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When you really have nothing better to do.
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Welcome to my blog on Writing.com
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November 24, 2014 at 4:14pm
November 24, 2014 at 4:14pm
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Day 737: Monday, November 24, 2014
When I was growing up the preparation for Thanksgiving begin three or four days before the Thanksgiving Feast.
Prompt: What does Thanksgiving week mean to you? Does preparation for the Thanks giving begin on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday? What do those preparations include?
Alternate Prompt: If you don't celebrate Thanksgiving is there a holiday that you do celebrate when you begin preparations for it three or more days in advance? How do you begin preparing for this holiday?

On the topic of Thanksgiving - I've started a website/blog page on WordPress, which at the moment is counting down the days to American Thanksgiving Day.

In fact I've written the rest of this blog entry over there; Come check it out. It's free!


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October 24, 2014 at 12:08pm
October 24, 2014 at 12:08pm
Dum de dum dum.

I finds me self relocated to the middle of Saskatchewan, no better a writer for my lack of trying.

Always the procrastinator, ninety days or more have passed, since I have logged onto Writing.com.

It's a little bit like returning to the scene of a crime. (not like I'd know anything about that) But... I did leave some of my writing commitments in a bad way, failing out of New Horizons Academy, skipping out of my unofficial challenge hosting posting, and leaving The Blogging Banana Bar in ruins to name only a few.

Best I get started on picking up the pieces. No matter how much I procrastinate it always comes back to this: We all have a dream, and mine is to take over the univers...
No! wait, that's not my dream. My dream is to become rich and famous through writing and writing related entertainment.

I'm going to head over to Andre's Blogging Banana Bar, clean up a bit (the bar,not me) and get back to some amount of blogging, and stuff.

If you're still reading this, then you may as well join me at Andre's - Who wouldn't want to be rich and famous?

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Ah cha cha cha

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October 20, 2014 at 3:12pm
October 20, 2014 at 3:12pm
Hi there.

It's been a while since I've done this.

If in-fact, I am doing this.

Day 702: Monday, October 20, 2014
Prompt: What's so special about October 20? Why is October 20 special? One reason is that it is National Brandied Fruit Day, but there must be at least 100+ more reasons why October 20 is special. Can you tell us one of those reasons? Be creative and have fun.

If I've learned one thing, then I'd know one more thing than I knew when I last entered one of these silly blog thingies into the computer thingy.

Expect the un-expected, but don't have expectations, or you'll spoil the surprise.

Of course, we all know it's: New Years Day - Monday, October 20, 2014..."The cycle of the Cow"

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It doesn't get any better than that!

Are you surprised? ... ... ... No?

You probably had expectations.

See you next time.


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April 14, 2014 at 11:43pm
April 14, 2014 at 11:43pm
From: http://www.timeanddate.com/eclipse/total-lunar-eclipse.html

A total lunar eclipse will occur on April 15, 2014. It will be visible from North America, South America and Australia. Parts of Asia, Africa and Europe will see a partial eclipse.

The penumbral phase of the eclipse will begin at 4:55 AM (04:55) UTC on April 15 and the eclipse will end at 10:36 AM (10:36) UTC on April 15. Beginning
1:00AM CST April 15 in North America.

This eclipse is the first in a series of four consecutive total lunar eclipses, also known as a tetrad.

The term, Blood Moon, has recently become popular while referring to the total lunar eclipses of the tetrad that will occur in 2014 and 2015. This term has no technical or astronomical basis and it is unclear where such a description comes from.

One theory about why these eclipses are being called Blood Moon eclipses comes from the fact that the full Moon can sometimes appear bright coppery red during a total lunar eclipse.

Many religious people believe that the upcoming tetrad has special significance because the eclipses coincide with important Jewish festivals. The two April lunar eclipses in 2014 and 2015 occur at the same time as Passover, while the October and September eclipses occur during the Feast of Tabernacle. Astronomers and scientists however do not believe that this is of any significance.

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April 15, 2014


Convince me that the Easter Bunny is for real. Explain the relationship between Jesus, and the Easter bunny, and how this holy holiday of Easter has come to be celebrated in the twenty first century - more than two thousand years later.
Bonus question: How do chocolate and painted eggs figure into the equation?

It must suck to be an astronomer or scientist; I can't imagine not believing in significances. They probably don't believe in the Easter Bunny either.

I'm going to go outside tonight/this morning to check out the lunar eclipse, anyhow.

My first memory of Easter is from when I was two or three years old. I was taken to some sort of Easter egg hunt, along with my siblings and cousins. There was a huge crowd of people; from my vantage point I couldn't see much of anything due to all the people surrounding me.

But then, out of the corner of my eye, I thought I saw a giant rabbit, wearing a colorful tie and vest. It must have been fifteen feet tall.

There it was again! It had these evil black staring eyes, and an even eviler grin. I could see it clearly now, because it towered over the crowd of people between me and it.

Where the hell did this giant rabbit thing come from, I thought. Then I wondered ... why is nobody running from this horrible creature? Then I realised, we were walking straight towards it. Are you people all out of your minds, I thought. You're walking towards a giant man eating rabbit from hell.

I was only two or three years old, I didn't know a lot of things at the time, but I knew when it was time to run, and that's what I did.

Or that's what I would have done if my grandpa didn't have a good grip on the scruff of my neck. He was pulling me back towards the freaking rabbit!

"Come on. Stop being silly. I want to get your picture next to the Easter Bunny," grandpa was saying.

I never heard any of that; I was too busy screaming at the top of my lungs. I can't believe my own grandpa was going to make me a human sacrifice to the mutant man-eating thing of nightmares bunny rabbit.

Brother #3 got through to me by loudly stating that the giant rabbit had chocolate; free for the taking.

Chocolate? Did someone say chocolate?

Okay then. I figured that it wouldn't hurt to get just close enough to grab a handful of chocolate while grandpa took one quick picture.

My mother had this thing, she was like that, she had things, she still has things, God bless her. One of her things is... On Easter Sunday - before there is any; egg hunt, basket raiding, chocolate gorging, sugar over-dosing, hard-boiled egg eating contests, etc. - Everyone will sit down and eat a proper breakfast.
That was her thing.

So, I remember being rushed out the front door of our house , one spring morning, right after a particularly pleasant breakfast meal.

I was standing on the end of our front walkway. I was wearing a thick knitted jacket, and I was sweating in the heat of the sun. I hated the sun for making me so hot. I looked up at the sun to curse it, and it's brightness hurt my eyes. I hate this planet, I thought, but I had nothing better to compare it with, and I had nowhere else to go.

"What's going on here,?" I demanded of my five siblings, who seemed to be reluctant to move too far away from the front door of our house." Why were we sent out here to die from sun exposure?"

"Because it's Easter and mom," one of them started, but was cut short by another, who continued..."The Easter Bunny is hiding our Easter baskets in the house, we have to wait outside."

The Easter Bunny! That twenty foot tall, evil, child-eating, demon thing - was in our house! - right now! - hiding baskets!

Just then the front door opened up. It was my mom; telling us it was okay to come back in the house now.

Well, that's what my siblings saw. Me? I was half way down the street. The moment I saw that front door move, I ran like hell.

During this time in my life, I also learned the story about a man, who lived a long time ago, named Jesus. Jesus died from being nailed to a cross for our sins, but then returned to life three days later. It took me several years to figure out that there wasn't two Easters. One for Jesus, and one for the thirty foot tall rabid rabbit.

Oddly enough, of all the Holidays, Easter holds the most significance for me.

Happy Easter


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April 13, 2014 at 7:42pm
April 13, 2014 at 7:42pm
*Medical* GOVERNMENT OF THE Food Establishment Inspection Report
*Hockey**Hockey*DISTRICT OF WDC pursuant to fie RU4-REEL @ Judgments
*Shield5*INSPECTOR: MOLLY MUGGINGSWORTH Health Department Restaurant Inspection Report
Establishment Name: Andre the Blog Monkey's Blogging Banana Bar
Address: 30 Day Blogging Challenge Forum C/O Brother Nature's Portfolio on WDC
E-Mail Address: brothernature@writing.com
DATE OF INSPECTION: 04/11/14          TIME OF INSPECTION: IN-9:00AM    OUT-11:20PM
License Holder: ANDRE & TROOP Global Management & Consulting Technology Services     License Holder Number: 101010101010101001
License Period: 04/01/14 to 04/30/14    Type of Inspection: Routine
Type of Establishment: Cyber bar - run by an imaginary monkey     Risk Category: 1 *Box* 2*Box* 3 *Box* 4*Box* 5*BoxCheck*

Food Code (regulations compliancy)

CDC Risk Factor Violations
•(1) Person in Charge/Demonstration on Knowledge - A monkey was left in charge for crying out loud.
PASS *Box*    FAIL *BoxCheck*

•(4) Ill Workers - employees were untrained, unprofessional, and observed to be intoxicated or soaked in intoxicants.
PASS *Box*    FAIL *BoxCheck*

•(45) Hands Clean & Washed - The bartender/exterminator/janitor/washroom attendant/sandwich maker was NOT observed washing his hands. EVER!
PASS *Box*    FAIL *BoxCheck*

•(37) Proper Handwashing/No Barehand Contact with Ready-to-eat Foods - (the owner) - prepared food and drinks with his feet!
PASS *Box*    FAIL *BoxCheck*

•(129) Food Unadultered/Good Condition - Bananas (in and out of their peel) were located in all areas of the establishment.
PASS *Box*    FAIL *BoxCheck*

•(1) Required Records - No records were provided by the owner.
PASS *Box*    FAIL *BoxCheck*

•(211) Food Properly Separated & Protected - Limes were in coconuts and they were mixed all up. Bananas were everywhere.
PASS *Box*    FAIL *BoxCheck*

•(117) Proper Cooking Temperatures - Food was served raw, but was soft and mushy, with a slimy coating.
PASS *Box*    FAIL *BoxCheck*

Public Health Code (regulations compliancy)

•No hot water available in a facility that prepares or serves unpackaged food
Sewage backup into the facility
•Insufficient refrigeration or hot hold storage equipment
•Evidence of pests in food or on food preparation surfaces
•Interruption of safe, potable water
Foodborne disease outbreak linked to the facility
•Interruption of electrical service for more than 4 hours
•Severe structural damage
•Severe structural damage - caused by ghosts.
•Employee working with Salmonella species, Shigella species, Shigatoxin-producing E.coli 0157:H7, or Hepatitis A, Ebola Virus.
•Extreme unsanitary conditions
•Extreme pest infestation
•Water supply not adequate
•Critical pieces of food equipment not functioning properly
•Other imminent hazards as determined by the health department
•The place was run by a monkey, for crying out loud.
Inspections with less than 8 of Violations 36 - 58 and less than 11 of Violations 1 - 35 are compliant with Food Code regulations. All Violations 1 - 35 must be corrected on site or within 24 hours.

During an inspection there are three ways in which a facility can fail to be compliant with Food Code regulations:
•Total of 5 or more of Violations flagged with “*” (CDC Risk Factors)
•Total of 11 or more of Violations 1-35.
•Total of 6 or more of Violations 1-35, plus 8 or more of Violations 36-58.


Inspection Summary for Andre's the Blog Monkey's Blogging Banana Bar
Food Code Violations - 545
Public Health Code Violations - 17
Inspection Result - FAIL


Actions Taken

Depending upon the conditions observed during the time of inspection, several enforcement actions may be taken.

Mandatory Closure Notice is hereby issued to Andre the Blog Monkey, ANDRE & TROOP Global Management & Consulting Technology Services, and Andre's Blogging Banana Bar to immediately suspend operations and close to the public.

Failure to comply with this order will result in criminal prosecution. An investigation into the operation of the establishment is on-going, and further actions may be taken up to and including criminal charges.

The owner of the establishment is legally compelled to post a notice of closure on the business, and to remain closed until such time as this order is lifted.

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April 14, 2014

Yep, I figured things might end this way. I'm back in the house and Andre has gone into hiding; until this thing all blows over.
I don't know about you all, but I had a nice little break from writing a blog entry everyday. I'm bright eyed and bushy tailed and ready to go. (Just not sure where)
In May, I think I'm going to return to the writing interests that brought me to this site in the first place, and take a more active roll in learning and re-learning proper writing skills. I know that I'll take a course or two over at the writing academy, and I also know - that will leave little time for blogging.

Blogging will also play a big roll in my writing, I'm not certain where it's going though. I feel a bit like I'm stuck in N, but I can't shift it into drive, because my foot is holding the gas pedal to the floor.
Anyhow...there is still quite a bit of April around and I guess we'll have to find something to replace or remodel that little monkey's Blogging Banana Bar with.

May God bless you and keep you on this holy day of Palm Sunday. Peace be with those that live in a dangerous politically motivated situation; may God protect you and keep you safe.

Може Бог благословляє вас та держите вас на цьому священному дні Вербної Недiлі. Мир будуть з цими що живуть у небезпечний політично motivated ситуація; може Бог захищаєте вас та держите вас сейф.

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April 8, 2014 at 5:15pm
April 8, 2014 at 5:15pm
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April 8, 2014


Todays blog prompt is a flash fiction challenge and is to be written in the guidelines of the flash fiction rules.
300 words or less

Write a flash fiction piece and include all three of these words/titles in your story

*Bookstack*   Andre the Blog Monkey's Blogging Banana Bar    *Bookstack*     Spring     *Bookstack*     hospitality     *Bookstack*

(OPTIONAL) For a bigger challenge try to include the Flash Fiction prompts into your story (as well) and enter your story into the Flash Fiction Contest too.

"What kind of person would do this?"

word count 205

Dear friends
I've been banished to the shed out back; locked out of my house by my muse, Andre the Blog Monkey. All this, so he could open a cyber bar called, Andre the Blog Monkey's Blogging Banana Bar! What kind of person would do this? Lucky for me, it's finally spring, and the temperature is staying above the freezing point. How did it come to this? I thought back to the first time Andre showed up to help me write one of my blog entries. I wasn't sure about having a monkey around, but there was never a moment to consider or reconsider any other options. I looked back through my old laptop and found Andre's very first contribution - dated, April 12, 2012.
Andre will be two years old in a couple days, and even though I'm stuck in this here shed, the notion of Andre having a birthday makes me feel like celebrating. The spirit of Andre is celebration in it's purest form. I bet Andre is going to have a big birthday party in his bar, and I bet you're all invited. I've heard that people go there for the party, but keep going back for the hospitality.

I'll see you at the bar.

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April 3, 2014 at 1:02pm
April 3, 2014 at 1:02pm
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April 3, 2014

Prompt for April 3, 2014

Why do they call it monkeying around? I asked Google and found more questions than answers. It made me think that maybe the Writing.com Bloggers can shed some light on this gripping question and some of the others posed by Google.

Help a monkey out, by blogging about...What you know about monkeying around.

How To Sleep Around A Noisy Monkey?

How Do Monkeys Move Around?

What Is The Storyline Of Monkeying Around?

Why Are Monkeys Still Around?

Why Do Monkeys Roll Around On The Ground?

Answer one or more of these questions in your blog entry. Answer with all of the confidence of an expert on the topic.

Hi, everyone.

If you're here for the first time, you might be wondering who Andre is. Andre is my muse.

1. Classical Mythology .
a. any of a number of sister goddesses, originally given as Aoede (song), Melete (meditation), and Mneme (memory), but latterly and more commonly as the nine daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne who presided over various arts: Calliope (epic poetry), Clio (history), Erato (lyric poetry), Euterpe (music), Melpomene (tragedy), Polyhymnia (religious music), Terpsichore (dance), Thalia (comedy), and Urania (astronomy); identified by the Romans with the Camenae.

b. any goddess presiding over a particular art.

2. ( sometimes lowercase ) the goddess or the power regarded as inspiring a poet, artist, thinker, or the like.

3. ( lowercase ) the genius or powers characteristic of a poet.
1350–1400; Middle English Muse < Middle French < Latin Mūsa < Greek Moûsa

Andre is a muse, he's my muse, and he happens to be a monkey; a blog writing, vodka drinking, world traveling, multi-billionaire monkey.
Andre the Blog Monkey, as he is formally known, is presently the proprietor and bartender of ANDRE THE BLOG MONKEY'S BLOGGING BANANA BAR, which is located in cyberspace in the, 30 Day Blogging Challenge Group - https://1786069 on Writing.com.

Andre normally helps with writing my blog entries, even if it's just him taking credit for them, which sometimes I'm glad to be able to distance myself from.

But, Andre is off tending bar and becoming famous, which leaves me to fend for myself in my blog writing efforts, so here we go...

For me...If I can't write something funny, (which is subject to opinion) I don't want to write. This creates a bit of a dilemma when it comes to responding to a prompt, and when writing for an audience. "Funny" is not always appropriate or appreciated. There are times when the prompt is of a serious nature about a serious topic, such as social justice issues, disease, death, or human rights issues to name a few.
Sure, I can joke about all of those topics, but more people would be offended than entertained, and it's certainly not my goal to offend anyone. (Well, not all the time, at least.)

I'm not sure where I'm going with this. This is where Andre usually pitches in his two cents, and things tend to work out - or not - in which case Andre takes the rap for being an asshole. (not me) (Well, not all the time, at least.)

Here is how I would address this prompt, if it wasn't written by my muse and directed back to my muse. (it's a bit like blogging with myself)

How To Sleep Around A Noisy Monkey? - You'll sleep when you're dead.

How Do Monkeys Move Around? - Very quickly, using all of their limbs, and amazing strength.

What Is The Storyline Of Monkeying Around? - It began as a directive from parents and teachers..."Quit monkeying around and get back to work."

Why Are Monkeys Still Around? - Andre was quite offended by this question.

Why Do Monkeys Roll Around On The Ground? - This is due to gravity and the ability to roll. In space... monkeys float around. (true story!)

Thanks for listening.
I'm heading over to the bar; I hear Andre has posted a drink menu.


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March 31, 2014 at 2:16pm
March 31, 2014 at 2:16pm
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March 31, 2014

Day 31 of 30
Prompt for March 31, 2014
What world famous monument was celebrated as completed today (March 31) one hundred and twenty-five years ago? Give us your opinion or thoughts about monuments or what a 30DBC monument would look like.

Hi bloggers and blog fans from across the land.
This is over-time in the 30 Day Blogging Challenge on Writing.com.

DAY 31 - Monuments - I would have guessed, "Mt. Rushmore" but I cheated and read a couple other blog entries before writing my own. So I'm going to guess, "The Ieffle Tower" (even if I can't spell it)
I'm glad it's not Mt. Rushmore, I don't care for that particular monument, it's an eyesore and a gross act of vandalism against a natural wonder. But I don't want to offend any of my American friends and neighbors. So, yeah...I have no problem offending the French - stupid tower - I hope it rusts - big deal - grande poo poo, as they say in the French language. Formage du le tower.

Okay moving on...

I wrote about being rushed out the door last week to go watch a hockey game in Gimli, Manitoba. Our home town team, The Lac du Bonnet Blues were palying in a championship game against, The Gimli Wolves. I took some pictures at the game and shot a little video footage. I added a little music and text to the video and uploaded it to Youtube. I'm not going to tell you who won the hockey game, you'll have to watch my video, but Leslie and I won the 50-50 draw at the game and received $150.00.

The embed feature doesn't seem to be working properly today, but the site is still showing a link for my video. Maybe a good monument for Writing Dot Com could be a huge smashed up computer keyboard.

Thank God I have a monkey to do my writing for me.

Click the link - See the video

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Beware - April fools are upon us.

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March 30, 2014 at 5:49pm
March 30, 2014 at 5:49pm
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March 30, 2014

Serial Experience! Part Two
Prompt for March 30, 2014
Photo albums. On the first day (yesterday), tell us all about your experience with photo albums (physical or electronic). Do you still have pictures from when you or your children were young? Did your mother ever bring out your baby photo album at an inopportune/embarrassing moment (family reunion, boyfriend/girlfriend visiting, etc.)? Feel free to share some pictures with us if you want to *Bigsmile* On the second day (today), let us in on your future photo album plans. Any big trips coming up you hope to document? What is your motivation for recording these important events if there is potential they will only sit in their albums on a shelf for most of their life until they are removed, leafed through, and winced at? As a follow-up question: do you think that hiding behind a camera lens removes the photographer from the experience taking place in front of them?

Welcome back friends.

As I was saying, before I was rudely interrupted, (Andre!) It was from my grand-father, that I got my first spark of interest in photography. Grandpa J was a "Shutter Bug" and a pioneer of the home movie enthusiasts cult - He took the time to show me his cameras and teach me how to use them, because I took an interest. He let me act as camera-man using his 8mm motion picture camera, so he could be in the shots, and he was very happy with the pictures I shot when he let me use his 35mm camera at the race-track one afternoon. He gave me my first two cameras; they were old ones he had kicking around.

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I never had the money to buy the film in order to take pictures with these cameras, but I was able to disassemble them, which fueled my interest, which lead me to launch an award winning science fair project titled, "WHAT IS A CAMERA?"

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In grade six, together with my friend and classmate, Gary G, we won third place in the district science fair, I think we got an honorable mention in the city science fair, as well. Gary and I shared an interest in photography, and hockey (we played roller hockey in his basement for hours). We still keep in touch through Faceboook; Gary's interest in photography has taken him to become employed with the production team for "Hockey Night in Canada" telecasts. As well, Gary is the producer of the Double G show, and a proud spokesperson for, Canned Unicorn Meat. Now he'll be even more famous after being plugged in Brother's Blog.

check out an episode of the world famous DOUBLE G SHOW

My mother is also a shutter bug, and a dreaded scrap-booker. Her photo album and scrapbook collection is vast and dates back to her wedding album, just a few months before my oldest brother was born. (ha ha...just kidding mom)
When I was very young I recall enjoying the time I spent studying over her photo albums. I was fascinated to see the family pictures from the time before I was inducted into the brood. I was able to get a sense of what I missed; it gave me a sense of our family history.

As for me...I'm a hobbyist, always anxious to share the latest experience via snapshot, or cropping abomination via digital transfixery.

Interestingly posed question at the end - I've never considered being behind the lens as being a hiding place. When I look at a photograph, I'm always conscience of the idea that, I'm looking at what the photographer wants to show me. When I think about it...I realize that... I often ask people, "who took this photo?'
So I often think of the photographer when I consider the photo. Like when I see a stunning black and white framed print, I automatically assume the photographer is Ansel Adams.

That's all I got.

Tomorrow is Day 31 - There is no Day 31

See you tomorrow (anyway)

Peace and Love

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March 29, 2014 at 3:42am
March 29, 2014 at 3:42am
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March 29, 2014

Serial Experience!
Part One

Prompt for March 29, 2014
Photo albums. On the first day (today), tell us all about your experience with photo albums (physical or electronic). Do you still have pictures from when you or your children were young? Did your mother ever bring out your baby photo album at an inopportune/embarrassing moment (family reunion, boyfriend/girlfriend visiting, etc.)? Feel free to share some pictures with us if you want to *Bigsmile* On the second day (tomorrow), let us in on your future photo album plans. Any big trips coming up you hope to document? What is your motivation for recording these important events if there is potential they will only sit in their albums on a shelf for most of their life until they are removed, leafed through, and winced at? As a follow-up question: do you think that hiding behind a camera lens removes the photographer from the experience taking place in front of them?

Hello again, friends. Welcome to the end of the road.

I must have known something about something at some point, because for some strange reason (just a couple hours before this prompt was published) I put together a photo album in my port. It's the first time I tried this feature on WDC, and I just started adding pictures to an album, as if I knew I would need it. I made a winter diary of the snow fall we had between November and March. You might be interested in. We never had a never had a devastating blizzard with snow fall amounts reaching twenty to thirty centimeters plus, but we had several snow fall events where the snow fall accumulation was between eight and fifteen centimeters. I won't complain about the amount of snow I had to shovel - It was nothing in comparison to the years when I cleared snow for a living. One winter my brother and I took care of seventy-two residential customers; clearing snow. We had a blizzard which dumped thirty-eight centimeters of snow. (About three feet) The two of us worked from 6:00am until 4:00am the next morning. Twenty-two hours, with only one break, to change into dry clothes and have a bite to eat. People who know my brother and I, know better than to complain to either of us about how hard they worked to clear their walk and driveway of snow. We just listen politely then ask, "how would you like to do that job seventy-one more times?

Anyhow...here's that album I was talking about...

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#1984023 by Not Available.

I have to talk a little bit about my muse... Some of you may know of Andre the Blog Monkey, who commandeers my laptop and writes most of my blog entries, when he's not busy counting the millions he has made as a web designer and e-commerce guru. Normally, Andre just lurks around, drinking vodka, and hosting web-inars.
Well, today a delivery truck showed up and started unloading boxes of whiskey and cases of wine and beer including a entire pallet load of bananas... I better go check on things.

I'll have to get back on topic tomorrow, good thing this is a two-parter.

Promise you'll come back tomorrow.


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