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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/933371-Cardboard-Boxes
by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
#933371 added April 24, 2018 at 8:28pm
Restrictions: None
Cardboard Boxes
Prompt: What do you think of cardboard boxes, their uses, or abuses? And what memories they may contain, if any?


I keep potting soil and peat moss in a large cardboard box which is placed on top of another larger box in the garage, so when I repot a plant I don’t have to bend down and the soil mixtures stay drier.

I love cardboard boxes for temporary storage, too. I keep my physical books on the to-read list in another smaller box. When a book is finished, another takes its place and the already read book goes on to a shelf or is given away. I got into this habit, years ago when we were traveling a lot. I used to leave in hotel and motel desks the books I was done with. I was even part of a group who did such stuff, like leaving books in all kinds of public places. I don’t know what became of that group.

After a friend passed away, a long time ago, some things he had willed to me were handed to me in a cardboard box. Inside it, he had one of my books, something I had translated, from long ago. I kept the box and the mementos together. I also keep the photos I didn’t have time to place in albums in a cardboard box placed in a plastic box. I find a plastic box alone does not keep things intact as much as a cardboard box placed inside a plastic box.

Then, let a child play with a big box, that box will turn into a rocket, or a castle, or a playhouse. In fact, most children end up playing with the box more after they open it up than the toy that came in it.

After all, we are like cardboard boxes, packaging things inside, such as beauty, sadness, fun, anger, joy, cleverness, inventiveness, kindness, etc. Once we dare to open up, we can let the sunshine in or sometimes, even a playful cat.

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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/933371-Cardboard-Boxes