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Rated: 13+ · Book · Emotional · #1252670
By biggest challenge- My life. Wanna know me?
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This is just a flow of words from my fingers. I just jot down the words that come to my mind.
This might have many grammatical, punctuation and other errors, please help me correct those if you find any.*Flower2**Flower3**Flower2*

Thank you kiyasama for the lovely banner!

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March 19, 2013 at 11:36am
March 19, 2013 at 11:36am
*Smile* I'm back to my blog again, and I feel good about it. I think I've missed the Easter activity, but still I'm part of Blogging circle of friends. Grown up? I always feel it now, when handling office works.
March 3, 2013 at 10:51pm
March 3, 2013 at 10:51pm
I always like to be true to my feelings. I find it better to make someone cry with the truth, instead of making him/her laugh with a lie. So, being honest and straightforward was always a goal had to set for myself. I always loathed back-stabbing, and I prefer people who can say anything on my face, not at my back. For me, it was seldom hard to say the truth, though consequences sometimes force me to lie. One lie leads to ten more lies, so truth was always easy for me.
February 16, 2013 at 12:30pm
February 16, 2013 at 12:30pm
Love can certainly conquer all, whenever that love is accompanied by blessings. If love doesn't have a blend of blessings in it, well, that can mean trouble.

I don't like the concept of modern love, where one girl takes pride in having two or more boyfriends together, and vice versa. These loves hardly last for a day or two.

Yes of course, one may have more than one male friend or even brothers. But romance? Well, that feeling should be stored for one permanent person.

I'd prefer to pick one person as my life partner, who will be chosen by both me and my family. And of course, I wanna find solace taking him in my arms, and vice versa.

There are many people around me who think that I'm not capable of being called a part of the noble society, only and only because I use a stick to walk. These people can't be even called friends, forget life partner.

So, there's one thing I always tell everyone: Please do not create emotions for yourself in my mind, and if you do, don't play with it. Because when I say friend, or when I say brother/sister, I mean it. So, if you don't wanna mean it, run away from my world.

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February 14, 2013 at 10:57am
February 14, 2013 at 10:57am
Well, for me, love is friendship. Love is bringing a smile to someone else's face with whatever I have. Valentine can be anyone and everyone, even a sweet puppy beside my house. Valentine can be anyone who is worth loving, and who will never play with my emotions.

I always tell people one thing: never create emotions for yourself in my mind, and if you do, please, never play with it.

As far as romantic feelings are concerned, romance is only and only for my husband, someone who will love me all throughout my life, both at 30, and at 80. I haven't found someone as yet, but Allah creates a pair for everyone in this world, and maybe there's someone for me as well, who knows? Maybe I'll find him someday, if not in this earth, then certainly in the afterlife. *Smile*
January 23, 2013 at 12:18pm
January 23, 2013 at 12:18pm
Instead of acting in a movie or directing, I'd rather prefer to be the story-teller. I hate being someone I'm not. Trust me, I don't like being rude at all, but sometimes people's attitute forces me to be rude. Whatever is in my mind is also uttered through my mouth, I cannot show false attitude at all.

No offense to anyone, but acting to me seems like being a puppet, and the director is the puppeteer. So I'd rather write a story instead of working for a movie. Sorry If I've hurt anyone, this prompt looked a little controversial.

Love you WDC

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January 22, 2013 at 11:29am
January 22, 2013 at 11:29am
I used to worry about letter grades and academic results, but I don't do so anymore. Grades are just mere alphabets, knowledge is the thing we should be running after instead.

Another worry that never haunts me anymore is pain management. When I was younger, I had difficulty battling with the constant pain. Now if I need to forget the pain, I need to sink into something I enjoy doing, or I need to take a long walk. This is not so hard after all.

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January 15, 2013 at 12:37pm
January 15, 2013 at 12:37pm
If I could ever get the chance, I'd like to take piano lessons. I can play the keyboard and the harmonium, but the tune of piano always soothed my ears, and all types of music, classical, English, everything can be played by piano.
January 11, 2013 at 1:27am
January 11, 2013 at 1:27am
I did not forget yesterday's prompt, just couldn't save the entry.

Here in Bangladesh, we are used to all sorts of extreme weather conditions. During summer, the temperature can go up to 45 degress celcius in some parts of the country.

But, now we are being swept with cold waves. Day before yesterday, the temperature was 3 degress celcius. Many people, including women and children, passed away, owing to winter related diseases. Many institutions are giving away winter wear to those in need. Every time my parents go to our native village, they carry a good amount of woollens for the ones in need.

Yes, the summer warmth can be exasperating at times, still it doesn't cause deaths like winter. So I think extreme cold is worse than extreme hot.

The lesson I'm talking about, is not really a childhood lesson, rather it's something learnt during my teens. I had learnt after a school lesson, that no matter what happens, even if the world turns upside down, I must be honest, and I must trust myself. I still stick to that lesson and continue to do so.

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January 7, 2013 at 12:38pm
January 7, 2013 at 12:38pm
I just adore all sorts of animals and birds, but I really don't like to see them confined inside cages. I'd rather like to have what I call "wild pets". These can be of a wide variety. House sparrows, a white dog I have to cross on my way to office everyday. A pet pegion from the neighbours house, a dove with a broken wing my dad brought from the stairs when I was a kid...the list goes on.

I love making friends with wild animals who are not afraid of me. When I was a child, I used to feed sugar to black ants, so I can call them pets as well.

I enjoy rainy days, I love the lingering sound of raindrops on my windows and rooftop. I sometimes enjoy taking rain showers, though I can hardly get this experience now. In our country, rain also mean a few special dishes like special vegetable rice and some other fried snacks. Rain means singing my voice out with the rythm of raindrops.

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January 4, 2013 at 10:28am
January 4, 2013 at 10:28am
No, I'm still not very well, so I'll try to keep it short. Laughter can be a very difficult thing to find, and it might not always be the best healer. We also need other things like hugs and music to make us comfortable.

New year resolutions? Well, I don't have much , but I'll definitely try to find another new platform to publish my writings. Plans normally get broken, so it's wiser not to make them.

Be happy WDC.


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January 2, 2013 at 1:01pm
January 2, 2013 at 1:01pm
Trying to combine a few prompts together. As my handle explains, I'm having a few health issues lately. But I will pull up In-Sha-Allah . I'm not a looser, and life was always a battle ever since I learnt to understand things.

Now coming to the prompts. I had seldom waited on line for a particular someone, so really I don't know the feeling. I do go online for my best friend mentioned in the previous entry, but he hardly makes me wait.

I've been writing seriously since 1997, but I can't really write good poetry. So this year, I want to start learning to write better poetry, and I also need to brush up my story writing skills. I plan to take up a course or two at New Horizons Writing Academy.

If I could give a gift to someone, I'd just go out and find good husbands for my sisters. I need men who can look beyond their physical beauty and age. One of my sisters are married with a lovely eleven-year-old girl. My brother married the love of his life and has 3 lovely kids. He lives in Los Angeles now. They are very close to us.

But my elder sisters are 43 and 42 respectively, and are still single. In our society, single girls sometimes recieve social taunts after a particular age. I don't want them to recieve such taunts.

I love WDC!

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December 31, 2012 at 12:24pm
December 31, 2012 at 12:24pm
Well, first of all, sorry for not being a regular blogger here, personal life required a bit of my time.

My biggest achievement last year, was getting the job I do now. I started on the 14th of January. At first, I hardly knew anything about the job, I took a long time learning the works. But now, I have to handle a lot of areas. Petty Cash, Student Admissions, counselling, teaching, helping with lesson preparation...the list goes on. Oh yes, I also have to teach English to a lovely Turkish teen, the most favorite part of my job.

Being the only female other than the cleaner, I felt a little odd at first. But I was accepted with open arms among my four other male colleagues.

Yes, I know, maybe I earn a meagre amount compared to most of my friends. Money was never my thing. I have always prayed to Allah for a good life, not a mountain of cash. I prefer a necklace of beads over one made of gold. Addiction for too much cash can hardly be good.

Another achievement can be going one step higher in my music class. I don't know how I sing, I can't comment on my voice at all, I only do it because I love it. Same goes for writing.

Being loved can also be an achievement I think. I have quite a number of brothers, sisters, friends, uncles and aunts at office. Some are clients, some are students, some a little known to us, others relatives of my boss.

My best friend, who's about 4 years younger than me, calls me Apu and he's my dear little Bhaiya . He's the only one I can completely confide in, and same goes for him.

So, my little brother fell in love recently, and it became my duty to check on him through cellphone and Facebook. Now, if I only write on his wall, and not on his bride-to-be's, she'd instantly send a sad face on my wall. So, ok good, check on both little bro and his would be, get a little sister as a bonus. Not bad huh?

In the meantime, I might also look for my own Prince Charming...*Blush*. Well, who knows, maybe I'd find my true love in 2013, the same way my friend did?

Happy new year WDC!

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December 27, 2012 at 1:22pm
December 27, 2012 at 1:22pm
I have read about UFO's when I was a kid. So, maybe they exist. And life on other planets? Creatures might exist on MARS, who knows? Maybe?

Now sharing a bit of personal life in here. Sorry, bloggers, this kept on bothering me for quite sometime now, so please bear with me.

I was chatting with my magazine's sub editor the other day on Facebook. For the last two years, I had been working in a Bangladeshi teen magazine called Youth Wave, as a regular feature or story writer.

I started as usual, talking about the magazine and it's sections. All of a sudden, he goes: "Girls are sources of pleasure to me, so don't talk about writing topics, talk about physical pleasures. And if you can't do that, don't send any more writings."

Sorry, I couldn't take that any longer. Anything which will take me away from my values, is not good anymore, no matter how close it is to me.

I decided not to send anymore writings in there. Creativity is my life, and loosing my platform was like loosing a vital organ to me. I did spend a few days swimming in tears, but there might be other magazines out there for me. Values and relationships are way above money. So, yes, I am shattered, but if Allah wishes, I can pull myself up.

Merry Christmas and happy new year to all my WDC friends. Had two of the most wonderful secret santas this year. Fi and ohdear, Thank you so much for all the gifts and encouragements. *Heart*

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December 20, 2012 at 10:38am
December 20, 2012 at 10:38am
If I were not so afraid, I'd take roller coaster rides every day. I can't do so now, as I'm afraid of heights. I can hardly ride anything at the amusement parks.

I'd kill cockroaches every day, but now I can't even look at them, I just jump up and run away.

I'd use moisturising cold creams often, now I can't do that often to avoid pimples.

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December 18, 2012 at 12:46pm
December 18, 2012 at 12:46pm
In my life, there are a lot of things I can spend hours brooding on listlessly. Instead, I prefer to cut through the ice, to create chances and opportunities for myself. Rather than watching things as they happen, I like to make things happen.

Smiles are important, but one has to create a balance between fun and seriousness. So, I really don't enjoy making fun of serious matters and vice versa.

None will create my place in this world for me, I have to create it myself. Instead of brooding over chances lost, I like to let go at times to find new faces around me.

If there is nothing I can do to change a present situation, I turn to Allah, and wait for a direction to the right path.

Overall, life is a challenge, and I love to encounter challenges. *Smile*

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December 17, 2012 at 1:15pm
December 17, 2012 at 1:15pm
Well, I'm somewhere in between negative, positive and neutral. Sometimes (mostly that is) I try to make the most out of life, enjoying every moment.

Sometimes, I feel so negative about everything, that I only wish for death.

Sometimes, I try to accept life as it comes, not complaining about anything.

Thank you, secret santas for filling my days with joy.

Write on! Writing is a great source of solace!
December 15, 2012 at 12:38pm
December 15, 2012 at 12:38pm
Three of my very special moments were associated with my academic achievements.

My O levels were not that easy, I had an ailing body and a depressed mind, but I did not give up. Could not snatch away excellent grades though, I had to be satisfied with a mediocre result.

As for A levels, I had to shift from Science to Commerce, and was into a whole new ocean of studies. Biology and Chemistry were nowhere near to Economics or Accounting. I had to take three years instead of two to complete that. In the process, I fell in love with Commerce, and Arts was always my passion.

And the other moments were when my nieces and nephews were born. They are my "ready made children". I will always love them as my own.
December 12, 2012 at 12:57pm
December 12, 2012 at 12:57pm
Hi Falguni,

Did you finish that half-done novel you had started writing last month? Come on now girl, you couldn't even complete your NANO novel back in 2012. But you've become much more serious about writing, so scribble away. Let the readers go on reading.

Of course, don't forget taking care of your kids, all sorts of kids that is. Even your parents are like your children now.

Don't forget your music, that four-year long music course is paying off now. You're a music teacher, isn't that great?

You've never forgotten relationships. It's very hard to build one, but it can break within seconds. Strengthen all the relationships every moment.

Whatever you do, trust yourself, follow your heart, and never give up!

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December 11, 2012 at 11:57am
December 11, 2012 at 11:57am
Normally, to me, no work is small. But I don't think I'd ever enjoy the career of a serving girl at alcohol bar. I personally loathe alcohol, or any other sort of drug.

I'd not enjoy the life of a sweeper cleaning the public streets too. Too much dirt makes me sneeze a lot.

I normally want to enjoy everything I do, so this was a difficult prompt for me.

Here's a plea, I'm gonna loose my upgrade on the 15th of January, 2013. Can someone help me please?

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December 10, 2012 at 12:03pm
December 10, 2012 at 12:03pm
My most cherished childhood memory is when I first got published. My first published piece was a Bangla poem.

It was the winner of a poem completion contest. The first four lines of the poem was given, and contestants were supposed to add another 4 to 8 lines and send it to a popular Bangla magazine. Well, this might sound like the repetition of a previous entry, but this is what came to mind when I saw the prompt today. The prize was three consecutive issues of the magazine, and believe me, that one magazine inspired me to write on!

My first published piece in English was a series of Adventure stories, Inspector Raju. This was the continuation of a school assignment. Published in Bangladesh Observer, a leading English Bangladeshi Daily back in the late 90's. It made me, an outcast, pretty popular amongst peers. *Cool*

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