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Rated: GC · Book · Emotional · #2030442
My 2nd blog. My spot for sharing my life, music, and writing with my friends.
Hello, Hello.
Fancy seeing you here.

I'll work on making this nice and pretty later. **Wink*

Check out my old blog:

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1974611 by Not Available.

I also have a poetry blog, for those who dig poetry:

 Invalid Item 
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#2034524 by Not Available.

AND I have a mental health group with a monthly challenge:

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This item number is not valid.
#2146101 by Not Available.

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Lay my hands on Heaven and the sun and the moon and the stars
While the devil wants to fuck me in the back of his car ♡

* I will never make this pretty.
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January 12, 2018 at 12:03am
January 12, 2018 at 12:03am
Artist: Placebo
Song: Pure Morning
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Prompt: On this day in 1998, 19 European nations agreed to prohibit human cloning. What are your thoughts on cloning? Would you consider doing it, if you were guaranteed the results would be used for ethical purposes? Or would you and your clone decide a life of shenanigans was more fun?
30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS  (13+)
WDC's Longest Running Blog Competition - Hiatus
#1786069 by Fivesixer

Um, yeahhh. One of me running around is too much. *Laugh* I'm all for things like stem cell research, but cloning an actual human? Meh. If you're gonna go that far with science, why not build a robot that emulates humans but is better in every possible way? I can't think of an ethical reason to have a clone of another human. There are enough humans to begin with. For what reason could we need more so desperately that we'd have to clone them?

I did have a weird thought this week that's not really relevant at all, but this prompt led me down a thought line that made me remember it. In one of my classes this semester, there are identical twins. The only difference is that one of them dresses up every day. Like, nails done, hair, makeup, dressed in business casual. It probably takes her a fair amount of time to get ready in the morning. And then the other twin clearly doesn't give a fuck about any of that because she wears her hair up like in a knot with hair going in every direction. No makeup, nails not done, AND wears pajamas every day.

Now, I'm not knocking the twin who doesn't do shit because our class is at like 8 in the morning and I definitely put like 0 effort into getting ready. I've noticed them a couple times though and it makes me laugh because they're sitting right next to each other and it's like a live before/after shot of a makeover.

I started thinking... I wonder if the twin that does get ready gets super pissed off ever? Like, "God damn it, Stacy! I spent an hour getting ready and you're showing everyone what I look like when I roll out of bed!" *Rolling* *Rolling*

Soundtracks of Our Lives  (E)
Sharing the music that makes us original...
#2144947 by Lyn's a Witchy Woman

I've totally still been following sequentially it my past couple entries. I'm on 1998 now. I just didn't actually write anything about the songs because I didn't have time. Anyway, I know we have some Placebo fans around here. About 10ish years ago, before I had a bluetooth speaker in my bathroom, I had a stereo on the bathroom counter so I could listen to music while I was taking a shower. I only had a few CDs though because I moved a lot and used an iPod at that point. One of the CDs I did have was this one, Without You I'm Nothing by Placebo.

This song is pure brain poison because it's so fucking catchy that after you've listened to it a bunch of times, you start automatically finishing the phrase: A friend in need's a friend indeed with ... a friend with weed is better. In fact, I constantly forget that the first part is a standalone saying. On a few occasions when I've heard someone say it, I've either finished it with the song lyrics or said something like, "I love Placebo!" The other person is almost always like, "Ha, um, what...?"

Classic case of everyone listens to the same shit as me, right??

A friend in need's a friend indeed
A friend who'll tease is better
January 11, 2018 at 11:33am
January 11, 2018 at 11:33am
Artist: Oasis
Song: Stand By Me
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Prompt: What do you think of crowd-sourcing? Have you done it or contributed to one before? Do you have limits as far as to what you'll contribute to? Think you'd ever run one?

30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS  (13+)
WDC's Longest Running Blog Competition - Hiatus
#1786069 by Fivesixer

Crowdsourcing is another one of those things I swing both ways on. *Wink* I think it has major benefits for inventors and new businesses, but I also think it has its cons. So, as with most things, I'm hanging out on the fence on this one. Crowdsourcing and crowdfunding are different things. Crowdsourcing includes goods and services drawn from a large group of internet-based users. Crowdfunding is strictly financial. Based on the context of the question, I'm going to assume that we're talking about crowdfunding here, so that's what I'm going to talk about.

The good
Crowdfunding is a good way for new businesses to raise capital without giving up equity in their new company. So many people who invent a new product end up having to give up so much of their company just to fund the initial supply run. I mean, bringing a product to market is insanely expensive, even if you have public interest. That's how investors are able to get huge shares in new companies at a bargain.

If a company has a Kickstarter goal of $100,000 and they end up surpassing the goal at $1.5 million, not only do they now have capital to work with, but they can also use this as leverage during negotiations with investors. Not only is their public interest, but there is paying public interest. Looks very good to product investors.

The bad
In most cases, when you contribute to a crowdfunded product, you get something in return. An early release of the product, the chance to give creative input into the product, a service performed by the contributors, or some other exclusivity you wouldn't have otherwise gotten if you didn't contribute. The rewards are usually dependent upon how much you contribute. With the most valuable rewards being reserved for the highest backers.

It all makes sense, right? Unfortunately, crowdfunders sometimes do not follow through with these promises. Many crowdfunded projects have crashed and burned   without any recourse for the funders. They end up never getting the reward from the project, and sometimes, the product never even hits the market. So... where did your money go?

Good question. Often when products ARE delivered, they're far different than what was initially advertised by the campaigners. There's absolutely nothing you can do about it. You donated your money.

The ugly
The ugly truth is that a LOT of things that should never be crowdfunded are. "Judy needs a knee replacement." "Bobby needs money for textbooks." "Kim and Ken want a honeymoon!" "Jennifer wants a tit job."

Like, honestly, if you go to some of these crowdfunding sites, you'll see the stupidest shit. The last two examples are things that don't deserve financial backing. The first two are evidence of a shitty country where healthcare and education are literally unaffordable so the citizens have to turn to the general public and beg for help.

These things should never be crowdfunded. Not saying that Judy doesn't deserve her knee replacement surgery, but Judy should have affordable healthcare in the first place. It's fucking ridiculous and we should be putting nonstop pressure on our government to straighten it out.

So, would I?
I look at crowdfunding the way I look at loaning money to a friend. You should only contribute if you're okay with never seeing a return on that money. I don't 'loan' money to people I know. I will give them a hundred bucks for their electricity bill, but I don't want the awkwardness of trying to get the money back. Crowdfunding works the same way. Don't expect to get the reward for contributing. And if you DO get the reward, expect it to be a minimally viable product.

So what's the matter with you?
Sing me something new
January 10, 2018 at 9:33pm
January 10, 2018 at 9:33pm
Artist: Bush
Song: Swallowed
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Prompt: There comes a time when every life goes off-course. In this desperate moment, you must choose your direction. Will you fight to stay on path? Will others tell you who you are? Or will you label yourself? Will you be haunted by your choice?

30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS  (13+)
WDC's Longest Running Blog Competition - Hiatus
#1786069 by Fivesixer

Okay, I had a 12+ hour day on campus today, but I do want to write something for this prompt, if only not to ruin my blogging streak. Plus, it's a great prompt. Thanks, past competitor!

In the past couple years, I've come to a realization and I've since been working toward accepting that realization. I'd say I've had mild to moderate success, depending on my mood and the day. When I started university, I was 23. A lot of people my age already had bachelor's degrees by that point. Some were in grad school. Most of my classmates were at minimum 3 years younger than me.

Was that in itself an issue? No. What was an issue, however, was the fact that I was nothing like the people in my classes. I know everyone feels like they don't fit in, but I really didn't. I'd been suffering with substance abuse issues for about a decade. I had dropped out of high school and hadn't been getting any formal education in nearly 8 years at that point. I had moved all over the country trying to find some semblance of stability.

I was NOT your average, fresh out of high school 18-year-old college student, and this bothered me immensely. When I heard people talking about their stellar high school education fast track, I got angry. When people told me they were living with their parents while they were in college, I got angry. Even when people talked about their scholarships and dorm room accommodations, I got angry.

For the longest time, I could not figure out why these conversations infuriated me so deeply. Of course, I was polite as fuck to all of these people, but inside, I was hurting. Then one day, it struck me. I was ENVIOUS. *Envy*

I was coveting the support system they had, the good schools they went to, the money their parents still gave them for things like food and books. I'll be honest here, I was pitying the fuck out of myself. I was doing this because I'd been kicked out of my parents house while underage and had no opportunity to have the lives that these people so carelessly had. I spent the first year and a half of university secretly rolling my eyes and envying these people.

I did this because I am a jaded person.

It wasn't fair.

The only thing I wanted in life was to be normal. First therapy appointment as a kid, "What do you hope to gain from therapy, Charlie?"
Me: I want to be normal.

To me, my peers represented something I could have been. Yes, everyone has struggles, but your parents buying you the wrong color iPhone case when you're 19 years old is not a legit struggle. And yes, I witnessed a classmate nearly in tears over this dilemma. Still, I wanted that to be the problem that I had to fret over.

During this time of envy and angry though, I began to realize something. I was spending time devaluing my own potential. No, I will never be the fast track, prep school, 22 year old in grad school. No, I will not be the person who graduated debt free because their parents paid for their living expenses all through school and they got in on scholarship at 17. But I am moving forward in some way. I am becoming something more than I could have become given my situation.

The prompt sparked this because what I'm learning is that there are no linear paths in life. I'm not off course. At no point did I deviate from the path. This has been, is, and always be MY path.

Sick head
Blackened lungs
And I'm a simple selfish son
January 9, 2018 at 12:04am
January 9, 2018 at 12:04am
Artist: Radiohead
Song: My Iron Lung
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Prompt: In Sally 's entry yesterday "Invalid Entry, her use of the term "writing kit" had me intrigued. Do you have a physical set of tools you rely on (certain pens/pencils, notebooks, etc.)? Different websites you rely on for particulars? Maybe even mood-setting accouterments like music or candles? What's your scene?

30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS  (13+)
WDC's Longest Running Blog Competition - Hiatus
#1786069 by Fivesixer

Honestly, I don't. *Laugh* Like, I wish I could say that I, like, put on my writing hat and light candles in my special writing room while it lightly snows outside of my picture window. It's all romantic and shit... But, nah.

When I was younger, I bounced around a lot and I got used to writing wherever, whenever. I can write on a napkin at a shitty diner at 2 in the morning. I can write on my laptop while I'm in the middle of a lecture. I can write on my phone when I'm in bed and can't sleep. Well, hold up, I guess I should say when I'm actually able to write, I can write anywhere. Academic writing stifles my creative writing A LOT. If I am at a point where I can write creatively though, I'm flexible.

I do have pens that I prefer. I don't like gel pens at all because they're not ideal for lefties. I mean, any pen can smear your hand, but gel pens are like fucking made to smear. I tend to like very fine point pens that instantly dry. I also like pens that come in different colors because I color-code my notes in class. I use the Extra Fine Pilot Precise   pens a lot. They're cheap too, so that helps. I'm not super picky. *Laugh*

I will say that I only write when it feels right to me. There is a certain mood that goes along with it 90% of the time. I can force it if I have to, like I did during "Give It 100!. Most of the poems that I still like were written when I was feeling a certain way though.

Soundtracks of Our Lives  (E)
Sharing the music that makes us original...
#2144947 by Lyn's a Witchy Woman

I'm on 1995 now because I kind of skipped yesterday in favor of writing about David Bowie. *Crazy* The Bends is by far my favorite Radiohead album. I heard the songs "High and Dry" and "Fake Plastic Trees" a lot as a kid. My parents had cable stations that just played music 24/7. The alternative rock station played Radiohead constantly. I mean, I would do the same if I were given control. *Laugh*

The Bends is one of the only albums the people I live with can agree on when we get in the car, so it's almost always in the stereo. I love every song on the album, which is actually super rare. Most bands I listen to, I don't listen to their albums straight through. I like a few on each album and throw them together on a playlist. I don't really do that with Radiohead, especially not this album. I just listen to it straight through. *Heart*

We're too young to fall asleep
Too cynical to speak
January 8, 2018 at 12:09am
January 8, 2018 at 12:09am
Artist: David Bowie
Song: Moonage Daydream
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Prompt: Musician David Bowie, born on this day in 1947, once said "All my big mistakes are when I try to second-guess or please an audience. My work is always stronger when I get very selfish about it." How true (or false) is this about your own writing? What's more important: pleasing yourself, or your audience?

30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS  (13+)
WDC's Longest Running Blog Competition - Hiatus
#1786069 by Fivesixer

It's my first day back to school early in the AM, and honestly, I'm exhausted before I've even begun. Just looking at the syllabi for my classes over the weekend drained me. I spent most of Sunday hiding in bed and intermittently sleeping. I've started this obnoxious habit of falling asleep when I'm stressed out. During finals week in December, I regularly passed out in the library even after sleeping a ton at home. At one point, I was definitely sleeping around 10-12 hours a day and studying around the same amount. It physically consumed all of my time.

I'm not ready to do it again so soon. During the semester, I get into what I can only describe as manic phases where everything moves very quickly and I can't get myself to slow down and just breathe. I'll sleep 3 or 4 hours a night and not even feel tired. Even worse, I'll suddenly get all the wind sucked out of my sails and spend days or weeks in bed with absolutely zero motivation to do anything. During those times, I usually sleep on and off all day and do homework in bed between the sleeping.

What is my point? What does this have to do with David Bowie? I have no idea. I guess it's just full disclosure in case I disappear before the month is over. I want to be here. If I'm not, it's because school has set me on fire or stomped me out. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Moving on to the prompt... I love David Bowie. I love everything about him. His style, his music, his ability to stay relevant through decades. He's honestly one of my all-time favorite musicians.

As far as the answer to this prompt goes, this is based completely on personal experience, in my opinion. Writing is sort of similar to the way I think of religion. Everyone has their own beliefs and they incorporate those beliefs into how they practice it.

For me personally, I 100% agree with Bowie's quote. I've always known that editing is my absolute weakest point in writing. It's only recently that I've discovered why that is. My writing hinges on my emotions, which are very unpredictable and inconsistent. When I write something, I'm not writing it logically with planned forethought. I'm writing it because it's heating up my veins and I need to escape it.

When I try to revisit what I've written later, it's impossible for me to get back into the state of mind I was in when I wrote it. If I touch it, I poison it with my current mood. I've actually never had a rewrite go well, and believe me, I've tried. I've taken suggestions from others, read my reviews, I even often agree with the weak spots-- I just can't do it. I think Cinn has edited some things for me that turned out well. But, I swear, if I edit it I'll fucking break it.

I've gotten comfortable with writing for myself. I know that my shit doesn't make sense most of the time. As an outside audience looking in, it's impossible for you to understand the subject matter unless you already have prior knowledge of what I'm writing about. I don't often give that away in my writing. It's a protective shell for me to hide behind, and I wouldn't write shit like "Invalid Entry without it.

So yeah, I agree with the quote. I'm a selfish writer. The audience doesn't even cross my mind. People often tell me, "I don't get it." I know you don't, and it's not because you have any inadequacies as a reader, it's because I do as a writer. I appreciate you reading anyway. *Heart*

Don't fake it, baby
Lay the real thing on me
January 7, 2018 at 12:05am
January 7, 2018 at 12:05am
Artist: TLC
Song: Waterfalls
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Prompt: Ok, I know some of you don't like this day...and some of you don't care about sports. Sorry then that you're stuck with me *Laugh*...but hear me out, cuz we all want good news.

Buffalonians have donated over 300k to Cincinnati charities this week, and sent a truck including 1,440 chicken wings to the area as a thank you. For a fanbase that's known primarily for drunken exploits before games and throwing themselves through flaming tables, what do you make of this example of sportsmanship?


30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS  (13+)
WDC's Longest Running Blog Competition - Hiatus
#1786069 by Fivesixer

My exact reaction to this prompt: Ugh, Sunday news day. UGH, sports. *Rolling*

I watched some sports growing up, only because I lived in a house full of guys. After church on Sundays, my ma would always do the weekly grocery shopping. Not ashamed to admit that on several occasions I elected to help make the grocery list and walk alongside her in the store crossing things off while my dad and brothers watched football.

As I got older, it was just known that I did not give a fuck about the game and I'd be hanging with my ma and grandma doing whatever they were doing that day. This was all before I was a teenager, obviously. My dad did push me to play sports and even do things like hunt/fish. All attempts at the latter had hilarious outcomes, naturally.

I've become less of a sports watcher since I've been out on my own. I don't think I've watched a full game of any sport in the past 10 years. I am happy for the Bills though, and their fans. I actually thought of Fivesixer when I saw a headline about this very topic. I thought he would be happy about it, and that made me happy.

I think more sports people (players and fans) should show good sportsmanship. I know it's tough when you have everyone watching you and people from both sides talking shit. Pride is a difficult thing to overcome. I think it's super cool that they're donating to charity. Charities always need more donations, so that's a mature move on their side. I'd hope they're not just being good sports now that they've won something, but even if that were the case, charities are still getting donations so I can't complain there.

It's like winning with grace. Something people do as they grow up.

Soundtracks of Our Lives  (E)
Sharing the music that makes us original...
#2144947 by Lyn's a Witchy Woman

Yes, I am pulling out the TLC for 1994. So, in 1994 I turned 3. My ma was in school, my dad worked like 80 hours a week, and my brothers were in school all day. In the morning, my brothers would go to school and then my ma would drive me to this little preschool headstart daycare place. Among other songs of the era, "Waterfalls" is one of the first songs I actually remember hearing. My ma was obsessed with this kind of music. I think "Push It" by Salt-N-Pepa is the first song I remember, with "Waterfalls" as a close second.

One day when I was a bit older, 9 or so, my ma and I were stopped in a drive-thru waiting for our food and this song came on the radio. It was the middle of summer and ridiculously hot out. When I heard this song, I got super nauseous. It was like I lost my equilibrium even though I was sitting down. At first I thought it was because it was so hot out, but then once the chorus hit, I knew it was the song. I said something to my ma about how she listened to it like every single morning when I was in preschool and she said she was surprised I remember that.

Since then, it's become a routine thing for me to get sick while my brain tries to recall a memory. If I smell a scent that reminds me of childhood, I'll lose my balance while my brain tries to recall what the scent is reminding me of. I kind of think of it as my brain sucking at multitasking. Like, "Whoa, dude, slow down! I can't possibly recall a memory AND maintain equilibrium at the same time!" *Laugh*

So yeah, this song is silly af, but it's also connected to one of my first real memories. *Heart*

Don't go chasing waterfalls
Please stick to the rivers and the lakes that you're used to

January 6, 2018 at 11:38am
January 6, 2018 at 11:38am
Artist: Primus
Song: My Name Is Mud
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Prompt: Good news! Your blog is being turned into a novel! But the publisher chose this as the cover picture, and it's in your promotional contract so you can't pick another:

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Your job today is defending this decision by giving your potential readers the story behind it.


30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS  (13+)
WDC's Longest Running Blog Competition - Hiatus
#1786069 by Fivesixer

Are you kidding? I love this image! It's like Incesticide   with a dose of pretty pretty princess. If I saw this at a bookstore, there would be no explanation necessary. In fact, I'd probably just pick it up for the cover alone.

Buuuut, I know the "rules" of Creation Saturday, and you all know I am NOT one to break the rules. I need to say something semi-creative, so here's my pitch:

"Ladies, gentlemen, and those not defined by the social construct of gender, I've asked you here today in front of the Lord and this rotten head of lettuce to discuss my new book, Skeleterrestrial. Now, I know the cover has stirred up quite a bit of controversy, though I have no idea why. Perhaps you have no lives and seek to create controversy out of nothing. Perhaps I should stop being an ungrateful bastard and appreciate that my book is being discussed at all.

Skeleterrestrial follows the story of Adrian Hepburn, a man on the verge of losing everything. Adrian wakes on a Sunday morning, or afternoon really, after a heavy night of drinking to find that his daughter's 5th birthday party is nearly half over. His estranged wife, who refuses to speak to him because he dresses only in a tutu with butterfly wings, doesn't pick up the phone when he calls to explain that he has once again broken a promise to their child.

In haste, he runs to his car and begins speeding down the road. Minutes later, Adrian realizes that he should pay better attention to the weather reports. Long story short, his car gets swept up by a tornado and deposited on Mars. Adrian, the only inhabitant of Mars, spends his days frolicking about in his tutu with no one to condemn his fashion choices.

Life is great!

Unfortunately, Adrian soon discovers that while his spirit has survived the trauma, his body has not. The rest of the novel is about the slow deterioration of Adrian's physical self while his mental functioning remains intact. Shit gets philosophical real quick. Skeleterrestrial will have you questioning your definition of self and the very concept of being.

And yes, this is an autobiographical novel."

Soundtracks of Our Lives  (E)
Sharing the music that makes us original...
#2144947 by Lyn's a Witchy Woman

Segueing into Soundtrackers, Primus is the only band weird enough to do the soundtrack for the inevitable movie that will be inspired by Skeleterrestrial. I'm on 1993 now, and yeah, I know I'm not doing Soundtrack of Our Lives "correctly" because I definitely didn't listen to this song when I was 1 or 2 years old. *Rolling*

That being said, I 100% credit Les Claypool with my interest in playing bass. If you listen to the first 10 seconds of this song, you'll understand why. I don't play anymore because I sold my bass for textbooks a few semesters ago, but someday I'll have the time and money to pick it back up. When people say that bass is boring or easy, I just point them in the direction of Primus.

We had our words, a common spat
So I kissed him upside the cranium with an aluminum baseball bat

January 5, 2018 at 11:17am
January 5, 2018 at 11:17am
Artist: Ride
Song: Not Fazed
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Prompt: So, I can't choose which "fun fact" to use today...but here's where I usually get them from: Pick one   and tell us how it relates to you, how it makes you feel, how it punches you in the gut, or just stirs up whatever it is inside you that makes you wanna write something.


30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS  (13+)
WDC's Longest Running Blog Competition - Hiatus
#1786069 by Fivesixer

Well, hell's bells, Fivesixer. I just CANNOT decide if I want to write about Reagan's prostate surgery or Snoopy walking on two legs. This is a real Sophie's choice.

All jokes aside (*Pthb*), I'm gonna write about this one sorta: 1993 - The state of Washington executed Westley Allan Dodd. It was America's first legal hanging since 1965. Dodd was an admitted child sex killer.

You know those interests that are cool as long as you're not too interested in them? Well, true crimes are one of those things. Sort of like it's not weird to have a few elephant trinkets in your house, but it's super fucking weird to have 500 elephant trinkets, 25 elephant blankets, elephant throw pillows on every couch, elephant drapes, and so on...

Well, my aunt is really really into serial killers and true crime shit. I used to travel out and stay with my aunt over the summer because I have cousins who are around my age. She would always either be watching true crime documentaries or reading true crime books. Nothing wrong with that.

Buuuut, showing a 6 year old graphic police photos from true crme scenes is not ideal. I mean, everything was about serial killers. She had a huge crush on Ted Bundy because he's obviously the hottest serial killer. Sorry, I get it. A lot of people are into this shit, but it's just bizarre to me. I'm not one to judge other people's kinks, but I typically enjoy surviving my sexual encounters.

I remember specifically one book she had that was just called Death Scenes   and it had tons of pictures of dead babies, suicide victims, et cetera. The only redeeming factor was that it was all in black and white so my developing brain didn't have to see the gore in all its colored glory.

This is only tangentially related to the Westley Allan Dodd "fun" fact. It's just that when I hear about serial killers and that sort of thing now, I get flashbacks to mutilated babies and all. *Rolleyes*

Which is precisely why I've chosen this song and these lyrics for my 1992 "Soundtracks of Our Lives song. I was an extremely stubborn kid, absolutely convinced that no one could do anything to me if I didn't let them. Not that they couldn't physically do things to me, but they mentally couldn't touch me unless I allowed them to.

And you know what? It kind worked.

For a while, that is. I self-medicated as soon as I could and things were good. Something bad would happen, I'd get fucked up and I'd forget about it. Not fazed. To me, getting fazed meant I'd lost. I wouldn't allow myself to do it. Only recently since I hit my mid-twenties have I realized that you can't fucking do that. *Laugh* You can't just say that something doesn't faze you and have that as a long-term solution to all of your problems.

I'm definitely paying the price now for having poor coping skills. *Heart*

I won't be a monkey in anyone's zoo,
And I won't get fazed whatever you do
January 4, 2018 at 11:39am
January 4, 2018 at 11:39am
Artist: Nirvana
Song: Drain You
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Prompt: "If I ruled the world, I'd __________..." Fill in the blank with some whats and whys.


30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS  (13+)
WDC's Longest Running Blog Competition - Hiatus
#1786069 by Fivesixer

Good lord. I don't want to see a world ruled by me. I looked at the classes I'm starting on Monday and got dizzy, so that should be a good indicator of the level of stress I can handle at one time. *Rolleyes* So, I mean, you REALLY wanna know what the fuck would go down if I ruled the world?

"If I ruled the world, I'd...

*Bullet* have daily nervous breakdowns."
I mean, I damn near do this anyway so it's not much of a stretch. I get tightly wound when I have to work and go to school on the same day, so I can't even imagine what I'd do under the pressure of ruling the world. Can you imagine how much shit you'd get blamed for? "Ugh, this movie sucks. THANKS A LOT, CHARLIE!!!"

*Bullet* hire faithful minions to do my bidding."
Because I'd be busy hyperventilating in a bathroom somewhere, I'd need a loyal group of people to do all the important shit for me. Don't worry, I'd hire really good people. Tremendous people. The best people with yuge skillsets.

*Bullet* spend a shit ton of money on pens and paper."
Actually, no. Instead of buying pens and stationery, I would actually create a factory and hire people to work around the clock making me pens and stationery. I rule the world so, why the fuck not?

*Bullet* move every few months."
I actually love moving. I just hate the process of moving. In an effort to escape my personal demons, I would require a moving crew to pack, move, and unpack my material possessions every 90 days. This would be done while I was sleeping in a lavish hotel so that I wouldn't be disturbed. All the planning for this would be handled by someone who is also not me.

*Bullet* randomly dress as a sadface clown."
This would be done without comment or explanation because it would be both perplexing and also scary to those who are afraid of clowns. Having people afraid of me would build street cred.

*Bullet* outlaw microfiber cleaning cloths."
I just personally can't handle the texture of the fabric, so no one gets to have it. Sorry.

*Bullet* require mandatory 4 day work weeks."
Monday to Friday is too much. I think Monday through Thursday would suffice. Also, any company that broke this rule would get arsoned because I'm a fair, rational ruler.

*Bullet* only give speeches while plastered."
I'm not good at public speaking anyway, so I might as well. It would also be a goal of mine to normalize day drinking, and it would probably make for some wild-ass speeches. And, yes, this would make the days I'm dressed as a sadface clown even creepier.

*Bullet* consult a magical oracle before making decisions."
This process would include disappearing for days or weeks at a time after which I would emerge 'enlightened' and proceed to condescend everyone around me who couldn't possible understand my level of insight. Because of the mythical nature and required time involved, everyone would just go along with my decisions without question.

*Bullet* criminalize vaping."
I don't care that it's not real smoke. I don't care that it smells like blueberries or vanilla. All it does is remind me that we're breathing the same air and I do not like that.

*Bullet* make Norb's lettuce president."
Garlic croutons would be VP, naturally. There would not be a vote held on this matter. It would just be known and there would be no term limits either. MACA.

Soundtracks of Our Lives  (E)
Sharing the music that makes us original...
#2144947 by Lyn's a Witchy Woman

Sooo, this is a thing now (again)! Beth is so very missed by everyone. Soundtrackers was the first site challenge I did two weeks after joining WDC back in 2014. I met most of my OG blogging buddies through it, so I'll be forever grateful to Beth and anything Soundtrackers-related for that reason.

I also sort of missed Day 1 of this, but in my defense, I'd already written my blog entry for the day when Lyn's a Witchy Woman announced it. I always include a song in my blogs anyway. I just never stopped doing it after Soundtrackers ended, probably because I was new and didn't realize we were done. *Rolling* It'll work anyway because I'm just going to do my own thing. *squirms* Don't touch me!

I'm going to do one song for every year since I was born (1991) and that should just about finish me out for the month. If I'm even able to make it through the month, that is. *Wink*

For 1991, the most logical band pick is Nirvana. Their album, Nevermind, came out in September of that year. It's hard for me to say when exactly I started listening to Nirvana because I really don't remember a time before I listened to them. I think everyone knows the wildly famous "Smells Like Teen Spirit" from that album. My favorite song from the album has always been "Drain You". It's just, like, the perfect description of codependent, toxic bullshit relationships.

This song has almost become an inside joke between me and some of the people I'm close to because we say the line below all the time in every day situations. Like:

Someone: So, I was thinking and...

Interrupted by the standard response: *Down* *Down*

I don't care what you think
Unless it is about me
January 3, 2018 at 11:57am
January 3, 2018 at 11:57am
Artist: Soul Coughing
Song: Soft Serve
[Embed For Use By Upgraded+]

Prompt: What do you think are three things we're going to be hearing about a lot more as 2018 rolls on?


30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS  (13+)
WDC's Longest Running Blog Competition - Hiatus
#1786069 by Fivesixer

1. Trump and his "big" things.
You know it. I know it. Everybody knows it. We're gonna be hearing about this stupid shit this guy tweets until we all want to bludgeon ourselves. I mean, I sort of do already, to be perfectly honest. If this isn't on everyone's list, I will throw myself into Lake Michigan. That's how confident I am.

At least once a week, someone I know is like, "Yo, Charlie, did you see what Trump said?" And I'm like, yeah, because that shit is physically unavoidable. If I hadn't heard it by now, you'd be telling me working the next 12 seconds. So yeah, we've all heard it all. And we're all gonna continue hearing it all. All the way through 2018, 2019, 2020. And with midterm elections in 2018, you can expect the republican/democrat divide to be even stronger.

Expect to hear about Trump and North Korea. Trump and his big hands. Trump and his big buttons. Trump golfing. Trump firing people Apprentice freestyle. Trump talking shit on Twitter. Other people shit talking Trump on Twitter. Trump and collusion. Trump and global warming. Trump and wild misunderstandings of basic economic principles. Trump and tax reform. Trump and healthcare reform.

Can you tell how fucking sick I am of hearing about this dude? I swear to fucking god, if I wasn't already crazy, this shit would push me over the edge. "Oh, but I like Trump because he speaks his mind!!" Cool. I also have no self control. Wanna blow me?

2. All the things that Millennials are ruining.
First of all, I fucking hate the word Millennials. People call everyone born from 1981 until, like, yesterday Millennials. There is a new generation called Generation Z that everyone is just completely ignoring. The 15 year old working at McDonald's is not a Millennial ruining your day because they forgot pickles on your burger. And even if they were, shut the front door. It's just food.

Millennials are notoriously blamed for all things bad in modern society. “Millennials aren’t having as many children as previous generations. Those selfish bastards!" Yeah, we aren't having kids because we can't fucking afford them in the economy you built for us and we're trying to be responsible. Oh yeah, Millennials also killed dating, marriage, and a plethora of other things.   Expect the rampage to continue well into 2018.

3. Violence, assault, terrorism, war, oh my!
I mean, isn't this a given every year? In 2018, we're going to hear a lot more about sexual assault committed my famous or otherwise powerful people. I think we'll see a snowball effect in the corporate world (hopefully) where corporate big wigs will be ousted for similar behavior. I also think we'll have at least one person wrongfully accused and they'll somehow have proof enough to 'get off' in the public eye. In turn, every fucking accusation from the past year or so will be scrutinized even harder. And hopefully, we'll get more men coming out about sexual assault and they'll totally be taken seriously instead of ridiculed into oblivion.

On top of that, there will be a lot more shootings. 45% of people will blame gun control. 45% will blame mental illness. 10% will form a reasonable, well-thought-out argument that falls in some kind of middle ground. Nothing will change either way. I think the term 'domestic terrorism' will become more widely accepted when referring to such incidents. The police will cold-blooded murder a bunch of people, probably. Again, no one will do anything about it and their punishment will be paid vacation.

Massive atrocities like widespread slavery, genocide, and concentration camps will continue across the world and no one will care because it's too far from their doorstep to affect their daily lives. Plus, it's easier to talk about item 1 on this list than things that actually matter, so, ya know, whatever.

We'll definitely hear the word war way more often in 2018 than we did in 2017. If we don't actually go to war with a country, we'll sure as fuck hear about the threat of it on a near daily basis for the next 12 months. I predict a lot of maps showing projection paths from North Korea toward the United States and also scary music to accompany it, naturally.

So, yeah, basically the same bullshit from 2017 amplified as we steamroll into 2018?

Nothing to do but scratch words in the dirt and
watch the water roll down

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