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Rated: E · Book · Emotional · #1925824
Poetry and Prose about life, family, thoughts & Lesbian concerns of heart
** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** Come in for a visit. I write about my life as a daughter, mom, grandmother, friend and life partnership with my lesbian wife. You may smile, laugh or cry, either way you'll have learned about life in America since 1938. ANN

And, my friend, I understand because all my silent years I was so deep into my church and Christian activities and feared 'sin' and felt shame when 'sex' was mentioned. Nobody spoke of the "horrible" sin they would not name (the rape of a child); At the same time, I watched ministers and deacons and Sunday School teachers sneaking around committing adultery, while I desired and lived 'without sin' as I knew sin to be as I was taught. I thought and studied the Bible and realized how today's preachers and teachers condemn only what they don't do or what a church leader has said to condemn; I've seen the woman run out of the church but not the man; I saw enough, and I knew the heart of love within me, from all through my life had its focus; it was never about 'having sex'.

...Heck, I didn't know about homosexuality until my college years; then I understood my heart and there was never a sexual thought associated with anyone before my marriage to the man who 'chased' me three years then almost murdered me 16 years later as my children heard the physical fight. After that I stayed single Mom, never dated, just had many friends and my children. Finally after raising my grandson, and knowing my own heart would never ever seek love from a man, I acknowledged that all my life, all of my relationship experiences and feelings clearly showed I had a heart that was drawn romantically with deep love that I could not ever express.

Then I moved to Portland, came out and you know you can read the rest of the story. I know how God created my heart. If I don't believe God created me as I am, how could I live? It has nothing to do with 'doing' anything at all; it is 'being' as my Creator created me.

I retired in Idaho then moved to Oregon to show my pride as a member of the latest hated group across America: I am a lesbian and when I came "Out at Sixty", I came with pride and joy that I no longer had to hold the secret or carry the shame thrown at gay men and lesbians. With that same pride, I accept all persons and their right to be who they are and live with joy, peace, and the pursuit of happiness.

I took a writing course at age 69 and began to write short stories, poems, essays, Op-ed comps and I found Writing.com where I am an Advocacy Writer, writing as an advocate for every person to have Civil and God-given rights each day as they pursue happiness for themselves and their families.

Yes, most of my writing has been about gays and lesbians, however, I believe every person in the world shares the same heart and spirit to live peaceably with all peace loving people; while seeking to change the minds of those who live with anger, hatred, prejudice, racism and such.

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May 22, 2015 at 11:24pm
May 22, 2015 at 11:24pm

DAY 919 May 23, 2015 Prompt: Did you deal with bullying in your childhood? If so, what effect did that have on you? Were you ever the one doing the bullying? Why or why not?

No bullying in my childhood; just from some 'christians' here at wdc.

Actually there was a year, eighth grade when we have moved from Oklahoma to California following the days Californian hated "Okies and Arkies" who went there from the Dust Bowl in central USA to find work. I had a strong 'brogue/accent' as an Okie. No bad things were said in my presence. 55 years later at a High School Class Reunion, my friend Nancy told me that the boys of eighth grade mocked and made fun of my way of talking; Thankfully, I never knew it back in 1951. I was above those California boys in intelligence so I guess that kept them from making fun of me to my face. They were my high school 'buddies'.


Opposite of 'kiss' is 'slap'
opposite of green is yellow

May 19, 2015 at 11:22pm
May 19, 2015 at 11:22pm
Day 442 May 20, 2015 Prompt: "You know you have read a good book when you turn the last page and feel like you have lost a friend." Paul Sweeney Do you agree?

yes, those books are on the top shelf to be read again and again. One of the books was Exodus which I read in 1960, the story of the renewal of Jerusalem afte WWII when the survivors of Nazism's ovens and death intentions, were given the right to return to the Home of the Jews, and this ongoing war with Palestine who claims ownership of a place they will never own. Protected by the Hand of Jehovah and the United Nations, no matter how long Palestinians war to get the land back, the People of Jehovah will stay there. I believe the Palestinians need to stop seeking what they want and build their homeland with what they have.

That's just one of those beloved books.



ANY writer to pays any attention to what goes on in the world should be writing "something's wrong; let's change it". I just watched beatings by religious leaders murderously killing people who do not choose Islam in their small country so I wrote the following:

Religion Should Always Be a Choice

Neither Catholism, Islam, Christianity nor other
Religion should be allowed governmental
Power to demand all citizens worship
In the same religion. It must forever be
Of life, faith, love, joy, peace, loyalty,
Only by a personal choice of religious faith.

Still in human history there are human men
Seeking power over all less powerful folks,
By demanding worship of a particular faith
Using demonism, fear, punishment, death
As their armor to require only their choice
Become the only religious way of living.

Across the world, through United Nations,
Governments and leaders must demand
Any group who kills, punishes, demonizes
Any person not choosing the religious way
They demand through murderous ways;
And they themselves must be punished,

Jailed, forced to give up their evil demands;
Stopped by the more powerful forces
That know the horror of actions by
So called, power hungry, men of the world’s
Nations; execute them removing their power
Over ordinary hearts, the people with rights.
May 18, 2015 at 11:42pm
May 18, 2015 at 11:42pm

DAY 915 May 19, 2015

Let's play with some verbs: Racket, snug, green, spoon, boggle, and snake. I bet you are going to say, these are not verbs.
Verbs are sometimes a matter of opinion. Use the verbs in any way you wish... write on !
May 10, 2015 at 11:22pm
May 10, 2015 at 11:22pm
"Blog City ~ Every Blogger's Paradise"
Day 433 - May 11, 2015 Prompt: Poet Dylan Thomas sees a clown in the moon and the clown says, “I think, that if I touched the earth, // It would crumble;”
What do you see when you look at the moon?

When I look at the moon, I remember the first night there were two Americans up there. We, people around the world, were so excited and found it still unbelievable that finally there were men on the moon, not 'man in the moon'. That night the moon lost its romance for lovers because men had invaded the 'man' and that would always be remembered. Nowadays, space travel has become too common and the excitement and intrigue is gone; the mystery is gone, the mystic is no longer there.


Blogging Circle of Friends "
DAY 907, Monday, May 11, 2015
Prompt: The best way to predict the future is to create it. What do you think?

Certainly, we create our own future. Some never plan; some always plan. Have a desire? Make it happen. Set a goal. Figure the steps from the beginning. Don't quit until you've created the future you've wanted. I created my future seventeen years ago; a future that should have been mine from age sixteen, but there was more than a desire. Society's mores and religious expectancies and my mother's attitude via her religion prevented my taking those steps. I knew at sixteen whom I loved; I had loved her from eighth grade, still loved her at sixteen and at 2006, Nancy was my first girl crush and after our fiftieth Class Reunion, I told her. She smiled and she stayed my friend; I'll see her at next year's reunion in 2016. From age sixteen to sixty, I knew the attraction of my romantic heart even though I had married the guy who chased me four hours while I was in college and he wans in my home church. Sixteen years later he was physically mean so I divorced, raised my children and my grandson.

At age sixty, I decided to create the rest of my future. I retired, moved 300 miles away from Idaho to Portland, Oregon and went to a gay book review then a gay bar and could say, "I am a lesbian." Later I met my sweet Molly and we'll spend the rest of our years and days together.

When I was in college, I wanted to become a writer; I knew I could do it, even taught Creative Writing to eighth graders, wrote and sold a poem, scribbled poems and stories then set them aside those years of my professional management and grant writing life. Retired, took a writing class at age 69, began serious writing, found writing.com, have published 13 books on createspace.com and have a couple thousand more poems and stories for more books. Whether anyone else knows I am a writer, I am a writer and I created this future for myself. People buy my books on Amazon and Kindle every month and it's fun to get the checks. I may never be as popular as James Patterson, but I am doing what I wanted my future to include.

Yes, we create our own future; thus we can sometimes predict the future. I have proven it and am happy with this future I have. Now, let's see, what will the next thirty years bring? I'll only be 105 and I'll be who I am today and what more I create for the rest of my future.

May 6, 2015 at 12:12am
May 6, 2015 at 12:12am
Day 902: Wednesday, May 6, 2015
Prompt: I Remember Mama/Mother

A Mother’s Hand

A hand of smooth perfection, beauty
To sweet cherubs in their early years,
Softly touching rosy cheeks with love,
Delivers calmness, soothing tears.

A hand that firmly clasps, admiration
Filling her face with joy, wedding’s delight
For bride and groom; the perfect way
Of mothers thankful the marriage’s right.

Decades later it’s the hand that shakes
On her retirement date, with years ahead
For pleasures with generations she loves.
Steadfast in prayer and faith as she is led.

Ancient in years, her children now gone,
Her hands thin, porcelain shells, pale,
Weakly folded as she looks with faith,
“Why not now, dear Lord? Your will

I ask, please let this hour be mine
To leave this earth and move Your Way.”
In faithful response, He takes her hand
And leads her There. He heard her pray.

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Blog City ~ Every Blogger's Paradise"
Day 428 May 6, 2015 The smoke seen in the dream now rises. Hawaiian Proverb See what you can do with this.

May 4, 2015 at 11:20pm
May 4, 2015 at 11:20pm
Prompt: Of all the flowers you've ever smelled, which one had the most appealing scent and why? Would you want a whole garden full of these flowers and why?

To me, roses and gardenias have the most wonderful fragrances. If I could grow them well, I'd fill my front flower garden with them to allow the breezes to blow the fragrances all around me and into my house.

Blog City ~ Every Blogger's Paradise"
DAY 427 --May 5, 2015 In his book, titled Consolations, David Whyte says, “Heartbreak is how we mature.” What does heartbreak mean to you? Do you agree with the author that heartbreak is necessary for us to mature?

"Heartbreak".......what the author shows is that he does NOT know what 'heartbreak' actually is. "Heartbreak" is beyond sadness and sorrow; it is an emotion felt so profoundly and deeply that it does actually affect the physical life of the person suffering from it. So I totally disagree with the author mentioned. Due to profound sadness, my sister's heart did break as the uncried tears filled the physical sack around the human heart, causing instant death.

I do believe disappointment, sadness, all emotions help us as humans to grow and become more mature and more human. I know that from personal experience. Sadness and disappointment can lead to depression and affect our health while true 'heartbreak' is far deeper and more physical.

May 4, 2015 at 1:07am
May 4, 2015 at 1:07am

"Blog City ~ Every Blogger's Paradise"
DAY 426 --May 4, 2015 Prompt: On the first page of her new novel, The Nightingale, Kristin Hannah says, “In love we find out who we want to be; in war we find out who we are.” Agree or disagree?

In response to this prompt, I bring information of the history of two nations: America and USSR.

Through history, eons of time,
Some nations have always chosen war,
Along with hurting their own people.
The USSR has warred for a century
The Communist leaders imprisoned
And tortured their citizens, innocent?
Guilty of crime? Hurtful to others?
Innocence never mattered to leaders
Who had their own plan, Communism.
A century of war against other nations
and their own people as Communists.
Their record shows who those leaders
wanted to be and to do; they warred
for a century since their Revolution.

Through history, eons of time,
Some nations have always sought peace,
Through love of nation, flag and people;
Gave freedom of speech, press, religion,
All freedoms to their people, America
Sought peace with other nations,
Helped form United Nations for peace
Among nations, near and faraway.
Even the wars on America's soil
Were for freedom from tyranny
Of outside forces; then for freedom
Within America for Africans
Living as slaves without freedom;
America fought in two wars to save
Others from dictators and death;
And the path continues while
Every citizen shares equal rights.

Both nations show at their core through their history, who they wanted to be and who they are.

Blogging Circle of Friends "
Day 900: Monday, May 3, 2015 Prompt: Use the following words in a story or poem. gift, acquit, great, summer, allow, screeching, flute, swindle

It was in the summer, I received a gift;
A wonderful flute.
I picked it up, put it to my lip and blew,
It screeched.
The one who sent the gift was a great friend,
A friend swindled
By a mutual friend whom I knew
Lied. He's in prison
For years. I have a friend and a flute.
I'll learn to play it,
And be thankful for my great friend.
May 1, 2015 at 12:45am
May 1, 2015 at 12:45am
Now...your 5/1 prompt:

May first is generally known as "May Day". It's also something said by pilots when their plane is going down. Do you have a funny story that revolves around the use of "May Day" or "mayday"? Start us off and fill us in.

Thankfully, I have no sad story about "May Day" call for "Danger!" And, at our rural schools in Oklahoma, I don't remember us celebrating May Day May 1, of any year. To me it's another day in the Spring when flowers bloom, air is crisp, sometimes it's a cold day, and often it's the beginning of the last month of a school year so kids are restless and happy; so reminds the teacher in me since I taught jr hi and high school students and put up with the gangly sophomore boy every year who just weren't mature enough for the pretty girls, were still awkward and didn't know where to put their feet except in the classroom aisle between the rows of desks; and they were immature enough when I was in school to pull the girl's hair when the one in front of them had long hair. poor girls!!

April 30, 2015 at 5:37pm
April 30, 2015 at 5:37pm

April 30, 2015 Prompt: The month is ending and we’re headed back home for good. Of all the places you’ve gone, activities you’ve been involved with, people you’ve met, and souvenirs you’ve bought (and which will stay behind), what will you miss the

I will miss the most, ElaineElaine 's delightful entries each day as she took time to find a way to acknowledge each person in the group in what and who she described as participants in delightful activities. Her entries were a model to the rest of us whether we took time to name all others or not. I CHOOSE ELAINE OUR LEADER TO RECEIVE THE HIGHTEST AWARD FOR VALOR AND PARTICIPATION. ALL OTHERS I KNOW WILL RAISE THEIR VOICES AND APPLAUD HER WONDERFUL WORK ALL MONTH LONG.
April 29, 2015 at 9:58am
April 29, 2015 at 9:58am

"Blog City ~ Every Blogger's Paradise"
Day 421 April 29, 2015 Prompt: When the moon is full, your personality changes. What is your personality like? I work in mental health and this happens!

I don't know about those personality changes. This prompt makes me wonder if it does make my writing change..........to Poems..............to stories...............back and forth.............hmmmmm

Since college days,I have been outgoing, always wanting to learn new things, talkative after teen years of being 'a quiet personality', cheerful, energetic, always making new friends, a reader of many types of information, serious about serious matters, physically active, positive emotional ways, spiritual, .........

April 28, 2015 at 2:17am
April 28, 2015 at 2:17am
Day 894 April 28, 2015 In the movie Pollyanna, she is perpetually optimistic despite a difficult life and crippling injury. Do you think optimism is important? Why or Why not? What benefits might an optimist have that a pessimist wouldn't have and why?

Of course all of us need to have a pessimistic side, just not our ruling attitude. We need enough pessimism to allow us to be aware when our personal safety or the safety of others around us, may be in jeporady. On the other hand, too much pessimism and we'll be functionally unhappy and unable to make good decisions in our lives.

The optimism part of ourselves must be strong enough to allow us to enjoy positive experiences and to accomplish what we seek to accomplish in our lives, our career and for our family. To become a lover or beloved, we must be an optimistic person day by day without animosity and insecurity causing us to do something we know can be hurtful to self and others.

There must be balance in our lives so we cannot be so optimistic that we don't allow ourselves to make mistakes that can hurt self or others. Awareness in life each day allows the balance and what we need to make positive decisions while avoiding pain in self and community.

I have the balance in my life; Writing has helped me keep the balance.

"Blog City ~ Every Blogger's Paradise"
Day 420--April 28, 2015 Prompt: Ann Patchett says, “I never learned how to take the beautiful thing in my imagination and put it on paper without feeling I killed it along the way. I did, however, learn how to weather the death, and I learned how to forgive myself for it.” Do you agree with her or is the process different for you?

Since i cannot figure out what she meant, I'll speak only of my own way. After all, not every topic which a writer chooses, is 'beautiful" on or off the writer's page/screen.

I am open every day all day long, for a thought that might lead to a poem, essay or a story. It comes from inside my mind and heart, or frm a computer or television screen, or through my window, or in what my pets do or what someone says in an emial or on a phone call.

I take that thought to my computer screen then let it lie there for a while. I may leave it and move on to other things I must do each day or to review for a while. When I return, the first line of poem, essay or story comes to me and as I put it on the screen, the ideea begins to flow to the screen. Perhaps i stop to give it thought, decide where it's going, then write the remainder. Often I leave it then and wait until a later time to proofread, maybe change some words or add a couplet or note. Then I post it for other readers to review and share their thoughts. I seldom change just to appease them; instead i return to the item periodically until I am pleased with it. Eventually it will become an item in a published book.


April 27, 2015 at 2:26am
April 27, 2015 at 2:26am
BLOGGING CIRCLE OF FRIENDS: April 27 is Tell a Story day in the United States. Scotland and England celebrate this day on October 27.
Prompt: Celebrate Tell a Story Day by telling a story it can be fiction, non-fiction, a tall tale, or folk lore. If you want you can tell a story about why the British holiday and the U.S. holiday are exactly six months apart.

It was Prohibition Time in America when no liquor of any kind could be legally sold in stores or other places legally. Even so, Wesley Smith was a "moonshiner" and well know in the hills of Tennessee. He really didn't worry much about sanitation because, as he would say, "Alcohol can kill anything it touches; even men if they touch too much." Then he'd laugh heartedly.

After midnight one very dark night, Wesley was making deliveries, rumbling in his beat-up truck on the backroads, hoping none of the officials knew his route.

Bellowing out in song, Wesley could be heard for miles, "Hi Ho, Hi Ho, It's off to work I go; making deliveries to those with money and the guts to drink the stuff..." He couldn't hear the siren sounding behind him so just kept driving and singing. "Hi HO, Hi Ho, It's off to work I go..."

Suddenly his front left wheel dropped on a ditch and his truck fell over. Alcohol was poured over Wesley, the truck and was running down the ruts. If the man could have cried, there'd have been salty tears blending with the good ole' whiskey.

Then, Wesley saw the red lights and heard the sirens.

He grabbed his identification for himself and his truck and rushed through the brush and forested area, hoping he couldn't be found by the officers.

Needless to say, the two officers enjoyed being alone at the accident. They filled their own personal bottles, pulled the truck off the road and rolled it down the nearby cliff.

Wesley made it home. He scratched himself a' plenty, covered his wounds with his whiskey, and he worried for a few days but nobody came to arrest him.

He still wonders why and he told his tale of lost whiskey for years afterward.


Blog City ~ Every Blogger's Paradise" Day 419 April 27, 2015 Prompt: Let’s put on our editor’s hats and help someone who has handed in his novel’s manuscript. Even before the middle, you find out that the central problem is extremely weak, so weak that it doesn’t even make sense (to you) for the writer to have written as much as he has. In which ways would you assist this writer, or else, what would you say to him?

I WOULD SIT DOWN WITH HIM and ask him to tell me that part of the story; then I'd write some discussion points on the white board and have dialog with him about ideas that could strengthen the central problem, make it specific, provide more clues and emotions. I might even ask other key individuals to join the whole discussion so they could add some new ideas. After all the discussion, I would ask the writer to rewrite a draft, later review it with him, making any necessary helpful suggestions. They still need to be true to his story, problem, style. Ann
April 24, 2015 at 11:19pm
April 24, 2015 at 11:19pm

"Blogging Circle of Friends "
DAY 891 April 25, 2015 Prompt: Mark Twain said, "To succeed in life, you need two things: ignorance and confidence." Do you agree or disagree? What do you think is the key to success?

Ignorance allows us to avoid dealing with those things that are simply 'none of our business'. Confidence allows us to do all things well. Both help to make for a happy life.

Unfortunately, there must be more if we choose success in what we do to earn a living, whom we choose to love, how we choose to treat our fellow human beings and the earth, and we must be wise in how we reach our goals in life so we accomplish something that adds to 'the greater good' in the family of people all around us. Confidence an wisdom are both at the heart of all decisions in order to have success.



Blog City ~ Every Blogger's Paradise"
Day 417 April 25, 2015

Please, create me something using the following words: Garden, rabbit, aroma, picnic, helicopter and determination. Have fun

Now, listen children for that sneaky garden rabbit
when you're picknicking on the helicopter pad.
Know, it really isn't the best place to picnic
If things go wrong, they might be terribly bad;
but with determination you can have more fun
than a dozen rabbits can, for they'll have to run;
And if you ever write a poem this bad,
Your teacher will be far more than sad.
*Laugh* Not my best poem.

April 24, 2015 at 2:40am
April 24, 2015 at 2:40am

Blog City: What's up?Geoffrey Chaucer's Canterbury Tales was set during a spring pilgrimage, was one of the great early contributions to English Literature. What are some words you use today that would not have been around in the late 1300's? Do you think you'd have a tough time talking with people back then? Why or Why not?

When we studied Chaucer's Tales, I hated that session so remember very little but know Chaucer was important to English Literature. All know I've got a reputation of being 'quite talkative' so I would have had no problem speaking the King's language in any country or era*Smile* All the technology words of today would have no meaning for people of that era, neither would slang of today. I can't keep up with either of those and I'm living this century.


"Blogging Circle of Friends "
DAY 890 April 24, 2015 What are some things that you think about during the spring that you might not think about during other seasons? When do you do your most thinking during the day? Why is that your best thinking time?

My psychiatrist says I think to much so I am trying not to think of normal things, just Spring and WDC. In the spring I think of flowers, those blooming and the packages of seeds I have to plant. I think of how nice it will be when we get summer heat which, for me, beats the cold of the other three seasons. I never complain that 'it's too hot today'.

April 23, 2015 at 2:36am
April 23, 2015 at 2:36am

Sent to members of "Blogging Circle of Friends "
Day 889: April 23, 2015 Prompt: What is your least favorite genre to read/write/review? What about your favorite? Why do you like/dislike these genres?

I write both poetry, which comes easily when something comes and I say to myself, "those words could make a poem" and then I write. I write short stories, but they take more effort when I decide on a subject or it's a contest prompt.

I go through stages when it comes to reviewing. These weeks I review only poetry. Other weeks or months, I review only stories. Sometimes I delete both. Recently I found what Poets prefer in a review so am especially enjoying writing poetry reviews: Poets love reviews that show how and what the reviewer sees as the meaning and progression toward that meaning far more than mechanical reviews; so that is what I do. Only once was I wrong and that was because the actual thing was masked on purpose by the Poet. Now that I know what the Poet prefers, I find I love doing reviews of their work.

There are times I read a poem that is too short or 'is sing-song' or shallow in meaning...those I read, think about it, then move on without a review.

I dislike reviewing XCG so I don't touch them. I struggle with understanding/remembering all the elements of a Fantasy story or poem so I don't review them unless it is A Request made to me. I don't like Horror and find it difficult to write Horror so would only review it if it were by A Request.

Often I will review a novel chapter by chapter when A Request is made. That's no problem if I like the story well enough to get through it.

April 22, 2015 at 1:42am
April 22, 2015 at 1:42am
Day 888: Wednesday, April 22, 2015
Prompt: April 22, 2015 is the 45th anniversary of Earth Day. Write a story, poem, or opinion piece about something related to Earth Day.

There's a place in all of space
life there is like no other.
Tiny creatures the eye cannot see
Two-leg beings like you and me

are living on the earth's crust,
sharing homes eons of time.
It's the humans who are destroying
the only home in space we're learning

yet we tend to just ignore
what we do carelessly.
With wars we destroy each other
while failing to help one another

day by day upon our earth,
polluting the air all must have
destroying all water by what we do.
Foolish mankind just has no clue.
April 21, 2015 at 12:17am
April 21, 2015 at 12:17am

"Blog City ~ Every Blogger's Paradise" Day 413-- April 21, 2015 Prompt: “Writers write about what obsesses them... I lost my mother when I was 14. My daughter died at the age of 6. I lost my faith as a Catholic. When I'm writing, the darkness is always there. I go where the pain is.” Anne Rice

What do you think of Ann Rice’s approach? Do you also go, in your writing, to where the pain is?

I fully agree with Ann Rice's approach even though my writings are nothing like hers. When I first began to write, the subject matter was relevant to my life. My first story was "Damn the Whiskey" then my second story was "Forbidden Love in 1960". Though fictional, both came from my life: my father was an alcoholic who died young at 47; I had waited until age sixty to 'come out' as lesbian. Since then, I have turned the second title to my first novel "Out in Love" and among the thousands of poems and stories and books, my life experiences always appear. Psychologists and other medical professionals, agree that writing, mainly by hand not keyboard, draw the pain from the writer and helps bring healing. I still have those journals written during my fifties while I sought medical and counseling help for depression and life's painful experiences. While I don't write using them, the vistages of memories during my life which caused pain, continue to appear in my writings; however, the depth of painful emotions are not as deep as they once were so I can write stories and poems with wisdom instead of pain.


April 19, 2015 at 11:28pm
April 19, 2015 at 11:28pm
Blog City prompt: emotional intelligence:

Any class about emotional intelligence would include demonstrations of facial emotions; practice in identifying emotions on film and in face to face practice On score could be: "Your score means you're slightly better than the average at reading expressions. And research suggests that people can improve their emotion recognition skills with practice. So keep an eye out for our forthcoming empathy training tool, designed to boost your emotional intelligence."

"Blogging Circle of Friends "
Day 886: Monday, April 20, 2015 (Correction) Prompt: April 20 is Volunteer Recognition Day when we recognize all those wonder and selfless people who volunteer their time and energy to help others. See http://holidayinsights.com/moreholidays/April/volunteerrecognitionday.htm for more information about this day. Write a Thank you letter to someone in your community, life, or organization that volunteers his or her time and energy to helping others.

During my professional career, I thanked thousands of volunteers who gave time and gifts and other things as Volunteers:

1978-1982 I was Volunteer Director at Idaho State School and Hospital, Division of Child Development and Mental Retardation, AND Volunteer Services Consultant for Idaho Department of Health and Welfare, working under the direction of Dr. John R. Marks, a truly great man with a vision to make Idaho a model of the best way to house and care for out “mentally retarded citizens’ of Idaho.

I wanted to change attitudes toward the mentally retarded citizens of Idaho and those who lived at the institution, Idaho State School and Hospital. I prepared a presentation with slides and gave talks all over Idaho in small and large towns, to churches, clubs, organizations, and developed a special relationship with Idaho’s Legis-ladies, wives of legislators. The ongoing purpose of every talk and speech which I gave was “Let’s make life better for all our mentally retarded citizens by allowing them to live in your neighborhood in homes of foster parents, in group homes, in the new Child Development Centers, in their own homes and schools.

When I arrived at my position in October 1978, I was appalled at the trash and junk being donated for ‘use by’ the 750 residents living at Idaho State School and Hospital. That Christmas, nothing but old used junk was donated for Christmas gifts except gifts from specific groups which I met with and the Coffee/Candy company who donated new toys each year.Under the direction of Dr. Marks, I began my work to change people’s attitudes.

By the following Christmas, enough new gifts of clothing and toys were donated to provide three gifts all NEW to every resident who could use them AND enough left over to serve as prizes at all the Recreation Department activities all year long. Also, the Idaho Legis Ladies toured the facility and led in getting their towns involved, I developed a list of 62 “Contact Persons” in communities across the state who made sure their churches and clubs and organizations learned about mental retardation, child development and Idaho State School and Hospital.

I recruited volunteers, additional to the ISSH Auxiliary organization, who came and spent hours one to one with individual residents, provided birthday parties for every group at ISSH, received household furnishings for all of the new “Small Homestyle Groups of twelve” living together on one floor in the buildings instead of huge bedrooms, loud dining room, loud crowded bedrooms. Each area was furnished with nice things and the residents were taught by their caretakers to ‘take care of your home”. Later, houses were constructed as small, family style homes for residents. Dr. Marks was an amazing far-sighted man who knew everything in Idaho could be better for all mentally retarded citizen.

It was a wonderful privilege working for Dr. Marks and all the amazing staff whom he hired to make the amazing changes in the lives of thousands. I’m not sure his kind of leader will ever live again in Idaho. All of us who worked with and for him, loved our position and leader.

The slides and narration which I used for my community speeches have a place in the history of Idaho, therefore I have sent them to the Idaho Historical arm of state government for the value they represent. Yes, I left a full set and tape at Idaho State School and Hospital before I left my office there. I don't know if it was ever used or made a difference; but I want this to be cared for as such history should be handled.

Ann Patterson, retired, now age 76.

April 19, 2015 at 12:25am
April 19, 2015 at 12:25am
"Blog City ~ Every Blogger's Paradise"
Day 410 April 18, 2015 Trees can live for a particularly long time, even longer than humans. Describe what a tree might think upon watching a human grow up all the way from infancy to old age. Have fun!

My roots grow deep, hers do too.
I first saw her toddling across the lawn,
and watched her through girlhood to woman
with children all around, grown and gone.
Now, shoulders bowed, white hair,
She hobbles slowly to her chair;
Sits, then looks up at me, smiling,
"Old tree, we've had good years together;
Soon we'll go, you and I, then rebirth;
Perhaps we'll share our new life too."{/

I am a bit late answering an earlier prompt:

She Was Called Red Riding Hood

Some say, “Even in the wildest fantasy
There is a kernel of truth.” If that’s true,
From whence came the story, “Little Red
Riding Hood?” Young ears have heard
The story of a wolf eating Grandma,
Which would bring to any child, a tear.
Imagine, what might have happened
To Mother Goose and friends who knew
Little Riding, who wore a hood of red.
They’d have heard her story, if true?
And would have imagined, she bled
And died just before Little Red Riding
Knocked on her door, then saw the wolf
Which scared her into the woods, hiding
Until she felt safe enough to find her way
Home where she told her mother, and cried,
“Mama, the wolf ate Grandma and tried
To catch me, but I knew to run and hide
‘Til I was safe and he was gone.”
Grandmother Goose gave her dog a bone
Then sent him to find the wolf to kill
So the wolf could never again fill
His insides with Grandmas and little girls.

April 17, 2015 at 1:37am
April 17, 2015 at 1:37am
"Blogging Circle of Friends "
[no subject] Salamanders are everywhere, they need to get to their spring mating pool but with all the traffic congestion, they are getting crushed to death. This is your moment to shine and do something out side the box. Would you build them a tunnel to get across safely? What would you use to create this helpful tunnel? Or would you simply consider it an act of God and leave things as they are.

And on what day did God create asphalt and concrete roads and a variety of vehicles with crazies at the wheel? Chapter and verse? I don't remember that, so it can't be "an act of God".

All over the world, mankind has created problems for a variety of creatures. An alligator in Florida was happy with his friends in a stream; now human golfers have first choice of the streams for washing their golf balls. A truck in Oregon, smashes the life from the ten little ducklings whose grandparents had first choice of that part of the plain to get from one pond to another. Big buffaloes in Wyoming once had full range in the forests and mountains; now they have to put up with strange things on two legs looking through the lens of a camera. Creatures of every size have been displaced by 'two legs' that has taken over their world. No, not an act of God.

I vote for the creatures to have their own private crossing; of course 'two legs' will have to care about nature and the environment. Even salamanders have the right to survive another century. Obviously, 'two legs' needs to have a Crossing Guard at the creatures' crossings.



Blog City ~ Every Blogger's Paradise"
Day 409 April 17, 2015

While some people don't care for dandelions, they do actually have helpful properties and have been used in medicines and for coffee substitutes What is an example of something in your life that has many different uses? What do you use it for and why?.

Are you suggesting I should praise my neighbor whose front lawn is 97% dandelions blowing their fuzzy seed onto all the nice lawns and tulip beds down wind where I am? In her back yard, she allows the wild blackberry plants to grow ten feet tall along the fences, pushing their limbs through to take roon on mine and other neighbor's; all that at a time the NW states try to obliterate the huge piles of blackberry weeds. I don't know if she eats dandelion salads or berries with ice cream; but I don't like them on my side of the fence. "To each his Own".

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