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Rated: E · Book · Experience · #2050107
A Journal to impart knowledge and facts
July 22, 2015

I'm going to start today to record on a daily basis whatever happens to strike my fancy. So, it is a very cool breezy day. I just posted 5 short book reviews to The Monthly Reading Challenge. I'm suppose to put away some winter wood today from the woodpile outside but I'm playing hookey from work to write so starting this blog will get done.

I'm having a daily fight with a flock of English Sparrows that are trying to take over my barn. They are making a terrible mess so they have to go. I have destroyed several nests so far they don't leave but they get out of the barn when I am around. I'm just starting the fight so I guess I don't know how far I have to go to discourage them.

I'm trying not to spread myself to thin on WDC because I find so many things that are interesting here and I am trying to work on a new story. I really enjoy sitting at my desk with a cup of tea and reading blogs on WDC.

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March 16, 2022 at 11:19am
March 16, 2022 at 11:19am
#9 One hit wonders? Did this fate befall you? Why or why not?

Red Dragon

The Tour is over. As we disembark from the Cruise ship we are approached by Miss Starz Turnip, a reporter for the Melody Review magazine.

Miss Turnip waving a pencil says," Hi. I'm Miss Turnip could I get a quick interview for the Melody Review."

Andre slides a kazoo out of his vest pocket. He chatters ook, ook, Then, screeches eeeeeeeeeee! Then he slides up to Miss Turnip and sings ook, ook in his kazoo.

Miss Turnip looks startled and takes a step away. I intervene. " My muse has no comment, but Andre would be happy to play Smiling Chimpanzee for you."

Miss Turnip a little spooked but she stands her ground. "Could I just ask if any of the reports of unusual problems that might have plagued your tour in Europe have any reality?"

Andre says." OOOOOOO".

I poke his shoulder and tell him, "talk to the lady."

I can see this is not going to go well so once again I speak up. " You can be assured our musical tour was a success. The song has lots of fans and children all over are now practicing kazoos instead of practicing shooting guns."

Miss Turnip is writing on her notebook. " OK. Are the two muses going to write more hits?"

"That question is a little pre for us. Right now, Andre has to get back to his bar. There isn't time for these two to write enough music presently to put out a whole album. Who knows what the future may bring. We appreciate the interest of your magazine and our fans. We will let you know if any more songs get written."

Just then Andre breaks out in a kazoo rendition of Smiling Chimpanzee. The three of us walk away, while Miss Turnip continues to scribble in her notebook.."

We quickly grab a cab to the nearest airport. Then, passage homeward to the bar. I have to admit I kept watching around for more reporters.

March 15, 2022 at 5:31pm
March 15, 2022 at 5:31pm
signature dancing owl


The world tour was a blast. Trumpet guy went along to be the opeining act.

The tour started in the street in front of the WDC's entry. Trumpet guy was in the street doing short notes of the ook ook ee ee chorus for Smiling Chimpanzee. Then Andre picked up the tune and played the whole song on his kazoo, a couple of times.

Apondia came prepared with a crate of kazoo's. She went down the street to all the cars backed up, honking their horns, to clear the street. She gave out directions and kazoos to children in the car about how to play the song on their new kazoo.

At the end of Andre's performance, they had to scramble out of the street because traffic was impatient to get moving.

As trumpet guy and Andre left the street the cars rolled noisily by ooking and eeing.

The tour progressed across the state and country on route 66. It stopped at kindergartens and on people's lawns, and gradeschool classrooms. Anywhere children were inclined to learn the song on kazoos.

The tour group gave away thousands of kazoos as the tour bus progressed across the country. It began to attract the media. A lot of fame starts this way.

Mostly, it was a good time. Hmmm. Except that one time when a driver who was waiting impatiently, while the group did an impromptu street concert. I guess the driver was trying to cover his ears and steer the car at the same time. The driver had 3 children in the back all playing the song on their kazoos. Someone told me later, no one was injured except the car has a new dent in its' bumper.

On one stop Andre had to be dragged out of a bar. He plays the song different when he has been drinking. The whole tour tried to keep better track of him after that incident.

When we reached the coast, we boarded a cruise ship on its' way to Europe. Half way across the sea the captain was really kind. He ordered a helicopter to take us the rest of the way and paid for it himself. He said it was a shame to keep such talent on the cruise ship any longer.

In Europe the kazoos and the tour were welcomed everywhere we went. With the world in such an up roar over pandemic and now war it's difficult to judge the outcome. It is certain, that the song is becoming well known. For that one thing the tour must be considered a success.

The trumpet man left and returned to the USA and the bar halfway through the tour. He said he was homesick. And, there was no one there to unload all the vodka and other supplies onto the shelves. We certainly missed him but, continued on for the sake of getting the song out to every country who would allow us to sing our song.

Nevertheless, when it came time to return to the states I for one was happy to go home. When we returned, we actually were able to get the same cruise ship back to the states. Somehow during boarding we lost all contact with our kazoo instruments. The crew couldn't find any of our things we needed for performing until the day we disembarked. Also, the captain said something about keeping silence on the open seas just to be sure the ship stayed safe. It really was a great tour.

March 14, 2022 at 2:05pm
March 14, 2022 at 2:05pm
write a song

signature dancing owl*Music1* 7

The Smiling Chimpanzee, a song by Apondia's muse and Andre the muse

Music notations above the words are for a 17 note Kalimba. It is in the key of C. A6 & C..1 are played together.

*Smile* ing Chimpanzee

C1 E3 E3 G5 G5 D2
My nest is in a tree,

D2 D2 A6+C..1 A6+C..1

Ook Ook ee ee

C1 E2 E2 G5 G5 G5 D2
High up in the Can-op-y.

D2 D2 A6+C..1 A6+C..1
Ook Ook ee ee

C1 D2-E3-E3 F4 G5
THe Le-an-a are mine,

D2 D2 A6+C..1 A6+C..1
Ook Ook ee ee

C1 E3 E3 G5 B7
I swing on the vines.

D2 D2 A6+C..1 A6+C..1
Ook Ook ee ee

C1 E3 G5 G5 C1 G5 C . 1
I'm a Hap-py Chim-pan-zee

D2 D2 A6+C..1 A6+C..1
Ook Ook ee ee



March 14, 2022 at 11:17am
March 14, 2022 at 11:17am
Why they decided to collaborate?

signature dancing owl6 ?? *Jamming*

Why are they collaborating? Because, I bought a Kalimba just before Christmas and my muse, who has no particular name, has been watching me (with some amusement) translate some songs I particularly like, over to easy kalimba notation. Andre agreed to help. We had a jamming good time. Andre supplied information about Ape's living in trees. He is also very good on the Kazoo. The song they wrote, as written can be played on the Kazoo. As a matter of fact, I think a lot of music can be played on the Kazoo, without much practice.
March 14, 2022 at 11:03am
March 14, 2022 at 11:03am
What song and Why?

signature dancing owl *Music2* 5I think?

I have to admit I'm a little confused. Seriously, about how many prompts I'm writing. So, I'm just following notations I made on a tablet when this all started. So, just encase I miss the mark just smile and move on. *Smile*

The song they wrote is called. {Smiling Chimpanzee *Smile* Because, whenever I go to Andre's Bar I notice his wide Chimpanzee smile.

As, my muse and Andre were collaborating they chattered and laughed all the way through it. Andre agreed to help. The muse was asking questions about what would make a Chimpanzee happy. The muse decided, that since Andre is not a normal Chimp, the song should note some actions that any Chimp even Andre could be found doing.

I think a note here is wise. Monkeys usually do not swing on vines. They run across limbs to jump from tree to tree. Apes, which denotes chimpanzees, have the length of arms and muscular structure to swing on vines. The only human I know who also does this is Tarzan. Ok. Onward to the music.

March 7, 2022 at 4:18pm
March 7, 2022 at 4:18pm
Prompt 4? With what great musician did Andre Study?

Red Dragon

Pinkfong is an extraterrestrial alien fox. He has pink fur, magenta-colored eyes, and a golden crown on his head. He wears a gold star necklace that holds magical powers. Reference: Bing {Pinkfong | PINKFONG Wiki | Fandom pinkfong.fandom.com/wiki/Pinkfong_(character)

It is one of the main focuses of the show Pinkfong Wonderstar. Yes! I can see why Andre would study music with PinkFong. What I want to know, did he travel to South Korea to study or stayed at the California studio? If he had a chance to climb any coconut trees near the studio, were there any casualties. He has a bad habit of throwing down coconuts without checking to see who might be below?

Like all famous and infamous characters Pinkfong has his own Wikipedia page. I do wonder if Pinkfong is a passenger in the alien ship sighted over New York City. I read it in a news alert last week. Yes! A real news alert. How did you miss it?

The "Baby Shark" song is well written for kazoo. All that jumping around in the "Baby Shark," song makes the song look like it was intended for monkeys. And, human children who quite often resemble energetic primates.

I've been talking with my muse. I'll let you know if there is any news about the next prompt. As soon as I can. Aloha.

March 7, 2022 at 3:47pm
March 7, 2022 at 3:47pm
Andre got fired and why?

signature dancing owl

I was reading my way through the Banana Bar archives when a rain and high wind-storm came up and knocked the computer off the Wi-Fi. So, I'm guessing that Andre was fired when the Banana Bar was closed for a nonconformist situation. This is probably related to, when the bar was inspected for health violations? According to the article I read there were a lot of unusual problems The problems related to the bar being run by a monkey?

I don't remember reading about the Grand opening. That came later so, I guess the chihuahua's weren't involved in the firing process.

Some of the problems seemed made up by the health inspectors. Like surely, Andre would have washed his feet before mixing drinks or making sandwiches with his toes? I suppose if he got really busy at the bar it could have been a problem. Maybe the inspectors were just not familiar with monkeys? Oh well, whatever, it's over now and the bar is reopened.

It probably only happened because Andre was new to the business end of running a bar. Running a bar combined with his duties as a muse were a lot to handle for a human let alone a monkey? Could have happened to anyone. Right? I don't remember reading any specific amounts of words related to this prompt? Guess I better keep reading. Maybe I'll come across more information.


March 4, 2022 at 3:43pm
March 4, 2022 at 3:43pm
Andre's favorite Genre, favorite artist, and why?

signature dancing owl

I 'm not the most knowledgeable person about genre. So, I decided it would probably be free ee style. Then, I listened to some freestyle music on YouTube. What I was hearing wasn't much like Theta waves. It did seem like something a monkey might be enamored with.

If his best instrumentals are done on kazoo a person, he might admire is Barbara Stewart, who is maybe the only professional Kazooist known in our society. Certainly, she is a talented player of that renowned instrument.

I know this is rather short. My excuses are I just finished and submitted my 2021 tax returns, and my brain is slightly fried. Plus, I have to go shopping for a kazoo of my own. I just Seem's right somehow. I must have played one of these when I was very, very young. Plus, if Andre can play one maybe I can too.

I wonder what monkey screeches sound like coming out of one end of a kazoo.?
March 1, 2022 at 4:56pm
March 1, 2022 at 4:56pm
As I understand it this is the first Prompt for blogging with Andre in March, dealing with music?

signature dancing owl

1 .What Instrument does Andre Play?
3. And with who has he performed?

As Andre knows I'm a journalist. Even my muse is grounded in reality, so it isn't easy to answer questions of this nature? However, with Andre's help I learned that he is exceptionally fond of the Kazoo.

Why? Because I learned on a Bing search, that there are three rules to playing the Kazoo. 1. Put your mouth on the wide end. 2. Hum your tune. 3. Stop if you're driving someone crazy. As everyone knows ignoring the third rule is an ingrained habit in Andre's personality.

Andre says you can make a kazoo out of a carrot, but it is pretty awesome if you can figure out how to make one out of a banana? Even Andre hasn't figured that out yet. Mostly because he eats the banana before he finishes making the kazoo.

Who has Andre performed with? I'd guess lots of bands. For instance, Jimi Hendricks and The Red Hot Cili Peppers have used kazoos in their music. I read that in a search on Bing but, I could not verify any specific music by either band.

I did find an announcement that the original Red-Hot Chili Peppers will be releasing an album on April 1, 2022, called, "Unlimited Love." The date may throw some fans.

There is a possibility Andre played with the Cadets when they were playing, "Stranded in the Jungle."

Surely, Andre was playing with "Lucid Dreams" at the Grand Opening of the bar.

In any event I learned a lot about the kazoo. Andre has picked an exceptional instrument to play because, there are not a lot of people playing the kazoo professionally. It's one way to become well known in the musical world.


January 28, 2022 at 11:06am
January 28, 2022 at 11:06am
Funny Friday. Final Day. You know what that means... Funny Final Friday

You and your muse are invited to the Blame on my Muse Awards Banquet. Write about the event in today's blog entry.

Merit Badge in The Pub Bunny
[Click For More Info]

   Happy, Happy Birthday!!
As you can see Pubby is celebrating your Birthday! A birthday gift


Once again, Andre the Blog Monkey's bar was a glorious decoration of wildly growing tropical plants. Heavy green vines and riotous color was growing from the ceilings and the walls. The tables were filled with bloggers who had come to celebrate the awards banquet.

The bar was serving Banana Daiquiris and the new vodka drink Andre had introduced as well as bountiful cups of coffee and even some tea.

On a platform set up to the left of the room Apondia was standing next to a microphone at center stage flicking it with her fingers to see if it was turned on.

Let's get this started. If everyone will give me your attention. Andre has given me a few minutes for some opening remarks. We are thanking Lilli and the Basement Guy for the fine decorations tonight. Let's give them a hand.

As people stand up riotous clapping and cheering are occurring. Apondia floats both hands in a downward
move and people sit down.

First, I have sent my muse to the basement to get some participants in tonight's festivities. My muse has been gone for a while, so, because it went to the basement I don't know when it will return or if it will return.

Second, for those of you who are experiencing some mental problems including barking sounds and growling within your mind. I want you to know my muse and I were at the Shelter for homeless Muses this week. We are fostering a Jack Russel terrier type muse. I wasn't going to bring it here.

However, my muse did bring it and turned it loose in the room right after we arrived. It is running around trying to give everyone it touches an adventure of a lifetime to write or just experience.

For those of you who are not familiar with a muse or insist muses don't exist, there is a new commercial hitting TV which will send you to a website, where you can hire a therapist to deal with your mental stress.

Another thing I want to express is about the Shelter for homeless muses. It has the most amazing types of muses there. So, if you are experiencing a lack of writing ideas, be advised for a couple of candy bars as payment you can take home enough wildly unusual muse to give any writer a brain change.

I see a hand waving at that table. What? A question? Sure, go ahead. I don't know. Ask Kevin who runs the shelter. Maybe they would take it back? Probably wouldn't give back the candy bars. Rent a muse? Maybe, you better ask Kevin.

Just then the door behind the bar opens. A couple hundred monkeys flow into the bar. Grabbing vines many of them swing into the air hooting and howling like monkeys do. Some of them sat on the floor on the stage others sat on top of tables all over the room.

Apondia whispered, I see you made it back.

The muse responded, I hope I did not bring to many. There were a lot of them around today.

Apondia clapped her hands several times and asked for quiet. Munchkin come up here please?

Munchkin a rhesus monkey hopped up on the stage. She was wearing an astronaut suit. Munchkin has a request for me to tell you about. Munchkin is a few times removed relative of Albert the first monkey person in space. If it were not for Albert, there would not be any type of space flight for humans. He gave his life, not necessarily his permission, so science could make space flight possible for humans. So, Munchkin thinks we should all lobby congress for a special holiday in Albert's name for all the monkeys of every variety over the years that have given their health and life to further any type of scientific breakthrough that benefits mankind. As you go home tonight think about it and call your congress man or woman. Anyone who makes it to the moon, mars, or beyond from the earth owe their travels to monkeys.

The last order of business I want to mention is Monkey Shines. You may not know it but there are hundreds if not thousands of people thinking about monkeys. Monkey emblems, movies, and holidays out there are dedicated to monkeys. The monkeys will be passing out cards with a website on it you can look at and think about how important monkeys are on the earth. Many are endangered, because they are losing their habitats on the earth.

There are also cards on the bar you can pick up that will send you to the website. The website is actually a part of Monkey Shines a way to celebrate a lunar Day or any day you choose. You can learn more on Facebook if you go to the monkey shines Facebook page.


I'm finished. Let's turn this celebration over to Andre and Brother Nature or Lilli. Whoever is in charge of giving out the awards. After they are finished, we have a band called "The Monkeys". You can dance the night away. Oh! a last note. Don't try to follow the monkeys home. You could get lost in the basement or even run right into a cement wall.

Have you ever watched monkeys dance that's a lark?

word count: 932 - prompt 34 = 898

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