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Review by PureSciFi
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
** Image ID #2117198 Unavailable **

Hello K. Rose,

I saw that this is your anniversary month with WDC. This is your tenth year with us.

Overall Impression: At first, I didn't know if this was Fanfiction or not. Then about halfway through it, I realized it was The Office. It was when they started talking to the camera that I realized it. I verified that from your title description when I started this review.

The Story Itself: I think you did a good job with this story. Especially with the characters. They were very believable with that series. I could close my eyes and see what they were saying and doing. That's why I am giving it four stars.

Location, Location, Location: Of course, The Office was the main location for this story. Most of it took place there. But it wasn't the only one, though.

Your Characters: Like the series itself, Michael was the main characters in it. But he's not the only one. There are several others, especially Pam. I liked that you gave your characters a name. But I'm not surprised about that since it was a Fanfiction story. Personally, I try to give all my characters a name. Especially, the main ones. I think that it makes them feel more real if they have a name.

How They Spoke: there was a lot of dialogue in this story. Of course, it was based on a Comedy. The dialogue looked pretty good too. There were a couple of minor comma errors in it. But that didn't distract me from this wonderful story. I think you did a great job with the dialogue. Very believable characterwise.

Grammar, Spelling, Missing Words: There were only two grammar error that I noticed. One was missing in between Chinese and Japanese. The other was after the quotation mark instead of before it.

Any Last Thoughts: I have never been a big fan of The Office. That's why it took me so long to recognize it. But I have watched a few episodes. And that's how I made the connection. Would I have read this if I had read the title description first? Yes, I would.
It doesn't matter if I like the subject matter or not. I only read stories that I think I'm going to like. And I'm very happy that I did with this one. Great job.

If you're interested in reviewing any of my work you will find my Short Stories, Blogs, etc. in my PureSciFi portfolio. I have some in my PureSciFiPlus portfolio too.

Thank you for sharing this story with WDC. And sharing it especially with me. Keep on writing great stories like this one.

                                       PureSciFi aka spacefaction

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by PureSciFi
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
** Image ID #2116759 Unavailable **

Hello RBM5,

I saw that this is your anniversary month with WDC. This is your second year with us.

Overall Impression: This does read like it a Fanfiction story. But I'm not sure which one it is. Is it from a video game, a television series, anime series, a movie, or a book?

The Story Itself: Whatever the source I liked this story a whole lot. What I liked the best about it was that Eclipse changed himself into a female so she could reproduce and conquer her planet. If Part Two is as great as this one I would love to read it too.

Location, Location, Location: The location for this story is Mobius.
Nothing was mentioned about it except for in the title description. Maybe it will in Part Two.

Your Characters: Of course, Eclipse is the main character in this story. After all, this story revolves around him, I mean her. But there are a few others involved in it too. I liked that you gave your character a name. Personally, I try to give all my characters a name. Especially, the main ones. I think that it makes them feel more real if they have a name.

How They Spoke: There was no dialogue in this story. Unless Eclipse is just telling it. Then it's almost all dialogue minus the quotation marks.

Grammar, Spelling, Missing Words: Personally, I would have separated the paragraphs with a space between them. But I don't think there are any rules that say you are supposed to do it.

Any Last Thoughts: I noticed that this is a two part story. I'd like to read Part Two if I could. If it's as good, or better,
as this one I definitely do. Have you written any other stories like this one? I would like to read them too if there are.

If you're interested in reviewing any of my work you will find my Short Stories, Blogs, etc. in my PureSciFi portfolio. I have some in my PureSciFiPlus portfolio too.

Thank you for sharing this story with WDC. And sharing it especially with me. Keep on writing great stories like this one.

                                       PureSciFi aka spacefaction

A new Anniversary Review signature to use, courtesy of  [Link To User legerdemain]                              anniversary party

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Review of The New Coming  
Review by PureSciFi
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
** Image ID #2117196 Unavailable **

Hello Gabrielle,

I saw that this is your anniversary month with WDC. This is your seventh year with us.

Overall Impression: This is definitely a Fiction story. But is it a Fanfiction one? It doesn't look like it from what I have read. Unless the band they are about to start is similar to one that already exists. Maybe they are going to be playing music from a particular band.

The Story Itself: What I liked the best about this story is how it began. most writers would have started this in the middle or toward the end of it. But you chose to start it at the beginning. I like that a lot. At first, I didn't think that I would like this story because of how it began and the announcements that followed it. But once it got out of that classroom it got a lot better.

Location, Location, Location: The location for this chapter was the Naboo Private Academy. Can this be a Star Wars story? Is that what makes this story a FanFiction one?

Your Characters: It looks like Hannah is going to be the main character in this Novel. But there are others that could become the main one. It might depend on what happens after they get their band together. I liked that you gave your characters a name. Personally, I try to give all my characters a name. Especially, the main ones. I think that it makes them feel more real if they have a name.

How They Spoke: There was a lot of dialogue in this story. And what dialogue there was looked good. At least it did to me. I didn't find any grammar, spelling, or missing Words.

Any Last Thoughts: This was classified as a Fiction story. But it looks like it's the first chapter, or part of a first chapter, of a Novel. You even started it with the title Chapter 1. If this is the first chapter of a Novel have you progressed to a completed Novel yet.
And if you haven't you should. I think you have a great story going on here. All you need to do is tell it.

If you're interested in reviewing any of my work you will find my Short Stories, Blogs, etc. in my PureSciFi portfolio. I have some in my PureSciFiPlus portfolio too.

Thank you for sharing this story with WDC. And sharing it especially with me. Keep on writing great stories like this one.

                                       PureSciFi aka spacefaction

An image donated by  [Link To User legerdemain]  for use with Anniversary Reviews.                              Shared Anniversary image

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by PureSciFi
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (3.5)
** Image ID #2116758 Unavailable **

Hello HiroshimaAB,

I saw that this is your anniversary month with WDC. This is your third year with us.

Overall Impression: This reads like a Fanfiction story. But I'm not sure about that. Is it based on the 'League of Legends' that you wrote about in your Portfolio Introduction?

The Story Itself: At first I thought this was a Pokemon story because of the names. But when I checked out your Portfolio to see what anniversary this is I read about the league. Is it a Pokemon story? After all, their subtitled series' are called leagues. If not,
is it a Pokemon clone?

Your Characters: Astrid is the main character in this story. But Toothless and Hiccup are a big part of it too, especially Toothless. Not because Astrid is human. She might not even be human. It's because she was the one being tickled. I liked that you gave your characters a name. A lot of writers don’t do that. Personally, I try to give all my characters a name. Especially, the main ones. I think that it makes them feel more real if they have a name.

How They Spoke: There was a lot of dialogue in this story. But most of it is stretched out because of the tickling. I don't think there's anything wrong with that. The rest of the structure looked fine. But I could be wrong about that being wrong.

Any Last Thoughts: Don't get me wrong. This review might read like I didn't like your story. But you would be wrong. I did like it. In fact, I liked it a whole lot. Do you have any others like this one? If so, I would like to read them too if I could. Especially, if they are Pokemon stories.

If you're interested in reviewing any of my work you will find my Short Stories, Blogs, etc. in my PureSciFi portfolio. I have some in my PureSciFiPlus portfolio too.

Thank you for sharing this story with WDC. And sharing it especially with me. Keep on writing great stories like this one.

                                       PureSciFi aka spacefaction

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by PureSciFi
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
** Image ID #2117197 Unavailable **

Hello Maryann,

I saw that this is your anniversary month with WDC. This is your fifteenth year with us.

Overall Impression: You did a super fantastic job with this story. At least I think that you did. And I'm not saying that because you are one of my Captains. I really mean it. I'm giving it five stars. I'd give it more if I could. But I can't.

The Story Itself: I'm a big fan of Gilligan's Island. So, when I saw this story on the Fanfiction genre I knew that I would like it. But I was wrong. I loved it.

Location, Location, Location: Of course, the island that they have been stranded on for, what is it now, fifty plus years is the location for this story. Are they ever going to get off that island again?

Your Characters: Everyone knows who the characters are on Gilligan's Island. But I still liked that you gave your characters a name. A lot of writers don’t do that. Even in a story like this one they don't. Personally, I try to give all my characters a name. Especially, the main ones. I think that it makes them feel more real if they have a name.

How They Spoke: There wasn't any dialogue in this story. But maybe there should have been. It read like you were telling the story instead of showing it. A little dialogue mixed with some action would probably take care of that no-no. At least that's what I would have done.

Any Last Thoughts: I disagree who would win, though. It would have been Thurston who won. Everyone knows the winner gets a million dollars. And who gets all the money on the island. He does. Besides, even if it cost him more than he would win he still would have won because he would have bought the votes. No matter how mad or angry you are money talks.

If you're interested in reviewing any of my work you will find my Short Stories, Blogs, etc. in my PureSciFi portfolio. I have some in my PureSciFiPlus portfolio too.

Thank you for sharing this story with WDC. And sharing it especially with me. Keep on writing great stories like this one.

                                       PureSciFi aka spacefaction

An image donated by  [Link To User legerdemain]  for use with Anniversary Reviews.                               ** Image ID #1727519 Unavailable **

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by PureSciFi
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (3.5)
** Image ID #2117198 Unavailable **

Hello Faustine_Karson,

I saw that this is your anniversary month with WDC. This is your seventh year with us.

Overall Impression: A very entertaining first chapter for your Novel. And I liked it a whole lot. It kept me interested in it from beginning to the end. I am curious about one thing, though. You didn't continue this Novel. Is there a reason you didn't?

The Story Itself: It started out with a little backstory about the main characters. I liked that. A little background is good. But unfortunately, most writers do too much. In fact, they do a whole chapter called a Preface on it. You didn't do that. That's why I liked it so much. Good job.

Your Characters: There were three main characters in this story. They were Rukia, Renji, and Ichigo. I liked that you gave your characters a name. A lot of writers don’t do that. Personally, I try to give all my characters a name. Especially, the main ones. I think that it makes them feel more real if they have a name.

Grammar, Spelling, Missing Words: It looks like you might have made a few spelling errors. You also made some punctuation mistakes. A re-read and you will probably read them too. If not, let me know.

Any Last Thoughts: Are these characters in a television, movie, video game,
etc? If not, where is the Fanfiction within it? Also, you categorized it as Fiction. I would have selected Novel or Chapter instead. Don't get me wrong. It may review like I didn't like this. But I did a whole lot. I think you have a great start to a fantastic Novel. And I think you continue it to its completion.

If you're interested in reviewing any of my work you will find my Short Stories, Blogs, etc. in my PureSciFi portfolio. I have some in my PureSciFiPlus portfolio too.

Thank you for sharing this story with WDC. And sharing it especially with me. Keep on writing great stories like this one.

                                       PureSciFi aka spacefaction

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by PureSciFi
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (2.5)
** Image ID #2117094 Unavailable **

Hello Weaver of Dreams,

I saw that this is your anniversary month with WDC. This is your ninth year with us.

Overall Impression: This is just a list of the ten best bad guys in your opinion. You even said that it was is your title description. But where is the story? it's just a list. I like the list. But I only know three or four on it. The other seven or six I didn't. Especially numbers four and ten.

The Story Itself: There is no story. So, I can't comment on that.

Location, Location, Location: Ten different locations in this list. There are ten locations because there are ten different movies or television shows talked about.

Your Characters: What characters? There are no characters. Unless you count the ten bad guys. Then I guess there are ten of them. I liked that you gave your characters a name. But since this is a list of individuals it's not too surprising they have names. Personally, I try to give all my characters a name. Especially, the main ones. I think that it makes them feel more real if they have a name.

Any Last Thoughts: How can I judge a story where there isn't one? I'm a big fan of organization. I do it all the time when I'm writing. Not as much when it comes to my Short Stories, but I do with my Novels and scripts. But there is a big difference between outlines, organization, and a written story. the list itself was fine. It's how you organized it, or in this cased didn't organize it, that makes it a story. What I would have done with this list is make the main character a writer doing an article about the ten best bad guys.

If you're interested in reviewing any of my work you will find my Short Stories, Blogs, etc. in my PureSciFi portfolio. I have some in my PureSciFiPlus portfolio too.

Thank you for sharing this story with WDC. And sharing it especially with me. Keep on writing great stories like this one.

                                       PureSciFi aka spacefaction

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Curses Nail  
Review by PureSciFi
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
** Image ID #2116758 Unavailable **

Hello Lightning Blitzer Fang,

I saw that this is your anniversary month WDC. This is your fourth year with us.

Overall Impression: I'm a huge fan of Pokemon. So, when I started reading this story and realized it was a FanFiction story about Pokemon I knew that I would like it. But I was wrong. I loved it. The only reason why I'm only giving it a four-point five-star rating is because there were a few minor problems with it. Nothing to distract me from reading it. But there were some problems.

The Story Itself: There wasn't anything wrong with the story itself. I think that it was great. Very imaginative and keeping with the true style of Pokemon. What I like the best was that you broke it up into three parts with the middle being a flashback to three years ago.
I break up my Short Stories a lot too. In fact, most of my stories are like that.

Location, Location, Location: Ecruteak City is where the Burned Tower was. That's where the Trainer lost his Eevee to a Ghost type Pokemon.

Your Characters: The Trainer was the main character in this story. But his Eevee and even Nurse Joy were a big part of the story too. Especially, Eevee during the flashback part of it. The only thing I would have done differently was given this trainer a name. Personally, I try to give all my characters a name. Especially, the main ones. I think that it makes them feel more real if they have a name.

How They Spoke: There wasn't a lot of dialogue in this story. And I think that some of the paragraphs without dialogue should have had dialogue within them. but there was some.
What dialogue there was looked good. At least it did to me.

Grammar, Spelling, Missing Words: It looks like you have added a few words here and there in this story. If you re-read it again I think you might catch them yourself. No pun intended. After all, this is a Pokemon story.

Any Last Thoughts: Have you written any other Pokemon stories? Do you write for any other anime series? If so, I would sure like to read them if I can.

If you're interested in reviewing any of my work you will find my Short Stories, Blogs, etc. in my PureSciFi portfolio. I have some in my PureSciFiPlus portfolio too.

Thank you for sharing this story with WDC. And sharing it especially with me. Keep on writing great stories like this one.

                                       PureSciFi aka spacefaction

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by PureSciFi
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (2.5)
** Image ID #2117198 Unavailable **

Hello alabastros,

I saw that this is your anniversary month with WDC. This is your tenth year with us.

Overall Impression: This story had a lot of potential. And I did like it. But it also had a lot of problems with it. Especially, when it came to grammar. If you did a complete re-write of this story I think that it would be great. Have you done that yet? Are you going to?
If not you might want to reconsider doing it.

The Story Itself: The story was a little confusing too. I'm not sure where you were going with it. I know it's about The Illusionist. And it's based on the movie. But other than that I'm not sure. I didn't know anything about this movie. In fact, I thought it might be a television series. So, I looked it up on tv.com. That's when I found out it was a movie.

Location, Location, Location: I'm not exactly sure where this story takes place.
Most of the time he's telling us about his craft. But it didn't read like he actually had any gigs. He did mention performing all over the countryside for a few pieces of gold, though. So, maybe he did perform somewhere.

Your Characters: Eisenheim is the main character in this story. But he's not the only one, though. Almost everyone from the movie is in it. At least their characters are. But physically they aren't. They are just mentioned. I liked that you gave your characters a name. But I'm not surprised about that since this is a FanFiction story. Personally, I try to give all my characters a name. Especially, the main ones. I think that it makes them feel more real if they have a name.

How They Spoke: There was a lot of telling in this story. And not too much dialogue. What little dialogue there was did look good to me. But the problem was the telling. Which is a definite no-no when it comes to writing. Instead of telling the dialogue, say it with dialogue. Then you should be okay story-wise.

Grammar, Spelling, Missing Words: The main problem with you grammar was capitalization. You didn't do any of it in this story. Not at the beginning of your sentences or with the individual's names.

Any Last Thoughts: This is your story. And I can't tell you how to write it.
That's up to you. These are only my opinions as to how I think it should be done. It's your decision whether you do or you don't listen to me, or anyone else. But I think if you did take my advice that this could be a great story. Maybe even a fantastic one.

If you're interested in reviewing any of my work you will find my Short Stories, Blogs, etc. in my PureSciFi portfolio. I have some in my PureSciFiPlus portfolio too.

Thank you for sharing this story with WDC. And sharing it especially with me. Keep on writing great stories like this one.

                                       PureSciFi aka spacefaction

A new Anniversary Review signature to use, courtesy of  [Link To User legerdemain]                               Image #1913973 over display limit. -?-

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by PureSciFi
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
** Image ID #2116766 Unavailable **

Hello anniesong,

I saw that this is your anniversary month with WDC. This is your sixteenth year with us.

Overall Impression: Great story. I liked it a whole lot. What I liked the most about this story is that it's Science Fiction. And everyone knows I love Science Fiction. At least it reads like it is with names like Remus and Sirius. Is it?

The Story Itself: At first I thought this story was from the Star Trek franchise. With a name like Remus, it sure read like it was. Especially, when you mentioned marauding. If it is, then I understand the FanFiction genre. But if it isn't then where is the FanFiction? Is there some other series or movie that this is based off that I'm not aware of?

Your Characters: Of course, Remus and Sirius are the main characters in this story. In fact, they are really the only ones. A few others are mentioned. But that's all they are, is mentioned. I liked that you gave your characters a name. A lot of writers don’t do that. Personally, I try to give all my characters a name. Especially, the main ones. I think that it makes them feel more real if they have a name.

How They Spoke: Almost all of this story is dialogue. But that not too surprising considering this is a conversation. As for the dialogue itself, it looked good. At least it did to me. I didn't see anything wrong with it. If there were any it didn't distract me from this wonderful story.

Any Last Thoughts: I really loved this story. It was simple and easy to read. But it wasn't boring like so many other simple ones are. Do you have any more like this one? If so, I would love to read them too if that's okay with you.

If you're interested in reviewing any of my work you will find my Short Stories, Blogs, etc. in my PureSciFi portfolio. I have some in my PureSciFiPlus portfolio too.

Thank you for sharing this story with WDC. And sharing it especially with me. Keep on writing great stories like this one.

                                       PureSciFi aka spacefaction

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Just 10 Minutes  
Review by PureSciFi
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (3.5)
** Image ID #2117094 Unavailable **

Hello Rajasir,

I saw that this is your anniversary month with WDC. This is your ninth year with us.

Overall Impression: Interesting but confusing. That's what I got from this story. Don't get me wrong. I liked this story a whole lot. That's the interesting part. The confusing part was what this story had to do with FanFiction.

The Story Itself: What I liked best about this story was how it almost ended. Not the ending itself. Even though I liked that a lot too. But just before the ending.

Your Characters: Whoever is telling this story is the main character in it. But they aren't the only one though. Who they are saying to is also the main character. They are both in it from the beginning to the end. One thing I would have done though is given them names. Personally, I try to give all my characters a name. Especially, the main ones. I think that it makes them feel more real if they have a name.

How They Spoke: About half, if not more, of this story was dialogue. And I like that a lot too. I like to write all my stories half dialogue/half not. But if I can't then it's dominated by dialogue.

Grammar, Spelling, Missing Words: It looks like you might have missed a few commas. You might want to check into that. It's not a big deal to me. It didn't distract me form your wonderful story. But it might some.

Any Last Thoughts: I think you did a great job with this story. It kept me in suspense from start to finish. I wanted to keep reading to see what happened next. The biggest suspenseful moment was I read that he was dead. That I liked a whole lot too. I'm a big fan of the Suspense genre.

If you're interested in reviewing any of my work you will find my Short Stories, Blogs, etc. in my PureSciFi portfolio. I have some in my PureSciFiPlus portfolio too.

Thank you for sharing this story with WDC. And sharing it especially with me. Keep on writing great stories like this one.

                                       PureSciFi aka spacefaction

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by PureSciFi
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (3.5)
** Image ID #2117198 Unavailable **

Hello yaoiluvr4eva,

I saw that this is your anniversary month with the WDC. This is your tenth year with us.

Overall Impression: I think you did a great job with story. Not just with the story itself. But with the characters, the subject matter, etc. I liked this story a whole lot. What I liked the most is that it made me smile. Especially, when the pictures were shown of her covered from head-to-toe in chocolate.

The Story Itself: I'm not exactly sure which anime series this story is based off. But I know it's a FanFiction story of one of them. At first, I thought was Dragon Ball Z. Then when Naruto was mentioned I knew it wasn't.

Your Characters: There were several characters in this story. And each one of them is the main one. True, it's about Sasuke's Interesting Morning. But it's that morning that makes them equals. I liked that you gave your characters a name. A lot of writers don’t do that. Personally, I try to give all my characters a name. Especially, the main ones. I think that it makes them feel more real if they have a name.

How They Spoke: Most of this story was dialogue. And I like that a lot. I try to make all my stories half dialogue/half not. If they aren't, then they are usually dominated with dialogue like this one. Some would say it's too much dialogue. That it's telling instead of showing. But I disagree. It's how you write you dialogue. Like with the pictures, I can close my eyes and see here covered in chocolate.

Grammar, Spelling, Missing Words: I think I read a few missing commas in this story. You might want to check that out.

Any Last Thoughts: You thought me something I didn't know. I didn't know about December 16th.

If you're interested in reviewing any of my work you will find my Short Stories, Blogs, etc. in my PureSciFi portfolio. I have some in my PureSciFiPlus portfolio too.

Thank you for sharing this story with WDC. And sharing it especially with me. Keep on writing great stories like this one.

                                       PureSciFi aka spacefaction

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by PureSciFi
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
** Image ID #2117094 Unavailable **

Hello su1235ki,

I saw that this is your anniversary month WDC. This is your tenth year with us.

Overall Impression: This was a very moving story that I liked very much. It was also a sad one considering the subject matter. But that's what makes it such a good story. I think you did a great job with this story.

The Story Itself: War is always a hard subject to write about. It's usually written in the Action/Adventure genre. And it focuses on one or more of the soldiers involved in that war. Depending on its length it might also include others besides the military. Like it did with this story. But you chose to write it from the POV of a photo journalist. You chose to focus on one location too.

Location, Location, Location: bivouac is where this story takes place.
I'm just not sure if this is a real place or if this is what makes this story fanfiction. Either way, I think it needs to be capitalized. You might want to look into that.

Your Characters: Of course, the journalist is the main character in this story. But I think the little boy that's used as a human bomb is a big part of it. In fact, I think he is as much or more than the journalist is. After all, the story is about him. I can understand why you didn't give the boy a name. Even though I would have found a way to do it. Like reading about it in the newspaper a few days later while recuperating from his wound. The only thing I would have done is given the journalist a name. Personally, I try to give all my characters a name. Especially, the main ones. I think that it makes them feel more real if they have a name.

Grammar, Spelling, Missing Words: It looks like you mixed your tenses a little bit. Most of it is past tense. But it was present tense a few times.

Any Last Thoughts: I'm not sure were the fanfiction comes into this story.
Unless it's based on a video game or media that I don't know about. It doesn't really matter. I was just curious. What does matter is that I think you did a fantastic job with this story. And I would like to read more of your stories. Especially, if they are as good, or better than this one.

If you're interested in reviewing any of my work you will find my Short Stories, Blogs, etc. in my PureSciFi portfolio. I have some in my PureSciFiPlus portfolio too.

Thank you for sharing this story with WDC. And sharing it especially with me. Keep on writing great stories like this one.

                                       PureSciFi aka spacefaction

A new Anniversary Review signature to use, courtesy of  [Link To User legerdemain]                               Image #1999316 over display limit. -?-

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by PureSciFi
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)


*Shamrock* You are being Raided in the Ides of March "WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group RAID! *Gold*

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WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  (E)
Join the fun! We inspire reviewers through kindness and learning! Winner of eight Quills!
#1300305 by Maryann

Hello ChrisBreva 2016 Quills Nominee,

I saw your blog on the Bloggers Page. And since this is your anniversary month on the WDC I decided to review it. This is your fourth year with us.

These are just my opinions. If you don't agree with them, that's your opinion. And it's wrong. *BigSmile*

Now for the good stuff:  The Review.

Overall Impression: I just finished reading your last three blog entries. And I liked them a whole lot. They kept me wanting to continue reading them from beginning to end. Once I started reading them, I couldn’t stop until I finished them. I wanted to read the others. But I don’t have the time to do it right now. Still, want to read them if I can. I’m just not sure when I’m going to have a chance to do that.

The Blog Itself: What I liked the best about these blogs was that they were all completely different than each other. And I like that. There are a lot that can’t do that. If you read on you will know one of them. The first one was about the woman that you think is a trailblazer because this month is Women’s History Month. Not only did you give one example, you wrote about several women in history. And I like that. I do that a lot too. Especially with the recent Queen of Comedy Challenge with my fellow Power Reviewers. The second blog entry was about finding yourself. I can relate to that too. Not because I didn’t know who I was, but because I did. But no one else understood me. They still don’t. The third blog entry was about light. And how the weather affects us. I can also relate to that because I agree with you about that. The weather, as well as night and day, does affect us emotionally and psychologically. What I didn’t know was that part about Alaska. Another reason why I’m not ever going to move there. I’m depressed enough as it is. I have been my whole life.

Any Last Thoughts: I’m going to be very honest with you. The only reason I am reviewing you today is because this is your Anniversary month on the WDC. I am also reviewing your blog because it is a blog. There are two reasons why I’m reviewing your blog. One of them is I have decided to review blogs this year whenever I can. If you have a blog them, I'm going to review it.

The other reason why I’m doing your blog is because I have started a couple of blogs myself. 'The Truth About the Universe'

"The Truth About the Universe

is here in my PureSciFi account. And 'What I Like to Write, What I Don't Like'

"What I Like to Write, What I Don't Like

can be found in my PureSciFiPlus account. You can check them out if you want to.

I liked your blog a whole lot. Keep on writing.

Image #1893181 over display limit. -?-
Image #1727523 over display limit. -?-

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Daily Musings  
Review by PureSciFi
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 18+ | (3.5)


WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  (E)
Join the fun! We inspire reviewers through kindness and learning! Winner of eight Quills!
#1300305 by Maryann

Hello Rebecca~Itty Bitties Adopted!,

I saw your blog on the Bloggers Page. And since this is your anniversary month on the WDC I decided to review it. This is your third year with us.

Are you a member of the Power Reviewers Group? Do you like to review? If you aren’t and do, then you should join us. Not only do you get to give your opinions on other member’s writing, but you get anywhere from 250 to 1,000 or more GPs for each one you do. And everyone loves getting GPs.

These are just my opinions. If you don't agree with them, that's your opinion. And it's wrong. *BigSmile*

Now for the good stuff:  The Review.

Overall Impression: I just finished reading your last three blog entries. And I liked them a whole lot. They kept me wanting to continue reading them from beginning to end. Once I started reading them, I couldn’t stop until I finished them. I wanted to read more. But the first one was very long. And I just isn’t time to do it right now. I still want to read them if I can. I’m just not sure when I’m going to have a chance to do that.

The Blog Itself: What I liked best about these blog entries is that they were completely different from each other. The first one was about nightmares, bad dreams, and the paranormal when you were a child. I can relate to that. No, I didn’t have a lot of nightmares or bad dreams. But I did have several. And I don’t really remember them now. I do remember one that was re-accuring over the years. It was the same thing. But slightly different. I jumped up over something or jumped off a building or mountain etc. Only to end up in the sky. And I started falling back down to the ground that looked a million miles away. I’m very surprised I don’t have a few for heights. But I don’t. The second blog entry was about you forgetting your meds. I can sort of relate to that too. No, I don’t take any meds. But I do have Cerebral Palsy. The third blog entry was about parades. I do kind of remember being in one or two as a child. But I can’t remember what I was doing in them. I’m also can’t remember how old I was. I think I was in my late childhood or preteen years. But I’m not sure. There is one thing I am pretty sure about, though. I wasn’t in a band. Not too musical back then.

Any Last Thoughts: At first I was only going to review the first blog entry because it was so long. Then I noticed the next couple weren’t very long at all. So, I decided to review three instead of just one.

I’m going to be very honest with you. The only reason I am reviewing you today is because this is your Anniversary month on the WDC. I am also reviewing your blog because it is a blog. There are two reasons why I’m reviewing your blog. One of them is I have decided to review blogs this year whenever I can. If you have a blog them, I'm going to review it.

The other reason why I’m doing your blog is because I have started a couple of blogs myself. 'The Truth About the Universe'

"The Truth About the Universe

is here in my PureSciFi account. And 'What I Like to Write, What I Don't Like'

"What I Like to Write, What I Don't Like

can be found in my PureSciFiPlus account. You can check them out if you want to.

I liked your blog a whole lot. Keep on writing.

An image donated by  [Link To User legerdemain]  for use with Anniversary Reviews.
Image #1727524 over display limit. -?-

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by PureSciFi
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)


WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  (E)
Join the fun! We inspire reviewers through kindness and learning! Winner of eight Quills!
#1300305 by Maryann

Hello Jeff,

I saw your blog on the Bloggers Page. And since this is your anniversary month on the WDC I decided to review it. This is your fourteenth year with us.

Are you a member of the Power Reviewers Group? Do you like to review? If you aren’t and do, then you should join us. Not only do you get to give your opinions on other member’s writing, but you get anywhere from 250 to 1,000 or more GPs for each one you do. And everyone loves getting GPs.

These are just my opinions. If you don't agree with them, that's your opinion. And it's wrong. *BigSmile*

Now for the good stuff:  The Review.

Overall Impression: I just finished reading your last two blog entries. And I liked them very much. They kept me wanting to continue reading them from beginning to end. Once I started reading them, I couldn’t stop until I finished them. I wanted to read more. But I just don’t have the time to read them right now. Still, want to read them if I can. I’m just not sure when I’m going to have a chance to do that.

The Blog Itself: What I liked best about these blog entries is that they were completely different from each other. The first one was a two-parter. Actually, it was a two-dayer. Both of them was based on Non-Fiction Prompts. The first one was about who you would want to start your career as a famous writer. My answer to that would be someone in the same genre that I write for. True, I want a celebrity to read and enjoy them. But to me it would be an even bigger praise if a fellow writer did it. The second part was about where you wanted to live if you could. That’s an easy one for me to answer. It’s Outer Space. It could be another planet, spaceship, space station, moon etc., it doesn’t matter as long as it’s Outer Space. The second blog entry was about the song ‘Celebration.’ Not only did you write about why you liked it and why it got boring sometimes, but you also gave us some interesting facts about it.

Any Last Thoughts: I’m going to be very honest with you. The only reason I am reviewing you today is because this is your Anniversary month on the WDC. I am also reviewing your blog because it is a blog. There are two reasons why I’m reviewing your blog. One of them is I have decided to review blogs this year whenever I can. If you have a blog them, I'm going to review it.

The other reason why I’m doing your blog is because I have started a couple of blogs myself. 'The Truth About the Universe'

"The Truth About the Universe

is here in my PureSciFi account. And 'What I Like to Write, What I Don't Like'

"What I Like to Write, What I Don't Like

can be found in my PureSciFiPlus account. You can check them out if you want to.

I liked your blog very much. Keep on writing.

An image donated by  [Link To User legerdemain]  for use with Anniversary Reviews.
Image #1900403 over display limit. -?-

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by PureSciFi
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (2.5)

WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  (E)
Join the fun! We inspire reviewers through kindness and learning! Winner of eight Quills!
#1300305 by Maryann

Hello Donkey Hoetay,

I am writing this review today because of Queen of Comedy Challenge. These are just my opinions. If you don’t agree with them, that’s your opinion. And it wrong. *BigSmile*

Now for the good stuff:  The Review.

Overall Impression: I just finished reading your Comedy Poetry, I NEED A DIVORCE FROM U, and I did like it. At least what I could understand about it. Which wasn’t much. I’m sorry. But I didn’t understand this Poetry at all. I know it was about a divorce, but that’s all that I know about this Poetry. This Poetry is just too confusing to me. Maybe it’s just too sophisticated to me. I even read it several times. And I’m still not sure what it’s about other than divorce.

The Poetry Itself: This is the poem about the letter ‘Q.’ And whoever this letter ‘Q’ was wanted a divorce from someone. But I’m not sure who this other person was. I’m not even sure who ‘Q’ was. There was a mention in this poem about a Queen. Is that who ‘Q’ was?

Where Your Location Is: I’m not sure where this Poetry takes place. You mentioned a marina and Qatar in the Middle East. Are these the locations for this poem? I know it’s very hard to include a location into you Poetry. But it can be done. Just look at my challenge one post. Even better you can read a poem I wrote several months ago, for another phony contest. That’s right, I finally tried to write a poem. If you want to read it it’s in my PureSciFiPlus portfolio. Personally, I try to have at least one solid location in all my stories. And that include my Poetry stories. It all depends on what my Word Count limitations, or when it comes to Poetry Line Count, are as to how much detail I put into them. Sometimes it’s just the location itself. But usually, it’s a little bit, if not a lot more, than that.

Your Main Character: ‘Q’ I guess is the main character in this Poetry. And I presume that ‘U’ is the one that ‘Q’ wants a divorce from. Which means ‘U’ is also a main character in this. If that is their names, then I like that you gave them names. A lot of, if not most, writers don’t do that. Personally, I try to give all my characters a name. Especially the main ones. I think it makes them feel more real if they have one. But just the way that I like to write my stories.

How They Spoke to Me: There wasn’t any dialogue in this poem. But I’m not surprised about that. After all, this is Poetry. I have recently seen a few poems that did contain dialogue, though. One of them had quite a bit of it. In fact, they were part of these challenges. So, I know that it’s out there. Maybe I will even try to do it myself someday.

Any Last Thoughts: I am curious about something. Is there a reason why you picked this poem as one of your comic creations? With the others we selected which Poet or Short Story we reviewed. But this time the selection was made for us. Is there a reason why you did that?

Where is the comedy in the Poetry? It doesn’t look like there is any comedy in this poem. At least I didn’t read it. Did I miss it?

I’m going to be very honest with you. The only reason I am reviewing you today is because this is part of the Queen of Comedy Challenge. Normally, I would be reviewing your blog. But that isn’t part of this challenge. There are two reasons why I wanted to review your blog. One of them is I have decided to review blogs this year whenever I can. If you have a blog them, I'm going to review it.

The other reason why I’m doing your blog is because I have started a couple of blogs myself. 'The Truth About the Universe'

"The Truth About the Universe

is here in my PureSciFi account. And 'What I Like to Write, What I Don't Like'

"What I Like to Write, What I Don't Like

can be found in my PureSciFiPlus account. You can check them out if you want to.

I did like your Poetry. Keep on writing.

** Image ID #1576297 Unavailable **

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by PureSciFi
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)

WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  (E)
Join the fun! We inspire reviewers through kindness and learning! Winner of eight Quills!
#1300305 by Maryann

Hello Donkey Hoetay,

I am writing this review today because of Queen of Comedy Challenge. These are just my opinions. If you don’t agree with them, that’s your opinion. And it wrong. *BigSmile*

Now for the good stuff:  The Review.

Overall Impression: I just finished reading your Monologue Comedy blog, A WOLF IN SHEEP'S CLOTHING:, and I liked it very, very much. It kept me interested in wanting to read it from beginning to end. Once I started reading it I couldn’t stop until I finished it. What I liked the best about this story is the paragraphs involving the grandmother and the pigs. It was a very clever way to include it into this story. I also liked what the wolf would do to get to his true love. No matter what his peers thought or reacted to how he did it. You need to do more stories like this one. At least that’s what I think.

The Story Itself: This is a story about a wolf, a real wolf, who is in love with a sheep, also a real sheep, named Sheila. But since he is a wolf he can’t just go up to her and ask her out on a date or confess his love for her. He has to be a little bit more discrete about it. His solution is to become a sheep too. That way he can get close to Sheila without freaking her out or the sheepdog seeing his true self. The only problem is the sheep dog. He’s not a threat personally. But he is also interested in Sheila. That really isn’t a big problem either. After all, he is a wolf.

Where Your Location Is: The location for this story takes place in the field where the sheep, the sheepdog and of course the wolf is at. You didn’t really describe this location. But with a location like this one, a description really isn’t needed. Personally, I try to have at least one solid location in all my stories. It all depends on what my Word Count limitations are as to how much detail I put into them. Sometimes it’s just the location itself. Sort of like this one. But usually, it’s a little bit, if not a lot, more than that.

Your Main Character: Lu, short for Louie aka the wolf, is the main character in this story. But he’s not the only one. There are several others. And all of them have names. I like that you gave them all names. Personally, I try to give all my characters a name. Especially, the main ones. I think that it makes them feel more real if they have a name. But that’s just the way that I like to write my stories.

How They Spoke to Me: Officially, there wasn’t any dialogue in this story. But since this is categorized as a monologue and a blog I consider this all dialogue. A lot of reviewers, maybe even most or all, wouldn’t consider this dialogue. It’s like thoughts too. They don’t consider that dialogue either. But I disagree with that too. To me, it doesn’t have to be bracketed by quotation marks to be dialogue.

Any Last Thoughts: I think you did a very good job with this story. Especially when it came to comedy. It was very funny. At least that’s why I think. I am curious about one thing though. You classified this as a blog. Is it really blog entry or did you just write that as part of this story?

I’m going to be very honest with you. The only reason I am reviewing you today is because this is part of the Queen of Comedy Challenge. Normally, I would be reviewing your blog. But that isn’t part of this challenge. There are two reasons why I wanted to review your blog. One of them is I have decided to review blogs this year whenever I can. If you have a blog them, I'm going to review it.

The other reason why I’m doing your blog is because I have started a couple of blogs myself. 'The Truth About the Universe'

"The Truth About the Universe

is here in my PureSciFi account. And 'What I Like to Write, What I Don't Like'

"What I Like to Write, What I Don't Like

can be found in my PureSciFiPlus account. You can check them out if you want to.

I liked your Monologue blog very, very much. Keep on writing.

** Image ID #1727523 Unavailable **

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of MAD COW DISEASE?  
Review by PureSciFi
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (3.0)

WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  (E)
Join the fun! We inspire reviewers through kindness and learning! Winner of eight Quills!
#1300305 by Maryann

Hello DRSmith,

I am writing this review today because of Queen of Comedy Challenge. These are just my opinions. If you don’t agree with them, that’s your opinion. And it wrong. *BigSmile*

Now for the good stuff:  The Review.

Overall Impression: I just finished reading your Comedy Poetry, Mad Cow Disease?, and I liked it a lot. It kept me interested in what was going to happen next from beginning to end. Once I started reading it I couldn’t stop until I finished it. But I did have a little trouble understanding it, though. I’m sorry about being so negative with this review. I know I’m supposed to be positive. But I’m also supposed be negative. It’s all part of the review process.

The Poetry Itself: This is the poem about a mad cow disease that has engulfed the world. At least that’s what I think this poem is about. Am I right about that?

Where Your Location Is: I’m not sure where this Poetry takes place. You mentioned the world in this poem. Is that your location? I know it’s very hard to include a location into you Poetry. But it can be done. Just look at my challenge one post. Even better you can read a poem I wrote several months ago, for another phony contest. That’s right, I finally tried to write a poem. If you want to read it it’s in my PureSciFiPlus portfolio. Personally, I try to have at least one solid location in all my stories. And that include my Poetry stories. It all depends on what my Word Count limitations, or when it comes to Poetry Line Count, are as to how much detail I put into them. Sometimes it’s just the location itself. But usually, it’s a little bit, if not a lot more, than that.

Your Main Character: Like the location, I’m not sure who is the main character in this poem. There doesn’t seem to be any. Who is the main character in this Poetry? What is their name. I’m a big believer in names. And in this particular poem a name could establish who the main character is. I know that it’s hard to handle names in Poetry. But it can be done. Personally, I try to give all my characters a name. Especially the main ones. I think it makes them feel more real if they have one. But just the way that I like to write my stories.

How They Spoke to Me: There wasn’t any dialogue in this poem. But I’m not surprised about that. After all, this is Poetry. I have recently seen a few poems that did contain dialogue, though. One of them had quite a bit of it. In fact, they were part of these challenges. So, I know that it’s out there. Maybe I will even try to do it myself someday.

Any Last Thoughts: I am curious about something.
Where is the comedy in the Poetry? It doesn’t look like there is any comedy in this poem. At least I didn’t read it. Did I miss it?

I’m going to be very honest with you. The only reason I am reviewing you today is because this is part of the Queen of Comedy Challenge. Normally, I would be reviewing your blog. But that isn’t part of this challenge. There are two reasons why I wanted to review your blog. One of them is I have decided to review blogs this year whenever I can. If you have a blog them, I'm going to review it.

The other reason why I’m doing your blog is because I have started a couple of blogs myself. 'The Truth About the Universe'

"The Truth About the Universe

is here in my PureSciFi account. And 'What I Like to Write, What I Don't Like'

"What I Like to Write, What I Don't Like

can be found in my PureSciFiPlus account. You can check them out if you want to.

I liked your Poetry a lot. Keep on writing.

** Image ID #1576297 Unavailable **

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by PureSciFi
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)

WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  (E)
Join the fun! We inspire reviewers through kindness and learning! Winner of eight Quills!
#1300305 by Maryann

Hello Ben Langhinrichs,

I am writing this review today because of Queen of Comedy Challenge. These are just my opinions. If you don’t agree with them, that’s your opinion. And it wrong. *BigSmile*

Now for the good stuff:  The Review.

Overall Impression: I just finished reading your Comedy Short Story, Lost Off Crucial Point, and I liked it very much. It kept me interested in wanting to read it from beginning to end. Once I started reading it I couldn’t stop until I finished it. What I liked the best about this story is that it kept me smiling. Not once or twice but several times.

The Story Itself: This is a story about a male named Jon and his fight with a Great White shark after his lover, Cheryl, broke up with him. Cheryl told him to take a walk on a short peer, and he did it. The only problem is he didn’t know about the Great White shark there. But he wasn’t the only one who didn’t realize what was happening around him. So, was Cheryl. She was so busy not hearing what was going on with Jon that she didn’t see a tour bus before it hit her. In other words, there were two deaths that day.

Where Your Location Is: The location for this story is the peer where Cheryl and Jon are spending their last few minutes together. I think you did a very good job of describing this location. You didn’t go into a lot of detail. But some locations you don’t have to. And this is one of them. Personally, I try to have at least one solid location in all my stories. It all depends on what my Word Count limitations are as to how much detail I put into them. Sometimes it’s just the location itself. Sort of like this one. But usually, it’s a little bit, if not a lot, more than that.

Your Main Character: Of course, Jon and Cheryl are the two main characters in this story. In fact, they are the only ones. True, the Great White shark, the tour bus driver, and the tour bus passengers are characters too. But they aren’t really mentioned except for in connection with Cheryl and Jon. I like that you gave them names. A lot, if not most, writers don’t do that. Personally, I try to give all my characters a name. Especially, the main ones. I think that it makes them feel more real if they have a name. But that’s just the way that I like to write my stories.

How They Spoke to Me: There wasn’t any dialogue in this story. So, I’m not going to comment on that. But there are some Reviewers who still might. And at least one Reviewer who would consider this telling instead of showing. Personally, I disagree with that. I think you can show a story with or without dialogue. It all depends on how you write your paragraphs.

Any Last Thoughts: The only problem that you might have is with your sections that had brackets around them. I’m not sure if that is a grammar rule against it or not. You might want to check into that.

I’m going to be very honest with you. The only reason I am reviewing you today is because this is part of the Queen of Comedy Challenge. Normally, I would be reviewing your blog. But that isn’t part of this challenge. There are two reasons why I wanted to review your blog. One of them is I have decided to review blogs this year whenever I can. If you have a blog them, I'm going to review it.

The other reason why I’m doing your blog is because I have started a couple of blogs myself. 'The Truth About the Universe'

"The Truth About the Universe

is here in my PureSciFi account. And 'What I Like to Write, What I Don't Like'

"What I Like to Write, What I Don't Like

can be found in my PureSciFiPlus account. You can check them out if you want to.

I liked your Short Story very much. Keep on writing.

** Image ID #1727523 Unavailable **

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by PureSciFi
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 18+ | (3.0)

WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  (E)
Join the fun! We inspire reviewers through kindness and learning! Winner of eight Quills!
#1300305 by Maryann

Hello Ben Langhinrichs,

I am writing this review today because of Queen of Comedy Challenge. These are just my opinions. If you don’t agree with them, that’s your opinion. And it wrong. *BigSmile*

Now for the good stuff:  The Review.

Overall Impression: I just finished reading your Comedy Poetry, Glad it won't be me, and I did liked it. It kept me interested in wanting to read it from beginning to end. Once I started reading it I couldn’t stop until I finished it. But I did have a lot of trouble understand it.

The Poetry Itself: I’m not exactly sure what this poetry is about. But if I read it correctly it’s about a love affair gone bad. Am I right about that? I’m not very good when it comes to poetry. I have only done two of them. One is from another phony contest that I entered a few months ago. If you want to get back to me about this rotten *BigSmile* review you can find it in my PureSciFiPlus account. The other one was part of the last challenge. At least I think it is.

Where Your Location Is: Like the Poetry itself I’m not sure where this Poetry takes place. I don’t think it was mentioned in this poem. Yes, I know it could be hard to do with a poem. But it can be done. Personally, I try to have at least one solid location in all my stories. And that include my Poetry stories. It all depends on what my Word Count limitations, or when it comes to Poetry Line Count, are as to how much detail I put into them. Sometimes it’s just the location itself. But usually, it’s a little bit, if not a lot more, than that.

Your Main Character: Once again, I’m not sure who the main character is in this Poetry. I guess whoever it is who is telling this poem is the main character in it. I’m also not sure what the name of this character is. There didn’t seem to be one. Yes, I know giving a character a name is hard to do. But it can be done. Personally, I try to give all my characters a name. Especially the main ones. I think it makes them feel more real if they have one. But that’s just the way that I like to write my stories.

How They Spoke to Me: There was no dialogue in this Poetry. So, I’m not going to comment on that. But I didn’t expect there to be any. After all, it is a poem. I have only seen a couple with dialogue in them. That doesn’t mean there aren’t anymore. It just means I haven’t come across any more, or that style, yet.

Any Last Thoughts: Where is the comedy in this Poetry? I didn’t find any. Maybe it’s just too sophisticated for me. Then again, maybe it’s British humor. I don’t understand that type of comedy either.

I’m going to be very honest with you. The only reason I am reviewing you today is because this is part of the Queen of Comedy Challenge. Normally, I would be reviewing your blog. But that isn’t part of this challenge. There are two reasons why I wanted to review your blog. One of them is I have decided to review blogs this year whenever I can. If you have a blog them, I'm going to review it.

The other reason why I’m doing your blog is because I have started a couple of blogs myself. 'The Truth About the Universe'

"The Truth About the Universe

is here in my PureSciFi account. And 'What I Like to Write, What I Don't Like'

"What I Like to Write, What I Don't Like

can be found in my PureSciFiPlus account. You can check them out if you want to.

I did like your Poetry. But I didn’t really understand it. Keep on writing.

** Image ID #1727519 Unavailable **

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by PureSciFi
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)

WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  (E)
Join the fun! We inspire reviewers through kindness and learning! Winner of eight Quills!
#1300305 by Maryann

Hello W.D.Wilcox,

I am writing this review today because of Queen of Comedy Challenge. These are just my opinions. If you don’t agree with them, that’s your opinion. And it wrong. *BigSmile*

Now for the good stuff:  The Review.

Overall Impression: I just finished reading your Comedy Short Story, More Than Life Itself, and I liked it very, very much. It kept me interested in wanting to read it from beginning to end. Once I started reading it I couldn’t stop until I finished it. What I liked the best about this story is that it kept me smiling all the way through it. It wasn’t just one or two comic moments, it was several.

The Story Itself: This is a story about a male named Bill and a female named Jessie. They are both dead. But only Jessie died of natural causes. Bill killed himself to be with her. That’s why he isn’t allowed to go with her into the light. Which she finally does. Bill did pretend to go with her, though. Because he knew after all of these years in death together she wouldn’t do it without him trying to do it too.

Where Your Location Is: I’m not exactly sure where this story takes place. But if I read this story correctly it’s a room between the afterlife and heaven. Am I correct about that? I know it’s hard to write a story like this one and describe a location within it. But it can be done. You did it with their names. I think you could have with the location too. Personally, I try to have at least one solid location in all my stories. It all depends on what my Word Count limitations are as to how much detail I put into them. Sometimes it’s just the location itself. But usually, it’s a little bit, if not a lot, more than that.

Your Main Character: Of course, Jessie and Bill are the two main characters in this story. In fact, they are the only ones in it. I’m glad that you found a way to give them names. A lot, if not most, writers don’t do that or they don’t know how to do it. Personally, I try to give all my characters a name. Especially, the main ones. I think that it makes them feel more real if they have a name. But that’s just the way that I like to write my stories.

How They Spoke to Me: There was a lot of dialogue in this story. In fact, all of it was dialogue. You didn’t mention it, but I’ll bet that it was for a contest like Dialogue 500. Am I right about that? As for the dialogue itself, it looked good. At least it did to me.

Any Last Thoughts: I noticed only one error when it comes to this story. There might be others. But if there are I didn’t notice them. The one I am talking about is that you forgot the first quotation mark on one of your paragraphs.

I’m going to be very honest with you. The only reason I am reviewing you today is because this is part of the Queen of Comedy Challenge. Normally, I would be reviewing your blog. But that isn’t part of this challenge. There are two reasons why I wanted to review your blog. One of them is I have decided to review blogs this year whenever I can. If you have a blog them, I'm going to review it.

The other reason why I’m doing your blog is because I have started a couple of blogs myself. 'The Truth About the Universe'

"The Truth About the Universe

is here in my PureSciFi account. And 'What I Like to Write, What I Don't Like'

"What I Like to Write, What I Don't Like

can be found in my PureSciFiPlus account. You can check them out if you want to.

I liked your Short Story very, very much. Keep on writing.

** Image ID #1727524 Unavailable **

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by PureSciFi
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)

WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  (E)
Join the fun! We inspire reviewers through kindness and learning! Winner of eight Quills!
#1300305 by Maryann

Hello W.D.Wilcox,

I am writing this review today because of Queen of Comedy Challenge. These are just my opinions. If you don’t agree with them, that’s your opinion. And it wrong. *BigSmile*

Now for the good stuff:  The Review.

Overall Impression: I just finished reading your Comedy Poetry, The Long Lonely Voyage, and I liked it a whole lot. It kept me interested in wanting to read it from beginning to end. Once I started reading it I couldn’t stop until I finished it. What I liked best about this Poetry is that you centered it. It’s not the first time I have read a poem like this. But I think they are easier to read if you center it. Is that why you did it or just how you like to write your Poetry?

The Poetry Itself: This a poem about an astronaut named Ray who fly his spaceship, The Naughty One, into a crater. The crater was in the planet of Uranus. I’m not very good at Poetry. But I know what I like. And I like this one. I have only done two of them. One is from another phony contest that I entered a few months ago. If you want to get back to me about this rotten *BigSmile* review you can find it in my PureSciFiPlus account. The other one is part of the last challenge. At least I think it is.

Where Your Location Is: the main location for this poem is the spaceship. But the planet of Uranus and the crater on that planet are also locations. I think you did a very good job in describing these locations. Personally, I try to have at least one solid location in all my stories. And that include my Poetry stories. It all depends on what my Word Count limitations, or line number, are as to how much detail I put into them. Sometimes it’s just the location itself. Usually, it’s a little bit, if not a lot more, than that.

Your Main Character: Of course, Ray is the main character in this Poetry. In fact, he’s the only one in it. And I like that you gave him a name. A lot, if not most, writers don’t. Especially when it comes to Poetry. The only thing I might have done differently is give him a name like Peter or Dick. Personally, I try to give all my characters a name. Especially the main ones. I think it makes them feel more real if they have one.

How They Spoke to Me: There was no dialogue in this Poetry. So, I’m not going to comment on that. But I didn’t expect there to be any. After all, it is a poem. I have never seen any that did have dialogue in it. That doesn’t mean there aren’t any. It just means I haven’t come across any, or that style, yet.

Any Last Thoughts: I thought this was a very funny comedy poem. Was there a Line count limitation to this poem? The reason why I ask is because I would have added another section or two about Ray going in and out of that crater.

I’m going to be very honest with you. The only reason I am reviewing you today is because this is part of the Queen of Comedy Challenge. Normally, I would be reviewing your blog. But that isn’t part of this challenge. There two reasons why I wanted to review you blog. One of them is I have decided to review blogs this year whenever I can. If you have a blog them, I'm going to review it.

The other reason why I’m doing your blog is because I have started a couple of blogs myself. 'The Truth About the Universe'

"The Truth About the Universe

is here in my PureSciFi account. And 'What I Like to Write, What I Don't Like'

"What I Like to Write, What I Don't Like

can be found in my PureSciFiPlus account. You can check them out if you want to.

I liked your Poetry a whole lot. Keep on writing.

An anniversary party image (blue)

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by PureSciFi
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (3.5)
Welcome to "WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group
*Cat* *Dog1* *Lizard* *Wolf* *Horse* *Fox* Love your Pet/Animal Awareness Raid. *Cat* *Dog1* *Lizard* *Wolf* *Horse* *Fox*

WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  (E)
Join the fun! We inspire reviewers through kindness and learning! Winner of eight Quills!
#1300305 by Maryann

Hello angelique54,

I saw this Fiction story in the Pets genre. And since the February 2017 Power Reviewers Raid is a Love your Pet/Animal Awareness Raid I chose this Fiction story to review.

Are you a Power Reviewer too? If not, and you do reviews, then you should join us. For each review, you do you get 250 to 1,000 or more GPs. And everyone loves to get GPs.

These are just my opinions. If you don’t agree with them, that’s your opinion. And it wrong. *BigSmile*

Now for the good stuff:  The Review.

Overall Impression: I just finished reading your Pets Fiction story, A Cat with Issues, Can You Tell, and I liked it a whole lot. It kept me interested in wanting to read it from beginning to end. Once I started reading it I couldn’t stop until I finished it. What I liked the best about this story is that it was a simple story. A lot of Drama with a little bit of Adventure and even some Comedy.

The Story Itself: This is a story about a male cat named Pumpkin. Which is an unusual name for a male. But after what happened to him one day when his curiosity and his adventurous nature got the best of him. It all started when he found a tub barely filled with water. Pumpkin went to investigate and just got into the water when the human of the house showed up. Her solution to him sitting there isn’t why his name is Pumpkin. But it sure does fit him now. I always thought cats hated water. Not when it comes to fish. But in getting into it. Now I know that isn’t always too.

Where Your Location Is: The location for this story is the house where Pumpkin, his three female cats and their human owner live. I think you did a very good job in describing the location in this story. Personally, I try to have at least one solid location in all my stories. It all depends on what my Word Count limitations are as to how much detail I put into them. Sometimes it’s just the location itself. But usually, it’s a little bit, if not a lot, more than that.

Your Main Character: Of course, Pumpkin is the main character in this story. But the others in his world are also a big part of it. I’m very happy that you gave all the cats a name. A lot, if not most, writers don’t do that. The only thing I would have done differently is that I would have given the cat’s owner a name too. Personally, I try to give all my characters a name. Especially, the main ones. I think that it makes them feel more real if they have a name. But that’s just the way that I like to write my stories.

How They Spoke to Me: There wasn’t a lot of dialogue in this story. But there was some. And what dialogue there was looked good. At least it did to me. There were also some thoughts too. A lot of Reviewers don’t consider this dialogue. But I’m not one of them. I do consider it dialogue. And like the ‘real’ dialogue it looked good to me.

Any Last Thoughts: I’m going to be very honest with you. The only reason I am reviewing you today is because this is part of the February 2017 Power Reviewer Raid. Normally, I would be reviewing your blog. But that isn’t part of this raid. There are two reasons why I wanted to review your blog. One of them is I have decided to review blogs this year whenever I can. If you have a blog them, I'm going to review it.

The other reason why I’m doing your blog is because I have started a couple of blogs myself. 'The Truth About the Universe'

"The Truth About the Universe

is here in my PureSciFi account. And 'What I Like to Write, What I Don't Like'

"What I Like to Write, What I Don't Like

can be found in my PureSciFiPlus account. You can check them out if you want to.

I liked your Fiction story a whole lot. Keep on writing.

** Image ID #2111174 Unavailable **

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Cat Curiosity  
Review by PureSciFi
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Welcome to "WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group
*Cat* *Dog1* *Lizard* *Wolf* *Horse* *Fox* Love your Pet/Animal Awareness Raid. *Cat* *Dog1* *Lizard* *Wolf* *Horse* *Fox*

WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  (E)
Join the fun! We inspire reviewers through kindness and learning! Winner of eight Quills!
#1300305 by Maryann

Hello dobie mom,

I saw this Fiction story in the Pets genre. And since the February 2017 Power Reviewers Raid is a Love your Pet/Animal Awareness Raid I chose this Fiction story to review.

Are you a Power Reviewer too? If not, and you do reviews, then you should join us. For each review, you do you get 250 to 1,000 or more GPs. And everyone loves to get GPs.

These are just my opinions. If you don’t agree with them, that’s your opinion. And it wrong. *BigSmile*

Now for the good stuff:  The Review.

Overall Impression: I just finished reading your Pets Fiction story, Cat Curiosity, and I liked it very much. It kept me interested in wanting to read it from beginning to end. Once I started reading it I couldn’t stop until I finished it. What I liked the best about this story is that is what happened when the newest member of that family saw the goldfish.

The Story Itself: This is a story about a cat named Mew who used to live on the mean street. At least she did until a kindly old lady took her in. Now she had a new place to explore her first day there. The first thing she explored was a curtain. But the best thing she encountered was a glass globe filled with water. Water wasn’t the only thing in there, though. There also two goldfish there too. Snack time.

Where Your Location Is: The location for this story is new house that Mew now called home. And I think you did a very good job describing this location. Personally, I try to have at least one solid location in all my stories. It all depends on what my Word Count limitations are as to how much detail I put into them. Sometimes it’s just the location itself. But usually, it’s a little bit, if not a lot, more than that.

Your Main Character: Of course, Mew is the main character in this story. In fact, she’s practically the only one. The old lady who took her in is also a part of it briefly, though. I’m very happy that you gave her a name. The only thing I would have done differently is given the old lady a name too. Personally, I try to give all my characters a name. Especially, the main ones. I think that it makes them feel more real if they have a name. But that’s just the way that I like to write my stories.

How They Spoke to Me: There wasn’t any dialogue in this story. So, I’m not going to comment on that. But there are some Reviewers who still might. And at least one Reviewer who would consider this telling instead of showing. Personally, I disagree with that. I think that you can show a story with or without dialogue. It all depends on how you write your paragraphs. And I think you did a great job in doing that with this story.

Any Last Thoughts: I’m going to be very honest with you. The only reason I am reviewing you today is because this is part of the February 2017 Power Reviewer Raid. Normally, I would be reviewing your blog. But that isn’t part of this raid. There are two reasons why I wanted to review your blog. One of them is I have decided to review blogs this year whenever I can. If you have a blog them, I'm going to review it.

The other reason why I’m doing your blog is because I have started a couple of blogs myself. 'The Truth About the Universe'

"The Truth About the Universe

is here in my PureSciFi account. And 'What I Like to Write, What I Don't Like'

"What I Like to Write, What I Don't Like

can be found in my PureSciFiPlus account. You can check them out if you want to.

I liked your Fiction story very much. Keep on writing.

** Image ID #2111176 Unavailable **

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
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