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by spook
Rated: 18+ · Book · Entertainment · #1262689
Don't judge a book by its cover... This isn't about tube anemones.
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November 12, 2012 at 1:54am
November 12, 2012 at 1:54am
I didn't even have to use my A.K.
Haha, that was an obscure reference if there ever was one. Old Snoop Dogg rap. Which reminds me, Snoop's name is now Snoop Lion. He went to Jamaica and had a spiritual awakening, and a rastafarian priest changed his name. Now Snoop believes he is the reincarnation of Bob Marley and does Reggae. I wonder how Ziggy Marley feels about that?

Today was my one day off, and my love and I finished watching season 5 of Dexter. I know I'm behind a bit, but I don't have cable so I have to wait for it to come out on DVD. May I just say, Ruh Roh Dexter! (That was Scooby-speak.) He's in a bind! I'm going nuts waiting to find out how he's going to handle this one!

After finishing Dex, we decided to go rent a movie, because I made it pretty clear I wasn't going to be doing anything responsible, like laundry or dishes, and he's content to do whatever. Since the fish store is closed on Monday and Tuesday, I wanted to run by and get a jug of D.I. (deionized- clean freshwater) for topping off the salt tanks. Quick science lesson- water evaporates, but salt doesn't, so if you don't replenish the evaporated water with fresh, it raises the salinity. If you top off with saltwater, it raises the salinity significantly and kills everything in your tank. Libs learned this the hard way once. Thought I'd pass that on, just for fun.

So I grabbed a jug and we headed to the fish store, planning on getting some water and then picking up a movie on the way back. What actually happened was that I fell in love with a Picasso Trigger, my love was enamored with a gold stripe maroon clown, and there was a great six-line wrasse that I wanted to eat my stupid flatworms. And they had ninja star snails. All this together was about $110.00, without tax. No way.

But it just so happens that I had my Papa Johns hoodie, and the owner suggested a trade. Hell yeah! Sometimes I love my job. I get all kinds of stuff.We worked out a deal, and for two pizzas we got all that for a flat $65.00! Score! And I didn't even have to pay for the food, because I'm super awesome and Flies stick to Honey like crazy! We're so excited! The little maroon cozied right up to our big girl, and she only kicked his ass a little bit, to prove she's the female and keep him in his place. If you don't know, all clownfish are born female, and when you make a pair, the larger one will stay female, and the smaller one will become a male. If the bigger one doesn't kill it, that is. But they are getting along famously! And the wrasse is big enough that the maroon won't bother it much. I so hope the wrasse will eat the flatworms. I've been battling them for awhile now, and they keep killing all my hard corals. Now all I have are my softies, mushrooms and Palyzoas, things with no skeletal system.

The Picasso got put by himself, since they are semi-aggressive, and like to eat snails and crabs and other fish. He made himself right at home, blowing in the sand to find small crustaceans. He has such a cool personality too! Many people think fish don't have personalities, but from years of experience, I can say otherwise. The best fish are predators, though, not little shoaling fish, or herbivores. Some of the coolest fish I've ever had were predators. Some will come up and eat out of your hand, some will let you pet them. You just have to be careful and know what you're doing. Some are venomous, and some just have awfully sharp teeth. And even though you weren't wondering, yes, I have bitchslapped a few fish in my day. They totally deserved it though.

I was pointing out little Asterina starfish to the trigger (who I may name Dali), and he would come right up to the glass where I pointed and SLURP! Goodbye Asterina! He's an inquisitive little guy, and I absolutely adore him. Hope he does well, I'd like to keep him for some years.

As a little bonus, my love was excited about his clown, and he likes my trigger too, so it was a pleasant surprise to see him excited about something again. I love to see him smile, and after his suicide attempt last week, I'm thrilled to see him so happy.

As we slowly acclimated the fish and snails, we watched The Five Year Engagement. Then we took a break and released them into their respective tanks. It was so fun to watch the two maroons interact! At first Big Girl (I know, but for some reason we never named her) did her bully thing, but the little guy immediately went into submissive mode, shaking his body at her. I'm such a dumbass, I should have taped it. Oh well.

I also felt relatively good today, didn't take all my pain meds, didn't fall asleep narcoleptically, and didn't feel like vomiting at all! At least not that I remember. So all in all, a very satisfying day.

I feel like doing some movie reviews.

Snow White and The Huntsman *Thumbsup**Thumbsup**Thumbsup**Thumbsup*
Actually saw this when it came out in the theater, but didn't have access to my blog at the time. The other two thumbs are for my love, because he liked it against his will. I was a GM (general manager) at the time, required to work a minimum of 55 hours a week, and he was a local trucker who got the weekends off. We literally didn't see each other for weeks at a time, so I made arrangements to take a whole weekend off. Saturday I suggested we go see this movie, because I really wanted to. He had other plans. We got in the car, with the two dogs, WHY?? and drove across the state to an Italian restaurant. We took a wrong turn somewhere and almost ended up in Texas, turned around and drove 50 miles back the other way. Got lasagna, went to a lake, ate a peaceful meal, and then drove back. It was great time together, a wonderful memory. Sunday I said, "I drove to Canada via Mexico for you, today you're going to sit through this movie for me." He rolled his eyes but conceded, prepared to hate it.

I loved it. I'm a deep romantic at heart, and unrequited love always gets me. The story was intriguing, much more like the fairy tales I prefer, dark and full of danger. The computer graphic images (henceforth to be known as CGI) were especially good, the troll being my favorite character. Too bad he was short lived. And when the apple got all furry and spiky, I was in awe. At her stupidity. Come on, Snow. An apple in the middle of a frozen wasteland? Duh. You deserve what you get. I loved that she got all medieval on the queens ass, with the armor and whatnot, and when things started shattering into shards of black glass... I was on the edge of my seat. Lots of action, not a lot of syrupy sweetness, monsters and magic. Fantastic movie. I highly recommend it. My love grudgingly admitted he liked it, and was happy with a weekend well spent.

Dark Shadows *Thumbsup**Thumbsdown*
Like I said, I'll watch anything Tim Burton puts out, at least once. And that's exactly how many times I'll see this. Johnny Depp is one of my favorite actors, and not just because he's adorable. Johnny is a highly skilled and versatile actor, but this was a bit of a joke. Does anyone remember the real Dark Shadows? It was not a comedy. I know Tim has to put his unique sense of humor in everything he makes, but it went too far in this movie. With an all star cast like this, it could have been much more. The only memorable scene was when Barnabus and the witch (played by Ann Hathaway) were 'getting it on' and were rolling around on the walls and ceiling, and destroyed the entire room. I vaguely recall a large explosion at some point, and some kind of sappy ending, but that's about it. I guess I'll never know what I forgot, because the only way I'm watching it again is if it comes on channel 34 some Sunday afternoon, and there's nothing better on.

The Five Year Engagement *Thumbsup**Smile*
I think you know by now that I don't generally do what might be considered a chick flick, but this movie was mostly hilarious. The main character (male) has a friend who is completely moronic, who ends up marrying his fiance's sister because he got her pregnant. He sings a song in Spanish (he is not Spanish, and his bride is British) to his bride, the wedding party in tears, me rolling on the floor. There's a part where the fiance and her sister get into a heated argument, and the sisters little girl makes them talk like Elmo and Cookie Monster, and I was literally in pain from laughing so hard. Violet (the fiance) is Cookie Monster, and at one point she says "C is for condom, that's good enough for me." Stop, stop, I beg. Pause it or I'm going to pee my pants! Even the serious scenes were funny as hell. I don't know who wrote it, but bravo to you. A must see.

The Amazing Spiderman *Thumbsup*
My other thumb isn't sure. I'm a big fan of superheroes who are forced into it, my favorites being Spiderman and Batman (and of course Wolverine, that sexy mutant). Never knowing if what you're doing is the right thing, if you should work for the greater good or just run off to Fiji and do some supersnorkeling. It was an okay movie, lots of great CGI, adventure, and action. A few problems with the plot. A: How the hell is a teenage girl, who's still in high school, a doctor? B: It's a highly secure lab, doing all these amazing experiments, with all this highly expensive high tech equipment, but a teenage boy just walks on into a room where their most precious experiment is kept, and NO ONE is guarding it? But the room was really neat, even though I'm sure that if I end up in Hell, it will be that room. It was full of spiders, and when he touched some random web, all the spider's fell on him. And there's really no one there to make sure shit like that doesn't happen with their million dollar spiders? I think not. Then he just walked right out. Phooey. Oh, C: I don't believe there are very many anoles and geckos living wild in Queens. I could be wrong, but I just don't think so. I'll have to look it up.

Hmmm... the meds aren't making me nearly as stupid as they usually do, but time sure has passed like crazy! Guess I didn't want this day to end. I don't want to go back to work tomorrow. I need a vacation like nobody's business. That will never happen though. Oh, I don't want to get all melancholy.

Here's a funny thing: There's a donation station for the victims of Sandy and my heart goes out to them, especially in the wake of the storm that swept in behind her. Anyway, the sign on the side of the building says "Donation Station for victims of Superstorm Sandy. Need clothing, furniture, electronics and knick-knacks." Seriously? Knick-knacks? Like someone's going to open their care package, or go to the Red Cross, or whatever, and go, "Oh my God! It's the Hummel I've been needing!" Too bad the rest of them are in Canada by now, eh? Knick-knacks. I'm stumped.

Okay, it's late and I'm uber sleepy, and I have to do laundry tomorrow because I was lazy today. You'd think I might know better by now. If I fall asleep in the next ten minutes I might get 7 hours, so that's my goal. Goodnight, and remember as always, Flies and Honey. And there's some weird shit at the end of this. I can't get to it to delete it, so ignore please. *Bigsmile*

eke they
November 11, 2012 at 1:44am
November 11, 2012 at 1:44am
Lost again, Broken and weary Unable to find my way
Tail in hand Dizzy and clearly unable to Just let this go

I am surrendering to the gravity and the unknown Catch me heal me lift me back up to the sun I choose to live

I fell again Like a baby unable to stand on my own
Tail in hand Dizzy and clearly unable to Just let this go
High and surrendering to the gravity and the unknown
Catch me heal me lift me back up to the sun I choose to live, I choose to live, I choose to live

Catch me heal me lift me back up to the sun Help me survive the bottom

Calm these hands before they Snare another pill and Drive another nail down another needy hole
Please release me

I am surrendering to the gravity and the unknown
Catch me Heal me Lift me back up to the sun
I choose to live, I choose to live, I choose to live...

Okay that was Gravity, by A Perfect Circle. You need to listen to it to get the full beauty, but there it is. Had a hell of a time getting it there. Stupid phone. I wish I still had a computer.

I'm now out of thoughts. Was going to do The Patient, but I'm out of that right now. Maybe tomorrow. My day off! Sqwee! In the meantime, your assignment is to reflect on gravity, and how it relates to you, in all contexts of the word. Night folks. Flies and Honey.
November 10, 2012 at 4:22pm
November 10, 2012 at 4:22pm
Lost half of last nights entry, dont ask me how. Damn shame too, as it was pure brilliance. Once the meds kick in, all is gold. Anyway, I'll finish gravity later. I wanted to thank Wren for saying hi and making me not so lonely in my little box. I so hate doing this on my phone. Flies and Honey. Gotta go have more adventures now.
November 10, 2012 at 2:44am
November 10, 2012 at 2:44am
I got referred to a pain management clinic, because my doctor finally realized he can't treat me properly. He's not a specialist after all, and I thank him for his decision, because I don't know what else to do either. So I waited a few days for a call from the clinic telling me when my appointment was. Nothing. I called my doc to make sure they had sent everything over. The receptionist, who is always very nice and polite, assured me they had and that the clinic should call me. So I waited, but in the meantime I looked up the doc on google. His reviews were terrible. For one thing it said he graduated from some college in St. Lucia. Now correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that where you get those degrees that you send off for in a correspondance course? But some of his reviews were good, and I'm not one to judge a book by its cover, so I thought I'd at least give him a shot.

I finally got sick of waiting and called them myself. When the receptionist answered, I began.
"Hi. I was referred by my doctor and..."

"Ma'am!" This woman yells at me. I am stunned to silence for a second.

"Yes?" I finally said.

"Do you have your phone on your shoulder?" She demanded. I looked at the cell phone that was definitely not on my shoulder, and a few inches away from my face.


"Well you're pushing buttons and it hurts, so stop."

Are you fucking kidding me? I don't care what you think I'm doing, you don't speak to me as if I were a child. I have to answer the phone at work all the time, and I am NEVER rude, no matter what goofy insanity or earsplitting cacaphony is going on. How dare she! But Flies and Honey, I think, and take a deep breath.

"ANYWAY," I continue, "I was referred by my doctor and was wondering when I'd be able to get an appointment."
This woman sighs angrily, as if I just yelled at her to stop pushing buttons.

"When were you referred?"

"Monday. The fifth." I added quickly, so she wouldn't yell WHICH MONDAY!!.

"Well, mark it your calendar. Then pick a day and call every week. But you won't be able to be seen until March or April. Four doctors have left and that's why we're so backed up."

In my amazement, all the Honey evaporated.

"Gee, I wonder why all the doctors left. It must be so flippin' pleasant to work there." I told her in my friendliest ' I would love to eat your eyeballs' voice.

"I beg your pardon?" She asked icily.

"Good. You should. But I don't give it. Nevermind, I'll find a clinic where someone actually gives a shit." And I hung up, missing the old phones where you could satisfactorily slam down the receiver in someone's ear. Then I laughed raucously for a while, my love eyeing me nervously.

Is that not ridiculous? Six months because all the doctors left. I called up my doc, and the nurse, who is also a sweetheart, said I could just pick a clinic and they would refer me. So I will be going to Libs clinic. She's been going there for years, and really likes
her doctor. So yay! I turned a negative into a positive. Go me!

I've decided to write down a song everyday, one that most suits how I've felt that day. Don't think these are mine, no poet am I. My poetry would make you burst into gales of laughter with its sheer awfulness. But music is a tremendous influence in my life, so this is basically a thumbnail version of the soundtrack of Spook's life.

Today's selection is called Gravity, by A Perfect Circle. I once had a dream about the stars falling from the sky to destroy the Earth, and as I accepted the situation, I put this song on the ol' ipod, grabbed those I loved and a bottle of rum, and watched my gorgeous death rush toward me. I couldn't listen to it for awhile after that without getting shaky and sick. It's all good now. Enjoy.


Lost again, broken and weary, unable to
Just let this go.
Tail in hand, dizzy and clearly unable to
Let this go.
I am
To gravity and the unknown.

November 9, 2012 at 1:46am
November 9, 2012 at 1:46am
Shame on us
Doomed from the start
May God have mercy on our dirty little hearts.
Shame on us
For all we have done
And all we ever were
Just zeroes and ones.

Chorus from "Zero Sum" by Nine Inch Nails

Just had that echoing through my head all day, so I figured I'd write it down
(For all the world to see...) wait, now I'm mixing songs. And bands. Nevermind. The meds are doing funny things to me. I wanted to write something, funny, brooding, angry, it didn't matter, just a purge of some kind. Gotta let the bad gunky out. But now I just feel dumb and empty, a puppet without a hand up my ass. I don't like these days when nothing makes sense and I'm forced to think of a future bereft of anything meaningful. Another Nails song occurs to me, "Every day is exactly the same".

I believe I can see the future
cause I repeat the same routine
I think I used to have a purpose,
Then again, that might have been a dream.
I think I used to have a voice
Now I never make a sound
I just do what I've been told,
I really don't want them to come around, oh no.
Every day is exactly the same
Every day is exactly the same
there is no love here, and there is no pain
every day is exactly the same.

I can feel their eyes are watching
in case I lose myself again
Sometimes I think I'm happy here,
But sometimes I still pretend.
I don't remember how this got started,
But I can tell you exactly how it will end.

Every day is exactly the same
Every day is exactly the same
there is no love here, and there is no pain
Every day is exactly the same.

I'm writing on a little piece of paper
I'm hoping one day you might find.
I'll hide it behind something they won't look behind.
I am still inside here, a little bit comes bleeding through
I wish this could have been any other way,
But I just don't know what else I can do.

Every day is exactly the same
Every day is exactly the same
There is no love here, and there is no pain
Every day is exactly the same.
Every day is the same.

Might as well do a movie review.

Frankenweenie *Thumbsup**Bigsmile**Thumbsup*
I love Tim Burton, I will watch any movie he makes at least once. My love and I went to the new IMAX and watched it in 3D. I don't know what the movie was about, but it was AMAZING! Just kidding. Little Sparky was about the cutest dog ever, not a mean bone in his little dead body. I wish they had spent more time on the sea monkeys though, they were awesome little demons. And when the kid went to the pet store and the guy asked which fish he wanted, and he said "That one!" , pointing to the dead one floating at the top, we both busted up. Took us back to the days when I worked at the fish store. I did feel sorry for the creepy girls cat though. I don't think it was the cat's fault that it was retarded.

Prometheus *Thumbsup**Thumbsdown**Confused* I don't know. For one thing, Charlize Theron had kind of a bit part. She's one of the few actresses I like, and I think she should have been the one to survive. That said, you know I'm a sucker for giant, naked, bald mutants. So that was a plus. Here's a helpful hint that applies whether a car is aiming for you or a giant ship is falling on you: a left or right maneuver can easily save your life. Don't ever try to outrun something in a straight line. Serpentine, serpentine! And oh yeah, they wanted to kill us, so let's go visit their home planet and ask them why. Surely they've changed their minds by now, right? I did like how David so resembled Peter O'Toole in Lawrence of Arabia, but I disliked the fact that almost a hundred years in the future we can travel to distant galaxies, but we still rely on tiny flashlights to illuminate strange alien caves. It was a confusing movie. But stuff blew up and things died, so it was okay, I guess.

The Raven *Thumbsup**Thumbsup* I think Poe himself would have enjoyed the poetry of this movie. He would have applauded the ending, because how else could it have made sense? The gory scenes were great, especially when the med students were standing around the wooden casket and heard noises coming from inside. Excellent. And I particularly liked the line from the old woman's poem about bees. "Thou honey making thing." Says a lot about how bees are viewed by society, be it then or now, or in the future. I like bees. Without them I can't catch flies.

Well, ends up I said a lot more than I thought I had to say. Maybe I'm not a handless puppet after all. If you made it this far, just say hi. I get discouraged sometimes, and I feel so alone in this little box I call my life. Invite me to read you just by stopping by. I always rate and review, because do unto others, and all that. So until next time, Flies and Honey. Should I explain that someday? Maybe I will.
November 7, 2012 at 11:16pm
November 7, 2012 at 11:16pm
The guy from yesterday that said i was hot... he ordered again. Tonight he tipped me $9! So god please grant his little stoned ass long days and pleasant nights! That's what I'm talkin' bout!
November 7, 2012 at 1:48am
November 7, 2012 at 1:48am
1. Don't walk through yards in the dark.
Weird, but in 13 years of driving, this never happened before. I went back to the store and took a bathroom break. Being of the female persuasion, I have to sit down no matter what. So while I was thinking deep thoughts, I glanced down. My shoes, while formerly white, were now blue. The bottom 2 inches of my pants were blue. I was amazed. They were so pretty. The last yard I walked through had just been dyed/fertilized.

2. You will not intimidate me.
I can only go as fast as the guy in front of me will allow. By riding an inch off my ass you will only make me want to slam on my breaks and then jump out and beat your ass with your steering wheel. And even though you may be in a larger vehicle than mine, I will not allow you to run me off the road. My dogs have taught me that though you may be small, if you have the heart of a pitbull and a death wish, no challenger will win. They are mini dachshunds, and every dog in the neighborhood is scared shitless. It's not about bravado, it's about confidence. And deathwishes.

3. A spiderweb on your face usually means there's a spider on your head.
Or somewhere else. It doesn't matter. There's a spider somewhere. But don't worry, because at least you're entertaining someone with your interpretive dance of "There's a spider on me and I know it's coming for my face". Not everyone gets the dance, but to hell with them. It's art, dammit.

4. Don't just stand there, defend yourself.
Whether it's an angry or crotch sniffing dog, a swarm of bees, a drunken idiot, or a three year old with a great new toy they want to hit you with, you have the right to protect yourself. That's what that pizza bag is really for. Usually does the trick. Except for that drunken idiot thing. That one required a butterfly knife placed strategically in the meat of his forearm, but he did finally understand that he wasn't going to be abducting me that night.

5. If someone points a shotgun at you, yell "I have pizza!"
That confuses them long enough to get in your car and burn rubber, baby. Or if it looks like they might be getting ideas, you can throw the pizzas at them and run. I haven't tried that second one yet, so don't quote me on that.

There's more, but my brain isn't quite cooperating with me, so more on that later.

On a side note, I actually had a good dream! My love and I were at some amusement park, on a ride that was basically a porch swing. It went through a sort of haunted graveyard that was lame and made us giggle, but I made sure I kept my feet out in case there were spiderwebs. Then it suddenly yanked us up into the sky, and I don't like heights, get vertigo more than 3 feet up, but I was delighted and relished it as we went higher and higher. Then there was a huge fireworks display and it was so beautiful. We were above it and my heart was bursting with joy as the colors exploded below and around us, we were laughing and holding tight to each other...
And then my love woke me gently with a hug and kiss.

He said, "I'm going to burn stuff."
I snuggled close, not opening my eyes.
"Is it windy?" I asked in my sexy early morning croak.
"Okay then."
He got up and left the room, and I came awake to the full realization of what he'd said. Steak! I jumped out of bed (well, maybe the correct term is flopped and limped. Flomped?) and sure enough, he was making lunch. Steak, peas, and Velveeta shells and cheese. Yum!

Oh, and to the guy who will never read this but what the fuck... Thank you, you dear, dear boy. As he was turning to go back in his apartment, I overheard him say to someone unknown, "Holy shit, she was hot.." You may have only tipped me $1.67, but your words made up for it. I love you, strange guy. And I take back the thing I'd said earlier about you being an idiot for not knowing your address.

Well, time for bed, or a reasonable facsimile thereof. Had a decent day. Thank God for these rare rays of sunshine in my usually overcast life. Still worried about my love. I know him better than he thinks.
Until tomorrow, or later if I can't sleep, Flies and Honey!
November 5, 2012 at 1:39pm
November 5, 2012 at 1:39pm
I had a doctor's appointment this morning, and I only got about three hours of sleep last night. Had a lot to do last night. Had to work late, dishes, laundry, etc. My illnesses pretty much require that I not overdo things, gotta rest pretty frequently. So when I got up, I felt like I'd been run through a blender and poured out over a glass of ice, complete with celery stalk.

Oh wait, I have to go back a few days. This guy at work infuriates me so much sometimes, and he did so. Lazy, good for nothing, worthless ASS. He made me so mad that I ripped the handle off of my driver side door. Oops. Tried to JB Weld it back on, but that didn't work so well. I can still open it, but it takes some work, and dexterity that I don't often have. Decided it was time to cool my jets and stop letting things get to me . Ohm, and all that garbage. Back to the other thing.

As a career driver livin' in the ghetto (in the ghetto...) part of my daily routine when I go out to my car is to do a walkaround. Check for flat tires, broken windows, dead bodies, you know, the usual. I went downstairs, slowly, remember I felt like a human bloody mary, and my neighbor was sitting outside with his "friend", who was having an argument with someone downstairs. As I walked by, he asked how I was doing, and as I limped past him I said "Feel like death, Rob. You?" He laughed and said the same thing he always does, "Hangin' in there, as usual." I laughed like I always do and made my way downstairs to my car. Did my walkaround, or limparound, in this case. I got to the passenger side, checked the tires, but something wasn't quite right. Couldn't put my finger on it, then it hit me and I stared in shocked disbelief.

Jutting from the top of my door was a large branch, roughly 4 feet long. The door had been pried open enough that the thick base of the stick, maybe 2 inches, was stuck there. I walked over to it, stunned, thinking maybe I accidentally shut the door on it when I got the laundry out, but NO. I remember my dog getting his leash wrapped around this very same branch the night before, and it had been on the ground. I looked closer. An inch to the right was another indentation, where something smaller had been used, probably a screwdriver. For what? Maybe to pry it open enough to jam a stick in it?

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" I screamed. I turned around and realized there were about six people looking at me in curious expectation. Around here, in the ghetto (in the ghetto...) drama is never in short supply.

I pointed to the car, sputtering.

"Someone tried to break into my car with a STICK!" I screamed. I unlocked the door and pulled it out, showing everyone my prize. "A STICK!!" And threw it across the parking lot. "Thank God they were primitives and hadn't mastered the art of breaking glass!" And then I thought What the fuck were they going to steal, anyway? The only things in there are a bottle of fabric softener and a hardhat. If they had asked, I would've been happy to give them away. I'll give people just about anything they want if they will just go away and leave me the fuck alone.

A stick. Really. Who the fuck breaks into a car with a stick? Neanderthals? And who needs fabric softener THAT much?
I swear, things just keep getting better and better.

But I was on time for my appointment, and my stupid doctor, who I hate, has finally come to terms with his inability to properly treat me, and has referred me to a pain management clinic. About damn time. So then I went to get my scrips filled, and the dumbass didn't authorize a refill for my inhaler. Here's hoping I don't die before he authorizes it. Cheers.

A stick. I can't get over it.

Oh, at the pharmacy, a guy got in line in front of me, I think, then turned around and asked "I'm sorry, were you in line?" I blinked out of my fantasy of beating someone to death with a stick and shrugged. "Fuck if I know." No pretense of politeness today. Not in the mood. He just laughed.
"Rough day?"
I don't usually indulge strangers if they aren't tipping, but what the hell.
"Rough week." I said. He laughed again.
"You should try living in my area..." he started. I shook my head.
"Oh no, someone tried to break into my car with a stick." I said. He held up a finger.
"Someone stole my car." touche. Then, "But they brought it back." And then, with a slightly confused expression, "And it had less miles than when they took it."
I thought he was pulling my leg, and laughed.
"No way. Did they break it, or steal anything?"
"No," he replied, "just took it, rolled back the odometer, and brought it back." He was serious, as far as I could tell. Then the line moved on and I was left to contemplate that. Sounds like something I would have done as a kid. I would break into people's houses, move all the furniture around, and then steal all the lightbulbs. Come on, that's funny. Kids, huh? Retards.

Anyway, until later, for I grow weary and must rest, Flies and Honey. Though that did not apply today. So far.
November 3, 2012 at 4:31pm
November 3, 2012 at 4:31pm
You think Mandy Pitinkin ever has a day when no one walks up to him and says "Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die."?
November 3, 2012 at 5:26am
November 3, 2012 at 5:26am

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** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **

It's not that I write this for anyone else, it's the only productive way to purge the phlegm from my soul. But I feel so alone sometimes that I just wish I could share my true thoughts and feelings with a group of anonymous strangers. Sometimes it really helps if someone says " You know, I went through the same thing" or "I know how you feel", or even "Hey, you are completely off your fucking rocker, you need help. I can't relate to you at all."

It probably doesn't help that I always seem to write at 3 or 4 am. That's my productive time, I guess.

Got good sleep last night, but slept until 1pm. Not cool. CFS is a bitch. Does anyone not reading this have it? You all do? My goodness! Then everyone knows how I feel! Why, that is just so great! I finally belong to a group of people who understand one thing about me! I'm excited to be included in your horrible pain and lack of mental clarity. You totally get how frustrated I am right now that the words I'd really like to write are eluding me entirely. Also how painful it is to write at all, what with my hands bleeding everywhere, and my constant friend the spear stuck through my shoulder and into my right lung. We're having an awesome conversation you guys! Eh.

Movie review, obviously just for us:

The Hunger Games: *Thumbsup* Finally got to watch it, and I didn't throw it across the room at the end, so that's a good sign. Kind of a cross between The Running Man, The Fifth Element (which is one of my favorite movies, don't know why), and... shit, what's it called? The Biggest Prey? The story where the rich guys invite people to their island so they can hunt them. Whatever. We know what we're talking about, right? I liked when she inhaled the wasp thing and tripped out. Lots of action, anyway.

The Lovely Bones: *Smile**Thumbsup**Thumbsup*
In all fairness, I had to go to work about halfway through, and I was pretty pissed about it. So I'm going to have to rent it, because I have to know how it ends. I was completely mesmerized. Was almost late.

Okay it's sleepy time for all of us imaginary folken. Got to figure out how to make up some extra hours at work so I don't lose my insurance. Had to take a whole 11 hour shift off for personal reasons. So the clever trixter must get the rest it needs for my part of the body to function. As always, Flies and Honey. And I love Chicken Little.

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