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Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2008479
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Welcome to my little Den! Here you'll find all sorts of things- mostly blog challenges, but mixed in, you'll notice:

*Bulletp* I'm a bit of a fangirl *Starstruck*
*Bulletp* My life is very busy
*Bulletp* I enjoy using emoticons *Exclaimp*
*Bulletp* I don't tend to swear, but stuff happens.

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February 18, 2019 at 9:59pm
February 18, 2019 at 9:59pm
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Okay so after the last entry, I'm obviously not completely over everything, but I mean, it was 3 years of trying to figure out what the guy wants. *Pthb* So this song also accurately represents my current mood. I especially like Raelynn's lyrics- as a matter of fact, I might do a little experiment and not reply him the next time he texts. *Smirk*
Relationships should be a 50/50 thing. And granted we weren't a relationship, but there were times I thought we were heading there. Obviously, it looks like I was wrong. *Pthb*

I like this song. I really like Raelynn- I think her lyrics have a great truth to them. I mean, a guy like CG- he seems very sensitive in the sense that he's supposedly nice to everyone. But when he's sending out signals everywhere to everyone, that becomes a problem because then all the females flock to him and fall under this "spell". I will openly admit I was one of them and I thought we were headed somewhere more than friendship.

At this rate, though, I do vow to care less. *Pthb* Maybe he's playing hard-to-get? Whatever, I'm not gonna care as much- and he can blow up my phone if he wants, but I'm probably not gonna reply him because I have better things to do, like hang out with my friends or write my thesis. *Pthb*
February 12, 2019 at 3:28pm
February 12, 2019 at 3:28pm
I’m gonna try (note TRY, not actually guaranteed *Laugh*) not to repeat artists for this week, just because there’s so much more stuff I listen to now aside from, well, just country stuff. *Think* Besides, I haven’t posted any country stuffs yet, so far, soooo *Laugh*

Anyways today I’m torn between “A Million Dreams” and “Come Alive”. *Laugh* and upon asking Discord, they’ve chosen “Come Alive”. (I asked A or C, and they chose C)

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This song was the midterm song for Jazz. It’s super fun, and the dance helped me gain more confidence in myself and my performance skills (or lack thereof *Laugh*) I like the song because it’s also one of those “be yourself”-type of songs. Plus, the males sing really well! It’s honestly a little rare nowadays to hear movie soundtracks from a male and have it not be rapping. *Think* or maybe it’s just rare in general to have males singing. Not in country music, but pop for sure. *Pthb*

I also like that this song starts out so soft and slow, but then ends on such a high. As the Jazz instructor said, it’s definitely a flash mob type of song. *Laugh* and flash mobs are fun. Therefore, this song is fun. *Bigsmile*

Annd it’s time for class so maybe(?) I’ll be back later. *Crazy*
February 8, 2019 at 1:54am
February 8, 2019 at 1:54am
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Hands-down my current favorite song from Disney right now, I'd have to say. I mean, WATCH THE VIDEO! The choreography is amazing, and I love how Hook Jr (Captain Hook's son, Harry- Uma's first mate, finds so many rhymes for "debilitate" *Laugh* To where even Uma thinks he went overboard. *Angelic*

Rhymes and choreography aside, I like this song because it's catchy! The beat and tempo make you so pumped when you listen to it- to where I'm slightly falling asleep as I write this because I'm just exhausted overall. I also keep getting distracted. *Facepalm*

Long story short here on why I like the song- it pumps you up, it's from Descendants, and the choreo is awesome. It also makes me want to choreograph my own thing for it. *Laugh*

Also, someone turned the heat on again in this apartment and I'm sweltering. *Facepalm* So I'm gonna go off now to sleep and turn off the heat. *Pthb*
February 8, 2019 at 1:01am
February 8, 2019 at 1:01am
Oh, so we're moving into current playlists now, are we? There's really no way I can choose 7 songs from what I've been listening to recently, so I'm just gonna open up Pandora every night and see what they give me. *Rolling*

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Pandora's choice tonight- Superstar from Make it Pop

Just a caution for those visiting my blog this week- I recently switched from a heavily country music station to one that's mostly K-Pop (XO-IQ/Make it Pop) and soundtracks from various movies- anything from High School Musical, to Sing, to The Greatest Showman is all fair game at this point. *Rolling* I just needed a break from those heavy southern accents swooning over girls. *Laugh*

This is definitely one of my "dance in the room" songs- it's also fun to turn it up when I'm in the kitchen or the common area- I'll blast my music and sing loudly, mostly to annoy a certain roommate who's always cold. *Bigsmile* *Rolling* It's also a great confidence-booster song. If you ever need a pep talk or something, put this on, and you'll be like "I got this" *Laugh* Works for me, at least. *Rolling*

It's also a very kid-friendly song.... I had a dream one night that after I graduated, I'd gone back to my dance studio at home and I started teaching dance there. If that dream does actually come true, I can imagine these soundtrack songs being pretty appropriate for kids' recital dances- I mean, looking at the CNY program for Chinese school, one of the classes is doing "Let it Go"- which is DEFINITELY not Chinese. *Laugh* So, I mean, if they're doing "Let It Go" and "Bay Shark", I can do something in English next year, too, right? *Laugh* I guess we'll have to wait and see what they come up with this year and then start choreographing for next year. *Rolling*
February 8, 2019 at 12:30am
February 8, 2019 at 12:30am
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This song pretty much desribes how I feel about everything right now. *Facepalm* I might be paying $70 in spring so I can finish my thesis later than April 10. Overall, I'm just done with school. I wish I could just take dance classes all of next quarter, but I also don't wanna pay 3K of tuition to just take dance classes. *Pthb* Not to mention, I'd still have to come back to live in this apartment during the week, so as tempting as it is to take more Jazz next quarter, I probably won't. *Frown*

I'm also so done with research, because yes, my advisor is nice and everything, but she's slow- it took her 1 1/2 months to return any of my parts I sent her during fall quarter- my first deadline was before Thanksgiving, and she didn't return anything until mid-January. *Facepalm* I just wanna be done with school. *Rant*
Yeah and doing those 1-minute heartrate things is TERRIBLE. I usually don't mind doing tech stuff and all that, but this is just too much. *Facepalm* I have an essay due on Monday and I think the heart rate is gonna be on Tuesday.

I also love my job at Chinese School, but the New Year celebration is so stressing me out because my kids just don't seem into the dance or celebration, which makes it stressful on me as well because I want to have something to show for my first year teaching. *Facepalm*

Annnd my secret shop next week is on Monday morning in the medical school, and I saw online that they're closed?! so we'll have to see- maybe I'll try to call them tomorrow or something and see. *Pthb*
February 8, 2019 at 12:16am
February 8, 2019 at 12:16am
I'm torn if I want to do another TNS song or another Delta Goodrem song at this point, because Delta is raw. *Laugh* The one I'm thinking of would probably leave me nothing to say about the next song though (perk of being behind? You can plan ahead on how to tackle what you're behind on *Rolling*) so I'm going to choose a live performance song instead. It may not necessarily be "raw" emotionally, but it gave me chills when I watched it again last night, so I'm gonna use it. *Laugh*

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Fun Fact: I actually didn't like this song when it first came out. Actually, I wasn't a big fan of Adele in general. Now, my opinion's totally changed, though. *Laugh*

Ummmm it's Delta Goodrem- do I really need to say more? Also, Jessie J is in there. *shrug* they're two very powerful voices and combined together, as Jayne said last night, the guys don't really contribute anything and could very well just sit down and let the girls rock it. *Rolling*

Reminds me a bit of the Mr. CG, and his occasional/frequent disappearances, but that's about it.... We also played it at board meetings at one point, but I'm done going on about that group because yeah, I'm done. *Pthb*
February 7, 2019 at 11:04pm
February 7, 2019 at 11:04pm
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"Don't take enemies for friends"- just, holy crow, how accurate is this song in retrospect? *Facepalm* Also, my heart jumped to my throat after watching this again. As I was going through the drama of being on the board where I eventually resigned, I also started doing more expressive dancing as an outlet for my frustration and stuck-feelings. I lived in a 4-person apartment at the time and there wasn't much room to dance in the living room  , but it was enough for me to move around and get out my feelings. At the end of it, though, it was so bad for me that I unfollowed, and quite possibly (honestly, I probably did!) unfriended everyone from that group, on Facebook, except for the one girl who was never around because she was busy running her other organization, which I'd also volunteered to help with (be on her board).
That organization was not toxic, and I successfully stayed on for the full year. *Pthb*

For me, at that time, though, I suppose the biggest irony was all those groups talked about "safe spaces" and the "Vegas rule" (what's said here, stays here, what's learned here, leaves here *Rolleyes*) and the whole time, I never actually felt "safe" around them. And not to sound overly confident in my abilities or anything, but I like to think my intuitions are typically pretty good- and as things progressed through the year and the quarters, I was dreading going to meetings and mentor training sessions, so I suppose by March, there really wasn't much left to do, but quit resign. I mean, considering that it's taken me this long to get comfortable with dancing in a crowd- if I started dance in 9th grade, that would make it 9 years now- I'm definitely not gonna be cozying up to a group of strangers I see a couple hours every week and spilling out my guts to them. *RollEyes* Besides, I figured that if I didn't take the "Vegas rule" completely seriously, who knows who else might not be? *Pthb*
January 16, 2019 at 7:45pm
January 16, 2019 at 7:45pm
Yeah she's a math major. No surprise there, really. She's an international student. *Laugh*

She also claims she doesn't cook. Buuut towards the beginning of the quarter, I'm fairly certain she claimed to enjoy cooking. She even volunteered to cook for me. *Confused* Very strange, I agree. *Pthb*

So here's how it went down just now:

I was eating my dinner. She knocked on the door. I opened it- and she demanded we make an agreement about the A/C because she was cold. She suggested I only have the A/C on for an hour every day.
We said some stuff, I mentioned she needs to start taking out the common area trash as well when it's full- she claims she doesn't put raw meat into the trash, because she doesn't cook meat. All the while, she's trying to peek into my room, so I close the door a bit so I'm pretty much blocking her view of the room. *Rolleyes*
She said she doesn't know how to cook meat. She shows me the meat she has, that's all cooked, and says that's all the meat she has- it's all cooked, because she doesn't know how to handle meat. She brought in cooked meat from China.
I ask her how she managed that, and she says "I don't think that's your business".
we go back to heatedly discussing the A/C. She says she's cold, I say I'm warm. *Think* She wants to know why I don't believe her about the meat. I told her I asked her questions and she avoided them- what am I to think of that?
She tells me that yeah, "customs checked it twice *holds up 2 fingers*" and said it was "very safe" because it's "in a plastic bag" and it's "not raw- r-o-w, raw, right?" I nod. *RollEyes*

currently, her meat is frozen, so there's probably no way to actually tell if she's lying or not, but she's in the kitchen now, and doesn't sound very happy from the thumping around. She's turned off the A/C, but I don't know if anyone else sees the problem with her story....

1. Any meat would probably go bad by the time it gets from China to the US
2. You're not even allowed to bring in meat in the first place
3. even if she had frozen the meat, it would've thawed in her luggage by the time she arrived in the US
4. a plastic bag does not automatically make meat safe. *Laugh*

Yeah, so nice try, I don't believe you, even if I said I did, just to make you go away *Pthb*
January 12, 2019 at 11:48pm
January 12, 2019 at 11:48pm
Besides the craft of writing, are you an artist in any other medium? Sculptor, singer, dancer, painter? Share a story about your talent! Aaaannnnd... I’ll be awarding another MB this Creation Saturday!

Well Kit tagged me in her entry so I guess I should do mine, too. *Think* *Laugh*

I have artsy hobbies, yes. Talents? no. *Pthb*

Dance, for starters:
I'm making my kiddos (Chinese School) dance for Chinese New Year, and the choreography is mine, but it's so simple, I don't even think it's considered much of a feat. *Laugh*
Also, I'm taking 2 dance classes this quarter for fun- ballet and jazz. It's interesting because neither class is stretching before we begin *Confused* I expected more flexibility stuff, but so far, jazz has been more aerobics, and ballet has been more technique, than anything. Lots of pliés, dégagés, and tondues. *Pthb* Jayne was actually predicting that I'd be sore the next day, since both classes are back to back (12:30-2, 2-3:30) and then I made a quick trip to Albertsons so I could take advantage of their juice sale for the Honors Program Coffee Hour. Surprisingly, I was fine on Friday, even though there was an accident right outside campus and they closed a whole road for about 5+ hours, which meant I walked back from school. *Think*

I enjoy drawing/art. I bought a book in Taiwan last year, that's kind of a "how to draw everything" type of thing for beginners- catch is, it's all in Chinese. *Facepalm* So I followed the pictures. Unfortunately, I've only actually used it once. *Blush* To make an astronaut, of all things. *Think* I should use it more, but I don't. And I like drawing clipart-y stuff, which means that's the you'll find in most of my images. Even if I don't make (draw) the whole thing myself, usually I'll try to find free cliparts online and combine them into something new. Kinda like a toned-down version of image manipulation, because for the most part, nothing actually gets manipulated, only mixed. *Laugh*
At one point last (school) year, I was doing lots of GNR drawing- Slash and Axl Rose for the most part, because classes were boring and one in particular was not fond of technology personal devices. *Facepalm* So I kept a page open on my phone of reference pictures and I'd just draw those. *Think* Haven't really had the urge to draw anything new recently, but maybe something will come, soon.

I played piano from mid-elementary school through 12th grade. Mom was kinda overbearing on the practicing, since Sis and I took lessons, which also meant yearly examinations from a posh, certified board that flew in once a year from London (Trinity Guildhall, if anyone's interested). *Sick* The music school we attended has since closed, but I'm sure Trinity is very much still alive. *Laugh* I got through grade 7, if I recall correctly- I skipped the kindergarten/prime year and went straight to first grade I believe. My teacher was all "You could actually do second grade if you wanted to" but Mom and Grandfather(I believe Mom consulted Grandfather about this) were like "No, second grade seems a bit too far to jump, we want her to get her foundations in first." So, I skipped one grade. Sis, on the other hand, skipped a couple grades so she could take 8th grade and finish in her senior year. I still play very occasionally, though only when nobody is in the house and the mood strikes me, which is rare. My cousins (4 and 5) are starting with piano lessons and their parents (different families, different sets of parents) have been asking me and/or sis to teach them when we're around. My skill level has way regressed- I even have difficulties sight-reading sometimes, nowadays. *Blush* Ooops.
On a nicer note, I'm also learning guitar now. This, however, is on my own terms- I saved up heaps of $5 Amazon gift cards to get it, and I use Yousician (an app) to learn songs and such. It's good, not great, but since it's free, I'm using it. They have subscriptions you can buy, too, and maybe once I'm off of school for good after this quarter, I'll buy a short one and see how it compares. Realistically speaking, you can only play guitar for so long before your fingers get seriously pained. *Laugh* Those strings hurt more than you'd imagine. Last year, if I was really into it, I'd practice up to 2 hours at a time, and I'd need an ice pack for my fingers afterwards. I cheated the system by making multiple accounts with different emails, so I could keep practicing where I left off *Pthb*

Annd yeah, for someone who was raised not-very artsy, I think that's alot of art for one person. *Laugh* I remember at one point in elementary school, Sis and I wanted to submit some drawing into a contest and Mom was so alarmed at what we drew (indecipherable I suppose) that she actively advised against it. *Facepalm*

And those would be my "stories" I suppose. *Laugh*
January 10, 2019 at 8:21pm
January 10, 2019 at 8:21pm
If you were a fighter pilot in the Navy or Air Force, what would be your Call Sign? Why? Example: Ice Man from Top Gun.

Probably Flamebreather. Because I use it for everything else. *Laugh*
The heroes in Matthew Reilly's books all have call signs, like Scarecrow, Pooh, Mother, and a couple others I won't name because they're over my blog rating. *Pthb*

Anyways, usually they all have some sort of story or significance behind them, and aside from me thinking it was a really kick-butt name when I chose it in middle school, I don't think there's too much significance behind flamebreather.

How I did choose it though, was after scamming the system. *Pthb* Not the WdC one (I was in middle school, yeah?) but there once was this fan forum site for Hi-5, which, unfortunately, has since closed down, and I discovered it in computer class at school (of all times and places *Confused*). I joined. I quickly got too excited over this whole new concept of forums- and there were threads talking about every single cast member- and games,and.... Yeah, I was very new to this whole "socializing over the internet" thing. Anyways, with this excitement, I also got carried away- I was responding to posts from years ago and posting some comments here and there... to where the mods on there actually gave me a warning for spamming the site. *Laugh* Me, at 6th grade, had no clue what it meant to "spam" anything- I only knew of spam, the lunch meat, so I kinda shrugged it off and went on my merry way. *Pthb*
My original screenname was something like "charlirox" or something along those lines- probably with some numbers involved too *Laugh*
And then I forgot the password to the account when I re-joined it in high school.... so I made a new account- to be completely separate from charlirox. I gave it some thought and decided "flamebreather" sounded cool enough. Not to mention, it did kind of have a boyish tone to it. Charlirox was definitely a girl, and flamebreather was definitely not charlirox. So, I went with it. I also made a bunch of friends on that site- so if anyone knows a kellietim or lismosnus, or if they ever happen to read this post, *Laugh*

As for "flamebreather," I used it again for WdC, and then Instagram, and Gems of War... and the GoW guilds I joined definitely thought flamebreather was a cool name, so I'm glad I stuck with it. *Bigsmile*

Which, ultimately means, if I needed a call sign, you could call me flamebreather. *Ha*

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