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3,563 Public Reviews Given
4,140 Total Reviews Given
Review Style
I look at the title, premise, overall structure first. Then I see how it makes me feel. After that, I might comment on little errors which are easily fixed.
I'm good at...
Hmm. Well you'd have to ask the one being reviewed what that be.
Favorite Genres
Paranormal, spy/detective, sci-fi, romantic suspense (hey I'm female and entitled). documentary, psychological and more.
Least Favorite Genres
Anything too gorey depending on how it's done. I don't need every little detail.
Favorite Item Types
First tell me what an item type is. haha
Least Favorite Item Types
An item has to make sense even if it uses fantasy ideas.
I will not review...
I don't like where some writer crammed six long chapters into one item area. I also don't like it if the paragraphs are so long you lose your place reading it. If you don't want me to lose interest and give up, break it up into sections and link it to the next exciting chapters. Nobody wants to sit through a detailed story for hours without a break.
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Review of Waiting  
Review by ~SilverMoon~
In affiliation with Dream Team HQ  
Rated: 13+ | (3.0)
Hi Tanty,

The introduction draws me in wondering what's going on next. Each line brings up questions, and is answered in increments. It does feel tense.

In the first two sentences there are places where it needed words like (hoping) to get (a) message reply (to) my

And instead of telling I would show the person is worried. Think about physical things that indicate they are tense, scared or worried.

Do they bite their lip, sweat, pace, tap their fingers, bite their nails, fidget, or organise items on thier desk?

This helps the reader to envision the condition of the worrier. It also build tension.

*Example: I glance at the clock It's 2:00 a.m. Instead of sleeping, I'm awake. My skin feels sticky. I bite off the last bit of a hangnail on my pinky finger. I wonder if my pacing has worn patterns into the floor.

Sinking into a chair I stare at the blurring shadows of inanimate items in the room.

My last thoughts were Why has he not called? My eyes betray me as they slide closed. Just a few seconds of bliss.

Here is your version with a few edits.band some dialogue.--

I always worry if I haven't (heard) from him, because I know (of) his condition.

Heres my rewrite: The phone rings, my body jerks forward. My eyes pop open, I focus on the phone in my lap. It's him. "Hello? What happened? Are you okay? I've been a nervous wreck waiting."

"I'm exhausted. I haven't slept in three days. Nothing helps."

"How are you feeling now?"

"Tired mostly."

"Anything else? Ive been waiting for yur call."

I've got pains in my chest."

I knew he had tried many cures for insomnia without having positive results--warm milk, chamomile tea, and melatonin capsules. "You need to see a doctor. This isn't good. You need one now," I say.

"I'm sorry I didnt all. I couldn't. It's difficult to move around at the moment."

"I don't feel good about this."

He hesitated. "Don't worry. I'll be okay soon. I always am. In fact im starting to feel better already."

"I will pray for you. Please call for an ambulance if it happens again."

** I hope you get the idea with my examples. Feel free to use them or your own.
With some changes, dialogue, description and additional information you could build on this hint of a premise. We want to know more about these two people. We ant o know where they are in life, what they may have experienced, and what they d at this time.

Y yo u need to break up large paragraphs with a single line space between them.

Continue to write even if it needs revision. Let your imagination soar.

Thanks for sharing.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by ~SilverMoon~
In affiliation with Dream Team HQ  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi Vijen,

I saw your item and read it and appreciate that you asked such a question.

It's not an easy one to answer as depending on who responds you might get different answers with opposing perspectives to choose from.

Honestly, I cannot really answer that and know for sure. I might say you are here to experience life as you will choose to.

I might also say you are a seeker searching and looking for your truth and true self. There is nothing wrong with that.

Thete are many people here willing to share thier own truth and faith in whatever we are here for.

I consider what i see or hear, but eventually only my heart tells me what feels right.

The only suggestion i have on this item is give it form. Also use periods or question marks at the ends of sentences depending on if its a statement or question.

I hope you find what you are looking for and wish you well.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by ~SilverMoon~
In affiliation with Dream Team HQ  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi Vijen,

I saw your item and read it and appreciate that you asked such a question.

It's not an easy one to answer as depending on who responds you might get different answers with opposing perspectives to choose from.

Honestly, I cannot really answer that and know for sure. I might say you are here to experience life as you will choose to.

I might also say you are a seeker searching and looking for your truth and true self. There is nothing wrong with that.

Thete are .any leople her willing to share thier own truth and faith in whatever we are here for.

I consider what i see or hear but eventually only my heart tells me what feels right.

The only suggestion i have on this item is give it form. Also use periods or question marks at the ends of sentences depending on if its a statement or question.

I hope you find what you are looking for and wish you well.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Freak  
Review by ~SilverMoon~
In affiliation with Dream Team HQ  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hi W.D. Wilcox,

* I just read this item and was immediately drawn to it because of the rich descriptions and subtle yet movement through it.

We see where she is and also reflections of her past in the posters on the wall and get a good idea of what has happened up to this point. She is ready for what comes next and almost welcomes it although there is a bit of fear indicated.

This was good too.--

As the wind blew, the trees shook like the manes of lions, and in her mind, she could almost hear them roaring, and see them gathering for the hunt

* the item is concise. There is only one suggestion. Okay. I changed my mind. No there is none. You did a splended job on this.
I enjoyed reading it. Thanks for sharing.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of The Knight  
Review by ~SilverMoon~
In affiliation with Dream Team HQ  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Greetings Thomas Seeker,

As usual you do bring up interesting topics to discuss. In this day and age it seems as though the very existance of a knight is either non-existant, or often frowned upon, threatened and/or mocked. Such a shame. Even still I think there are such things, although his armor might look quite different. Still he is ready to willingly battle if need be to protect his own and others. In the news we sometimes see these knights serving and protecting the helpless and innocent. It is not just a duty but someyhing inside that seeks justice.

To try to get them to give up thier true self and do something they dont feel okay about could cause inner turmoil if the knight even had to choose. It is not who he is. His integrity is on the line. To have him break that, if it were even possible, would not be a good thing.

First you may wonder what else he's capable of being coaxed into doing, secondly he would most likely feel shame and wonder if he is somehow tarnished in your eyes.

First he must find a way so that he does not compromise his integrity and honor. For this other to expect less of him wouldn't be right.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by ~SilverMoon~
In affiliation with Dream Team HQ  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Hi Steel Metro

Here's yet another tidbit you've share. This one was amusing. At first I thought I'd misread, and found the doctor a bit annoying. Yet clearly hes losing his credibility.

Anyway, I thought it was clever as you showed these two during her counseling session.

The paragraphs and dialogue are workimg well.
I dont see any glaring grammar or punctuation errors.

Thanks for sharing.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Waning  
Review by ~SilverMoon~
In affiliation with Dream Team HQ  
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hi. Noticed this item and decided to give it a review.

What I mostly notice is the character's enjoyment of nature and how blessed he feels as he enjoys the moment. He allows himself to see and feel the joy of each day yet at the same time feels as if things continually change and maybe in some way that isnt quite comforting. Yet this also means each day he can be refreshed but keep in mind as the day progresses things can change.

It's almost poetic.

*Pencil* what needs editing is the paragraphs. Its better to break it up a little and use some line spacing in between each paragraph.

Thanks for sharing.


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Review of Psych's Revenge  
Review by ~SilverMoon~
In affiliation with Dream Team HQ  
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hi Summer Day,

Im here to review this item as I got curious considering the title.

There's certainly a lot of intriguing drama here making this reader want to find out more about Psychs interaction with the other characters.

Te problem is I'm not be sure what's going on though, basically why he was fearful and where this is in a whole story, assuming there is more.

*Pencil* What needs editing:
“It’s a dangerous job.” Officer Boone said. “But you made a commitment.”
(Here you need a simple change. Remove the period, add a comma and uncap the first word But. Its because it's all part of one sentence.)

*Idea* “It’s a dangerous job.” Officer Bosaid, “but you made a commitment.”

*Pencil* I noticed you used a lot of ly words like quickly or flatly. Try to avoid overdoing the use of adjectives. A simple change of choice of words can vary give it an interesting rhythm.

*Pencil* These aren’t your quarters,” One called. (No need to capitalize One)
These aren’t your quarters,” one called.

Somewhere in this story. You wrote that Psych was fearful.

*Pencil* I'd rather you show him being fearful. Maybe there's a shiver running up or down his spine or he clears his throat discreetly.

*Idea* I would suggest submitting mre parts of the story because although the scene is thought provoking, readers are not sure what's going on or why.

Keep on writing and don't worry, we all start of making mistakes.

Thanks for sharing.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Fractured Reality  
Review by ~SilverMoon~
In affiliation with Dream Team HQ  
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
Hello Mister Suede,

I noticed you have an item needing reviews.

Below is my personal thoughts on this piece.

Here is what you wrote:
Taking a closer look at her, I saw that she was wearing a dark leather jacket with a plain gray shirt underneath. There were slim blue jeans on her legs and black sneakers on her feet. The most striking feature, however, were her eyes. They were a deep, dark grey. They wouldn’t have been directly striking to me if they weren’t so deep; there was a quality to them that reminded me of a finely polished piece of granite, and I found myself getting lost in them as we walked.

* I would make this more concise. There's some repeated information here. We know the jeans were on her legs and sneakers were on her feet.

Here is how i might have written it.

I looked over at her. She wore a dark leather jacket with a plain gray shirt underneath, slim blue jeans, and black sneakers. The most striking feature, however, were her eyes--a deep dark gray.
They reminded me of finely polished piece of granite, and I found myself getting lost in them as we walked.
Note: getting lost in them seems a little bit cliche.

Overall I like this story beginning. I like how it is explained what's involved and other details.

Action took place at the beginning and story questions came up right away such as why are they taking these young men, and where, and what will happen to them.

I'm also curious as to what particular traits were they each chosen for. And later what they end up like during and after they are doing their mission.

Nice start to a story, good dialogue.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by ~SilverMoon~
In affiliation with Dream Team HQ  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hello Cradle of Abundance.

I may have read this before but it is one those things that you can do that with an ponder its meaning.

it is an item that a person can reflect on.
It's very deep. I did notice a play on words such as dew for do. Also it is written in an old world tongue.

My apologies but this revew box keeps moving to the top after I've typed a response. It's very disturbing.
Review of Top Ten Heroes  
Review by ~SilverMoon~
In affiliation with Dream Team HQ  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Hello Fellow dreamer,

I happened by your port and saw a few items and thought I'd get a closer look.

I like how you catageorised this and then gave more detailed information. You also said why you chose these hero's.

The Shannara series sounds appealing. It makes me want to scope it out.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Cowboy  
Review by ~SilverMoon~
In affiliation with Dream Team HQ  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi StrlCuckoo.

Just dropped by your port and noticed this and decided to give you an anniversary review.

There's a nice rhythm and rhyme in this poem.

It looks good on the page with its short yet descriptive lines, and the words use allows the reader to visualize this cowboy, and can see where he might be, what his attire is, and what he might be doing.

Great job on this. Thanks for sharing.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of I am  
Review by ~SilverMoon~
In affiliation with Dream Team HQ  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi masterprocrastinator,

I noticed your poem and took a closer look.
The beginning of some of the lines should be capitalized.
The repeated lines emphasizes the message and at the end it reeals why. Sometimes we have to remind ouselves of this when we are feeling this way. Many people

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Signature.  
Review by ~SilverMoon~
In affiliation with Dream Team HQ  
Rated: E | (3.0)
It's nice of you to share this. Although it's in black and white, it's pretty easy to see. It makes me curious about what each part represents. It would be nice to see more information about it like which country it is from for example.

That would make a splendid ring.
Review of Non-Humans R Us  
Review by ~SilverMoon~
In affiliation with Dream Team HQ  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
I can see you've put a lot of effort into this group. Good job with details. I'm not sure I'm a member but I do read things like this. Currently I read Evermore but also still reading the Harry Dresden files.

Heres a few gift points for your group. My wdc membership us kinda nd of non-existant so somebody might as, well use them.

Ps. I cant seem to read your blogs for some reason.
Review of Reflections  
Review by ~SilverMoon~
In affiliation with Dream Team HQ  
Rated: E | (4.5)
The piece could use some spacing.

I especially liked the last line, which sums it up. It brings up a thought in me.

If we saw ourselves in others would we recognise our goodness?
Review of Just a Note...  
Review by ~SilverMoon~
In affiliation with Dream Team HQ  
Rated: E | (4.5)
I enjoyed reading your item and experience. What you wrote almost anyone can imagine, has been through, or could end up dealing with.

Your feelings were expressed in ways anyone can understand. I too am increasingly disappointed But with how people treat one another or ignire one another.

I was prepared to offer my I'm sorrys but was elated to see tgat you persevered and then dud find what you wanted.

It seems as though it might never happen Or at least not when and how we expect it. Maybe it's a case of right time, right place, etc.

Thank you for sharing.
Review of Drowning...  
Review by ~SilverMoon~
In affiliation with Dream Team HQ  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hello Princess Zelda ,
I found your item while surfing WDC for items to read and review.

For disclaimer, pass cursor here: *Smile*

*Bulletv* TITLE, PREMISE, CONTENT: The title fits the content of the item. I liked how the stanzas were arranged on the page. EAch stanza with two lines, then line spacing. The words chosen brought meaning to the piece.
Sea, shore, abyss, rock bottom.

*Pencil* I didn't see anything that needed editing.
*Thought* SUGGESTIONS AND OTHER COMMENTS: This thought or feeling of drowning is felt by some people. I think it's an overwhelming desire to end the misery of whatever the person is dealing with.

At the same time, people struggle to survive, just like this person did before deciding to give up and letting go entirely.

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.
personal team signature in blue moon setting.
Please click on this image to visit our review forum anytime.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Maverick  
Review by ~SilverMoon~
In affiliation with Dream Team HQ  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hello T.C. Abernathry,
I found your item while surfing WDC for items to read and review.

For disclaimer, pass cursor here: *Smile*

The title works fine for this piece. The premise is believable and it's not until we read further on we get an idea of what has happened and why.

*Bulletv* FORMAT/FLOW: Good formatting in this item and the sequence of events seem logical.

*Bulletv* I LIKED: I liked the buildup of tension as the "murderer" is trying to get rid of his evidence. With all the things happening, I started thinking these would all be clues later.
I really liked all the details in this which created a visual in my mind. We are there with him.

* A grunt escaped his lips as he pulled the bag out of the trunk and let it fall on the ground with a dull thump.

* The street lights shone a metallic orange on the strip as he entered town.

*Pencil* MIGHT NEED EDITING: There were a few places where some edits might be necessary.
Later on in the story, Frank wasn't capitalized. Also Maverick wasn't capitalized there too.

Oh. Minor detail. Depending on when the dog died, he probably wouldn't smell it yet, but if so, those black trash bags are usually tough but it could accidently get a rip in it which could allow something creepy to happen. (reader allows herself and evil laugh).

*Thought* SUGGESTIONS AND OTHER COMMENTS: The way it's written allows story questions to make the reader curious and we just have to read on to see where this goes. Boy, is Tony in some trouble now.

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.
personal team signature in blue moon setting.
Please click on this image to visit our review forum anytime.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by ~SilverMoon~
In affiliation with Dream Team HQ  
Rated: E | (3.0)
Please realize that anything I say here is just my opinion alone. Only you know how you wish to express something. I am only here to offer encouragement and help should you need it.

*Tulipv* Hello Sebastian Lacroix,

First off, what a cool name you have. It looks french, but I could be wrong.
Anyway, I'm here to read your item, but also give you a review.

*Tulipp* BASICS
Title: I'm guessing you will title this later.

Format: Formatting could use a little help as although there is appropriate spacing, often there are places where there should be a new paragraph. I will explain further on.

Flow: The sequence of events felt natural although a bit mysterious.

*Burstp* What I liked:
I liked that this indicated it was in another land. At least it seems like it considering the dialect.

*Burstr* What felt like it needed editing and revision:
What stood out for me at first was that you used the word "as" often. You used it four times in the first paragraph.
I would use other words which indicate what you want to express. Show rather than tell. Here are a few examples which you can use if you like or something like it.
In the intro:
The old man shielded his face from the chill of the wind with a newspaper. (That sentence is more concise and says much.)

Cursing softly at his frail limbs, he crept along toward the monestary.

In Chapter 1:
There are some punctuation errors. Some sentences didn't have a period.
Even in dialogue you need to capitalize the first word.

*Thought* Personal Comments/Other Suggestions:
This must be for a contest as I just reviewed another one about a place burning down. It might be a good idea to say as much at the beginning or end. Just make sure it's a smaller font or indicate it's to the reader so we know what to expect.

It certainly raises some story questions. We know a little about the characters but there's still so much we don't.
I hope that this review was helpful.
Please let me know if you edit or revise this and I can take a second look and re-rate it.
My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.

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signature item for Dream team traveler

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by ~SilverMoon~
Rated: E | (3.5)
Please realize that anything I say here is just my opinion alone. Only you know how you wish to express something. I am only here to offer encouragement and help should you need it.

*Tulipv* Hello history's bend,
I'm here to read your item, but also give you a review.

*Tulipp* BASICS
Title: It seems appropriate to the content of the story segment.

Premise: (This felt like a piece of a much bigger item. And so I will review it as such.)

Apparently there was a fire, but also two people who know each other but for how long nobody knows.

Format: The format looks fine with all the line spacing between dialogue and paragraphs. The way it's done is a bit different while we are in first person POV.

Flow: The events happening feel in the moment.
*Burstp* What I liked:
I liked that this raised story questions like:
Who are these people and why does the other person insist that they know each other before a time that the other person could have known.
It's very mysterious because we aren't even sure if either of them are female or male.

*Burstr* What felt like it needed editing and revision:
I wanted more details about these two people. What they look like, how old they might be, maybe a hint of whatever they were before. It hinted at the shadowy person maybe being a ghost or something else. I wasn't quite sure where thhis was going. The person could just be elusive or the place haunted.

The mention of the sound of glass was almost descriptive but I wanted more. In what way did it sound like. Glass has no sound unless there's a reason for it to have it.

I know you wrote. the sound of glass underfoot but it wasn't quite as descriptive if you had used other words. Was it the crunching of glass as if someone stepped on it? or maybe the wind picked up and blew a few pieces loose and when it landed on the floor where the stranger was it made the smallest of sounds yet so easily heard in the aftermath of this fire?
I could see you were trying to use the senses and that parts good but be more specific.

half burned probably should be half-burned.

I would add just a few more details to this, so we get an idea of who they are. Just a little bit and later on you could add more if there are more segments.

*Thought* Personal Comments/Other Suggestions:
I thought maybe you created this for a contest and had to use certain elements or restrictions.

I hope that this review was helpful.

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.

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signature item for Dream team traveler

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by ~SilverMoon~
In affiliation with Dream Team HQ  
Rated: E | (5.0)
II came across this today and thought I might review it. I like the idea that people have a place to come and ask for prayer and/or pray together. I tried to enter but it said I need a passcode but I wasn't sure how to get that.

I did notice a link for a prayer hotline. I'll try that shortly. My membership is expired but worse yet, my purse was either stolen or left behind. I'm not sure because one minute I had it with me, next it wasn't there. My ID and bankcards were in there too. This happened two months after my dog had to be put down. Yes, the same dog I'd asked for prayers before that was ill. She'd gotten better or so I thought.

I will request prayer if it allows me. Other than that this page looked good with it's paragraphing and the words used were simple and easy to understand.
Good job.
Review of Round & About  
Review by ~SilverMoon~
In affiliation with Dream Team HQ  
Rated: E | (4.5)
*Jackolantern* Hello there Aya,
This is your Dream Team Halloween review. You may have received other reviews because you were either gifted by someone or won the item in a Dream Team raffle or other event. That being said, here is my impression.

Note: I somehow accidently deleted the previous review I had written and so I decided to go back and rewrite and rereview it.
Sorry about that.

*Ghost* Title/Premise:
Appropriate title to the item content.
*Pumpkin* Format: The paragraphing looks good except for at least one where there is no line space between it and another.

*Cat* Flow: The idea is mentioned at the beginning about what this will be about.
And then goes on to explain further giving examples.
The essay is expressed using simple words and in a way in which anyone can understand.
*Witchhat* Impression:
WE see the usual routine of checking in luggage, and passing by passengers, and boarding the plane. We feel the coolness of the lounge while this passenger is reminded of her neighbor's dog, Pepper and it's attention span.

*Witchhat* I liked:
I liked the little things like knot in the stomach. This enhances the piece and makes us be there experiencing it all.

I especially like how this creates a feeling in the person as she feeels close to God and what adventures might be in store for her, but mostly the peace found in truly being alone with your own thougths and not anyone interupting or judging them..

*Idea* Might need edit/revision: Just one area and that was mentioned eariler.

*Moon* Comments/Suggestions:
I find this same sense of peace when I visit the forest, especially the giant Redwoods. It too gives me this feeling that nothing else matters and helps me refocus on what's really important to me. There are no bills, ringing phones, or demands while there.

There is only peace, quiet, beautiful sights, sounds and scents. It is my favorite place to be. And yes it is there I can silently share the beauty found knowing where it all came from. I also find this driving on a country road beaneth the shelter of giant trees. It is there i talk to God.
I just wish I could share it with other people who might also understand and experience the same.

*Star* This item is being considered for "Good Deeds Go Noticed.

Halloween sig bats etc.
Clicking on the image takes you to our group homepage, where you might leave thanks, comments, or requests for reviews.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Round & About  
Review by ~SilverMoon~
In affiliation with Dream Team HQ  
Rated: E | (4.5)
*Jackolantern* Hello there ,
This is your Dream Team Halloween review. You may have received other reviews because you were either gifted by someone or won the item in a Dream Team raffle or other event. That being said, here is my impression.

*Ghost* Title/Premise:

*Pumpkin* Format:

*Cat* Flow/Rhyme/Rhythm:

*Witchhat* Impression:

*Witchhat* I liked:

*Idea* Might need edit/revision:

*Moon* Comments/Suggestions:

*Star* This item is being considered for "Good Deeds Go Noticed.

Halloween sig bats etc.
Clicking on the image takes you to our group homepage, where you might leave thanks, comments, or requests for reviews.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Depression  
Review by ~SilverMoon~
In affiliation with Dream Team HQ  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Please realize that anything I say here is just my opinion alone. Only you know how you wish to express something. I am only here to offer encouragement and help should you need it.{/i}
*Angel* Hello there my friend, Thomas Seeker,
I'm here to read your item, but also give you a review.

*Thought* Personal Comments/Other Suggestions:

Because this is a personal reflection I decided to not review it in the usual way.
I read this all the way through, and it felt urgent and honest and was so full.of emotion. I believe you did a good job of sharing the inner turmoil which people can relate to. There were some areas which just about brought tears to my eyes. In factx I felt the moisture threaten to spill out.

I know some about this depression and it feels like some crazy roller coaster rid, where your going steadily upward only to suddenly plummet down as if it might end just as quickly.

I've felt it most of my life, yet try to live in the moment. A d so nobody sees this dark side of me.

I cant quite put my finger on exactly what happened to cause it to be in me in the first place except I know its not just the current event but something much deeper.

What often occurs is I blame myself for being or at least feeling so weak.

The part about the sun shining and birds singing Reminds me that all is not lost. That regardless of how I feel or react,or how someone else reacts there is a constant which brings me joy and its mine to enjoy as I wish and when I wish and while I can.

Get out in nature if you can find that solitude and peace and it will hell you feel balance again. I consider it God's gifts and find comfort I. Tgat when I feel as if being human feels so harsh.

I suppose this might just be experiencing "what is not, in order to more appreciate the what is". I think you know what I mean as we do mentally connect in that way.

Thank you for sharing. I hope that this review was helpful.
*Star* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.

angel sig from Tornado Day
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