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I wonder if this'll make any sense at all.

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Thanks tirong ! Asteg ehhh :)

We all need to vent once in a while.
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June 9, 2006 at 3:11am
June 9, 2006 at 3:11am
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Picture first: Nate with Old Reliable, our guitar of sixteen years.
He has five teeth now! *Bigsmile*

I want to thank everyone who prayed for my dad and everyone who have wished him well. He's okay now and back to his normal daily activities *Smile* We just found out that the whole thing had to happen in order for us to buy that digital BP thing. If we hadn't, we wouldn't have found out that Pa's been normal for the longest time. I mean, he has regular check-ups but everytime he felt woozy or something he immediately thinks it's high blood and then he takes his medicine. Turns out that his BP's really okay, so he doesn't need the medicine at all. Now he can check his BP first (and it always says he's normal). If he had continued taking his high blood medicine based only on his feelings his pressure would've dropped down to an even more dangerous level, and that would be a disaster.


Well, we made spaghetti today and I think I hurt my arm mixing the pasta and sauce together. We cooked a kilo and as you could imagine that was heavy. We gave our neighbors some, just to share. Pa said it was like a thanksgiving thing because the Lord Jesus healed him, yet once again. God is amazing *Smile* And the spag was delicious!


I'm no longer pissed at Aaron, in fact I had a fairly good time with him this morning. Go figure.

Anyway! I'd like to shout a big welcome back to partyof5dj! He made it through his in-law captivity. At least he gained the experience of washing his in-laws' undies... priceless! *Laugh*

Scarlett - I miss you *Cry*

JoshCham - I miss him, too *Cry*

Gaby ~ Quiet contemplation - Missing her tons!

It seems like everybody's going on vacation... oh, yeah, it's just the beginning of summer there in the states. But Josh is going to China! If only I could fit in the guy's suitcase *Laugh*
June 7, 2006 at 9:52pm
June 7, 2006 at 9:52pm
On the last two entries I've been incredibly moody, and I thank everybody for being so nice and encouraging *Smile* This morning (it's 8:46 AM in Manila now) I'm just incredibly tired. Papa got sick yesterday and not just the usual 'I feel bad' or something. It was in the afternoon when he started feeling dizzy, and by the evening he was throwing up everything he was eating with the added torture of having everything spinning around him.

My father's a diabetic and he has high blood pressure, but he took too much medicine yesterday, so we thought his blood pressure got too low. When things were getting worse I dashed to the nearest drugstore to buy him a digital blood pressure monitor. I took his BP and we were right- it was low, but not that low. We realized he may have suffered from indigestion from avocado, or whatever else he ate yesterday. I suffered from indigestion once and I was a wreck the whole day, but I didn't have the diziness Papa was feeling. It was almost like vertigo.

(I just took a break from writing this, the laundry was done and I had to take care of them.)

Anyway, E and I watched over Pa the whole evening, took care of him like he did to us everytime we got sick. By 11 PM E was beat, though, so she fell asleep. Papa couldn't sleep on his room upstairs because he couldn't manage to go up, so we all chose to sleep at the living room. A day ago we had our couches repaired so only one remained; Papa slept in that one. E and I slept at the banig. I really don't know how to describe it but it's where most Filipinos slept back at the ancient times. You place it on the floor, get your pillow, and go to sleep.

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This is basically what it looks like. Of course, it's big in size and it's still large enough for both E and I.

Papa was still dizzy and he could throw up anytime so I forced myself to stay awake until he fell asleep himself. By 12:30 AM he finally dozed off, so I took the chance and within a second (I think) I was asleep, too.

Papa's feeling better today; he only threw up once this morning at around 7 AM. He's still feeling dizzy at times.

Throughout this whole thing prayer was our only tool of comfort. Everytime we prayed Papa would throw up and feel a whole lot better. So I'm asking you guys for your prayers for his complete recovery. God is good; He's proven it to us many times. Years ago my mother was bedridden. She had unbearable pain in her back and she was numb from her toes up to her neck. We all thought she was going to die, she was so cold, her body had turned hard, and she had trouble breathing. Her ordeal started at around 6 in the evening and by 10 o'clock that night we were almost resigned to the fact that we were going to lose her. Papa told God "She's yours", and minutes later we heard Mama crying. We were shocked because she had finally managed to sit up in bed and her color had returned. The numbness was gone and her breathing had gone back to normal. We touched her skin- what used to be ice cold only minutes ago was burning with warmth.

Mama said she told the Lord that she still wanted to live for us but also told Him that it was okay if He really wanted her home with Him. Right at that moment she felt three fingers gently caress her back three times. With the third caress all the pain she was feeling at her back disappeared, along with the numbness on her limbs.

That's only one of the many miracles God has given us. He's so incredibly faithful, I just want to say that. If you really put your trust in Him, He could never fail you.
June 6, 2006 at 11:28pm
June 6, 2006 at 11:28pm
My mood is so blah right now. This day started off okay but then I got annoyed and confused with this guy who I used to be interested in and since we parted this morning I had been in a really sour mood. Then I got into this sort-of-argument with one member of this community about a group activity. Turns out that it was a mix-up, and she apologized for it, so the misunderstanding was cleared. I'm still feeling a little pissed, though. Not at that member, but about the whole morning overall. To top it all off, DSL is going wacko. AGAIN.

I hate being cranky *Cry* I don't like myself when I'm being it. Maybe I just need to take a moment and not think at all.

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Good news: I finally heard from my June SA for the first time today. He/she gave me a couple of reviews *Smile*


I think I ate too much sushi last night. It's like I can still taste it on my tongue but of course I can't. I don't feel like eating too- a shocker, since it's lunch time here already and I'm usually the first one at the table.


Congratulations to charlesthec and theivyrose, for getting engaged recently. My best wishes to you guys!
June 1, 2006 at 7:20am
June 1, 2006 at 7:20am
It's not usual for me to blog twice a day but I'm so pissed. Gloria Macapagal Arroyo can be such an idiot. She got into this argument with our Education Secretary a day ago at the cabinet meeting, about the capacity of an average grade school and high school classroom. EdSec Hidalgo said that a maximum of 40 students can fit into one- and big shock, Arroyo was in denial! She said that a hundred students can easily fit into one classroom. A HUNDRED! When they objected, she arrogantly insisted. Smoke is blowing out of my ears, I want to strangle her! Okay, sorry, but it's really annoying.

I've been a grade school and high school student myself- c'mon, everybody knows that 40 students is the sanest number to put on a classroom if you still want everybody to learn. When I was a senior in high school we were around 35 students in one, and the place was still always trashed. Just imagine 100 students trying to fit into one classroom- that would be absolute mayhem!

On the news just a while ago a bunch of college male FEU (Far Eastern University) students protested on the streets of Manila buck naked. Usually the only college students that runs the streets completely naked are UP or University of the Philippines' students, for they do that yearly as an initiation for the University's most famous fraternity. I'm glad that today's naked run stands for something important- they were protesting about the high rate of tuition fees today and how 13 MILLION youth in the Philippines does not have the money or means to go to school. That's just sad.

Even in my former high school. My elder sister went there with the tuition fee of 6,000 pesos. She's 6 years older than me, so I think it was okay that when I stepped into high school the tuition fee was around 15,000 pesos. That was on my freshman year. When I graduated, it was around 20,000 pesos. I'm two years older than E and when she graduated it was around 21,000. A few days ago we just found out that the current tuition fee on the same school is around 31,000 pesos. I was stunned. I can't believe how everybody's raising the fees without any apparent changes to the school program or whatever. In fact, I think the standard of education is even becoming worse. What right do they have to raise tuition fees that high? They're not helping anyone!

Sorry I had to rant and heap all of this on you, but that was sort of therapeutic. Okay, I'm off.
June 1, 2006 at 5:10am
June 1, 2006 at 5:10am
Ookay, so I'm thinking that WdC has a problem here. I look at the left and I see 1 new e-mail. I check it out, I actually have two. Later on it goes to show that I have 3 new mails. I check it out, turns out I have 4.

Or maybe I'm just going crazy.

Made macaroni salad today. Also made macaroni soup. I've boiled too many pasta, see *Bigsmile* So yeah, we have to make the most out of them. Right now I'm so full I feel like I'm ready to burst.

My ankle is getting better... I think. I don't know if the swelling has gone down but it feels better. Last night my dad tried to massage it with oil and I don't know if it worked or not, but some of the sting returned afterwards! *Laugh* So yeah, my dad can't be a masseur *Rolleyes*

I'm gonna post a pic of my father right now. Ready? Haha!

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I had him wear my sunglasses and he goes on to put this long line of cotton on his jaw to make it look like he's Santa *Bigsmile*

I just saw I have 1 new mail again, and when I checked it out, I had two! Is this a sitewide thing or am I that special? *Rolleyes*
May 31, 2006 at 12:01am
May 31, 2006 at 12:01am
Well, even though I'm kinda ashamed to do it, I'm going to plug a cNote collection I've created recently.

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There's not much to tell. Watched X-Men 3 two days ago, watched it TWICE, even though I just slept the second time around. Advice? For those who haven't watched it yet, that is. Don't dare leave; wait for the film credits to finish. There's more.

By now Tigger thinks of Prancer probably knows that I'm her Secret Admirer. I just sent her a merit badge a little while ago. I really had fun being her SA this month! The Inner Beauty badge I sent her is so deserved. Meanwhile, my SA's still going AWOL. Oh well, I probably won't get to find out who he/she is. That's life, I guess *Bigsmile* I just hope I won't get another nonexistent one this June!

My left ankle is swollen. Bah.


My friend Howard just sent me this message and I thought I should share it with all of you *Smile*

Sweet words are easy to say, sweet things are easy to buy, but sweet people are difficult to find. Life ends when you stop dreaming. Hope ends when you stop believing. Love ends when you stop crying and friendship ends when you stop sharing. So share this with whomever you consider a friend. To love without condition... to talk without intention... to give without reason... and to care without expectation.

Cheesy, huh.
May 25, 2006 at 3:23am
May 25, 2006 at 3:23am
I finally got the thing done. For those of you who have been with me since the two previous entries, do start at #51 *Smile* Forgive me for being so self-involved!

1. I hate math.
2. I love physics.
3. I could stare at the stars for hours.
4. I hate wet bathroom floors.
5. I think I only spoke 40-50 words when I was in 2nd grade.
6. I have the habit of talking to people I don't know.
7. I don't care what I wear as long as I am comfortable in them.
8. I can't swim.
9. I would love to learn.
10. I am a very sweet person as long as you don't piss me off.
11. I like anything cinnamon.
12. I prefer the sunset over sunrise.
13. The most important person in my life is Jesus Christ.
14. I don't like hiphop/rap.
15. Not into RnB too; except for Erykah Badu.
16. I'm allergic to beer.
17. I like coffee. A lot.
18. I love reggae music.
19. I used to sleep 2 AM onwards, but due to circumstances, I changed my habits.
20. I don't smoke.
21. My favorite cartoon character is Helga Pataki.
22. I am the only one in our house who likes spicy food.
23. Triphop puts me in an unbelievably relaxed mood.
24. I'm afraid of roaches.
25. I like going out alone.
26. I still use the yellow stuffed toy lion bag I used in my kindergarten years.
27. When I eat at Tokyo Tokyo I usually have 4-8 bowls of rice.
28. I'm dieting now.
29. I say mayonnaise and ketchup tastes gross so I don't have them.
30. I've got a thing for Adam Sandler.
31. I am in love with the color green.
32. Most of my friends are guys— I think they have less dramas in life.
33. I want to learn how to play the piano.
34. At least I play the guitar.
35. I make mean fried/garlic rice.
36. I am in love with my gay friend. No, just kidding, but I do love him.
37. I like anything checkered.
38. I can't sew worth crap.
39. I'm not a very neat person.
40. I'm 5 foot 7 inches tall so I don't like wearing heels.
41. I was sickly when I was little but was cured when I ate a handful of soil from a potted plant in our garden.
42. I love roadtrips and long walks.
43. I used to date Benicio del Toro. Haha! *Rolleyes*
44. I can finish a book in a day.
45. I was an out-of-school youth for a year.
46. I can go out in my pajamas and wouldn't care.
47. I can sing and dance but never act.
48. I barely wear any make up.
49. I like shirts that are 5 times bigger than my size.
50. I don't like bald in guys.
51. If I could go through college again I'll take art or film instead of IT.
52. Flip flops are my thing.
53. I can belch at my own will.
54. I loathe tofu.
55. And that TRL show.
56. I love jamaican patties.
57. They say I used to grind my teeth while sleeping.
58. I hate noisy people inside the movie house.
59. I haven't read a single book for two months now.
60. So I think I'm becoming dumb.
61. Three places I want to visit before I die— Tokyo, London, and Jerusalem.
62. I sleep with five pillows at night.
63. I am very impatient.
64. I'd like to change that.
65. I hate people who IMs me on Messenger that doesn't even know me— I mean, get a life, right? Where do they get my ID anyway?
66. I am a major daydreamer.
67. I'm a sucker for romantic movies.
68. I can eat pizza for the rest of my life.
69. I adore the WdC people.
70. I love living in the Philippines.
71. And so I'm kinda sad that we're leaving for Canada soon.
72. I've always wanted to see Wile E. Coyote kill the Roadrunner, Sylvester kill Tweety and Yosemite Sam kill Bugs Bunny.
73. I have no clue how to use a wrench.
74. SA Martinez rocks my socks.
75. The longest I've been on the phone is from 11 PM to 5 AM; now I hate being on it for 5 minutes.
76. I'm a very affectionate person.
77. I've seen plenty of miracles in my life and so I know them to be true.
78. I'm a slacker.
79. I don't believe in love at first sight.
80. Everybody in my high school graduation cried— I didn't.
81. I love pistachio nuts.
82. I used to spend hours on Powerbooks.
83. I like watching French movies even though I can't understand a thing.
84. I cried tons when I watched Fernando Poe Jr.'s funeral on TV.
85. I'm a channel-surfer.
86. I used to vomit at school on my kindergarten years. Yeah, I had issues.
87. I'm not into horror movies.
88. Not that big about kids, too (except for my nephew).
89. I can twirl a pencil between my middle and ring finger.
90. Willem Dafoe's face gives me the creeps.
91. I don't grow my nails.
92. I chose not to go to my Junior Prom because I didn't want to wear a gown.
93. So yeah, you have to kill me first before I wear one.
94. I can't reach my toes. *Cry*
95. The sight of turtles move me, for reasons I don't know.
96. Yeah, I've mentioned that my toes twitch.
97. I hate using the mobile phone except when it's completely necessary.
98. I sing in the shower and pretend I'm singing to an audience (scary)
99. I don't often share my feelings, even with my closests friends.
100. I sat on a plastic pail this morning and it broke.
101. I prefer pencils over pens (duh).
May 22, 2006 at 2:43am
May 22, 2006 at 2:43am
First off I want to say congratulations to my dear friend bymydesigns. She graduated last May 20 and gave this awesome speech. Yay Trish!

Okay, so as promised, I'll be listing down the next 91 pointless facts about me. Try not to fall asleep as you go along.

11. I like anything cinnamon.
12. I prefer the sunset over sunrise.
13. The most important person in my life is Jesus Christ.
14. I don't like hiphop/rap.
15. Not into RnB too; except for Erykah Badu.
16. I'm allergic to beer.
17. I like coffee. A lot.
18. I love reggae music.
19. I used to sleep 2 AM onwards, but due to circumstances, I changed my habits.
20. I don't smoke.
21. My favorite cartoon character is Helga Pataki.
22. I am the only one in our house who likes spicy food.
23. Triphop puts me in an unbelievably relaxed mood.
24. I'm afraid of roaches.
25. I like going out alone.
26. I still use the yellow stuffed toy lion bag I used in my kindergarten years.
27. When I eat at Tokyo Tokyo I usually have 4-8 bowls of rice.
28. I'm dieting now.
29. I say mayonnaise and ketchup tastes gross so I don't have them.
30. I've got a thing for Adam Sandler.
31. I am in love with the color green.
32. Most of my friends are guys— I think they have less dramas in life.
33. I want to learn how to play the piano.
34. At least I play the guitar.
35. I make mean fried/garlic rice.
36. I am in love with my gay friend. No, just kidding, but I do love him.
37. I like anything checkered.
38. I can't sew worth crap.
39. I'm not a very neat person.
40. I'm 5 foot 7 inches tall so I don't like wearing heels.
41. I was sickly when I was little but was cured when I ate a handful of soil from a potted plant in our garden.
42. I love roadtrips and long walks.
43. I used to date Benicio del Toro. Haha! *Rolleyes*
44. I can finish a book in a day.
45. I was an out-of-school youth for a year.
46. I can go out in my pajamas and wouldn't care.
47. I can sing and dance but never act.
48. I barely wear any make up.
49. I like shirts that are 5 times bigger than my size.
50. I don't like bald in guys.

I hate that I'm getting lazy again and have to reserve the next 51 for the next entry. Bear with me, you guys.


May is soon ending and my Secret Admirer (who previously said that he/she planned on spoiling me this month) was practically a no-show. I'm thinking that he or she may be busy with other things in his/her life, so I understand. He/she did buy me a couple of tickets for a raffle, though. And he/she gave me a cNote and a review some time ago. I hope I hear from him/her soon.

Meanwhile my Admiree looks pretty happy with what I've been giving her. *Bigsmile* I really hope I can do more but I try to give my best with what I have... we find out who our Admirers are on the last day of the month. That should be interesting.
May 20, 2006 at 12:19am
May 20, 2006 at 12:19am
There was a huge explosion here last night. Half the village was burned and everybody panicked; you could see people running everywhere. A lot of looting happened and some psychos broke inside our house and asked if they could borrow some paper towels. Thankfully they left after I gave them a roll.

Yeah, right. Okay, so enough with the fiction! It's just that everything's so boring and I'm going nuts trying to entertain myself here.

I just realized that my toes have a mind of their own. E noticed it a couple of days ago. Whenever I'm lying down in the bed or couch or something they move every ten seconds. It's a cute kind of move, though... so don't worry.

Just some Christine fun-facts *Smile* Hey, why don't I start making a list? I'm gonna do a C 101!

1. I hate math.
2. I love physics.
3. I could stare at the stars for hours.
4. I hate wet bathroom floors.
5. I think I only spoke 40-50 words when I was in 2nd grade.
6. I have the habit of talking to people I don't know.
7. I don't care what I wear as long as I am comfortable in them.
8. I can't swim.
9. I would love to learn.
10. I am a very sweet person as long as you don't piss me off.

I'm getting lazy so I think I'll leave the next 91 facts for the next entry. Hahahah...


Just finished watching the fourth season of 24. We're four hours down on season five. I can't believe they killed Palmer and Dessler. I am going to kill the writer.
May 18, 2006 at 6:17am
May 18, 2006 at 6:17am
Father and I had a huge argument last night. He was mad and I was mad until I realized how big a brat I was being, anyway. Things got dug up, things that happened in the past and things that are likely to happen again in the future. Papa said I always want to get what I want, and I want everything done my way, stuff like that. But he also said that that can't always happen; he has to set rules to discipline me.

He went and talked about me coming and going whenever I pleased; how late I came home at times, and how I'm always out. And he said that I was nicer to my friends than I was to him. And with a shock it came to me that that is actually true, at times, that is. It's just that I view my dad as a friend, too, besides being my father. But I guess I'm forgetting something very important. Respect. I'm not going to try and defend myself here, anyway— I knew I was wrong. I told him I was sorry.

Anyway, we're okay now, we're all buddies again. But he gave a new set of rules like I have to be home by midnight this saturday. My friend Mike's having his twenty-first birthday and he said that I have to be home by twelve. I usually arrive home between 2 AM to 5AM and surely setting that new rule would discipline me. He's also seriously thinking of not letting me go the next Saturday to Laguna (my friends and I are planning to get out of town). Well, I'm going to respect whatever decision he's going to make. I have to get straightened out, for I really am sorry.


I took some pictures today of the place where E and I jog every morning. I'm afraid the shots are kinda dark, though.

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This is a part of the lot and this pic was taken around 5:30 AM. The air's really cold at this time and when you pass by this part you can always hear birds chirping.

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Sorry about this shot and about how dark it is; I just wanted to show my favorite part of the place. This is the underground part of the front of the mall where cars pass by once it has opened. I like the uphill slope when I jog; but I hate the downhill one.

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My second favorite part of the whole place— until this morning anyway. What I like about it is its straight path and the trees surrounding it. But this morning when I was walking along it a huge light brown bug came to stick itself in my ankle. Eeeww. I tried stomping around and flicking it away with a finger but the thing wouldn't budge! Due to panic I just pushed it away with my hand and it left a tiny bit of sting. That was horrible. You can see Mean Grandpa in this pic, by the way.


The first Philippine Expedition to climb the top of Mt. Everest was a success; it's all over the news here. They're praising the Lord for protecting them all the way— I pray going back down will go smoothly for them as well. I'm mighty proud. Way to go Pastour Emata, Leo Oracion, and the rest of the Philippine Team!

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