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Rated: 13+ · Book · Biographical · #1301881
All about my thoughts. Be afraid!
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I know I look a bit scary, but I don't bite, much *Laugh*

This is my blog. A place to torture people I don't know with rants, opinoins and just plain babbling so I can keep a few friends in the real world. If you like torture, come join me. Fix a cup of tea or coffee and sit back while I tell you about the time when....
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June 14, 2009 at 11:29pm
June 14, 2009 at 11:29pm

It is amazing how many branches one can acquire on a small plot of land. I have to go back a little in time on this story. See when we first moved in, no one had trimmed the hedges between our house and the neighbor's to our right. The hedges were so overgrown and full of young trees that they almost touched our driveway.

Being the busy little bees that we aren't. I went to work on the hedges and trimmed them right down to the ground. I knew that if I did they would come back thick and full and healthy within a year or two and they have. What I didn't do was get rid of all the branches. I did get rid of most of them, but not all. Those that didn't make it to the natural dump got stuck between the mine and my neighbor's garages. Two years later and the branches were still there and had been added too over time. So, yesterday I declared that today was the day to get rid of that stuff. And six or seven truck loads later we did. Now there is a nice clean spot between the garages just waiting for us to collect more branches -- after our vacation-- from the hedges that once again need to be trimmed.

The other pre vacation chores that we got done today was the mowing of the yard and the mulching of the tomatoes with the grass clippings. Granted we finally got a nice rain and it seems like more is on the way, but I won't be here to water and I want the plants to be alive when I return.

Tomorrow will be a clean the house day, if I don't get antsy and decide to start cleaning tonight. See I have this thing about wanting to come home to a clean house when I go out of town.

I am sure that I have stated in the past that I keep a well lived in house. Not extremely clean, but I don't have strange things growing up from the floor either. However, I do try to do a little extra cleaning when I am going away to ensure that I don't have to work extra hard after a vacation.

In News of the Chickens: I put the girls to work today. Yep. I put them in their portable coup and set them next to a black ant hill. They stayed nice and busy most of the afternoon and they will probably be going back again tomorrow as that seems to be a bug hot spot. After all, even chickens can eat only so much in a day.

Now, I do think I shall go and start cleaning the living room as I am not ready for bed yet.

Hugs to all
June 13, 2009 at 11:03pm
June 13, 2009 at 11:03pm
*Balloon1* *Gift1* *Flower1* *Balloon2* *Gift2* *Flower2* *Balloon3* *Gift3* *Flower3* *Balloon4* *Gift4* *Balloon5* *Gift5* *Flower5* *Balloon1* *Gift1* *Flower1* *Balloon2* *Gift2* *Flower2* *Balloon3* *Gift3* *Flower3* *Balloon4* *Gift4*

Today, I broke down and borrowed a tent from Mom. She had two. I am not sure why, but she did.

Ayron put the tent up in the back yard so he could see how it went together. It took about a half hour, but I am sure with all of us pitching in after dark it will take longer... LOL

I called my brother and the car issue should be worked out by Monday then it is all about packing and heading out on the road.

For a few minutes I thought we might actually get to take a ferry across Lake Michigan, but after we saw how much it would cost, that idea went away quick and in a hurry. Instead we will be going way around Chicago and then on our way.

Well, as it is two hours to midnight here, I feel it is safe to say that the countdown is at four days. Woot.

Good night all and have a wonderful morning on the marrow.
June 12, 2009 at 12:49pm
June 12, 2009 at 12:49pm
*Balloon1* *Gift1* *Flower1* *Balloon2* *Gift2* *Flower2* *Balloon3* *Gift3* *Flower3* *Balloon4* *Gift4* *Balloon5* *Gift5* *Flower5* *Balloon1* *Gift1* *Flower1* *Balloon2* *Gift2* *Flower2* *Balloon3* *Gift3* *Flower3* *Balloon4* *Gift4*

Wilma and Betty spent their first night outside. They are using a cat litter box lid as their home. Yesterday, I found the bottom and now they can live in a cat litter box. Don't laugh, it is big enough for them to sleep in and they do.

I just went out to show off my girls to Jerry and he had fun laughing at me--not in a bad way. He is the person that gave us the kennel I am now using as a coup. He didn't say he was impressed, but I think he wasn't not impressed. I will have to get a decent picture now that their are some plants growing to keep the garden from looking like a large brown patch.

*Balloon1* *Gift1* *Flower1* *Balloon2* *Gift2* *Flower2* *Balloon3* *Gift3* *Flower3* *Balloon4* *Gift4* *Balloon5* *Gift5* *Flower5* *Balloon1* *Gift1* *Flower1* *Balloon2* *Gift2* *Flower2* *Balloon3* *Gift3* *Flower3* *Balloon4* *Gift4*

As I sit here attempting to type a half way decent blog I am listening to my husband and 15 year son discussing the making of beer. My husband went to the library recently and got some books on whittling and beer making as something to do. My husband used to whittle and his father had made beer in the past so I guess those books took his fancy. Me, I don't care what he does so long as it isn't illegal or imoral and we can afford it.

My son saw the beer book and took to reading it and now is trying to figure out how they can make beer. The boy is 15 and as far as I know, other than having a sip or two, he has never really had beer, but he is all for the making of beer. LOL *Rolleyes*

So, as I sit here wondering if I should go and shake the water off the tarp outside, they are plotting and planning the making of beer. And here I worried that I hadn't pasted on my mother's scheming abilities to my sons. *Pthb* Actually, I would be perfectly fine if I didn't pass on her desire to get quick rich. I do like to see the boys being creative though.

*Balloon1* *Gift1* *Flower1* *Balloon2* *Gift2* *Flower2* *Balloon3* *Gift3* *Flower3* *Balloon4* *Gift4* *Balloon5* *Gift5* *Flower5* *Balloon1* *Gift1* *Flower1* *Balloon2* *Gift2* *Flower2* *Balloon3* *Gift3* *Flower3* *Balloon4* *Gift4*

It hit me as I was trying to fall asleep in the we hours of the morning that today is my second to last day of working before I take off for New York. I shall spend this weekend cleaning and what not then I work on Tuesday and I leave on Wednesday. Woot. Woot.

Well, I have decided that I have to go shake the water out of the blue tarp and do a coupld of other things to make sure the girls are comfortable today, rain or not.

Hugs to all.
June 11, 2009 at 12:33am
June 11, 2009 at 12:33am
Woot!!!! {Renae is doing a happy dance.}

Today was Wednesday and instead of telling you what a hard day I had because it is that day of the week and I didn't sleep for anything last night, I am here to tell you that in just seven days... I am leaving for New York state to see all of my Cragg releatives. (takes a deep breath)

That's right folks, barring any unexpected problems me, my hubby and youngest son are off on a trip. We almost never take trips. You know, we can never seem to find the money to go, but this time it is there. Woot!!!

Talked to Dad this evening and everything should be ironed out by this weekend. Then I am going to New York -- note that was written with a sing song kind of voice too it.

In other news: It was time to make another trip to Wally world and I have to say, I was quite disappointed in them this trip. I was in need of perm rods and varigated crochet thread and they had neither. Now I can't say for sure if they ever carried the perm rods, but by golly they did carry the thread. I guess crocheters everywhere are supposed to suffer so Wally world can save a buck. The big corporate jerks!!! Ah well, I may rant and rave about them, but they know I will drag my sorry back end back because, they are still the cheapest store around for many things. {I hate that I am not well off enough to be more picky}

Now that I have shared, I am off to bed to dream cool and rather vivid dreams of being a princess or cowgirl and getting the land and the 'right' guy.

Hugs to all

P.S. This morning when I went to the garage the darn chickens had gotten out of their pen and we perched on the microwave. Yes, I have a microwave in the garage. Why? Because Wesley and Jamie left it there when they moved. I don't even know if the thing works. So, anyways, I had to do some chicken wrangling before I could go to work this morning. LOL

Hugs again
June 8, 2009 at 11:12pm
June 8, 2009 at 11:12pm
*Balloon1* *Gift1* *Flower1* *Balloon2* *Gift2* *Flower2* *Balloon3* *Gift3* *Flower3* *Balloon4* *Gift4* *Balloon5* *Gift5* *Flower5* *Balloon1* *Gift1* *Flower1* *Balloon2* *Gift2* *Flower2* *Balloon3* *Gift3* *Flower3* *Balloon4* *Gift4*

Today has been what I would call a blah day. Of course, it is my only day off this week, so it would figure I would feel blah. I know that may sound kind of whiny, but I tend to have those kind of days when I have no absolute direction.

Don't get me wrong, it is not that I don't have many things I could do, it is just sometimes I have a hard time settling on just one thing to do. Sometimes it is the plethera of choices that drives me over the edge.

Anyway. I have just kind of sat about today. The hubby and I found two or three shows worth watching and we have both done some reading. Ayron is looking into beer making. -_^ Hehe I have no idea what he will do with a lot of beer as neither of us a real beer drinkers. I prefer the occassional wine cooler when I want to sleep a lot the next day and Ayron has about two beers a year anymore. Yes, you read me right. Two beers a year, to say four would be pushing it.

He is also looking into whittling. He used to do that years ago and I am tickled to see him getting an interest in it again.

I like the idea of us getting more active and or productive. As much as I like my computer and what I can do with it, I sometimes think we spend too much time on them. *Shock* Yes, shocking, I know.

One bit of weirdness I did do today was to practice putting in perm rods. I did the top of my head with those and then the rest with my soft curlers. I ended up with some very, very curly hair. Curly enough to be scary. *Frown* I want a good wave, but I don't want to come off looking like a poodle in need of a trim. So, I shall keep practicing and try to get larger rods plus more of my largest ones.

*Balloon1* *Gift1* *Flower1* *Balloon2* *Gift2* *Flower2* *Balloon3* *Gift3* *Flower3* *Balloon4* *Gift4* *Balloon5* *Gift5* *Flower5* *Balloon1* *Gift1* *Flower1* *Balloon2* *Gift2* *Flower2* *Balloon3* *Gift3* *Flower3* *Balloon4*

Betty and Wilma have had a rough last couple of days. They have had to stay in the garage in their tiny pen because of the weather. Sad for them, but great for the garden.

One last tidbit of info. Hopefully by the end of the week, Ayron will hear about this job he interviewed for. I do so hope he got it, but I think I am mentally prepared for if he didn't.

Hugs to all for the night. Be well, be happy and enjoy your night
June 6, 2009 at 8:45am
June 6, 2009 at 8:45am
*Balloon1* *Balloon2* *Balloon3* *Balloon4* *Balloon5* *Balloon6**Balloon1* *Balloon2* *Balloon3* *Balloon4* *Balloon5* *Balloon6**Balloon1* *Balloon2* *Balloon3* *Balloon4* *Balloon5* *Balloon6*

It has been weeks since the inhabitants of Jackson have heard the gentle drip, drip of rain on the ground or smelled moisture in the air. And I, for one, was tickled pink and purple to wake up this morning and experience both.

Refreshing rain. Life sustaining moisture. Do people give much thought too it until there is either too much or not enough? I remember singing the song, "Rain, rain go away come back another day." Never once truly giving thought to who or what might need the rain that inturrupted my play.

Today as I listen to the soft tapping of rain on the earth below my window, I am looking at the garden that has so desperately needed rain and I am thankful for the rain. The accompanying breeze that is with it sure feels nice also.

*Balloon1* *Balloon2* *Balloon3* *Balloon4* *Balloon5* *Balloon6**Balloon1* *Balloon2* *Balloon3* *Balloon4* *Balloon5* *Balloon6**Balloon1* *Balloon2* *Balloon3* *Balloon4* *Balloon5* *Balloon6*

I haven't told you about Wilma and Betty of late. Both girls are doing very well. They have almost all their feathers now and are as fiesty as ever. They have started doing garden duty and seem to enjoy it.

Yesterday, I set them up in their larger kennel or coup and put their food on the ground when I came back in the evening they had done some real damage to the few plants in there where before they had just explored. As far as I can tell though, they haven't taken to getting the plants behind the wire. I shall keep my fingers crossed that they don't.

Since it is raining today, I shall not have the girls outside. Ayron has said that chickens and getting wet don't go together and I believe him.

*Balloon1* *Balloon2* *Balloon3* *Balloon4* *Balloon5* *Balloon6**Balloon1* *Balloon2* *Balloon3* *Balloon4* *Balloon5* *Balloon6**Balloon1* *Balloon2* *Balloon3* *Balloon4* *Balloon5* *Balloon6*

We have had a slightly new development with Mr. Schnuffles. He has gone into shedding overtime. I told Ayron that since he can't make kittens the normal way, I think he is trying to make fur babies.

Dott, too has made a change. She now allows hugs from me. It used to be if she was getting really annoying, I would scoop her up and give her a quick hug and kiss and when I loosened my arms she would dash away. Not anymore. She is on to my tricks. She has also discoved that she likes to play under covers. Silly girl.

*Balloon1* *Balloon2* *Balloon3* *Balloon4* *Balloon5* *Balloon6**Balloon1* *Balloon2* *Balloon3* *Balloon4* *Balloon5* *Balloon6**Balloon1* *Balloon2* *Balloon3* *Balloon4* *Balloon5* *Balloon6*

Well, it is getting close to time to head off to work, which as always is going great.

Yesterday I took Toni with me. She is my friend's 10 year old daughter and my informally adopted niece. She came up with me when I went to work and stayed till just after card Bingo, a little over two hours. The residents loved meeting her and she seemed to have a great time. I may have a summer volunteer. She is a natural Bingo helper.

Hugs to all.
June 3, 2009 at 11:56pm
June 3, 2009 at 11:56pm
*Balloon1* *Gift1* *Flower1* *Balloon2* *Gift2* *Flower2* *Balloon3* *Gift3* *Flower3* *Balloon4* *Gift4* *Balloon5* *Gift5* *Flower5* *Balloon1* *Gift1* *Flower1* *Balloon2* *Gift2* *Flower2* *Balloon3* *Gift3* *Flower3* *Balloon4* *Gift4*

I have lived through another typical Wednesday. Yes, I was tired and not completely inspired at work today. That doesn't mean I didn't enjoy it to the best of my ability, it is just as I keep repeating, Wednesdays are my difficult day.

This morning, for example, I woke up at 6:30 afraid my alarm wouldn't go off. In all actuality it never did, but that was because, I woke up again at 7:27 and turned it off. I did, however debate whether three more minutes would help.... *Pthb*

Of course, it was a rather shock to find my 15 year old son walking in the door as I was getting up. Seems he stayed up all night and decided to go for a walk about at around 5:30 this morning. Something I told him he was not to repeat that and he needed to be going to bed no later than midnight. Usually it doesn't take much to pull him back into line, just a few words.

*Balloon1* *Gift1* *Flower1* *Balloon2* *Gift2* *Flower2* *Balloon3* *Gift3* *Flower3* *Balloon4* *Gift4* *Balloon5* *Gift5* *Flower5* *Balloon1* *Gift1* *Flower1* *Balloon2* *Gift2* *Flower2* *Balloon3* *Gift3* *Flower3* *Balloon4* *Gift4*

We are starting to make progress on the vacation front. Since my mother has declined coming with us, we are going to be able to rent a smaller car, which should save about $200. I know my brother and Dad are paying, but I want to get the best deals I can for them.

I am so excited. Last time I was in New York, I went with Mom and Kyle and I ran out of my meds while on the trip and didn't give a great impression. This time, I am sure things will go so much better.

I love traveling with Ayron and Kyle. More Ayron than Kyle, but Kyle can be a great traveling companion if he has something to entertain him.

The pets have been set up for while I am gone. The guy that lives upstairs is going to take care of them for me while we are away. I had another young man lined up, but he found out that he was leaving on vacation with his parents the day after we leave. Kind of leaves the pets high and dry and probably hungry.

Well, that is all I have to share for tonight. Be well. Be happy and stay out of trouble 'cause I won't. LOL
June 2, 2009 at 10:33pm
June 2, 2009 at 10:33pm
*Bigsmile* *Bigsmile* *Bigsmile* *Bigsmile* *Bigsmile* *Bigsmile* *Bigsmile* *Bigsmile* *Bigsmile* *Bigsmile* *Bigsmile* *Bigsmile* *Bigsmile* *Bigsmile* *Bigsmile* *Bigsmile* *Bigsmile* *Bigsmile* *Bigsmile* *Bigsmile* *Bigsmile*

Yep you heard me right. I have found my very own new exercise program, chasing chickens. Those little hens are quick when they don't want to be caught.

My friend, Alex, came over to plant her tomatoes. It seems to have been a major success. Now I just have to find a place for the herbs I bought and we will be set. I am thinking of putting them in a large pot, but I haven't decided yet.

In the meantime I have finally planted one upsided down tomato bucket and plan to do a second one.

My husband actually got turned down by Good Sam for the part time cook position. Grrr.

Ah well, we are still hoping on the State job. He interview and did well, but they had many more aplicants, I guess, and won't be done till next Monday. That leaves me worried. I know Ayron is good, but what if someone else has more experience or something? Ah well, I shall try not to worry till after next Monday.

Well, I am off to read a book and get ready for bed. Work comes all to soon tomorrow.

Hugs to all

June 1, 2009 at 11:59pm
June 1, 2009 at 11:59pm
*Balloon1* *Gift1* *Flower1* *Balloon2* *Gift2* *Flower2* *Balloon3* *Gift3* *Flower3* *Balloon4* *Gift4* *Balloon5* *Gift5* *Flower5* *Balloon1* *Gift1* *Flower1* *Balloon2* *Gift2* *Flower2* *Balloon3* *Gift3* *Flower3* *Balloon4* *Gift4*

What can one say in seven minutes? I don't think I have much that I can say in that time.

Oh, my son decided to skip school or part of school today. As it was the last day, him and several of his friends decided to skip. It just happened to be one of the few times my husband and I went out and about. We were headed for Dairy Queen and they were headed down town.

It is hard to be to rough on him, considering that Ayron and I weren't model students in High School, but we did try and put on stern faces and I think it worked. I am just worried that we are not getting across to him that it is very important to do well in school. Important enough that we contemplated summer school for the boy, but it won't work out this summer.

Any way... that was the excitement part of our day.

Ayron had his interview and now he has to wait at least one more week to find out if he got the job. Grrr. On top of that Fullerton isn't rushing to call him back to work either. Guess the economy is still tanked when it comes to building things .

I am off to read a bit of one the books I got while at the library today then it is off to bed for me.

Hugs to all

And that was seven minutes
June 1, 2009 at 12:16am
June 1, 2009 at 12:16am
*Balloon1* *Gift1* *Flower1* *Balloon2* *Gift2* *Flower2* *Balloon3* *Gift3* *Flower3* *Balloon4* *Gift4* *Balloon5* *Gift5* *Flower5* *Balloon1* *Gift1* *Flower1* *Balloon2* *Gift2* *Flower2* *Balloon3* *Gift3* *Flower3* *Balloon4* *Gift4*

Tonight I am thinking of moving to Alaska for the summer. *Laugh* I realize it won't happen, but I would love to go. It is all Sarah King's fault. She was talking about going king fishing this morning and I thought that sounds kind of fun.

I often dream of living self sufficiently off the land -- that is when I haven't been sucked in by a computer game.

This summer I have been spending as much time as I could outside and enjoying nature. Well, mostly. My itchy bumps have arrived, but otherwise I am enjoying nature.

If you remember correctly, last month I wanted to move to Pennsylvania to Amish country and who knows where I will want to go next month. Probably somewhere cooler than here.

I have come to realize and I may have stated this in the past, but it bears repeating, that I don't care so much what my house is like so long as it is livable, but I want land, I want animals and...powertools would be cool too.

I want to play around in nature. I want to garden and I want to be a hill billy. Yeah, you heard me. I want to be a hill billy till the first time I have to run to town for some medical emergency.

Ah, but as Ayron says. Spit in one hand and wish in the other. Notice which one fills up first. I guess I can wish all day, but unless I can find a way to get my dream without hurting others, that is all it will be, a dream.

Well, I am off to search out cotton on the internet and see if it is at all growable in Minnesota. Just more weirdness on my part for the day.

Be well. Hugs

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