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Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #1808259
"I could eat alphabet soup and crap better lyrics then that." - Johny Mercer.
From June 2016 entries are entered into "The Bard's Hall Contest"   by StephBee

From May 2017 entries are entered into "Invalid Item"   by A Guest Visitor /right}
From June 2017 entries are entered into "Invalid Item"   by A Guest Visitor

From June 2016 entries are entered into "Blogging Circle of Friends "   by Lyn's a Witchy Woman

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I'm a writer, who doesn't write.
An artist, who doesn't paint.
I'm a blogger, who doesn't blog.
I'm a dreamer. And all I do is dream

I was born a donkey, but lived as a man. My parents sent me out from the paddock so that I could learn the secrets of corned bread. Seeing for myself the world of men made me curious because that was my weakness. Always my weakness. My hind-legs were strong and so began my masquerade. I became a man and walked the world of men.

I tasted many delights, and many disasters. But soon I found that I needed a thing called money. To continue my quest I would need to work. A courier seemed the most obvious thing. Although, was I not a man now and not a pack-mule? No. No couriers work for me. I chose a trade and worked in a factory.

I had not forgotten my quest for the secret of corned bread. Every night, while printing the newspaper on the night shift, I would see the grand old culinary designs in the food and drink section. There was so much more to food then corned bread.

Continue My Memoir of Magic and Dreams

This is my blog documenting my experiences on http://www.writing.com. In it, I will include my reviews of others works, links to offsite writings, and importantly, I think, moan and complain constantly about the machinations of this beautiful, sexy, inspiring and fearsome beast of a writing community.

I didn't do anything about my desire to write for over 20 years and I have a lot of catching up to do. I'm a little worried that I've left it all too late and I won't have enough time to become a good writer.

I'm always up for joining in on blogging groups and challenges, so if you have one - let me know here.

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July 7, 2016 at 10:41am
July 7, 2016 at 10:41am
Day 777 of the 30 day Blogging Challenge

Prompt:The Wildcard Round! Today's winner, as chosen by Virtual Dice from all eligible entries at some point over the weekend, will receive a News MB.

What's the first big news story you remember being aware of as a kid? (For reference, mine I think was John Lennon's murder, and I was five years old...but a one-sentence answer isn't a blog entry *Laugh*.)

The earliest news story I remember was when capital punishment was still rife. Terrible crime in itself, that. I remeber that this fellow was to be hung for a crime that didnt fit the punishment, and the noose broke. It turned out it didnt actually break, it wasnt tied properly and the poor fellow slipped through and broke both his legs. At the time it was a "a big noose story". 😎😎 Boom. Boom.

Okay, that opening anecdote had a bit of creative license thrown in (I made it up on the spot) but this next anecdote about big news stories is, unfortunately, very true. My uncle owned his own newspaper, which I worked at from the ripe old age of 8 until I scarpered town at the worldly age of 18. When I was 17, the fish and chip shop owner across the road from my high school was murdered by an escaped psychiatrist patient. He was locking up for the night , and the guy had a gun and a list of names. As unlucky as the shop owner was, it was fortunate that the escaped psychiatric patient was detained before he could ruin anyone elses life. I was working at my Uncles paper that night, and I got to see a different side to a man who , in my wise alternative world view, I thought was just a jaded business man. I was wrong. He was a newspaper man, and I consider myself fortunate that I got to see him literally spring into action.

Thats obviously not the biggest news story I remember, as that happened in my late teens, but it was a damn memorable one.

Other big news stories...
1. Bob Hawke (then Prime Minister) declaring that any boss who didnt let his employees have a day off was a bastard, after we won the America's Cup (big, important yacht race).
2. The younger guy in Ronnie Corbetts awesome sitcom Porridge having a heart attack and dying. I remember asking my Mum what caused a heart attack, and when she said "too much salt", I threw out all our salt. She must have loved that. I probably almost made the front page myself that day. Murdered by Mum!

10 Ways To Spot A Fake News Article

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A timely community message from our friends at How Stuff Works, quite fitting considering how I opened this blog entry! 😗😇😼😼
July 7, 2016 at 9:35am
July 7, 2016 at 9:35am
Day 668* of the 30 day Blogging Challenge

*668= the neighbour of the beast.

Prompt:War Chest Wednesday! A prompt from a previous challenger...

Write about your fears...fears that you have overcome, and fears which still exist within you.

I remember. I remember when. I remember when this prompt was used. Eeek!

No, seriously, I do. Ive written a lot on fear. Too much. So, a quick joke, then a link to the original blog entry, then a couple of portfolio pieces , also about fear. Then Ill be moving on, thanks.

 Dear Fear  (13+)
A letter to Fear in regard to the terrors I was exposed to as a child.
#1859258 by Thundersbeard 30DBC JULY HOST

 Dear Me  (13+)
Beer is the demotivator. Spoken word-style piece.
#1844470 by Thundersbeard 30DBC JULY HOST

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1871580 by Not Available.

if youre not that click-inclined, I have a new trick (who said you cant teach an old Dad new tricks?)....Dropnotes! Each of the pre-existing stories about fear will automagically appear before your glazed eyes. And the fourth dropnote is a brand new treatise on fear.

Dear Fear

Dear Me

Inhabiting Myself

Fear Itself
July 7, 2016 at 9:07am
July 7, 2016 at 9:07am
Day 555 of the 30 day Blogging Challenge

Prompt:Talk Tuesday!

How hard is it for you to get back into the swing of things after a long weekend?


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That hard.
July 7, 2016 at 8:53am
July 7, 2016 at 8:53am
Day 444 of the 30 day Blogging Challenge

Prompt:Rube Goldberg was a cartoonist and inventor, and he was born on this day back in 1883. He's best known for creating complicated drawings and gadgets that perform mundane tasks. Tell us about a time where you intentionally made something harder on yourself to do...be it a task, a project, or even an interaction with someone (if applicable). What made you do it, and how did you get through it?

Haha. this prompt! This is my life, for better or for worse. Being of an artistic bent, and being a farm owner (15 acres), and having 3 smallish children all of an impressionist nature; making things complicated , largely on purpose, is my thing. As a direct result of involving my kids in my craziness, my two boys want to be inventers and my daughter wants to be an artist/scientist. My wife just wants some normalcy! 😀

I like to repurpose things. I have made stairs out of tyres, I have built greenhouses out of water bottles, and I have patched together sheds and cubby houses out of scrap.

My next endeavour involves artificial rock using cement and oxide powders. I plan on making a 3 tier vegetable garden , more staircases, some rock ponds that will double as water tanks for plants in inaccessible areas, and some life size statues of my kids as chibis.

I currently have a station wagon I use to full effect, but my next car will definately be a van. I drool at the thought of all that wonderful roadside scrap I could collect and repurpose.

Artificial rock this year, but as I am retraining as a fitter and turner , I cannot wait till next year when I am studying my fabrication units (welding, braising, soldering etc) then we will see some cartoonishly complicated contraptions in the countryside!

Connection to the prompt? Gawd, any one of these things could be done in a simpler more practical fashion, but then it wouldnt be art!

And here, because all good inventers need their ideas popped everynow and again....
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July 7, 2016 at 8:22am
July 7, 2016 at 8:22am
Day 333 of the 30 day Blogging Challenge

PromptWashington, DC is reviving a campaign to become the 51st state in the union, and if successful the area's name could be changed to New Columbia. It's important to note that DC was established to exist outside of the borders of any state in an effort to not favor the Capitol's home state over any other in the country. Should the government allow DC to become a state or function like one? And if you do not reside in the US, but your nation's capital city is within

Why not just call it Washington State. Then you could have The State of Washington State. you could fill out forms..."State: Washington State. imagine the cheers and chants. State. State. Washing.Ton. State. We. All. Hate. The. Name. Washing.Ton. State. Hmm, better just call it Denzel.

On a lighter (!) note, my favourite Denzel Washington state of mind....
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July 2, 2016 at 4:02am
July 2, 2016 at 4:02am
Day 222 of the 30 day Blogging Challenge

How To Make Fake Poo.

Half a Jar of Peanut Butter.
1 quarter of a bottle of Chocolate Syrup.
1 cup of Oats.

The Recipoo
1. SPOON half a jar of Peanut Butter into a bowl.

2. SQUIRT chocolate syrup over all of Peanut Butter.

3. SQUELCH until paste.

4. HEAT on HIGH for 1 minute in a microwave.

5. CHUCK in 1 cup of Oats.

6. SQUIRT more chocolate syrup.

7. SPOON mixture out of bowl and place in sandwich bag. Seal the bag.

8. CUT a small hole in the corner of very full sandwich bag.

9. SQUEEZE concoction out of bag through small hole and onto surface of your choice.


And now, a community message:

What Does YOUR Poop Say About You

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July 2, 2016 at 3:49am
July 2, 2016 at 3:49am
Day 111 of the 30 day Blogging Challenge

On this day in 1941, the Bulova Watch Company sponsored the first TV commercial in New York City, NY. How do you feel about commercials? Is there a current or past commercial you're particularly fond of (or perhaps really dislike)? Tell us about it.

"I'm pretending my blog entry is a poem, because I have nothing really to say today."
I don't mind commercials.
People gotta make a buck.
I don't hate commercials,
I really hate it,
How they turn the sound up.
People gotta make it suck?

My favourite ad at the moment...in fact, this may be my favourite ad of all time...

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PROMPT: throughout history, stories have influenced a change in society (for example Jules verne's " from the Earth to the Moon, inspiring the moon landing, or 20000 leagues under the sea inspired the creation of electric submarines, or George Orwell's "1984" inspiring the NSA spy scandals, Using a specific literary work, explain how a novel might influence change in society.

I think all of these things are natural progressions of human endeavour, and not, as you say, inspired by literature.

Creative non-fiction like the essays of Peter Singer or the philosophical works of Kant has, however, influenced society in many ways. But then that is a given, as that is their purposeful nature.

I think you'd be hard pressed to find a true work of fiction that has influenced society in an original manner. Even something as impactful as Salmon Rushdies Satanic Verses, while influential, was just a reflection of one man's view on a culture/society.

Fascinating prompt and one I will explore more I think. I'd like to be proven wrong and find a truly visionary and world altering work of fiction.

Do you have any special plans for the summer ahead? What are they? If not, why?
Different hemisphere so for us summer is still a way ahead. So far away, it is a moot in god's eye. Winter is coming though. And so is Christmas. We have a nice warm, toasty Christmas to look forward to. Barbecue christmas lunches, Barbecue christmas dinners, we might even eat our cereal on top of the barbecue seeing as we have a theme going. Winter for us is work on the farm. It's wet, so it's a good time to light fires and burn away the summer's dry and fallen trees and branches (although I do prefer mulching these with my 13 hp mulcher). Winter is also a good time to dig holes for fencing, and do major excavations. In the summer the ground is harder then rock. Summer, we go to my wife's family's beach house. In winter, we go there as well! There is something breathtaking about a beach scene in winter. But that might just be the cold snap stealing kisses!
The summer ahead, the winter ahead: work and family and fun; and above all adjusting to the elements, living life to the fullest in the environment nature gifted us.
June 27, 2016 at 12:45am
June 27, 2016 at 12:45am

What was your reaction to the supreme court ruling announced today June 23rd? Do you think it was more political side-stepping to keep President Obama reined in or was there merit to leaving in the lower courts hands?

I've included a link in case you are not familiar with the latest disappointment for illegal immigrants.


I really don't feel qualified to comment on this issue. But you know I'm going to anyway, don't you. Although I don't really know enough about his particular issue to have a rock solid opinion, I do have some experience of the issue. I don't live in America, but my brother does. He has lived in America for almost twenty years. In that time he has had two green cards and multiple visas (that was the bit where I pretend I know it all works - I don't!) Except for the initial period where he was just being a typical Australian surf bum in Orange County, he has worked his entire time in the US. Never as an illegal immigrant, but he did come very, very close to being deported once in an event that was very, very unfair.

That is the crux of the matter for me. You need rules and regulations to protect the working rights of any countries citizens. That is just and that is humane. But you also need leniency and right of reply in those rules and regulations for when things don't fit in neat little boxes. That is also just and that is also humane.

The parents of US citizens being classed as illegal immigrants is one of those situations where things might not fit in neat little boxes. I have no idea if this issue stops at this example, or if this bill extends to other examples of illegal immigrants needing protection from deportation.

Let's end this blog with some vaguely relevant material.

Cats protecting dogs from deportation:

Cats protecting humans from deportation:

Cats doing the deporting:
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June 24, 2016 at 3:30am
June 24, 2016 at 3:30am
I love the fact that I have the freedom to vote, in this country, thanks to Vets like myself. I get excited about major election years, like this one. but the fact that i think the people running for most of the elections have lost sight of what they are supposed to do, and how the system was originally set up. tell me your thoughts about elections in a story, poem, rant or rave...

Curious Minds Want to Know: Will the domino effect of the Brexit decision put the US on a collision course with a depression?

I want you guys to know, that if I die in the next year or so (but especially sooner), it was the CIA. I was assassinated because I knew too much.

As an outsider (non-US), I have watched Donald Trump vs Hillary Clinton unfold. The entire time I have been thinking a thought that I've been keeping to myself. But now, I see that I'm going to assassinated in esteemed company...


Could Donald Trump be a secret double-agent, sent by Democrats to destroy their party from within?
Former Florida governor Jeb Bush, who has borne the brunt of more than a few Trump barbs, seems to think there's a possibility.
"Maybe Donald negotiated a deal with his buddy Hillary Clinton," Mr Bush tweeted this week, after Mr Trump cited a poll showing his supporters would stick with him if he left the Republican Party. "Continuing this path will put her in the White House."

Donald Trump used to be a democrat. I still think he is. Both Hillary and Donald have, and always have, worked for the CIA.

This election, YOUR election,has all been a "Wag The Dog" (Dustin Hoffman movie) moment of art imitating life imitating art.

The CIA believes the only way Agent Hillary Clinton could be elected to the USA Presidency is if a completely ludicrous and cartoonish candidate stood against her. Enter the Red Toupee aka Agent Donald Trump.

It's been nice to know you all. When you see my yellow case turn white, just remember why I was assassinated. And remember to keep quiet yourself.


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Donald Trump saying the economy performs better under democrats then republicans;
and also saying that Hillary Clinton would do a better job as US President negotiating foreign policy then any Republican could. No, brexit won't put the US on a collision course with a depression (or recession, as is more likely) -- The only thing that will help the US survive a recession is a Trexit if Trump gets elected. I see bad times ahead. A country is NOT a business.

 Invalid Item 
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#1867748 by Not Available.

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#1891027 by Not Available.

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#1808259 by Not Available.

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#2087688 by Not Available.

 Collecting Vignettes  (E)
A vignette is a brief evocative description, account, or episode. Slice of life stuff.
#1814023 by Thundersbeard 30DBC JULY HOST

Johny Thundersbeard
WDC Author of the Month May 2012
June 21, 2016 at 9:20pm
June 21, 2016 at 9:20pm
I joined WDC in 2011. My big year here was 2012. I got heavily involved in the 30-Day Blogging Challenge; first as a competitor, and then as an reengineerer, administrator and judge. By 2013 I was largely gone, due to personal circumstances. I got relatively close to some of the WDC community in that time, in particular the 30-Day Bloggers. I got a peek into their lives, and they got a peek into mine.

It's now 2016 and a lot has happened in my life; some things have happened that I never imagined could. Both for the bad and for the good. I would feel remiss if I didn't address some of my shifting life circumstances.

Because of it's personal nature, I have tucked the following away with one of those spoiler things. Just click the link, and the text will appear. Can't have just anyone knowing my business, can I?

My life from 2013 to 2016.

Johny Thundersbeard
WDC Author of the Month May 2012
June 19, 2016 at 10:10pm
June 19, 2016 at 10:10pm
Procrastinating studying. I have 2 exams this week as it's end of the semester. One of those exams I have tonight! My first exam is for Advanced CAD (computer aided design using AutoCad), and my second exam is for Robotics 2.

Advanced CAD I know I will pass, as I've completed the bookwork and know the program and the conventions of mechanical design using it fairly well by now.

For my own benefit, a list of knowledge areas I am to be tested on:

1--> Measure perimeters, areas and volume
2--> limits and fits
3--> parametric drawing
4--> polylines/splines
5--> auxiliary views
6--> changing the UCS
7--> dimensioning using absolute coordinates (ordinate method)
8--> archimedean spiral/involute curves
9--> script files
10--> sheet metal developments.

Robotics 2, I am a little more stressed about. It contains a lot of basic electrical exercises. I've never studyied anything to do with electricity or electronics, and as such have only a rudimentary knowledge of it. The class itself barely touched on reading circuit diagrams or schematics, and I have had to teach myself the basics of it.

I am a little worried about this exam.

It's going to be a make or break moment when I sit down and review the test.

I will either look at the questions and have access to the pockets in my brain where the answers lay, or I will look at those questions and there will be a gaping canyon with a broken rope bridge swaying in the wind, the answers forever locked on the other side.

Okay, back to work.

Let's leave you with a little something. I dare you not to get chills.
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June 19, 2016 at 4:22am
June 19, 2016 at 4:22am
Last time I was here, I rescued (from teff!) and restructured the 30 Day Blogging Challenge.

Then I hung out in the Steam Punk Guild and released a record breaking newsletter, The Clockwork Crier.

Who knows, this time I might actually finish some stories!

But you know what? One of the things I missed the most about Writing.Com while I was away - and the number one thing that brought me back - was the communities.

I liked being part of something, and I especially liked being able to communicate with down-to-earth writers like me.

For this reason...

 Invalid Item 
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#2087792 by Not Available.

I am somewhat of a writing academic. I think about the craft of writing a lot, and I read about the craft of writing a lot. Sometimes I like to talk about it too.

"The best time for planning a book is while you’re doing the dishes."
Agatha Christie

Letting in the theta waves is a great way to let ideas come to you instead of the other way round. And a great way to let those theta waves take hold is to do some mindless manual labor that puts your body in to automatic mode like exercise, or raking, or working in a trade, or doing the dishes.

In other words, dare to daydream.

This is a discussion forum and you are welcome to join me here to discuss the practicalities of writing.

When I find, or I write, interesting articles on the topic of writing, I will often repost them here, so keep checking back.

List of Topics Covered So Far:

The merits (and drawbacks) of Hand Written and/or Hand Drawn Journals.
What does it mean to write?
Naming Characters
Adding Characters
Constructing Flashback Sequences
The Changing Nature of Genre Labels
Pandering To An Audience Through Imagery
General Discussion on the Books We Read
The vagarancies of research (a win for libraries over internets)
The Greatest Writing Formula of them All
5 Awesome Ways to Plot Individual Scenes (the value of frameworks)

Storytelling is one of the most powerful techniques we have as humans to communicate and motivate.

What are your best tips for telling stories? Have you had similar experiences with telling stories?

I’d love your thoughts on this topic in the comments.

June 17, 2016 at 11:47am
June 17, 2016 at 11:47am
June 2016 entries are entered in to

"The Bard's Hall Contest

Look at the first chapters of two books in a similar category (eg. science fiction) by two different authors.
Glenn Cook’s Shadowline: book 1 in the starfishers trilogy
Cooks chapter begins in a study/office on a futuristic building. Cook works to establish atmosphere through descriptions of light and shadow and the room’s emotional connection to it’s owner.
For the most part it uses easily accessible language: adjectives tend to lead toward spirituality “miraculous” “mythological”. Not much happens in the way of action but we see quite deeply into the POV characters personality and current mood. There are 2 such characters, father and son.

Jeff Grub’s Starcraft: Libertys Crusade.
Grubs chapter is more irreverent, less emotional and strict 3rd person narrative with us only being privy to Michael Liberty’s thougts and feelings.

Beyond differences in tone and style, the major difference seems to be setting. Both are set in futuristic alien worlds but in Cook’s Shadowline, some effort is made to create an alien atmosphere (example of alien birds, plants etc). In n Grubs first chapter, the setting could be our future. There is no example beyond the naming of the city that denotes alien world as opposed to future earth scenario.

3. Name the two books you analysed in your set task, and comment on differences in style between these two authors.

Glen Cooks Shadowline and Jeff Grubs: “starcraft: libertys crusade”

Differences in style are primarily to do with POV, Cook uses multiple third person views in almost omniscient manner and Grub uses strictly traditional third person view thru the eyes of one protagonist.

And speaking of making comparisons, a lovely video comparing our incy-winciness with the universes biggy-wiggyness.

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You will feel small but you will feel big at the same time, I promise.

July 28, 2013 at 11:18pm
July 28, 2013 at 11:18pm
Another 13 entries deleted.

Collected my satirical four book zombies in mexico series "My Mexico" into one volume. Takes out a lot of the Andy Kaufman style humour, but I'm on a budget.

Interesting. Found these in one of my writing course folders.


Ash: That's a bad one.
Jet: That's not what I'm trying to do.
Max: Right!
Ash: You ready?
Jet: Black.
Max: Yeah, black!
Ash: You ready, Jet?
(long pause)
Jet: Yes.
Ash: Okay. My turn to choose the land.
(long pause)
Ash: I'm a flower-pet. I've got a flower on my head.
Max: I'm...
Jet: Can you fly though?
Can you fly Ashley?
Max: I'm...
Ash: What?
Jet: Can you fly, Ashley.
Ash: YES.
Max: I'm
Ash: (hushed) you lost all your points.
Max: Jet, you know me? Ow! I'm straight on you. Brrm
Ash: (silly voice) I won! I won! I won!

5 minute conversation listen to my kids playing Nintendo Wii. Only the older two are playing, the younger is just watching while playing with a matchbox car.

The strangest part of this transcription is that there was a real turn-taking going on with the speaking. There was next to no overlapping. Except when Max decided to drive his car on Jet's legs.

There are three kids in my story, and I can see that they are not elaborate with their descriptions when talking. It would be out of character to have my daughter Ash info-dump, even though, at 7, she is very smart and very good at articulating her ideas and thoughts. I know from experience, not transcribed here, that when she is explaining something to me, she takes great care in choosing her words and forming her sentences so I can understand her. I'm not as smart as her, after all.

Most of my other interactions were with workmates. We are a disparate bunch, but all share a nefarious sense of humour.

Currently, an "app" called Hey Tell is doing the rounds at work. It turns your phone into a walkie talkie, and you have 30 seconds to say something before it sends out the voice message to the others in the Hey Tell "group". I have taken to changing my profile name to other work mates and impersonating them to humourous effect.

Some of the speech patterns I have adopted, namely catch phrases of my work mates, are things like dropping the last letters off words and exaggerating the "eye" sound into an "oi" sound in words like "side". By changing tones, it is relatively easy to imitate some of my workmates voices especially if they are older or ethnic.

July 28, 2013 at 9:44pm
July 28, 2013 at 9:44pm
 Invalid Item 
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#1613313 by Not Available.

Thank you for submitting feedback for this item. Your reviews are stored within your My Feedback area for viewing at any time. This review's is ID #3882105. WritingML Invalid Review yields: Review of "Nanobots Part 1 - Treatment"

Once again another very fluent story.

I like the level of technobabble. Without being too complicated, it holds up.

You make this stuff look easy. I do think it would be harder to hide the new bulk though. Especially around the neck and jowls/cheeks.

I wonder how long you have been writing stories like this?

Well done.
July 28, 2013 at 9:09am
July 28, 2013 at 9:09am
 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1639169 by Not Available.

This review's is ID #3881922. WritingML Invalid Review yields: Review of "Derelict"

I had to get all the way to the end to find a mistake!

*he reach behind Lisa's back should be he reached behind lisa's back.

Great story and much longer then you usually find around here. It didn't suffer for length at all. It was a very captivating tale. Well done.
July 28, 2013 at 1:46am
July 28, 2013 at 1:46am
Winter cleaning. Another season. Another 35 items deleted from my portfolio.
July 19, 2013 at 6:14am
July 19, 2013 at 6:14am
tick tick tick

My membership is running out next month. I've just copy and pasted this entire blog in preparation of it being deleted. Bit sad, I liked it here.

I've also gone through my portfolio and pruned it so it falls under the free member ratio.

It will be funny if I start using the site again once everything I liked about it is gone.

May 9, 2013 at 7:56am
May 9, 2013 at 7:56am
Hey Joe, what do you know. I've been writing this tale for over a year now. It started off as a punctuation exercise in my New Horizons course and has, at times, taken over my mind.

Upon my return to WDC this week I set myself the goal of entering a writers cramp and a daily flash fiction each day. I didn't intend to continue anything, but upon sitting down to write for Arakuns Daily Flash Fiction found myself continuing Ethan Drane's dark western tale.

It's still unfinished, and as such I have never made a portfolio entry for it. I've always just put it here in the blog as I added bits. An unintentional blog exclusive!

This has been the longest story I've ever written, not counting collaborations with Wyrm. I am hoping to finish it one day. Then I can start working on the second draft! I'm thinking for the second draft I might turn it into a dark Americana steam punk story on a frontier desert world with riding lizards instead of horses. No, really, haha, I'm not joking.

Ethan Diane Exclusive

 Invalid Item 
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#1867748 by Not Available.

The Detailed Writing Prompt Comp  (E)
Multiple, Big Prizes plus PUBLICATION. Every entry wins Gift Points. JULY Prompt up!
#1814391 by Thundersbeard 30DBC JULY HOST

 Invalid Item 
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#1808259 by Not Available.

 No Rest  (18+)
A joint project taking turns to write about the Zombie Apocolypse
#1832624 by Wyrm

Michael Thundersbeard
Artist, Writer, Father, Factory Worker.
(and husband too!)
May 9, 2013 at 2:50am
May 9, 2013 at 2:50am
Copying my blog over to my wordpress blog in preparation of not continuing my full membership here.

Then, clean out my portfolio so only new stuff is here.

Chris and I are working on No Rest again. I want to keep the momentum going by writing, writing, writing. Which is not so easy for such a fearful, insecure, procrastinator like me. I enjoy typing though, so that's something.

Thank you for submitting feedback for this item. Your reviews are stored within your My Feedback area for viewing at any time. This review's is ID #3855893. WritingML Review of "Books." yields: Review of "Books."

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