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Review of The Change  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Greetings ๐ŸŒป,
I came across your story as I was clicking on the review listings and it caught my eye. You hooked my attention almost immediately and I really like you wrote from such a unique perspective. That of a deer witnessing the destruction and loss of its home. Your writing stirs up the readers emotions and I could practically FEEL the overwhelming sadness and dread the poor animals must have been feeling!Thank you for sharing your story.
Sincerely, Tina๐Ÿ–‹๐Ÿ’ป
Review of The Legacy  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
This play had a fun twist at the end! You hooked me quickly and kept me reeled in until the end. It came to life easily and would be a fun play to watch live. Thank you for sharing with me.
for entry "Terror Awaits
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Greetings ๐ŸŒบ,

This is your third review as part of your package you won. Right off the bat, I can see why this short story won Honorable mention! Creepy and hair raising to say the least.

The story is fast paced with strong imagery. I can easily and clearly see through Betty's eyes what's going on. You hook the reader and of course, we just gotta know what happens next!

The end, we think help has finally arrived but then the gut wrenching twist! And I like how you end it, leaving the reader wondering exactly what fate Betty faced. What did he do to her? I love endings that leave room for the readers imagination to run rampant.

Thank you for this gdeat,spooky story!

Tina aka Shadow Prowler ๐Ÿ–‹
for entry "Disasters
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello ๐ŸŒป,

This is the second of three reviews you've won as part of your package you won! I'm very glad to have the honor to read another of your awesome works.

This entry focuses on some hard, often times inexplicable questions I think a great many of us often wrestle with. Natural disasters and tragic events have in some way impacted us all. Its hard, if not impossible to find logic or meaning in these things.

What would we do? Your article gets the reader to hopefully ask themselves this question. There's not a lot we can do to prevent such things from occurring, but we CAN prepare and plan! We can put some measures in place to help ourselves, our family and others. By doing so, we empower ourselves.

When nothing around us makes sense, when everything is in termoil, it is then we also must put our trust and faith in our Heavenly Father. I say this to you, knowing we are both of the same belief. We have a hope the rest of the world does not. It ALL makes sense to God. He knows the answers and He is our rock and our fortress.

I wish every person could read your article and ask themselves what would they do? What would their family do? Those are vital questions especially in today's world.

Thank you for sharing this eye opening article.

Tina aka Shadow Prowler ๐Ÿ–‹
for entry "Forgiveness
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello ๐ŸŒท,
I'm reading and reviewing this entry as part of your winning package from the Four Seasons fundraiser.

Teenage years are often filled with growing pains and you zeroed in one a common issue both boys and girls tend to face. Its devastating when a close friend betrays you and harder still to find forgiveness towards them.

You do a great job showing how the support of a loving family can make all the difference. The story flows smoothly and the pace is just right. Good imagery made the story come alive and I could easily feel what Vanessa was feeling and how much her family loves her.

I did not notice any technical issues, you've edited it very nicely. It would be nice if you found a contest to enter this in, I believe it would score nicely.

Thank you for allowing me the privilege to read and review this story from your portfolio. I look forward to checking out more of your short stories.

Tina aka Shadow Prowler ๐Ÿ–‹
Review of Seeking Sandra  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Hello, I'm reading and reviewing this story you submitted to Hit Me With Your Best Shot congest. Oh my goodness! Not at all what I expected when I first started reading. I loved all the little details that made your story pop to ?ife. I also like how you left the reader to wonder with many questions about Sandy. It flows well and I like that while you included many descrptive details, it never stops the fast pace.
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)
Hello Megan,
I was excited to run across your story while clicking on the read & review button. This was a fast-paced, story full of adventure and excitement. It held my attention captive throughout the story. I loved the happy-ever-after ending and that everything turned out so wonderfully. While reading, my eye caught this one etsy bitsy typ-o: My mother died when I was I was born so it was just my father and I. You just double typed the blue words.
This was a fun, exciting story to read, thank you.
Review of The Rapper  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Greetings Sumojo,
I ran across your story while clicking on the Read & Review button and I am very glad I did! It's not easy being a teenager especially when our dreams and ambitions are not the same as our parent's. I think just about any teen or parent can relate and identify with this story. Greg gave everything he had but he learned a harsh lesson, yet even as he is doing the work his father had wanted him to do, he doesn't give up on his dream. The music is still in him. It gives the reader some hope that this isn't the end ...just a temp setback. I enjoyed reading your story, thank you for sharing it.
Review of When Pigs Fly  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Greetings NormaJean,
I came across your short story while clicking on the Read & Review and was happy to come across your item. This is funny. I can remember being a lot like John at first, wanting to hold on to the physical newspapers. I think a lot of readers can relate. This is an entertaining read and is sure to give just about any reader a good laugh.
Tina Greetings NormaJean,
I came across your short story while clicking on the Read & Review and was happy to come across your item. This is funny. I can remember being a lot like John at first, wanting to hold on to the physical newspapers. I think a lot of readers can relate. This is an entertaining read and is sure to give just about any reader a good laugh.
Review of The Gold Trap  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi Paul,
I found your item on the read & review page and am delighted that I did! This scene is so vivid and real. I could so easily picture two rambunctious boys hunkered down having this discussion. I giggled all the way through this cute exchange. If I had to guess, I'd say you are very experienced with little boys! At the end, I swear I could hear them bellowing for Mom..lol This was a fun, delightful read and I am thankful I ran across it. Thank you for sharing it.
Rated: E | (5.0)
Greetings NoMonster,
I saw your note on the daily newsfeed and decided to check out your story. What a cute children's story! It is very unique and fast-paced. The vivid imagery will capture the imagination of a wide range of ages. It held MY attention all the way til the end and I think it will for children as well.
Review of ANGER  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Dear Naomi,
I ran across your item while clicking on the read & review button. Your Papa was definitely a wise man who have sound advice. What particularly stood out for me was "The one who angers you conquers you." Years ago, I heard something similar and then when reading this it rang that same bell. It is something I've always remembered and tried to apply to my life daily. Anger is a choice. I have the power of choice. No one can MAKE you angry...you let them make you angry. I enjoyed reading this reminder.
Review of Moonlight Terror.  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Greetings Anna,
I found your short story item while clicking through the Read & Review button. Your story is very creepy and full of tension and kept me, as the reader in ever-growing suspense. I like how you keep some things such as the actual identity of who they are actually scared of a mystery. You let the reader's imagination jump in and fill in the blanks with possibilities. In the end, you still leave the reader wondering what exactly happened and if she is taken or not. I think that adds to the creepiness. I enjoyed reading this.
In affiliation with  
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)
Hi Megan,
I was clicking through the Read & Review and was delighted to see your poem and story about Serena the goddess of the sea. She sounds delightful and beautiful. I'm sure all those who see her never forget her. Your poem is lovely and flows so nicely. It has strong vivid imagery and makes it so easy to see the wonderful animals that call the sea their home. Thank you for sharing on WDC.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Greetings Bossco,
I found your story on the Read & Review. You are very creative and I like how you used vivid descriptions and details, yet kept the story fast-paced and full of energy. You hooked me and drew me into the story right off the bat, and kept my attention through the whole story. I like how you included some humor as well. This was very enjoyable to read and thank you for sharing it on WDC.
Rated: E | (3.0)
Hello Ash,
Your item popped up as I was clicking on the read & review button. This is an interesting fanfiction piece. I notice you have it rated E for everyone and it says it's a comedy for children. But, you use a curse word (dumbass) and the character is kidnapped and forced into a marriage. It also references the possibility of a serial killer having a large number of children in their basement. Not really sure that is really geared towards children. Perhaps teens, but I'd say at least 13+ not children.
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Greetings BlackAdder,
I am reviewing your story because it popped up when I was clicking the Read & Review button. Wow, this is quite the scene! A standoff between a mugger and woman, who then is joined by a man. Together they bring down the mugger. You did very well conveying the tension and drama going on. Your story hooked me quickly and refused to let me go until the very end. It was fast-paced but you didn't skimp on the details. I felt it was very well written and it was a pleasure to read. Thank you for sharing it.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of The Water Vole  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Greetings Beholden,
I ran across your short story about the Water Vole when I was clicking on the Read & Review link. Your story drew me in almost instantly. You have such a dazzling way with words! I felt I was right there on the bridge with the man. I could see everything so clearly. The ending was both very unexpected and a little creepy but also mysterious and magical. I enjoyed reading it very much and thank you for sharing it here on WDC.
Review of Crinkly Grass  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Greetings Jacky,
I was delighted to read your flash fiction story about Tiff. It is fast-paced and uses vivid imagery to capture the reader's imagination. You can easily picture the excited little mouse as he scurries back and forth, the delight on the children's faces, and the sticky mess those little hands make as they dig into their treats. Had to smile at the parents thinking the little boy might have eaten some of the grass lol. This is a delightful story and I enjoyed reading it.
Review of Diet Dying Days  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Greetings AmyJo,
Your newsfeed post caught my eye and so did the title of your poem. Oh, how you hit the nail on the head with this one! The holidays can wreck havock on even the best-planned diets. What is one to do? Hiding under the bed is a very good solution. I just might take that advice this year. I liked your imagery and it flows very nicely. Good luck with the Quills!
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Howdy there Sly,
I moseyed into your interactive western after reading it as a suggestion on a post you responded to. I also took a gander at a few of your other interactives, but that's a bull with a whole different horn.
Partner, it looks like you've got a whopping 47 chapters and that is pretty dang impressive. The theme and plot are fun and fresh as you mix a surprising selection of genres! I must say, they come together right well. The storylines that have progressed are detailed and let any reader, new or one who is familiar with the story to understand the characters very well. I like that there is plenty of room for growth and you offer your writers a wide range of oportunities. Good luck this this project!
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Hello Jae,
Because I don't typically read fantasy stories, at first, I was a bit confused and had to keep re-reading some of your paragraphs looking for information I might have missed. It might be helpful to other readers not familiar with fantasy to explain that Skire is a halfling...what exactly is Malusk? You are very good with dialogue and I liked the pace of the story. It hooks me and compels me to keep reading. Once I figured out your main character was a halfling, things began to make a lot more sense and I found myself wanting to read more! Thank you for sharing your story. Write On!
for entry "A Hard Choice
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Wow! I'm not into this type of story.....or warewolves but you hooked me and drew me in! Its fast paced, filled with tension and action...and I just had to laugh at the imagery of offering a Spam sandwich to a warewolf. That is brilliant and hilarious๐Ÿ˜‚. I really hope you add more to this, cos I'd love to read more.
Rated: E | (5.0)
Over the years I've had quite a few casual chats turn into friendships. Was your article mentions, some came and went very quickly for one reason or other. However, I have developed a strong long term relationship with one couple in particular. I met the husband first then his wife. We've been friends now for right at fifteen years. We met not long after they got married and they both treated me like an older sister. They even named one of their six children after me and all the children call me Auntie. Another of my friendships lasted well over six years and another right at four years. Online friendships take hard work and time investment just like face to face friends. Yes, I e been hurt by a few, but there is something very precious when a genuine, open and honest friendship develops. It makes everything you go through worthwhile.
Review of Appreciate You  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Life is a miracle! Very well said. This article is a very positive, uplifting one with several well presented points. Be grateful and thankful for what we have, accept the good with the bad, love yourself so it bubbles over so you can share that lo e with others, and cherish life...we only get one!๐ŸŒˆ๐Ÿ’—๐ŸŒˆ
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