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Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #1076863
I wonder if this'll make any sense at all.

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Thanks tirong ! Asteg ehhh :)

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April 29, 2006 at 7:50am
April 29, 2006 at 7:50am
What a day. Meaning it was weird.

Well, it was the usual hot day here in Manila, and when I say hot, I mean hot. It's summer here in the Phi and the weather has shooted way up. I can't have my usual afternoon naps now, the matress is boiling. The air is humid. I perspire every two seconds. I hate it. I wanna hit the beach.

Anyway, enough grumbling and let me tell you why this day's so weird. There I was, happily commenting on Z.˚rz 's blog, with my dad singing loudly at the background (we have videoke) when suddenly he yelled out, "Woi tignan mo o ang daming lumilipad!" which meant, "Look, they're flying everywhere!"

I looked up and saw... moths? I don't know what to call them, they're like ants with wings, and they're the ones that thrive and collect on the light. Usually that's not weird, but in a couple of seconds they multiplied until they were at every flourescent and circular light in our house. And man, were they MANY! I'm not just talking about the usual many, but they were really MANY, to the point that they almost reached the floors. I kind of panicked; my hairs stood on end and I shrieked, asking what was happening. My dad immediately told me to shut all our lights off. We hurriedly shut all out (as I went those darned flying things went inside my clothes and hair, it was horrible) and I opened our front door so they'd get out. But what they did was collect on the TV and in front of the PC monitor and then I had to shut those, too. Annoying.

My sister started shrieking upstairs; turned out they were everywhere. Man, if I had one peso for every little one of them, I'd be rich. Papa started spraying that insect killer thingies. Then he got a huge bowl with water and tried to kill them (it was really effective; they fell on the water and died). Meanwhile E and I were outside, talking loudly and at the same time. My hairs still stood on end; it was disgusting.

Then my two crazy friends showed up and they added to the whole frenzy. Mike started killing them with his bare hands and every five minutes Shiela srieked because they kept going under her clothes.

Finally we got things under control. They're all gone now, thank God; Papa and E were the ultimate insect busters! *Bigsmile* I just sort of hung out with my friends after they arrived, sorry *Blush* but I did my fair share of waving them out our house!

Nothing much weird happened after that, my friends and I went to another friend's house for I had to get my electric guitar back (I left it there the other night). When I got home, I finished up commenting on Zack's blog and started mine. I just had to share, however disgusting that was *Bigsmile* Now I knew what the egyptians felt when those plagues hit them *Laugh*

We wondered why those just suddenly appeared out of nowhere and invaded our house. My dad said maybe his singing disturbed them from their quiet living. My friends said that it was because it was going to rain *Bigsmile* I sure hope it rains tomorrow! Or the whole week! Manila needs to cool off *Smile*

Wait, I just noticed something. I just checked out my "More and More! folder, which houses all my images, and noticed that the family, friends, and nature folders were all rated 5 stars while the 'Strictly Me' folder, which contains all my pictures, is only rated 4.5! Hahahaha! There must be something wrong with my face *Confused* *Bigsmile*

Oh well, I think I've written enough. Time to drink a ton of water; and yes, Party, it isn't calling my name anymore. I was definitely hallucinating last night *Laugh*
April 28, 2006 at 7:09am
April 28, 2006 at 7:09am
Man, it's nice to spend some quiet time in front of the PC tonight. Usually I'm not at home at this kind of hour; surprisingly enough, I have a social life *Bigsmile* anyway I think I shouldn't really use the word quiet. The evening news is blaring nearby and I could hear our president's weird voice (if you've ever heard Gloria Arroyo's voice on TV you'll know what I mean). She's saying something about boosting our soldiers' morale or something. Hah, as if that can ever happen with her around. Sorry, just being honest...

I had some pretty interesting interaction with auric today. He wanted to write a poem about fireflies, but couldn't get around to doing it, I think. So I told him to listen to Copeland's "Brightest" for inspiration. He asked me where he could find the song so I just sent it to him. I was happy when he mailed me back and told me he was in love with the song! I hope he finally got the inspiration he needed. Copeland is amazing *Heart*

My father's about to go out the door, he's attending some local church's bible study. A few hours ago he was reading some verses in the book of Acts aloud; then we talked about the martyr Stephen and how he was stoned to death. We had a pretty good conversation about it, and it was like having the bible study right here at our house *Smile* I really thank the Lord for giving me such a loving dad. Not only is he the sweetest and most thoughtful dad... he's one of the funniest, too. Everybody's doubled over at one of his jokes but he's not even cracking a smile... turns out he wasn't joking after all *Laugh* He's just naturally funny.

Man I remember the time we had this pretty neighbor, Paz something's her name, and then every night a motorcycle arrives and the rider's always wearing this black helmet and mysterious-looking hooded coats. He doesn't even look around; just walks straight with his head down and all the way into Paz's apartment. He doesn't talk to anyone and he was never seen in daylight. No one has ever seen his face, and my dad and I, being the snoop we are, wondered about them. I mean, we always knew what was happening with every one of our neighbors around here, but those two were a mystery. Especially black-hooded guy.

We concluded that he was an agent from the CIA (or NBI, the Philippine version of FBI, but CIA sounds more exciting, so we chose that), or if not, he's doing something illegal that is only operable by night, or if not, he and Paz has some secret relationship (one I'd rather not discuss), or if not, maybe he's just this Underworld sort of guy that really isn't that big on daylight. But if you want sane, maybe he has a graveyard job *Bigsmile* He truly is suspicion-worthy, though!

Wait a minute, why am I talking about him here? I guess I let my mind wander too much again. I should get back to myself, but I'm getting hungry, and I'm starting to imagine all these food, eventhough I just had fried chicken (here we go again, Charles! *Bigsmile*) And if ever you're wondering, yes, I'm into eating. A lot. Most of my friends are guys and when we all go out to eat, I end up having the most rice. 8 bowls in one sitting, my friend! We even have this contest where the one who eats the most wins. Well guess what; I'm hardly beaten *Smile*

But I've changed my ways— I'm into exercising and dieting now, remember? My used-to-be-flat tummy's growing and if that continues I'd have to give it a name soon. Now I just have to drink lots of water to always feel full. If not, then you'd just find me at the nearest burger joint, wolfing down a fat, juicy, plump double bacon cheeseburger. Wait! Stop! Why do I always have to punish myself?

Okay bye that water's calling my name!

Waaaaait! Before I go I'd just like to link this:

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Check it out or else! Haha! Ciao!
April 27, 2006 at 8:19pm
April 27, 2006 at 8:19pm
Again I just want to thank everyone for being supportive and encouraging me with writing in my blog... it feels great to know you're supported *Smile*

Anyway I received a load of GPs yesterday from someone anonymous. It only said that it was to help my upgrade and that he/she was my secret angel. Now isn't that sweet? *Smile* I would love to know who he/she really is, but the mystery's part of the fun, and I feel loved nevertheless *Smile*

As for E's and my exercise routine every morning, we're doing great. Yeah, the old people are still better than us, but we suck less and less, and that's what's important: improvement. I just had to laugh because E got this scratch in the middle of her toes and then she has to stop in the middle of our badminton game to check it out. *Bigsmile* She then goes on to sit on the ground and remove her dirty Chucks and then rants about the band aid we always forget to buy. Heheheh. I told her she has to remind me to buy her one when I go out.

E (Equilibrium ) is asleep on the couch right now. She can't take a bath for the painters that are painting our house PINK are on the window right next to our bathroom, heheh. I think she's pretty annoyed, for a while ago she was complaining that she smelled already. Heheheh. Peace! I love you sis.

As for me, I still look like a drowned rat, but I feel fabulous *Smile* But check with me again in three hours or so. I'm sure the muscles will be complaining again *Laugh*

Have to go, my dad just arrived and aquarium cleaning is in schedule. And I'm cooking fried chicken today. Yep. Moral lesson? After exercising, eat shitloads. Heheheh. Kidding.
April 26, 2006 at 8:30pm
April 26, 2006 at 8:30pm
I really should get my butt in gear and hit the shower already. Our village water company's fixing these deep wells and the water usually runs out on 9 am. It's 8:45 am here now... ooops! Now I have to take the fastest shower, right after I finish this *Bigsmile*

My body pains are gone, people. I can actually feel my muscles getting more flexible. I feel great. I pray for Him to help me keep this up!

Yesterday I received a not-so-nice review on my blog from a certain someone here at WdC. Now I'm not going to reveal her handle, but she told me that I should just keep this blog private because it wasn't interesting to anybody elses's eyes except mine. Tee hee. But everything's OK now since I reviewed one of her poems and I honestly liked it so I rated it a 4? Can't exactly remember, but she gave me a hundred GPs in return. I think she was just being honest, so it's all good *Smile*

Sarah, zwisis knew all about it and I'm really thankful for her encouragements. Maricor, Equilibrium knew all about it too and she was as supportive as ever. I thank God for having such friends here at WdC. Have you seen their blog, guys? I'm sure you did, they're both pretty famous around here, but in case you're new here and you haven't, I urge you to check their blog and other items in their ports as well...

Uh-oh, 8:50, I'm OUTTA here!
April 26, 2006 at 1:00am
April 26, 2006 at 1:00am
I have Colgate (yes, the toothpaste) smothered all over my right thumb. Know why? I was frying a while ago and was expertly dropping the flour-covered food in boiling oil when suddenly BAM! The oil exploded and my thumb was right there to be exploded upon.

I cried *Cry* It was painful!
April 25, 2006 at 8:57am
April 25, 2006 at 8:57am
Zack (Z.˚rz ) rocks. He just gave me these big chunk of GPs just because I wanted them *Bigsmile*
April 25, 2006 at 4:29am
April 25, 2006 at 4:29am
I am not screwed. Am just pretty high-strung *Bigsmile*
April 25, 2006 at 3:48am
April 25, 2006 at 3:48am
I think I've been complaining too much about my body pains fpr the past two days, so I'm going to talk about something else today (everything still hurts, by the way).

I am so pissed! I'm graduating Information Technology soon, the only missing units I haven't finished yet is my OJT (on-the-job training) and one minor subject that in my opinion, is totally useless. Anyway, I haven't gotten around to taking them up for I figured... well... okay, I was just lazy, I guess. And I had this agreement with my former professor that I didn't have to take up that minor subject; that she'll just give me a special project to do and then I don't have to attend class anymore.

But then I had to go find out that she had resigned! I haven't been around much our school lately (I was busy with other things) and this news shocked me. Her name's Rozelle, and she's the one taking care of all my records! You're probably confused why her resigning is a big deal but just take my word for it: IT IS. See, my school's kinda weird, we're not the typical university or college or something like that. Informatics is Singapore-based and we have all kinds of weird rules and regulations. Let me just tell you this: my records and projects are all going to get real haywire. And I so don't want to attend that stupid minor subject!

I'm real pissed now.
April 24, 2006 at 8:27am
April 24, 2006 at 8:27am
Man, am I aching all over! This jogging thing is getting pretty... achy? I didn't even jog today, just did a twenty-minute walk (or was it thirty?) and also did some badmiton.

I hung out with two of my closests friends today, Mike and Soc. Let's just say they're experts on things like that becuase Mike used to be fat and now is the slimmest guy on our group, and Soc's a military student so they're both pretty healthy. They gave me tips on how to minimize the pain, heheh. Soc showed me other warm up strategies... I just hope I'll remember them all tomorrow!

He also told me that I shouldn't drink fluids before I jog. He said I should drink the night before and just pop some mentol candy into my mouth the next morning to minimize the thirst. Now I don't know if I can do that— my brain is a mess when I don't get to drink my cup of coffee in the morning. It just seems like I can't function at all.
April 23, 2006 at 3:36am
April 23, 2006 at 3:36am
Our cat Bubba Gump gave birth to two kittens yesterday. As I am writing this she's breast feeding them, or actually, mamary gland feeding them *Laugh*

I started this day really early. My sister and I woke up at about 5 AM to jog. Last night we decided it was time to get healthy and start doing some exercise. Actually, she has decided that long ago... I was the one who was pretty stubborn. I have to admit that I am a pretty lazy person, but the weighing scale forced me to get my butt in gear *Laugh*

So we did some stretching and finally left for the dreaded jog. We walked from our house to the nearest mall. And that took like, forever, because the mall was so far from our house! Anyway the mall's parking lot is the only place where we can jog sanely. A lot of people also go there for early morning exercises. We were over halfway to the mall when we saw this grandpa-like type of guy walking beside us. After a blink we saw him WAY ahead of us already! Man, do we suck, I thought. But I guess it's gonna be a gradual thing. I mean, this IS our first time, right?

We reached the mall and eventually started to jog. It was so funny cause I suck at power walking, but I suck even more at jogging. I stopped every other minute and resumed walking. Heheheh. It was so hard! But my dad always said that first times are always the hardest. I suppose things are gonna be easier. I just have to stick this craziness out.

The side of my stomach is aching, by the way. I hope this ache's gone by tomorrow. We plan to bring rackets with us and play badminton! Yay!

Does anybody out there have any idea WHY the side of my belly is aching???

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