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I look at the title, premise, overall structure first. Then I see how it makes me feel. After that, I might comment on little errors which are easily fixed.
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Hmm. Well you'd have to ask the one being reviewed what that be.
Favorite Genres
Paranormal, spy/detective, sci-fi, romantic suspense (hey I'm female and entitled). documentary, psychological and more.
Least Favorite Genres
Anything too gorey depending on how it's done. I don't need every little detail.
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First tell me what an item type is. haha
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An item has to make sense even if it uses fantasy ideas.
I will not review...
I don't like where some writer crammed six long chapters into one item area. I also don't like it if the paragraphs are so long you lose your place reading it. If you don't want me to lose interest and give up, break it up into sections and link it to the next exciting chapters. Nobody wants to sit through a detailed story for hours without a break.
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Review by ~SilverMoon~
In affiliation with Dream Team HQ  
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
Note: You might want to take a look at this first. "A Message from Your Reviewer
Please realize that anything I say here is just my opinion alone. Only you know how you wish to express something. I am only here to offer encouragement and help should you need it.
*Tulipv* Hello AJVega,
I'm here to read your item, but also give you a review on "Soul Census - War of Shadows - Book 1 Chapter 1.

*Tulipp* BASICS
Title: Seems like a good title that fits the content considering what I read in the first chapter.
Premise: Soul mates in the celestial pool are about to reincarnate, but things will be very different this time.
Format: The paragraphing was pretty good withe its short and varied lengths.
Flow: The words chosen worked for this piece as we see a variety of sentences, which reveal each character's personality and how they interact on an emotional level.
*Burstp* What I liked:
I liked the premise of this story as it is different than the usual way things like this go. I hope to see where this goes as they have their own adventures apart.

*Burstr* What felt like it needed editing and revision:

* There is a lot of repetition in this. Once something is revealed, you don't have to repeat it. The reader does remember. What I'm talking about is the mention of etheral form several times. Try to use other words that mean the same thing and reword your sentences.

* These two sentences could probably be combined so that it's more concise.
You wrote: Zarad floated in ethereal form with his soul-mate, Aloli. The two of them floated above the celestial pool.

*Idea* Zarad, and his soul-mate, Aloli in ethereal form floated above the celestial pool.

* Here we see etheral form used again. Also tendrils are mentioned. I took it to mean her hair, but then at some point later on she reached out with her tendrils. Also at first this water was a lake but now it's an ocean. If it's not the same place then reveal that, but if it is the same then choose one and stick with it.

About imagery. When you mention color it's best to be more specific like azure r mediteranian or sky blue. Trust me, it makes the story more interesting.

You wrote: Aloli floated near the edge of the celestial ocean, gliding gracefully in ethereal form. Her tendrils draped down from the apex at the top of her form, gracefully dragging behind her as she hovered.

*Idea* Aloli glided gracefully towards the edge of the azure waves.

*Thought* Personal Comments/Other Suggestions: I only included a few examples, but remember that what you do at the beginning often repeats itself later on. Meaning that usually writers will continue to write the same way, but in time they can eventually self edit on the way and soon it becomes a good habit.

You have an interesting story premise, but as most writers do, you need to revise a few things. I like that you had dialogue in it and it looks good as far as I could tell.
I hope that this review was helpful.

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.

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signature item for Dream team traveler
Review of The Haunting  
Review by ~SilverMoon~
In affiliation with Dream Team HQ  
Rated: E | (4.5)
*Jackolantern* Hello there 13lue,
This is your Dream Team Halloween review. You may have received other reviews because you were either gifted by someone or won the item in a Dream Team raffle or other event. That being said, here is my impression.

*Ghost* Title/Premise: Appropriate title. A man loves someone and believes their love is special.

*Pumpkin* Format: I like the four line stanzas with its line spacing between each stanza.

*Cat* Flow/Rhyme/Rhythm: It flows fairly well as the words chosen are easy to understand for the most part. (explanation further on)

*Witchhat* Impression: Nice expression of the sureness one feels when they are in love.

*Witchhat* I liked: I liked that this was positive, yet there were some areas where negativity was mentioned. I might have kept that consistant as far as being positive.

*Idea* Might need edit/revision:
I stumbled a little here and read it three times to make sure I understood. There was three negatives in this (never/don't/couldn't), and so it was a bit unclear.
You wrote:
For there's never a moment I don't believe
Our love was something that couldn't be.

I'm thinking you meant that there was no doubt that this love was long lasting. I am not sure how you might make this clearer, without having to restructure the two lines and upset the rhyming.

Unless you did something like:

Not once had I believed
Long lasting love couldn't be.

*Moon* Comments/Suggestions: The above information is all I have to offer. I didn't see any spelling or punctuation errors, or I missed them somehow.

You guys instinctively seem to know when something is right, and often before we ever realize it. I can remember saying things that implied much more. I did this without realizing it revealed more than I thought it did. Lucky for me, someone saw much more into just what it meant.

Thanks for sharing.

*Star* This item is being considered for "Good Deeds Go Noticed.

Halloween sig bats etc.
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Review by ~SilverMoon~
In affiliation with Dream Team HQ  
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
*Jackolantern* Hello there Elizjohn,
This is your Dream Team Halloween review. You may have received other reviews because you were either gifted by someone or won the item in a Dream Team raffle or other event. That being said, here is my impression.

*Ghost* Title?Premise: The title was good. I liked how it was capitalized.
The premise was good and had a little twist at the end. The boys are trying to decide whether or not to open a door. One boy is daring the other one. I won't spoil it for others and give away the ending.

*Pumpkin* Format: The format wasn't too bad, but it needed line spacing between each characters dialogue.

*Cat* Flow/Rhyme/Rhythm: The dialogue was done well as we see the boys interact.

*Witchhat* Impression: A sense of tension is built up and we wonder if they are going to open the door because they hesitate. At some point, they realize it won't open, but it doesn't matter because...(readers will have to find out on their own).

*Witchhat* I liked: There is some nice interaction between the boys.

*Idea* Might need edit/revision:
When you write don't mention the emotion felt. Show it. Let them wipe their brow, faces turn whitish, hands tremble. Things like that.

It looks like one of them is trembling, but later curses because it isn't open. If I read this right, the names are mixed up during the dialogue. At some point one is looking down at the other one, yet the one who quivered is the one egging it on. I'd read it out loud and determine if there was a mixup.

*Moon* Comments/Suggestions: Correct the line spacing, then add in the requirements, and the amount of words used.

I would add some imagery to this, if possible. I do not know if only dialogue was suppose to be used. Nice attempt at the challenge.

*Star* This item is being considered for "Good Deeds Go Noticed.

Halloween sig bats etc.
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Review by ~SilverMoon~
In affiliation with Dream Team HQ  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Note: You might want to take a look at this first. "A Message from Your Reviewer

Hello Chaos Princess,
I found your item while surfing WDC for items to read and review.

For disclaimer, pass cursor here: *Smile*

*Bulletv* TITLE, PREMISE, CONTENT: Good title. A person is down on love, obviously experienced the ups and downs but also the loss of it.
*Bulletv* FORMAT/FLOW: The line spacing between paragraphs was good but I think it could have been broken up more. Stop the paragraph and restart it where a new idea comes into view.
The words written are simple ones and easy to read and understand.
*Bulletv* I LIKED: I liked that you were able to write using words without repetition, although the idea is the same throughout and it is explained why this is so.
*Pencil* MIGHT NEED EDITING: Break up the paragraphs a bit more.
*Thought* SUGGESTIONS AND OTHER COMMENTS: Although the message is obvious, the way this is expressed works well. It looks like the writer was able to stay within the guidelines of the requirements.

It could be that "loaded gun" is a cliche, yet I liked the way it was used here. It expresses the frustration felt when things don't turn out the way we hoped it would, when the whole time we thought things had finally changed for the better.

It is left up to the reader to answer the question given, yet the writer suggests that love simply is not worth all the pain and suffering we often go through. We don't live in a Ozzie and Harriet world.

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.
personal team signature in blue moon setting.
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Review by ~SilverMoon~
In affiliation with Dream Team HQ  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello there WinnieKay,

I found your item and decided to read and review it. Keep in mind that anything I mention is only my opinion. I only review what I like, and send this review with the idea of helping and offering encouragement, rather than criticisim. Please consider my suggestions and take only what works for you and leave the rest behind. That being said, here is my impression.

Title: Good title which makes me curious and I have to read more.
Premise: Someone who was vibrant and alert, changes into almost another person.
Format: Good format for this three line stanza poem.
Flow: The words chosen are effective in revealing much about the person this refers to. The amount of words and the selection makes this easy to read and understand.

*Poseyv* What I liked: I liked the book-ending effect where what is revealed in the beginning is also at the end. It ends on a happy note after revealing a severe change. It has the component of constant.

*Poseyp* What might need edit and/or revision: I did not see anything that needed editing and revising.
*Burstp* Personal Comments/Suggestions:
I liked that you told which type of poem this is. For me, it almost felt like Haku, which uses few words and short lines. Thanks for sharing.
My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.

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pink/purple Dreamin1 sig small
Review of Forever and a Day  
Review by ~SilverMoon~
In affiliation with Dream Team HQ  
Rated: E | (4.5)
*Jackolantern* Hello there mimzi73,
I happened to see this item on the sidebar and thought I might take a closer look.

As usual, anything I share here is only my opinion and I offer this review with good intentions. It is up to you to decide if anything I say works for you. Enjoy!

That being said, here is my impression.

*Ghost* Title: Good. It fits the content well.

*Witchhat* Impression: It is the heartfelt dedication of one person to another as the love continues even though they are apart.

*Pumpkin* Format: The formatting was okay, yet the amount of lines in the stanzas are varied. That's okay too.

*Cat* Flow/Rhyme/Rhythm: I am not sure what to say about the rhythm as this is not a structured item. The thought processes do seem consistant.

*Witchhat* I liked: I liked how the person just knows this connection, and is steadfast in those feelings expressed.

*Idea* Might need edit/revision: I thought about how this might be formatted a bit different. Maybe lessen the amount of lines in each stanza and provide an alternating length a few times. This would spread out and emphasize those things which you might want to.

There were some places where I felt a comma was needed but it still reads well.

*Moon* Comments/Suggestions: No other suggestions. I like it.

*Star* This item is being considered for "Good Deeds Go Noticed.

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Review by ~SilverMoon~
In affiliation with Dream Team HQ  
Rated: E | (4.5)
*Jackolantern* Hello there Liam,
This is a It's not easy being Green review. I noticed you are a yellow case member, so I decided to search your portfolio to see what you might have. I came across this one, and I'm glad I did.
That being said, here is my impression.

*Ghost* Title: The title fits and makes me wonder what it might be about.

*Witchhat* Impression: This has a nice western cowboy feeling to it as we see him going about his afternoon. There is some nice imagery in it as he wanders into the bar, with its dancing ladies and such.

*Pumpkin* Format: The format in this was unique as there is matching rhymes within each line, but also within the rest of the stanza.

At some points, I felt that the rhythm was off as a few extra words made it feel more wordy.

*Witchhat* I liked: I liked the imagery in it. The image at the beginning also lent a nice start as we see the visual come into view.
The speech pattern is reminiscent of how cowboys and ranchers speak.

*Idea* Might need edit/revision:
It almost felt like a transition from an overall godlike view but then we are in the POV of the barkeeper. That might have been because first it is mentioned that the cowboy came into town and entered the bar,but then we learn he was probably out on the range. You could switch it around but I'm not sure. You'd have to play around with it some.

* You wrote:
His spurs gave a jingle that made my skin tingle
as he walked up to me and said, "Whiskey."
(This was where I felt the rhythm was off a little bit. YOu might want to leave off a few words, plus change that to which.)

*Cat* Suggestion: His spurs gave a jingle, which made my skin tingle
as he walked up and said, "Whiskey please."

* *Idea* As appearance allows, he'd been punchin' cows
on the range just southeast of town. (should south east be two words or one?)

*Moon* Comments/Suggestions: I enjoyed reading this and reviewing it. It brought me into the world of the cowboy and this saloon where he and his horse had a drink.
I look forward to reading more of your items.

*Star* This item is being considered for "Good Deeds Go Noticed.

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Review of In Dreams I See  
Review by ~SilverMoon~
In affiliation with Dream Team HQ  
Rated: E | (5.0)
*Jackolantern* Hello there strlcuckoo,
This is a It's not easy being Green review.
After looking through your port, I had a hard time finding something I haven't reviewed already. I'm glad I found this one.

As usual, anything I share here is only my opinion and I offer this review with good intentions. It is up to you to decide if anything I say works for you. Enjoy!

That being said, here is my impression.

*Ghost* Title: Good title. It fits the content of the item.

*Witchhat* Impression: Nicely expressed visual of a loved one and how the person wishes and hopes things will be.

*Pumpkin* Format: I like the format and how the beginning and the end match like bookends. It brings us full circle.

*Cat* Flow/Rhyme/Rhythm: There is a nice flow to this poem and an unusual rythm.

*Witchhat* I liked: You say a lot in so few words, yet each stanza reveals more with its imagery. The image of the female is strong as we see it through the person's eyes.

*Idea* Might need edit/revision: I didn't see anything that needed editing or revising in this item. It's perfect the way it is.

*Moon* Comments/Suggestions: Thank you for sharing and keep on writing.

*Star* This item is being considered for "Good Deeds Go Noticed.

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Review by ~SilverMoon~
In affiliation with Dream Team HQ  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
this is a It's not easy being Green review. {size}

Hello Countrymom ,
I found your item while surfing WDC for items to read and review.

For disclaimer, pass cursor here: {popnote:"*Smile*" Please remember that these are only my suggestions, and not necessarily how you wish to express yourself. Take what works for you and disregard the rest.

*Bulletv* TITLE, PREMISE, CONTENT: it is a good title and it matches the content.
*Bulletv* FORMAT/FLOW: the stanzas are set up in an attractive way with. Use of similar line lengths and proper use of line spacing.
*Bulletv* I LIKED: You were able to express what happened in a logical way with emotional reaction to the news.
*Pencil* MIGHT NEED EDITING: there wasn't anything to edit or revise.

*Thought* SUGGESTIONS AND OTHER COMMENTS: I am so sorry for your loss. I can only imagine what that must have been like for your daughter but also you and your family. My son learned he had cancer when he was just becoming adult with a bright future.

Unfortunately, he decided on no contact during the time after the operation and to this day has no contact. He is near as a heartbeat though and there is not one day that passes that he is not on my mind and in my heart. Worse yet I feel betrayed by his and my friends because I found out many years later that he had treatments and his hair fell out.several times.
Your item brings up those feelings. I too remember as if it was just yesterday when he was born with a full head of hair and his rosy complexion. But also how I watched him grown into a joyful considerate man.

I have many things that were and are his from childhood.

Thank you for sharing this.
My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.
personal team signature in blue moon setting.
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Review of PAPER CUT  
Review by ~SilverMoon~
In affiliation with Dream Team HQ  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
*Jackolantern* Hello there Itchy water,

*Ghost* Title:. The title is appropriate.

*Witchhat* Impression: The one thing that stood out for me is the strength of the emotions in this piece.
Evidently, this person sees through the other one's ways.

*Pumpkin* Format: there is no particular form and it could have one. Since it is not a form poem it does not have to have any, yet maybe an unusual one could enhance it, or you could even have an image.

*Cat* Flow/Rhyme/Rhythm: the wording is simple enough and uses words which are familiar to almost anyone.

*Witchhat* I liked:. When an author writes an emotional piece like this it is good to see how well it is written so that the reader can not only read the item but empathize with the angry and sad feelings that loss tends to bring.

*Idea* Might need edit/revision:. Not much to edit or revise in it. You could play around with the formatting.

*Moon* Comments/Suggestions:. Nicely done.

This is a It's not easy being Green review. for yellow case member.

*Star* This item is being considered for "Good Deeds Go Noticed.

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Review of In the making..  
Review by ~SilverMoon~
In affiliation with Dream Team HQ  
Rated: E | (4.0)
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Clicking on the image takes you to our group homepage, where you might leave thanks, comments, or requests for reviews. Your review is below.

*Moon* Hello again Mysticsoul,
I reviewed another of your items and I decided to look around to see what else you had in your port and I'm glad I did. Keep in mind that anything I mention is only my opinion. I only review what I like, and send this review with the idea of helping and offering encouragement, rather than criticism. Please consider my suggestions and take only what works for you and leave the rest behind. That being said, here is my impression.

*Burstp* Title: Is In the Making the title? or is it a place holder? I wasn't sure. I might have named it something having to do with the piece, depending on what direction you take this in.
*Burstbl* Premise: A girl dreams of what appears to be her lifemate/soulmate.
*Burstv* Format: This item has some paragraphing which helps us read it more easily.
*Burstp* Flow: The words chosen are easy to read and understand. The thought processes seem logical too.

*Star* What I liked: I liked the mention of time and distances. The knight in shining armor on a white horse is symbolic. He represents all that is good and fair and desireable.

It is amazing how we can be so far apart from this one we admire, yet feel close. Even if we don't have a face to put with this vision, we know he exists, and maybe it is just a matter of time before we can fully realize this person. For now the person dreams of such, until it becomes a reality. It can be heartbreaking waiting for such a person for we don't know when or where or how and it would be easy to wonder if it will happen in this lifetime or not.

*Pencil* What might need edit and/or revision: One of the first lines is a run-on sentence. Hemingway did it, but usually this is frowned upon because it can become difficult to read. I would think about breaking it up some so it is easier to read. You have some good imagery going on in it, so I wouldn't get rid of it but transform it.

One thing I forgot to mention in the last review but I also see in this one is that you do not space after the commas. You need a space before the next word.
Also use two spaces after a period (sentence ending)

*Thought* Personal Comments/Suggestions: These things are easily fixed.

*Star* This item is being considered for "Good Deeds Go Noticed.

Review of Shudder  
Review by ~SilverMoon~
In affiliation with Dream Team HQ  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Note: You might want to take a look at this first. "A Message from Your Reviewer
Please realize that anything I say here is just my opinion alone. Only you know how you wish to express something. I am only here to offer encouragement and help should you need it.

*Tulipv* Hello BluSmile,
I'm here to read your item, but also give you a review.

*Tulipp* BASICS
Title: Good.
Premise: Two people meet again after a long time of being apart.
Format: This could use some formatting which I will explain further below. Right now it is one long list.
Flow: The words expressed reveal deep feeling at least for one person. I wasn't sure about the other one, yet I got the feeling that he or she might not be consistent or willing to be there for the other person.
*Burstp* What I liked:
The feelings expressed seem sincere and indicates deep feelings. One person knows the other isn't good for him or her, yet something about this connection brings a sense of belonging.

*Burstr* What felt like it needed editing and revision:
I would split this up into stanzas of four lines each. Keep like thoughts together and when there is a change start a new stanza. It could be that you might have some that stand alone or have two lines. That is okay if it is your intention to emphasize parts of it.

*Thought* Personal Comments/Other Suggestions: Write on and keep sharing.

I hope that this review was helpful.

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.

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signature item for Dream team traveler
Review of Experience  
Review by ~SilverMoon~
In affiliation with Dream Team HQ  
Rated: E | (4.5)
You might want to first take a look at "A Message from Your Reviewer
Please realize that anything I say here is just my opinion alone. Only you know how you wish to express something. I am only here to offer encouragement and help should you need it.{/i}

*Angel* Hello Holden Caulfield,
Your name is familiar to me. I've seen it on other sites--game sites. It is unique for sure. Anyway, I am here to fill your request for a review.

*Compass* Title:
Appropriate, yet after reading the poem, I would have liked something more descriptive.
*Bulletv* Premise: Perception of life and more
*Bulletv* Format: It looked good on the page.
*Bulletv* Flow: The words come out and has an old world feel to it.
*Bird* Liked/favorite parts: I had a hard time picking out a favorite part.
the piece has a nice gentle, quiet feel to it--a sense of peace
*Idea* Might need edit/revision:
mind's repose (it needed the ' to show ownership of repose.

This last part had me thinking more deeply, because it indicates a change.>

The boats bequeath a journeys end (journey's)
To life’s immortal mirth
And now the light and darkness blend
Inheriting the earth.

*Thought* Personal Comments/Other Suggestions: It wasn't until afterward that I realized the rhyming which is just right. It is seamless and so blends in so easily.

Thank you for sharing. I hope that this review was helpful.
*Star* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.

angel sig from Tornado Day
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Review of Gust  
Review by ~SilverMoon~
In affiliation with Dream Team HQ  
Rated: E | (5.0)
*Jackolantern* Hello there Cuclis,
I am here to read and review your item. That being said, here is my impression.

*Ghost* The title fits the content of this very short item.

*Witchhat* Impression: Nice imagery where you describe a gust of wind. I could imageine it much like a wind funnel winding its way around, where it might linger a bit in one spot before skirting the edge of the desert floor.

*Pumpkin* Format: I'd break this up so that you have some shorter sentences where it indicates forceful action, and others where it seems to mellow out. You could even create space with a one line paragraph at least once.

*Witchhat* I liked: You did well with this and I can see it is an exercise rather than a story and that's fine.

*Moon* Comments/Suggestions: My only suggestions are above. As far as I can see you met the requuirements of your goal.

*Star* This item is being considered for "Good Deeds Go Noticed.

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Review of Chp 1. A Surprise  
Review by ~SilverMoon~
In affiliation with Dream Team HQ  
Rated: E | (4.0)
*Jackolantern* Hello there Sage Blacke,
I noticed your item and decided to give it a read and review.
What I share here is only my opinion and I offer this review with good intentions. It is up to you to decide if anything I say works for you or not.
That being said, here is my impression.

*Ghost* Title: I would put the name before the Chapter number. AT least you did title it. Some writers don't title it because they aren't sure what the title will be until later. I'd use anything like a place holder until you find something more suitable. Since I have no idea what this story is about, I couldn't give suggestions. Often times a writer will find a few or a trio of words and use that for the title.

I just got through listening to an audio podcast about story beginnings. In it, a well known author (I forget which one) said that a good story reveals what it is about at the very beginning. Of course, you couldn't have all the details there either. If you did, then who would bother reading it since we already know what is going to happen?

*Witchhat* Impression: This so reminds me of Twilight characters. Even the name seems familiar. I could be wrong and if so, ignore what I just wrote.

I suspect that the little hints about the male character's eyes might be that he's a creature of some kind. That's good if that's what you intended. It's called foreshadowing, just don't give it away. A hint is one thing. Too much is overkill.

*Pumpkin* Format: While I like dialogue, this almost feels like too much. We aren't sure which parts are important. Let the important parts be done with dialogue. Try to balance it out between exposition and dialogue and action.

*Cat* Flow/Rhyme/Rhythm: The sentence rhythm was varied which is a good thing. Try some short sentences, but also some long ones.

*Witchhat* I liked:

*Idea* Might need edit/revision:

AT the beginning, you have her touching the top of her hair. I think if anything, it should be the top of her head where her bun is. RAther than say that, let her touch her bun.

e:idea} Reaching up, I fingered the bun at the top of my head, checking to make sure it wasn't coming loose. A few stray tendrils flowed loose anyway. (it makes the reader feel there seeing her do this. Also since unless she is seeing her reflection on a mirrored surface she wouldn't describe her hair. You could always let another character describe her, and even so, don't reveal too much at one time. It will read like a police bulletin.

* How does a school bell ring furiously? You could say something like:
The shrill sound of the school bell was still ringing in my ear as I walked down the hallway (or corridors) of the school. (I'd even be specific about what school. Give it a name. Dupont High or whatever.
What's good about this first line is we already know where we are and can guess why the character is there, but we aren't sure and so it raises a question. YOu want that to happen often. Raise a story question and later on you can answer it, yet even so, do it gradually.

* To be honest, I was a bit annoyed at reading a lot of words which had ly at the end of the sentences. This is what is called overuse of adjectives. Instead of using ly words you need to find other words which mean the same thing.
For example:
I said softly. (could have been> I whispered.) or (I said mostly to myself.)

You can even have her say it and then wonder if she said it out loud.
Also beware of using the same words often in the same paragraph. It ends up being repetitious.

* Do not end every piece of dialogue with ly words either. For one thing, you do not need a dialogue tag on every single set of dialogue.

* When you write dialogue, keep that character's actions with his or her dialogue, then skip down one line and let the other character have his or her turn at it. Do the same throughout your item.

* Comma error:
“Brittney, I don’t feel so good today,” I said softly, scratching the top of my blonde hair; which was in a bun. (as I mentioned above, I'd edit this sentence for clarity, but I also added the comma before the last quote. You have the dialogue tag and so you need a comma. I might have wrote it differently. "Brittney, I don't feel so good."

"Are are you sick or did you get your monthly gift?" (I always thought it was a visit from her aunt in Redbank. So many versions of this. I wonder if it's considered a cliche. Although this is okay, you might try to think up something that means the same thing but is different. Readers love it when a writer does that.)

You wrote: Upon her t-shirt bared a quote from the book “Twilight.”
(the word bared fit this sentence better than beared, since bared is like being naked)
When you show the dialogue between Bella and Edward, you need to set it off so we know it's a quote. The way it is we can easily get confused as to whether or not this is our characters talking or the repeated quotes of the Twilight characters. I am not sure how but if anything you could indent them or even use italics. Often times italics are used to indicate what someone is thinking, but here maybe it would work for what you are trying to do.

This helps us go to the remembered quotes and then back out again without it being a rough transition. Just don't forget to close the wml if you do that. YOu don't want your whole item to be in italics.

* When you use numbers, try writing it out. Use three instead of the numeral 3.

* The teacher's name fits, although her dialogue was split up when it says she "took role". I think you meant roll or roll call.
Keep her actions and dialogue together unless someone speaks or something else happens, like maybe a distraction.

Many of the same things happen throughout your first chapter. Often times a writer will do the same things as the story progresses.
You might try editing it so that you get used to automatically fixing these small problem areas when it happens again.

Plus readers will want to keep reading, but if it has too many errors, they will lost interest and you don't want that either. That doesn't mean it has to be perfect. It means that you are trying to make it more cohesive and also meaningful. I have not even touched on other things like imagery yet. I think this might be enough for you to work on first.

I have edited items of mine so many times you would laugh. I could wait but in some cases it helps me so I can let go of it and concentrate on the next several chapters.

Whatever you do, keep on writing. Get your story down even if it has errors.

This is a good thing. If a reviewer is willing to review your item it means that although it has errors, it can easily be fixed. You just have to be willing to work on it.

*Moon* Comments/Suggestions: I think I might have written way too much, but felt it necessary. Let me know if you edit this.

*Star* This item is being considered for "Good Deeds Go Noticed.

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Review by ~SilverMoon~
In affiliation with Dream Team HQ  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
*Jackolantern* Hello there Big Bad Wolf ,
I found your item and decided to read and review it. Keep in mind that anything I mention is only my opinion. I only review what I like, and send this review with the idea of helping and offering encouragement, rather than criticism. Please consider my suggestions and take only what works for you and leave the rest behind. That being said, here is my impression.

*Ghost* Introduction: The title fits the content of the item. The premise is a life changing theft.

*Pumpkin* Format: Nice paragraphing and use of line space.

*Witchhat* Impression: Interesting set up. I like how we see where we are when the character finds the item. The story has a beginning, middle, and end and so it feels finished. The little twist at the end says it all. Be careful what you wish for.

*Witchhat* I liked: I liked how we see where these characters are at any given moment and how that effects them. I also liked how you managed to create and be consistant in this story, while having to use only 100 words.

The dialogue is done well, and the balance between dialogue and exposition was right on.

*Idea* Might need edit/revision: I didn't really see anything as far as spelling and such that needed editing. What I did feel is that the wish came true, yet we didn't really see why it did. I do not know what could be added to this so we can see why, other than seeing into the other man's mind as he might remember the last time this happened.

*Moon* Comments/Suggestions: The only suggestion is the one above. Thanks for sharing.

*Star* This item is being considered for "Good Deeds Go Noticed.

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Review of Ever Been  
Review by ~SilverMoon~
In affiliation with Dream Team HQ  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Note: You might want to take a look at this first. "A Message from Your Reviewer
*Moon* Hello there cassiejean,
I found your item and decided to read and review it. Keep in mind that anything I mention is only my opinion. I only review what I like, and send this review with the idea of helping and offering encouragement, rather than criticism. Please consider my suggestions and take only what works for you and leave the rest behind. That being said, here is my impression.

*Bulletb* Title: Good.
*Bulletb* Premise: Someone is falling in love and realizes what it feels like.
*Bulletb* Format/Flow: It's not bad. Actually, it's good with its 3 line stanzas.

*Heart* I liked:In simple words we discover along with the person that without at first realizing it, the person is in love.

*Pencil* Suggestions: Yes this is how it happens sometimes. We fall and don't even realize we have. Nice job on this. Keep sharing.

*Thought* Comments:

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Review of Missing a Lover  
Review by ~SilverMoon~
In affiliation with Dream Team HQ  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Note: You might want to take a look at this first. "A Message from Your Reviewer

*Man**Woman* Hello mae,
I found your item and decided to read and review it. Keep in mind that anything I mention is only my opinion. I only review what I like, and send this review with the idea of helping and offering encouragement, rather than criticism. Please consider my suggestions and take only what works for you and leave the rest behind. That being said, here is my impression.

*Burstbr* Title: Good. It fits the content of the item.
*Burstp* Premise: Someone misses another person.
*Burstv* Format: It is broken up into two long stanzas. I might have broken it up more, at least in thirds.
*Burstbr* Flow: The word choice is desriptive as we see what the person looks like as compared to other things.

*Star* I liked: There is longing in this as we see how close the two people were.

*Pencil* Might need edit/revision: reformat maybe.

*Thought* Comments/Suggestions: Thanks for sharing this emotion.

*Sheriff* This item is being considered for "Good Deeds Go Noticed.

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Review by ~SilverMoon~
In affiliation with Dream Team HQ  
Rated: E | (4.0)
*Man**Woman* Hello Dawn,
I found your item and decided to read and review it. Keep in mind that anything I mention is only my opinion. I only review what I like, and send this review with the idea of helping and offering encouragement, rather than criticism. Please consider my suggestions and take only what works for you and leave the rest behind. That being said, here is my impression.

*Burstbr* Impression and thoughts: Any of these names might work well, yet the name Tim came to mind. It's short with only three letters. It might indicate something about the character.

If you wanted it to be more eh...exotic, you could name him something which isn't like a normal everyday person's name, also using three letters and maybe two syllables. This could be the name he is called by, yet maybe his full name is much longer.

*Pencil* Might need edit/revision: I would have added the option of "Other" or "I will send an email or mention in a review."

*Thought* Comments/Suggestions: I'm curious if you found an appropriate name.

*Sheriff* This item is being considered for "Good Deeds Go Noticed.

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Review of With Love  
Review by ~SilverMoon~
In affiliation with Dream Team HQ  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Note: You might want to take a look at this first. "A Message from Your Reviewer
*Man**Woman* Hello there Observer,
I was leaving the site for the day and happened to see this item on the sidebar. What caught my attention was the description.

Keep in mind that anything I mention is only my opinion. I only review what I like, and send this review with the idea of helping and offering encouragement, rather than criticism. Please consider my suggestions and take only what works for you and leave the rest behind. That being said, here is my impression.

*Burstbr* Title: The title is good, but I might have named this With love, Harry.
*Burstp* Premise: Harry is one special person, but after he dies something interesting occurs.
*Burstv* Format: Pretty good with its linespacing and paragraphing.
*Burstbr* Flow: The chosen words are effective and are easy to read and understand. The flow of thoughts seem natural, and the length of sentences vary.

*Star* I liked: I liked the supernatural slant to this. Things happen which seem impossible. The summation of the night when Harry visits is just enough to reflect what it would be like. The thoughts of the one experiencing it also felt logical.

*Pencil* Might need edit/revision: I would have let this have dialogue even if brief. I would also show these two people interacting (with a scene).

*Thought* Comments/Suggestions: I enjoyed reading this and am glad I happened to see it. Thanks for sharing.

*Sheriff* This item is being considered for "Good Deeds Go Noticed.

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Review of -My Valentine-  
Review by ~SilverMoon~
In affiliation with Dream Team HQ  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Please realize that anything I say here is just my opinion alone. Only you know how you wish to express something. I am only here to offer encouragement and help should you need it.

*Tulipv* Hello Mangal,
I'm here to read your item, but also give you a review.

*Tulipp* BASICS
Title: Okay although it could have been named something that connects it more to the item.
Premise: It is an open letter to a loved one.
Format: You have made paragraphs but then didn't provide line spacing. I would keep like minded thoughts together and then line space and then start another paragraph.
Flow: You aren't capitalizing the I in the sentences. There were some words where you capitalized them when they shouldn't have been.

For example, If you use words like
might have express it (in this line it does not match what is being said. It should be "might have expressed it."

Edit this: you made me Somewhat perfect person cause you mould me to be the better person i am right now, (uncap somewhat. cause should be because, you molded me rather than what you have already. capitalize i to I.)

Several of the lines are so very long. I would break it up just a little bit more. I realize that Hemmingway wrote using long sentences, but this looks more like a run-on sentence.
*Burstp* What I liked:

*Burstr* What felt like it needed editing and revision:
Rather than point out each area that needs editing, I am going to show you in the next area how I might have done it, yet using your words or at least most of them.

You want your item to be as concise as possible, and use words without being redundant but also omit any unnecessary words. I have left some words out which was weakening the piece.
*Thought* Personal Comments/Other Suggestions:

Hey Babe,

Valentine's Day is approaching, and I am here wondering when are we going to meet. Well, yes, I am missing you so much and I wish that you were right beside me now, so that I don't really need to write to tell you what I actually feel about you.

I might have expressed it well enough by words. When I am with you I tend to lose myself. Yet, I find myself wanting to become lost again. Nothing beats the happiness that I feel when we are together.

You made me somewhat a perfect person, because you mold me into a much better person than I have been. No doubt, certain things remained the same which made you upset most of the time. I will surely try to change, but I hope that you will have patience and understanding because of who I am.

Guess what. Having someone like you in my life, sometimes it doesn't even matter if The whole world leaves me. Maybe not everyone enjoys the feeling I go through,

You understand me all the time and are not only my best buddy but also my worst critic.

Well, i know for sure that everyone isn't blessed that way. You are one of the reason why I pray and have faith in God. You might have heard about an ironic situation that the person that brings out the best in someone and makes him stronger is that particular person weakness. No doubt that you made me stronger and wiser, and, yes honey, you are my weakness. I can't resist doing what pleases you most.

The reason for this note is because I'm sure we won't be meeting on Valentine's day this year. I hope it brings out something good within us. I want you to know that i am so in love with you and every precious time spent is saved in my Heart-disk, which nobody can erase.

I just want us to remain and be forever.

I hope that this review was helpful.

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.

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Review of Thunderstorms  
Review by ~SilverMoon~
In affiliation with Dream Team HQ  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Note: You might want to take a look at this first. "A Message from Your Reviewer
*Moon* Hello again Pat,

First of all, congratulations for now being a mother-in-law. A rather offbeat song was made about somebody else's mother in law. It is more amusing than offending as the person in the song speaks of his experience with his own.
It is called, "Mother in Law".
I found your item and decided to read and review it. Keep in mind that anything I mention is only my opinion. I only review what I like, and send this review with the idea of helping and offering encouragement, rather than criticism. Please consider my suggestions and take only what works for you and leave the rest behind. That being said, here is my impression.

*Bulletb* Title: The title for this Haiku is appropriate.
*Bulletb* Premise: Theunderstorms and their mighty power and how it makes someone feel and think.
*Bulletb* Format/Flow: Good.

*Heart* I liked: The item creates a visual of power and also refers to God presence.

*Pencil* Suggestions: I have no suggestions for this.

*Thought* Comments: I have felt the power of a thunderstorm, and some were pretty mighty. It sounds like someone in the heavens is bowling and the sound is almost deafening. I can remember saying something outloud like, "Okay. Okay. I'm sorry for anything I've done that wasn't so good."

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Review by ~SilverMoon~
In affiliation with Dream Team HQ  
Rated: E | (4.5)
e:tulipv} Hello LadyWhite1981,

I was surfing around on WDC, looking for something to read and review and found this.
Title: Good, but a bit long. It could have been > Alone, the Rain and I
My Companion.
Impression: There is a mood set here of sadness or dread, but for some reason the person finds a new perspective.
Format: The format is okay except I might have used four line stanzas.

*Burstv* What I liked most: The mood is set as we see the person
observing the rain. It matches the emotions felt inside.
*Burstbl* Where I found errors, typos, or other things that might need edit and revision:
amisted. I don't think it's a word or I never heard of it. I think you meant to use the word "amidst".

Brightness overcomes me>
Describe the brightness for more imagery. Something like the golden (or silvery)
light was overwhelming.
*Burstv* Other Personal Comments: Nicely done overall.

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Review by ~SilverMoon~
In affiliation with Dream Team HQ  
Rated: E | (4.5)

*Man**Sun* Hello J.R.Dewesse,
I found your item and decided to read and review it. Keep in mind that anything I mention is only my opinion. I only review what I like, and send this review with the idea of helping and offering encouragement, rather than criticism. Please consider my suggestions and take only what works for you and leave the rest behind. That being said, here is my impression.

*Burstbr* Title: Good. It fits the content of the item.
*Burstv* Format: Nice form with three stanzas, first two are three lines each, last one is four.
*Burstbr* Flow: The flow is easy and simple. The reader can follow what is happening as he or she reads along.

*Star* I liked: There is much emotion in this as we see the couple together. The words> heartbeat to the tempo of the raindrops" indicates this also.

"dew-soaked rose petals" nice imagery, although could it be a color, which indicates the mood?

*Pencil* Might need edit/revision:
"our tears will wash out the sun" I felt as if this should have been the other way around. > "the sun will wash out our tears"

The reason is that I would think they'd be happy rather than sad.

*Thought* Comments/Suggestions: Nice job on this overall.

*Sheriff* This item is being considered for "Good Deeds Go Noticed.

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Review of Her Secret  
Review by ~SilverMoon~
In affiliation with Dream Team HQ  
Rated: E | (4.0)
You might want to first take a look at "A Message from Your Reviewer
Please realize that anything I say here is just my opinion alone. Only you know how you wish to express something. I am only here to offer encouragement and help should you need it.{/i}

*Angel* Hello Joanna,
I'm here to read your item, but also give you a review.
*Compass* Title:
I like how it is two words and simple, but also capitalized. So many writers don't give it a title.
*Bulletv* Premise: The only thing I could tell is that there is a secret but beyond that, I don't know.

*Bulletv* Format: I'm not sure I like how every line is doublepaced. I might have grouped like thoughts together and then provided a line space. You might even consider centering it to see what shape it takes. I didn't like how some lines were shorter and some longer but with a reformat this might look fine.

*Bulletv* Flow: The lines are short but I think you meant them to be. There is no rhyme yet at first I thought there was.
*Bird* Liked/favorite parts: .
*Idea* Might need edit/revision: I didn't see any mispelled words. The piece does feel a bit too vague, with some form and some details this might become better than it is.

*Thought* Personal Comments/Other Suggestions:
Thank you for sharing. If I were you, I would keep writing and be patient. Only you know how you want this item to read.

There might be some members who totally don't get it, but it's only because maybe you left some details out. Nice starting point.

*Star* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.

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