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A continuation of my criminal blogging behavior.

Criminal Action No. 96-938-2




Melissa is fashionably late!



(Trial to Jury - Volume 222)


         Proceedings before the HONORABLE The StoryMaster , Judge, Writing.Com District Court for the District of Michigan, commencing at 8:49 a.m., on the 5th day of April, 2007, in Chambers C-234, Writing.Com Courthouse.


(In open court at 8:49 a.m.)
         THE COURT: Please be seated.
         The jury has informed that they have arrived at their findings and recommendation. I caution all present to avoid any reaction to these findings and the recommendation, either audibly or visibly. And if anyone violates that, we'll have to remove them.
         Obviously, it will take some time to read these findings, as the recommendation is the last thing read; so please be careful and comply with this request.
         We'll return the jury.

(Jury in at 8:53 a.m.)
         THE COURT: Members of the jury, have you arrived at your special findings and recommendation?
         JURORS: Yes.
         THE COURT: If the foreman will please hand that to Diane , who will hand it to me.
         Members of the jury, you will please listen to the reading of your Special Findings Form A. These findings apply to all 1184 counts.
         Under Section I, Obsessive Ranting:
         The defendant intentionally ranted without ceasing for multiple blog entries. Answer: Yes.

         Section II, Repeatedly Beating A Dead Horse
         The deaths or injuries resulting in death occured during the commission of an offense under 18 Writing.Com Code Section 844(d), flogging a horse until death. Answer: Yes.

         Section III, Unnecessary Use of Curse words
         The defendant used language to be found offensive during multiple occurences and showed no regard for taste or appropriate expression of emotion. Answer: Yes.

         Section IV, Boring Daily Recounts
         Death or injury resulting in death occured during the commission of an offense under 22 Writing.Com Code Section 413(c), recounting daily activity to a point of extreme boredom. Answer: Yes.

         Section V, Pointless Entries
         The defendant shared needless details of her life via multiple entries, often multiple times in a row. Answer: Yes.

         Section VI, Contradictory Statements
         The defendant often confused her readers through contradictory statements. Answer: Yes.

         Section VII, Recounting Toilet Actions
         The defendant needlessly reflected on bathroom activities. Answer: Yes.

         Section VIII, Overdramatization Of Insignificant Things
         The defendant made several mountains out of single molehills. Answer: Yes.

         Section IX, Overreacting To Meaningless Gestures
         The defendant showed a propensity to fly off the handle for actions deemed appropriate and helpful. Answer: Yes.

         Section X, Unnecessary Temper Tantrums
         Death or injury resulting in death occured during the commission of an offense under 18 Writing.Com Code Section 312(a), throwing a temper tantrum in a public forum. Answer: Yes.

         Section XI, Cruelty Towards Animals, Superiors, Peers, And Inferiors
         The defendant showed no regard for life in general. Answer: Yes.

         Section XII, Repeated Bad Grammar, Spelling, And Opinionations
         The defendant shows no respect for her college education. Answer: Yes.

         Section XIII, Mitigating Factors
         (1) Melissa is fashionably late! believed herself to be in the right each time she commited one of the 1184 counts. Number of jurors who so find: 0.
         (2) Melissa is fashionably late! received encouragement and support from others to commit each of the 1184 counts. Number of jurors who so find: 4.
         (3) Melissa is fashionably late! is a reliable person in work and in her personal affairs and relations with others. Number of jurors who so find: 7.
         (4) Melissa is fashionably late! is a patient and effective teacher when she is working in a supervisory role. Number of jurors who so find: 5.
         (5) Melissa is fashionably late! is a good and loyal friend. Number of jurors who so find: 12.
         (6) Melissa is fashionably late! is a good mother and wife. Number of jurors who so find: 10.

         Recommendation, XIV:
         The jury has considered whether the aggravating factors found to exist sufficiently outweigh any mitigating factor or factors found to exist, or in the absense of any mitigating factors, whether the aggravating factors are themselves sufficient to justify a sentence of life in prison. Based upon this consideration, the jury recommends by unanimous vote that the following sentence be imposed:
         The defendant, Melissa is fashionably late! , shall be sentenced to a period in prison not shorter than 18 years and not longer than life.
         The Special Findings appear to be signed by all jurors and dated April 5, 2007.

         XV. Certification:
         By signing below, each juror certifies that consideration of race, color, religious beliefs, national origin, or sex of the defendant or the victims was not involved in reaching his or her individual decision and that the individual juror would have made the same recommendation regarding a sentence for crimes in question no matter what the race, color, religious beliefs, national origin, or sex of the defendant or the victims.
         Apparently signed by all jurors and also dated April 5, 2007.
         Mr. Foreman, was these and are these the jury's special findings and recommendation:
         JURY FOREMAN: Yes, they are.
         THE COURT: And so say you all?
         JURORS: Yes.

         THE COURT: Section XVI. Sentencing
         Melissa is fashionably late! , the court finds you guilty on all 1184 counts of blog criminal activity. You are hereby sentenced to life in prison, with no chance of parole for a minimum of 18 years.

         Court is in recess.
         (Recess at 9:37 a.m.)

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April 12, 2007 at 1:20pm
April 12, 2007 at 1:20pm
Ugh. The sinuses have finally gotten the best of me, and of course my doctor's office is in the middle of moving to the new hospital building today. Not that it matters, they called in an antibiotic for me yesterday. The good old Z-pack. It's about the only antibiotic that I'm not allergic to. You have to know I'm over something when I voluntarily take antibiotics, especially pregnant.

I'm tired of this cycle of illness existing in my house. I've washed and sanitized everything. We eat healthy. I get enough sleep, most of the time. The past two days are a testament to that. I've slept until Ethan wakes up, then I get up until my Mother-in-law gets here, then I go back to bed for a couple of hours. I get up, eat something, sit up until Ethan goes down for his nap, then go back to sleep until he wakes up from his nap. I've been making myself stay up the rest of the evening, otherwise I'm going to turn into a slug.

I counted and I slept like 18 hours yesterday. That's an insane amount of sleep. I hope I feel better tomorrow. I can't remember a sinus infection ever getting me down this horribly.

Jason's cousin, Carrie, called here today while I was up eating. J's Mom was downstairs switching laundry out, and I thought Carrie had called for her, since I'm supposed to be at work and all. She says, "Girl you are so spoiled. I would never be able to get my mother-in-law to do my laundry! I could be half dead and have no clean clothes or towels, and she would tell me to go naked and unwashed!"

Which is true. I am very lucky that my mother-in-law will come and watch my son while I go to work everyday, or if I'm too sick, or I'm too tired. I'm even luckier because if she sees that our pile of dirty towels is getting high, she'll stick a load of them in the washing machine when she has a free moment.

She cooked me breakfast yesterday morning, too, while I was waiting for the doctor's office to call me back. It was only scrambled eggs, but it was better than the cereal I would have ended up having in its place. Then she did the dishes that she dirtied.

I am spoiled. My mother-in-law does a lot to help both Jason and me out. I'm sure that if it's ever needed, I will reciprocate the spoiling. And when Ethan and the new baby grows up and gets married, I will help them out the same way, especially if I never end up having a little girl. I'll have to spoil somebody's daughter, even if they aren't of my own blood.

Hopefully, J's Mom and Ethan will be back soon. She took him out for pizza and is supposed to be bringing me a small one of the mushroom variety back. I'm hungry, so that has to account for something. I haven't really wanted to eat much for the past few days. I'm exhaused, though. I don't know how long I'm going to be able to wait up to eat my pizza.

I just wanted to take a minute to appreciate my mother-in-law. I think that on Mother's Day, I'm going to send her something special. I always like it when someone buys me flowers, and I know that she does, too. Then I just have to figure out something for Ethan to get her. Jason's on his own, though. He's still on my shit list, even though he's having some serious sinus issues too, and is suffering through it so that I'm not suffering too awful much. He's not as high up. It would redeem him, but it's about time he bucks up and troops through something instead of expecting me to do it.

Anyway, if not for being married to him, I would have someone else as a mother-in-law, if I was even married. I doubt any other mother-in-law would be as helpful and supportive as mine is. That's something I have to remember every day, so I don't take her for advantage.
April 10, 2007 at 5:41pm
April 10, 2007 at 5:41pm
I don't know how, but 7 girls can really try 2 adults' patience when they want. I don't know if they were suffering from cabin fever due to the cold weather, or just antsy because they'd been on break all last week, but I came close to telling them all to sit down and shut up so that K and I could talk. I think that K came close to it a couple of times, too, because they were all just either all acting overly silly (which really wasn't that bad) or they were irritable (which was that bad).

One girl in particular was being a problem today. She was bossy, irritating, and did not want to listen to either K or me. She hit another girl on the head with her bag, which was an accident, but then she got mad because the other girl got upset because she hit her. We told her to put her bag down, and she got mad at that, so we had her sit by herself until she could calm down and join the group in a productive manner.

Then the girls started gossiping about this one girl, and that was a whole other can of worms we had to put a lid on and fast. GOTR does not tolerate gossiping in any form and we have to try to keep the environment as positive as possible. We ended up telling the other girls that we would talk to the girls involved individually and that the problem was between them, not the group as a whole.

Some of them didn't like that answer and got upset with that. We ended up having to take each girl aside separately to talk about what was bothering them, who was bothering them, and then try to suggest appropriate ways for them to deal with the problem other than through gossip. It was all quite silly, but they are 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders who don't always know how to deal with being upset with someone or about a situation.

"Why are you upset?"

"Because so-and-so was bossing me around and wouldn't stop?"

"Did you tell her that you don't like being talked to in that manner?"


"Well then how is she supposed to know that you don't want her to talk to you like that?"

"I don't know."

"If I was upset with you, wouldn't you want me to tell you why?"


"Then perhaps the next time she does something you don't like, you should tell her?"

"I guess so."

"OK. Do you have anything else that's bothering you or do you want to rejoin the group?"

Insert the same situation with seven different girls, maybe just shuffle the scenario a bit. One is upset because she's being bossed, another is upset because she was called a name, another is upset because the first is upset and nobody has done anything about it (a.k.a. not minding her own business), etc, etc, etc.

The ironic thing is that we had just spent an entire 45 minutes talking about emotions and why they're not good or bad and why we should deal with them, and here they were all having emotions and not dealing with them. I guess it was a good way for us to teach them via example instead of telling them how.

Then the one Mom from the first week got herself banned from the school for hitting another student (not her own daughter) and showed up at practice, even though she's not supposed to be on the property. How in the hell do we deal with all of this at one time? It had gone from bad to ridiculous.

Well, at least it's over for another two days. Hopefully, they'll be in better moods on Thursday.
April 10, 2007 at 10:30am
April 10, 2007 at 10:30am
So Easter evening, we didn't get home with Ethan until after 8 pm, and his bedtime is at 8. We came inside, and I was thirsty, so I opened the fridge for one reason or another. I guess I was waiting for Jason to take off Ethan's coat.

Then Jason goes, "OK I'm going to go unload all of the stuff from the van."

I say, "Why don't you wait until after we put him to bed so that he isn't wanting to play with all those toys instead of going to bed?"

He turns and throws his keys at me, like a jackass. They flew through the air, and popped me right across my pointer and middle finger on my right hand. It hurt like a sonofabitch, and I ended up rolling around on the floor waling because I thought he'd broken my fingers. I'm telling you, it was a pain that brought me straight to my knees.

The cut of the keys hit me so hard it bruised my pointer finger knuckle and scratched up my middle finger knuckle. My ring finger knuckle got hit, too, but it didn't hurt nearly as much as the other two. The asshole has the audacity to come over to me and tell me to buck up because there's no way that two keys could hurt that much.

After I was able to calm down and stop rolling around on the floor and we got Ethan to bed, I let him have it. First of all, just because he didn't like what I had to say about his bringing all of the crap in from the car doesn't give him the right to throw anything at me. Secondly, if my hand hadn't been the victim (when he claims he wasn't aiming for me), he would have hit my stomach. It may not have hit me hard enough there to do any real damage, but that's not the point. He needs to think about shit before he does it. Third, if he says he wasn't aiming for me, and he hit me, he could've hit Ethan, which would've been even worse in my book.

I told him that he needs to stop and think before he throws his little temper tantrums. When I get upset, I don't throw shit. I don't hit him. I don't do the violent things that I sometimes feel like doing because, not only would it teach my son that that is an acceptable way to treat a person when you're angry, but it doesn't solve the initial problem in the first place.

He's apologized all over himself the past two days and kissed my ass pretty nicely, but I'm still upset with him over it. He tried to talk me into sex last night and I have no intentions because, besides the obvious reasons of discomfort and disinterest (Seriously, I'm already pregnant, why the hell do I need to have sex?), he needs to realize that this isn't all about what he wants to do. There are 3 people living in this house, soon to be 4, and his whole only-child syndrome is tired and outplayed.

Now that I have that out of my system, I feel a little better. He isn't off my shit list yet, though. It may take a few more days of ass kissing before I come around. I may continue to withhold sex, though, just because I'm too tired to deal with it and it's a convenient excuse. lol.
April 9, 2007 at 10:20pm
April 9, 2007 at 10:20pm
1. The sun came out and it wasn't as cold as it's been the past 5 days.
2. Work went by extremely fast, so with only 1/2 a day, it was even shorter.
3. Jason's been kissing my ass all evening because he still feels bad about cracking me in the knuckles with his keys last night. (I haven't talked about this. I'm still pissed at him about it, hence the reason he's still kissing my ass from something that happened over 24 hours ago. Maybe I'll discuss it tomorrow.)
4. Ethan behaved rather well at the grocery store. He had his moments, but for the most part, he was his enjoyable, cute little self.
5. I ate 3 pieces of Dove dark chocolate. That's enough to make anyone's Monday seem like a Friday. Well, maybe I won't go that far. It's enough to make it feel like a Wednesday or Thursday.

OK. That's enough positive. If I keep going, I don't think this baby is going to be very happy. He's already pushing his feet against my pelvis and making me spread out to a laying position. If that isn't a hint to go to bed, I don't know what is!
April 9, 2007 at 7:41am
April 9, 2007 at 7:41am
There's really nothing like waking up on Monday morning with a bad case of heartburn to make you feel even less like going back to work after a week's vacation. Not to mention the gagging on one's sinus drainage. But enough whining. I'm tired of having this negative attitude. It's eating my insides black.

I keep having dreams that I give birth to a girl, not a boy. It makes me even more scared to wash all of the onesies and stuff that we've already bought. I don't know what that means, other than I'm in denial about having another boy, which I don't think I am because I'm preparing to have a boy.

But whatever... I have to try to get something in my stomach to see if it will help this heartburn. Then I have to go to work, even though I really would like another week of vacation. I'll wait until it's warmer for that, though.
April 8, 2007 at 9:10am
April 8, 2007 at 9:10am
H A P P Y   E A S T E R ! ! !

Ethan woke up to find that the Easter bunny brought him a slew of cars, including one ginormous one that came in the NASCAR basket we bought him at Wal*Mart. He thought that was the coolest thing next to sliced bread, tried to eat breakfast with it and tried to have a temper tantrum because we wouldn't let him. The only candy he got was cookies. Well, he got other candy, too, but the only candy he gets is the cookies. lol

I got so sick yesterday afternoon. I don't know why, but the past few days I've had the hardest time with pressure in my gut. It feels like the baby is pushing himself up against my lungs and stomach, and I have a hard time catcing my breath and feel like I'm going to vomit for periods of hours. Usually, taking a warm bath helps a little, but yesterday even laying on my left side IN the warm bath didn't help. I ended up tossing my cookies.

I also ended up in bed for the remainder of the night. You have to know I don't feel good when I go to bed and don't even get up when my child is calling for me from the front of the house. I got up around 8ish to put Ethan to bed and then get his Easter stuff out, drink some water because I felt a little dehydrated, and then went back to bed.

This morning, I feel a lot better, but all it will take is me to eat the wrong thing or something. I haven't figured out what triggers it, but I know that laying down makes me feel better.

Only about 17 more weeks of this, and then the real fun starts! Woohoo!
April 7, 2007 at 9:12am
April 7, 2007 at 9:12am
I'm going to take this opportunity to whine again about how much I absolutely hate living in Michigan. I hate snow. I hate cold. Mostly, I hate snow and cold when it is not supposed to be snowing or cold. It's fucking April, for crying out loud. I should be on my way to Michigan City to go shopping.

I want to go shopping, goddamnit.

The snow is supposed to clear up by noon, and Kalamazoo is the area getting hit the hardest right now, but I know Jason's Mom isn't going to want to go, and I don't want to go by myself. It would be dangerous for me to go by myself, anyway. I have $500 extra in the budget specifically for this shopping trip, but that doesn't mean that I should spend $500.

I want to go fucking shopping, goddamnit.

So I'm going to sit here and throw my own personal temper tantrum about how much of a fucking bitch Mother Nature is. It's fucking APRIL, you dumbass. Stop snowing on my parade.

It was near 80 on Monday. Why the fuck is it now 30 degrees outside only 5 days later? Why the fuck is there 3 inches of snow accumulated on the ground? This makes no sense!

Of course it doesn't make sense, though. We're in Michi-fucking-gan. Have I ever mentioned how much I hate living here? Some days, I would seriously give just about anything to live someplace where it doesn't snow in fucking APRIL after having been in the 70s and nearly 80 degrees only 5 days prior.

I hate living in Michigan. I hate snow. I especially hate lake-effect snow. I especially hate lake-effect snow in APRIL. In December, January, and February, it's acceptable. In March, it's annoying. In APRIL, it's temper-tantrum-worthy.

But of course I can't control the weather, no matter how much I wish I could, so I have to just put up with it. What I'd really like to do is go outside and scream at the top of my lungs for the snow to go away, but the only thing that would successfully accomplish is annoying the neighbors, and I don't really feel like doing that. It might make me feel slightly better, but it would still be snowing, so it would be in vain.

Fucking snow. Go away. Now. Now. NOW.

Hey. It slowed down a little bit. Maybe I should keep temper tantruming. There's only so many times I can say fuck in one entry without feeling ridiculous, though, and I've just about hit that limit.
April 6, 2007 at 6:32pm
April 6, 2007 at 6:32pm
Even though it's snowing outside, I decided to finally get rid of my Christmas signature block. Is it OK to graffiti on the walls of your prison cell? If not, I guess they'll just add another year or so onto my sentence. Oh, well. I still have about 18 years, 3 months, and 2 weeks until my first parole hearing. It just depends on my behavior. So far, not good, but we all know that I have behavior problems. *Bigsmile*

Anyway, most of the pretty images are terryjroo originals. Everything but the animated butterfly (I'm waiting on a blooming flower or something pretty like that for my animation. Right now I've got an animationfactory.com graphic as my animation.) and one of the signatures (I made that one myself, thankyouverymuch.), along with the third and fourth block of images that give my "affiliations" if you will. Should I start referring to those as my prison gangs? lol

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April 6, 2007 at 8:59am
April 6, 2007 at 8:59am
So, the snow depresses me more than I thought. Around 1 pm yesterday, I was staring out the window crying because I hate snow and I hate the cold, especially on April 5th, and the hormones make me weepy just about all of the time. (I'm serious about that. I watched House the other night, and when the baby reached out of the womb and grabbed House's finger, I bawled like a hormonal goddess. But anyway...)

Jason called just about then to see how my day was going. "It sucks a big fat dick," was my response.

"Why?" he asked.

"Because it's my birthday and nobody cares but my Dad. It's snowing outside, and I hate the snow. I'm pregnant, so I can't even drink my sorrows away. I can't even get my own son to say happy birthday to me." In the meantime, I'm stifling sniffles and trying not to sob over the phone.

"Well what do you want to do for your birthday?"

"I don't want to have to plan anything. It's my birthday and I shouldn't have to do all of the legwork. If you want to do something for me, then you figure it out. I don't want to have to do anything other than be told where I'm going."

"OK then. Are you going to be OK?"

"I'm fine. Get back to work, you slacker."

In the meantime, I drowned my sorrows in a video game called "Fairy Godmother Tycoon" and wracked up some Pogo tokens at the same time. Ethan was napping. I was allowed to veg out.

Jason came home from work. I decided about then to check my Writing.Com email, and found a bunch of emails with things in them like these:

Merit Badge in Genie
[Click For More Info]

Happy Birthday, Mel!! *^*Balloon1*^* Enjoy your genie...What will your three birthday wishes be?!? *^*Heart*^* Merit Badge in Optimistic
[Click For More Info]

Happy Birthday, Mel...may your day be filled with Family, Friends and lots of chocolate cake!!!! Merit Badge in Entertainment
[Click For More Info]

Mel, for having the most entertaining blog theme on WDC!  I love what you've done with it!! *^*Bigsmile*^* *^*Kiss*^* Hugs, Ter Merit Badge in Birthday
[Click For More Info]

Happy Birthday boo boo! *^*Heart*^* *^*Laugh*^*

It took me until this morning to respond to all emails and such because I'm a lazy procrastinator. Well, not completely. Jason made good on birthday plans, even though I had to guilt him into it by being a sobbing, hormonal mess. But hey, at least I didn't have to *tell* him what I wanted. He seemed to figure it out on his own.

When he came home, after I checked my email, and Ethan woke up from his nap, Jason told me that we had to get everything together for Ethan to go to his G-ma and Papa's for the evening because he was taking me out for dinner. We ended up going to Applebee's (mostly because we had a $50 gift card that we'd never use if we didn't while we had the chance). I had the New York Strip, some loaded mashed potatoes, and asparagus.

When the waitress came back to ask if I wanted a box for the 3/4 of steak that was left (my stomach cannot hold that much food, seriously!), I told her my normal birthday tradition of ordering a drink. Since I couldn't this time around, I wanted to know if she would've carded me had I ordered one.

"Of course! You don't look a day over 20!" *Bigsmile*

(Note: her tip went up to about $10 right about then.)

Then she asked me what I wanted for my birthday dessert. I got the apple pie skillet thing, which ended up being waaaaaaay too sweet for me, so Jason got to eat most of it after I got me 3 or 4 bites worth. The whole restaurant, of course, had to sing the Applebee's birthday song to me, which made my face turn bright red. As much as I like attention on my birthday, I really do hate the whole restaurant singing thing. (At least we weren't at Hooter's though. My boss took me there for my birthday one year and then got upset because I ruined her birthday experience for me by refusing to stand on a stool in the middle of the restaurant and flap my arms while the waitresses sang happy birthday to me.)

After we ate, he took me shopping. It was just Wal*Mart, because we didn't have time to drive across town to the good stores, but I bought The Pursuit of Happyness, Chris Daughtry's new CD, and a new summertime maternity outfit for myself. I also had to get Ethan and the baby something, so I bought some more stuff for Ethan's Easter basket, a couple of really cute shirts that were on sale and weren't blue, and some more onesies and an outfit for the new baby that, again, were on sale and weren't blue.

We went and picked Ethan up, came home, and I checked my email to find the new blog header from terryjroo in my inbox. Again, I didn't answer any emails because Grey's Anatomy was supposed to be on (even though it was a rerun again, those bastards). Since it wasn't a new episode, I played more video game until Terry called me. Then I watched CSI and went to bed.

All in all, a great birthday, even if I am a hormonal mess.

Thanks everyone, for the cNotes, the birthday wishes, and the merit badges! You know how to make a big deal out of a girls' birthday. *Kiss*
April 5, 2007 at 1:16pm
April 5, 2007 at 1:16pm
You know, even though I say I don't want a big deal made out of my birthday, it would be nice to be surprised one year and made to feel like people want me to feel loved, even though I say I don't need it. Because, we know, of course, that I'm a woman and I do like to be made a big deal of, even if it's my husband making plans without my knowing for someone to come and watch Ethan for a few hours so he can take me out to dinner, just me and him.

And of course, I can't say that, because then he'll do it, but not because he thought of it first. I shouldn't have to be the one to make plans for my birthday surprise that I'm not even getting because he would never put that much thought into making me feel special. I've done it and continue to do it for him. Why can't he get the hint that sometimes what a woman says and what she really wants are two different things.

Yes, it's true that I don't want a birthday cake. I've had enough cake in the past month that the thought of another slice makes me want to vomit. But not wanting a birthday cake doesn't mean that I don't want him to send me flowers, or maybe even just an email birthday card. Is that too much to hope for? Is there anything wrong with being disappointed because my husband decided to do nothing like I said I wanted to do, even though he should know me well enough to know that I want nothing from anyone but him, because he's my husband and he should put forth the effort.

Maybe I'm just hormonal today. Maybe I'm just depressed because my Dad seemed to make a bigger deal out of my birthday than my husband did. Maybe I'm depressed because I can't even do the one thing that I've liked to do on my birthday since I turned 21: snuggle up on the couch with a good book and a bottle of champagne. Maybe I'm depressed because it was in the 70s on Monday and now it's snowing.

All I know is that I've had far less attention on my birthday before, but it didn't bother me as much as it does this time around. It could be because I've never been pregnant on my birthday. Whatever the reason is, it isn't going to do any good for me to say anything because it'll defeat the purpose of my feeling special. If I have to ask for it, it isn't special.

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