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Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing · #1677545
"Putting on the Game Face"
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This blog is a doorway into the mind of Percy Goodfellow. Don't be shocked at the lost boys of Namby-Pamby Land and the women they cavort with. Watch as his caricatures blunder about the space between audacious hope and the wake-up calls of tomorrow. Behold their scrawl on the CRT, like graffitti on a subway wall. Examine it through your own lens...Step up my friends, and separate the pepper from the rat poop. Welcome to my abode...the armpit of yesterday, the blinking of an eye and a plank to the edge of Eternity.

Note: This blog is my journal. I've no interest in persuading anyone to adopt my views. What I write is whatever happens to interest me when I start pounding the keys.

May 31, 2020 at 9:43am
May 31, 2020 at 9:43am
These quotes are taken from Dr. Stephen Greers's Book Unacknowledged.

"UFO research is leading us kicking and screaming into the science of the twenty-first century." J Allen Hynek, Project Bluebook.

"We already have the means to travel around the stars, but these technologies are locked up in black projects and it would take an act of God to ever get them our to benefit humanity." Ben Rich, former head of Lockheed Skunkworks 1975-1991.

"We now have the ability to take ET home." Ben Rich, former head of Lockheed Skunkworks.

"It is my thesis that flying saucers are real and that they are space ships from another solar system. I think that they possibly are manned by intelligent observers who are members of a race that may have been investigating our Earth for centuries. I think they possibly have been sent out to conduct systematic, long-range investigations, firs of men, animals, vegetation, and moire recently of atomic centers, armaments and centers of armament production." Professor Hermann Oberth (1894-1989). German rocket expert and founding father of the space age.

"I would do it (Study UFOs) but before agreeing to it, we must insist upon full access to discs recovered. For instance, in the L.A. case, the Army grabbed it and would not let us have it for cursory examination." J. Edgar Hoover. Letter to Clyde Tolson, July 15 1947.

"I can assure you that flying saucers, given that they exist, are not constructed by any power on Earth." President Harry S. Truman, April 4 1950, White House Press Conference.

"In the councils of Government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, wether sought or unsought by the Military Industrial Complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals so that security and liberty may prosper together." President Dwight D. Eisenhower, January 1961.

"Of course the flying saucers are real and they are interplanetary." Air Chief Marshal Lord Dowding, Head of the Royal Airforce during WW2. Quoted in Reuters, August 1954.

"There exists a shadowy Government with its own Air Force, its own Navy, its own fund raising mechanism and the ability to pursue its own ideas of the national interest, free from all checks and balances, and free from the law itself." Senator Daniel K Inouye.

"According to some estimates we cannot track $2.3 trillion in transactions." Secretary off Defense, Donald Rumsfeld, September 10 2001.

" We have, indeed, been contacted---perhaps even visited---by extraterrestrial beings, and the U.S. government, in collusion with other national powers of the Earth, is determined to keep this information from the general public." Victor Marchetti, former Special Assistant to the Executive Director of the CIA.
May 29, 2020 at 7:31pm
May 29, 2020 at 7:31pm
Let me begin this discussion with some brief background. Zecharia Sitchin, as a young man, believed the word "Nefilim," had been incorrectly translated as "Giants" in the Book of Genesis. In those days nobody was supposed to question the bible. The King James version was venerated as the unadulterated word of GOD. Sitchin felt that a more accurate translation was "Those who came down." He taught himself to read Sumerian and derivative languages which included Akkadian, Babylonian and ancient Hebrew. From an early age he was something of a savant, showing unusual aptitude and skills in the language arts. He was well qualified to see the truth incised into the cuneiform script and interpret what he was reading. He might not have had all the academic degrees, but he was well grounded in the science of his day. He lived in modern times and saw flight, aerospace, semiconductors, fiber optics, the computer, internet and the cell phone. He was over ninety when he died.

A key to his understanding occurred when it dawned on him that the language artifacts he was translating referred not to mythology but rather actual events. What was being described so lucidly by highly intelligent scribes was not campfire banter, but rather an objective rendition of what these scribes saw themselves or gleaned by reading the texts of their equally qualified predecessors. They served a new ruling class that had just taken the reins from the Anunnaki, who were space travelers from another planet. The Anunnaki had reigned over the fertile crescent for many thousands of years. Sometime after the great flood they packed up and departed.

It was not uncommon for the Nefilim rulers to reign for a thousand years or more. In a tablet that shows the accession of kings from earliest times, there are the early kings who commonly ruled for a thousand years or more, who were the Nefilim and then their were their humanoid descendants, who did well to rule for a decade or more. What the tablets were describing was unimaginable in the 1800s compared to what we know today. However, when academicians first successfully broke the code and began translating scripts they assumed the stories were myth. To Sitchin, these tablets were anything but and had laid dormant, gathering dust for tens of thousands of years, waiting for their story to be told...which he obligingly did.

The scribes wrote about things they'd witnessed, experienced, heard from their elders and read from mud tablets passed down from the beginning of recorded history. An ancient civilization of space travelers, THOSE WHO CAME DOWN , about 445,000 thousand years ago, landed in the Persian Gulf. There were fifty (50) in the advanced party. The tablets cover the early years in great detail. The Sumerians referred to the space travelers as the Anunnaki.

Let me stress here that these tablets are the first written artifacts of recorded history. It would seem that they should be given more weight than they get. Digging up bones is fine, sifting through burial mounds is fine, however written proof is as good as it gets and we should pay more attention to it.

The Anunnaki had a ruling class called the NEFILIM. The Anunnaki were the rank and file. ENKI was a son of ANU, King of Nibiru. He was a Nefilim, and while the son of a king, his birth did not place him in the line of succession. He was a formidable commander and led the advanced party that first came ashore. He built the first settlement by siphoning off the waters and turned the swamp into lands suited for habitation. He also launched the gold mining operations and built a space port. For many thousands of years Earth was a profitable colony of Nibiru. Then one day there was a revolt in the mines of South Africa. The Anunnaki had become weary of the harsh working conditions and when they could endure no more, launched a strike. The shutdown severed a vital link in the distribution of gold from Earth to Nibiru. ANU, the King, came to Earth and brought with him Enlil, Enki's half brother and legitimate heir to the throne. The two sons became rivals and eventually started a war.

Enki, already had a plan for rectifying the labor problem but had to get official approval. It was to take an earthly hominid woman, fertilize her eggs with Anunnaki sperm and emplant them in surrogate Anunnaki females. The offspring would then be shipped to South Africa and become the new labor force. Some were skeptical but business concerns carried the day. The go ahead was given. Enki's half sister was his chief medical officer on the expedition and put in change of the biological aspects of the undertaking.

So the stage was set for the most amazing development in the history of Mankind.
May 29, 2020 at 9:30am
May 29, 2020 at 9:30am
There is a big difference between what the Anunnaki are said to have done, in jump starting humanity, and what humanity has done in scratch starting robotics and artificial intelligence.

The claim is that the Anunnaki took an egg from a hominid "Ape Woman," fertilized it with Anunnaki sperm and used Anunnaki women as surrogate birth mothers. Their goal was to create an intelligent work force to help in their mining operations. It was what we call today "In-vitro fertilization." However, what is further covered in the text, hints that the process was somewhat more sophisticated than "Test Tube" babies. In addition, as related in the Tower of Babel story, there appears to have been a mechanism for switching off or garbling some of the capabilities the Anunnaki did not wish to share with the humans. In the Adam and Eve story, two of these were reproduction and immortality.

What humanity is doing is building from the ground up, an electro-mechanical life-form and what the Anunnaki did was upgrade an existing biological life-form. However, as we progress, we might want to give thought to what we engineer into our robotic helpers.

There are similarities and differences in the two approaches, however, both raised similar concerns. One was a fear that the creation would evolve, overtake and maybe even surpass, or usurp the "Creators." The Anunnaki were not "all in" on this decision to produce a product improved humanoid. The new humans were hardworking, prolific, smart, and sexually attractive. The Anunnaki had intercourse with the human females, who bore them offspring. The hybrids were smaller and lived shorter lives, but were essentially a robust, virulent mixture of the two races, and rapidly became a dynamic melting pot. So there were concerns about diluting the bloodline, and what to do with the workers once gold mining ceased to be a viable undertaking.

When it was discovered that a big chunk of the polar ice cap was about to break off and melt into the oceans, the Anunnaki reembarked their space craft and sat out the tsunami or "The Great Flood" from polar orbit. When they returned, most of humanity had perished except for a few who escaped in an ARK. How, this was enabled, is also recorded on the cuneiform tablets, and found its way into the Old Testament.

So like the Anunnaki, humans need to be giving some serious thought to how much of ourselves we plan to give and how we intend to pull the plug, if robots become an existential threat.

The Anunnaki gave this matter some serious thought.

May 28, 2020 at 11:29am
May 28, 2020 at 11:29am
The Sumerian Civilization is as far back as we can go in history and find a written record of what went on. Their cuneiform tablets record a wide range of activities about daily live, culture and their historical origins.

When the tablets were first unearthed, they were often part of libraries, but their script pervaded the culture and extended into artworks, business records, matters of state and most importantly HISTORY.

It is the historical context that makes them so interesting. First off they predate everything else. Stories in the Bible have their roots in Sumerian culture. Biblical figures resided in cities from this time. Events such as the "Flood" are related in considerable detail inside a context of what happened leading up to and continuing after the deluge. However, it isn't the biblical references that make the tablets so fascinating but rather their attribution to "The Sky People" as those beings who first visited Earth and established civilization. This is truly astonishing!

To the early scholars, of the 1800s, who labored to translate these texts, we owe a deep debt of gratitude. However, these academicians didn't have the same perspective we have today. They attributed the historical narrative to mythology, rather than actual events. It took more contemporary scholars, who lived to see spaceflight, computers, and breakthroughs in medical science to realize that this was not the stuff of legend, but rather, the story of visitors from an advanced civilization.

These were the Anunnaki who came to Earth looking for gold. They needed a workforce so they "Genetically Engineered" hominids. They did this by donating some of their own DNA and manipulating the result.

Now I'm not trying to persuade anyone to the validity of Zecharia Sitchin's work. If you want to learn more you can read his six books. He was a brilliant researcher and gifted translator, with a connectional mind. If you have more interest read M.J. Evan's, Ph.D, book, Zecharia Sitchin and the Extraterrestrial Origns of Humanity. It provides a good summary and overview.

What I'm really interested in, is a supposition. I'll ASSUME that Sitchin's claim is true, and that what the tablets reveal is not mythology but historical truth. As I'll show in future blogs, this operative premise has profound implications, particularly in the field of Artificial Intelligence.

I need to get this down before I forget... I dreamed it last night and struggled to retain enough of the thread to relate it to my wife.

Anyway I was talking about the Anunnaki and made a connection about some of the stuff I have been listening to on the Internet, as it relates to Artificial Intelligence.

The claim is that mankind got jump started and bi-passed many millenniums of evolution

..."Those from heaven to earth came in search of gold." It was found in abundance, in South Africa. The Anunnaki followers of Enki, their leader, had to toil in the mines. After awhile this mining became so onerous, the miners rebelled. Work came to a halt. The Earth mission was in jeaprody. A solution had to be found.

"Then the Nefilim chief scientist came up with a solution. He said, "We can create a primitive worker, a Lula-amelu, somebody who will do this work for us. The Anunnaki Leadership Council said to him, "How will you create such a thing?" Enki, their Leader, said that, and this is a quote from the text, "This being already exists. All that we have to do is put our mark on it." Then the text, in great detail, described the process whose modern parallel is test-tube babies. They co-mingled the genes of one of their young males with the eggs of an ape woman... and after mixing the two, re-implanted fertilized eggs in the wombs of some of their own females. (Prologue xvii)"

The science for doing this, while inconceivable a hundred years ago, is by today's standards, commonplace. It's called In-vitro fertilization. If the Anunnaki evolved from a similar genome, then obtaining progeny from the egg of an ape woman is conceivable. However, accomplishing what is claimed, by that process alone is a bit of a stretch. First is not a very sophisticated method for achieving the high end result they were after. This is akin to breeding mules. Second, in order to achieve the product being sought it seems there was more to the process than represented above. What I'm referring to is gene editing using a CRISPER like technology.

May 27, 2020 at 7:48am
May 27, 2020 at 7:48am
Sometimes I write stuff that is good, so good I wonder how I ever imagined it. I'm such an ordinary person with no special talents or particular aptitudes. I flunked the fifth grade. My teachers told my mother that I was mildly retarded. Hell, I believed them.... and worse, still do.

So you can understand how when I used to write this poetry that seemed pretty good that I wondered how somebody stupid like me could be writing things that were clearly beyond my pay grade. Eventually I figured it out. It wasn't coming from inside my head. My biocomputer, (BRAIN) did not have the capacity for what I was doing. When it experienced overload I got referred to the next higher level. Sure my noggin had some capacity, and I could perform mundane writing tasks, but when I exceeded that Random Access Memory (RAM) in my brain, it was like a switch flipped and something kicked into overdrive. It seemed like my pea brain, realizing it was in hopelessly over its head, handed me off to a higher cosmic source. I was no longer alone in doing all the computing but like a computer modem something connected me to a greater awareness. In other words I was tapping into an outside source.

I was an enigma to my teachers. I remember once in the fifty grade my teacher wanted us to do a candle making project. In searching for the materials she couldn't find any wicks. She asked the class if they had any suggestions. Nobody responded...the other students sat like a bunch of mutes. So I raised my hand, which surprised her, since I seldom had anything to say.

"Why don't we bring a table candle from home, put it in the form and pour the paraffin around it?"

Her jaw dropped... turning to the class she said, "Did you hear what Percy just said?" Now I'd been eager to do the candle project and frustrated that we couldn't. The answer popped into my head straight out the blue, and I got the distinct impression that my muse whispered it to me because she didn't particularly like Mrs. Jones. (For the record, I was in awe of Mrs. Jones, she was stacked and drop dead gorgeous. Something always stirred when she came near.) I remember seeing a flicker of bewilderment in "Jonsey's" eyes and sensed some doubt, perhaps from remembering she'd just told my mother what a moron I was. SURPRISE! The class idiot solved the problem.

Now yesterday, I mentioned the Greeks and this thing they called the MYSTERIES. I've long suspected that this was more than what we commonly give them credit for. This is not akin to some sort of religious experience that comes from sitting in a pew and praying on Sunday. I believe that the Greeks were tapping into an altogether different source. When we look at all the Greeks were able to achieve in virtually every level of human endeavor, one has to wonder if maybe their greatest breakthrough was being led by an Oracle, into a different realm... a state of mind that connected to a greater corporate awareness. Instead of a distributed, individual link to reality, there coexists, a larger repository swirling about in a foggy interconnected universe.

As humanity struggles to understand who and what we are... as beings we can learn a great deal from our invention of the computer. Our first attempts were with a box that sat on a table and this was analogous to a human brain. Then came the next development, which was an ability to network the boxes together. This was analogous to people interacting with one another and taking advantage of those with special skills and knowledge. The third big development was the CLOUD. Here is what I'm getting at. Computers can today access the corporate knowledge of humanity with a search engine. It's like having a library at your finger tips. Our biocomputers (BRAINS) are able to manage the first two functions but we never really got into the clouds. Why not? We've long suspected a psychic connection but dismissed it as nonsense. Well it's real, and as writers we use it every time we get beyond our individual capabilities, lament our frustrations and cry out for help.

Now I know that saying this, welcomes a healthy dose of derision from those learned minions of Science. You know those self proclaimed experts who point to some Psychological aspect of cognition like Freud, and attribute it to some subliminal source buried deep in the mind. In my view this is pseudo intellectual BS. When something I know little about, or ever remember thinking about, suddenly appears, written with a sophistication that's totally beyond my ability, then that to me is evidence of a cosmic repository out there that someone can actually tap into.

Now here is where it gets a little fuzzy. When I feel like I want to write, or my mind is full of the vicissitudes of life, I can still write but what I jot down, clearly comes from inside my head. Surprisingly when I don't particularly feel in the mood to write, and think my MUSE is out to lunch, this is when I seem to best connect. Note I just used the word MUSE. Think about it. Writers constantly refer to this creative entity, yet almost always with a chuckle or sigh of levity. Writer's acknowledge it's there, perched on their shoulders, but pretend to not really take the idea seriously. It is however, a serious manifestation. When you connect to the cosmos you can go on a rip and achieve things you never thought possible. That's because knowledge and understanding is not a function of how much RAM you have but rather a supplemental capability, a modem that connects to a humongous repository of understanding. There's no limit to what one can do in this state of mind. IMPOSSIBILITY is artificial, and if you limit yourself with negativity you impose constraints that hamstring your real capability. Don't do that!
May 26, 2020 at 7:48pm
May 26, 2020 at 7:48pm
Since I've been on a bit of a metaphysical theme for the past couple of days allow me to continue.

First let me say that the metaphysical got us nowhere in our early development as humans. All that malarky and spiritual abracadabra did little to launch our species. What really got us out of the trees was the Greeks introducing humanity to reason, logic and the problem solving process. This was the basis for SCIENCE and through this process and discipline man progressed by leaps and bounds. No longer were we constrained by mystery and superstition.

This is not to say that spiritual endeavor is just a bunch of mumbo-jumbo. It only says that it didn't really contribute much to man's advancement out of the realm of "Might is Right." Now the Greeks, in addition to all their other startling developments, made the claim they'd achieved success in achieving a spiritual breakthrough ... a new level of understanding about what we today consider, Metaphysics. It wasn't voodoo, it wasn't Ouija-boards, and it wasn't about GODs and Demi Gods and all that. To the Greeks the Gods and matters of the spirit were very different constructs and involved different activities. Praying to the Gods was one thing and is today well understood, but the MYSTERIES are not. At some stage in a Greek man or woman's life they were taken somewhere to a place we might describe as etherial. Again it was not the Temples and all those Gods we read about in mythology.

A priest or priestess from one of the Oracles initiated candidates into an experience described as the MYSTERIES. An oath of absolute secrecy was required but what little we know about it was that it was a formative and uplifting experience and left a profound and long lasting impression on the initiates. They often referred to it indirectly when facing the turbulence of their times. I mention this because it could be something was lost to the ancient past, something often scoffed at in these progressive times ruled by reason and science.

I know! I know! Where are you going with this Percy...? My time is valuable!

I'll begin the answer with a question. Have you ever written a poem or piece of prose or exposition and had your jaw drop open? Have you ever looked at something scribed on your CRT or jotted down on a piece of paper and surprised yourself? Have you ever thought as you read something particularly interesting or good you've written, "Wow! This ain't half bad, I can't believe I wrote it." However, there sat the evidence, in plain sight and no denying that your fingers stroked the key pad or your pencil etched the words. It you've never had this experience then read no further. Consider this vignette so much hocus-pocus.

If you have I've some news for you....YOU DIDN'T! Sure you stroked the keys or pushed the pencil but the evidence of what you wrote did not come from inside your pin headed little brain, but rather from a source with a more cosmic origin.

I'll let that soak in a day or two so check back for the next installment.
May 25, 2020 at 5:38pm
May 25, 2020 at 5:38pm
When I first started writing it was poetry. I really liked Rudyard Kipling. My favorite was Gunga Din.

As my writing began to mature I got into writing Stage Plays. Shakespeare was my guide. I really liked iambic pentameter.

Then my interest shifted to writing novels. I carried over experience in poetry and the stage. Sound resonance remained a part of my writing style. The words obviously needed to show and tell, but they also needed to resonate... you know, sound right.

Sometimes when I dream there is a common theme, which is the rhythmic, metered, rhyming of a poem. I see myself struggle to integrate the three into a compatible string of language symbols. Now days I realize that most poets like free verse. That's fine with me, and if that form and style gives a poet pleasure then I'm all in on it, as long as it's someone else doing the crafting. When I read free verse it's like listening to "Stream of Conscious" prose. It often makes no sense and leaves me non-pulsed. Nothing seems to stir inside when I read it.

Writing poetry that is structured, rhythmic and rhyming is hard to do. The form requires concentration, and the knack for keeping several balls in the air at the same time. It harkens to a primordial past where chants, percussion instruments and dance once performed for the spirit the way that current media focuses on the eyes and our conscious awareness.

Edith Hamilton said that Pindar was the greatest poet who ever lived but gave strong praise to Kipling. Since I can't read Greek I'm left with my old pal Rudyard. Reading his Barrack Room Ballads, one is struck with the beauty as it comes together with a seeming effortless grace. Unfortunately, Kipling wrote in the language of his times and that language is no longer "Politically Correct." Simply stated he used the "N" word and modern educators are taken aghast. They call him a racist and a bigot... but that is absolute bull.

If you read Gunga Din, you'll see what I'm talking about. Within the context is a Non Commissioned Officer (NCO), doing the poetic rendition, and this guy represents a particularly irreverent and down to earth class of soldiers. The poem is about an NCO, shot in battle and tended by an Indian water-boy, from the lowest of India's casts. In the course of events the water boy is shot and killed. In the end the Sergeant makes the claim that this "low life" Gunga Din is a better man than he is. How can that be viewed as "Racist." Sounds like pretty high praise, considering the source. Yet Kipling has been consigned to the dust bin of history for using the language of his times. You won't find his work in any grammar school textbooks in the United States today. I was blessed being raised in more tolerant and enlightened times and thrilled to reading Kipling, who told stories in a poetic form, that is all but lost to us today. I used to go into my favorite pub and recite his work to a hushed and delighted audience. It remains as powerful now as it was then, if you take a bit of license transposing some of the more shocking words into bloodless liberal prose.

So where is this going? I can only speak for myself. Learning from an early age the difficulty of this form forced me to relate ideas while keeping three balls in the air at the same time. I consider myself a poor practitioner but the discipline of the exercise became a valuable asset. Some of my critics have disparagingly called me a wannabe Dr. Seuss. For me this comparison is high honor. What is interesting is that this form requires a poet to twist and convolute the structure of language in a way that is the anthesis of free thought. Free Verse appears to me as the first gobbledegook that comes into a poet's mind. What happens in structured poetry is that the thought can't escape the poet's mind until it meets the criteria of the form. This leads the poet away from an obvious expression and into dimensions they would otherwise never consider. It is almost like relinquishing control of your mind to the influence of cosmic forces beyond ourselves. You can express yourself using your own lens or allow the flow of an outside influence to help guide your narrative.

May 25, 2020 at 9:18am
May 25, 2020 at 9:18am
I believe that someday, when we are smarter, it will be discovered that certain philosophical ideas will be traced to their cosmic origins, and like the Periodic Table of Elements, be understood as elemental.

TRUTH is one of these. For the Socialists and Communists, and Intelligence Agencies, truth is no more than a perception. They feel that if a notion is repeated enough it becomes truth. Their misinformation and propaganda is founded upon this principle. Much of the Media, sometimes referred to as "Fake News" believes this as well. Those editors, who decide what to print, are much more influenced by economic forces than any concern for the truth. The same can be said for "Scientists." There are media whores and there are science whores.

The CIA has made claims like, "We own the Media" or "You will know the full extent of our success when everything you believe is false." For scientists it is the carrot of grants they find so tantalizing and irresistible. The prospect of fame and fortune, will make them sacrifice their core values in a heartbeat. For the media it's all about money. For the scientists it's all about prestige. Look at all the Wuhan Flu experts who let greed overshadow good judgement. It's a disgraceful but sad fact of life.

So where am I going with this? What is the nexus of truth and cosmic equilibrium? The nexus is that truth and untruth balance out. For every truth there is a lie and for every lie a truth. It's like matter and antimatter, or gravity and antigravity. One must eventually cancel the other out. For one to bloom another must decay. For every step forward there's a step backward. One can see the model playing out around us and influencing our daily life.

Take for example President Trump. He has done some good things for this country but it's been a sheer agony. Arrayed against him is an undercurrent of tidal forces that are pulling back. Progress is made but it's only transient. No doubt there are destructive forces inside the man which would probably destroy him if left alone. Ironically it is the counter force of the Left that keeps him upright and prevents him from toppling over. The President gets to choose the moral high ground for his battlefields and the Democrats are stuck with the up hill fight. For them it's unsustainable and untenable. In a figurative sense they're sustaining horrific casualties. Watch what happens in 2020. The nation should be grateful to the progressives because their negativity makes Republican success possible.

Another great example is the ET coverup. I have to hand it to the three letter intelligence agencies. They have kept the secrets of an alien presence from the public for over three quarters of a century. They must be very proud of themselves. There used to be a child's toy with a plastic box where a clown's head popped up. When you pushed down on the head it popped back up from another trapdoor. Equilibrium is the operative word. But there's another.... TRUTH is elemental. IT CAN NEITHER BE CREATED OR DESTROYED. It is what it is. The form can be distorted, blasted with lies, and hammered with misinformation. It can be made to writhe, flop around and contort. Its appearance can be disguised or made to look like something it isn't, but it's still the TRUTH regardless of the "makeup" it wears.

May 24, 2020 at 10:24am
May 24, 2020 at 10:24am
The effect of good writing is making the flow of information as easy as possible. It is more than using abstract symbols to transfer information from one mind to another. Rather, it's also arranging those language symbols in a manner that allows the thoughts to move effortlessly off the medium and into the consumer's brain. There are many aspects that go into this process. Some of these are editorial, artistic, logical, presentational, emotional, and compatible, naming but a few.

Editorial: It is easy to think that writing copy full of grammatical errors is fine, as long as the message gets across. This is a dangerous assumption. Just as someone assess others by their actions and appearance, so do readers assess a writer's skill, competence and credibility by the quality of their manuscript. Sure, a consumer can and will decipher intent but the more glitches, the more effort it takes which impedes the flow of data. It takes extra work and this detracts from an easy understanding of the material.

Artistic: Reading something well written is like seeing an object in a museum, artfully rendered. It creates a sense of wonder, even awe and the lens of the mind opens wider to take it in.

Logical: The arrangement of the information the writer imparts is also important. The human mind tends to process data with an eye to a beginning, middle and end. We like to see problems identified, facts provided, possibilities considered, analysis, conclusions and recommendations. There is an optimal sequence to this informational flow and the closer a writer comes to achieving it the better.

Presentational: If one can imagine a cave man telling a story or providing a verbal history, it's not just the information being imparted but how that information is being presented. Those early story tellers, relied on creating the most vivid imagery they possibly could, in ways that made the listeners receptive to what they were seeing and hearing. They danced around, shook rattles, brandished spears and made the most delightful and horrible facial expressions. It's not only the substance, which lies at the core, but also the manner in which it cries out to be received and processed by the mind.

Emotional: An appeal to the emotions is as important as an appeal to the intellect. Before humans learned the formal processes of reason and logic our ancestors used their emotions as a default in processing data. If it looked good, smelled good, felt good, tasted good or sent a telltale sensation, it was emotion that caused humans to act the way they did.

Compatible: It is important that the data resonate with what a person has learned earlier. Humans like patterns and order to guide their thinking and character development.

No doubt there are many more of these aspects that I've overlooked. Those above got only a lick and a kiss. Good writing is an appeal to all of these and the more skilled a writer becomes the easier it is for the consumer's mind to soak up and understand what's being fed into their bio-processors.

May 20, 2020 at 7:37pm
May 20, 2020 at 7:37pm
General Flynn and the Dryfus Affair.

I remember reading in High School, Emil Zola's ,"J'accuse" story.

In the 1880's a French Artillery Captain, Dryfus, was charged and convicted of providing secrets to the Germans. A follow-on investigation revealed that another French officer was the real leaker. The difference between Dryfus and the other officer was that Dryfus was Jewish. Even after the new evidence was revealed, anti-Jewish sentiment was so divisive that half the country, could not admit that a travesty of justice had taken place. This Anti-Semitism was particularly virulent in the French Military who held the tribunal. Dryfus was sentenced to life and shipped off to Devil's Island.

However, since the exculpatory evidence was withheld, and later leaked to the press, it resulted in a new trial. Dryfus was brought back and again found guilty by a military court. Public outrage reached a fevered pitch. The French President pardoned him. A civilian, higher court of appeals cleared him of all charges. He was reinstated as a Major and went on to serve in the Army.

So what does this have to do with General Flynn? There are some remarkable parallels. Flynn was unjustly accused of conspiring with the Russians. He was illegally "unmasked." Zealots in The Justice system lured him into a perjury trap to which he plead guilty. He was destroyed just as Dryfus was. The only difference was the nature of the punishment. General Flynn had his honor and reputation ruined, he lost his post as National Security Advisor, he was destroyed financially and endured a three year legal battle that left him broke. Bad as that sounds, I suppose it beats Devil's Island.

The similarity is that while it did not pivot on religious intolerance it did pivot on political ideology. Long after the facts ceased to be of much importance the zeal of the Left and their refusal to admit the error of their ways, continues, right up to the present. Even after the Justice Department withdrew the case against Flynn, Stevens, a left leaning judge, has refused to allow the case to drop and continues to persecute an innocent man. The Liberal, Progressive, Socialist Democrats are today just as bad as the racially intolerant French were, in the 1800s. Some things never change.

May 16, 2020 at 11:37pm
May 16, 2020 at 11:37pm
One of the events that has been verified by so many sources as to no longer be in question is that two alien craft crashed in Roswell NM in 1947. Every effort imaginable was undertaken to cover the event up and I won't go into all the unethical and ruthless means this entailed. Despite the full weight of the Government being brought to bear, none of it could wash away, the stain of all the lies. The truth of what happened has endured the test of time. Two alien craft crashed in the desert, there were bodies recovered and one was still alive. The surviving crew member was named Extraterrestrial Biological Entity 1 (EB1). EB1 helped get a recovered device working and that enabled communications with a group of ETs who came to be known as EBENs. This led to a contact in the late 1950s when a craft landed and recovered the ET bodies. The following year an exchange was worked out and twelve astronauts were sent to an EBEN planet. It was similar in many regards to the Steven Spielberg Film, First Encounters of the third kind only it took place at Area 51.

Around ten years later eight returned to tell about their experiences. There used to be a video of a high ranking Air Force General welcoming them home which could still be on the internet. It appeared to be authentic and probably was since drawing attention to something that was alleged to have never happened makes zero sense. Subsequently a source named "Anonymous" released information that gave a summary of their experiences. The leaking of this information became the source of Kaston's book, Secret Journey to the Planet Serpo. Also released in the dump by Anonymous, and perhaps of even greater import, is Appendix 12 entitled, a Framework for Public Acclimation. In this appendix, written in bureaucratese, are twelve short declarations revealing essentially what has been learned about extraterrestrials.

Before continuing allow me to say again, that the presence of Extraterrestrials and the back engineering of crash artifacts is the most closely guarded secret of our lifetimes. It dwarfs the Manhattan Project, and every tool of the intelligence services has been brought to bear to keep it under wraps. It has succeeded, where the Atomic Bomb secret failed, because it was removed from government oversight and compartmentalized. Only a select few were shown the broader context and none of those who actually worked on the back engineering, ever got to see more than a snippet. Despite this, bits and pieces leaked out from time to time and when they did, the three letter agencies were all over it.

Now this begs the question why? Is it greed? Is it the American military's desire to be the first to exploit the new technology? Suffice it to say the answer is probably a good dose of both. But could it have been more? For example were we delivered an ultimatum to get our act together? Could the EBANs have warned us that there are deadly forces afoot in the Universe? Could it be that an evolving world, once it acquires nuclear capability, or breaks the confines of planetary gravity faces some sort of a litmus test? Could it be that if we fail to measure up to some standard, that the human race faces expungement? Who knows? What I do know is that when Admiral Wilson confronted the "Gatekeepers" he was told that the back engineering of the alien artifacts was proceeding with "An Agonizing Slowness." What this translates to is that we're no closer to understanding the EBAN technology then we were three quarters of a Century ago.

On one hand I rile that the most incredible event in human history has been withheld and on the other have to ask myself if there was some valid reason. I hope that when this all comes out we'll see that Big Brother was justified. That the self appointed Elites had good cause for keeping this monumental event from the eyes of the public. What I suspect however, is that under the veil of secrecy our finest minds have not been "Read In" and after frittering away seventy-five years to prepare for a looming threat we are still totally unprepared. Think of all that might have been accomplished with more openness, reaction time that has been flushed down the shit hole of incompetent management. I'm skeptical that our "Gatekeepers" have made good use of the time and fear that after years of fruitless effort we are no closer to understanding how antigravity works than we were when that group of Truman appointees were empowered with deciding our fate. A more likely scenario is that the coverup continues to be orchestrated by these secretive nincompoops who are afraid to admit, the mess they've made of things.

May 13, 2020 at 1:25am
May 13, 2020 at 1:25am
For the longest time I was unable to figure out why the word on the street was that the Russians wanted Trump to win the 2016 election.

I told my wife months ago and wrote in my blog that it made absolutely no sense. There was never any need for telephone monitored calls to realize that Russia was all in for Hillary. The Steele Dossier made that plain enough, but there was more.

It had to do with National Interests. Sure, Putin was angry at Clinton, when as Secretary of State, she sent this flagrantly gay ambassador to represent the United States at his inauguration ceremony. That was "Personal" however the Russians do not let PERSONAL dictate how they conduct foreign policy. The Soviets have always and will always, base their foreign policy on National Interests.

So the question was, which of the candidates would best serve Russia's National Interests? Was it Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump?

With Clinton they could expect eight more years of Obama Socialism and a stagnating economy. They'd prospered during the Obama years and climbed out of the doldrums, becoming once again, a Nation State that had clout in International Affairs.

With Trump, they had a dyed in the wool Capitalist, who might just get the US economy revving again and the very thought of that was very disconcerting. They needed no reminder that it was Ronald Regan, also an avowed Capitalist, who ended the Cold War by creating an economy that led to the collapse of the Soviet Empire.

Now this is not hindsight talking. Think about who you would have wanted for President had you been in Putin's shoes.

So where did all the misinformation come from that fostered this nonsense about the Russians wanting Trump to win? Now, it's coming out. The intelligence agencies knew for a fact who the Soviets wanted to win. HILLARY! Brennen, Clapper, Comey and even the Russians believed all the media hype that she was a shoe in. Brennan didn't need electronic surveillance to tell him how the Communist mind works. He is one! He didn't need his desk flooded with alarmed telephone calls out of the Kremlin to understand how the Russians think. Instead, he took National Intelligence and used it to create a false narrative more suited to his political agenda and elitist world view. He sat on the truth of how the Russians were reacting to the bad news. I can only speculate on WHY but I have a deep seated sense that he's one of those ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT supporters. That he is part of the World Banking and Petroleum Cartel, fueled by limitless offshore money, hell bent on destroying the US economy. In his view the United States has to be hamstrung, and brought to its knees. Only then can its great wealth be redirected in a Socialist redistribution scheme, to foster a new world order.
May 10, 2020 at 6:32pm
May 10, 2020 at 6:32pm
What's this country coming to? How low can the Democrats go? Just when you think matters can't get worse more revelations come to light. Obama and his merry band of conspirators will no doubt go down in history as the most corrupt bunch of sleaze-bags in the history of the Republic. For Example:

We see Clapper giving testimony before Congress that he saw no evidence of Russia collusion. Then we see him on CNN saying the opposite.

We see Adam Schiff telling God and the world that he has evidence that President Trump committed Treason, yet when his documents are revealed there's not a whiff. On the contrary, despite his claims of having "Inside Knowledge" Schiff's records show that at no time did he ever have the slightest factual evidence to back up his claims, ones he openly and covertly leaked to the press.

The same goes for Brennan. When put to the question before a Senate Committee he's a veritable Sergeant Schultz. "I know nothing." Yet this doesn't keep him from making wild claims and writing editorials, that attack the president's character. His tweets read like an adolescent trying to impress an English teacher by spouting a bunch of adjectives.

So what is going on here? Their left hand says one thing and the right another. Simply stated, you can go to jail for lying in a court of law or before a congressional committee. Conversely, In the United States a citizen is free to say anything, and the FAKE NEWs is free to broadcast it.

There is a digression here that is worth noting. Some media outlets are slightly more diligent in fact checking their work. The unwritten rule is that an outlet needs two independent collaborating sources, to go with a story. Thus when Comey and the Intelligence Agencies were insisting on a daily briefing to blow smoke up the President's ass, he said "No". This really ticked Brennan and Clapper off. So after the briefing Comey remained. He told Trump about the Steel Dossier, and how he needed to listen to a daily intelligence briefing in order to know what the world was saying about him. Trump thought he was being blackmailed. After the briefing Comey went back to his office and called Clapper. "Mission Accomplished," he said. What this meant was that he had just told Trump about the Dossier. Comey was source one. Clapper then picked up the phone and leaked it to CNN... How often have you heard the caveat, "Two highly placed sources in the administration have revealed...." That is how the "Golden Showers" narrative was leaked to an incredulous public.

The most recent are interviews of Comey bragging to the press, about how he gulled Mike Flynn into an interview. He describes how he decided to pull a quick one on the Republicans. He relates knowing, from long public service, that the new Cabinet would be inexperienced to start with. They would be totally in the dark as to the devious machinations of the Deep State. He relates how easy it was for him to sneak an undercover agent into an early intelligence briefing. With this proof of principle in hand, and convinced his treachery was taking candy from a baby, he directed agents to lure an unsuspecting Flynn into a perjury trap The pretext was supposedly learning more about a phone conversation Flynn had with Kallissnikof, the Russian Ambassador. Convinced he could turn Flynn's testimony into a charge of Lying to the FBI or maybe a violation of the arcane Logan Act, he set the plan in motion. It was a flagrant breach of public trust, he knew it was wrong and did it anyway. Agent Bill Priestapp, Struck's boss, said words to the effect, "Are we looking to find the truth here?... and if not what are the ends we're seeking? You have to have a pretty floppy moral tiller to ask that in an email. His timid cautionary note went unheeded. But guess what? It gets even better. It backfired. The Agents who interviewed Flynn did not believe he lied. OMG, Comey must have lamented, a squandered opportunity! No Problem, dependable Agent Struck, went back to his office and altered the 302s. (A written record of the interview.). GOTCHA! Anybody who doubts this only has to ask why the FBI needed Flynn's testimony to begin with. They didn't... they had no honest reason to call him in the first place. The FBI and the intelligence agencies had a full and complete transcript of the conversation, in black and white. This was the first of many attempts to take down Trump advisers. It was a conspiracy engineered behind closed doors by a cabal of dirty cops. It worked like a charm.

May 8, 2020 at 7:59pm
May 8, 2020 at 7:59pm
OK, OK! I've had it with the Wuhan Flu epidemic!

There is a forest of information out there, so much that we've lost sight of the trees.

Allow me to review the bidding:

The virus originated in Wuhan China. Some say in a wild animal market, others in a level 4 bio-research facility and still others in a military biological warfare laboratory. Take your pick, somebody let the cat out of the bag, intentionally or unintentionally. It doesn't matter at this point.

It was a virus new to the world stage which meant, to begin with, that everybody on the planet had a bullseye on their chests because nobody had any antibodies. The only way to get those antibodies was to become exposed. Everybody is going to get exposed, sooner or later because there is no vaccine. Only when you do will the bullseye come off your chest. When that happens you might be oblivious, you could get a case of the flu, or you may drop dead.

This strain of the virus is known in medical terminology as COVID-19. It's highly infectious, and many of those exposed don't even know it. It spreads fast and can be deadly for those untreated, particularly the elderly.

President Trump did the right thing in shutting down the country. Had he not done so the virus would have spiked early, swamping our medical facilities and there would have been dead bodies in the hallways and backed into the streets. By retarding the spike he spread the base of the curve outward. People with the bullseye are still going to be infected but now it will take longer. That added time allows government to strike a balance between the medical and economic needs of the country.

The balance is this. First, as long as the hospitals can properly manage the COVID-19 caseload, we need to reopen the country. Infections will vary depending on geographical location. When the caseload begins to surge somewhere, then restrictive guidelines should be put in place to keep the caseload under the capacity of infrastructure. Second, the wagons should be circled to protect the elderly in nursing homes.

A number of Democrats, long before the Wuhan Flu epidemic, lamented that a booming economy did not bode well for them in the 2020 Election. COVID-19 dropped nicely into their laps and you can be assured they'll slow walk any and all efforts to reopen the economy. The virus was manna from heaven..."There really is a God," they must have uttered in awe. They should rebrand themselves as "The Virus Party."

May 7, 2020 at 8:02pm
May 7, 2020 at 8:02pm
This was posted on Facebook. I wouldn't bet my butt on it but is makes some sense out of what is nonsensical regarding what happened in the aftermath of Benghazi. If this is true I hope somebody picks up on it at FOX News. When I heard that everyone in the war room that night was forced to sign nondisclosure agreements, I was intrigued. This explains what happened in a way that adds up. However, in the absence of collaboration I'll withhold judgement.

William Stevens
February 9, 2019 ·



So here's the REAL story: Ambassador Stevens was sent to Benghazi to secretly retrieve US made Stinger Missiles that the State Dept. had supplied to Ansar al Sharia in Libya WITHOUT Congressional oversight or permission.

Sec State Hillary Clinton had brokered the Libya deal through Ambassador Stevens and a Private Arms Dealer named Marc Turi, but some of the shoulder fired Stinger Missiles ended up in Afghanistan where they were used against our own military. On July 25th, 2012, a US Chinook helicopter was downed by one of them. Not destroyed only because the idiot Taliban didn't arm the missile. The helicopter didn't explode, but it had to land and an ordnance team recovered the missile’s serial number which led back to a cache of Stinger Missiles kept in Qatar by the CIA.

Obama and Hillary were in full panic mode, so Ambassador Stevens was sent to Benghazi to retrieve the rest of the Stinger Missiles. This was a "do-or-die" mission, which explains the Stand Down Orders given to multiple rescue teams during the siege of the US Embassy.

It was the State Dept., NOT the CIA, that supplied the Stinger Missiles to our sworn enemies because Gen. Petraeus at CIA would not approve supplying the deadly missiles due to their potential use against commercial aircraft. So then, Obama threw Gen. Petraeus under the bus when he refused to testify in support of Obama’s phony claim of a “spontaneous uprising caused by a YouTube video that insulted Muslims.”

Obama and Hillary committed TREASON!

THIS is what the investigation is all about, WHY she had a Private Server, (in order to delete the digital evidence), and WHY Obama, two weeks after the attack, told the UN that the attack was the result of the YouTube video, even though everyone KNEW it was not.

Furthermore, the Taliban knew that the administration had aided and abetted the enemy WITHOUT Congressional oversight or permission, so they began pressuring (blackmailing) the Obama Administration to release five Taliban generals being held at Guantanamo.

Bowe Bergdahl was just a useful pawn used to cover the release of the Taliban generals. Everyone knew Bergdahl was a traitor but Obama used Bergdahl’s exchange for the five Taliban generals to cover that Obama was being coerced by the Taliban about the unauthorized Stinger Missile deal.

So we have a traitor as POTUS that is not only corrupt, but compromised, as well and a Sec. of State that is a serial liar, who perjured herself multiple times at the Congressional Hearings on Benghazi. Perhaps this is why no military aircraft were called upon for help in Benghazi: Because the administration knew that our enemies had Stinger Missiles; that, if used to down those planes, would likely be traced back to the CIA cache in Qatar and then to the State Dept.’s illegitimate arms deal in Libya.

May 5, 2020 at 12:21pm
May 5, 2020 at 12:21pm
For those of you who suffer from "Writer's Cramp" go to my port and go down the folders until you reach the one titled PANDORA.

Inside you'll find a file which is an explanation and example of how to convert novel prose to screen play.

I point this out because it's a useful technique not only for translating your writing from one mode to another but because it has an added benefit. It forces a writer to go from telling to showing. In my view "Telling" a story to begin with is fine and if that is the best way for you to get it down on paper (word processor) then by all means go for it and don't worry about too much telling and too little showing. Then when you finish, go ahead and translate it into screenplay. Once you have done this you can later convert it again back to novel prose, which makes blending the two much easier to express.
May 1, 2020 at 9:13am
May 1, 2020 at 9:13am
Dr. Phillip Greer is one of the most remarkable men of our times.

He has been able to persuade many who have seen a glimpse of what has taken place over the last seventy-five years, to come forward and shed light on the UFO coverup. His untiring efforts have led to much of what we know about the extreme efforts the Intelligence Community has undertaken to hide from the American people the most incredible event in the history of mankind.

Greer has been able to piece together a sense of the undertaking, from the first recovery of Alien flying machines to the Government's dogged and time worn efforts to protect the secret that lays at the "Core" of an understanding that we're not alone in the Universe.

Dr. Greer has kept the body of public awareness from being extinguished, albeit still slumbering on life support... kept a flicker burning despite a deep web of secrecy, half truths and misinformation. No effort has been spared in the coverup to keep the American People dumbed down and in the dark. Decent men and women have been ruthlessly sacrificed, careers ruined, and reputations destroyed for the sole purpose of buying time and providing cover for the back engineering of extraterrestrial space craft and the power that anti-gravity technology will bring.

After the Russians stole the secret to the atomic bomb, our government vowed this would never happen again. When the Aliens showed up the intelligence agencies, adopted a new system for safeguarding this staggering development. It became the grandfather of all national secrets. They resolved to hide the truth deep in the bowels of the Military Industrial Complex. A group of civilian contractors were picked to study the technology outside governmental oversight. A list of those with a need to know, compartmented into the lowest common denominators of access, were put in place with the mission of figuring out how these craft worked. Presidents Truman and Eisenhower realized that a free nation, could otherwise, never hope to keep the lid on this long term and portentous undertaking.

For those who feel this is an overstatement I recommend you take a look at the Admiral Wilson notes that recently leaked. Search Admiral Wilson UFO alien coverup.

It is ironic that the tools developed for the UFO coverup are now being used on the American people for political purposes. An effort is being made to move the planet down the path to a one world government and this will require a redistribution of resources resulting in some winners and losers. The third world will gain ground while the United States will lose. Globalization is gaining momentum and there are powerful off-shore interests determined to make this happen. These interests see the press in the United States as a propaganda tool that can be bought, along with everything else, in a free market society. One has to only listen to what is termed "Fake News" to realized how the power to inform (or misinform) is being used to shape public opinion.

So why, a reader might ask, is HONESTY now a liability? This goes back to the briefings provided by Dr. Greer to top government officials both inside and outside the United States. He told them about the UFO work taking place, without the most remedial of oversight. He provide a list of corporate entities who were "In the know." Most of those he briefed were politicians who were afraid to get involved. This was the case with most everyone inside the Deep State, not READ IN, and thereby believed the whole notion of ALIENS was in no way possible. Still, Greer waved his list of contractors beneath their noses and eventually Admiral Wilson, a rising star on the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) decided to take a closer look. He was stunned, when as Intelligence Chief to the JCS, he was told he lacked a need to know and would not be read in. In the process he learned the programs were moving "agonizing slowly" in trying to figure out how the ALIEN artifacts operated.

When Dr. Greer went to Great Britain he briefed one of the top Air Marshals. The General responded, "Rubbish! There is no way this could be going on without my knowledge. I'd never allow it."

Greer's response was, "...and what would you do if you found out it as TRUE?"

The General replied, "Why I'd put an end to it."

To which Greer replied, "That Sir, in a nutshell, is why you've not been read in. Men of integrity won't lie."

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