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The Writing.Com members below are accepting review requests and ready to review your item! Peruse the list, check out members' review styles and request a review from anyone who seems like a good fit for your item.
sodette's Portfolio!
Registered Author
Shawn Odette
(minimum 1,000 GPs)
I give constructive criticism of your work. I will be very honest but polite. When I read a story I ask myself if this is something I would pay to read in a magazine or an online venue. If it is, I will tell you why, if not I will tell you why it's not. Please do not send me rough drafts. If it is not a finished copy, then I don't want to see it because the errors tend to be too distracting from the actual story.
Registered Author
Honest. I do not review harshly or with malicious intent. I only want to give you my honest opinion nothing more, nothing less. β€’ I review on my phone from the hours of 6am -3pm. Back to doing reviews my apologies for all those that requested one and I didn't receive it in time.
dmcarroll's Portfolio!
Registered Author
(minimum 1,000 GPs)
Kind. We are all writers from the heart. It is from the heart that I review. I will not poke holes in your work. Your story is yours to tell. I will, however, offer craft suggestions.
drkelley's Portfolio!
Registered Author
(minimum 1,000 GPs)
I look for interesting stories. I do not guage another author because of differences in style (from my own). I look for spacing, grammar, spelling, punctuation, etc. I also look for incongruity. For instance: "It was a cold night with no fire to warm ourselves." And then, starting the next paragraph: "The next morning we put out the fire and left on our horses."
Preferred Author
(minimum 2,000 GPs)
I try to be honest and positive. My Christian faith is an important background factor. I hate rating low but have a system that determines how I grade.
My Philosophy of Rating and Reviewing  (E)
How do I assess people's work when reviewing?
#2259390 by LightinMind
Preferred Author
(minimum 1,000 GPs)
I like to always pick out the positive points in a piece, even if overall I am not enamoured by it. I tend to point out grammatical and spelling errors. I will be honest, but not unkind *Smile*
sharee268's Portfolio!
Registered Author
(minimum 1,000 GPs)
My review style is honest but kind.
Preferred Author
Odessa Molinari
(minimum 1,000 GPs)
I like to say how I relate to an item. Spelling and grammar are less important.
Preferred Author
Indelible Ink
(minimum 5,000 GPs)
I try to imagine I've just taken a seat in the waiting room at a doctor's office and picked up a magazine to pass the time. Suddenly - what's this? - I stumble upon your little work of art. As a result of reading your story, either I will 1) I like it so much I MUST have it, so I stuff the magazine down the front of my shirt and hope the doctor isn't checking my heartbeat today, or 2) Become so nauseated at the ineptitude displayed by your chicken scratches that I will beg the doctor to consider me for an emergency euthanasia. Chances are it will be somewhere in the middle.
Preferred Author
(minimum 2,500 GPs)
I'm the lead editor for a small independent press, but I am on maternity leave for the next several years and thus not accepting submissions. I'll tell you my professional opinion on first chapters or short pieces and whether I would have accepted it or rejected it if I was looking for work. I've dealt most with controversial speculative fiction, and I'm most interested in polyamory a.k.a consensual non-monogamy.
In depth, detailed, and supportive.
spidergirl's Portfolio!
(minimum 1,000 GPs)
I attempt a well-rounded review where I look at the item from a writer's and reader's perspective. I'll tell you what I liked and what I think could be strengthened. I like to think I'm a courteous and helpful reviewer.
Preferred Author
Casual, friendly. I'll point out typos when I see them and make suggestions about quality, characters and logic, besides telling you how I feel about the piece.
masurai1987's Portfolio!
Registered Author
(minimum 1,000 GPs)
I try to focus on what works and does not work.
coolzebra's Portfolio!
Registered Author
(minimum 1,000 GPs)
When I review something, I look for grammar and it's content. I can say what you miss or what you need.
Registered Author
Temperance Stone
(minimum 1,000 GPs)
Hi. I'm not super experienced with giving reviews so I stay away from technical stuff. I prefer short stories. I generally share what I liked and didn't like about the story. I usually give an example of what I think overall and whether or not it has grabbed my attention making me want more of the story. I hope to get more experienced so that I can be more helpful in the future
lbidler's Portfolio!
Preferred Author
(minimum 1,000 GPs)
As a reviewer of your work, I will first look for identification in what you are presenting. When a reader can truly identify with the writer, emotion sets in and the story becomes a part of the reader as well as the writer.
puppetmaster84's Portfolio!
Preferred Author
The Puppet Master
(minimum 1,000 GPs)
I will say what I liked about your piece and if I have any suggestions for improvement. My reviews are usually short, sweet and to the point. I prefer to review short stories but will look at poetry if asked to.
dragonfish's Portfolio!
Preferred Author
Angelica- School On! Make it?
(minimum 1,000 GPs)
I look for how well the story or poem flows and if there are things out of place. I also check for grammar and spelling errors.
sparkyvacdr's Portfolio!
Preferred Author
(minimum 50,000 GPs)
I like to encourage writers, while giving accurate, insightful, truthful feedback. Reviews for novel length items will be an overview and general comment. I don't review line by line or focus on grammar, spelling or punctuation -except perhaps if I see something affecting the storyline, or if I have suggestions relating to improving relevant areas of the work.
Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/authors/action/reviewers