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Rated: GC · Book · Emotional · #2030442
My 2nd blog. My spot for sharing my life, music, and writing with my friends.
Hello, Hello.
Fancy seeing you here.

I'll work on making this nice and pretty later. **Wink*

Check out my old blog:

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#1974611 by Not Available.

I also have a poetry blog, for those who dig poetry:

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#2034524 by Not Available.

AND I have a mental health group with a monthly challenge:

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This item number is not valid.
#2146101 by Not Available.

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Lay my hands on Heaven and the sun and the moon and the stars
While the devil wants to fuck me in the back of his car ♡

* I will never make this pretty.
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October 9, 2016 at 4:08pm
October 9, 2016 at 4:08pm
Artist: Brand New
Song: The Boy Who Blocked His Own Shot
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Prompt: Tell us about something you weren't supposed to know, but found out anyway.


Because real life isn't always roses and sunshine...
#2094931 by Elisa: Middle Aged Stik

There are things no one should know, like the consistency of your own blood clotting in fresh wounds. That jelly, viscous feeling like sliding in a dream. That metallic scent. Things like accepting your own fate. Like walking between cold concrete walls with the knowledge that you might not walk back out. That shadowy hallway like execution day; rattling security bars over Engelwood windows.

Things like disassociating. Everyone is translucent. "But how could he..?" Those little tidbits of advice, incredulous gaping mouths. "Someone could kill you. They could kill you." Yes, they could. Those obvious statements like, "You can't come back from that." Oh, I thought I could. I thought I was immortal; I added a t.

No one should know what it's like to give up, to hand yourself over. When you're fighting yourself, there are no winners. Even when you win, you lose. But I need it. This false danger is not going to cut it. These safety nets, this slip-proof noose is not enough to splice my frayed wires. No one should be attracted to the death dance, be addicted to more.

I've tried to be linear.

I've tried to follow the right tracks. Seen the path before me and stumbled along, dragging my defective self. I've taken the guidance, no matter how trite. No matter how ineffective for someone like me. I've had all the next steps pointed out to me. Like a childhood game of, "Jump from this rock to that. The water is lava." Connect the dots and be freed of past transgressions.

But it's that red-light allure. That excited, "I made a thousand dollars this paycheck." A thousand dollars in two weeks? That downtrodden, "I want it but it costs six hundred dollars." It's not reckless materialism. It isn't about having things. It's about proving that I can get them. I can get them in less time. I can have that within two hours. It's an excuse, if anything. An excuse to do what I was going to do anyway. It's a pardon for later. "But I needed..."

No one should know the temptation, the self-destruction of the fringe. No one should live on borderlines, nodding at the right times, hiding what needs to be hidden. I'm all cleared out. Poised. I'm on a fixed timeline. I've been molded just so. I'm liquid, ready to take the shape of what you need. So, tell me, what can I do for you?

If it makes you less sad, I will die by your hand
I hope you find out what you want
I already know what I am
October 8, 2016 at 5:15pm
October 8, 2016 at 5:15pm
Artist: Tigers Jaw
Song: Planes vs. Tank vs. Submarine
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Prompt: What could someone do to you that would be completely unforgivable?


Because real life isn't always roses and sunshine...
#2094931 by Elisa: Middle Aged Stik

This seems like it would be an easy prompt, but for someone like me, it's really not. That's because I have such a hard time not forgiving people. I mean, there are the obvious things, but that's not really what this prompt is about. Of course, we can all write off people we never knew in the first place who act like total dicks. We can all say it would be unforgivable for someone to hurt our family/friends.

I almost literally can't think of what someone could do to me personally that would be completely unforgivable. I say this with the experience of forgiving some pretty crazy shit. I guess I'm forever stuck in the loop of, Repent and be forgiven. If someone seems genuinely sorry, I almost always forgive them. No matter what they did to me.

Even worse, I forgive people who aren't sorry. And I don't mean that in the passive aggressive, "I forgive you for MY OWN SAKE" kind of way. Or, "I forgive you, but I won't ever forget what you did!" I mean it in a legit, "I don't want to fight, please hold me now" kind of way.

Put simply, I'm needy as fuck and it makes me super easy to use and abuse because I'm never going to actually give up on someone. I'm always going to twist anything they do to make the relationship work well enough to continue having it. It's an "I'd rather have you like this than not have you at all" thing. Even when I'm at my wits end with someone, the most I can do is load the gun and hand it to them. I can't ever pull the trigger myself. The closest I can get is telling the person that I have a major issue with them that is unresolvable. If they don't take that and end the relationship, it's never going to end.

I know exactly why I am this way too. It's because I can't take the rejection. Can't take the abandonment factor of being given up. If I even think someone is trying to 'abandon' me, my brain basically snaps in half. I think that's a side effect of being cast aside. Your brain starts convincing you that it's happening again all the time. I can't even quantify the number of times I've had that dreadful, "You're trying to get rid of me. You're trying to toss me away like I don't matter" conversation. You can hear yourself being an annoying little cunt, but you can't get yourself to stop.

Somewhat recently, I had a conversation with my father where he made a comment like, "Wow, I really did a number on you. I fucked you all up!" Like total disbelief or astonishment. I don't know why, but that really fucking irked me. It didn't bother me that he called me fucked up, but the fact that he wanted to take all the credit for it annoyed the shit out of me.

It's funny, really. Welcome to borderline personality disorder, where everything is someone else's fault but they better not own that shit. *Rolling*

And it's coming back to me
A portrait in gray scale
A perfect betrayal
And I can't even breathe

October 7, 2016 at 6:38pm
October 7, 2016 at 6:38pm
Artist: Pet Symmetry
Song: A Detailed And Poetic Physical Threat...
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Prompt: What conversation topic always makes you want to end the conversation?


Because real life isn't always roses and sunshine...
#2094931 by Elisa: Middle Aged Stik

I'm going to have a god's honest rant today. I just need to summon the spirit of the Bad Tempered Bloggers. I didn't know which thing to rant about, so I just followed SB's prompt choice for the day. It seemed like as good of a method of choosing as any other. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I started thinking about this prompt and realized that there are a shit ton of things that someone can bring up that will make me want to end the conversation. For your reading convenience, I've made a bitchy-ass list. Elle - on hiatus would be so proud. I'm going to preface this by saying that I don't care if someone writes/blogs about these things on WDC. That's your writing. That's your time. This list is about things that people talk about in everyday conversation that make me want to awkwardly back away.

1. Religion.
I don't care if someone believes in the flying spaghetti monster or god or allah or whatever-- I don't want to hear about it. To me, your religious or spiritual beliefs should be a private connection between you and your whoever. There's nothing more awkward to me than having a conversation with someone and they keep turning the conversation back to their religion. Like, I'm talking about my shoelaces and they're like, "One time in church, my shoelaces were untied and Father Rogers interrupted his sermon, which was about the moral collapse of America due to all the homosexuals." And it's like, wow, okay.

To me, it would the equivalent of me taking my dick out while we were mid-conversation. It's just unnecessary.

2. Politics.
Everyone has an opinion on politics. Just because you think your opinion is more enlightened than everyone else's doesn't mean that you need to go around defending your chosen candidate and trying to convert people from theirs. I swear, the months leading up to a presidential election are a nightmare in the States. I'm trying to get a pack of cigs at the gas station and the people in front of me are all 'discussing' Trump. Bitch, move out the way. Who cares?

You don't like Trump? Don't vote for Trump. You don't like Clinton? Vote for someone else. Don't go out in public holding up lines because you watched a political debate and you're now an all-knowing economist. These are the same people who are armchair lawyers because they have an opinion on what should happen to someone as punishment for a crime. Just, no. You aren't qualified. Go away.

3. Health shit.
I don't care about how much weight you've lost on your paleo diet or how you've gone gluten free. Shut the fuck up.

4. Sports.
Another one I just cannot be bothered to care about. I get why people talk to each other about sports, but I don't understand the entertainment factor in talking to someone about sports who doesn't watch sports. Just because I'm a dude, doesn't mean I like baseball. Sorry to blow your mind there. Come hang with me for a weekend and you'll see how far removed I am from Monday Night Football.

It's even worse when you're somewhere else and the person acts like your city's baseball team is their baseball team's rivalry. Like, "you better not be one of them damn White Sox fans." It makes me feel like I'm four talking to one of my dad's friends when I have these conversations.

5. Your kids.
Oh, wow, your kid was doing advanced math at the age of two? What a genius. I'm so impressed and taking special interest in your child. Yes, show me ten more pictures of him/her that all look the same and tell me how you chose that combination of first and middle name. Better yet, tell me about how I could never understand what you're talking about without having children of my own. Tell me about all the time they eat up and how miserable you are, but punctuate that with a, "but it's worth it at the end of the day!" And give me that haunted, forced smile. I'm sure I'll understand someday when I have kids. *Rolleyes*

If you made it this far, you have the patience of a saint. If you've made it this far without getting offended, we're kindred souls and should fuck each other off in an elevator later. *Heart*

It's bad luck or intention for attention's sake.
It's so fucked that I couldn't say this straight to your face
October 6, 2016 at 6:23pm
October 6, 2016 at 6:23pm
Artist: Rites of Spring
Song: For Want Of
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Prompt: What is the worst way someone has tried to scam or manipulate you?


Because real life isn't always roses and sunshine...
#2094931 by Elisa: Middle Aged Stik

You spoke in quasi-inspirational phrases like cigarette burns in a car roof. "Experience makes you stronger!" You said these things until I accepted them as facts, turned them into rationalizations. I fleshed them out and handed them back. These are now presentable. These will work. Just speak them back to me. "Yes, I did that, but you're better for it."

Well, I thank you then.

Because you're just too good at reading me. Too smooth in the rough places. Drawing conclusions until I'm too scared to move at all. "With great pain comes great strength." That all sounds good in a I went to Nashville and got you this ceramic mug kind of way. It sounds good like a Mesa trailer park.

It's even worse when you're better.

When you build me up like a brick wall, impenetrable. When it's us against them and we just view it all from afar like we're moving dollhouse pieces. When someone can plead with me and I can stand firm. "You don't need them." I'm running purely off your adrenaline. I can feel you coursing through me, permeating me for days like a good bender.

I exist as your byproduct. I am a side effect of you.

I'm so tightly wound; don't let them pick at the seams. But, yeah, we all think we deserve something better than we've got. And, "What sacrifices have YOU made lately?" We're always reaching past the finish line, always distorting our own realities until they match the story in our head. I just want a little bit more. I want a taste of what it's like to walk in your shoes.

I want your scraps.

Even more than that, we all think we're overworked and undervalued. Underappreciated in all the ways they are not. We're waiting like rats for water to drip from their leaves. You make my head go all Heart of Darkness. "The horror. The horror!" I just want you to host me like the parasite you've created.

If I can't see it’s for want of you.
September 13, 2016 at 12:28pm
September 13, 2016 at 12:28pm
Artist: Sleeping At Last
Song: Neptune
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Prompt: Share something you didn't have the balls to say to someone's face


Because real life isn't always roses and sunshine...
#2094931 by Elisa: Middle Aged Stik

I like this prompt even though I don't have a specific event in mind to talk about. I think this concept is so familiar to me because I so rarely tell someone how I actually feel to their face. I am forever anticipating what someone wants me to say and then saying that thing instead of what I really want to say. There's just something easier about telling someone what they want to hear. I don't often say things like, "no" or, "this isn't okay."

I can keep this up for a while, but it always ends up failing. At some point, I reach a breaking point and then it comes out in the worst way possible. After letting the negativity about someone build up in my head while telling them what they want to hear, the truth is typically like a dam breaking and it almost always comes out much harsher than I intend.

That's the problem with being avoidant though. If I would just say, "Hey, it isn't cool when you [blank]. It makes me feel like [blank]," I would probably cut my relationship problems in half. *Laugh* The problem is that I feel guilty if I do that. I feel bad if I disagree with someone or if I have to deny them what they want.

I realize that I have a super circular way of thinking. My frame of thought is typically, I don't like this, but I can deal with this. And I use that thought process for every situation that comes up. Can I deal with this? And the answer is yes, yes, yes. Until the answer is no.

Most often, this creates problems because I wait far too long to tell someone that I'm not okay with the way they're treating me. It's really a pussy ass way of dealing with things, but after your relationship with someone is a certain way, you can't come back months or years later and be like: "Oh, by the way, you've been treating me like dick forever and I've never been cool with it."

You just have to hit a breaking point and end the relationship entirely.

Oh, but I'm also missing that ability.


I'm only honest when it rains.
If I time it right, the thunder breaks.
When I open my mouth,
I want to tell you but I don't know how.
September 8, 2016 at 1:12am
September 8, 2016 at 1:12am
Artist: The Postal Service
Song: The District Sleeps Alone Tonight
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Prompt: Tell us about something that went wrong and who you blame for it


Because real life isn't always roses and sunshine...
#2094931 by Elisa: Middle Aged Stik

As a general rule of thumb, if something goes wrong, I blame myself for it. I think it's the easiest way to navigate life. Plus, it's fair to say that most shitty situations you get into are at least partially your fault. You can't control other people, so it's best to own up to your part of the problem and try to fix it rather than putting the blame onto someone else and expecting them to change. That's just setting yourself up for disappointment.

I'm sincerely struggling to think of a single bad thing that has ever happened to me that wasn't at least half my fault. Totally coming up empty-handed.

Look, people have this misconception that good things happen to bad people and vice versa. They aren't wrong. The thing is, good things happen to everyone. Bad things happen to everyone. Just because something bad happens to you doesn't mean you don't deserve it.

I've adopted the philosophy that none of us are too good to suffer. Once we humble ourselves and accept the fact that things are going to go wrong, it's easier to stop trying to find someone to point the finger at when it happens. Nothing is perfect and none of us deserve perfection, so it all works out the way it's supposed to, really. If it wasn't supposed to work out that way, it would have happened differently.

I don't believe there are external controlling factors in my life, or anyone else's, though I respectfully accept your right to disagree. I think that shit happens. Things, in general, they just happen. And some of those things are bad. Some are good. It's not complex; it isn't algebraic geometry. And life just keeps going, with or without you.

So, to stop being a dick and just answer the prompt, if I blame anyone for things that go wrong, it's myself.

I am finally seeing
Why I was the one worth leaving

September 6, 2016 at 1:58pm
September 6, 2016 at 1:58pm
Artist: All Get Out
Song: The Season
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I should absolutely be doing homework and not blogging right now because I've been sick since Friday and have accomplished nothing. Buuuut, I'm feeling a little better now and I just love this prompt from my Grandma Joy . I couldn't pass it up! *Heart* Seriously, such a good prompt.

Prompt: Talking about characterization, does each of us have the potential of becoming a monster in the right circumstances? Just how does an ordinary person become a monster? Can you think of a few scenarios?


Blog City Prompt Forum  (E)
Message forum for Blog City group members to place their entries to blog prompts
#1972533 by Lyn's a Witchy Woman

I think that every person has the potential to be a monster under certain circumstances and from certain perspectives. Everything is about perspective. From one perspective, a person can be a good, upstanding citizen. That same person from a different perspective can be a complete waste of space.

This is my rule of thumb: If acquaintances think more highly of you than the people close to you, you have an issue. I gathered this from seeing the way my father interacted with neighbors, co-workers, and long-distance relatives VS. the way he interacted with his own family. I think it's safe to say that your family should put you on a higher pedestal than the neighbor you talk to once every two months, right?

People generally get confused about good and evil though. One of my favorite Bret Easton Ellis quotes comes to mind:

"Is even something you are? Or is it something you do?

People can do evil things and not be an evil person, in my opinion. Things are often more complex than they seem at surface level. It's easy to not like someone or see them acting for a brief period of time and say, "Yeah, that person is a monster." But are they really? Were they evil before and after they did that action, or did they just do something evil in that moment?

Now, none of this is to discount the bad things that people do, I just think that there is a little bit of wiggle room between being a monster and not being a monster. I think that anyone can be a monster in someone's eyes while simultaneously being a saint in another person's eyes.

I think this because I've seen it firsthand.

I know I didn't properly answer all of that, but I'm going to leave it there for now.

Prompt: What's not worth the price you paid for it?


Because real life isn't always roses and sunshine...
#2094931 by Elisa: Middle Aged Stik

And while I'm here, why not rant a little? I could rant here for days about the price of college textbooks. "Oh, we're forcing you to take this science class for your degree? Awesome! That'll be $250 just for the textbook, and yes, you need a brand new one because there's a secret code in there that allows you to do homework!" College textbooks are a fucking scam.

But that's too easy.

So, what isn't worth the price you pay for it? Trying to make someone understand something they don't care about.

This applies to so many things and it really isn't worth the time, effort, or emotional drain. Everything from something educational to a personal issue, it's not worth trying to get someone to understand if they don't give a fuck in the first place.

I run into this all the time while doing math. Someone will ask for my help with a problem, but they aren't really trying to understand how to do the problem. They just want the final answer and enough steps to make it look like they understand it. Once I start trying to explain what's going on with the problem, they get this glazed over look like, "Dude, shut up, I don't care about all this." Prime example of someone you shouldn't waste time explaining something to.

In personal relationships, it's impossible to force someone to care, and if they don't care, it's impossible to make them understand your perspective. Arguing about it is a waste of your time and their time. I think one of my biggest downfalls is not being able to walk away from someone who isn't good for me. I'm forever convincing myself that the problems in the relationship are my fault or that I can somehow salvage what's left of the friendship.

I wish more people (including myself) were accepting of the fact that something can just be total shit and it can be neither person's fault. You might just have clashing personalities. You might want different things out of the relationship. You don't really need to fight constantly trying to make something work that was never meant to in the first place. Sometimes the cost-benefit analysis just isn't in your favor.

Total waste of time and definitely not worth its weight in gold.

Tired connect I give my sleep and every word of mine.
I blame this building, you just bring me back here every time.
September 1, 2016 at 1:08pm
September 1, 2016 at 1:08pm
Artist: ∆
Song: Breezeblocks
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Prompt: Choose one of the wastes of space in your life and tell us why they piss you off so much.


Because real life isn't always roses and sunshine...
#2094931 by Elisa: Middle Aged Stik

Well, this prompt I can understand. No weird cursing that Elle - on hiatus made up and then forced Kit and Andy~hating university to go along with. *Smirk*

I'm such a good boy, I don't think I would ever call someone in my life a waste of space. I know, not very fun of me, right? I mean, people fuck me off sometimes, but a waste of space would have no redeeming qualities. I can almost always find something positive in someone, even if I have to make it up in my head. "Ah, Johnny's not that bad. He did rescue those dogs during the flood." He did? When? "Shut the fuck up, I'm trying to redeem him!"

I think anyone who knows me can vouch for the fact that I have super mercurial relationships. I am extremely up and down in all of my relationships. I have a super black & white way of thinking, so I can think someone is completely horrible and then half an hour later, I think they're a god. The reason I'm saying this is because if someone had fucked me off just now, I would totally think they were a complete waste of space. But by the time I wrote up the rant, I would have swung to the other side and I'd feel horrible about what I'd written, so I'd delete the whole thing and not post it anyway.

Fuck, I'm totally sucking the life out of this prompt, aren't I?

OH SHIT. Wait, I have one.

I can't stand my brother's girlfriend. In my eyes, she literally has no redeeming qualities. There is nothing about her that isn't negative. To name a few things: She sues everyone for minor things (I think she had like 8 lawsuits open at one point), she's abusive to children and animals, and every conversation with her revolves around how awesome she is.

So, let's take these one at a time:

1. She sues everyone.
She sued two people in her own subdivision. One because their dog jumped on her leg and she had a slight red scratch. It didn't even bleed and you couldn't see the scratch in the picture because it was so light. When she showed me the picture, I laughed so hard I thought she might sue me for causing mental distress. She sued the other because she tripped on something when she stepped into their yard. She gets in car accidents all the time. Extremely minor fender benders, and then she sues because her back hurts. It's absurd. I won't even let her come to my house because I'm afraid she'll run into a wall and sue me.

2. She's abusive to children and animals.
People love control. They need it. When people don't have control over their lives, they try to exercise control over things that are weaker than them. My brother's girlfriend totally does this to animals and young children. She had two dogs that she kept locked up all the time. I mean, like almost 24/7, in cages. She eventually gave them away, which was good, but it made me furious that she kept them locked up like that. With my niece (who isn't her kid), she tries to control everything. She won't let my niece drink anything except water and won't let her have anything 'sweet' even though she herself stuffs her face with candy all day long. If you have to get your power from controlling something or someone who can't defend it/their self, you're a fucking waste of space.

3. She only talks about how awesome she is.
I'm all for self-confidence, but when every conversation you have wraps back around to how amazing you are, you have a fucking problem. Here is a typical conversation at family events.

Ma: Charlie, how is school going?

Me: It's going okay. I spend most of my time doing calc.

Brother's GF: I'm working on my MBA. You think calculus is hard? Try working full time and getting your Master's.

Which is funny, considering the fact that my brother had to do College Algebra for her after she failed it 3 times. She couldn't pass a calculus course to save her life.

It isn't just with me either. She does this with everyone.

Other Brother: Hey, Charlie, did I tell you I got a promotion at work?

Me: What? No, that's aweso-

Brother's GF: I just got a new job managing this entire company in our state. I suppose I'll have to go to a lot of events after my training across the country. Ah, the life of a hardworking woman.

Bitch, who the fuck asked you? It's great that you're proud of your accomplishments, but let other people share their fucking news without interrupting and one upping them. You're not that important. No one is that important that everything they do is more important than the total combination of everything else every other person does. I can't stand that shit. Like, take a fucking seat.

Damn, I got a pretty good rant out of that. Nice.

Please don't go, I'll eat you whole
I love you so, I love you so, I love you so
August 31, 2016 at 8:27pm
August 31, 2016 at 8:27pm
Artist: The Offspring
Song: The Kids Aren't Alright
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Prompt: Rant about something that fucked you off Via - "JAFBG

So, it's been a super long time since I've written a "normal" blog entry. I have no idea how this is going to go, but my main goal is to NOT get any comments/emails that say, "What is this about?" Or, "this makes no sense." Straightforward and easy.

The purpose of "JAFBG is to get some more "gritty" prompts for those of us who have trouble either fiction blogging or those of us who just need to vent about real life and not watch our mouths, which is funny, because I never watch my mouth. GC-rated blog and all. But I'm excited to read OTHER entries where people are being more... realistic? Maybe that's the word I'm going for, maybe it's not.

Let's get started.

When Elle first sent me this as a potential prompt, I was totally confused. I thought it was a combination of two prompts: "Rant about something that fucked you" and "Rant about something that got you off."

I think "fuck you off" isn't a common phrase here. I was like, damn, are we supposed to be pissed about getting laid? *Rolling*

Now I'm pretty sure we're being told to rant about something that pissed us off, so I can always do this. I started school last week, so there have been plenty of things that have "fucked me off" since then.

The thing that has pissed me off the most since school started is the fucking violence around my campus. It's absurd. I know I live in a major city with a lot of crime, but it's complete shit to have to worry about getting robbed or drive-by shot. I'm not even kidding.

Here's what happens- Some shit goes down somewhere on campus and we all get these annoying phone calls and alerts on our phones. "There was just a drive-by at such and such bus stop at the intersection of such and such. Stay out of the area and find shelter if you're nearby."

Like, are you fucking kidding me? I'm walking in between classes and having to worry about getting shot? That's complete bullshit to me. There's no one to complain to even. I mean, there were like more than 400 people shot in my city just in August. The city with super strict gun laws and we have more gun violence than any other major city.

You know what fucks me off? Trying to remember trig identities while also trying to watch my back for people who want to randomly rob people on campus just because they can. Fuck us for trying to get an education instead of being criminals like you. Assholes.

Rant over.

Chances thrown
Nothing's free
Longing for what used to be
August 16, 2016 at 6:04pm
August 16, 2016 at 6:04pm
Artist: Wolf Alice
Song: Soapy Water
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In theory, everything seems so simple. I can see the dots connected, can see the end picture. I just can't connect them in practice. I can't connect A to B to C. It all becomes disjointed along the way, sticking out at odd angles that would make you turn your head, look down.

The people around me prove the simplicity, standing on the bases to demonstrate. "This is A. This is B. This is C. This is simple." I've tried to follow, but my laces are untied. The air feels like water, walking is a heavy dream.

How frustrating it must be to watch my mind attack itself, to pick up the pieces, rearrange, and pass it back whole. "Let's try again." It must be hard to admit that you're giving up, knowing this is a stuttering reception. This is all just white noise.

There is an unseen leak. All the duct tape, all the hands on deck, cannot keep the boat from sinking. I can see them shoveling the water out by buckets, sweat beading on their foreheads, soaking into handkerchiefs they pull from deep pockets. Yes, we're going to need a bigger boat.

There aren't any parts of me left. I saw them get taken away. I gave them away myself in small offerings. I made this for you. I am this for you. Now I can only see the remnants of other people, spreading like roots through my broken blood vessels. My reflection taunts me. What are you doing inside of me? Get out of me. I've tried to find myself tucked away beneath the layers, but it all comes back to: "Tyler's not here. Tyler went away. Tyler's gone."

Mimicking, now that's a novel idea. This foot in front of that one? Are you sure? If it works for you, it must work for me. I've listened to the advice, stubborn as I may be. I've drank enough water to drown the ocean, ran city blocks. I've taken every pill-- bars, blues, kpins. If it's touted as a wonder drug for the needling in my brain, I've ingested it, snorted it. "Just to ease the stress. Just to calm you down." But we don't do that, they tell me. We're strong, in control.

And we're back to square one. The complexity of the unaffected. "No, like this. Stop. Watch me. Do it like this." It's easy. These things mean nothing. They're useful platitudes for when saying something seems necessary, but words evade you. "I know what you mean. My cousin's boyfriend's sister-in-law also had anxiety one time before taking the bar exam and she didn't sleep for, like, a whole two days." Wild.

The sad thing is the logic behind it. People forget that their are humans under the panic, under the thick scent of you caught me; I'll just lay down and die. Not just humans, but functioning ones, with racing minds and shaking hands. It's too easy to dismiss with a quick glance evaluation. "Ah, yes. That's not as good as it should be. That should be better than it is." But we aren't devoid of rational thinking. We aren't empty shells, exempt from common sense.

We can see the final image. We just can't connect the dots.

Anxiety's grip is always waiting to take me
It sits in my stomach, I fear it's starting to shape me

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