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by Noe
Rated: GC · Book · Biographical · #1578708
There is nothing special about me, I'm just like everybody else...
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My name is Noelani. If you can pronounce that you get a cookie.
Most folks just call me Noe, let me make that phonetic for you... NO-E.
Very easy, but you'd be surprised at how many times I get called "No".
It's enough to make me crazy.

I'm going to take this opportunity to tell you a few things about myself.
A few things you may want to know before you start reading my blog.

I'm thirty something.
My birthday is 9/11 and I was born in the year of the Snake.
I'm a mother, a wife and all that entails...

My son, Malcolm David, was born on December 30, 2006.

I also have four cats.

I work at an animal hospital.
I have a large family but am myself an only child.
I do not like my Mother-in-Law.
I smoke pot, and tobacco, usually together.

I've seen my share of shit...

But try not to let it get to me.

I'm biased and opinionated.
I'm not a fan of Jesus, Religion or Church.
I like to think I'm always right, even when I'm talking out my ass.
I have a PhD in Bullshitology.
Sarcasm is who I am.

If you're new to my blog and would like to breeze through "Invalid Item,
then please be my guest.

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July 22, 2009 at 5:11pm
July 22, 2009 at 5:11pm
Absolute bullshit that I can't call the EDD without sitting here on hold, and listening to fucking recordings for ten minutes without getting a living, breathing person. It's also bullshit that they contact my current employer instead of my previous employer. Some idiot is reading things wrong, because I know for a fact that I filled that shit out correctly. I just want to be paid for the two weeks that I was not working...

The other thing that really pisses me off is that I dial this number and get a recorded greeting in English and then in Spanish. Then I'm told that if I want to continue in English to press one.

Our national language is English.

So why is it that other languages are the norm for shit like this? WTF?
It really pisses me off.

When I go to the ATM why do I have to tell it what language I want it to present the information in? Why do I have to choose between four different languages? Do the ATM machines in other countries do this? If I need to use the ATM in Japan will I be given an English option or will I have to actually go inside and hope like hell that one of the tellers speaks my language?

I know that we're the "melting pot" and that we welcome people of all nationalities into our country with open arms. I know that you can't go to the grocery store without hearing at least one other language being muttered and chattered as you walk down the aisle.

I don't have a problem with this.

What I have a problem with is the inability to purchase something because the packaging is all written in a foreign language and I don't know what the fuck I'm buying even though the only English on the label reads "Made in U.S.A."

I call technical support for any electronic device in my home and the person on the other end of the line can't speak my language or they have an accent that is so thick that they may as well be speaking their native tongue.

I get yelled at because I'm speaking English and the person to whom I am speaking doesn't understand. This usually ends up with me screaming at them to take a fucking ESL course.

If I moved to Russia I would have to speak and read Russian in order to get along. They would not change things to meet my needs, they would expect me to change.

So why does America change? Why do we cater to every fucking "minority" that crosses our border? We act like we're so fucking awesome... the rest of the world either views us with fear or contempt. Pick one. Nobody looks up to us anymore, if they ever really did. We're lazy, stressed out idiots. Move to another country-you'll live longer and probably get better health care.

America is so great that everyone wants to live here.
No... They want to come here and make a whole bunch of money then go home.
And we let them.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not prejudiced... I hate everyone equally.

My best friends are Hispanic, Italian and Black.
My husband is Spanish/Mexican and Jewish.
My boss is from India.
My neighbors are Portugese.

None of that shit matters to me. People are people are people.
But I'm sick of the "minority" expecting the "majority" to change.
Don't give me any shit about how I'm a "majority" either... I live in the Bay Area and have lived here for most of my life. I'm not now, nor have I ever been a "majority".

I'm a white, heterosexual female living in the heart of Silicon Valley.
I'm about as minority as shit gets out here.

I think I'm done with my pointless rant now.
July 22, 2009 at 1:11pm
July 22, 2009 at 1:11pm
So work wasn't too bad the last couple of days. Busy enough to keep me from going insane with boredom, but not so busy that I was ready to start screaming and killing people.

I did manage to hurt myself yesterday, twice, both times on my left hand. I have to trim my fingernails and I'm understandably nervous about attempting such a thing...

We were tying a dog to the surgery table so the doctor could neuter it. As I was securing one of his front legs I brushed the knuckle of my index finger along the lip of the surgery table and sliced it open. I didn't realize how deep, or long, the cut was until after the surgery was over and I was able to take off the pressure bandage and clean it. Nasty.

Then, last night while I was outside having a cigarette a hot ash landed on me. So I plucked it off my shirt and as I was brushing it off my fingers it clung to me and started to burn. Not ash, but a bit of burning tobacco. The pad of the middle finger and the pad of my thumb were burned, but they didn't blister.

It sucked.

So although I should be baking today I don't think I'm going to. The cut on my finger is still seeping and a day of flour, sugar and other substances being all over my hands could lead to infection. I'm cleaning the apartment tomorrow and that will soften any scab that forms and cause it to fall off so I need the damn thing to close up a bit more. If it had been just a little longer, or just a little deeper than I'd probably have needed to get a stitch or two in there. As it is I would have preferred to glue it, but I don't have any skin glue and the applicator at work was encrusted and nasty so I didn't want to use it... Oh well... But I should add skin glue to my Target list as I find it to be very handy for small yet deep cuts on my hands.

Not sure what I'm going to do today. I could sit here all day staring at the computer reading blogs, answering Emails, listening to music... I just may do that... But there are things around the apartment that need doing and even though I'm going to keep my hands as dry as possible today to facilitate healing there are still things I could do. Like nap.
July 19, 2009 at 3:49pm
July 19, 2009 at 3:49pm
Once again a day of stunning boredom leaves me wondering what to blog about.

Do I give you another run down of the exciting things I did?
Sure... if any of them were actually exciting...

Should I make something up? Tell you a wonderful story and cause you to wonder if I'm yanking your chain?
I could.

I could also sit here and ramble incessantly about nothing and see how many people bother to read this entire entry. *Laugh*

It's Sunday and tomorrow I have to go to work. I find myself dreading it. Although this new job is a lot easier... a lot more laid back... I don't enjoy going in every day. In fact, I want to go home before I'm even in the building. I get so damn bored there that sometimes I just want to scream. I almost hope for an emergency to walk in the door every single day, just so we can have something to do.

Biscuit is sleeping on a box that is sitting behind the computer. He's twitching in his sleep. It's cute.

Malcolm keeps saying, "I can't do it." It's kind of annoying... *Laugh*

I slept until almost eleven this morning. When I woke up and came out of the bedroom Mal was sitting at his table looking through a magazine. He looked up at me and said, "Daddy is sleeping Mommy. Daddy is sleeping on the couch." I laughed and told him that I knew Daddy was sleeping on the couch. Once I had assured myself that things were as they should be I changed his diaper, played with him a bit and we hung out and brewed some coffee. He loves coffee... One part coffee, two parts milk, a spoonful of sugar and a dash of creamer. He chugs it and begs for more. *Laugh* When I asked him what he wanted for lunch he told me he wanted a turkey sandwich. So I told him to grab his stool and he stood there and helped me make it. I loved it. He loved it... he ate everything but the bread. *Laugh*

So today I'm contemplating pizza for dinner.
Which reminds me...
I need to find a good crust recipe. I have one on my cookbook but I'm not too sure about the pre-cooked crust. I've never had to do that with pizza before. I used to make homemade pizza all the time back in the mid nineties. Over ten years ago we're talking here... I loved it. But for some reason I never copied my crust recipe into my cookbook.

Someday my cookbook is going to be worth money. There are so many hand-written notes in there, recipes re-written or typed up and stapled or taped over other recipes or over the pictures. It's great. Of course the pages are dirty too. *Laugh*

Okay, found a yeast free recipe I think I'll try. My relationship with yeast is spotty at best. *Laugh*

So yeah. I'm a fucking interesting person.
July 18, 2009 at 1:52pm
July 18, 2009 at 1:52pm
So yesterday I got all the laundry done and only one load is sitting here waiting for me to put it away. The plans I had for today were derailed, but I'm not complaining as it has given me a normal Saturday where all I have to do is pick up a little bit around the apartment and get stuff on the to-do list checked off and finished.

I kinda like that.

I posted some more pictures of the boy child... http://noekurtz.blogspot.com/2009/07/something-about-stuffed-animals.html Those were taken yesterday and as I write this he is in his room experiencing the same adventure.

Last night I decided to make breakfast for dinner. Although Chris begged for waffles I deterred him and stuck with just bacon and eggs. I started frying up the bacon and realized that I didn't have enough-only four slices!! So Chris ran to the store to grab some more. While he was gone Malcolm came to the kitchen door and babbled something at me. I turned to him and said, "What do you need babe?" To which he replied, "I need bacon!"

I found the crown when we had Mal in the tub last night. I was cleaning up and putting all the toys and crap away. When I was putting stuff away in the door hanger that Ellen made for him I found the crown folded up and stuffed into one of the pockets. I laughed. I had checked there earlier but had missed that pocket. I pulled out the crown, unfolded it and made sure it was still wearable. Totally.

Since he was a little brat about brushing his teeth last night Malcolm didn't get story time before bed-which made me feel bad. But I put him to bed with about five books of his own, and the crown. A few hours later I went in there and took all the books out of his bed and discovered that he was still wearing the crown. So I had to pull it off his sweaty little head and thought for sure that I'd wake him up. The damn thing was pushed down to just above his ears and was almost stuck, but he slept through the whole ordeal. *Laugh*

As you can see my life is incredibly exciting.

I played a few rounds of spider solitaire yesterday and took an hour long nap.

This morning I got to break up a cat fight.

Chris is sleeping on the couch. *Confused*

What's your favorite acronym?
Share with me now...
July 17, 2009 at 5:00pm
July 17, 2009 at 5:00pm
Friday... Laundry Day.
Joyful day.

"Sleep in honey. It's okay."

30 minutes later I crawl out of bed and find him asleep on the couch.


The promised pictures... http://noekurtz.blogspot.com/2009/07/few-firsts.html

We can't find the crown. It's missing. I have no idea where it is and I don't want to make another one. I have to though. I think I'll take a nap first... no biggie, Malcolm does not seem the least bit perturbed by the missing crown. I firmly believe that it's because he knows where it is. Lessens the guilt I have for eating the second apple pie from McDonald's without sharing. *Smirk*

So I have the last load in the dryer and three loads sitting here waiting for me to put them away. Two need to be folded... *sigh*

I want a cigarette and I have no idea what I want for dinner. Okay, I know what I want but I don't have all the ingredients and no desire to put the time into making it. I want something easy, but all the easy stuff... it feels like I just made it. *Laugh*

I suppose we could eat cookies for dinner.
There are not enough leftovers to feed all three of us.
I should defrost some chicken and see what happens.

Yesterday Malcolm spilled his applesauce on the carpet and I got pissed. He had begged and begged for applesauce, Ellen bought it for him and he didn't eat it. I gave him the same cup of applesauce in the morning and he didn't eat it, he spilled it all over the carpet. On my hands and knees with a fistful of paper towels and a pile of damp rags I looked up at him and said, "This is bullshit."
He stomped his foot and said, "This is not bullshit! It's applesauce!"

It was fucking hilarious. I couldn't laugh, but it was hilarious.

Something else happened yesterday... Oh yeah, we were supposed to meet Dave and Sarah and the park and feed the ducks and shit.

Dave and the ducks were absent.

Dave was asleep, which was funny since he was the one who had set the whole thing up. But he made up for it by having Chris over for some video game playing and boy time fun stuff last night after Mal went to bed.

We had fun. We ran, we chased, we climbed and dug in the sand. We shared our toys, protested the sharing of our toys and tried to take toys that didn't belong to us out of other children's hands.

A good time was had by all.


All right... I'm going to smoke, fetch the laundry from the dryer (or give the timer to Chris) and go take a nap. Ooo... He has another interview with CVS at 3:30. This is for a different (lower paying) position than the one he interviewed for previously but it's better than the Target job that starts on Monday.

Yeah... no idea how we're going to swing that. He can drop me off at work and pick me up afterwards... I don't have too much of a problem staying there for lunch, I can sit in the car for an hour and chainsmoke while I read or something. I'm not new to that... but if his folks can't watch Malcolm we might be stuck up shit creek. I suppose I could take a five-hour lunch... *sigh* Yeah right. I could take Mal with me, but after an hour or so he'd get bored.

I'm sure the in-laws will pull through though. Any excuse to spend time with Malcolm and they'll jump all over it like glue-dipped monkeys.

Edit: I'm pulling a Lisa here... *Laugh* Seriously though, I have no idea how all those paragraphs got out of order, but I fixed it... As some of you know (since you've already commented on this entry and I've Emailed you back) Chris got the CVS job. He'll hear back from them on Tuesday regarding start date, scheduling, etc... So... Yeah. It's $15 an hour, which is not as much as he was making at Walgreens but they said that there is a lot of room and opportunity for advancement. Also, $15 is a lot better than $8.50. You ever wonder why the folks behind the counter are so rude to you? It's because they don't make enough to live off of and they have to put up with assholes like you all day long. *Wink*

July 16, 2009 at 12:52pm
July 16, 2009 at 12:52pm
Is it really Thursday?
Where did this week go?
I know that I lost Monday and Tuesday to the extreme boredom that comes with this new job... Yesterday was busy... But at the same time I went to bed with a sense that I hadn't done very much and should stay up an extra hour or so to get a few more things done. I hate that feeling, so I promptly squashed it and passed the fuck out.

I wish I had something exciting to report about work, but I don't. The most exciting thing that happened was an angry cat that beat the shit out of me, but since he'd had a recent nail trim he did very little damage-I didn't even bleed. I read a lot on Monday and Tuesday... nothing else to do so... yeah.

I did go to Target to pick up a few things after work on Tuesday, and I always go through the dollar bin section because I tend to find stuff there for Malcolm. This time it was the foam stickers. Since I'd made him a crown during lunch (foil and cardboard baby) I figured the foam stickers would be fun to decorate it with. I also found Dr. Seuss buttons, magnets and notepads. Bought one of each, couldn't resist as I love the Seuss. *Bigsmile*

Mal and I decorated the crown yesterday. I have plenty of pictures of "Prince Malcolm" to post... right along with those pictures from the fourth and... there was another picture or two in there as well but I can't remember what they were. Cute and of my kid no doubt...

Jesus... I need to clean my bong.

So yesterday... yesterday... I woke up with Mal and made my way into the kitchen. A few mornings ago he'd asked for pancakes but I was unable to make them on that day so we had them yesterday. He barely ate one... He had also asked for cupcakes, and couldn't make up his mind what kind he wanted. So I threw together some chocolate cake batter and filled in the dinosaur pan. Then I grabbed brownie pan #2 and threw the rest of the batter in there. I made some frosting and frosted all the little individual "cake bites" and put them in the fridge. The dinosaurs are hard to frost, so I figure those will be frosted a they're given to Mal. All he wants is the fucking frosting anyway... glad I make it myself.

I also made some oatmeal scotchies, seared some chicken in butter and threw it into a pot of soup. I set the timer, got the simmer just right and gave Chris explicit instructions... Then I took a three hour nap.

When I woke up Ellen was here... I was not the greatest company but in my defense I didn't want company. It's all good though, Malcolm had been missing her and that's who she came to see. I tossed a bowl of veggies I had pre-prepared into the soup then threw together some dumplings, dropped them on top and re-set the timer. 20 minutes later we were eating, happy, yum... Top it off with a chocolate cake bite and you're in business. I did get a tummy ache though... so I think I ate too much cake!!! *Laugh*

Ellen went home not long after Malcolm went to bed as she had to work today. I stayed up until my normal time then passed the fuck out.

This morning Malcolm woke up at seven.
Chris dealt with the diaper and the milk while I lay in bed wishing it was all a dream. There was a moment of paternal confusion until I hollered, "He wants Cheerios!" and then all was well and he was back in bed. An hour later I joined the land of the living.

We're supposed to head out to Shoreline this evening with Dave and Sarah to hang out, feed the ducks, play with Malcolm and all that good stuff. I want to go feed the ducks. *Bigsmile*

Today I need to clean the apartment and get those fucking pictures posted in my other blog. *sigh* I WANT TO FEED THE DUCKS!! *Laugh* I love feeding ducks. The way they run around bickering with each other and the way their little heads shoot out and grab the bread, moving so fast you hardly see it. I like it when they're in the water and they all go nuts and start climbing over each other, all the crazy noises they make, drowning each other.

What can I say?
I like ducks.

So it has taken me like... A half an hour to write this and read through it. Mostly because the longest Malcolm has let me go in between interruptions is about ten seconds. Over half of this blog was written while he babbled something unintelligible in the background. So now that he is content and not driving me crazy I'm going to go have a cigarette then get my nose to the grindstone.

How many words can you make with the letters of your name?
First, middle and last may be used.

July 12, 2009 at 1:41pm
July 12, 2009 at 1:41pm
Two days have passed since I made a blog entry...

Oh well.

I had to work yesterday to cover for Andrew who was at a Slayer concert. Stupid prick, should have told him to buy me a T-shirt. *Laugh* So I met Daniel yesterday, the last of my co-workers that I would have to officially meet and... Yeah.

I didn't see the arrogance to quite the point Ana said it was at but I could see the potential. He had bathed and didn't smell bad... Although he did need to shave. Not a bad looking kid, big... tall and wide, you look at him and you think football player. But he's going to school and wants to be a vet. He opens his mouth and you expect a deep booming voice, but it's soft and vaguely effeminate-pleasant really. He has a lot of mannerisms that scream GAY! at me. They scream it so loud that my ears were bleeding when I got off work... But he has a girlfriend and when people have asked him if he's gay or bisexual he gets defensive.

He's young, only nineteen and there's a possibility that he is either afraid of being gay, or doesn't realize he's gay... or it could just be that he spends so much time with women. I've known a few straight guys (a few mind you-a very few) who you would have sworn were gay... Daniel may be one of them.

So that was yesterday, coupled with a 45 minute nap between dinner and bath-time and you've got yourself a winner. I was so tired... but this morning Chris let me sleep in, which was good because Malcolm got up at seven. That's early... usually he gets up around 7:30, sometimes eight. I get up with him and go about my day, since I go to bed around midnight it works... shit, he even gets me up in time for work on Monday and Tuesday so the alarm clock is a bit superfluous.

Chris has a job interview today at noon with Office Max.

His parents are going to a local fair and want us to come along. I want to go with Malcolm but I don't want to deal with them. I do something with them about once a week or so, whereas the boys see them two or three times a week... so I'll probably end up going. It will just be for a couple of hours and then they have dinner plans or something.

No big plans for today. A few things around the house, a load of laundry and maybe, just maybe a trip to Target to pick up a few essentials. We're out of cookies so I should think about that too...

*sigh* All right. I need a cigarette and a hug from my kid. *Bigsmile*
July 10, 2009 at 12:00pm
July 10, 2009 at 12:00pm
Yesterday I cleaned the entire apartment, then I made dinner. After dinner I took a shower... By the time Ellen and Clare arrived at about 8:30 there were no dirty dishes except for the small bowl that had contained a few raisins up until about thirty minutes before.

You see, last night was Girl's Night at the karaoke bar. We met Sarah and Juanita there, made a new friend and hung out. Juanita and I did a few songs... In fact, for my final number Ellen chose Wouldn't It Be Nice by the Beach Boys.

Noe cannot sing the Beach Boys.

She did so bad that the entire table had to come up and help her and Bruce (the karaoke DJ) started the song over. Let the hysteria ensue. I managed to lower my voice a bit and pull it off but having Ellen and Sarah up there singing it with me made it all okay. Clare faked it and Juanita was our audience... chickens...

There was a... how can I say this? I suppose scary is the best word because that's exactly what it was, it was scary. There was a scary man there, but he was dressed like a woman so I suppose he wanted (at least for the night) to be called a girl. But... I don't have a problem with the trannys. I love them, they're fun and blah, blah, blah... But this guy was scary from the get go. By the end of the evening he had changed out of his halter top and daisy dukes, put the heels into the car and put his regular clothes back on-but he kept the wig.

So picture, if you will, a six-foot tall man wearing black jeans, a black shirt and white tennies. He's also wearing a leather vest. Average looking, medium build, muscular arms, early to mid-forties... Blond wig... Dancing to almost every song someone sang. Dancing up there with him was this skinny little black man who was cocked to one side like Stevie Wonder, had on a hat and sunglasses, needed to shave and was wearing a shirt at least two sizes too big.

They were quite the pair.

The girls and I decided that we were in a horror movie and the only person who would survive was Juanita because she was still sober. Ellen and I were prepared to start texting our last will and testament to our family members. We figured that although we have the know-how to survive a horror movie we were drunk and stoned so we were totally fucked.

We didn't care, but at least we realized that we were doomed.

Came home.
Went to bed.

Woke up this morning at 7:30 to a Malcolm face. He climbed up into bed next to me and put his cold feet all over me. Didn't care... I was still mostly asleep but the cramps started setting in. The pain in my thighs and lower back... Agony. Chris woke up and got out of bed, I figured he'd get up with Malcolm but I also knew that I had to run to the bathroom.

I ran, but not fast enough. I took care of business and took some medicine that should knock the pain out in another twenty minutes or so. Then I went back to my bedroom and found my husband in bed. I got mad and said that I thought I was going to get to go back to bed considering my pain level this morning (and the fact that I could have a hangover, I don't, but I could). He said that Mal would be okay for an hour and to go back to bed.

Experience has shown that Mal is not okay when we sleep. Most of the time, yes, but there are those occasions that make (in my mind) the leaving alone of small child while Mom and Dad get an extra hour or two of sleep just a really, really bad trade-off. I have expressed this to him on many occasions. Don't go back to sleep in the morning-don't pass out on the couch... It's not worth the mess, the loss of property and hey! Never mind that he could seriously fucking hurt himself because you find watching shit on TV to be more important than getting to bed at a reasonable hour and need to sleep until ten or even two.

So here I am, instead of sleeping until the medicine kicks in (for some reason this shit really does take forever) I'm blogging and talking to Mal. I'm listening to music and wondering why the fuck I had to be born a gods damned woman.

So I need to have a cigarette and wash the dishes, get the laundry going and make some bread. *Confused* Make some what?

Yeah, I need to throw some dough together for french bread because I want the small loaves for dinner tonight. I do have to go to the store so I may see if they have any, but I find it easier to just make shit when I want something that deviates from the norm.

I mentioned store... I got laundry, at least three loads... I need tobacco... Chris has to go take a drug test today, I want spaghetti so I'm going to thaw the meat now instead of 4.5 hours from now... Simmer your spaghetti sauce and your chili for as long as possible, the flavor is so much better!!!

No you're not hallucinating. Chris really does have to take a drug test. I know, I know, you usually don't take those until you actually get the job. You get the job pending the results of your drug test, unless you fail you start work on such and such a date.

Well the lazy bastard actually got a fucking job.

It's not tech writing, and it's not retail management, but it's a job. Target, as a service clerk. So if you visit the Target in Mt. View (which is close but it's a shitty store and I won't shop there) you may end up getting checked out by a tall skinny Spa-Mexi-Jew. He'll be making... *drum roll please* $8.50 an hour. That's right ladies and gentlemen, minimum fucking wage.

Is it okay that I'm laughing?

I'm proud of him, don't get me wrong. There was a time when he would have refused this job because of the pay cut. But with this job we can probably hang on for another month without having to borrow any money. We won't be able to start paying back any of the money we borrowed, but at least we won't have to borrow any more. You feel me?

So that's where things stand in Noe-land today.
I suppose I should have a cigarette and get moving, but the meds haven't fully kicked in yet.
Oh well, I have time to clean my bong...
July 9, 2009 at 2:49pm
July 9, 2009 at 2:49pm
Okay... got the shit in there. The gods only know when I'll get around to "spiffy" so I just won't worry about it and I'll let it happen when, and if, it happens.

Yesterday... that would be Wednesday. Wow. First let me tell you what I did not do yesterday.

*Bullet* Make the dough for french bread
*Bullet* Make Oatmeal Scotchies
*Bullet* Finish washing the dishes

To start what I actually did accomplish yesterday I think I need coffee, a hit and a cigarette...

So now that a couple of hours have passed and I've not only done the aforementioned things but have also cleaned the kitchen and Malcolm's room let's start on what I did yesterday.

I started the day by throwing Malcolm into the car and going to Petsmart (which didn't have what I needed, but was fun nonetheless) then we hit the grocery store and the bank. We got donuts and didn't want to leave the bank because of the cool toys. No problem.

On top of taking care of Malcolm I did dishes all day long.
Made homemade au-gratin potatoes and chicken for four.
Washed, dried, folded and put away one load of laundry.
Called half a dozen vet clinics in search of the food I need for my cats.
Made two candles
Made 1.5 dozen blueberry muffins and 2 dozen banana muffins.
Made one batch of ginger crack cookies.
Ellen came over and I entertained her to a certain degree.
I sweated a lot.
I played some Animal Crossing and then went to bed.

It was a good day. You see now why I'm not beating myself up over the things that I did not get done.

All right. I have a lot to do today and nothing... interesting, to blog about so I'll leave you with the vision of me heading off to change my sheets, with perhaps a brief detour in the kitchen to play cars with Malcolm.
July 7, 2009 at 9:32pm
July 7, 2009 at 9:32pm
So still no spiffy. I have to find or take some pictures and figure out what I want to say/do in the intro. This kinda snuck up on me, I was expecting another hundred or so entries here.

It is good to know that some people are more excited by the "shit" part than the "spiffy" part. Gives me inspiration.

I need a fucking title too...

Throw something at me, if it sticks and I use it then you can be immortalized.

I worked again today and I'm fucking beat. Eight hours of being the only tech, who also ha to do all the kenneling duties and help out in reception... fuck. Usually I'm so bored I can hardly see straight, but today we had three anesthetic procedures, a mystery limp and a cat who we suspect may have been poisoned and was practically dead... and covered with fleas. It was sad, he's only three and is a beautiful brown tabby. Hopefully he perks up over the night and the doc can save him. There was also the dog that I had to bathe at the end of the day there. It was a crazy day for the clinic. If I'd had another tech it wouldn't have been so bad, but the doc and I had to do everything.

Then I had to mop all the floors.
I hurt.
Where's Jake?

My grand-aunt (grandmother's sister) sent us a check for $100. Out of the blue. she heard about our financial conundrum at my grandparent's house on Father's Day and that day she slipped me a $20 and said that it was a belated birthday present for Malcolm, but that I should go ahead and use it for food. I thanked her profusely. I got the card and the check and it just about made me cry. I intend to send her the sweetest, most wonderful thank you card.

I have an awesome family.

Chris and Malcolm are at a concert in the park over in Palo Alto with Chris' parents. Chris wants me to meet them there. I have no intention of leaving this apartment until tomorrow morning.

He still hasn't told me if he wants me to make the chicken.
I hope he doesn't mind tuna fish because that's what I'm about to make.
I'm fucking hungry!!

All I had to eat today was a grilled cheese.
I think I'm losing weight but I can't rely on the scale at work.
The one at my mom's place is pretty reliable so I'll try that one when I get over there again... in like two weeks. Yeah.

Chris' lazy behavior has hit a new low, or is it high? I don't know-you pick.
Last night he was mentioning how he needed a box, and then to sit down and take some pictures of some things... all for the various things he's selling on eBay. If nothing else his being unemployed is giving him the incentive to get this shit out of my house. For that I will be eternally grateful. Anyway, he made a comment about how it takes so much effort to sell things on eBay.

I rolled my eyes... like this guy... *Rolleyes*

I think that's about it in the stunning normality of my boring ass life.

Hmmm... I think I just found a title.

Good night boys and girls.

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