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Rated: 18+ · Book · Biographical · #1383396
My Blog. Generally Intended for Reading-Not Eating!.
Rose-Tinted Ramblings

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A Little of What You Might Expect & A Lot of Everything Else that You Don't!.

My writing style for my blog is invariably 'snarkastic'. This is because I am a nice, unassuming and quietly-spoken person IRL-and this blog is where my innermost moments and torments happen. Trust me, I am no exception to that delightful rule.


Welcome to my THIRD blog here on WDC. A re-incarnation of my earlier version of my Blog, here "Insanties and Sensibilities" this v.03 should prove to be equally...challenging and hopefully, entertaining. That said, life often weaves through our writing in mysterious ways, and this Blog will probably prove to be no exception to that. We are very likely all quite different, yet the same, us writers and our collective little whims, fascinations and insecurities.
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January 9, 2010 at 4:30pm
January 9, 2010 at 4:30pm
January 09, 2010.

Well, here I am, of sorts-still in Stanford's Surgical Unit. Guess they've ended up keeping me here until they can get my vital functions and pain better managed and sorted out. In addition, it's the weekend, and no-one in this hospital is into doing much of anything, anyway. I may well be here until Monday.

My surgery went well-three surgeries in the one, as it turned out. Surgery went for just over 2 hours, and then I was in the recovery unit for 5 hours after that. Everything is still very swollen, and pretty painful. I was on an IV PSA, oxygen and i.v fluids until late last night-now just on a basic monitor and oral meds. My nerve block ran out of juice at 1am yesterday, so that was no fun at all.

Gotta keep this short. My nausea is oppressive, and I have a 'woolly' head-my ears and nose are blocked, and I have a pain headache related to the pain in my foot/ankle/leg. Besides, I need to keep changing position a lot.

Need to email my college and let them know what's happening, too. Hope Kare is o.k.

More later,
annabel xxxx
January 1, 2010 at 3:46pm
January 1, 2010 at 3:46pm
January 01, 2010

*Balloon1* I hope KÃ¥re Enga in Montana is prepared for the remnants of half a restaurant that are presently sitting on our front porch, and yard. Yes, I do mean literally. It's annual re-fit time @ HANA. Not only that, but the recycling of cans, bottles, and plastic for the Sushi Spot, that is likely a little disconcerting. Still, the house itself proper is perfectly warm and cozy. Our old villa has its quirks (like a laundry room that STILL leaks)-but that is a part of its charm. I need to mop out the mud room, especially after the torrential rain that we had in the early hours of this morning. But, it's tropical outside, with a breeze to match-which is what Kare wished for, and for which I was most grateful for this morning, while I was sorting recycling out in the yard. Time to keep going!.

Happy New Year!.
December 27, 2009 at 9:00pm
December 27, 2009 at 9:00pm
December 27, 2009.

*Gift1* Ours was a most relaxing/relaxed Christmas-likely THE most relaxed that I have experienced here in the U.S. We had pancakes with special Strawberry sauce for Christmas Eve supper, followed by New Zealand Christmas gifts. My mother had managed to send us a most interesting selection of books, and my brother remembered our love of "Roses" chocolates. My husband surprised me with a print of my favorite painting by Orr Marshall-"Graffiti Girl"-and the accompanying narrative as written by the artist, himself. Such an awesome gift!. I gave him a warm sweater, which he's been needing for his work. "Beanie" was [amazingly] in bed and soundly asleep by 10pm!. Tree was lit, our presents stacked underneath and "Beanie's" gi-normous stocking filled by 1am, after which, we crept up to bed ourselves. On Christmas morning, "Beanie" crawled into bed with me at 7am, and we slept until 10am. Next, was Christmas morning in the Rainbowapple household-a happy and peaceful event, punctuated by "Beanie's" exclamations of, "Oh, just what I always wanted!. Thank-you, Santa!.". My in-laws gave me the non-Ipod-Ipod, which holds 2000 songs, or 4GB, and my husband gave me some Arden goodies and treats. Not forgetting numerous snacks, a gumball machine...and chocolates en-masse.

*Gift2* If Kare visits, we have a vast collection of films on DVD, football on the big-screen, five different kinds of tea, hot and cold running sushi, and a setting for poetry writing pretty authentic of "Humboldt Homsteading". Oh, and a kitchen table. *Laugh*

*Gift3* Stanford called last night-so, we're off tomorrow, to Redwood City, followed by Palo Alto, so that they can take my pictures, and draw bodily fluids (exciting life, you've no idea). We'll be back in a couple of days, hopefully. "Beanie" will be with her grandparents for the duration.
December 17, 2009 at 3:36am
December 17, 2009 at 3:36am
December 17, 2009.

*Smile* Santa's Workshop in the Rainbowapple household, has been most industrious, tonight. Traditionally, Father Christmas gives "Beanie" a Christmas Stocking, on Christmas Morning, as a Distraction from the Main Unwrapping Event that happens 'Later'.

This year, her Christmas stocking contains an interesting array of....Stuff n' Things, including:-

A Children's Illustrated 'classic' version of "A Christmas Carol"
A sock purse
A hair-brush
Two Winnie the Pooh bedtime storybooks
A Christmas House Box of "Whoppers" (Malted Milk Balls)
A Piglet wristband
Fun Animal Socks-Cat Version
A Tube of M and M's
A Candy Cane filled with chocolate pebbles
A Pooh Bear Wall Tumbler
A Magic Towel
A Picture Book from her Daddy
A Picture Album from Mummy
...and numerous stickers that I have yet to locate.

Her gifts from us, this year, are a Portable Doll's House (Dolls and Furniture included), a Carry-Case of 80 Fine Tip Marker Pens, a Fleece Sweater in two different shades of red stripe, a long-sleeved blue top, with rainbow stitching...and a multi-colored fleece blanket for her bed.

I am anxious that this is by no means Everything On Her List. "Beanie" must surely realize, just as those errant bankers on Wall Street must, that money does not simply Grow On Trees (Christmas or otherwise). Richard and I have limited ourselves to one gift each, this year. In addition, unlike years past, we'll open New Zealand gifts on Christmas Eve, since New Zealand is actually a day ahead of the U.S. (provided that said gifts indeed arrive on time and intact!).

In spite of all of the wrapping and tinkering happening, my mind has continually been on my thoughts of Ken and his family, tonight. The health ethicist in me, who has specialized in clinical decision-making surrounding coma and catastrophic medical event cases, does not underestimate the gravity of his present condition in the slightest. It is pretty bleak. Yet, even out of the darkest of clouds, sunshine can and does make an appearance. As a writer and as a dear friend, Ken has amassed a remarkable number of equally enlightened and extremely caring friends, who are surrounding him with every bit of strength, hope and optimism that they can muster. I can only add my own tenacity to that.
December 16, 2009 at 3:34pm
December 16, 2009 at 3:34pm
December 16, 2009.

As with many others, my thoughts today, and for most of late last night, are with our WDC friend, Ken kpenman aka "Carolina Blue" We're all pulling for you...if anyone can get themselves outta that coma...it's you, Ken. Besides, you have too much left to do with that tremendous writing talent of yours, your thoughtful spirit, and kind, gentle soul. Don't be checking out on us, now!.

We love you, Ken. Keep on keeping on. For you.
December 13, 2009 at 1:44am
December 13, 2009 at 1:44am
December 12, 2009.

*Flower1* It's been an incredibly long, emotionally complicated and tiring past few days. Our trip to Stanford went well. The first of what, it turns out, will be numerous trips to Stanford University Medical Center/system in the coming weeks and months ahead. I'm scheduled to have a triple orthopedic surgical procedure, during the first week in January. Major surgery, even for an 'experienced' in-patient like myself. Every surgical procedure and general anesthetic is different. Beyond that, is a lot of recovery and rehabilitation, intermingled with school, work, family commitments, my writing...While the comprehensive surgical treatment plan was not entirely unexpected, after my having to wait 20 years for a surgeon to actually commit to doing something, it was something of a watershed moment for me and my husband. We didn't dare to dream that we'd have such a great early Christmas gift with that news.

Oh, and by the way, the osteopenia detected on my foot/ankle X-ray is merely a clinical consideration and nothing for me to be too concerned about. Apparently, some women with my physical disability are more prone to it, and have to have our treatment managed a little differently, is all. So, that's that.

My surgical team were so concerned about my deteriorating physical condition that they offered to operate before the Holidays, but, I said that I wanted Christmas with my "Beanie" girl (who has a stonking cold, at the moment, but still chirpy).

*Flower3* School has its own complications and mixed blessings-worries about escalating tuition fees, diminishing grants and scholarships, upcoming assignments where I have to work ahead of time because of major hospital appointments and schedules. Oh, well, it's not like I'm not accustomed to studying through the Holiday Season, anyway. Ho-Hum. My husband's work has him working on Dec 23, 24, 25, 26 and 27.

So, if I don't get back here for a while, it's likely because some awful man in a red suit has insisted that I indulge in celebration and salutation...and lots of non-drug induced rest and smoothies, before I hit "The Chop Shop".

Hoppy Halildays!!
December 7, 2009 at 7:28pm
December 7, 2009 at 7:28pm
December 07, 2009.

*Balloon2* Today, has been one of steady organization, tracking down imaging CDs, medical reports, making more medical appointments, and deciphering radiology notes. Apparently, in addition to my 'historical' foot deformity, I have pronounced osteopenia. Wot's that?. It's a thinning of the bones. My bones in particular, are evidently, quite osteopenic for a woman of my age. My age?. I don't think of myself as being aged. I am nether cheese, nor wine *Laugh*

*Balloon3* Last night, I completed two assignments, worked ahead on a third, and finished my New Zealand postal prep for Christmas. Those packages were mailed off today (for less $$$ than I thought).

*Balloon4* The real heart-breaker for me today, was explaining to "Beanie" why she can't come to the hospital with us, or on the trip there and back. Stanford called yesterday, and said that no children are allowed on the premises, either as visitors or as patients, because of the H1N1 pandemic. So, we will reluctantly have to leave "Beanie" with my FIL for three days, and will attend school as usual. Poor "Beanie" thought she had done something wrong, and then was doubly hurt when she realized how much she'd miss us. I hate having to exclude "Beanie" that way.
November 1, 2009 at 3:24pm
November 1, 2009 at 3:24pm
November 01, 2009.

*Leaf1* It's been a remarkably full-on week here in the Rainbowapple Household. Mr. Rainbowapple has managed to royally mess up his back. Last Saturday, as he writhed around on our living room floor in spasms of agony, I contemplated calling the paramedics. In that sort of situation, there's little that I can do that requires brute force. He's since improved slightly, in fits and starts, but it has now fallen mostly to me to run the household, get "Beanie" to school, and to explore additional avenues for my ongoing work or schooling. Whatever virus was predating on me has since eased off. I was back at my clinic late last week concerning my persistent foot deformity, and in about a week, I should have an appointment with an orthopedist. No further testing nor imaging until he can actually see me and decides what he wants to do.

*Leaf2* "Beanie" acquired a disturbing quantity of candy, but had a fantastic day, yesterday, trick or treating with her grandparents:

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*Leaf3* I'm not enjoying blogging over at the 'other site' in the slightest. I guess I just can't be bothered cultivating (a) nother new identity. Time will tell.

Kare: I have not read anything in my research about blood clots in the lungs in relation to A/H1N1. Most of what I've seen has to do with the secondary pneumonia that develops. The CDC is now reporting that in folks with complications from this virus, resulting in emergency hospital care, few of them sought early care. Mixed messages. On one hand, health professionals tell us to stay home if we're sick with flu-like symptoms. While on the other, if we're very unwell, we should show up at the E.R. My general sense is that they are still figuring out the clinical presentation of this new virus. If you're running a fever, stay home and take it easy.

See you around Blogville!.
October 26, 2009 at 1:04am
October 26, 2009 at 1:04am
October 25, 2009.

*Flower2* Sickness all weekend-and I was SO comforted to read a headline at 2am today that went something like, "If you think you have the 'Swine" flu, then you probably do." Bastard. True, 98% of people experiencing flu-like symptoms at the moment, likely have the A/H1N1 variant, but, still... My chest has the equivalent of a splitting headache, but there's no need to overstate the obvious. I still believe in the placebo effect, okay?. I'm staying home on a self-imposed quarantine. As some of you know, my brother was seriously ill with 'Swine Flu' sometime back-misdiagnosed as bronchitis, until he started running bright red (literally) at both ends. His chest wall still aches,months on. He's a perfectly healthy 31 year old man, with no underlying health conditions. He's very fortunate-his acute illness was covered fully by 'socialized' medicine.

If there's a catastrophe that could possibly better focus and precipitate the urgency of health insurance reform, it's a good pandemic, with lots of indiscriminate, widespread illness and death. November will be a very telling month for predicting how this pandemic might eventually play out.

*Flower3* I'm now blogging on OS, if anyone is interested. Under "Strawberry Girl". I'll still be maintaining my blog here. My blog here has become like my favorite pair of jeans or scarf. I'd feel naked without it.

*Flower4* There's something really comforting about watching "Flight of the Conchords/Concords". Their voices are so like 'hometown' to me. My first introduction to them was several years ago, on cable, in a resort inn, in Golden, Denver, CO. You can rarely, if ever, escape from the Kiwi influence!.
October 23, 2009 at 7:17pm
October 23, 2009 at 7:17pm
October 23, 2009.

*Smile*...you hold your nose. In my case, my nose is presently liberally covered by both Kleenex and Blistex respectively.

*Sick* It's official: I have a very mild viral illness at the moment-likely as a consequence of something my "Beanie" visited on my unsuspecting self from preschool, combined with stress (which I should be better at managing). I'm trying to think of something that I feel like eating, and that will be good for me-chicken and lima bean soup, perhaps?.

*Laugh* Beanie is with her grandparents, today, out and about in town-it being a Friday, and the one day that she's not in school. My sweet husband is at home today, suffering with/from a bad back. Poor bloke. I'm doping him up plenty and babying him (men LOVE IT when you pamper them, whilst they feel sorry for themselves-such babies!).

*Shock* So, it's a perfect opportunity for some quality hibernation, and to take Friday off ourselves, since no-one is returning my phone calls, nor emails. I'm cryng about that part-can't you tell?.

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