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Rated: 18+ · Book · Biographical · #1383396
My Blog. Generally Intended for Reading-Not Eating!.
Rose-Tinted Ramblings

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A Little of What You Might Expect & A Lot of Everything Else that You Don't!.

My writing style for my blog is invariably 'snarkastic'. This is because I am a nice, unassuming and quietly-spoken person IRL-and this blog is where my innermost moments and torments happen. Trust me, I am no exception to that delightful rule.


Welcome to my THIRD blog here on WDC. A re-incarnation of my earlier version of my Blog, here "Insanties and Sensibilities" this v.03 should prove to be equally...challenging and hopefully, entertaining. That said, life often weaves through our writing in mysterious ways, and this Blog will probably prove to be no exception to that. We are very likely all quite different, yet the same, us writers and our collective little whims, fascinations and insecurities.
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October 22, 2009 at 4:27pm
October 22, 2009 at 4:27pm
October 22, 2009.

*Balloon1* Throughout the whirlwind of the past 10 days or so (some of which has been mentioned here-see entry below), I've concluded that NOTHING is worth my being stressed. Nothing!. Yes, frustrations with administrations, 'gatekeepers' and institutions abound. Yesterday, finally, it was a pleasant shift in direction, to have my education respected and applauded. A break in my thunderstorm clouds. Once the requisite paperwork is completed, and I've been evaluated, more doors will open. All that needs demonstrating, is documenting how I've gotten to where I am now, which is do-able, and I'm buggered if I'm going to let myself do that burst a blood vessel in my brain, or anything just on that basis. I am persistent, and can become a recurring pain in someone else's backside, at worst, if needs must. When pushed, I push back. I'm motivated. Point is, the more that something pisses me off, the harder I fight for it not to.

*Balloon2* Yes, perhaps education is not "all that" after all, but, like money, it surely helps having it, versus not. As does having lived experiences, independence-oh, and that nearly now, mythical attribute called commonsense. We're each born with the basics-what we choose to do, and how we use them, is up to us. No, not all of us are born equal, which is the flip-side. The world in which we live, or rather, the global village in which we interact, can be an odd, confusing and contradictory place. So, welcome to the weirdness!.
October 20, 2009 at 5:45pm
October 20, 2009 at 5:45pm
October 20, 2009.

(I almost dated today's entry with '2008'-that would have been scary).

*Shock* On the subject of scary, how would you feel if you were told that your secondary and even your post-secondary education means/meant nothing, and you have to start over again-never-mind that you have three college degrees, including two professional ones, which were, theoretically, internationally transferable?. Hrm. Let's back up a bit here-I'm considering going back to school to get some clinical accreditation, because, in my heart of hearts, I'm tired of being 'behind the scenes' and I want to make a difference for my fellow human beings on the floor, at the front-lines. Nothing too radical, either- a venipuncture and injection certification, a professional rescuer course, and some basic monitoring skills (BP/heart rate/EKG, etc). What a picnic. Not. Something that Americans 'seem' largesse on is entitlements. Not just rights and freedoms, but recognition. But, it seems that I am still considered to be an alien (in every sense of that description), and for that reason, I must pay yet more money to have my credentials evaluated to see that they are 'up to par' with American standards -or else, face the prospect of some fairly humiliating academic testing on basic grammar, and algebraic and geometric expressions, from 20 years back in my educational memory bank.

But-there's more-and it's almost laughable, really-it seems that the 'administration' has determined that I haven't been living in California for the past, oh, four years. I, apparently, have been living in 'limbo', instead. Never mind that I've paid and filed all State and Federal taxes since 2004, operated a checking and savings account, enrolled my 'dependent' in State-run preschool, and am the spouse of a Veteran. Or, that I have notices from the Department of Homeland security verifying that I live here. Or, that I have a verifiable SSN and A#?.

Where do they find these sorts of people. Corollary: Why can't I be one?.

One thing seems abundantly clear to me, and I hear Americans quip this phrase in jest, "You Can't Fix Stupid". Never truer words than those that are spoken in jest, is more accurate.

So, I'm feeling a mix of mild amusement, and disillusionment. Here I was, thinking that I'm educated, when, really, I don't even 'officially' exist. That really is quite an accomplishment. Even for someone who is supposedly 'stupid-less' like me.
October 17, 2009 at 6:41pm
October 17, 2009 at 6:41pm
*Balloon2* The subject of today's entry has also been a topical one here in the U.S. What do you think?. I'm in favor of this, as the parent of a young child, who was recently within a paint's surface of being hit on a crosswalk, by a speeding driver, who was distracted because they were talking on their mobile phone. This worldwide obsession with letting electronic goo-gahs and doo-dads controlling every waking moment of our lives, has to be minimized some!.

Source: stuff.co.nz


Thousands of New Zealanders face losing their licences if they are caught just once using a hand-held cellphone while driving.

The penalty for breaching the new law, which comes into effect on November 1, is 20 demerit points and an instant $80 fine.

But figures obtained by the Sunday Star-Times show that 9009 Kiwi drivers already have between 80 and 99 demerit points. So if they are caught breaking the new law, they would reach or exceed the 100-point limit, and would automatically be banned from driving for three months.

Drivers get demerit points for offences including speeding, failing to observe a stop or give way sign, and breaching conditions of limited or learner licences. Demerit points expire two years after they are incurred.

New Zealand Transport Agency spokesman Andy Knackstedt says the thousands of drivers with more than 80 demerit points should be aware they face being forced off the road – "as should anyone".

"The new rules a are being introduced for a simple reason and that's to reduce the number of crashes due to inattention," he said.

Between 2003-08 there were 482 injury crashes and 25 fatal crashes on New Zealand roads where use of a mobile phone was a contributing factor.

The law change comes after years of public disquiet over the dangers of talking or texting on a hand-held phone while driving. Under the previous Labour-led government, then-Transport Minister Harry Duynhoven proposed a $50 fine and 25 demerit points for driving while using a hand-held phone, but National's new Transport Minister, Steven Joyce, pushed through the modified penalties.

Last night, frontline police told the Star-Times that copies of the legislation had been distributed to staff but official guidelines as to how to police the new law had not yet been issued. However, police at a local level were being told to exercise common sense and enforce the new law as with any road rule.

Frontline officers said the key to ticketing drivers for bad behaviour on the roads was having evidence, and enforcing the cellphone ban was no different.

"If you pull up next to someone talking on the phone, well, then that's a no-brainer," one officer said.

In some countries, the public has been encouraged to dob in fellow motorists, and cameras have been used to catch errant drivers.

But Police National Headquarters spokesman Grant Ogilvie couldn't say whether there were plans for such measures here. Motorists are currently able to report bad behaviour on the country's roads on the police website, or by calling *555 from their mobile phone (use of hand-held cellphones will still be allowed when drivers are dialling 111 or *555 for a genuine emergency and unable to stop first).
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It was expected that disgruntled drivers would challenge their infringements early on, until authorities could build case law and precedent.

But Clive Matthew-Wilson of the Dog & Lemon car guide says the government had underestimated other major factors that cause crashes.

"Road accidents are caused by many factors – a combination of the fact that the person has used a cellphone, and they are a bit tired, and they had a couple of beers, and there is sign strike, and you're going a bit fast, and the wheel alignment was out a bit."

He advocates instant confiscation of mobile phones, a move that would act as an immediate inconvenience and more effective deterrent. He says fines and demerits are only effective for a small group of drivers and not the problem groups.

More than 50 other nations have bans or partial bans on using a cellphone while driving, and many have harsher penalties. Breaching the cellphone ban in Ireland can earn offenders a three-month jail sentence.

Under New Zealand's new law, motorists will be allowed to use a hands-free phone kit.


* To find out how many demerit points you have, or for any other queries about driver licences, contact the NZ Transport Agency on 0800 822-422. Or email the agency at info@nzta.govt.nz. (You will need proof of identity – name, address and date of birth details.)
* If you have reached 100 points you could contact a lawyer and find out whether you qualify for a limited driver's licence. A limited licence allows a disqualified or suspended driver to drive in limited circumstances, for example, to and from work.
* To dob in a bad driver visit: www.police.govt.nz/service/road/roadwatch.html
* 'Drivers with more than 80 demerit points should be aware they face being forced off the road"

Share your thoughts.

Have a safe Saturday!
October 16, 2009 at 2:22am
October 16, 2009 at 2:22am
October 15, 2009.

*Balloon2* Mid-October, already?. Wow, when did that happen?. *Gulp.

*Balloon3* A late entry for me, tonight, before I top off my medication cocktail, and I become a 'silly' head once again for all intents and purposes. I'm still making adjustments to my treatment-and one medication in particular-Baclofen, needs some careful monitoring because of side effects such as nausea, dizziness, and seeing objects that aren't there (oh, joy)-otherwise known as hallucination. My husband finds that particular side effect in me amusing in a dark, funny way. It's been ten years since I've been medicated in this combination, so it's a new experience for him.

*Balloon3* Which reminds me .... ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **

HAPPY 5TH ANNIVERSARY, BABY!. After five years of Club Wed Membership, I've gotta say that our marriage is progressing wonderfully well!.

And, that's all of significance that I have left worth saying tonight.

October 12, 2009 at 3:12pm
October 12, 2009 at 3:12pm
October 12, 2009.

*Sad* 20 years ago, today, my Dad passed away, at the age of 52, after a short illness. Love and miss you-sending you my and our thoughts every day.

*Smile* Happy 4th Birthday for today to our dear NZ niece and Beanie's NZ cousin, Arwen Jade. Our little girl of jade green, we love you so!. My Dad sent you as the new light and joy in our lives. We love your gentle soul and twinkling blue eyes.

All at home, today, nursing various ailments. Rain-storm forecast, so a chance to stay indoors and keep ourselves warm and cozy.
October 9, 2009 at 2:38pm
October 9, 2009 at 2:38pm
October 09, 2009.

*Balloon3* My day began, well, unlike any other, really. Woke up to the theme/opening tune from "The Muppet Show" circulating in my head pervasively, and to the more imminent and disturbing sound of a man yelling nearby my house who wasn't Mr. Rainbowapple. No worries, I thought-just one of the neighborhood mentally ill people from the neighboring adult day care program facilities. I prefer known quantities, to unknown ones, and they are (usually) far more interesting than the mainstream, general population. So much for a few hours extra sleep, with "Beanie" away with her grandparents. Once I'd cleared the heinous looking gunk out of my sinuses and sat down with my breakfast cuppa tea, and a thick slab of MIL's Banana Nut Bread, and Jon Stewart as background material, all was well in my world. Still is, mostly. My foot hurts, but that's old news in this 24 hour news cycle.

*Balloon2* Recently, "Beanie" has taken to watching vintage Muppet Show episodes right before she falls asleep at night (especially when her father is working). One of her favorities is an episode guest starring Leo Sayer. Now, that makes me feel old(er), because I remember Leo's music when I was just a little kid. Raw 70s. Slightly frightening. Well, Beanie thinks that Leo is the Bees Knees.

*Balloon2* Saw two different films, last night, that would not be everyone's choice-"The Girlfriend Experience (Spoiler: the ending was such a let-down-another film where the promotional trailer is 10000X more provocative than the film itself. I mistakenly thought it was going somewhere, only to be cut off at the pass. I don't appreciate it. It's not being obscure nor artsy-instead, it's called being pretentious just for the sake of it.), and "Children of the Corn" (freaky, but predictable horror, with a child lead who was more aggravating than truly evil, per se-oh, well, can't win them all, I suppose).

*Balloon5* Well, the fog has cleared (outside, not in my head) and the sun is shining brightly, which is my cue to start my day.

Have a great Friday, all!.
October 8, 2009 at 12:18pm
October 8, 2009 at 12:18pm
October 08, 2009.

*Balloon2* Here I am on a gray, foggy, clammy morning, nursing myself with whatever latest viral infestation, er, infection "Beanie" has managed to bring back from preschool. A mild irritant, is all. For which I'm grateful, because I have a lot to do today, and only half a day to do it all in. I'm managing to look after myself well enough, including my foot. "Beanie" will be away from tonight until Monday afternoon, with my in-laws-possibly up at the mountain house for a time, or down here in town. Either way, she'll love a change of scene, jellybean.

*Balloon1* This morning, I opened up my email to a delightful description from a friend from the SF area, who is traveling throughout New Zealand at the moment. She writes really well, very frequently, and with a lot of insight. It's interesting to me, to read a U.S impression of my home country. I slightly envy her everything of her travel, with the exception of the expense. The U.S dollar is wretched against the N.Z dollar right now.

*Balloon2* My job-hunting has been boosted slightly with the news of stimulus money coming into this County-and quite a bit of it directed towards families like ours. Even if it's good only for 12 months, it could be just the hand up that we need.

*Balloon4* Many more major quakes and another small tsunami in the South Pacific region since yesterday afternoon have me wondering what cruel hand of fate might be dealt next.

*Balloon1* Z writes a great blog entry for today, especially if you're into short shots.

Just think-tomorrow is Friday, and October is a week gone, already-well, almost!.
October 7, 2009 at 3:37pm
October 7, 2009 at 3:37pm
October 07, 2009.

*Balloon1* Once again, a quick entry, before I can put off procrastinating about getting in the shower, today. Once again, many thanks and appreciative vibes for each of your comments and well wishes-I try to respond to as many as I can in one sitting, but sometimes, this pain medication gets the better of me, and I suffer from a temporary brain 'fog'. I'm still waiting on my muscle relaxant medication (which apparently is a narc, or restricted, or expensive-or all three, because it requires special permission for extended use-from the State, no less). After that hits, I'll be liable to be la-la land material....

*Balloon3*No doubt, more expensive tests await me, and it both fascinates and repulses me how health providers ask for your health insurance card first, after which you get to sign a contract that says you're financially responsible for the medical billing payment, anyway, and, thirdly, that you have rights and responsibilities as their patient. Notice how the 'responsibilities' far outnumber the 'rights' in the three paged, double-sided, pink, yellow, blue and white "Contract for Treatment" consent form?. Not, "How are you feeling today?" or "Would you like a seat-you look uncomfortable". Just "Sign here, initial here, here, here and here, sign and date here.". Customer care in the health sector. What an oxymoron/cruel irony. Don't you just love it?. From behind a metal grilled window, no less. After that, for 15 minutes, you get to listen to the gaggle of young women behind the desk complain loudly about how they spent all weekend at home feeling sick. Yeah, but you bet they have health insurance. It's a pity, really, that their job is so obviously unbearable, that they thereby feel compelled to share their immense agony with the entire medical complex and front lobby. I'm sorry you had period pain. No, really. That must be a total kicker. I should know, since I have that too, on top of everything else, but do you hear me bitching about mine?. So far, by my calculations, in two days of appointments and tests, I've racked up well over $10,000 in medical billings, for which the State will pay 78 cents on every dollar. Someone mentioned yesterday that this venous/venigraph/angiogram is spendy, too-about $5000. Based on what, unless the going rate has shot up (pardon the pun) on that expensive green radioactive dye that they're promising to shoot me through the top (most tender) part of my foot with. I can be Invader Zimess for Halloween. How perfect!. With pink streaked hair, no less. Lovely. You can send me my advance on the Tootsie Roll candies any day, now. Any day at all. I'm not picky that way. Not a bit.

*Balloon4* Oh, and before I become irretrievably lost in the quicksand mire of health reform politics, can I just say thanks in particular to the SM's for sending me the cutest cupcake thingie for my WDC birthday (which apparently was on Oct 22-my bad). Also to Michelle for my shiny new merit badge!.

And, now I must go and get my sore flipper wet, and my hair washed, before I go and pick up dear "Beanie", who has a requisite Fall cold (and a mood to match). She and I made cookies together, last night. Or, should I say, she mixed and smeared while I tried my best to direct operations from a safe doughy distance. By the end of it all, she ate one cookie and promptly gave the rest to her father. According to her, the joy is in the production, not the consumption. There's hope for her, yet.

Have a delightful Fall day! *Leaf1*
October 7, 2009 at 1:47am
October 7, 2009 at 1:47am
October 06, 2009.

Had the ultrasound scan on my leg/foot, today, They couldn't see anything clearly enough below my shin bone, so, it's on to the second plan-a second scan where a catheter is inserted into my foot. Really looking forward to that-like a pain in my foot. On the plus side, no clots in my leg and good blood flow in my leg. Yeah, well, I kinda knew that part, already. That ain't news.

Back to the clinic tomorrow. Round Three.
October 5, 2009 at 3:43pm
October 5, 2009 at 3:43pm
October 05, 2009.

*Balloon1* So, after a morning of medical 'rounds', I now have an action plan!. To add to that, I was a good public health person and got my 'flu shot today. My AH1N1 shot has also been scheduled today, too-for two weeks ahead. Some new meds on board should help, beginning today. Yes, my foot and ankle and related tissue isn't in great shape. Tomorrow morning, I go for an ultrasound. Two days later, I call my physician and we discuss results and schedule a consult with the orthopedist (regardless of the outcome of what they see on the scan).

I will update here tomorrow after the scan. In the meantime, I'm supposed to be taking it easy, and elevating my foot.

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