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When you really have nothing better to do.
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September 15, 2015 at 10:28am
September 15, 2015 at 10:28am
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September 15, 2015

Prompt for the 30 Day Blogging Challenge - Official September Challenge

Talk Tuesday!
How do you get yourself mentally ready to write a blog entry? Do you have any tips or methods you'd like to share that help you get prepared?


My biggest hurdle, when it comes to writing a blog entry is: What do I write as a greeting? Do I even need a greeting? Is there anybody out there? Maybe it's a little presumptuous of me to assume I have a legion of followers. I still haven't found a greeting that I'm comfortable with to use it consistently.

Sometimes I've completed my blog entry before I am mentally ready to start it. I do a lot of things prior to being mentally prepared. In-fact, I've pretty much gone through life being not quite mentally fit to do most of the stuff I do. I'm even good at a couple things.

One tip I've given to several people, when they mention that they would like to try their hand at blogging, is to sign up for a free account on Writing.com, then start blogging with one or more of the blogging groups. I tell people that they will have readers of their entries, and people commenting on their entries. Also they will have prompts to write on, as to take away the problem of - What to write about?

This is a good environment to learn how to blog. It's really tough getting readers out there in WWW Land, because there are so many blogs out there.

Another tip I would suggest is to sign-up for The Blogging Bliss Newsletter
Blogging Bliss Newsletter Subscribers  (E)
Blogging Bliss - WdC's Unofficial Blogging Newsletter Subscribers. Join us!
#1908544 by Wordsmitty ✍️

The newsletter has a lot of good information about blogging in general, not just on this site.
Check into this if you haven't already, They're always looking for a good feature story, so you could really bring more readers to your blog if you submitted a feature story to the newsletter.

I'm still wondering what to write for a greeting.

Does this work?

Hello friends.

I kind of assume who ever is reading is a friend of mine, and I have more than one.

How bout... Hey there.

Oh, look at that, I'm at the end of my entry, and I'm not quite mentally aware it.

This where I usually have a hard time saying goodbye.

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September 14, 2015 at 10:43am
September 14, 2015 at 10:43am
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September 14, 2015

Prompt for the 30 Day Blogging Challenge - Official September Challenge

Music Monday!
How do you feel about politicians using music in their campaigns? Ear-catching strategy, or shameless pandering?

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check - check

Music is a powerful tool, because it can affect change in human behavior. People have used music over the centuries to influence other people. The music itself is created with the intent that the piece will influence the thoughts and feelings of the listener.

Music is used during military campaigns. Bagpipes were created for use in military campaigns, to announce the advancement of combat troops and to build fear in the would-be defenders. (basically meant to scare the crap out of people)

So yeah, why wouldn't politicians want to use music to promote their campaign? For some it's the only good part of their platform.

I'm all for being musically manipulated, but I strongly believe in one thing, and that is; Before anyone uses music to sell or promote their own product, they should have the permission of the artist/s who created the music.

I better get on with my day, I'm about ready to break into song.

boo wookies

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September 13, 2015 at 4:31pm
September 13, 2015 at 4:31pm
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September 13, 2015

Prompt for the 30 Day Blogging Challenge - Official September Challenge
The Sunday News!

This week, cellular company Verizon announced plans to start testing an ultra-fast 5G network sometime in the next year. This network will be designed to handle more internet-connected devices, and will allow for such luxuries like the ability to download a 3-D movie in six seconds. My question: How much to we really need our cell phones to do, now or in 2017 (the target US nationwide rollout date)? Does anyone even use their phone to actually make and take calls anymore? What doesn't your phone do that you wish it would?
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My only telephone is a land-line, cordless phone, which is located on the kitchen counter-top, on it's charging base.
I have no other telephones or devices.

In a way, as much as I hate to say it, I'm pretty much the same person my dad was. My dad grew up listening to the radio, and that became his preferred form of entertainment, and source of news. While the rest of the world became addicted to their television sets, and all it's programming, dad sat in his own space, where he could listen to his radio.

I grew up with a wall phone mounted next to the stove in our kitchen, when you left the house you left the phone behind.

I had a cel phone for a few years. I found that I like talking on a mobile phone about as much as I enjoy talking on the wall mounted kitchen phone - not at all.
I figured it wasn't worth it for me to spend money on something I'd rather not have, so I opted out of the cel phone generation, while it was in it's infancy.

Much like my dad, who turned his back on the television before it went 'color' and 'cable-ready'

I can't imagine any set of circumstance where I'd want to download a 3-D movie to my phone. Is that what people are doing when I see them driving in their cars? Are they watching 3-D movies?

I don't really see a necessity for people to have such devices.

"It's good to have one when you have an emergency situation," they say.

Well, we used to avoid emergency situations by planning and thinking as we went about our daily activities.

Ah...but I rant.

Me no got: *Cellphone*

My good ole land-line does everything the old wall phone did, except we don't burn our arms or hands by leaning on a hot stove element, while chatting on the phone. (I miss that. When it didn't happen to me, at any rate.)

One thing I would like my phone to be capable of is - to block all 1-800 or 1-885 numbers from calling in. And to block their future calls from being connected. It could also have a 'never call this number again' file, which I can assign callers of my choice to.

Me = *Phone*

Hanging up on you now.

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#1985857 by Not Available.
September 12, 2015 at 1:03pm
September 12, 2015 at 1:03pm
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September 12, 2015

Prompt for the 30 Day Blogging Challenge - Official September Challenge
Creation Saturday!

If you could erect a statue of any Creation Saturday!

If you could erect a statue of any inanimate object to represent you, what would it be, and what would the dedication plaque on it read? object to represent you, what would it be, and what would the dedication plaque on it read?


Oddly enough, I've never had any desire to erect a statue representing myself, but here I am, designing a fitting monument in my honor on a lovely Saturday afternoon.

Because I really don't care, I would need a simply and humble monument. I prefer it be located in a place where few people would ever go, like deep in the woods or on a small, remote, uninhabited island in northern Canada.

If this monument had my name, the symbols for Libra, and a Christian cross I would be happy with that.

As for a depiction I would like to leave it blank, to encourage people to spend some time in thought and reflection.

I added one of my favorite saying to this monument,, just to appease the blog prompting Gods that be.

This is what it would look like...
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Once there lived a man named Odd.
His entire life he faced stupid comments and jokes about his unusual name.
He was determined that he would not be teased about his name in his death.
When the time of his passing came, he insisted that the marker on his grave site remain blank.

As people passed by the place where he was buried and saw his blank grave marker, they would notice the blank stone and remark..."That one is blank, isn't that odd?"

NOTE: The story about Odd, is a story I read somewhere, but forget who penned the story. Credits to whomever.


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#1985857 by Not Available.
September 11, 2015 at 10:57am
September 11, 2015 at 10:57am
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September 11, 2015

Prompt for the 30 Day Blogging Challenge - Official September Challenge
Fun Fact Friday!

On this day in 1875, "Professor Tidwissel's Burglar Alarm" was featured in the New York Daily Graphic and became the first comic strip to appear in a newspaper. Do you have a favorite comic strip, online comic, or cartoon character? What makes that appealing to you?

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I alone, like comic strips, by myself with no one else.
I'm thinking of creating a comic strip called, 'THE ANTI-SOCIAL MEDIA NETWORK.'
I'll have to get back to myself on that one.

I never like to list favorites, I'm the kind of guy who likes em all.

I will say that tossing cartoon characters into the equation by adding, 'OR CARTOON CHARACTER' is quite offensive to cartoon characters.

Sure, I could list a few comic strips and comic strip characters that I like, but I wouldn't start listing cartoons or cartoon characters I like in the same blog entry - that just isn't right!

I guess it wouldn't hurt to say how much I loath Family Circus, and that other one that I won't even mention.

I hope one day, Bart Simpson hits Billy right in the mouth with a rock.
Hey, that would make a good strip for the 'THE ANTI-SOCIAL MEDIA NETWORK.'

Have a great weekend.

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#1985857 by Not Available.
September 10, 2015 at 12:20pm
September 10, 2015 at 12:20pm
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September 10, 2015

Prompt for the 30 Day Blogging Challenge - Official September Challenge
The Wildcard Round!

"A man knows better than he hopes." What do you think about that?

Hello *Whistle*

"A man knows better than he hopes." - People who say things like this are just bitter. I should know.

"Your expectations were unrealistic" - The disappointment you feel, should be in yourself, for making assumptions.

"It's never too late to teach an old dog new tricks that save time when the tough get going" - If anybody ever says this to you, you'll know you're dealing with a complete lunatic.

My point is... People like to use these little sayings, to make you feel stupid, should you not understand the parable. Don't worry though, you can always reply with supreme wisdom by quoting back either one of these two sayings. They both work in any situation. I should know.

1. "If I had that, and two dollars I could buy a cup of coffee."
2. "If my auntie had a penis, she would be my uncle."

I'm glad you stopped by today, you don't have to thank me.

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#1985857 by Not Available.
September 9, 2015 at 12:30pm
September 9, 2015 at 12:30pm
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September 9, 2015

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I have a few Smiley Faces leftover from yesterday's entry.

Prompt for the 30 Day Blogging Challenge - Official September Challenge
War Chest Wednesday!

Do you believe the end of the world will come to pass during your lifetime?

Yes, yes I do. But then, no. No I don't think so. Okay, maybe.

I've had this dream on several occasions, I haven't had it in more than twenty years, but I had this same dream several times as a young boy and young adult. The dream is symbolic. The setting is also the emotion, it takes place in a vast pool of dread and fear. Sometimes I'm standing on ground, and at other times I'm floating in the sea of dread and fear.

The imagery is a single large needle shaped object; it's metallic, and silver in color, polished to the point of reflecting light where there is no light to reflect. The needle point is sharpened to a micro degree of sharpness, and the object slowly moves towards the only other object, a larger, (much larger than the needle shaped object) spherical shaped object, made of the same metallic substance as the needle, just as reflective and silvery.

As the needle moves towards the spherical shape the dread and fear increase until it becomes unbearable. The needle makes contact with the sphere and a soft 'ping' sound is heard. At this point I always awake with a start.

Maybe this dream is symbolic of some sort of dooms day scenario, but I also feel that the world won't end in one single day for everyone at the same time. I think the world will slowly lose it's ability to sustain human life, as we know it. There will be a die off of human populations in different parts of the world from differing sources, such as earth-quakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, war, famine, disease; much like what's going on now.

The writers of the New Testament of the Bible believe that the end times were at hand nearly two-thousand years ago. Although I'll probably never write anything that will be made part of the Holy Bible, I tend to think we're collectively moving towards a drastic shortage of human life forms on this big spherical shaped object we live on

O  h    my    God!        Run!

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#1985857 by Not Available.
September 8, 2015 at 7:00pm
September 8, 2015 at 7:00pm
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September 8, 2015

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Prompt for the 30 Day Blogging Challenge - Official September Challenge
Talk Tuesday!

I think today we can all use a healthy dose of good news. Share with us a feel-good story...it can be anything from a random act of kindness that happened to you recently, to something that you heard about in your community. Anything you'd like to share to spread a little positivity.


You must have been reading my mind, Fivesixer ; I'm pretty much desperate for any hint of something good. But alas, your feel good blogervention is a BYOFG (Bring Your Own Feel Good)

So...Today was fantastic. We drove from Manitoba back to Saskatchewan, and that was good. I had an opportunity to spend some time with my family, especially with my mom, who's a tad under weather, but nothing concerning.

So yeah, I'm thrilled to be back in Regina, and I'm totally looking forward to something - that's for sure!

All of my favorite sports teams won their games this past week-end, and what little news I heard, was all good.

The best part is... Just when I thought I would go an entire day failing in everything I said and did, I logged onto Writing.com and The 30 Day Blogging Challenge, where I found an opportunity to succeed, and this blog entry is proof of my success.




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#1985857 by Not Available.
September 7, 2015 at 12:09pm
September 7, 2015 at 12:09pm
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September 7, 2015

Prompt for the 30 Day Blogging Challenge - Official September Challenge
Music Monday!

Are you the lead singer type, or are you more content playing in the background along with the rest of the band?

Thank you, thank you. ... Thank you.

What a great audience!

Our next song features Brother Nature on harmonica, he's been making noise in the background all night, it's time to give him a chance to solo.

The song's called, "Only when I play the blues" and it goes like this....

[Imagine, if you will, the sound of tens of thousands of cheering fans]

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#1985857 by Not Available.
September 6, 2015 at 9:29pm
September 6, 2015 at 9:29pm
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September 6, 2015

Prompt for the 30 Day Blogging Challenge - Official September Challenge
The Sunday News!

This week, a county clerk in Kentucky was jailed for not issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples. Because her position is that of an elected official, she can't be fired from her job. She believes that same-sex marriage is against her religion. What do you think? Should she be required to issue these licenses? Can she legally be held accountable for this?

I'm not sure on this one. My religion requires me to first have a sexual encounter with someone before we start discussing marriage, or job related inquiries. That way the sex is never the same. Who wants the same sex all the time? Another thingy with my religioner-roony is - I have to avoid being sent to jail, at all cost. This is not an easy task, when you're obligated to go around having sex with people all the time. Not everybody is a believer!

Can she legally be held accountable? Depends what she looks like! ... right?

Time to pray.

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