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When you really have nothing better to do.
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Welcome to my blog on Writing.com
Enjoy your visit

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March 28, 2014 at 3:54pm
March 28, 2014 at 3:54pm
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March 28, 2014

It's Funny Friday!
Prompt for March 28 , 2014
Your worst DIY disaster(s).

Hello again.

Here we are with only a few days left in the 30 Day Blogging Challenge, I didn't think I would be able to get an entry written each day, so I'm
a little surprised that I am still here. My apologies for not being as active in the blog comments as I would have liked to be. I've been trying to find a way to do both - write a daily blog entry, and follow a number of other blogs, within a somewhat restricted time allowance. I dropped a number of writing/blogging obligations which helped reduce the time I have to spend writing. I know I would not have made it through this month, responding to more than one prompt, because as it was, I had to drastically cut back on the usual bit of banter I enjoyed keying into my entries.

So... I didn't write a blog that I'm very happy with, but I did write an entry everyday. I wasn't happy a lot of evenings that I had to spend writing, when I knew I should have spent some time reading, and commenting. ... but I did write an entry everyday.

I think this is going to be my last attempt at the Official 30 Day Blogging Challenge, and I'll lend a hand in helping Ms. Em Emily with the Official months as well as the unofficial ungodliness I do, which has become known as the Unofficial Months.

Anyhow...On with the show!

It's funny Friday!

DIY (Do It Yourself) It's the raw material used to make laughter. Everybody does it. I'm doing it right now... Brother Nature - DIY writer.

Like a true "DO IT YOURSELF-ER" I would never consider hiring a professional writer to write my blog entries, poems, short stories, or technical compositions.
I can write it myself, and I don't care if there's a comma out of place or a sentence that's been fragmented or run-on-ed, or if the whole thing doesn't even make sense to anyone who reads it. ... ... ... Well... Maybe that last one, I care about a little.

But, you get my point! I need to hire a writer, like I need to hire a dentist or a gynecologist - I can take care of my own personal health; thank you very much!

I was born to "Do It Myself"

I think I was nine or ten years old when I decided to repair the loose leg on the family coffee table in the living room. I watched my dad repair one of the other legs that had become loose and wobbly. I took the offending coffee table into the kitchen and turned it upside down on the kitchen floor. Then I found some nice long screws and a screwdriver. I twisted four (2 1/2") screws into the leg that was loose. It took a lot of effort to twist in the screws at the proper angle so they would hold the leg securely to the table top. I worked at it for over an hour twisting on those screws until my hands were red and sore, but I finally did it.

Finished - just as mom and dad were walking in the door.

"What are you doing," they asked after surveying the situation.

"I'm fixing the coffee table," I announced excitedly as I tried and tried and tried again to flip the repaired table to it's upright position.

I screwed the coffee table securely down to the kitchen floor.

*Blush* Have a great day!

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March 27, 2014 at 7:23pm
March 27, 2014 at 7:23pm
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March 27, 2014

It's Opinion Thursday!
Prompt for March 27 , 2014
What is your opinion on gun carry laws (concealed or not)? Is it legal to carry a weapon in your home state/country? Does it make you feel more or less safe?

Here we go again, friends.

Better get down under your desk, until it's safe to come out.

rat a tat ta ta tat tat rat a tat ta ta tat tat rat a tat ta ta tat tat rat a tat ta ta tat tat
*Bullet**Bullet**Bullet**Bullet**Bullet**Bullet**Bullet**Bullet* *Bullet**Bullet**Bullet**Bullet**Bullet**Bullet**Bullet**Bullet*
rat a tat ta ta tat tat rat a tat ta ta tat tat rat a tat ta ta tat tat rat a tat ta ta tat tat

*Laugh* *Laugh* *PointLeft* *Sick*
rat a tat ta ta tat tat rat a tat ta ta tat tat rat a tat ta ta tat tat rat a tat ta ta tat tat
*Laugh* *Angry* *Laugh**BulletR**Lightning*
rat a tat ta ta tat tat rat a tat ta ta tat tat rat a tat ta ta tat tat rat a tat ta ta tat tat

*Angry* *Angry* *Grave* *Bullet**Bullet**Bullet**Bullet**Bullet**Bullet* *Devil**Grave* *Laugh* *Laugh*
rat a tat ta ta tat tat rat a tat ta ta tat tat rat a tat ta ta tat tat rat a tat ta ta tat tat
*Angry* *Angry* *Grave* *Devil**Grave* *Laugh* *Laugh**Bullet**Bullet**Bullet**Bullet**Bullet**Bullet*


Ha ha ha ha haaaa - Yes, yes, yes! more guns, guns for everyone. kill kill kill Ha ha ha ha haaaaaa.

It's pretty much against the law to shoot someone, even if you shoot someone in the foot by accident, you'll be in big trouble.
You need a permit to shoot a wild animal. (as in hunting)

So...why not give guns to everyone? Young and old alike - guns free for the taking.

But then...Make people apply for a permit for a bullet. Make them fill out a big long form and pay all kinds of fees. Ask all sorts of questions like: where you going to go with your bullet, and what are you going to shoot with your bullet, and why do you need to go to that location and shoot that particular target?
And then say, "Okay, here's your bullet, don't forget to bring back what ever you shoot with it, or we won't be able to issue you a new one."

Oh but Nooooo!

It always has to come down to this...

rat a tat ta ta tat tat rat a tat ta ta tat tat rat a tat ta ta tat tat rat a tat ta ta tat tat
*Bullet**Bullet**Bullet**Bullet**Bullet**Bullet**Bullet**Bullet* *Bullet**Bullet**Bullet**Bullet**Bullet**Bullet**Bullet**Bullet*
rat a tat ta ta tat tat rat a tat ta ta tat tat rat a tat ta ta tat tat rat a tat ta ta tat tat

*Laugh* *Laugh* *PointLeft* *Sick*
rat a tat ta ta tat tat rat a tat ta ta tat tat rat a tat ta ta tat tat rat a tat ta ta tat tat
*Laugh* *Angry* *Laugh**BulletR**Lightning*
rat a tat ta ta tat tat rat a tat ta ta tat tat rat a tat ta ta tat tat rat a tat ta ta tat tat

*Angry* *Angry* *Grave* *Bullet**Bullet**Bullet**Bullet**Bullet**Bullet* *Devil**Grave* *Laugh* *Laugh*
rat a tat ta ta tat tat rat a tat ta ta tat tat rat a tat ta ta tat tat rat a tat ta ta tat tat
*Angry* *Angry* *Grave* *Devil**Grave* *Laugh* *Laugh**Bullet**Bullet**Bullet**Bullet**Bullet**Bullet*


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But I feel a little bit safer now.

See you tomorrow, stay safe.

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March 26, 2014 at 12:53pm
March 26, 2014 at 12:53pm
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March 26, 2014

It's War Chest Wednesday!
(or mid week Funny Friday)

Prompt for March 26 , 2014
Which animated character would you like to hear sing your favorite song?

Bah blah

Research for today's blog entry had it's challenges, and took several hours, which included much eye rolling and heavy sighs from the cheap seats. I think I discovered that there are limits to the number of Youtube videos that can be embedded to an entry.

I went over the limit on the embeds - I'm not going to worry about it at this point.

I would like to hear, Butters from the animated TV series, Southpark sing one of my favorite songs. I'm not sure which song - maybe something by Aerosmith.

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eeb a baa daa - eeb a baa daa - eeb a baa daa - That's all folks!

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March 25, 2014 at 9:21pm
March 25, 2014 at 9:21pm
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March 25, 2014

It's War Chest Tuesday!
Prompt for March 25 , 2014
What is one of your favorite tourist attractions from your hometown? In other words, what site do you absolutely insist your friends see when they visit?

Hi, friends; welcome to Winnipeg.

I wished that I had more notice. I didn't think you would all show up at the same time to visit. I would have warned you that there are not a lot of touristy attractions here.
Most of what Winnipeg has to offer is available in most other places, but the other place's offerings are bigger and better. What I would insist on showing you while you're here, really depends on your age, and the type of entertainment that interests you. Children traveling with you, would enjoy visiting one of my favorite parks in the city, West Kildonan Park, which features "The Witches Hut" from the Hanzel and Gretel story. Young and old alike would like biking on the trails throughout the park. I would love to take you cycling on the trail system which runs along the banks of the Red and Assiniboine rivers, if you're up for it.

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Winnipeg is a cultural melting pot, with a rich history. Winnipeg is home to world class entertainment within the arts community, and due to it's location in central Canada, it's a favorite stop for most major touring shows. Still, Winnipeg does not attract a huge number of tourists. I think you all might enjoy a celebration of culture we have here called, Folklorama, but you'll have to come back in August.


Alright, I hoped you enjoyed your visit to friendly Manitoba. Now, get outta here! Come back in August. (When it's warm.) (I hope!)

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March 24, 2014 at 6:49pm
March 24, 2014 at 6:49pm
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March 24, 2014

It's Wildcard Monday!
Prompt for March 24 , 2014
You're on a train (or other similarly isolated area) - how do you pass the time? Daydream...

Hi, friends.

I've just discovered that I take exception to the term, "daydream." "Daydream" is just a word (created by a grade school teacher, I bet) to discourage independent thinking of young students, by insinuating that they are as productive when daydreaming as they are when sleeping, if their mind isn't completely focussed on the subject at hand.

So...I don't daydream; never have. What I do is, "Creative Thought Processing."

Just so happens we were on a train not too long ago, I just wrote about it in a previous blog entry. I took a lot of pictures and shot some video during the thirty-six hour ride. I was also together with Leslie so we had each other to share in the experience, so maybe, this trip doesn't qualify due to lack of isolation.

But, what might be better qualified is the zillion or more bus rides I took between home (North-end of Winnipeg) and work (Corner of Portage and Main in downtown Winnipeg.) I didn't waste any of that time by daydreaming, I honed my mind-reading skills, and talent for prophesising.

The other people on the bus provided me with so much entertainment that I hated getting off the bus and going to work. I would use a variety of creative thought processing techniques including mind melding and psychic siphoning to entertain myself and interact (unbeknownst to them) with the bus riding public.

There was this one lady... She was nearly forty years old, she was pretty, but had a large nose, not Barbra Streisand large, but just not dainty, the nose of a man. Anyhow this lady wore plain clothes, and always looked sad, so I determined (through "Creative Thought Processing") she was the man nose, nice lady, who was sad because she was poor and had to ride the bus to work.

One day I noticed her big nose was rosy red and her eyes seemed bloodshot, so she became the man nose, nice lady, who was sad because she was poor and had to ride the bus to work, in spite of her alcoholism. After a while I noticed a pattern she had of trying not to get caught looking at me as I stared at her. That told me that she was inquisitive and sneaky. I determined that she most likely worked as a receptionist/assistant for a shady private investigator. She probably does a little surveillance work from time to time.
So she became the man nose, nice lady, who was sad because she was poor and had to ride the bus to work, in spite of her alcoholism - spy.

One morning I noticed she was very nervous and worrisome looking, from the way she was clutching her purse, I could tell that she murdered her husband that very morning before leaving for work - Stabbed him to death in the shower with the letter opener she stole from work. So she became the man nose, nice lady, who was sad because she was poor and had to ride the bus to work, in spite of her alcoholism - spy, who murdered her husband, and nobody knows about it but me.

One day she had a bad cough and coughed all through the entire ride to work. Then she did the same thing the next few days, so she became the man nose, nice lady, who was sad because she was poor and had to ride the bus to work, in spite of her alcoholism - spy, who murdered her husband, and nobody knows about it but me, but it doesn't matter because she only has six months to live. ... ... ...Sad really.

The good news is... She lived many years past the six months she was given to live, and even started buying new outfits. I think she was embezzling some of the proceeds from the detective agency.

Anyhow I thought I would post the train movie I made a while back. If you've already seen it, watch it again. If you haven't seen it yet, then enjoy.
I watched it today for the first time in a while. I was sorry to have put all that kissy kissy stuff in at the end. ewwww. Sorry bout that.

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Later, friends.

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March 23, 2014 at 3:46pm
March 23, 2014 at 3:46pm
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March 23, 2014

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The Sunday News!
Prompt for March 23 , 2014
Provide your thoughts/opinions on a newspaper/magazine article or a radio/television news story from the past week. And if you feel inclined, let loose and blog about your week. Also, feel free to comment on your favorite blog entries from your fellow challengers from the preceding week, though this is not required.

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Cheerio y'all.

Crazy week of more of the same here.
I'm so far behind I think I'm way out in front.
Maybe I am. See, it just happened again.

The temperature has dropped back to well below seasonal. The city is freezing up solid.
The Malaysian airline flight is still missing.
Russia seems to have won the latest revolution - You say you want a revolution.

I haven't been keeping up with getting out there and reading many blog entry this week.
Now Leslie is nudging me towards the door to go to a small town in rural Manitoba called, Gimli, to watch a Jr.B hockey play-off game between The Lac du Bonnet Blues and the Gimli Wolves. It's an over-nighter for us.

So I gotta run. When I get back online I'll be getting caught up.

Go Blues!


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March 22, 2014 at 10:57pm
March 22, 2014 at 10:57pm
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March 22, 2014

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It's Creation Saturday!
Prompt for March 22 , 2014
Let your mind wander back to the Middle Ages and imagine you are a scribe in the King's Court. Tell us about the goings-on in the castle (accents optional, but encouraged*Wink*)

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March 21, 2014 at 8:21pm
March 21, 2014 at 8:21pm
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March 21, 2014

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It's Funny Friday!
Prompt for March 21 , 2014
Have you ever been embarrassed in public (and had people laugh at you)? And/or have you ever laughed at someone who had been publicly embarrassed? Tell us the story.

Err, hi. *RollEyes*


Okay, alright...When I was in grade one, I peed my pants in class, at school.

There was about twenty minutes left before the noon lunch bell was due to sound.
I had the feeling I needed to relieve my bladder. I hated raising my hand in class to ask permission to go to the bathroom.
Only twenty minute until lunch break; I can wait, I thought.

*Cool* *Cool**Worry**Worry**Angry*

After fifteen minutes it was apparent I would not make it until 12:00 - I had to go now.
I raised my hand and asked permission to go to the bathroom.

*Blush* *Blush*

"There is only five more minutes until lunch, surely you're a big enough boy to wait five minutes, you can go to the bathroom as soon as the bell rings at noon."


Long story - short. I had to wait five minutes, my bladder only waited four.

*Shock* *FacePalm* *RollEyes* *Blush* *Blush*

When the lunch bell rang I ran all the way home. I told my mom about what happened and about how now I would have to quit school and move to a new neighborhood where nobody knew me.
Mom said I was being silly and I would go back to school. after lunch and nobody will say a word about anything.

I don't know why I thought she would be right, but I didn't have much of a choice in the matter.

On my way back to school, when I got to the street corner, a female classmate, pointed at me and said to her mother, "look mommy, that's the boy who peed his pants in class this morning."

*Blush* *Blush* *Cry* *Cry* *Blush* *Blush*

I ran all the way back home. I told my mom about what happened and about how now I would have to quit school and move to a new neighborhood where nobody knew me.
Mom said I was being silly and I would go back to school.

I returned to school after lunch a couple minutes late. All of my classmates were seated at their desks, so I could walk into the room and have all eyes on me to further add to my embarrassment.

Then there was the time/millions of times between the age of five until I was seventeen or so, when my wardrobe was off the chart embarrassing. So much so, that when ever I visited a certain childhood friend's home, and we went out to a public event or shopping trip, his mother had spare clothes to dress me in, so I wasn't such an eye sore.

I'll say one thing though, I have absolutely no trouble standing up in front of a group of people and drawing attention to myself for ALMOST any purpose, (much to the horror of my children, at times) I'm pretty much immune to embarrassment at this stage in my life.

Sure is funny when it happens to someone else, though.*Laugh**Laugh**Laugh**Laugh*

I'm playing catch-up tonight.
I'll be playing catch-up tomorrow too.


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March 20, 2014 at 10:43pm
March 20, 2014 at 10:43pm
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March 20, 2014

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It's Opinion Thursday!
Prompt for March 20 , 2014
Have you ever taken a road trip? Give us your opinion on the "must see" city/cities to road trip to/from/through.

Whew, that was a close call; welcome back.

It's been eighteen months since Leslie and I took a trip to the east coast of Canada; to the bay of Fundy. http://bayoffundytourism.com/tides/
We flew out of Winnipeg (on an aeroplane) and landed in Toronto. We traveled by train from Toronto to Halifax, where we rented a car and drove along the east coast for ten days. We drove the world famous Cabot Trail on Cape Breton Island. http://www.cbisland.com/ http://www.cabottrail.travel/
We went to the, Hope for Wildlife open-house in Nova Scotia. http://www.hopeforwildlife.net/ We camped in some amazing parks along the way; and we stayed in some awesome hotels, and cabins. We both love sea-food, so we were able to dine at some of the finest sea food restaurants on the planet. (or that's what it said on the sign in the lobby)
This was the first time for both, Leslie and I to visit the east coast. Now we can say we've been from coast to coast, but there is a third coast to the north of us, which is one of our next road trips we're planning. I think... Regardless of what country or continent you visit, head to the coast; there's always a road trip full of adventure on the coast.
Hudson Bay, here we come.

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March 19, 2014 at 11:10pm
March 19, 2014 at 11:10pm
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March 19, 2014

It's War Chest Wednesday!
Prompt for March 19 , 2014
Artificial Intelligence: If a "robot" looks, acts, and thinks like a human, but was created not through "natural" processes, should it be considered part of humanity? Give us your thoughts about the future of Artificial Intelligence in science.

Hello again.

Make like you're not doing anything.
They know what your thinking.
Try not to think about it.
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That's all I have time for today.
Don't tell anyone where you heard this.

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