retired life looked something like this:

7:00 am let dog out
7:15 am nap time
9:00 am put on the coffee pot
9:30 am begin second coffee pot
10:00 am nap time
12:00 pm let dog out
1:30 pm watch soap operas, reruns of "All in the family"
3:30 pm snack time
4:00 pm let the dog out
4:10 pm nap time
5:30 pm order dinner via Door Dash
7:00 pm settle down for "Wheel of Fortune" and "Jeopardy"
8:00 pm let the dog out
8:15 pm-11:00 pm free time for computer games, emails, group sites
11:00 pm bedtime after taking dog out

That is all for now.

July 7, 2023 at 6:54am
July 7, 2023 at 6:54am
I am bad at writing directly in the blog box instead of doing a Word entry and pasting it here. Sure enough, I lost this early morning entry. 4 times! I was pointing out I am a night owl. I have been up since 7 AM yesterday. It is now 3:50 AM. You can do the math. I have a new laptop with very sensitive keys. It has been a real challenge.

I did a shout-out to 4 people. I have typed them in 4 times. A shout out to ruwth, Steven (PLEASE BUY MY BOOKS!), schnujo, and Gaby for helping me today.,


June 30, 2023 at 11:28pm
June 30, 2023 at 11:28pm
June 20, 2023
8:30 PM

I receive a lot of emails. Today I cleaned them up. I created folders. I proceeded to keep, file, or delete. Progress.

I had this email waiting patiently to be read:

2/5/2023 Congratulations!

You have received a gift from An Anonymous Person!

Your Gift: * 1 "One (1) Year Upgraded Writing.Com Membership" SKU #pm0050_012

Message From Sender: Review on and enjoy! *Smile*

Who could have been so generous? And why did I not open and read it in February? I will check my notes to remind me where I can post my belated appreciation.

June 23, 2023 at 3:56am
June 23, 2023 at 3:56am
June 23, 2023
12:45 AM

At last, I launched my blog. I have had it in my head to stop in and catch up on the doings in my neck of the woods. Too many things came up. I could have worked this in or given it a higher priority. I hope the fact that I chose not to is not held against me.

I left a brief note in the newsfeed about my Dad. I extended it to a memory story in my portfolio. It is a quick read if you are so inclined.

My 10-year-old grandson is the youngest of my 11 grandkids. He is autistic. I knew a gal, in a previous church I attended when I lived in Las Vegas for a year, who had a higher-performing autistic son. She had been trying to get him into a private school for autistic children for a very long time. In the meantime, he was mainstreamed in a public school where he was in special ed. In her school, special ed meant two babysitters, aka teachers, who did little to educate him. Years ago, autism seemed to be skyrocketing with many opinions as to why. I never in a zillion years thought anything about having an autistic grandchild. There is another idea for a personal story.

I don't know about anyone else, but I literally have over 20 stories waiting to be written. There are several trips I have taken, some beliefs regarding contemporary issues, a couple of fiction short stories, and more. I would love to have about six hours and 10 mins more in each day to fit more in.

As it is, today was a bust because I came down with some kind of stomach flu. It was accompanied by a severe headache. You didn't hear me say I rarely have these sicknesses rear their ugly heads. My daughter served me some delicious chicken soup. I slept most of the day. I tried to eat something but it didn't stay down long. Tonight I drank some 7-UP and took two more aspirin and watched Jeopardy, my daily TV indulgence. By Final Jeopardy, I was feeling much better.

June 21, 2023 at 5:34am
June 21, 2023 at 5:34am
June 21, 2023
2:15 AM

It has been a long day. I have this sickness called "one more thing-itis". I tell myself I will do one more thing and then quit for the day. One thing leads to one more thing, then another, and another.

I had a nice thing happen I received a letter of recommendation I will use to accompany a college scholarship application. "She is selfless, trustworthy, supportive, encouraging, loving, and kind. She has a great wit about her and is as sharp as a tack". I was extremely pleased with it. I hope it does not come across as over the top,


June 14, 2023 at 8:29pm
June 14, 2023 at 8:29pm
June 14, 2023
5:15 PM

I woke up to take the dog out but he wasn't in my room. I turned over and went back to sleep. I woke up hungry. I had some hot cereal and some Sunny D orange juice. It was already 85 according to the outside thermometer. I looked at the clock. It was 7 AM. Had my morning chat with my best friend. I like to hear it is cloudy and raining up where she lives. It beats 100+ heat.

The dog appeared sometime later telling me with a certain whining tone he wanted breakfast. I gave it to him, noticed my reading light was still on and looked outside where it was bright and sunny. The clock said 4:10. I assumed that meant AM and still could not figure out if dawn ergo sunlight was compatible with that timeframe.

I gave the time no more thought until now, awakening at 5:00 PM. That is PEE EMM. The last thing I remember last night was doing a little research about moles for my contest challenge to write for the Writing 4 Kids June contest.. My failed plan was to write it last night, publish and link it to the contest, and move on to the next contest that is set up by ACRO*BATICS. It is an acronym-based contest. I have my acronym and a general outline of the story. I took a break and thought I would see what other challenges were in store for me stopping on the contest about Redemption Vignettes.

I don't know if I can get 14 contests completed by the end of June but it is a challenge from The Contest Challenge by Schnujo. I am not a huge competition-driven person. I enter things for the social part. If I do well that's great but I don't expect it or make that my only goal.

So, here I am, checking in for mail, notifications, and a peek at Newsfeed. What have I done about writing my story? I got sidetracked working on my birth order project summing up the personality traits and habits of kids born between 1997-2012. I have studied and written pieces on each of the generations over years starting with Generation X the one my two children are part of. Now I have 5 grandsons who are part of Generation Z. An acquaintance is having a terrible time with her nineteen-year-old son. I got the scoop and just got done giving her the 411. She was grateful.

And there are 421 words today written here. I could have completed a contest or two in that time!


June 12, 2023 at 10:48pm
June 12, 2023 at 10:48pm
It is nighttime now. Nearly 8 PM and my issue finding my email draft is resolved. A huge thank you to my friend who wrote a private message telling me in simple steps 1,2,3,4 how to retrieve my email draft.

Presto! Done!

I can't say enough about the caliber of WDC members. I thought about writing a story about how the 1115 paid members and 500 or so guests at WDC ruled the world.

June 12, 2023 at 8:06am
June 12, 2023 at 8:06am
June 12, 2023
4:30 AM

I have to write this down or I will implode.

I just inadvertently saved an email to drafts instead of sending it.

Nowhere can I find the draft in my email account?

Writing 101 is once again no help. I had to write an email to the member here who helps me navigate to tell her that the email I had just painstakingly written to her was in my email drafts which I can not find.

I am totally aware I should write this stuff and save it periodically so I don't lose what I wrote. I own up to that. However, my continual failure in not knowing how to do something and then using the reference material available and not finding out how to do it myself is negatively affecting my life. As much as I like WDC, I am not sure I can continue for that reason.


June 11, 2023 at 8:58pm
June 11, 2023 at 8:58pm
6;00 PM

Today was the day. Yesterday was going to be the day. I have a girlfriend I met forty-three years ago. For reasons that no longer matter, we lost touch. Yesterday I thought of her when I was working on an entry in my autobiography. We had taken a vacation together flying from San Francisco to Newark, NJ. We spent ten days kind of, sort of, but not really following an itinerary. She had never been out of the state of California. I was longing to just see my childhood home, walk along the brook, and stop at Rudy's Pizzeria for a slice of pizza. We did more things than expected. We added Washington DC, the shore, and a day trip to Pennsylvania. Friends in PA had a kitten ready to be given away. She was orange and selected me as her fur mommy. I will have to write a story about that trip.

In any case, yesterday I called a couple of phone numbers but did not reach Sue. The first number reached a recording saying the subscriber is not accepting incoming calls. The second was a man who was very understanding about my calling the wrong number.

This afternoon I thought I would call a number for her I had in an old address book. She answered after it rang for a long time. We talked for an hour. We found ourselves each completing the sentence of the other. Just like old times. We think we are twins separated at birth. She is very well and will be traveling to England with one of her granddaughters in August.

The lesson for today is not to lose touch with friends, if you can help it. I was miffed at something she did or said and stopped calling her. It was always me calling her which was irritating. I would call and her stock response was, "Oh, tracker, I was just going to call you".

I am glad we talked and reconnected. She said we need to keep in touch. I told her I knew how to do that. I just needed to call her when she was just thinking about calling me.


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