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Rated: ASR · Book · Personal · #1518891
A journal begun on Thursday, January 22, 2009
This blog might have been started on former Senator Birch Bayh's 81st birthday (1/22/09), but it isn't a political journal. It's just slices of life. If you don't believe me (or even if you do), just read it...
AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan! *Delight*

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Some of you might have originally arrived for the purpose of checking out this particular blog.

While I appreciate that, please keep in mind that I'm not the only member of this wonderful blogging circle.

There are so many others with very important things to say in their own special and delightful voices.

So that you can easily check them out,I'm sharing our directory below:

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*Heart**Heart**Heart* !!!ENJOY!!! *Heart**Heart**Heart*

Speaking of blogs, have you ever checked out the one written by The StoryMaster ? It's about the two precious blessings who have made life brighter and brighter for him and The StoryMistress :

Letters to my kids...  (13+)
A dad's writings to his little boy and girl...
#1371263 by The StoryMaster

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The FreeDay Gazette--Issue 2 January 13, 2013
January 14, 2013 at 12:00am
The first issue of The FreeDay Gazette came out on Sunday, January 6, 2013. It was created for posting in on days (Sundays & some holidays). without Prompts from There has been a lot of behind the scenes work going on around my place--especially, here over the weekend. I'm in the process of building at least three new blogs with one of them being about Epinions, one of them being about WDC, and one of them being about MyLot. Also, I've been working on an email giving i... [Read more]
BPR 1/12/13: Without A Doubt!!!
January 12, 2013 at 1:34pm
January 12, 2013: If you could live forever, would you? Why or why not? Once you experience life, you never want it to end! I can't even imagine a time where I would simply cease to exist. When the souls of friends, loved ones, and others whom we might not know personally but have heard of leave these temporary vessels known as bodies to find out what God has in store for them next, it's hard enough to say “Goodbye!” even while knowing by faith that... [Read more]
BPR 1/11/13: "Us" vs "Them" Doesn't Fly!
January 11, 2013 at 11:55pm
January 11, 2013: What childhood lesson has always stuck with you? This was a kind of ongoing lesson that I just naturally learned by observation rather than having to have it drilled into me. While my folks told me things to keep me safe so that I wouldn't get into a car with a stranger (when they weren't around to say it was okay) who might hurt me, they never seemed to know a stranger when it came to being friendly to others, and I “inherited” this tr... [Read more]
Blog Prompt Resp. 1/10/13: Taking Temps To Extremes
January 10, 2013 at 11:54pm
January 10, 2013: What's worse: extremely cold weather or extremely hot weather? Agape—pure, unconditional, God-endorsed love for all—is the only thing that works well when taken to extremes. Other things become dangerous—even fatal—the more extreme they get. For instance, extreme eating (whether overeating or undereating) can end up causing serious health problems, while normal eating is good for you as well as being pleasurable. Extreme po... [Read more]
Prompt Resp. 1/9/13: “Everytime A Bell Rings..."
January 9, 2013 at 11:41pm
January 9, 2013: What is your favorite old movie? My favorite movie is It's A Wonderful Life, because—in a very heartwarming way—it sends out the information that there isn't a one of us who is just taking up space on The Third Rock From The Sun. In some way or another, we have all made at least one positive difference in the lives of others, and, most likely, many, many more than that. Take the time to think about your own life and how things might have... [Read more]
Blog Prompt Response 1/8/13: Holey Cheese!
January 8, 2013 at 11:58pm
January 8, 2013: What is your favorite book from childhood? My attention-grabbing title might have been what pulled you into reading this, but what does it have to do with my favorite book from childhood? Actually, a lot, as cheese known for having holes in it is called Swiss Cheese, and my favorite childhood book is set in the Swiss Alps. It's called Heidi, and it's about this little orphan girl with a bitter grandpa who has shut others out of his life due to thi... [Read more]
Blog Prompt Response 1/7/13: What Are My Pet Pets?
January 7, 2013 at 11:58pm
January 7, 2013: Are you a dog person, a cat person, or "other"? I think that all critters are wonderful, so it's hard to pick just one, though what I had the most of when I was growing up was kitty-cats. I have all sorts of wonderful pet stories to tell you, if I only had more time. I've also fostered different animals for awhile for the purpose of giving them away or putting them back into the wilderness. At this time, neither my mom nor I have any pets (... [Read more]
The FreeDay Gazette--Issue 1 January 6, 2013
January 6, 2013 at 11:59pm
The first issue of The FreeDay Gazette came out on Sunday, January 6, 2013. It was created for posting in on days (Sundays & some holidays). without Prompts from And, NOW, it's time to find out what's on my mind today... {link:http://youtu.be/dN3GbF9Bx6E} The above video is my way of getting out the message that, while I DID manage to get this first issue posted while it was still January 6 WDC Time (which is the same time that I'm on), I've decided that ... [Read more]
Blog Prompt Response 1/5/13: Charity Begins At Home!
January 5, 2013 at 11:57pm
January 5, 2013: If you could wake up tomorrow and find that one thing had changed about the world, what would you have that one thing be? I'm going to be selfish in my focus today, but the outcome will be good for many more people besides my mom and me. I would like to wake up to find all of our debts paid in full and somewhere between 25 and 50 thousand dollars after taxes in the bank. That way, we would be able to make a fresh start with wiser minds. We would h... [Read more]
Blog Prompt Response 1/4/13: Oopsie! I Made A Little BooBoo!
January 4, 2013 at 11:57pm
January 4, 2013: What are your New Year's Resolutions? I think that the best way to answer today's Prompt question is to start out by copying and pasting here what I wrote on the first day of January in my Catharsis blog (to which I've provided a bitem so that you can go check it out if and when you want to). Between this blog and that blog (and, of course, other things going on around me and within me), I believe I'll be experiencing a lot of personal growth th... [Read more]
Cracked! OUCH! Oh Well...
January 3, 2013 at 12:28am
Well, it's after midnight but still not to one--or even to half past twelve. However, I have broken my resolution to have a bedtime no later than midnight. While I can't do anything about that, I can, at least, not go on to the next step of simply giving up and start burning my candle at both ends again. I'm not going to think of this as a broken resolution--just a slightly-cracked one. I have a handful of things to do before retiring, so I'll just get those done an... [Read more]
It's Only Jan 1--Way 2 Soon 2 Go Breaking Resolutions...
January 1, 2013 at 11:16pm
Therefore, my entry on this free day is going to be short 'n' sweet: Just an announcement that--just as it did last night-- this description still applies to both my mom and me: and that I've just launched this blog: and posted my first entry: !!! One of my resolutions is to be in bed no later than midnight--and, hopefully, sooner--so, I've got to sign off for now............................... To find out which groups I'm currently part of, go... [Read more]
Blog Prompt Response 12/31/12: I'm Still Standing!!!
December 31, 2012 at 9:52pm
December 31, 2012: Looking back over the past year, what do you consider to be your greatest accomplishment of the year? Perhaps, I should go and have a t-shirt made that says: “I survived 2012!!!” Perhaps, I'm speaking too soon, because there's still (by Anderson, Indiana USA Time—which is the same as Eastern Time) around three hours of 2012 left, and this might or might not turn out to be true. Actually, surviving 2012 isn't really one of ... [Read more]
Blog Prompt Response 12/29/12: Two Words: Fireplace Damper
December 29, 2012 at 11:53pm
December 29, 2012: Over the course of your life, what has been the strangest/oddest experience you've ever had? I wonder what kinds of entries might appear in various blogs in our circle should the prompt ever be something along these lines: Have you ever been creeped out by an inanimate object for no apparent reason? That is, have you ever found at least one inanimate object—anything from something as large as a building or tree right down to something as small... [Read more]
Blog Prompt Response 12/28/12: What We Do In God's Name
December 28, 2012 at 11:51pm
December 28, 2012: Were you miraculously granted complete power to change for the better one aspect of any person or thing in the world, what would you change and why? God is love, and God is good! Therefore, one thing that really needs changing is what we claim to do in God's name when our actions are neither loving nor good. Johnny Carson was once talking about where God fits into the scheme of things and said something along the lines of: “Everything good in t... [Read more]
Blog Prompt Response 12/27/12: Who Else Is Out There!?!
December 27, 2012 at 11:57pm
December 27, 2012: What are your thoughts / beliefs about U.F.O.'s and whether or not intelligent life exists on other planets? I'm not sure whether or not there are any planets containing life forms in this particular solar system with the exception of Earth. I think that it might have been very possible that, at one time, life existed on Mars. Who knows!?! Some of the people living on our planet today might have descended from Martians who came here from there whe... [Read more]
Blog Prompt Response 12/22/12: Death Of A Rainbow Plant
December 22, 2012 at 11:56pm
December 22, 2012: What is one thing nobody knows about you because nobody ever cared to ask? I still grieve for a rainbow plant I killed through neglect back in 1977 or 1978. It's not that nobody cared to ask. It's just that nobody knew to ask, as I'm sharing this for the very first time right here and now. Many people know what happened to me in the early part of October back in 1977. For those who don't know, I was ditched by this very special man—... [Read more]
Blog Prompt Response 12/21/12: The Legacy I Hope To Leave
December 22, 2012 at 12:01am
December 21, 2012: What would you like people to say about you when you are gone from this earth? After I've passed on, I hope to leave behind a legacy of being a loving, kind, and helpful person who got my wish to leave this planet in a better shape than it was when I arrived—or, at least, no worse for my having spent time here. When I graduated from Fall Creek Heights Elementary (8th grade) back in the spring of 1967, a really wonderful, young gentleman named Pat... [Read more]
Blog Prompt Response 12/18/12: Just Where Do I/We Fit In!?!
December 18, 2012 at 11:41pm
December 18, 2012: It's been said that there are three different types of people: those who prefer to make things happen, those who prefer to watch while things are happening, and those who ask, "What just happened?" Which category do you fit into? It could be any, some, or all of the above. It just depends on what has/what could/what is/what will/whatever ends up happening/happen/happened/etc. Let's take the need for a place where homeless/at-risk kids can go... [Read more]
Blog Prompt Response 12/17/12: My Glasses: Rosy? or Dark?
December 17, 2012 at 11:30pm
December 17, 2012: Optimist, pessimist, or realist - which one are you? Although I like to kid around a lot (or, perhaps, I'm not really kidding) about interesting conversations I enjoy having with bowls of unusually gifted and perceptive Rice Krispies, I actually DO have a grasp on reality and am not off living in some fantasy world. At least, I think so--even though this one psychiatrist who evaluated my mental stability during the spring of 1973 (after I had turned 20 a... [Read more]
I'm Keeping This Handy!
December 17, 2012 at 9:05pm
I want to explore this folder more thoroughly, so I'm placing it here: You're welcome to check it out, too! To find out which groups I'm currently part of, go here: You can also visit to keep up with me-- as well as becoming a regular reader of Having said this... Hope so! {link:http://train-ride-to-random.blogspot.com/2012/11/autumn-prompts-2012.html} ... [Read more]
Blog Prompt Response 12/14/12: Escape From Michigan City*
December 14, 2012 at 11:56pm
*Michigan City, Indiana is where state executions are, currently, carried out. December 14, 2012:Your very last meal ever - what would it be and with whom? There are many reasons for having a last meal, but the one that comes to mind is for when you're about to be legally-murdered with premeditation by your state or country. As I'm not the kind who would commit any crime for which I'd be deserving of this (and I, personally, don't believe in the death pe... [Read more]
Blog Prompt Response 12/13/12: Those John Lennon Holidays
December 13, 2012 at 11:56pm
December 13, 2012: Write about a holiday in which things just did not go as planned. The late, great John Lennon once said in song that life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans. There are times when this observation gets demonstrated on a holiday—and that isn't always a bad thing. In fact, it can make for a delightful surprise—and, perhaps, even begin a new family tradition. Even if the surprises taking place in a holiday don'... [Read more]
Blog Prompt Response 12/11/12: Not Specific, But A Type...
December 11, 2012 at 11:58pm
December 11, 2012: What's one career you just could never do? I would never participate in any part of a job/career that would involve intentionally hurrying the death of another person. This isn't to say that I wouldn't ever choose a career where this kind of action might take place but just that I wouldn't participate in this part of it. Of course, there's ONE job where the intentionally hurrying along the death of another person IS the job, and that i... [Read more]
Thirty-Two Years Old Memories
December 8, 2012 at 9:12pm
Preface: What follows is a what I'd originally written as a public review of , which I found after reading by and being so impressed that I decided to further check out some of her other offerings. When you read this here on December 8, 2012, I doubt that I'll have to offer any further explanation why it was one of those special moments in life where something like reading something at a certain time is more than just a coincidence... Would you like to hear some... [Read more]
Blog Prompt Response 12/6/12: To Everyone With Love!!!
December 6, 2012 at 11:57pm
December 6, 2012: If you could give any gift in the world, what would you give and to whom? A gift for everyone including me? What might that be? Perhaps, $5000 apiece to use any way that each one wishes? It might be a mere stocking stuffer for some; a meaningful boost for others; and a lifesaver for even others. It might be used to be a little bit extravagant, saved for a rainy day, shared with one or more others, or countless other things. While it might actually be use... [Read more]
Blog Prompt Response 12/5/12: My Eyes Almost Popped Out!!!
December 5, 2012 at 11:57pm
December 5, 2012: The most surprised I've ever been . . . It isn't going to be easy picking a certain incident as THE one that ended up leaving me the most surprised I've ever been. After all, there are so many of them! I've even written about some of them here and there. However, as today is the day that takes place one week before my 60th birthday, I'm going to make preparations to share it with you. Let me warn you that you won't be able ... [Read more]
Blog Prompt Response 12/4/12: Thankful To Have Helped!
December 4, 2012 at 11:57pm
December 4, 2012: Name everything you've done that you're proud of. Here I am again! As usual, I'm writing this at the last minute, as my day has been so loaded, so I'd better make this short and sweet. Even if I had started hours earlier, I don't believe that I could have listed everything I've done with my life of which I've been proud. For one thing, I can't even remember everything. For another thing, I believe I've lived my life ... [Read more]
Blog Prompt Response 12/3/12: Time's Up For Editing!
December 5, 2012 at 9:50pm
December 3, 2012: What is your greatest regret? You cannot change the past, but if you could, what would you do differently? Do I have regrets in my life? Yes. What would I change? Absolutely nothing! If I did something and set the house on fire, causing it to burn to the ground with all of my possessions in it (such as if I were to do it right at this particular time), I would change that. However, the change would be immediate (or close enough). By the same t... [Read more]
Blog Prompt Response 12/1/12: "Priceless!"
December 5, 2012 at 9:52pm
December 01, 2012: What is your most prized possession? I'm not going to be counting family and friends as possessions or nature or faith or anything else like that. After all, how could I choose just one!?! I'm not even going to count my home, my heirlooms, or my favorite places. I'm just going to look at something that can do a whole lot for me, and that's my computer, both with and without an Internet connection--but, especially, with an Internet connec... [Read more]
How Does My Scratch Pad Grow? 11/27/12
November 27, 2012 at 5:55pm
I have a kind of ever changing scratch pad. I think that it explains itself pretty well. Anyway, this is what it looked like when I copied and pasted it here between 5:45 and 6 this evening: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I Picked These Up To Read At Leisure And In Other... [Read more]
Blog Prompt Response 11/20/12: Skydiving Beatles!?! Hmm...
December 1, 2012 at 11:39pm
November 20, 2012: The topic is skydiving. Would you do it? Or have you done it? Tonight, a poem plays in my head... Rock Me to Sleep Backward, turn backward, O Time, in your flight, Make me a child again just for tonight! Mother, come back from the echoless shore, Take me again to your heart as of yore; Kiss from my forehead the furrows of care, Smooth the few silver threads out of my hair; Over my slumbers your loving watch keep;— Rock me to sleep, mother, ̵... [Read more]
Blog Prompt Response 11/19/12: What Would Anne Frank Do?
November 19, 2012 at 11:56pm
November 19, 2012: What advice or words of wisdom would you like to leave for those who come after you? Despite everything, I believe that people are really good at heart. Anne Frank I believe that most of us have heard the true and tragic story of Anne Frank. For any of us who haven't (or for any of us wanting to know more), here is a link that will help you to get to know her better: {link:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anne_Frank} As you can see, she was a p... [Read more]
The Circle
November 9, 2012 at 7:19pm
Just a note to announce that I'm now a member of Blogger Circle Of Friends. I'm also in the middle of giving this blog a makeover to make it more interesting, as more people will be visiting it in the future. If you would like to join our circle--or, at least, check out what we're about--just click on the logo below... ... [Read more]
Please Review This Newbie!!!
November 7, 2012 at 12:50pm
I just wanted to share what I wrote in a public review just now. This will make it handy for me later to do an entire port-raid of and will help you to do the same as well. WOW!!! When describes "disaster" using the acrostic style of poetry, she really makes it sing! What she has done in her description is so real that it sounds as if she's writing about a specific disaster instead of just doing a general description of one. At this time, I need to tend to some o... [Read more]
I'm About To Become Part Of A Circle!!!
November 7, 2012 at 12:02pm
By the time you read this, I should officially be part of , thanks to who started this circle and invited me to consider joining. You will, therefore, be seeing some changes taking place in the appearance of this blog, starting on Wednesday, November 7, 2012. Also, there should be some improvement in the content and frequency of adding it as well. That's all for now, as I need to make a beeline for the (not so) Little Girls Room!... [Read more]
55-Word Stories
October 14, 2012 at 2:46pm
Lots going on around here these days. Making preparations to move in with my 90 year old mom to be her primary caregiver. After I'm settled in, I'll have more time to spend here at WDC. One thing I hope to be active in is: More details later... ... [Read more]
Yet Another Exciting Discovery!
September 13, 2012 at 7:46am
I have just recently discovered who, among so many other things, can really throw together an outstanding 55-word story! His port is a real attention-grabber, so I don't want to lose track of him. Therefore, I'm going to stick transportation to his guestbook right here: One look at what he's shared over there will show you what a really cool, unique, talented, and all around nice person he is. Hope you'll get over his way and get to know him. You definitel... [Read more]
It's Show-And-Tell Time (Part One)
September 9, 2012 at 11:07am
I have a lot going on in my life at the moment--as shown by how my current handle is: AJ_CatchingUpOnVariousProjects and my Costumicon is an Octopus. Although I did get to participate a bit, WDC's 12th Birthday Celebration was coming to an end before I knew it, making me a last-minute sort of guest. Anyway, there are some people that I'd love to use my next entry in here to plug, but I'm not just sure when I'll be doing this (though, hopefully, within the next ... [Read more]
Find Some Mental Illness Research Here...
August 26, 2012 at 5:32am
I'm keeping this item handy to both use as research while writing my book (as part of it has to do with mental illness and "mental illness") and even beyond that. So far, I'm very favorably impressed with the direction that the author seems to be going and am anxious to follow his development of the same. ... [Read more]
Mother Teresa & Princess Di Joined By Charlene Daughtery
August 20, 2012 at 1:11am
George Daugherty wrote: The Charlene Daugherty Memorial Fund has now been established through the South Madison Community Foundation. This fund will endow special projects in Pendleton and Madison County, including a restoration of “Mrs. Daugherty’s Falls Park Corner,” and other perpetual cultural, educational, charitable, historical, and community beautification projects. Please, instead of flow ers, the family requests that contributions be made to this fund so Charlene D... [Read more]
Today, I Met An Angel--Even Better Than A New Boyfriend!!!
August 15, 2012 at 4:56am
Okay!!! Here's the skinny on my new angel!!! As I said in the title of this entry, he isn't a new boyfriend! In fact, I'm just messing around with the title of a favorite Oldies song to come up with the title of this blog-entry. However, I'm just as thrilled as the singer is when she tells about meeting this new guy who ends up kissing her and has her dreaming of their wedding day. Actually, I haven't even contacted this guy yet--but plan to shortly (as soon ... [Read more]
ISO One Crazy Lady
August 5, 2012 at 8:59pm
My life needs to be better organized (both in Cyberspace and in real life), so I'm taking steps here and there to do just that. Every little baby step I take will make a difference, so, I'm just taking those baby steps and asking you to be patient with me... Right at the moment, I'm going to be using my blog-entries here to just talk about various happenings in my life, while I'll be using my space at Live Journal to give progress reports to this project. Details bel... [Read more]
Please Allow Me To Be Boring For Awhile...
July 31, 2012 at 11:39pm
{x-Link:http://crazy-aj.livejournal.com/}Crazy Enough To Speak My Mind{/x-link} Just in case you're wondering, this is the name of my blog at Live Journal--and I can hardly believe how long it has been between the last time I made an entry there and {x-Link:http://crazy-aj.livejournal.com/5490.html}the one that I made today{/x-link} ! As many of you know, I've been trying to get my Internet life more organized, and that I've also been dealing with a lot of real l... [Read more]
Life Can Be Like A Labyrinth...
September 27, 2011 at 7:13pm
Life can be a labyrinth and/or an onion being peeled down to its center from the outside in and/or a cinnamon roll being unwound and contemplated... This has been a very eventful year full of both happy and sad events, and I'm, currently, trying to draw it all together. Of course, actually drawing it all together would take much longer than I want to take before I post here again, but I'm trying to, at least, get some of it presentable in a less tangled way. I'm in the proce... [Read more]
A Life Seen Through Green Eyes Award 6/4/11
June 4, 2011 at 5:26pm
I have just presented an Awardicon to this poem: and would highly recommend that you check out the port of for some very emotional, descriptive, and thought-provoking reading... ... [Read more]
May 19, 2011 at 9:16pm
I'm making a memo to myself to be sure to enter the following poetry contests before the month of May is over: and Going to also be checking out some of the other contests and forums on this page. is a very amazing woman who has lots of inspirational and fun things going on. I've been kept very busy with a lot of other things for quite awhile and have only entered her monthly poetry contests here and there, but I'm hoping to start entering every single month, st... [Read more]
I'm 58 And Pregnant!!! (Details Here)
April 17, 2011 at 1:19pm
Now, this isn't any guarantee that it will actually be finished by then, but I've set a due date for my book: May 14, 2011. This is Russell T. Hartsaw's 70th Birthday--and his favorite stuffed dog, Rascal, decided to share it with him. Rascal will be 7 human years old and 49 dog years old. In the year 2015, Rascal will finally be older in dog years than Russell will be in human years. Just think! If Russell were a dog, he would be 490 years old on May 14!!! WHOA!!! Anyway... [Read more]
A Couple Of Contests
March 9, 2011 at 12:12pm
Here are a couple of contests I want to enter this month, so I'm putting them here to keep them handy. . . ... [Read more]
Happy Birthday, Honest Abe!!!
February 12, 2011 at 11:55pm
In honor of Abraham Lincoln's 202nd birthday, I created an e-mail, which I would (after sending it out) convert into a blog-entry: {link:http://ajville.blogspot.com/2011/02/happy-birthday-honest-abe.html} If you go to read it, you'll find out that the game I've provided for the party comes straight from WDC--but this is all I'm going to tell you! You'll just have to read what I wrote in order to find out the details. Here are a couple of new In & Outs that I bel... [Read more]

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