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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/books/item_id/1311011-Porthole/day/4-2-2023
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1311011
A terminal for all blogs coming in or going out. A view into my life.
Started July 1st 2019 for contests, etc. as other blogs are filling up and have other purposes.

Ferry boat between Solvorn and Ornes across the Lustrafjord i Sogn og Fjordane.

I'm starting a new blog because
L'aura del Campo  (13+)
Online journal capturing the moment and the memory of moments. A meadow meditation.
#982524 by Kåre Enga in Montana
had over 1,200 entries and that was getting close to full. I don't want to trim it by deletion. I did that once, much to my dismay. Will be used more for poetry.

Hoarfrosts from Hell  (GC)
Anything I'm not happy about or that I don't want in my main blog!
#997339 by Kåre Enga in Montana
is still hidden from the public and will remain so. It's more personal and full of angst. Was used for 30DBC for May 2020 and now used for Blogville.

Enga mellom fjella  (13+)
Enga mellom fjella: where from across the meadow, poems sing from mountains and molehills.
#1317094 by Kåre Enga in Montana
was full... until the number of entries was increased. A mixed blog, mostly stories.

I'll be linking to
On The Write Path  (13+)
ON THE WRITE PATH: travel journal for Around-the-World in 2015, 16, 18.
#2032403 by Kåre Enga in Montana
as I need to post there about my travels.

O Pinions!  (XGC)
May my opinions gather wind under their wings and fly, perchance to soar.
#1501776 by Kåre Enga in Montana
is for my opinions. *Laugh*

Nurture your Nature  (13+)
Look around. Let Nature nurture your Soul. I record images I sense and share them here.
#1439094 by Kåre Enga in Montana
was set up for nature observations and musings.

Watt's Gnus  (18+)
On topics and today's gnus. Definitely opinionated. Set to 18+ for a reason.
#1439092 by Kåre Enga in Montana
come out of a need to share interesting stuff I come across. When I was young I did a small newsletter named as such. (or was it column in the newsletter? Been 30 years... I think.)

Flash Fiction  (GC)
Short 300 word, more or less, "stories" .
#2190336 by Kåre Enga in Montana
is where I put my flash fictions. Maybe someday I'll figure it out and have enough good ones to publish. Ratings vary and some are hidden from view.

I've started an appendix (I no longer have one personally) to keep track of my Space Cadet journals for Space Blog. It's a work constantly under construction. Mind the mess.
Space Cadet - the never ending journal  (18+)
Journeys of an Alien Space crew.
#2226611 by Kåre Enga in Montana

I needed to start a folder for contests as there are so many deadlines and details to remember.
Conquest ... to keep track of contests  (18+)
A place to keep track of in progress works and up-coming deadlines as well as any awards.
#2233119 by Kåre Enga in Montana
(also very messy!) *Shock2*

Blogville   (XGC)
Where bloggers meet and greet to read and share. No required prompt. Alias: blogville.
#2253938 by Kåre Enga in Montana
is for posting personal blog entries in hope that folks will comment and post their blog entries there as well. I will be commenting on all blog entries posted. It's my effort to rebuild a blogging community.

Bibimbap 비빔밥   (13+)
Left-overs piled on hot rice and mixed.
#2296648 by Kåre Enga in Montana
an E blog focusing on food and culture. Easily digestible for the Queasy and Questioning.

April 2, 2023 at 9:46pm
April 2, 2023 at 9:46pm

but i'm a birdie, and the next hansa is oh-four-thirty, wake up and sing along with me... written at 04:09.

It's 04:09 and I put water on to boil as I'm awake, puzzled by a wakening-dream of escaping troops and hiding under the wharves.

In Thailand it's a hot red-day. In Montana it's a cold false-spring.

I wonder how long it will take for my body to adjust to this time zone. Since the passage of time is divided by artificial human constructs, perhaps I'm merely passing into timelessness. How long one is dead is irrelevant to the Dead.

Does Time matter to the Dying?


Almost time-to-sing.

The term “Hansang” means “a table full of food to welcome guests or gather family for festivities.

What is the meaning of Hagsaeng? 학생 • (haksaeng) (counter 명(名), hanja 學生) student, scholar, school pupil.

Online discussion comment I made re Islam, Arabic and the Qur'an: "Gregory Garecki: How many folks in Iceland know the Icelandic from 1000 years ago? Most. Yes, the language has changed but having a well educated population has kept it fairly close to the original. Even oral traditions can survive for hundreds if not thousands of years. Regardless, classical Arabic is still taught, as it has been for over 1000 years. The Islamic World was educated at a time Europe wasn't. Education, even reading Sacred Texts, was limited. And English? Didn't exist. It evolved from multiple sources. The KJV actually helped stabilize the language, as did Shakespeare; but, English continues to evolve.

Regardless, some religious people are nitpickers and ignore the larger picture. For me, spirituality trumps dogma."

There came a reckoning
to the days
as the Sun exposed them
for what they had done;
and to the boy
shivering in the shadows
afraid of who he would become. [14]

Responded to "Entry #1 of the April 2023 Contest


Tumultuous week... almost over. Having trouble getting back into this time zone.


Got money, checked balance. Went to post office and picked up bank statement.

I have enough to get a long-term visa in Thailand.

I checked one-way flights.

I ate rice with raisins and an Asiago bagel with cream-cheese.

To Steve: "All stories should be recorded. Perhaps elicit his thoughts about the threat of combat. That fear can color a person's life. It affected mine. I lost 5 years being on the cutting block then graduated to a recession that when it was over I was faced with the reality that only veterans were being hired... combat or no combat. I was frozen out of a job because 99 wasn't a high enough score.

Absolutely boring except for years of anxiety and depression."

To Brian: "I braved 90 degree heat (one day of 102) to come back to a pleasant 50 and snow on the mountains. Snow can be a wonderful inspiration. Hunger and heat? That too but I'll take the Snow-copolypse."

A Steven prompt: "Happy Celebration of the Awakening Moon"

I hung out in Butterfly Herbs. I saw Lundy and Nancy, spoke to John and Terra, and Gwen. Ran into Hobie on the way back.

I visited Travis and now have internet again.

It's now 01:34 and I'm tired but awake. This isn't good.


A day that lasted over 30 hours. 1 am fight from BKK. 8 am walk to the lounge in ICN to snooze for 9 hours. 5 pm. 10 hours flight to SEA that crossed the imaginary line where Tonight becomes Morning again. Noon-ish in SEA for a 3 hour 'break'; flight delayed. 6 pm in MSO. Ride cancelled. Ran to the bus. Walked home from the station, arrived after 7 pm.


Very bad bad day of tears. Thanks to Max, Rob and Ped.

Pannya and me go to Wat Arun.


Long hot train ride to Krungthep (Bangkok). Hard to find the connections to/through Mochit to Rechathewit. Pannya unhappy and tired, and hungry (as always).


I made reservations at Pinto.

I wanted to change flight but it's too complicated for my pea-brain. Pannya sleeps. There's too much to do today and I need his help.

I may pack light.


© Copyright 2024 Kåre Enga in Montana (UN: enga at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Kåre Enga in Montana has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.

Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/books/item_id/1311011-Porthole/day/4-2-2023