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Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #1076863
I wonder if this'll make any sense at all.

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Thanks tirong ! Asteg ehhh :)

We all need to vent once in a while.
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June 23, 2006 at 7:13am
June 23, 2006 at 7:13am
There were six of us in the SUV, me with my friends Jason, Oliver, Joshua, Chester, and Jackie. I forgot what time it was but it was definitely past one in the morning. Earlier that night my friends had a lot of J&B, then washed it with even more bottles of Red Horse (most popular beer in here). It was a typical night, but Chester was at the wheel, and the guy was insane. He wasn't that drunk, just a little buzzed (you know those people who can drink a ton of alcohol and still be in their best of minds? He's one of them.)

Anyway he was only messing with us but I really thought I was going to die. He was driving way beyond the speed limit, beating every red light there was. Thank God the road was almost car-free by then, but whenever there was traffic ahead he wouldn't brake until it was absolutely necessary to, or else we would crash. He would also speed on the opposite lane, even though there were cars ahead, and then he would maneuver the car back into our lane in the last possible second before crashing. Jackie was screaming like mad, swearing at Chester all the time. Jason and Joshua were yelling, and I saw Oliver, who was at the passenger seat, clutching the car sides in a death grip, like his life depended on it (maybe it did). I remember praying silently that time, heart in throat. Chester was just laughing while we all went berserk.

Halfway to Laguna we stopped at McDonald's to eat and I almost kissed the pavement when I got out of the car. It was a hell of a ride.

What brought this memory on? Last night I had a vague dream that Chester made a vague appearance of. This morning at PLDT I told Jason about it and he said he dreamed of Chester, too! We talked about him for a while and I realized that I really miss the guy. I was extremely close to him, I mean we could talk the whole day and not run out of topics to discuss and laugh about. Sad thing is, I haven't talked to the guy since November last year *Frown* The last time we talked, he was leaving for California. He may still be there, it just sucks that I haven't seen him, even only online since then. Back then, everytime he was at the states all of us always made a point to keep in touch, even only at YM. So yeah... I just miss the guy *Cry*

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The big guy is Jomai, the petite one is Shiela (my best friend), Me, Chester.

I have so many priceless memories with the dude! I remember his 26th birthday in particular. We celebrated it from one o'clock in the afternoon up until the next day. It was so funny cause one of our friends, George, got way drunk. About two in the morning he was laughing by himself and pointing at every streetlamp, singing, like he wanted to worship them *Laugh* Then there was Bob, who left at about three in the morning, but after five minutes we saw his white Revo screeching past the whole street backwards (and I do mean rear first) to where we were. He rolled his windows down, drawling that he forgot his lighter. We just laughed and told him that it was already empty.

When we decided to call it a night, Chester had no choice but to drive George, the streetlamp-worshipping guy, to the place where he could ride a jeep to get home. George's car was being fixed so a couple of us piled into Chester's Trooper to drive him. When we arrived at the place, George laughed stupidly (poor guy was wasted) and told us that no jeep comes by that hour, so we'd have to take him all the way to his home. Problem was, he lived WAY too far! I knew Chester was tired but he had no choice but to drive the extra miles (he wouldn't let anybody else drive, didn't trust anyone else to drink and drive other than himself). George directed us into this supposed-to-be shortcut but we were on a seemingly endless road for about two hours *Rolleyes* The birthday boy became the chaffeur!

What do you do when you miss a person but can't do anything about it? Nothing, I suppose *Rolleyes*


I received nice surprises today. I won honorable mention in anestel's In-Depth Emotions contest, and I also won second place in zoey's Collections of Excellence Contest *Smile*


I still have the colds, but I'm coping much better at work. The trick is to just keep a positive attitude about it and try to enjoy the whole thing. I mostly laughed the whole day away with my friends and co-workers. The tears still won't let up, though (it sucks cause I was wearing my glasses and then they'd all go blurry) *Laugh* But I'm wearing my favorite brown T-shirt, so all is good. What?!, you say *Bigsmile* Oh, c'mon, you have favorite shirts too, don't you? Don't you? E, tell them what my most favorite (most favorite???!) shirt is! *Bigsmile*
June 22, 2006 at 7:45am
June 22, 2006 at 7:45am
You know what I think? That I think too much. The fact that I'm even thinking about it proves that I am thinking too much.

So you know what? Forget it. Forget every little thing that's been swimming in my brain during the past few days. Forget the fact that I ate too much, and slept too little, and feeling too tired. The colds has consumed me and I've been crying the whole day at the office. It's classic, actually. "Yes, Ma'am?" (a tear dramatically descends down my cheek) "No, Sir, I'm quite alright, just the colds, now if you could just get the freaking papers right so we could get this whole thing over with."

Not quite nice, huh. Well, I'm really not in the mood to care right now.


So, check out what I ate for dinner tonight.

- a full bowl of chinese rice
- chinese dumplings
- a full bowl of chinese noodles

I'm burping like mad. Check out what I ate for lunch yesterday, though!

- a plate full of rice
- Chicken Lollipops
- Beef Steak
- Cheeseburger
- a bag of potato chips
- two long pieces of spanish bread
- another Cheeseburger
- (I know there was one more thing, just couldn't put my finger to it.)

My diet is destroyed! And I'm so happy!

[Edited about five minutes later]

Oh and I had Slurpee! *Laugh*
June 21, 2006 at 6:42am
June 21, 2006 at 6:42am
I've divorced my friends over the past week. They have been trying to get me out of the house on certain nights, and they always text-messaged me asking what was up. I didn't go out with them that certain nights- I failed to return a couple of their messages.

Today I read something on twinkledee ♥'s you 's blog that made me snap out of my stupor. Entry is "Invalid Entry. It reminded me of what I knew all along- not returning text messages sucks. Especially when the person or friend who messaged you was asking something really important.

It also made me realize that I've been careless with what I sometimes say to other people. I may not have the intention of hurting them or pissing them off but due to my lack of careful consideration with words, stuff happens. Last night I was plagued with horrible dreams- it started off with this guy who I haven't even thought of in a long time, and it was weird, cause the following scenes in my dreams were all arguments. Me arguing with my boss, then with my professor, then with my best friend. That dream may mean nothing, but hey, it really made me think.

On my way home today my best friend text-messaged me and said that she and Mike were at her house, and that I should come, too. I was in the midst of replying that famous "I'm Tired" excuse, but then I remembered my dream. So anyway, I just got back from her house, and now I'm writing this all down, just to vent.

Release is good *Smile*


Okay, so the Heat are the NBA 2006 Champions, and just like I've told welkerdeb, I would watch Game 6 at work today, mainly because I had no choice *Wink* Kidding. We were all standing there (me, Roxy the Guard, HSBC Bank Manager, 2 more guards, one contractual DSL guy, and about a dozen male customers). Most of them were Miami fans, and we were all taunting each other good-naturedly. Ramon text-messaged me (we're both Dallas fans) and said that if the Mavericks won, we'd have to go out on a date.

Haha! Dallas lost, so there!
June 20, 2006 at 7:00am
June 20, 2006 at 7:00am
I think grandpas are too cute for words. I'm talking about those along their 70+ years. It doesn't matter whether they're losing a couple of teeth (or all of them) or whether their skin is creased or whether they have liver spots all over their faces. I just think they're adorable. Especially those with the attitude to match. There's Lolo Benny (lolo is the Tagalog word for grandpa), and I used to see him almost every day back when I still had the time to jog every morning. The man is just adorable. Especially when he smiles his toothless smile. I love him.

E said Lolo Benny asked about me, and she said that I had to do the OJT thing. I wish I could dump all that responsibility and get back to seeing Lolo Benny every morning!

Maybe I feel this way about grandfathers because I haven't had the chance to know any of mine. Both died before I was born, so... you know. Anyway there's also lots of grampas where I work, I assisted a lot of them today. Hey, good news, I didn't encounter any jerks today!

On the way home I saw this really old grandafather type zoom past me in this large, mean motorcycle. I was floored *Delight*


A couple of volcanos here in the Phi are getting restless and a lot of people are being evacuated from where they are. Not to worry, though, the volcanoes are pretty far from where we are, like California-Texas distance (don't trust me on this I totally suck at geography). Earthquake drills are also being done because PHILVOCS detected a pretty big earthquake to shake Manila in the near future. Sounds scary? Nah *Smile*


I think I'm coming down with something. My throat is all scratchy and my nose feels like it's blocked *Sick* Pray for me... or bring me tissues.

My friend Howard text-messaged me again. Here is what he said:

Certain people touch your heart, and you can't stop thinking about them. That's the kind of person you are. Absent yet so near- simple yet worth keeping.

I haven't been with him in a while and I really miss the dude! Anyway, that's the way I feel about you guys, too. Yep, you're all very special to me *Smile*
June 19, 2006 at 6:57am
June 19, 2006 at 6:57am
My feet are killing me and my back hurts. Just spent 8 hours at the office and encountered different kinds of subs (customers). Most of them were nice, a few were horrible. I restrained myself from strangling the horrible ones.

There's not much to say. Just that I'm tired... and tired. Yeah, that's it.

Well, just found another pic. Yeah, I'm bombarding you guys with pictures, take it or leave it! *Smirk* Zack went gaga over the previous ones *Laugh* and most of you thought it was cute so I thought why not post another kiddie picture? Babe if that made you giggle like a school girl check this one out... hey, I liked the leaf.

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Look at my slippers! *Blush* And at E's shoes! Haha!

Check out the spotlight on my side *Laugh* Nah, it was a pretty sunny day, and the film sucked! Don't worry, people, this will (or MAY) be the last kiddie pic I post.

Okay, I just heard my phone beeping madly, it needs to be charged. After that I think I'm gonna go crash *Yawn* and prepare myself for meeting more jerks tomorrow. Ta-ta.
June 17, 2006 at 8:46pm
June 17, 2006 at 8:46pm
The first word I learned to read was goma. That's 'rubber' in english. My father was the one who taught me to read. My mother taught me first, but gave up after a week. It was the same in school.

First day of my kindergarten class: I remember standing in our garden wearing my brown and white uniform. I was around four or five, and E was standing beside me, looking up at me adoringly (yeah, she always looked up to me)... *Laugh* Anyway I remember telling her something along the lines of, "As soon as I enter that classroom, I am going to smile at all of my classmates and greet my teacher." Then I would proceed to show E what I would do. I would put my right hand on the left side of my chest and bow down from my waist. "Good morning, Ma'am!"

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Look what I found, the very picture of that exact moment.

Well, as it turned out, the first thing I did when I entered that classroom was cry and throw up. Ma was humiliated, I think. That went on for about a week, they would force me to school, I would cry, throw up all over my classmates, cry some more, until Ma's so stressed she'd just give up and take me home. I was a nut.

My mother told my father everything, and Pa decided that it was time for him to be the one to take me. I remember thinking back then, well, this would be easy. As a little kid I was closer to my dad and my mother was always more strict. So when I found out that Papa was taking over the chore, I was smug.

As soon as we entered the school gates, I started my usual round of tears. Papa continued to lead me to my classroom until I was hysterical. My teachers were waiting for me at the door, used to my wild antics by then.

Suddenly my father knelt down on one knee so he would be able to look at me straight in the eyes. I was bawling wildly but I could still remember the steely look he fixed me with.

"Anong gusto mo? Papasok ka sa classroom na yan o matutulog ka sa labas ng bahay mamaya, dun sa kalsada? Ano? Mamili ka!"

He was giving me the ultimatum. Enter that classroom or else I would be sleeping outside our house, in the streets, later that night. I was so terrified, that shut me up right there. I swallowed the last of my tears and marched inside the classroom, scared of everyone around me. But they sure look a lot nicer than the dark streets at night.

Papa became quite a celebrity with the teachers at my kindergarten school. My first best friend, JP, was a kid who was always escaping from our classroom, crying. He would climb the trees and wouldn't climb down despite the different threats of our teachers. Yeah, JP and I were model students.

One day he ran off again and Papa asked the teachers what was wrong. They told him what was happening and Pa proceeded to talk to JP, alone.

Since then JP attended class without any trouble. Don't worry, he didn't threathen the kid that he would be sleeping at the streets later that night *Pthb* Pa said he just told JP that the reason his parents wanted him to go to school was because they loved him very much, or else they wouldn't care a tad about what happened to him. I think JP got the idea that his parents sent him there because they wanted to torture him or something. Not that I could blame him, back then I thought the place was hell! Those colorful chairs and big plastic letters could be really creepy for a kid.

Me? My school issues ended when my mother made me a deal. I would go to school for a whole week without any trouble, and then she would buy me the goldfish I wanted. I got the goldfish.


I wasn't much older when I locked myself up in my parents' bedroom. I was feeling very bitter over the fact that I didn't get the chicken drumstick that dinner *Laugh* Seriously! I made all kinds of rebellious noise, slammed the door, and locked myself in. I was hungry and bored and I knew I was going to be in big trouble as soon as I get out, so I think I cried myself to sleep. The next thing I remember, Pa was carrying me to my bed. The next day they told me that Papa got very angry over the fact that I wasn't opening the door when he was knocking. On his anger he broke the door down and found the litttle angel (me) asleep *Rolleyes* Pretty stupid.


It was past midnight and I was with my friends Chester and Oliver, at Oliver's house. Both guys were playing pool when I got a call from Pa. He asked me where I was and I told him I would be home soon.

Chester's buddies with my dad so he immediately said he better take me home. We got into his car, both in a good mood, and happily drove home. We dined out earilier that evening, and earlier that day E told me to buy her a cardboard for a school project. The cardboard was at the back of the CRV.

Ches and I got stuck at traffic. The road was being repaired and it caused some bumper-to-bumper thing. I wasn't really worried but then my elder sister texted me. She demanded where I was and I told her I was stuck in traffic. She thought I was lying, how could there be traffic at 12:30 in the morning? I told her the road was being repaired, etc, etc. She said to hurry up, Papa was really mad.

Chester's car almost flew *Laugh* The guy is a pretty good driver and he can do stuff in the road that only he can *Laugh* Needless to say I was quite scared when I got home. I mean, Papa's one cool dad, but when he gets mad, he can get real scary.

I entered our front door in stealth mode, a nervous wreck. Then I heard Papa's voice from upstairs.

"Did you buy Maricor her cardboard?"

I squeaked a yes.

"Okay, good night!" And he said that in a really chirpy kind of way.

I glowered and marched upstairs.

I wanted to kill my sister!

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Pa and little me [hey, I looked like a dude!]

Happy Father's Day! And to my heavenly Father and earthly dad, I love you.
June 16, 2006 at 9:07am
June 16, 2006 at 9:07am
Finally got my PLDT ID. Thank God.

Traffic was the pits today, but it was okay. I just kinda slept on the bus the whole way back. Before we went home, though, I had to stop by my sister's office again. She gave me something that I needed to give my father. And just as we arrived at her office, the skies fell... yeah, it was an absolute downpour.

Globe Telecoms, one of the largest cellphone line providers here in the Phi, is in front of my sister's office. She regularly eats in there and of course she invited Jason and me along, together with another friend of hers. We got umbrellas and braved the raging wind and rain... to cross the street to Globe and eat *Bigsmile* Well, in the middle of the street I froze because two cars flanked me on both ways and paranoid me, I thought they were going to hit me *Laugh* I never told anybody this, but I used to be so careless in crossing streets and one time I almost got hit by a jeepney. Since then I've been nervous about the whole thing.

What's a jeepney, you say. It's a form of transportation here in the Phi since who knows when *Bigsmile* Pic below was taken... who knows when, by yours truly. Sorry, I forgot. But the place is the town where we live.

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See that? Those two weird-looking things right there?

I was on a moving car (again) so the shot was kinda distorted.


I've entered so many contests I can't keep track of them, so I'm happy that I finally won something today *Blush* Check out "Gangsta's Paradise Contest, Gabby and Matt does a great job of running the contest, not because I won, alright! *Laugh* But it's in its fourth round now, so you know that they (especially Gab) really put a lot of effort and time on it. If that were my contest, man, never mind. It wouldn't have reached a second round!


I have never craved McDonald's so much. I'm imagining a huge curly fry right now. And I just had KFC! Zack you gotta have some fries at your place on Saturday.

I just had an e-mail about this Japanese man eating too much sushi and sashimi (he tries to get them as 'alive and fresh' as could be) that tapeworms and roundworms actually began living on his brain, causing the major headaches he's been having for the past 3 years. He thought it was migraine from overwork or something, good grief! Anyway, they had to perform immediate surgery after the doctor found those tapeworms crawling out of his scalp. The picture along with the mail was horrible!

Do you think he ate sushi every frickin day and night of his life? I sure wish that this was some phony e-mail, but the news (and pics) seemed truly genuine. I only eat sushi like, every other week. And that's if I'm lucky. So no worries for me, but the poor guy, his brain looked like a wormy mess.
June 15, 2006 at 5:27am
June 15, 2006 at 5:27am
First things first. I know it's a day late, but: Welcome back, andrew ! *Bigsmile*

I just got home and found out that WdC's e-mail server is upgrading. Rrright. Too bad, I really need the joy my online friends always bring me right now. Hahaha!

Well, this entry's title is an understatement. My friend Jason and I are spending our 200 hours worth of OJT at PLDT, the Philippine's largest phone/DSL company. We went there today to get our paper confirmations, and our old lady boss Rita Jacobo told us to get our IDs at PLDT Mandaluyong City. That's like an hour from where we were. We had no choice, and after two bus rides and a jeepney one, we finally arrived... during their lunchtime. So we had to wait over an hour for them to return.

Thankfully my sister Grace works near the area. We went to her office and she treated us both to lunch (My sister is too cool for words, by the way. She dissed work so she could get to hang out with us [okay that sounded bad] but she's still the coolest!) Anyway, after an hour of good times we returned to where we should be only to be duped.

The person in charge told us that they only process applicants during M-W-F days, 1-4 PM. HELLO??? I appealed and told her that we were only there to get our IDs, and that we live in an entirely different city, one that is eons away from where we were standing. Of course, it didn't have any effect and she said that protocols were protocols.

Before going home, we stopped by Ate Grace's office again to vent. I can't believe Rita Jacobo. If only words could kill, she'd be dead by now, what with mine, Jason's, and my sister's anger. I thought that maybe, because of old age, she thought that today was Friday or something. It could be an innocent mistake, but that mistake sure costed us lots of fares, effort, and a whole day of torture under the hideous Manila traffic.

After more bus rides and more Manila pollution, I finally arrived home looking like a drowned rat. My neighbor saw me and said I looked like hell. Okay, so he didn't say that, it was more along the lines of me looking like I'm ready to collapse into bed or something. Yeah, I'm tired, plus this giant-looking guy stepped on my right foot accidentally, and I was wearing flip-flops, so I felt every crunch. Oouch. A little massage wouldn't hurt right now.

So tomorrow I'm off to get my stupid ID again.


This thought just ran through my head. Yesterday a friend of mine took me home, he found me at my best friend's house and offered to take me home afterwards. We've had quite a bit of history, I mean not your history history, but more than once he told me how he felt about me. I used to like him, too, but lost interest after only a couple of days.

And lately with this Aaron guy. I used to be interested but once he started showing me that he liked me I lost my interest, too. That's just sick, right? When I stepped off Ramon's Toyota yesterday the thought that I'm totally flaky just occured to me. It seems that I'm only interested in these guys as long as there's the thrill of not knowing whether they liked me or not.

Or maybe I just haven't found the right guy.
June 13, 2006 at 2:52am
June 13, 2006 at 2:52am
Welcome back Gaby ~ Quiet contemplation ! *Heart* (edited because Gab's back!)

I've been going through my installers a while ago, searching for this specific CD that contains all my old school files. In there I've stored the projects and some database programs I've made in the past that might prove useful in the future. Well, the future became now and I needed this one specific file. I've gone through them one by one only to find everything except that one thing I've actually been searching for. Frustrating!

I gave up and stared glumly at the monitor, thinking I might as well just start from scratch. Suddenly I noticed these stack of CDs just beside the PC screen. They were Visual Studio Installers but underneath each and every one of them were my precious FILE CD, stored in my Tracy Chapman CD case. Tsk tsk. Talk about dumb!


Almost two weeks ago I've mentioned that my left ankle was swollen. Yesterday we had it made hilot at my elder sister's home in Pateros. Hilot is a normal thing here in the Phi, where you have the manghihilot massage the hurting part of your body. There are many manghihilots here in our country and the prices they charge vary. Edieboy, my sister's husband, knows this manghihilot, Benny, since he was a child. Their whole family had been going to him everytime they sprained something or whatever. The great thing about Benny is that he doesn't charge anything for his service. He just likes to help people.

One look at my foot and he knew something was wrong. He showed me that the bones went out of proportion and told me that he had to put it back in place. I asked him whether it would be painful and he said it was just like an ant's bite. That's what they always say, right? Well, he massaged it for about two minutes and it was grueling! I was gripping the bars of the bed and my eyes were squeezed shut in pain. Brother-in-law said it was okay to cry but I didn't. When he finished, the swelling was gone and my feet looked normal again. E said she saw my bone snap back into place. Great thing about it is, I can jog again *Bigsmile*

The whole family lined up for a Benny Check-up, too *Laugh* Everybody felt a whole lot better afterwards. With one touch on your wrist Benny immediately knew if you have something wrong with your back. Remember I hurt my arm and shoulders a few days ago, too, with mixing all that pasta? Well, in three seconds he snapped my shoulders back into place and everything felt real fine once more *Smile*


Haveta run, but I'm going to leave you guys with an ancient, poor-quality pic. Guess who's in it. You might just win a prize...

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PRIZE: a *Kiss*! Eeew, you say *Laugh*
June 11, 2006 at 8:43am
June 11, 2006 at 8:43am
Welcome back Scarlett ! *Heart*

It's too late to blog but I'm doing it anyway. I just turned down a night-out with a friend just because I felt too lazy to move. Doesn't sound like the usual me, but, oh, well.

Early today I got a huge surprise in my inbox. Barbs gifted me a year of upgrade! *Shock* Isn't that just wonderful of her? All day I've thought of giving her a MB to show my appreciation but she's already got plenty of those stuff *Smile* Tonight I've come to the decision to give her blog an orange awardicon. I've always thought that those orange awardicons are the cutest things! Funny, since I hate the color orange in everything else. Anyway, thanks again, Barbs! You're a sweetheart!

Someone anonymous gave me 10,000 GPs, too, just minutes after I received the upgrade. When it rains, it pours!


My Saturday class went okay. I told Zack I hated it, but it wasn't the worst day of my life. I sat through two hours of note dictation (I didn't bring a pen and I didn't bring any notebook to write on, stupid of me), so I tapped a classmate by the shoulder and said, "Classmate, would you mind tearing me a piece of paper off of your notebook?" The guy did it without so much as a glance at me, I thought he was stoned or something. Anyway, good thing I found this long, perfect pencil somewhere in my sling bag. It was way boring, but I lived through it *Laugh* The traffic on the way home was hell, though. I was commuting and thank God for the music hooked to my ears! These are some of the songs I remember that helped me maintain my sanity.

Digital Bath Deftones
Transistor 311
Unemployed In Summertime Emiliana Torrini
Y Control Yeah Yeah Yeahs
Anything Mae
Everlong Foo Fighters
Roads Portishead
Champagne 311
When Paula Sparks Copeland
Don't You Forget About Me Simple Minds
Initiation At The Drive-In
She Bangs The Drums Stone Roses

What songs are in your players? It would be fun to know.

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