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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/999149-The-Day-Before-Thanksgiving
Rated: E · Book · Sci-fi · #2209065
A blog devoted just to my scriptwriting. That’s all I’m going to blogging about here.
#999149 added November 26, 2020 at 4:20am
Restrictions: None
The Day Before Thanksgiving
The Day Before

Today is Thanksgiving here in the United States. But this blog entry is for yesterday. And unfortunately, I was right about yesterday at work. Well, that isn’t exactly true. True, I was right. But I was wrong too. What does that mean? How can I be both right and wrong?

I figured yesterday was going to be extremely busy. After all, it was the day before Thanksgiving. And the site that I work at wanted to be ready for being off today. Maybe even tomorrow too. But probably not tomorrow. It will be back to normal tomorrow.

It was either going to be extremely busy or it was going to be almost non-existent. That’s why I wrote above that I was right, and I was wrong. Because it could have gone either way. And in a lot of ways, it did do both. What do I mean by that? That’s another very good question.

The first half of my shift was extremely, extremely busy. In fact, it was about twice as busy as it has been at work on a Wednesday since I started working during the weekdays at my old new post. I had a bad feeling it was going to be like that. But I didn’t expect it to be that bad.

My second half of my shift wasn’t quite as bad as the first half. I actually got to sit down more than a few seconds during the second half. Don’t get me wrong. It was very busy in my second half. But it wasn’t anywhere close to being as busy as the first half.

Since today is Thanksgiving, I might be able to get some writing done on my Water Wars scriptwriting project. At least I will if security is the only one there. If it’s not, then I’m hoping that it will be reduced a whole lot. Then again, it could be as bad as it usually is.

I don’t think that it will be too busy today. If it’s even busy at all. And if it isn’t, I should be able to get a lot of writing done on this project. How much writing I will get written? That I don’t know. But I’m hoping that it’s a lot. If I get the chance to do any writing at all.

 Only My Scriptwriting  [E]
A blog devoted just to my scriptwriting. That’s all I’m going to blogging about here.
by PureSciFi

 My Scriptwriting Plus  [E]
This Blog isn't just for my scriptwriting Projects. It's also for my other activities.
by PureSciFi


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