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Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2008479
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Welcome to my little Den! Here you'll find all sorts of things- mostly blog challenges, but mixed in, you'll notice:

*Bulletp* I'm a bit of a fangirl *Starstruck*
*Bulletp* My life is very busy
*Bulletp* I enjoy using emoticons *Exclaimp*
*Bulletp* I don't tend to swear, but stuff happens.

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August 30, 2017 at 10:05am
August 30, 2017 at 10:05am
So I'm supposed to write about/describe 5 genres in a blog post. My chosen 5 are: Children's, Nonsense, Fantasy, Comedy, and Young Adult.

Children's Genre: I would guess "Children" is a pretty generic word, like what qualifies as "Children"? Just to keep it simple, I'm going to say anything geared towards kids 10 and under would be considered "Children's". A popular subcategory is Children's Fantasy, with fairies and unicorns, or plushies.

Fantasy: This is where all the make-believe happens. Plushies, Pink Fluffy Unicorns, Dragons, and Fairies all live in the world of Fantasy. Pretty much anything you wouldn't find in the real world would be fantasy.

Comedy: This might be the easiest genre to write, because if you think it's funny, it would probably go under comedy.

Young Adult: This is actually different from the Teen genre- teens are 13-19, and I'd say Young Adults are the age range, anywhere from 20 until they feel they are "adults".... so maybe anywhere from early to late 30s. The subject matters may be a bit more mature than teen subjects as well.

Nonsense: Probably one of my favorite genres because it can be anything.... If whatever you've written doesn't fit into any genre you know of, and is a little quirky, Nonsense it is!

So here you go- 5 genres from WDC, and they're all quite fun! Maybe try a nonsense piece someday... I've got plenty! *Rolling*
August 7, 2017 at 12:36am
August 7, 2017 at 12:36am
Aug 2nd
Caracaras, Venezuela is our first destination point. J. W. Marriot Av Venezuela con Calle Mohedano | El Rosal, Caracas 1060, Venezuela +1 844-631-0595
We’ll be landing at Simón Bolívar International Airport. Learn about El Libertador Simón Bolívar's life and Venezuelan history with this visit to Caracas' picturesque historic quarter. Then admire breathtaking views of the capital while riding the city's famous cable car.

Start in the historic city center, from Plaza Bolívar, originally called Plaza de Armas. The square adopted its current name in 1883 on the 100th birthday of El Libertador Simón Bolívar. The corners surrounding the plaza feature buildings of historic importance: Caracas Cathedral, Government Palace, City Hall, the Yellow House and The Capitol. This is where your tour begins: in the heart of Venezuela's history.

Seeing Bolívar's birthplace is next on the list, as you visit the colonial house that today is filled with period art, including paintings by famous artists like Tito Salas whose work captured highlights of El Libertador’s life. Visit the Capitolio, Palacio Legislativo and Palacio Federal where the golden keys to Bolivar’s mausoleum are kept.

Then, take the city's famous cable car to the top of the Ávila Mountain range. Ávila National Park borders Caracas, separating the sea from the city. Breathe in and admire the pure, contrasting atmosphere of the park with the rush and bustle of the Venezuelan capital. From here you'll be able to see Caracas on one side and the Caribbean Sea on the other, a vista you'll never forget.

This day-long tour includes lunch.

I woke up extremely early this morning- our flight leaves in the afternoon, and we technically don't need to vacate the rooms until 12- Lyn's a Witchy Woman says she got us late check-out so we have more time for packing and exploring, if we so wished- and I was up at 6:30. *Facepalm* Must be slight jetlag- I'm up at 7:30 in Texas, which is 6:30 in Florida time. I couldn't get back to sleep- and even if I did, it probably wouldn't have been a good one, for fear of oversleeping, so I hopped into the shower to wake myself up, and decided to make the most of the morning by walking back to the Biscayne Bay Marketplace from last night and seeing what kind of goodies (and souvenirs!) I can stock up for the trip. Unfortunately, most of the shops don't open until much later- 10 am, I later found out, so I just walked around the area and took pictures of the surrounding nature and random boats docked in the harbor, or airplanes that happen to be flying in low enough for me to get a picture. I'm pretty lucky and manage a Qantas, Alaskan Airlines, and Cathay Pacific plane. It's pretty neat that a cell phone camera is so clear nowadays, that you can get a picture of a plane if it flies low enough. *Ha*
That actually passes 3 1/2 hours pretty quickly, and before I know it, the marketplace is filling up with people, and shops are greeting customers. I buy a few Miami souvenirs, and then head out to the Travel Store to make sure I have enough adapters for when we get to South America, so I can charge all my devices. I pass by the Bistro Cafe as I'm going back to the hotel, and decide to stop in there for brunch, then head to Cafe con Leche, where I've heard there's cinnamon rolls- with no raisins. As I'm waiting in line, I see the lady in front of me order a full tray of the baked goods- 12 of them total, which means that they've either run out for the day, or run out for now and need to make more. Either way, I've been out long enough and don't feel like waiting to find out, so decide to go across the street to Auntie Anne's instead and get a few orders of pretzel bites so I can munch them on the plane.
I see someone looking like Fivesixer heading into Cafe con Leche, as I'm coming out of Auntie Anne's, but I'm not completely sure, so I just leave them be, and head back to the hotel so I can maybe get in another shower before we have to check out and head to the airport.
Back at the hotel, it's still extremely quiet, for it being nearly noon, but I suppose everyone's in their rooms, packing and double-checking they haven't left anything behind. I do see Sally and Jellyfish in Albania! 🌞 chatting, though, and I give them a quick wave before disappearing into my room to re-organize and re-shower.
I grab a pack of pretzel bites and head to Kit 's room to share- knowing her nocturnal ways, she may have well slept through breakfast, so this might be a welcomed snack, even if the nutrients probably aren't even sufficient to be called a snack. *Rolling* I turn a corner, and nearly bump into her. *Facepalm* Thankfully, the food stayed safe, and so did we, even with our clumsiness. *Laugh* I give her the bag of pretzels, after we re-orientate ourselves and figure out that the person who just scared us was, in fact, the person we were looking for, to begin with. Turns out, though, she's already had breakfast- and so has everyone else. Kit tells me of the information passed along at breakfast- we've got more people on the trip now- Finn O'Flaherty and AEJackson have joined us, and there's been no sight of Norb since last night. Nobody has seen him, apparently, and 💙 Carly and Prosperous Snow celebrating say hey didn't hear anything this morning, even though their rooms are the closest to Norb's. *Confused*
Kit and I decide to head towards Norb's room, and we meet SandraLynn Team Florent! and Apondia on the way, who inform us that Kåre Enga in Montana and Spacecat might be joining us later in the trip, which would mean Norb won't be the lone male anymore- if we can find him.
We get to his room door and knock. Nothing. I press an ear against the door, and there's still no sound. Not even water for a shower or rustling of luggage.... Lyn sees us while making her rounds, and stops to join in the Norb-hunt. We continue for another 5 or so minutes, and begin discussing the next steps.... most options aren't great- either they disrupt his neighbors or seem to drastic- so Kit and I decide to go around the floor once more to see if we can find him. We turn the corner and the mental image of the Norb look-alike I saw going into the cafe comes to mind, and I start to say something, when we bump into a warm, greasy wax bag, and a Norb, who's the owner of the bag. He offers the bag to Kit, and peeking in, we see cinnamon rolls! "They're the proper kind," he informs us. "No raisins!" Excellent. *Bigsmile*
Looks like it was him, all along. *Laugh*

We wrap up the Finding Norb drama and head back to our rooms to collect our luggage and make our way to the airport for Venezuela. According to Lyn, it's a pretty packed day... and she delivers on her promise. *Facepalm* We arrive at the Venezuelan airport- and like Kit, I'm a bit nervous after she tells me there's political tension.... Why couldn't we have went somewhere .... I don't know, safer? *Think* Less dramas, speaks English, no political tension... Ah well, it is what it is. *Pthb* We're booked in at the JW Marriott Hotel, and it's a nice place- the windows have quite the mountain view! Which, as it turns out, is where we're headed, after a late lunch. The mountains, for a cable car ride.
First, though, is a tour- we're led to the Plaza Bolivar, Caracas Cathedral, and Yellow House, plus a few other buildings, including Bolivar's home. The last place was pretty cool. There was art galore, and you can learn so much about a culture just from examining their art, so that was a fun place to explore.

Lunch seemed to be a buzz of talk and not much food. The restaurant didn't seem to have vegan options for Jellyfish in Albania! 🌞 , and a bunch of people seemed worried about the cable car ride. Fortunately, Dragons do like heights, so the ride wasn't much of a problem, as much as the food was.... most of it was fried, baked, or grilled to some extent, and having acquired a slight cough on the plane, I'm attempting to err on the side of caution and avoid drier or spicy foods. *Facepalm*

The cable cars were fun, though. It was reeaaaallly high up, yes, but the views were great. It was literally a mountain-to-sea view, and we saw everything in between, too. Most of the ride was silent- from awe, and not fear, even though the cars were full of nervous chatter during the beginning, as we ascended.

Tonight's dinner is quite fancy, but being a pub/bar, there's not much I can eat.... I nibble on a few appetizers, and fill my stomach with water instead, as I wait for dinner to be over. Hopefully, tonight I can get a good rest, and tomorrow, I'll be all better and ready to fully appreciate South American culture.
August 4, 2017 at 12:26am
August 4, 2017 at 12:26am
Aug. 1st Miami, Fla.
We're at the HIlton for convenience.
We can't be in Miami without hitting the dance scene.
90-minute Miami dance cruise
Capture the lit-up skyline of Miami as the boat travels through Biscayne Bay
Cut loose to top Billboard hits and favorites from many genres spun by a resident DJ
Take the party to Miami’s waterfront with this 90-minute, evening dance cruise on Biscayne Bay. Admire Miami’s majestic skyline at night while cruising from the Bayside Marketplace to Miami Beach and back. Dance to the latest club hits and songs from a variety of musical styles — on the open-air deck or take a seat inside the air-conditioned cabin — as the resident-professional DJ spins the tunes. This family friendly party has no age minimum. Full-cash bar with beer, wine, soft drinks and snacks is available on board the boat.

Geez I guess it's a good thing I'm one of *those* people who actually likes travelling, huh? *Laugh* I'm actually a little late to the cruise, because having been in Texas previously, I flew out after dropping by to see Baby and say hi to everyone at the restaurant, so first I flew to Dallas, where I met a connection flight to Miami. And, as luck would have it, my first flight was delayed because the co-pilot didn't show up. *Facepalm* made it to Dallas okay, but then they changed my gate number and I had to run from 44 to 6. not fun. But I made it! and after everyone was all seated, we were grounded, on the runway, for about 30 minutes. *Pthb* On the plus side, right as I arrived at the gate, they were calling my group number to board, and they're scanning my boarding pass when I hear a voice behind me calling out, "Yo! Dragon!" I turn around, and it's Fivesixer - he's apparently sitting in the row behind me, though his group hasn't been called yet.
I get seated and make myself comfortable until he boards, and we spend the 2 hours and 55 minutes chatting, mostly about how it was somehow $300 cheaper to make a stopover in Dallas before flying out to Miami- even though flying directly to Miami would've been much, much faster- and a shorter distance to fly. *Laugh* It makes the flight pass by much faster- and when we land at Miami airport, we collect our baggage, and he tells me he's going to wait another 3 1/2, 4 hours for Kit 's flight to arrive. It's a sweet gesture, and I would've stayed with him, but I've had my fair share of waiting in airports (I once stayed in Qantas club for 7 hours because Mom's flight came in, in the morning, and then I had a flight in the middle of the afternoon, and it didn't quite make sense for me to go back to the apartment and then go back to the airport) so I told him I'd see him again (hopefully) tonight, at whatever activities our leader, Lyn's a Witchy Woman might've concocted for us. *Laugh*
Turns out, it was probably for the best, since I could have both lunch and dinner to recoup and (hopefully) reset whatever jetlagged biological clocks I had acquired while on the trip, and do a bit of looking around in the area. I took a nap and snoozed through lunch, and I heard a knock at the door, with Lyn's chirpy voice announcing dinner, but I wasn't quite feeling up to it either, with the heat and humidity Florida brings. I heard some voices discussing dinner- and I think I recognized Apondia from the Aussie trip, and a few British voices from the Europe backpacking trip- I left that expedition early, but I recognized Sally and Jellyfish in Albania! 🌞 , and some non-British ones that sounded like SandraLynn Team Florent! and Norb.... and some other voices I didn't quite recognize. I later found out they were Prosperous Snow celebrating and 💙 Carly . Funny, though, that I didn't hear Kit's voice... I suppose, knowing her, she's probably still sleeping to knock out the jet lag. *Laugh*
I ultimately decided to skip dinner and take a look around- the skyline is really pretty, and I've heard there's a market of sorts by the bay, so I want to take a look. There's a Bath and Body Works there, and a gelato store- both of which I visit, and I end up bringing back a baggie of hand sanitizer and a cup of gelato- we're going to South America soon, I want to make sure I'm fully equipped against the germs, even if I'm already vaccinated! *Laugh*

I got back to the hotel, and found Lyn (once more) knocking on people's doors- this time announcing a dance cruise. *Shock* Funny enough, I just passed the company who sells the service- they were close to the gelato place I stopped in, on the way back- they were advertising discounted prices for tonight's cruise, probably because there was still lots of room on the boat, so I hope there won't be too many people.
I see Lyn calling through a door for Kit, and I decide to wait outside in the hall, to see if she'll open the door or decide to come along. Ultimately, both happen, and I give Kit a hug when she steps out, and we end up chatting plushies all the way down. We meet Norb in the lobby, then follor Lyn out of the hotel. She Lyn takes us to the stall I passed earlier, for the dance cruise. She's busy trying to arrange/pick up the tickets for all of us, so I pull Kit and Norb away and lead them to the gelato place so we can have a little snack before the cruise. I know they said there's "soft drinks and snacks" but "snacks" is so vague, and could mean anything from M&Ms to mini tacos. So I figured, with gelato, you at least know what you're getting. *Laugh*

Turns out my gut feeling was right- the snacks weren't that great, and as with all transportation/tourist attractions- rather overpriced. So were all the drinks. *Think* The music wasn't bad, though I'm not much of a club dancer- so I ended up sitting out most of it with Kit and singing along instead. It was pretty fun talking about other people's dance moves and how inappropriate/weird/crazy they were being. *Laugh*

Afterwards, though, it was nice to be back on dry land, even if the water was pretty smooth and there wasn't much that could cause motion sickness. *Laugh*
We wished each other good night, and slipped into our respective rooms for sleep. It's been quite a first day, and I'm curious to see what the next day will bring!
July 30, 2017 at 3:34am
July 30, 2017 at 3:34am
This week, US President Donald Trump encouraged police to use more aggression   with people they arrest; many police departments are speaking out against this rhetoric. How much force is really necessary when arresting the average criminal?

Ugh, really? *Facepalm* Whatever happened to "Violence is never the answer"? *Think*

To answer the question (but not really) though, what is considered "the average criminal"? A shoplifter? Bank Robber? Car thief? pick-pocketer? *Laugh*
So really, I'd think it depends. Is the person armed? Are they a known criminal with a bad record? Those factors do play a role in "force" necessary when arresting a criminal... I saw a video on Facebook   once, of some cops in Las Vegas being really good at de-escalating the stress and violent environments when there are criminals they arrest- they calm down the aggressor with their words (see, violence, doesn't always solve everything!) and take them into custody. Nobody usually gets hurt, and there's no aggression involved! Win-Win, in a sense. But probably not for Trump, because he thinks that violence seems to solve everything. *Facepalm* No, it doesn't. Fights start at school when kids engage in violence with each other. And then if unchecked, they grow up and take it out on their peers, when it could have even worse effects.
I'm no psychologist, and I'm no politician or philosopher, but I think it's pretty obvious (to me, at least) that violence isn't much of an effective, long-term solution. You get physical with the criminal, they'll remember that, and the next time they get booked, they'll be aggressive back, as well. It's not even a cycle- it's a spiral, and one that will quickly go out of control if unchecked, like the video suggests. So no, violence is not the answer, and force really shouldn't be necessary with enough training, to arrest a criminal!
Newton was on to something with his laws of Physics, too- for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. It's totally true- you hit someone, they're going to hit you back. Is it their fault? No. You started it! Not to sound like I'm 5, but yeah. *Pthb* And if you're lucky, they'll just take the hit and walk away. If you're not, you probably just started a fight. *Pthb*
July 30, 2017 at 3:17am
July 30, 2017 at 3:17am
Come up with a 10-step (minimum) process for a simple household chore.

*Shock2* 10 steps? *Rolling* This should be interesting....

Vacuuming the House:
1. Be told to do the chore (If you live alone, skip to step 2)
2. Have a good think about where you last left the vacuum.
3. Get motivated to go find the vacuum in wherever you decided from step 2.
4. Get up to go find the vacuum.
5. If the vacuum is not where you thought it would be, return to step 2. If it is, proceed to step 6.
6. Think about the most logical way to vacuum the space that is your house.
7. Make a plan.
8. Proceed to the place you decide is most logical to begin vacuuming.
9. Pull the vacuum's electrical cord out to its full length and find an A/V electrical outlet within its reach.
10. Plug in the vacuum.
11. Turn on the vacuum.
12. Begin vacuuming!
July 30, 2017 at 3:07am
July 30, 2017 at 3:07am
Recently, the popular and long-running British television show Doctor Who announced that a woman would be taking over the main character's role for the first time in its history, and naturally men are upset   about this decision (this particular article doesn't come right out and say it, but there are some pretty vile and vulgar responses out there...trust me *Wink*). When are men gonna finally understand that everything isn't about them, and that they have to share things and realize women are just as capable as they are...especially when it comes to acting?

*Facepalm* Seriously? I blame this on the politics. Seriously, with the world leaders we've got right now, it's a mess. *Pthb* And I don't want to say rightly so, because it's not right, but I mean, didn't they see Emma Watson's acceptance speech for best overall acting? I don't remember which company it was from, but there was a new award presented for best acting, period. No dividing between male or females. And her speech had a point- everyone's doing the same thing, so why separate it into something for males and females? Not like animals get a segment, so nobody's going to be confused, going "oh, what's this category, again?"

As to when men will finally understand, maybe when the US finally has a female leader? *Rolleyes* Sounds terrible, I know, but until they see with their own eyes, that a female is capable of leading a country and doing what has historically been a man's job, I doubt they will come to that conclusion on their own. Even after we have a female leader, I'm not sure if they will or not, because some people just believe men are better than women. *Pthb* They carry on the family name, and should therefore be paid more, and yada yada yada. *Pthb*

I used to watch Doctor Who but I've since stopped since the streaming site I used disappeared, and I've been too lazy to pick it back up. Plus, I have other shows I like watching, like Nashville, The Next Step, and NCIS:LA. Plus, I guess I never quite understood the hype. Yeah, it's good; it's interesting, buuut *Confused* Still don't get why sooo many people love it so much. *Laugh* Ah well, to each their own, I suppose. *Pthb* Like, Mom doesn't like crime dramas (NCIS, SVU, etc) because "they always solve the case in 40 minutes!" *Rolling* Well, she has a point. But it's still nice to watch and try to solve alongside them, and go "I TOLD YOU SO!" at the end. {e:whistle] Yeah, I'm one of those annoying, loud TV watchers who talk to the screen. {e:rolling}

Anyways, going back to the topic, yeahhhh I'm not sure when men will realize women are equally as skilled (if not more skilled) as/than they are... Hopefully it'll be some time soon, but the naysayer in me says probably not. *Facepalm*
July 30, 2017 at 2:46am
July 30, 2017 at 2:46am
On this day in 1973, Lee Majors and Farrah Fawcett were married. Who is your favorite (past or present) celebrity couple?

I had to have a good think about this one.... I do like Keith Urban and Nicole Kidman. And Tim McGraw and Faith Hill. And I liked Miranda Lambert and Blake Shelton when they were together. *Laugh* So yeah, three country music-based couples. *Bigsmile*

Keith and Nicole, well, firstly, they're Aussie, so that's a great start. And fun fact, it took Keith 6 months to contact Nicole after the first time he met her, the poor lady. *Laugh* So given my current status with CG, I think we're making good progress. *Rolling* I think that's another reason I like them so much- Keith seems so down-to-earth and personable (at least, from what I've seen) and that fun fact.... just something about it makes you go "awww" *Laugh* and you like them more, I guess, since it makes them more human, and less "OMG they're a celebrity!"

Tim McGraw and Faith Hill.... Well, let's just say I used to think they owned the textbook company McGraw Hill. *Rolling* I doubt they actually, do, but hey, I mean, they should, right? Makes sense. *Bigsmile* And the duo, both being country singers, make the sweetest duets sometimes. *Delight* Like, "Speak to a Girl" (not crazy about that one) and "Just to Hear You Say That You Love Me" (Love that one!) And one more that doesn't fall in the rating of my blog. *Laugh* I really should raise it to 13+ or 18+. *Think*

Annd Miranda Lambert and Blake Shelton.... I don't know, just something about them. I guess they both had a very strong "take no prisoners" attitude about them, and I thought they worked well together. Guess not. Supposedly one wanted kids and the other didn't and that's why they broke up? At least, that's what I heard from the tabloids, I think. *Laugh* I really liked Blake's "Boys 'Round Here" song with Miranda's former girl group (unfortunately, the name doesn't fit my ASR blog, again *Laugh*) So go look it up yourself. *Wink* I always like duos like that, it's pretty cool.

And for one non-couple but a duo that works really well together- Keith and Carrie Underwood. "The Fighter"- just *Inlove* That's an amazing song. *Bigsmile* I want a guy like the one in that song. *Laugh*
July 30, 2017 at 2:17am
July 30, 2017 at 2:17am
Tell us about one major change in you or something different about you between now and this time last year.

Oooh, this one should be pretty easy. Ish. *Laugh* I definitely have some changes between now and this time last year. *Bigsmile* Firstly, I think I'm finally on the path to knowing what I want to do with my life, which is good. And secondly, I do think I'm becoming somewhat braver. *Shock* Like, all those texts to you-know-who, and being more "out there" with what I do/say/want, even if I'm not totally comfortable with it. And for the most part, it pays off. Liiike, Hi-5. Okay, okay, you're all probably sick and tired of hearing about that, but I don't know if I've actually mentioned this part of the afterwards- I've decided to switch my concentration from elementary education to preschool.

After interacting with those little kids for a full day, I realized it was really fun, and that was definitely something I would love to keep doing. I guess I always knew I wanted to work with kids, but never actually considered little, little kids- because the thought of diapers and all that kinda scared me, honestly. *Laugh* And they still do, but hopefully it won't be too terrible? *Rolling* Any preschool teachers (current or former!) around to confirm/deny this?

I'm currently applying to Jumpstart, which is part of Americorps (the same umbrella organization as Teach for America), and that's a program which reaches out to pre-schools in lower-income areas. I'm hoping that can help get my foot in the door for the future. And get me some experience, of course. *Laugh* I've tried elementary school teaching with Chinese summer school and I feel like it didn't quite work out as well as it could have, though I felt pretty comfortable in the HLK (Pinyin, kindergarten, so pretty much the most basic, basic Chinese class there was) class as a TA, with all the little kids (4-6 years, mostly) running about during their recess and trying to master their tones and characters and such. Maybe I should've paid more attention to that in high school. *Think* Eh, well, it's a little late for that now, though it's still pretty good to be keeping my options open, I guess?

And all that has to do with being braver, too, I'd think. I mean, the older me from maybe 1-2 years ago probably would've went "Ehhhh, I'd love to go for Round 2 but I don't want to make a fool out of myself or be a burden to the stall holders." and I probably would've ended up staying home instead of going for round 2.
There's also the texting, and the being more "out there"- I mean, I tried a hip hop dance class, and I did aerial fitness! Yeah, that might not be so "out there" for others, but back in 12th grade, I remember being mortified at Mom's suggestion I try hip hop. I couldn't imagine myself being in that loose, baggy clothing, popping and locking and moonwalking and tutting, at all. It was a big, "O_O I'll pass, thanks...." moment. If anything, I wanted to learn ballet, and I kinda still do, but that's besides the point, here, isn't it? *Laugh*
Aerial fitness... I've wanted to do for a while. 11th grade, I think? Since I found out my first tap teacher was doing aerial arts, and I was all "*Shock2* That is SO COOL! I want to try it, too!" though Mom was all "*Shock2* That is SO DANGEROUS! You are NOT trying that!" *Rolling* Though, look, 4 years later, I can climb into, and flip out of, a hammock, unassisted. *Bigsmile* I'm pretty proud of the progress I made in the span of 10 classes and 6-7 weeks. It's definitely something I'm going to miss, and since I won't have a car when I go back to school in the fall, it's not something I can keep up, unless I find somewhere that does it in the UTC (Uni Town Center) or on campus.

If you want the summation, though, I suppose you could say I've matured, a lot. Not necessarily in the sense that I've grown out of things, though I have, like some previous relationships (not BF-GF, don't worry-you didn't miss something there *Rolling*) I realized were too toxic to maintain after multiple dramas and my attempts to apologize that didn't work, but more like things I've grown into, like owning up to who I am, and figuring out things like what I want. I may not have had the most perfect grades these past two semesters, but in those 12 months, I've definitely learned much more out of school, than I think I ever might, in school.
July 29, 2017 at 1:54pm
July 29, 2017 at 1:54pm
Without the use of the internet, or any form of cheating. How many characters from the series can you list? Post the list in your blog, or in the forum.

Harry Potter
Ron Weasley
Hermoine Granger
Severus Snape
Dracus Malfoy

So, to answer the question, not many! *Rolling*
July 29, 2017 at 3:57am
July 29, 2017 at 3:57am
Tell us about a store or restaurant you refuse to go to because of poor service.

I don't think I've ever had poor service before....

Oh wait, I have! Once! In Melbourne Central. I was getting some Middle-Eastern food at a little shop down on ground floor- it's called Kamil's Kebabs, and it wasn't my first time- the previous times, they've been really nice, but that one time made me go *Shock* and never go back again.

I ordered my food (the wait was long) and was waiting around for them to prepare the meat/fries, and then the guy who had taken my order, as he gave me my food, indicated to the person behind me and asked "Are they a guy or girl? *Confused*" Okay, seriously? That's none of your business, nor is it mine! *Shock* I mean, yes, I was curious as well, because the person looked like they could be either, but still, it's not something you ask another person you hardly know, let alone a customer! *Facepalm* I was NOT impressed by the guy's behavior, frankly, and I tried to get out of there ASAP. And then I never went back. Their food was good, yes, but not good enough that it could excuse such behavior!

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