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by Nada
Rated: 18+ · Book · Biographical · #1164809
Nadanother blog...sheesh, I guess I DO blog. Completed.
I've had a rich past, yet am making a new one with plenty of life's experiences to draw from! I invite you to come along and see what trouble I get into. I'll blog about my life, present, past... whatever comes to mind at the time. I'll try not to be too serious most of the time, heck we get enough of that just living.

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Happy New Year!

For the mirroring blog series we do on Saturdays:
I Second That Emotion  [18+]
A place to house the "mirror blog" series. There are 28 entries in two folders.
by Nada

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January 10, 2008 at 2:23pm
January 10, 2008 at 2:23pm

I am coming to you from the bowels of the Panama Canal...yes, again. It’s always fascinating. I do regret that you all can’t see the photos I’ve taken, but maybe later I can put them into an album for you. (It's now Thursday, the 10th, and we are at sea...sorry for the delay.)

Igor continues to be an annoyance, intruding his brand of geographical and otherwise useless information to us. He is, as he told hubby, 32. Obviously he knows much more, than either of us, about life.

Our tablemates are both from California, and interesting conversationalists. One couple is retired diplomats who have traveled extensively, the other a mathematics professor. They have something in common with each other, a love of wine. Hubby and I don’t drink wine, so outside of tasting one of their red wines, we happily are out of the loop there. In fact, last night they went to a dinner designed to pair wines with each course. I believe there is only room for fourteen people, and there is a charge of $180 per person to go.

Hubby and I decided on room service, as we had stuffed ourselves all day...we watched “Spiderman”. Could we be the only ones who thought the special effects were....ummmmm cheesy? I tried to defend the film as being taken from a comic book, but he was right, it sucked....especially when at the ending Igor comes in and starts in with the topics of; Kharma, the girl that got away, and blah-blah-blah. I was reminded that I should be nice to him, because he has access to our room, toothbrush....etc. EEEEEEWWWWWW, who would think this way...or rather why? OMG. I don’t even mention I write a blog, I learned my lesson last cruise.

You find out things when you listen, especially around the pool. Like for instance, there are 400 people onboard who will be taking the World Cruise. Gawd...we’re talking a cruise that takes more than THREE months! The least expensive room is around $65,000, not including drinks, tips or anything else. Ok, so it is your room, meals and transportation...but my gawd....well, I used to think I wanted to do a World Cruise...but I no longer do, at least on this cruiseline. I don’t care for the food here.

Look, I know you think I may be picky, but hey, if I wanted someone to yak incessantly, I could just go home and hear Cesar. Besides, I want to say right now, the other cruiseline had MUCH better food. I also like the fact that there is no assigned seating, no having to choose to eat at either 6:15 or 8:30...I mean gawd, what if you decide to skip lunch one day? You’re freakin starving by the time Igor brings the snacks...trust me, they are not that appealing either. Yesterday we never even took the plastic wrap off of either plate....how long are you expected to stare at an egg salad sammy? How about a melon ball skewed to a dry piece of prociutto ham? Blecht! But I digress.

Anyhow, yesterday I left Hubby up on deck, and I came down for a little nap...which didn’t happen but I did watch “Lawrence Of Arabia” again. About two I decided I was hungry, so I went back up to see if Hubby had eaten....he hadn’t. We went to the smaller pool area, which they keep a ceiling closed on so that it can be air-conditioned, and we took a nice table. One of the waiters said, “Mrs. So-and-So would like to join you for lunch.” Hubby and I looked at each other and shrugged, “She would? Ummm, okay!” So we waited to see who she was.

Ohhhhhhh....one of the World Cruisers, with a walker.

“Hello.” She plops herself down, a couple of waiters bringing her lunch and a diet soda over. “You are the Snows right?”

“Umm...no.” Again Hubby and I look at each other with questions like....who the heck are the Snows?

“Oh. I thought I met you last night.” She says, the diamond on her ring finger was so big it would have trouble hiding behind a twenty-five cent piece. I can see it’s an effort for her to hold up the fork with all that weight. She should clean it. Tsk-tsk. “Well,” she continues, “I’ve been on this ship since November 19th. I can’t remember everyone.” My jaw drops.

She continues to eat her salad, explaining more than we would ever ask....meanwhile our food is nowhere to be seen. It seems we forgot to order. Gawd. So we call our waiter over and order....by the time we get hubby’s pizza and my steak sammy and fries, she’s long finished and she get’s up to leave....but not before she reaches onto my plate and grabs a French fry, shoving it into her mouth as she leaves us. She never even asked me for one, just took it! The nerve.

“Uhhh, bye.” Hubby and I look at each other again....go figure.

It’s no wonder we didn’t come out of our room last night. *Laugh*

I’ll post this when I can get online....grrrrrr.

January 8, 2008 at 1:47pm
January 8, 2008 at 1:47pm
By far, we have a winner.

Cartagena, Columbia...where we are today.
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In my estimation, you can have this ship, it sucks. No, it doesn’t, but I am tired of not having internet. I’ll get it for five minutes, then I get disconnected. We’re in port today, I should have a great connection, but N-OOOOOOOO. I want to use my own dang computer, not have to go to the computer room, where I’ll not have any access to photos or Word. We bought a huge block of minutes, but it cuts you off after about ten....probably won’t be able to use them all at this rate... Oh well, what can I do about it...zip, zero, NADA. *Laugh*

I’ve been able to read about four blogs, this morning early, before I got disconnected. So, if I get another opportunity to logon successfully, I’ll copy and paste this.

It’s so far into the cruise I’ll not bore you with the notes I took for finishing the other blog....because days go by and none of it seems relevant. So, today is where I’ll pick up.

We are at the second dinner seating....at 8:30 pm. Holy crap, I’m like starving to death by then. Nobody need worry about me putting on a few pounds....I can’t seem to go a few hours without food anymore.

Our butler, IGOR, actually Alexander, is a freakin’ major pain-in-the-buttinsky. So much so, he’s making the German look like a mellow individual. *Rolleyes* So the first day aboard, he comes in to introduce himself and give us the, “Introductory Butler 101 Course.” Sheesh. He said to me, “Sit down and listen.”

Well e-x-c-u-s-e ME....but I was trying to get unpacked, and contrary to Alex-from-Croatia-with-a-second-home-in-Bulgaria the BUTLER, some of us can do two things at once. But, since he is about 6’8” tall I did. Then he proceeded to speak to us as if we were nincompoops....”I vill program ze phone wis my
peh-rson-ahl pager number, zen you can reach me an-n-n-ytime day or night....blah-blah-blah.” And so the arse kissing begins, but I’m not completely sure who is supposed to kiss whose arse, at this point.

I think it was at this point his cellphone rings, “Do you mind if I answer ziz?”

Oh hell no, take your time Alex, I just have five bags to unpack into the world’s tinest freakin’ closets. No problemo. This is about the time I want to throw his arse outta my room, but I hear him pandering to some other person who doesn’t sound half as nice as us, and I relent. As he talks to Mr. So-and-So on his phone, we noticed he has turned to face the mirror and is checking himself out...brushing a lock of hair off of his forehead, baring his teeth and gums to make sure there is no food caught....*Laugh*

“Sorry....so I vill brink you some snacks beginning tomorrow evening at five. Your pressing is complimentary...and I like my people to look good.” I look directly at the slacks, of his topcoat and tails, and see that both legs are wrinkled horribly, right where the hanger line is; you know the kind of wrinkles your pants get when they slip over to one side of the hanger and bunch up and are left for days. GAWD!

I roll my eyes, and stifle a huge smirk-outloud. Hubby has noticed also, and it is all we can do to not laugh in Igor’s face. (I’m sorry, but I cannot call him Alex, he is always going to be Igor to me.) I let him drone on as I am mentally taking note of the new layout of this room, where I’ll put Hubby’s clothes etc. Finally, after telling us he will make every appointment or restaurant reservation, that everything we do must go through him, he bids us farewell and disappears....only to reappear with not one, but two bottles of vodka. How wonderful, who wants to drink alone, in their cabin? Heck, I just want to be left alone so I can unpack.

We ended up ordering room service sandwiches that first night.

The next night we joined our table. Next installment will tell you about them. *Bigsmile*

I hope you all are doing well. I sure as heck miss you guys...only eleven more days til I can be home! Sigh.

*To those of you who are still reading, I’ll find some way to catch up, when I can get on I do try to read a few blogs....if your turn hasn’t come, it will ...or I’ll die trying. I’m sneezing today, hope I am not coming down with something. Gawd.

January 6, 2008 at 11:16pm
January 6, 2008 at 11:16pm
Chronicles of a Strange Day.

If it’s Saturday, we are aboard the Crystal Serenity. Yup, it is Saturday, I just checked the daily program.

Oh dang it...I gotta go, have a massage booked in 15 minutes and I’ve not looked for the spa. Be back, to report what has happened so far, and with me, you can count on some major mishaps. *Bigsmile*

Ok, I’m back...so yesterday (Friday) we got off of the Regent ship around eleven-thirty in the morning...but a half-hour beforehand I got a phone call on my cell, “Sheila?”

“Yes...who is this?”

“It’s Tony...your limo driver.” The man says in a gruff, “Soprano” reminiscent voice.

WTF? “Okay, hi.”

“So here’s the deal. I’m just coming into the pier, I’m in the line.”

And? “Well, we just pulled into port, and the ship has to be cleared by customs before they will let anyone off...say another twenty minutes or so...I don’t have any choice. So if you want to park somewhere I’ll call you when we get inside the terminal and are getting our bags.”

“Yeah...okay.” He did not sound too happy, but hey, this wasn’t my personal yacht, and we hired the car by the hour...he can deal with it. I’m positive it is not the first time picking people up at the pier.

We were in the first group of passengers to leave the ship, so once down, I grabbed a porter to assist with the bags and began to look for our section (they group you according to colored tags on your luggage), I spotted the yellow section and began pointing out our bags. He piled them on a cart as I called Tony to tell him we were ready.

I knew which limo was ours, because he told me he would have all of the flashing lights on. *Smile* It was a bit frantic ...people have flights to catch etc., but we had the entire day to get from Ft. Lauderdale to Miami. Still, you try to get out quickly, and so we did, Hubby’s cart and one small bag in the trunk, and the four large bags jammed inside the limo...soon we were out of the terminal area and headed for Miami.

About fifteen minutes into the drive I notice one of the suitcases is not ours. GAWD!

“Uhhhhh, I hate to say this, but we have a suitcase that is not ours...and, the one of ours that is missing is.....HUBBY’S.” I cringed. “We need to go back.”

After you have cleared customs and leave the terminal with your bags, it is NOT easy to return inside the baggage area, especially when you tell the customs man you have a bag which is not our own AND we need to exchange it for one we left behind. Sheesh, maybe there was some advantage to being blonde...brunettes seem to be taken more seriously, so you have to be more convincing. Just noticing. Somehow I managed to talk my way back in and miraculously our bag was standing there all alone. Whew!

The ship’s agent helped me to get back out and off we went, this time with all of our bags!

We went to see our new office in Miami...for (Cesarstone), and drove around South Beach. OMG, that place has nothing on NYC traffic...or LA, for that matter.

**Okay, internet connections SUCK...so I will finish this tomorrow...or ASAP. Thank you for your comments, GP's and c-notes. I'm unable to stay logged in for long enough to read...but hopefully soon!
January 3, 2008 at 11:19pm
January 3, 2008 at 11:19pm
here we come!

Sniff-sniff--you always make some friends on every cruise...we ended up with a group of seven (one was a ten-year old). Somehow, we found Don, Belinda and Ericka early on...and yes, the German and his wife too...but having six adults makes it so easy, four of you are "in sync" and the other two...well, they are hangers on. I'm sorry, but it's true. Look, I've (we've) been the so called "third wheel", so I know there always is one. Sometimes we're the "cripple couple" though more often I think we are the "Hollywood Couple". But, the fact of the matter is, it's a balance the normality of our small (shipwise) world. It's the perfect recipe for a cake...or a party, two couples friends, one couple strangers. It gives ya'll something to talk about, or roll eyes about. Hey, I never know which third we are, but it doesn't matter, you "click" in some way and it's fine...and understood.

So anyway, the last supper has ensued....the sentimental shipboard goodbyes have been said. The pertinent info, addresses, last names, emails, work numbers and hugs exchanged. All that's left is a hurried breakfast and standing in the halls for two or three hours, waiting to get off and on to the next destination.

Kinda sad....but sometimes you meet people who actually want to stay in touch, and you will, Other times, you get an email, a catch up note and never hear from them again...it doesn't really matter my friends....it was a day at a time, and it was great while it lasted!

Anyway....Hubby is giving me the "we better get to sleep eye"...so until I can get transfered to the new ship, unpacked and had a drink....Bon Voyage, it's great to have you all along...I don't have to say goodbye, you're always with me.
January 3, 2008 at 12:44am
January 3, 2008 at 12:44am
I'ts taken days to get this uploaded...wahoo...although if I would have know I may have done another formal...oh well....tomorrow is the end of this segment, eho know when more will make it in! Soooooo...ta---da----
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January 1, 2008 at 3:23pm
January 1, 2008 at 3:23pm
I trust all of you have survived the New Year’s Eve. Yep, me too. *Laugh*

I’m starting off the new year in Cartagena, Columbia....in the ship’s guest laundry room to be precise. Huh? Nada is doing her laundry on a luxury cruise...get outta town! Yeah, I know I lead such an exciting life. Well, I prefer doing my own underwear, thank you very much. Too much information? Okay I’ll rehash the evenings festivities then.

Just a little background, because I don’t know if I told you this before, but this is what happened leading up to last night. *Laugh*

So we were at dinner the other evening with the couple from Dallas. If I didn’t mention it before he’s German, she’s from Oklahoma and much younger. He also is in the hotel business, or hospitality business. Groan. Every time a person walked into the dining room and past our table’s vicinity the German would yell out their name...”So and so...helloooooo...” until they would acknowledge him. Well, seated at the table between the walkway and our table was a beautiful couple, in fact the only black couple aboard. At one point our tablemate sees another guy we know pass by and yells and waves again, ”Hell-o-o...DON...DON..” but instead the gentleman at the next table turns around and waves, both he and his lady smiling and waving. Now what? Soooo, because of the awkwardness of the situation three of us smile and say “Hello,” our tablemate says, in his German accent...”Sowwy...ve ver tahlkink to somebah-deee else.” I think it is fair to say that the German is....well, let’s just say he is overcompensating for being from Germany. He wants to make sure we know his mother hid Jews in the war ...he loves “colored people” and so on. I think you get the idea. Because he keeps bringing it up it becomes very uncomfortable. The guy is 75, an American citizen, we don’t hold him personally responsible for the actions of Hitler during WWII. Oh, did I mention after he has a few drinks one night he tells us he has a photograph of him, as a child in a Lederhosen, holding Adolph’s hand? Gawd.

So anyway, he orders his bride to go talk to the “colored couple”. *Rolleyes* She does, and then comes back and says how lovely they are. Fred’s a retired doctor and his lady friend, Judy is the mother of two grown daughters.

Cut to the night before last, I’ve had a couple of beers, so before my entrée comes I decide to excuse myself and go to the ladies room. This involves a decision of which of the two restrooms is closer....one entails walking through the entire dining room...kinda hopping....or the other through some of the dining room, then the cocktail lounge and the center atrium (hopping). Decisions...I decide to walk the gauntlet of the dining room, smile and get there as quickly as possible, as there are seven other people at our table who I don’t wish to hold up dinner for.

“Excuse me.” I hear as I walk past the black couple. Smiling I turn and the gentleman asks me, “May I say something to you...and you won’t be offended?”

I’m thinking to myself, “oh sure...I gotta pee buddy...” I stop and smile.

“Of course you can.”

“We were just saying how sexy you are. How do you sat so fit?”

“I don’t know, good genes.”

They laugh, “Do you have children?”

“One. He’s home watching our dogs and running the business.” I say weakly, hopping from foot to foot in an effort not to have a bladder control moment.

“How old is he?” Asks Judy.


“No way.” They say in unison.

“Honest, he is.” By now, my eyes must be registering pain, I feel like I’m going to explode. I force a smile, “Please excuse me, but I need to get to the ladies room.” I took off in a semi-run, dodging waiters balancing stacks of covered plates above their heads...grimaces evident and I narrowly miss them. On my way way back, I ask Fred and Judy to join us for drinks on New Years Eve...at seven. They said they would love to.

Cut to seven last night, there are six of us having pre-dinner cocktails. I had explained to them about asking Fred and Judy to join us for a drink before dinner. So we’re all sitting there and Hubby says...”Look, there’s Fred and Judy.” Sure enough, they were in front of the main dining room, looking lost. I jumped up and went to show them where we were sitting.

“Hello Judy, Hi Fred...we’re sitting over here...ready for a cocktail?”

Fred asks, “Is the dining room open?”

“Uh...I think so, it’s late. You are having drinks with us...aren’t you?”

They look at me as though we have never met. “We are having dinner with a couple at seven.”

“Uhhh, we are too, but I asked you the other night to join us at seven for a drink.”

“Is the dining room open?” Fred asks a woman.

“Not until seven-thirty.” She replied.

So that is how they joined us for a drink. Judy was more with it, but Fred, bless his heart had forgotten that we ever had a conversation...including about ...well, what difference? They soon left to meet their dinner companions for the night. AWKWARD is AWKWARD.

We all went to the French restaurant at 8:30 and had an enjoyable dinner, trying to drag it out as long as possible to stay up until midnight. At 11 we went to the casino to await the countdown, and what we found were a few couple standing around trying to stifle yawns too. At 11:30 Don and his wife went to retrieve their daughter from the kids room, and Hubby and I excused ourselves...to our room. *Laugh*

By midnight we were in our pajamas ready to watch the ball drop on tv....except Hubby asked me to turn off the sound on the tv so we could hear the ship’s countdown....you know me, I never get the remote... so it changed channels instead and by the time I got back to the right channel we had missed the ball drop!

We did kiss each other Happy New Years though....hope you all had a safe one!

December 31, 2007 at 3:14pm
December 31, 2007 at 3:14pm
Farewell to 2007!

Sometimes I get very sentimental, and today is such a day. I’m trying to think back to what we all have been through this year. I know it has seemed to be a particularly difficult time for many of us at WDC. In fact, for many of us the past year can be measure easily in our blogs.

We tend to turn to the written word, both to celebrate, but also to let people know when we are having a rough time of life. It’s a place to come, a place to be ourselves and “let it all hang out”, the good, bad ugly AND beautiful.

Sometimes the depression that grips us, due to everyday beating down by the mere fact that we are alive, gets to be too much to bear all alone. As I found out several times this past year, we really are not alone. If I reach out in my pain, you all respond as though I am a member of your family. The fact is, we are all family, because we want to be connected.

As long as we have an internet connection and access to a computer, we’re going to have family. This family of ours rarely passes judgment on each other, and when one gets hurt I think we all do. The beauty of this is that there is a great deal of support within the confines of our community. If one of us is hurting there is always a shoulder to cry on. If something wonderful happens we get to share in the heartfelt good wishes also. Maybe it is easier here, for many of us to communicate. We all seem to have a love of words, it is the glue which binds us...at least in the beginning.

I make New Years Resolutions, but never many of them, because I like to be able to say I made them actually happen. This coming year I have a few:

1. To be more patient. As I get older I see that I have become more impatient. It is a function of seeing ones own mortality I’ve concluded. The Golden Rule is one I need to remember more.

2. To do more creative writing. That needs no explanation.

3. To make sure I say “I love you” more to my family, and to hug them more.

4. To review more writing.

5. Quit making lists of five. *Laugh*

I realize how incredibly fortunate I am to be traveling at this time of year, and as I begin to go through the last set of locks I feel as though this passage through the canal is coinciding with the passage of negativity.

A little while ago I was up on the top deck. A group of people we have met were all enjoying the views of the jungle on either side of the passage, and I realized on Friday we will be in Florida, switching ships. All the friends we have made will be going back to their homes in Boston, Oklahoma, Texas, and California. Back to their lives, back to work. It makes me a little sad to think there’s a family we’ve created aboard ship splitting up, but as we share in the experiences, I know that a new family to create is just ahead, with more blogging material. *Laugh*

I have been taking pictures, but the connection aboard ship has not been allowing me to upload them since the beginning of the cruise, so don’t expect more photos. I will continue to blog, as I can write them in Word and then copy and paste when I do get online.

We’re having drinks tonight with a lovely couple we’ve spoken to in the dining room before, but I made a point to ask them to meet us tonight. We have dinner reservations at the Cordon Bleu restaurant, Signatures. We’ll be with the pain-in-the-butt couple and another couple for dinner. I told the pain-in-the-butt guy off at dinner one night, but apparently it didn’t piss him off. What’s up with that...am I such a crappy communicator I can’t even piss him off to the point he doesn’t want to eat with us? Apparently so...his wife confided that on their last cruise not one night did they have dinner with another couple. Gawd! Good thing the “patience” resolution part of my New Year’s wishes doesn’t start until midnight. The ship isn’t really doing much tonight, it is a Black and White Ball...coincidently so is my gown, lol. Really, I had no idea beforehand!

A big thank you to all of you who have propped me up this past year, and for taking the time in your own lives to think of me and Hubby, and share in the wonders of our lives amidst your own.

Happy New Year citizens of Blogville! May the New Year be filled with peace, health and patience for us all!

I’ll be reporting in tomorrow on the festivities, or lack of them!

December 30, 2007 at 12:35am
December 30, 2007 at 12:35am
C. R. Musings-

As you can see, I haven’t blogged...but mainly because...gulp...I’m on vacation. *Bigsmile*

Let’s see, what exciting can I tell you? Well, we had dinner alone last night, which was nice. We couldn’t decide whether or not to go out or eat in, so it was later than usual, but we did decide to go out. It was quite pleasant, having a romantic dinner alone. It was a lovely night, in more ways than one.

So...a couple of my male readers...and you know who you are, are asking where all of the bikini photos are. I have one thing to say...ahem...the average age of the 700 people cruising is 70...I’m guessing. It could be higher. The average weight of a passenger is definitely large enough you are not going to enjoy seeing any of them in a bikini. I didn’t even bring a bikini. So, if you are looking for me to bring you bikini photos...sorry, won’t be happening. *Frown*

I have a dilemma....when I tell someone I have a blog, they want to know how to get to it. YIKES! How am I going to be blogging about people onboard (honestly) if I know they might be reading it? Gawd, am I drunk? Can I use that for an excuse for what I say? Hell no. I am trapped on the boat with them. I suppose I could conveniently leave out the fact I blog. W-h-h-a-a-a-a-a! Such a dilemma.

Ok, I’ve solved the dilemma. I tell them they can’t read it unless they are paying members. Sooooo, I don’t even give out the address. Well, it could be true, should I elect to make it private. OMG...you know what’s funny? It’s not like anyone would actually remember my name. When I say I write, they automatically assume it is written in my name, not my WDC name. *Bigsmile* So, I’m safe, as long as I don’t mention anyone’s last name, because anyone can look themselves up. Sheesh, I don’t even write the “G” word, in case.

We had dinner with ....well, the people we have had dinner with enough to know we’ll only have dinner once more with them. Sometimes I tend to overlook ummmm, let’s just say irritating character conflicts. I like to see the good side of people. However, it sometimes becomes obvious after a few conversations over dinner or poolside....perhaps they are not the people you want to spend more time with. I extended an invitation to them, early on, to have dinner with us on New Year Eve. That’s why I say only one more night. I know tomorrow they are having dinner with someone else tomorrow night.

Anyway, tonight was one of those nights where the man was one-up-manned every story we told. It’s pretty difficult for a person to speak about Marlo Thomas to Hubby. Hubby lived next door to her family for twenty years. However this man did, and with the expectation that we would be...impressed. He is from Dallas, Hubby is from Beverly Hills. Tough sell.

So now we are at sea, until Monday, when we shall be going through the Panama Canal. A slow day, going through the canal for the fourth (Hubby’s) and fifth (my) times. Oh, and we do get to do it again in another oh....10 days. I apologize for seeming so blasé about it, however it is very ...well, u-m-m-m... (I’ll just say it)....BORING after the second or third time. I wish I could let you all take a day doing it. Everyone is very excited the first time, and some even the second time. But...you guys know me, I like cruising for the experience and social aspects, not the destinations...at least the past few years.

Well....enough of my inebriated thoughts, I’d better get some sleep, we lose another hour tonight! Groan. *Laugh*

P. S. If this makes no sense...well, sorry. I’m not editing.

December 27, 2007 at 4:05pm
December 27, 2007 at 4:05pm
If it’s Thursday I must be...here....

My gawd, time sure flies by when you’re having fun! How it got to be Thursday already I don’t know. This whole trip seems like one long dinner, lunch, cocktail hour. *Laugh* Wait, it is.

I wanted to blog last night, but dang I was plum worn out. It began with coffee in the room, and the simple request for some toast and bacon, along with my coffee. Apparently for some reason they brought me Canadian bacon....not horrendous by any means, but not exactly what my taste-buds were primed for. Was I upset? No, I knew lunch was mere hours away. *Laugh*

Next up was me securing a table poolside, one in the shade, for the above mentioned lunch. Since most people still feel the need to bask in the tropical sun, slathered up in some sort of lotion, tables in the shade are relatively not in demand until the lunch hour. Luckily for me. It also gives me an opportunity to get to talk to people...different ones than Hubby, who is outside somewhere in the throngs of half nekkid bodies. *Bigsmile*

**At this point I want to acknowledge the assassination of Benazir Bhutto. This is quite distressing news to be greeted by as we wake up this morning and turn on the tv. It reminds me that we never know what the new day ahead brings us. My thoughts go out to her family, country and the pursuit of democracy. These are perilous times.

There are such a wide variety of people aboard, from all over the country, and indeed the world.

After my/our lunch (another barbeque) with the addition of tacos and sushi...weird huh? I took my book and came back to the comfort of our room. It seemed like soon the doorbell rang...it was Hubby, so dark now I asked him to smile so I could see him. Sheesh, doesn’t he realize we still have three weeks to go?

We were in a time crunch socially, it seems Don and Belinda (new friends from Boston) were having a cocktail party in their cabin at six...and we had agreed to meet Peter and Tammy for cocktails, then dinner, elsewhere at six-thirty. Gawd, both the cabin and the lounge were literally on opposite ends of the ship. The only thing to do...stop into the party and say hi and then go meet the next victims. *Laugh* Fortunately, Peter and Tammy had also been invited to the party, so it saved us the excuse making to exit. Isn’t it odd....I mean we didn’t know each other had been invited to the cocktail party, so there was that awkward moment of recognition when they showed up....nothing that didn’t provide a good laugh, but...from now on we will not be making simultaneous plans. Gawd!

The cabin we went to turns out to be a larger cabin....sort of...it was across the “aft” part of the ship, perfect for watching where we have been, lol. Not that you could see anything but the churned white water, as the sun had long been down.

I spoke with several couples, one from Salinas, CA, one from Denver and another from Illinois. And then there was....what’s his name from the Washington area...the one with the son who worked for some Senator and who had written a novel nobody would publish. Shocking revelation isn’t it? He did say they would Vanity Press Publish. This guy was “shocked” I said I wasn’t trying to publish my book anymore. “Why not?”

“I don’t care.”

“How can you not care?’ His Bostonian accent was evident.

“I am published online, I’ve received my money from publishing companies...I could care less anymore.”

Apparently this concept is unheard of, as he remained incredulous. And did I mention his wife was a retired computer programmer? She decided to join our conversation, however her eyes never met mine as she yakked on and on.

Her gaze seemed fixated on my heart-shaped diamond pendant. Sigh. Hers was not a conversation I wanted to participate in, she was surly...and not at all interested in hearing about what her husband and I were discussing; too bad for him, too bad for her.

Not a moment too soon the party was breaking up and we left with Peter and Tammy. We’d suggested the Mediterranean restaurant, for a change, but it’s small and was first come first serve and the line to get in turned us all off...back down to the main dining room we went!

It was the first night I did not have the six course meal. I thoroughly enjoyed my salad and chicken. I enjoyed my conversations even more.

We are now in Puerto Chiapas, Mexico...the gateway to Guatemala is the southernmost cruise port in Mexico. It is known as a relatively undiscovered region of Mexico. It is rarely visited by mass-market tourists. They have an extensive complex of pre-Columbian ruins, dating as far back as 1,500 BC. The hillsides are dotted with coffee plantations.

It’s a very quaint fishing village, which is dotted with grass covered huts. Here’s a shot taken from my balcony:
** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **

Hope everyone is doing well, I’m reading more that I leave comments for....the internet is sketchy at best. I appreciate you’re visiting....and know that I am checking in on you all as time allows!

December 27, 2007 at 3:59pm
December 27, 2007 at 3:59pm
If it’s Thursday I must be...here....

My gawd, time sure flies by when you’re having fun! How it got to be Thursday already I don’t know. This whole trip seems like one long dinner, lunch, cocktail hour. *Laugh* Wait, it is.

I wanted to blog last night, but dang I was plum worn out. It began with coffee in the room, and the simple request for some toast and bacon, along with my coffee. Apparently for some reason they brought me Canadian bacon....not horrendous by any means, but not exactly what my taste-buds were primed for. Was I upset? No, I knew lunch was mere hours away. *Laugh*

Next up was me securing a table poolside, one in the shade, for the above mentioned lunch. Since most people still feel the need to bask in the tropical sun, slathered up in some sort of lotion, tables in the shade are relatively not in demand until the lunch hour. Luckily for me. It also gives me an opportunity to get to talk to people...different ones than Hubby, who is outside somewhere in the throngs of half nekkid bodies. *Bigsmile*

**At this point I want to acknowledge the assassination of Benazir Bhutto. This is quite distressing news to be greeted by as we wake up this morning and turn on the tv. It reminds me that we never know what the new day ahead brings us. My thoughts go out to her family, country and the pursuit of democracy. These are perilous times.

There are such a wide variety of people aboard, from all over the country, and indeed the world.

After my/our lunch (another barbeque) with the addition of tacos and sushi...weird huh? I took my book and came back to the comfort of our room. It seemed like soon the doorbell rang...it was Hubby, so dark now I asked him to smile so I could see him. Sheesh, doesn’t he realize we still have three weeks to go?

We were in a time crunch socially, it seems Don and Belinda (new friends from Boston) were having a cocktail party in their cabin at six...and we had agreed to meet Peter and Tammy for cocktails, then dinner, elsewhere at six-thirty. Gawd, both the cabin and the lounge were literally on opposite ends of the ship. The only thing to do...stop into the party and say hi and then go meet the next victims. *Laugh* Fortunately, Peter and Tammy had also been invited to the party, so it saved us the excuse making to exit. Isn’t it odd....I mean we didn’t know each other had been invited to the cocktail party, so there was that awkward moment of recognition when they showed up....nothing that didn’t provide a good laugh, but...from now on we will not be making simultaneous plans. Gawd!

The cabin we went to turns out to be a larger cabin....sort of...it was across the “aft” part of the ship, perfect for watching where we have been, lol. Not that you could see anything but the churned white water, as the sun had long been down.

I spoke with several couples, one from Salinas, CA, one from Denver and another from Illinois. And then there was....what’s his name from the Washington area...the one with the son who worked for some Senator and who had written a novel nobody would publish. Shocking revelation isn’t it? He did say they would Vanity Press Publish. This guy was “shocked” I said I wasn’t trying to publish my book anymore. “Why not?”

“I don’t care.”

“How can you not care?’ His Bostonian accent was evident.

“I am published online, I’ve received my money from publishing companies...I could care less anymore.”

Apparently this concept is unheard of, as he remained incredulous. And did I mention his wife was a retired computer programmer? She decided to join our conversation, however her eyes never met mine as she yakked on and on.

Her gaze seemed fixated on my heart-shaped diamond pendant. Sigh. Hers was not a conversation I wanted to participate in, she was surly...and not at all interested in hearing about what her husband and I were discussing; too bad for him, too bad for her.

Not a moment too soon the party was breaking up and we left with Peter and Tammy. We’d suggested the Mediterranean restaurant, for a change, but it’s small and was first come first serve and the line to get in turned us all off...back down to the main dining room we went!

It was the first night I did not have the six course meal. I thoroughly enjoyed my salad and chicken. I enjoyed my conversations even more.

We are now in Puerto Chiapas, Mexico...the gateway to Guatemala is the southernmost cruise port in Mexico. It is known as a relatively undiscovered region of Mexico. It is rarely visited by mass-market tourists. They have an extensive complex of pre-Columbian ruins, dating as far back as 1,500 BC. The hillsides are dotted with coffee plantations.

It’s a very quaint fishing village, which is dotted with grass covered huts. Here’s a shot taken from my balcony:
** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **

Hope everyone is doing well, I’m reading more that I leave comments for....the internet is sketchy at best. I appreciate you’re visiting....and know that I am checking in on you all as time allows!

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