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Rated: 13+ · Book · Biographical · #1301881
All about my thoughts. Be afraid!
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I know I look a bit scary, but I don't bite, much *Laugh*

This is my blog. A place to torture people I don't know with rants, opinoins and just plain babbling so I can keep a few friends in the real world. If you like torture, come join me. Fix a cup of tea or coffee and sit back while I tell you about the time when....
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May 13, 2009 at 8:38am
May 13, 2009 at 8:38am
*Balloon1* *Gift1* *Flower1* *Balloon2* *Gift2* *Flower2* *Balloon3* *Gift3* *Flower3* *Balloon4* *Gift4* *Balloon5* *Gift5* *Flower5* *Balloon1* *Gift1* *Flower1* *Balloon2* *Gift2* *Flower2* *Balloon3* *Gift3* *Flower3* *Balloon4* *Gift4*

I meant to start out by discussing my night at prom, but I must interrupt myself to say my hubby is talking to the cats and it is hilarious. He is askng why they think he should give them things when they want it. The thing is Dott is talking right back to him. I don't know what she is saying, but she is a talking. I suspect it is something like, "Give me my darn cat treats, now! Quit teasing me old man. Damn this lack of apposable thumbs!"

Okay back to my origonal thought.

We had a prom at the Good Samaritian last night. It was lots of fun. {like that helps} Okay we had dinner an hour early so that we could clean the dining room and set it up in time for Tuesday night music. Then we brought all the residents that wanted to go into the dining room and lined them up around the outside walls.

We served them pop corn and puffed corn with diet seven up. And people danced. As most of the residents are in wheel chairs we took each one out and slowly weaved around the floor once or twice to the pokas and waltz's played by our musician. A good time was had by all.

Of course, a side affect of dancing all night, okay for a whole hour straight, is that my legs are a bit sore now.

*Balloon1* *Gift1* *Flower1* *Balloon2* *Gift2* *Flower2* *Balloon3* *Gift3* *Flower3* *Balloon4* *Gift4* *Balloon5* *Gift5* *Flower5* *Balloon1* *Gift1* *Flower1* *Balloon2* *Gift2* *Flower2* *Balloon3* *Gift3* *Flower3* *Balloon4* *Gift4*

On the chicken front: I have named my babies. I was very tempted by Alrac Tabb's suggestion, but I wanted something different and had already thought of these names and ran them past the hubby. He just took a day or two to get on board and get excited about our new family.

Yesterday it was official, he was enamored. I caught him out in the garage tenderly caring for the chicks when he thought I wasn't looking. Then last night as I was doing my before I fall asleep babbling, I was saying I still couldn't figure out what to call the chicks and he said, "I thought you were going to name the Wilma and Betty?"

Well, I wanted too, but I guess I was looking for positive feedback on the names. I got it last night. So, my girls are now named Wilma and Betty.

*Balloon1* *Gift1* *Flower1* *Balloon2* *Gift2* *Flower2* *Balloon3* *Gift3* *Flower3* *Balloon4* *Gift4* *Balloon5* *Gift5* *Flower5* *Balloon1* *Gift1* *Flower1* *Balloon2* *Gift2* *Flower2* *Balloon3* *Gift3* *Flower3* *Balloon4* *Gift4*

On the Job hunt front: Ayron has finally gotten an interview in Windom. It is Thirty miles from here, which is about how far he had been driving to FBS. We are very hopeful. It is the first interview offered up in a month and he had to wait a month after filling out the application to get a response. Believe me when I say I prayed a big thank you last night. I know an interview isn't a job offer, but when you are starving job offer wise, every tidbit is like ambrosia.

*Balloon1* *Gift1* *Flower1* *Balloon2* *Gift2* *Flower2* *Balloon3* *Gift3* *Flower3* *Balloon4* *Gift4* *Balloon5* *Gift5* *Flower5* *Balloon1* *Gift1* *Flower1* *Balloon2* *Gift2* *Flower2* *Balloon3* *Gift3* *Flower3* *Balloon4* *Gift4*

It is time to fortify myself with some drugs <-- prescribed.... and get ready for another day at work.

Hugs to all
May 12, 2009 at 12:44am
May 12, 2009 at 12:44am

I went and bought two baby chicks today. They cost five dollars. The little feeder, waterer, light and food to go with them cost $32:00.

Doesn't sound too insane to you? Well, I bought them knowing we may still have to move and... knowing that I am not supposed to have chickens in Jackson. (shocking)

I bought hen chicks so there will be no crowing and I am going to have them in a pen that I hope others won't really be able to see through. If they do then I will just have to take my spanking like a grown up.

Why do I want chickens. I really would like to be living on a farm. Neither my husband or I can figure out how to get there. It shouldn't be hard, but it seems to be. Grrr. If I can't go to country living, I guess I need to bring it too me. Thus the chickens.

They are soooo cute right now too. They are Americanos, at least that is what the guy at the feed store told me. Black and brown little girls that I can't seem to find the right names for. I am sure the regular white ones would have been nice, but I wanted a little color.

I am told they will lay different color eggs also. Won't that we a hoot?

Right now they are nestled in a box with fresh shavings at the bottom and a light to keep them warm. I am possitive that the man at the feed store didn't give them much hope for surviving my ministations. LOL What he didn't know is that I have owned chickens before, just not in Minnesota.

I must away now to my bed and dream of chickens not dancing on my head. LOL
May 10, 2009 at 7:52pm
May 10, 2009 at 7:52pm
*Flower1* *Flower2* *Flower3* *Flower4* *Flower5* *Flower6* *Flower1* *Flower2* *Flower3* *Flower4* *Flower5* *Flower6* *Flower1* *Flower2* *Flower3* *Flower4* *Flower5* *Flower6*

I just got back in from playing in the garden for about a half hour. In that time, I was able to kill many small maple trees trying to take root and some other weeds including a few dandilions.

So far I have planted my kohlrabi, and oriental egg plants. I plan to get back out there and plant my cabbage next. I am keeping the green pepper and tomato plants inside for at least one more week. It should be safe to plant them, but I don't want to chance it.

I just need to go to the store tomorrow and get some pea seeds and I will be pretty satisfied for the next week or so. As I said before, I don't want to put too much money in the garden in case we have to move, but I do want to have some nice veggies for the summer if we don't.

Well, if I am going to get the cabbage plants out there, I had best get going.

Have a great day.

Hugs to all
May 9, 2009 at 8:28am
May 9, 2009 at 8:28am
*Flower1* *Flower2* *Flower3* *Flower4* *Flower5* *Flower6* *Flower1* *Flower2* *Flower3* *Flower4* *Flower5* *Flower6* *Flower1* *Flower2* *Flower3* *Flower4* *Flower5* *Flower6*

Some people prefer to be awoken by a kiss. Not me. I am all too aware of morning breath.

I will take the gentle stroking of my hip and the pleasant aroma of coffee followed by a warm fuzzy body demanding attention over a kiss any day. Yes, my husband and my cat tag team me. He temps me with coffee while she seek a few loving pats before the day begins.

And I am here to tell you the luxury of coffee in bed is a major one when it is 37 degrees when you wake up. If that isn't cold enough to make a person want to snuggle back under the blankets, I don't know what is.

Unfortunately, that isn't an option this morning so I am off to a prewarmed bathroom to take a quick shower before work.

I hope you all were awoken as pleasantly as I was today.


*Flower1* *Flower2* *Flower3* *Flower4* *Flower5* *Flower6* *Flower1* *Flower2* *Flower3* *Flower4* *Flower5* *Flower6* *Flower1* *Flower2* *Flower3* *Flower4* *Flower5* *Flower6*
May 8, 2009 at 1:28pm
May 8, 2009 at 1:28pm

I think I have solved the mystery of the strange bunny. I haven't checked yet, but I suspect she has a nest there. Yesterday, when Ayron took me to work, he chased the bunny away and she came back. Today she has been and gone from there once or twice. She must be a new mommy because she didn't pick a very good place to keep her babies.

I am here to tell you my back yard is coming back to life. Not quite as fully as last year when I kept food out all the time, but enough so that I can sit and watch the town bunnies and squerrals romp through chasing and being chased by each other and birds.

A little earlier a squerral came to just outside the windo and grapped a piece of bread as big as him and started eating away until a black bird swooped down to chase him away. Now the black birds are eating the bread while mr. squerral forages through the leaves at ehe one edge of my garden.

I just know I would see so much more sitting on Tor and Mel's back porch. Is it any wonder why I keep dreaming of living on a farm. I love nature.

Ta ta for now.

May 4, 2009 at 10:43pm
May 4, 2009 at 10:43pm
*Flower1* *Flower2* *Flower3* *Flower4* *Flower5* *Flower6* *Flower1* *Flower2* *Flower3* *Flower4* *Flower5* *Flower6* *Flower1* *Flower2* *Flower3* *Flower4* *Flower5* *Flower6*

Today after I went to the library to pick up a couple of books that I had put on hold, I stopped by my friend, Alex's. I am thankful to say that she is doing pretty good at the moment. She is the one with two tumors in her uterus. She decided to try a form of chemo that may shrink them before her operation. This is supposed to do something helpful when it comes time to operate. Maybe allow them to make the scar smaller or do it differently.

We had a nice visit and then I came home and dragged the hubby down to Edlin's to spend five dollars on a couple of sets of plants. I decided that I might as well. If we move I am out five dollars, but if we don't I will be very glad later on. My major reason of going and doing my shopping now instead of later was that I wanted to get the long banana shaped egg plants that I prefer. If I had waited there is a chance they would have sold out. I didn't want that to happen.

I made a choice early on not to buy so many seeds this year, but to just get plants as I spent probably close to $75.00 between buying seeds and plants last year. My garden will be smaller this year whether I stay or go.

How does any of this have anything to do with cats. I will tell you. Apparently my cat, Mr. Shnuffles liked my egg plants too. He ate the leaves off of a few of the plants and then pulled up an egg plant and a pepper plant when I wasn't looking. I wouldn't have known for sure who did what except the hubby caught him in the act.

I growled at the cat but good not that he paid any attention. I also replanted the pulled up plants and I can only hope they survive.

May all of you who visit, be well and have a great night or day.


*Flower1* *Flower2* *Flower3* *Flower4* *Flower5* *Flower6* *Flower1* *Flower2* *Flower3* *Flower4* *Flower5* *Flower6* *Flower1* *Flower2* *Flower3* *Flower4* *Flower5* *Flower6*
May 4, 2009 at 12:37am
May 4, 2009 at 12:37am

Today the hubby and I did a bit of role reversal. The poor guy has spent the last several months searching for a job in the area while waiting and hoping that FBS would open back up in Worthington. Obviously there have been some stressful moments.

Well, yesterday I kind of cracked. It took a while for the super glue to firmly seal the cracks, but once it did, I told Ayron that I knew it wasn't his fault that he couldn't find a job, but that I was worried that sooner or later I would say something hurtful that I didn't really mean because of the stress, like I almost did earlier. We talked and eventually, I got settled back down, did a reset by sleeping last night and today was much brighter for me.

Well, I decided to search and see what I could find for jobs today. I am here to tell you that I searched four hours and found maybe three jobs he might qualify for and all of them in another state. Not a single one in Minnesota.

I want to take a moment to praise my husband's patience here too. I can't tell you how many times I called him to the computer to verify whether a job I found was right for him.

We even talked about him going back to college to train in a different field because there is next to nothing in the one he went to college for.

It is so hard to sit and watch a the man you love sink farther and farther into depression because he can't find work. Not that he isn't willing, but that he can't. I am here to tell you he has applied for several jobs around town and nothing, because there is nothing.

We are reaching the point where we have to accept that we are going to have to move, but it doesn't mean that we have to like it.

In other news: I took Mr. Schnuffles outside for a short walk today. Yes, he did pee on me. I just kept going though. I want him to learn that doing that will not get him out of walks.

Yes, I believe the first time he peed out of fear, but I think that he figured that if he peed he got put down and kept doing it. So, I have to show him that doesn't work. No, I am not being mean or cruel. I just carefully open the door and walk him around the yard. Today, I put the leash on and I think that is what set him off, but he discoved it could be fun and interesting, so I count that as progress.

I know this next part may seem less nice, but it was rather funny watching Mr. Schnuffles begging to get back inside the house, just after he got out. I am so surprised that he isn't interested in going outside. I think that time and a few more calm walks will do much for him.

You really have to see how affectionate he is with everyone including strangers. I know that going to the Nursing home could be a plus for him as well as the residents. He just has to get used to it. And that is the big problem.

Good night. Be well.

May 2, 2009 at 10:12am
May 2, 2009 at 10:12am
*Flower1* *Flower2* *Flower3* *Flower4* *Flower5* *Flower6* *Flower1* *Flower2* *Flower3* *Flower4* *Flower5* *Flower6* *Flower1* *Flower2* *Flower3* *Flower4* *Flower5* *Flower6*

I am up to my normal tricks...

Woke up this morning and went straight for the computer, after I made a coffee. So, that means I am trying to type bleary eyed and without enough caffiene. LOL

In just a bit I am going to give my Dad a call. I want caffiene coursing through my veins first, though. Not that I need any chemical help talking to him, I just want to be coherent.

*Flower1* *Flower2* *Flower3* *Flower4* *Flower5* *Flower6* *Flower1* *Flower2* *Flower3* *Flower4* *Flower5* *Flower6* *Flower1* *Flower2* *Flower3* *Flower4* *Flower5* *Flower6*

I have just been priveleged to watch two rabits playing in the back yard. They were playing leap bunny. One rabit would run at the other and the second one would jump in the air as the other passed by our under. It was quite comical to see. I do love the shows that God, though nature, provides.

*Flower1* *Flower2* *Flower3* *Flower4* *Flower5* *Flower6* *Flower1* *Flower2* *Flower3* *Flower4* *Flower5* *Flower6* *Flower1* *Flower2* *Flower3* *Flower4* *Flower5* *Flower6*

I am trying to pull up a pleasant memory to supply from my past -- like Tor does. A moment poinent and worthy of recording in history. Nothing...

I do remember being about four, maybe five and riding in the truck with my dad and deciding it would be fun to turn the truck off. I think I did it about three times before he got very firm and threatened to spank me if I did it again. I don't know why, but that is a kind of fond memory. I suspect it is because I was with my dad. Oh how I adored him as a child.

Our time together was way to short. By the time I was five, he and mom had divorced. And it wasn't a nice divorce either. The accusations flew and as time went on, their dislike of each other grew. To this day, I have no idea what was and wasn't true in the mean things they said about each other.

My mom would be friends with Dad again or at least sort of, but my dad really, really doesn't like my mom. {Mom has that affect on people.}

Another fond memory I have of Dad is when he came and stayed in a travel trailor next to us while we lived in Kentucky. I don't know how long Dad stayed, but that was when I learned to make his coffee and took a liking to drinking the stuff myself. Dad was always great with small children. It was the older ones he didn't know what to do with.

Why all this talk about my dad? Well, he called while I was at work Thursday and I am to call him today. He has a plan for Ayron, Kyle and I to go to a family reunion in New York in June. I would really, really, like to go and I can't wait to talk to dad about it.

Just a short history. When I was 17 I went to live with my father because my mother and I weren't getting along and alright I will admit it, I was pregnant.

The father showed his true colors when I told him and I dumped him quick and in a hurry. In time that proved to be a very smart move on my part, but that is for anther story.

After spending a miserable summer with Dad - not his fault- I was invited to stay with my Aunt Lois at first just so she could take me to the Dr. and make sure I was okay, then for the school year.

Aunt Lois lived on a Dairy farm in upper state New York. It was a wonderful place for me. I think that is when I truly developed a love for farm living. That year, though not perfect - I had some hard choices to make - was one of the best in my life.

With Aunt Lois and Uncle George's help I graduated with honors and joined the military after giving my most precious son a chance at a real decent life by giving him up for adoption. For all the sorrow I went through to reach my decision and all the difficulty I had going to school pregnant that year, it was still one of the best in my life.

During that year I got to know some of my father's side of the family, which I hadn't truly had an oportunity to do until then. Dad's side is large and extended. I also got to spend time with both of my grandmothers. They were awesome ladies that took the hard knocks of life and turned them into good for themselves.

Now I have a chance to take my whole family to meet them and I am excited. I hope this works out as I really, really want to go.

*Flower1* *Flower2* *Flower3* *Flower4* *Flower5* *Flower6* *Flower1* *Flower2* *Flower3* *Flower4* *Flower5* *Flower6* *Flower1* *Flower2* *Flower3* *Flower4* *Flower5* *Flower6*

Well, it is time for the second cup of coffee and a call to Dad.

Be well and have a wonderful weekend.

April 29, 2009 at 9:15am
April 29, 2009 at 9:15am
*Flower1* *Flower2* *Flower3* *Flower4* *Flower5* *Flower6* *Flower1* *Flower2* *Flower3* *Flower4* *Flower5* *Flower6* *Flower1* *Flower2* *Flower3* *Flower4* *Flower5* *Flower6*

Yes folks, I finally got my act together enough to color my hair. I am now a medium auburn #42 from Revlon. LOL I was a light auburn unknown number the last time. I liked it just fine, but my hubby and a friend thought it was a tad light for me so I switched to this. Much closer to my greying natural color, I guess. To tell the truth, I think I liked the lighter color, but I have only had this one for a day. I will re-evaluate after I wash it once.

Now, if that isn't a shallow start to a blog, I don't know what is. Hehe.

*Flower1* *Flower2* *Flower3* *Flower4* *Flower5* *Flower6* *Flower1* *Flower2* *Flower3* *Flower4* *Flower5* *Flower6* *Flower1* *Flower2* *Flower3* *Flower4* *Flower5* *Flower6*

Ooh, I see Mr or Mrs bunny in the back yard. Guess he/she is there for some tender new grass. Doesn't seem interested in the couple of onions that hare resprouted from last year. And other than throwing down some lettuce seeds that didn't germinate, I haven't planted anything this year.

I decided to buy from the green houses instead of starting from seed, if I actaully get to plant this year. Everything has been so up in the air. I won't play at the broken record and repeat all the woes we think we have. Sufice it to say, nothing has changed at this time and we are still in job limbo.

*Flower1* *Flower2* *Flower3* *Flower4* *Flower5* *Flower6* *Flower1* *Flower2* *Flower3* *Flower4* *Flower5* *Flower6* *Flower1* *Flower2* *Flower3* *Flower4* *Flower5* *Flower6*

Today is a typical Wednesday in that I could crawl back into bed for another hour or three, but I don't get that option. I plan to cheat and have a power drink of sorts to kick start me. I just can't handle being this tired today. I thought about calling in, but I just don't think my boss would accept it if I said I was tired and had a stuffy nose. Definately wouldn't fly well. LOL

*Flower1* *Flower2* *Flower3* *Flower4* *Flower5* *Flower6* *Flower1* *Flower2* *Flower3* *Flower4* *Flower5* *Flower6* *Flower1* *Flower2* *Flower3* *Flower4* *Flower5* *Flower6*

I cannot believe how the grass has greened up and now the buds are out on the trees. Oh, this is so lovely. It makes me glad that I have chosen the back window area to set up the computer. I love the view. Of course, living in the middle of no where would make a better view. LOL

Just a reminder, last year at about this time I had a chance at living in the middle of no where in South Dakota. I got one look at the town and ran screaming back to Jackson. I realized I want to live in the country next to somewhere. It is finding and getting the country part that has been driving me nuts. Not that I have actually been looking to very hard.

Well, I must away to work, so you are here by saved from more babbling from my talkative side. You know the side of me I named Brook.

Be well, have a wonderful day.

April 28, 2009 at 12:49pm
April 28, 2009 at 12:49pm
*Balloon1* *Gift1* *Flower1* *Balloon2* *Gift2* *Flower2* *Balloon3* *Gift3* *Flower3* *Balloon4* *Gift4* *Balloon5* *Gift5* *Flower5* *Balloon1* *Gift1* *Flower1* *Balloon2* *Gift2* *Flower2* *Balloon3* *Gift3* *Flower3* *Balloon4* *Gift4*

I was woken up three times this morning before I finally gave up and got out of bed. Yes, on days I work I do sleep as late as possible to try and trick my body into thinking it doesn't need a nap. That may also be why I have such a hard time on Wednesdays when I actually have to get up early.

Anyway.... the third call was from my son, Kyle. Could I please bring him advil at school as his arm was hurting. I think I said in a few blogs back that he took a major spill last week and got major road burn over half his left arm and shoulder. It is healing fine and looks pretty good all things considered, but now he is getting little tears here and there in the elbow area from moving it. I took the Ibrophen to school and the office secretary said I could leave there for his future use. I was all for it and did.

So, where does the story idea come in? Well, between the second call and Kyle's I was laying there and a plot of sorts popped into my head, well at least a dialog of sorts. See I have been brainstorming with Sarah King trying to help her write a short story for Sword and Sorccerress (sp). Anyway, I have started out each of the sessions by trying to get her to write about a group of people. You know the traditional group for D&D type stories. And elf warrior or mage, a human warrior or mage, usually the opposite of the elf in both profession and sex and then the grumpy dwarf or other small person. Each time she has turned me down and come up with something way better for her to write. And let me tell you, she can write. (I know that she will get published in the near future)

This morning it hit me that I could write about an orphange that took in all peoples in a war torn area and that a young girl, maybe a human or half elf dreams of being a heroin of a group that does great things and she has read all the histories and know all the great explorers is made up of mixed groups. Her foe in the beginning at least is a young elf to full of himself who calls her foolish. The twist is Oscar. Oscar is a half orge who wants desperately to be friends with anyone, but especially with my heroin and her companions who happen to be a younger elf boy and a dwarf boy, both of whom she bosses about quite well. Does she let Oscar in their group (if anyone thinks of a better name, let me know) and defy the histories or does she shun him like everyone else?

Kind of a different twist on a story. What do you all think?

Time to go dye my hair, it is in desperate need of it. I can see grey again and I am just too young to be grey.

Hugs to all.

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