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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/228627-part-of-my-curiosity-satisfied
Rated: 18+ · Book · Adult · #619079
my somewhat deviant life, and experiences this is me, take it--or leave it
#228627 added February 20, 2003 at 2:49pm
Restrictions: None
part of my curiosity satisfied
well, I am EXTREMELY hung over--but other than that, where to start talking about last night--hmmmmm... lets see.... last night consisted of a strip show, a bottle of bicardi, and a pg-13 lesbian scene. I guess ill just start at the beginning. Went to Perks house--asked echo to come over since she cant ever come to Gregs and meet Perk. ummm they got there while we were watching Triple X (cool movie by the way)with his roommates. we started fucking around (she played with my hair and shit) just to fuck with BJ cause theres a running joke about us with him. so the movie ends and somewhere during the movie i had joked about stripping--i dont remember why--but i was afraid i was already freaking his roommates out enough. Anyway so the movie ends and echo and i are joking that were going to take her car to her house and leave the guys there. Perk says well you may have the keys but were between you and the door. so echo says that i can strip and distract them so we can get out the door. so, Perk says "nothing could hold my attention that well" well, to me this sounds like a challenge and i was feeling rather wild last night so i say "Oh really?" We start joking about it and i say i might but only if he had a certain song. (i was of course going to pick one i knew he didnt have just so i didnt have to) well echo suggested a song and i knew he didnt have any marilyn manson CD's so i said ok "sweet dreams" remake by MM. Motherfucker had it on a burned CD!!!! so i had to do it. so, gave Perk a table dance--echo and BJ watched. so, where from there--well i took a shot of vodka before stripping just so i would have some sort of excuse LOL--was playfighting with echo. umm somhow we ended up kinda sitting with each other--so i finished the shot or two of vodka that was left (she had smoked some earlier so she was kinda out of it too) she starts putting her arms around me and shit--playing with my stomach a little (she was sitting behind me and i was leaning on her so she could play with my hair)from there it gets a little fuzzier--i know that after that we danced--or tried to anyway HA HA umm... somwhere in all that Perk drug out a bottle of Bicardi--we started drinking shots of it--and sometime after that, we started making out--Perk and Bj are just sittin in their chairs watching and talking. we started touchign a little--above the waist mainly--but mostly what we did was kiss. I think towards the end echo was about to just rip my clothes off and rape me :) but anyway they ended goin home eventually--and i guess i went to bed and passed out. woke up at 8 this morning when the alarm went off kinda of in a time warp--i thought i had just laid down or something--anyway then Perk and i got it on, then he had to bring me home and go to work.

other than that--im tired feel like shit (apparently rum and i dont like each other, cause im never hung over on just vodka). and i think im gonna go now and take a nap
maybe ill write more later.

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