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by Autumn
Rated: E · Book · Personal · #2073612
Bits and pieces
         As I do not have internet at home, I only get to write in snippets; in between work tasks; as I sit at my shift from 15:30 to 04:00. I live a bit out of the way, and they want too much for the hook up. Perhaps, in time, I will put out the expense, but not at this moment. So....if anyone goes to read any of my work...especially my "Novella"....please understand that one chapter is not complete until you see an entry for the beginning of the next. If you begin to read a chapter, and there is no further entry below it, it is still a work in progress. That is, until the final chapter, of course. That entry will be finished when I add the word final to the entry title. I hope someone gets interested in my musings at some point.
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March 20, 2016 at 4:12am
March 20, 2016 at 4:12am
         It is time to do it. Time to take the next step. Time to stop procrastinating. Time to move forward. Time to remove the mirror from in front of me, because there is nothing behind worth wasting any more of my time.

It is time.
March 14, 2016 at 4:18am
March 14, 2016 at 4:18am
         I just love when I get home to find a mess; one that I asked to have cleaned up before I got off of work; after a 12 hour shift. It floods me with so much angry energy, there's just no way I can go to sleep. So...after working 12 hours, driving home in the rain, and fighting the dogs to get in the house, I spent a wonderful 2 hours cleaning the kitchen. The joys of living with lazy people that don't know how to clean up after their selves.
         Five hours of sleep later, up for work, and on my way to falling into a coma when I get home this morning. Eleven hours into my shift, 2 more to go. This is my long night.
         Thank God it's not raining today.
March 13, 2016 at 3:51am
March 13, 2016 at 3:51am
         Have you ever had a day where you're easily irritated?

                   A day where every little thing, even the most miniscule of pet peeves, are impossible to brush off?

         That has been my day, today. A lot of screaming, and yelling, has been curbed.
March 6, 2016 at 4:39pm
March 6, 2016 at 4:39pm
         It was my belief, when I joined this sight, that the purpose of having this venue was to develop writing techniques and styles. In this belief, I remain true to the ideals of proper written articulation in my reviews. I may share an opinion, sympathy, a feeling of connection, and/or feeling of revulsion (depending on the case) on the subject matter, but my star rating has to do with the mechanics of the piece. This does NOT mean that I am cold. Neither does it indicate that I am failing to empathize with what the writer is going through. It is, simply, a review of the writing style. I apologize if this offends some of you, but it is how this works. So...for future reference...if you have a bleeding heart, and can't stand to give a poor rating on someone's writing simply because they're having a hard time, don't criticize me for being able to do what you cannot.
March 5, 2016 at 6:05pm
March 5, 2016 at 6:05pm
         Although I know I'm good at what I do, and I am able to cover every aspect of the job, it is a pain in the ass when those abilities prevent me from having any time off. I enjoy being able to pick up the slack, when needed, but I do need a bit of sleep once in awhile.
March 3, 2016 at 2:20am
March 3, 2016 at 2:20am
         There comes a time, when you spend time around the people you like and care about, and whom you believe like and care about you, that you realize they really don't give a damn. Certain mannerisms, quiet gaps, and looks in their eyes, tell you more than you ever thought possible. You were just too blind to see these things before. And, when you make this realization, it is painful to digest.

Sometimes, ignorance can be bliss.
March 2, 2016 at 6:25pm
March 2, 2016 at 6:25pm

Our little world is falling apart, around our ears, here at work

One friend lost his second mother to Cancer
Another lost his son to Heroin
A third is on the verge of losing her mother to Cancer, and has been dealing with the final stages for quite a while

Lord, please help them through their time of pain and loss. Touch their hearts, lift them up, and give them strength to see them through. They need You and Your love. They need you to help carry the burdens they can't lift on their own.

In Jesus' name, Lord,
February 29, 2016 at 10:08pm
February 29, 2016 at 10:08pm
I walk, and I walk, and I bounce in my seat. My body is never at full rest, and my mind never stops. I watch my calories. I flood my body with water. I diet until my body shakes. But....to no avail.
February 29, 2016 at 3:33am
February 29, 2016 at 3:33am
         We strive, every day, to be who we want to be. We try to be things we are not. We try to achieve the expectations of others. We, even, forego our own happiness in the pursuit of becoming what we perceive others want us to be. But, do we ever, truly, know who we are?
         It can be argued, by some, that we are who others see us as. Another opinion is that we become what we need to in order to survive. Yet another point of view would put forth that we are our parents. After all, it is they who raised us. They taught us to believe as they believe, behave as they behave, and toil as they have toiled in order to move forward in life. Therefore, this latter view would seem to be the most on point. Yet, I do not agree.
         In order to live, grow, and advance through life, it is necessary to move beyond the influence of our parents. While most of their ideals, work ethics, and beliefs may stick with us throughout our existence, it does not make us them. Yes, it is true that (especially when raising our own children) we can hear our own parents' words coming out of our mouths at times. It is also true that we will have similar thought patterns and habits. However, there is a part inside each and every one of us that rebels at that idea. We strive to separate our own personalities from those that made us. We strike out, and lash, at the very thought that we could become those tyrants who ruled our formative years. It is this rebellious side that keeps us from becoming carbon copies of those who came before us.
         In our lives, we learn things that are new to our generation. Just as well, our children will learn things that we were not taught as children. Technological advancements, new discoveries, and curiosity combine to keep the generations from stalling and becoming stagnant. The world moves on, and we must learn to move with it. It is these things that keep us growing, keep us searching for who we are, and never allow us to simply settle. These things, just as well, prevent us from having the luxury of time for self-discovery. That is, unless we MAKE the time.

This is not my home.

I am but a simple traveler, on a journey called life, waiting for the day I can return where I belong.

February 27, 2016 at 7:12pm
February 27, 2016 at 7:12pm
         Although life is supposed to be a journey of constant growth and learning, it is wonderful when you reach a point when you can accept who you are and be happy with that person. You can look in the mirror and not try to be better than you are capable of. You are able to accept the blessings that He gave you, and gracious enough to not complain about the ones you wish you had. This is the point in life called maturity, and it is a wonderful place to be.

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