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Explanations and instructions of all things Writing.Com.
#697881 added July 14, 2018 at 9:28pm
Restrictions: None
About Writing.Com
Since we founded this friendly, creative community in September 2000, it has grown to be the largest and leading online writing website today. Each day hundreds of new members join in the fun, and thousands of our current members welcome them with open arms. A large community like Writing.Com offers much more overall diversity in writing topics, styles, member opinions, peer-to-peer reviews, and social interaction than a smaller writing group with only a handful of members. The diversity and inspiration found within our community is astounding, and members continue to surprise us with their creativity every day.

Founders of Writing.Com
We are a husband-and-wife team who, as of 2018, have been developing websites for a combination of more than 45 years. Within the community we are known as "The StoryMaster" and "The StoryMistress". This was a play on "webmaster" and "webmistress" based on the original website name of Stories.Com. We are very private people and have learned that many of our members are the same way. This is why we don't force people to use their real names within the community. We provide pseudonyms known as handles, and allow members to choose whether to use their real names or to keep their anonymity -- whichever best suits their ability to be inspired and use their imaginations.

The ScaryMaster is an entrepreneur and a highly experienced programmer who has developed every single tool within Writing.Com. He also oversees the community, answers support questions and handles the daily duties that any successful business requires. The StoryWitchress is a graphic designer who has created all the Writing.Com imagery. She also helps manage the daily aspects of the community.

Writing.Com Software
All Writing.Com software is proprietary and written in-house by the StoryMaster. This allows every feature to be continually customized as cutting-edge innovations become available. We offer writing portfolios, email, newsfeed, groups, contests, survey forms, madlibs, submission tracking and much more. We take pride in our efforts to encourage readers and writers to exercise their minds online. Writing.Com fuels enthusiasm and ideas by providing an active and imaginative environment. The future of our writers and Writing.Com holds nothing but creativity, inspiration and support.

Recommended Reading

© Copyright 2018 The StoryWitchress (UN: storymistress at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
The StoryWitchress has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
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