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Short Stories, Poetry, NaNo, Ideas & Articles about writing.
Short Stories, Poetry, NaNo, Ideas & Articles about writing. https://elfindragonlisag.blog
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February 7, 2017 at 2:09pm
February 7, 2017 at 2:09pm
As some of you know, I'm know working for the Red Cross outbound call center. So, I'm calling blood donors and letting them know that their once again eligible to donate blood and scheduling them for appointments. And, of course, since I'm working the Sunday - Thursday shift, I worked on Super Bowl Sunday. Some of the answers I received were:
"You're calling on Super Bowl!" - click (well duh, yes I know this)
"The Super Bowl is on, call back later" - click
"It's the Super Bowl, It's a National Holiday." (I actually talked to this person for a bit. He thought we should write Trump a letter so we could make the Super Bowl a National Holiday)
And of course, the numerous people who had put their phones to voicemail and simply didn't answer their phones.

I always find it interesting how people react to being called on a day they just want to relax and watch a game or just not want to be disturbed. With the blood donations most people are friendly and either say they'll donate when they have time or schedule an appointment. This job has given me new perspective with people in general. I think we all should respect others when speaking on the phone. Courtesy in most things makes us better people. And we can also have a bit of fun. (just food for thought)
Elfin Dragon
January 3, 2017 at 11:25am
January 3, 2017 at 11:25am
We all wonder what the new year will hold for us. Just as we marvel that the past year has completed its round so quickly. Just the other day I was marveling about the fact my youngest nephew is now 12 years old. I still remember when my oldest nephew was born. He was so small and now he's looking at apartments and has a fiance. How is it time goes by faster the older you get?

As I look into the new year I'll be starting a new job. First I have to survive two weeks of training just to get to the part-time aspect of it. Things have gotten so technical of late. We have to learn how to use computer systems just to be able to call people to set them up for appointments. In my day all we had was a paper list to go by and if we were lucky a push-button phone with a redial button. But I'm not complaining too much. After the training I'll be working with the Red Cross setting people up for appointments with blood drives. A great cause and something to actually feel good about. I like jobs like that.

Another thing I'm looking forward to this year is writing more. I'll be collaborating to do artwork for one book, and maybe some writing. Plus I'll be doing my best to work hard on my current novel. I really need to work hard on it. I'm also transposing a lot of my work over to a different database so I know I won't lose it. And I'm hoping to publish another poetry book. Larger this time. I also hope to complete NaPoMo this year. I haven't decided on NaNoWriMo yet. I've got so many different ideas floating around.

With the new job I also hope to be able to take care of myself a little better. I've found that, personally, if I'm not around people very much I settle into a weird sort of funk. It could be my Bi-Polar state, or the depressive half of me, who knows? But I'm certainly better with at least someone around. Perhaps this is another reason why I love writing so much. It gives me a sense of talking to or with someone. Telling people secrets and desires through stories and poetry. Wow, that's the first time I think I've realized that.

Well, I think that's about it for "Looking Into the New Year". I hope you have enjoyed my rambling, and I hope you have a wonderful year of writing and whatever else you enjoy doing throughout the year. *Smile*

Elfin Dragon
December 20, 2016 at 10:14pm
December 20, 2016 at 10:14pm
As this year slowly winds down, sometimes it's good to take a look and see what you've accomplished - even if it doesn't seem like a whole lot. For instance, I know for a fact I've written less poetry than I did last year. But I also wrote more on my novel with NaNo than last year. For me it's quite an achievement. And helps me keep going with it as I write other things.

I also seem to be a bit more involved this last part of the year. Our Snail Mail Circle Journal group seems to be going pretty good. Still a few hiccups but on the whole we're all accomplishing goals we didn't in our first round. I love that our members are making such an effort to keep in touch with each other. For those reading...thanks everyone.

I've had a pretty tough year with medical & financial issues. I have faith things will work themselves out. Back to accomplishments. I'd just like to share a list of what I've done this year. Many of these you can find in my port if you're interested. The book can be found on Amazon and Kindle.

Well, that's my plug for the end of the year. I may write one or two more poems before year end. Or perhaps one more story, depending upon if a Writer's Cramp catches my eye. My goal for Next year? I always aim high for NaPo, and perhaps even shoot for NaNo. In then end my goal is to publish my main novel Bio of an Elfin Dragon. So I better get some more writing done, shouldn't I? *Smile*

Books Published:
1. A Call From the Darkness: Collection of Dark Poetry – December 2016

Novels Began and Working on:
1. Co-Authoring – The Flaming Moon
2. Dragon Heritage
3. Bio of an Elfin Dragon

Articles Written for FSFS & ROF:
1. On the Horizon of NaNoWriMo 2016
2. Poems & Editing
3. Research Jan 2016
4. Research Vol 1-3
5. Research Vol 4
6. Winter for Old Folks
7. World Building Mythos

Article/Story Written:
1. –isms of Religion

Short Stories Written:
1. Love of Grandfathers
2. Meet the Barbarian – Long, Long, Long Contest
3. No Halloween
4. No Ordinary Day – Writer’s Cramp Contest
5. The Dragon that Saved Christmas – What a Character Contest
6. Why the Stars Twinkle at Night

Poetry Written:
1. Autumn Love
2. Ball Cure Broken – Pond Poetry Contest
3. Calm a Raging Mind
4. Ceramic Dragon – NaPoWriMo
5. Children of Christ
6. Computer Personality – NaPoWriMo
7. Emotional Opposites – NaPoWriMo
8. Fool Defined – NaPoWriMo
9. Garden Afternoon – Stormy’s Poetry & Newsletter Contest
10. Hellfire & Brimstone – The SPAM Hunters Contest
11. Hormel’s Roasted SPAM in China – The SPAM Hunters Contest
12. Indonesia & Nyai – The SPAM Hunters Contest
13. Majestic Purple – NaPoWriMo
14. Moonbeams and Roses – Stormy’s Poetry & Newsletter Contest
15. My Honeysuckle Memory – NaPoWriMo
16. My Recent Refuge – NaPoWriMo
17. New Year Party – Stormy’s Poetry & Newsletter Contest
18. New York, Our Beacon of Light
19. One Dragonfly – NaPoWriMo
20. Princess Tigerlily – NaPoWriMo
21. Princess Tigerlily (Revised) – Tell Me a Story Contest
22. Raven Snowman – Dark Dreamscapes Contest
23. Sands of My Heart
24. Secret Santa Present – Writer’s Cramp Contest
25. Social Media Lesson – NaPoWriMo
26. Society’s Soul – Project Write World
27. SPAM to Old Frederici – The SPAM Hunters Contest
28. The Great Pine Tree
29. The Indian Bhanghar Fort – The SPAM Hunters Contest
30. The Name of Christ – Lighthouse Poetry Contest
31. The New Universe
32. The SPAMuda Triangle – The SPAM Hunters Contest
33. The Wabasha Street Caves – The SPAM Hunters Contest
34. These Old Rails
35. Tonight I stand Before You
36. Under the Salem Moon – Dark Dreamscapes Contest
37. Walking in Autumn
October 31, 2016 at 6:25pm
October 31, 2016 at 6:25pm
Hello Everyone, Wow! It's been a long time since I've written a blog. It's astounding what can happen when you have medical issues weighing you down. And then you decide to try and work through all the medical $$ and try and write. Luckily it seemed to work out for October. Why? Well, I normally wouldn't have done NaNo Oct Prep, but I thought, "you didn't do it last year and see where it got you?" So, NaNo Oct Prep I planned on. So, the things I did over the past month....

NaNo Oct Prep...Done and Finished Early (Hooray!)

Give it 100....Started 20th of September (end date in Jan) I'm Writing (and/or) Reviewing something. I figured with the
October Prep and NaNo it'd be a sure bet I'd be doing one or the other. Although because I finished early I thought I might not be as disciplined. But with the help of the WebWitch and the SPAM Hunter's Contest, I've made it to November.

Wrote a couple short stories along with all the SPAM poetry for the contest.

PUBLISHED *Smile* I finally published an e-book on Amazon, It's a compilation of my Dark Poetry. And when I checked today (just because I had to), I actually sold ONE book yesterday. I'm so excited. It may not be much , but I only put it up for sale a couple days ago. So I have at least some hope for it. And at the moment I'm working on a book for print of the same Dark Poetry but it will have some pics to go with the poetry.

And now tomorrow will be November. It's incredibly exciting. I plan on doing NaNoWriMo and finishing it. At least that's the plan. I don't know if I will but I have high hopes. Just like that little 'ole ant. *Laugh*

I'm still having medical issues which nag and pull at me, making me wish I could just put this all aside. But with all this good stuff going on, I think I'll make it. God blesses me in strange ways.

Have a great month everyone. And always remember God is there, in whatever form you believe He takes.
Elfin Dragon
October 6, 2016 at 12:40pm
October 6, 2016 at 12:40pm
With in keeping with honoring those who've passed, this blog is honoring Oldwarrior .

I went over to his port today and read "Veteran's Creed which moved me very much. The fact that President Lincoln's words were sprinkled throughout this piece is what reminds me of why I had joined the Air Force. I'm now a Veteran and very proud of the fact I served my country and often wish our young people had the same pride to do so. Even if it was only for two years.

There are so many of our military men and women who seem to get forgotten about because they serve in the far reaches of the globe. Either on remote tours or because they're stationed with the United Nations. Our news stations never tell us about our troops who get injured or killed in the line-of-duty who are still serving on the border of North Korea, or in war torn areas like Rwanda because it's no longer "real" news.

So yes, go hug your nearest Vet and let them know how much they're appreciated. Consider what might have happened if we and the allies had lost WWII. (see Star Trek episode "The Omega Glory")

I think our "Oldwarrior" used this piece to sum up his words and feelings very well. We'll miss such eloquent phrases.

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September 20, 2016 at 2:35pm
September 20, 2016 at 2:35pm
Sometimes we all need some motivation. Whether it comes from within or from those around us. I've had several people here on WDC whom I know tell me that the "Give it 100" forum/program, is a great way to motivate oneself to get things done. My problem has been that I have so many things around me I need to get done that my motivation is all over the place. I can never figure out where to start - or where to finish for that matter. But with some encouragement from some dear friends, I've decided to give it a go.

There are always certain things to consider when trying (or going for) the "Give it 100". My biggest thing was the motivation of myself to begin with. And since it's so close to NaNoWriMo, I figured it's the best time for me because I need the motivation to work on my novel. I have not just writing to complete - but worldbuilding, research on other races, geography, and a few other items I want to put into my novel. So, this is a huge item I wanted to have in my "Give it 100".

I also wanted to motivate myself to do more reviewing and perhaps more poetry writing. I've fallen behind in getting myself out there to review people, especially with the raids. And I want to be a bit more mindful with my poetry as well. So if I can't think of anything to write with my novel, I at least want to be active with a review or poems. In other words...write something every day.

And last, because I have one to two days with my mom on sewing projects per month. I needed to add those in there so I can know I'm not falling behind on writing just because. Also, it will let me know I'm accomplishing something on those days which I need to accomplish. (oh that sounded odd). Anyway, I've got sewings and a couple of quilts which need to be finished. These one or two days will be set aside for these specific items.

I do have so many other projects which need to be finished. At the moment I'm glaring at some pictures which need to be organized and scanned into my online photo database. I'm sure that will take 100 or more days to accomplish. But it will have to wait until another time. I think we all could find something which we could benefit from this forum of motivation. It only takes a few minutes each day to set aside the time to get things done. Of course, you could always motivate a friend in their endeavors. *Smile*

Happy writing & motivation everyone
Elfin Dragon
September 1, 2016 at 10:30am
September 1, 2016 at 10:30am
Who knew that catching up from a hiatus would be so time consuming? Ok, I'll bet a lot of you knew. *Laugh*

I actually had to bring my focus in, as it were, and section out my "catching up" so I didn't feel so overwhelmed with it all. So I thought I'd share my thought processes with you all just in case some of you occasionally have the same problem I do. Whether it be coming back from a vacation, being ill, or whatever takes you away from WDC and you find your in-box and/or Form responsibilities cluttered to the max.

I can sometimes be an OCD Freak when it come to my email inbox. I can't stand when it's overflowing. So I figured I better tackle that first. I had 14 pages worth of email messages. Of course some of it is messages I'm trying to convert into my Word folders because I want to save the information. And there were a lot of Newsletters from different groups here at WDC. But still, 14 pages is way too many. So, I began to wad through what to keep, what to reply to (mostly reviews), and what to save. At this point I've now gotten my emails down to a manageable 3 pages. And I'll soon get it down to 2 pages after I read this weeks newsletters.

Next, since I manage the "Snail Mail Group's" Circle Journal Project...I needed to wade in with both feet to find out where we all stood with the journals. And it was no small affair. My head and eyes hurt from all the reading of forum posts just to find out who has what and where journals were sent. (sigh) Now that I've finished with that I still need to ask if what I have reflects what people really have and then update the site. But I do love what we're doing. *Smile*

One of the last items I really need to do is post some of the poems I've written while I was away. And I also need to get back into review the work of others here. I think I've missed that most while I was gone. I also need to get back into writing some articles.

So, as I mentioned, If you find yourself in a bind and away for quite some time. Just remember it's not impossible to catch up to whatever today may be. Just split out the tasks, breathe and focus on one thing at a time. You'll find that everything will take care of themselves.

August 23, 2016 at 4:36pm
August 23, 2016 at 4:36pm
Well it's been several months since I've been on WDC. I was floating around "the dark side of the moon," as it were.

I have Bi-polar disorder with depression and anxiety issues. Add to that chronic pain issues and fibromyalgia and it makes for some difficult times when medication problems arise. So I took a hiatus because I couldn't even think, with the exception of writing some dark poetry (which I'll post later)

I wasn't sure I was going to write this particular blog but I thought it important people understand some of the difficulties, not just me, but others can have in life and what can take them away from what they enjoy.

Life is a series of ups and downs. For someone like myself, those downs can often be treacherous and difficult to navigate without help. For me help includes writing poetry (which often ends up very dark), talking with my physician and talking with one (maybe two) extremely close friends. Often it's difficult to do anything more than this and every other chore suffers by the wayside. So my place looks like a tornado hit it.

I know there are other people here on WDC who suffer from the same afflictions I do and I give them all my support and prayers for their life. And know that being able to take time away from something you enjoy is not a bad thing. I was able to pause and try a couple new things and work on some art projects. I've also found that having done so gives me a new breath of life for writing.

I've jumped in, with both feet, to the Freelance Writing market. The process has been slow for me but I'm gaining some clients and making a few dollars here and there. When I was younger I never thought I would enjoy writing things for other people as a job. However, now that I'm doing it, I'm finding it very informational and enjoyable. It's funny the things you find you like once you've gotten older. I'm hoping things pick up. My dad has a lot of faith in me with this endeavor, I'm just putting a lot of prayer into it at the moment.

I've also joined up with DeviantArt so I can showcase my art a bit more. So now I'm enjoying being a part of this community as well as DeviantArt's.

So, now I'm "back from the dark side" and enjoying the lighter side of things again. *Smile* I hope everyone else here at WDC who reads this is also enjoying some lighter things.

With Love and Many Prayers for your Life.
Elfin Dragon
November 2, 2015 at 10:22am
November 2, 2015 at 10:22am
Who would've thought I'd be actually doing my first NaNo this year. Last year I knew I wasn't up to the challenge. Mostly because I wasn't sure I wanted to use the main novel I'd been working on for ages. And this year I thought I was going to use one of my Science Fiction short stories to build a novel from but lo and behold I write a fantasy short story I fall in love with and now I'm writing a novel for it. I'm still not sure how it's going to turn out but I'm on the road and getting my engines tuned, revved and running. Also, it's nice to have all this support and other people to talk to about what I'm doing as well as what they're doing. Not to mention local write-ins from the NaNo site itself for my local region. So I'm hoping to meet some local writers this month.

As you can tell, I'm really excited about being a part of my very first NaNo. It's fascinating to be a part of something so large. I hope everyone has a chance to achieve their goals. Good luck to everyone (including me). *Smile*
October 6, 2015 at 8:37pm
October 6, 2015 at 8:37pm
Sometimes you wish you couldn't "Remember back when", mostly because it makes you feel a lot older than you really are. Today it was a rainy day and here in Arizona it generally means off an on rainstorms with lightening and thunder (yes I know I put them in that order on purpose).

At any rate, I work on Davis Monthan AFB with Family Readiness, and during one of the rainstorms the entire base lost power. So what do we do? We watch the kids gather under one of the hangers and play in the puddles, and we laugh at the fact their parents will be calling the instructors wondering why their children have come home with wet feet. Which began a conversation of our own, one of remembrance.

When we were their age our parents bought us galoshes to wear over our shoes so we wouldn't get wet feet. And if we went outside for lunch, teachers made sure we wore them. And what else went over our shoes? Those lovely metal, fit to your size, roller skates. Oh, I know some of us had the plastic kind, but those didn't last like the metal ones. People could hear us from miles away when we wore those. The famous shhhhk, shhhhk, shkkkk, shhhhk, of the metal wheels on concrete.

And what else did we do for fun? You certainly don't see many kids with jump ropes, pogo-sticks, Tonka trucks, Lincoln Logs, or even a simple book nowadays. No, the days of simple toys seem to be gone and the age of technology has taken over our kids imaginations. If you have kids do they play "pretend" anything? My thing was horses, unicorns, winged-unicorns. I could actually get my friends to play with me that we were a bunch of flying unicorns. And what about making tents out of bedroom sheets with the kitchen table the campsite? My brother had his Hotwheels and other cars, I had Breyer Horses to play with and my imagination ran amuck with names for all of them. Of course my imagination still runs amuch with naming stuffed animals and background stories for them.

I'm sure I could go on and on about things us "older generation" folks had which are now a part of history and forgotten by the "younger generation". But wouldn't it be great just to remind them every now and again what it was like to be us. Put away the electronics and drag out those game boards. Pull out those Pick-up-Sticks, play a little Yatzee the old fashioned way. And, oh I don't know, play some jump-rope. *Smile*

It's not every day we can remind our young ones to use their imaginations instead of relying on a computer screen to do it for them. So as "Handy" from the cartoon "The Tick" would say....tell your young ones to "Read a Book", it's good for their minds and souls. And give them something to ponder once in a while. Tell them "bad" jokes to make them groan because those are the ones they have to think on to get. And my last quote from "The Tick" is to remember..."Sometimes evil is just plain bad and you have to roll up the newspaper of justice and smack it on the nose and say 'bad boy, bad boy.'"

Enjoy your life, imagination and write it all out. *Smile*

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