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by rixxie
Rated: 18+ · Book · Cultural · #1373867
This online collection of cultural stories, poems and essays is unique.
*Books3* This book is a collection of cultural Black stories, set in the now and forty years ago. The first set, On A Mission, contains numerous stories: Mother Smith, Annie-May,Clara-Jean,Itty-Bitty-Ol'-Nasty Man, And The Mighty Zay-eusm are the main ones. These are witty sometimes sad characters, that find their way to carry-forth.
The book also contains cultural poems, essays, and prose. Most of the stories are being created, as I post them, it is a raw blog. I am interacting with my readers taking suggestions for stories, finding out about their interests. It is a work in progress, I go through my stories and smooth then out. It's for fun, some of my stories may eventually find their way into it. The blog is casual and conversational, urban musings. I keep a blog, with the book, to keep readers posted. There are, teaser, excerpts chapters, from my book.
Tales & Myths from The Inner city, a work in progress..The Paperback version, of the book is being smooth out, and edited, and marketed. I featured some of the concepts from this book, on T-shirts, mugs and other gifts : http:www.Zazzle.com/qmarpat. Thanks, I look forward to supporting you, too! Stop by my blog, and say,"Hello". We will have fun and laughs! I have included short reviews of some of the stories, thanks, so much for being a reader! Thank you so much, for hanging in there with me, You can also catch up with me, at: www.Hubpages.com/Qmarpat I have wacky veggie creations and few recipes and jokes, I look forward to hearing from you. I want to thank all my fans, that "Liked" me on Facebook. I love my readers! I wish you Happy Holidays and a very prosperous New Year!
Take care-rixxie

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May 5, 2010 at 10:42pm
May 5, 2010 at 10:42pm
Hey! I had asked you to , try to write a story, with an outline I gave you. I suggested various, places; a hospital as the setting, a jail, a dark alley. How do you write? Do you like an outline, or just write from your heart and head. I do a little of both, I write from my head when, I write stories for this post. I only had a few of them pre-written. Go ahead, give it a try. Write a story somewhere, and let us know. You can also, look at my portfolio, and add to a story: Romantic getaway. You just, write a sentence or two, your friend writes a sentence and you keep it going. It should be real interesting, diffrent peoples, input on the same story.
Talk, to you later---rixxie
April 25, 2010 at 3:47pm
April 25, 2010 at 3:47pm
Hey!! How's your April 2010, shaping up? I love the northern California, wheather is glorious today!! it looks like a second summer, i love days like this. It gives me a chance to dream of nice stories, to post on my blogs. You can check me out, on blogger, too: rixxies Playground. don't forget, to take a look at my art on RedBubble.com, under my username:"Qmarpat". I use that name for my art, mostly. And write under,the name rixxie. Stop by, my Zazzle.com/Qmarpat, store, I'm real thrilled with the new scrapbook binders, in my store. I have church binders, sports, graduation, put your pictue and name on it! make it your Own! They are less, than $20.00, without tax, I'm going to get a couple myself--charge them!
I was still trying to find some, obscure videos, I told you about last year. I'm still trying to find, Rev. Jessie Jacksons', "Save The Children", movie. I think it will shock you, a little. it has a lot of stars, in it, a about 14 year old Michael Jackson. He was a tall lanky, bumpy face kid, Dianah Ross, refers to as: "My Baby- Ladies and gentlemen!!" The friend, that went to the drive- in, turned to me and said:"What's going on-did she birth that boy!?" I told her not, to start with me. If you have, a obscure, old or funny movie-(nothing vulgar or racist-please!), you want to find, ask here! I'll let everyone know.
Take care-holler at you later--rixxie
Hi- if you know where some interesting cultural stories and urban tales are let me know. I like main stream african-American cultural tales, I don't like the real dirty or off-color stories, of any kind. They are exciting in their own way, I suppose, and there is a market for it. I love reading other authors. If you've seen a book or a blog you like somewhere, I'd love to know about it. Don't be scared to take, a stab at writing your own! There are a lot, of sites you can start with for free, like blogger, and google blogs, and livejournal. You never know unless, you give it your best!
Take care-rixxie
April 21, 2010 at 11:08am
April 21, 2010 at 11:08am
Hi! I did something, a little diffrent I asked, YOU-to write a story! Read the last post. I had found, a writing assignment from, a well known author, and writing teacher. You, were to write, a two page story about, the scenes i described and post it somewhere and let, readers know. I would share it, with my readers-Happy writing! Tomorrow, I'll outline some more story ideas.
Take care-rixxie

April 19, 2010 at 2:43pm
April 19, 2010 at 2:43pm
Hi! I enjoyed writing,"Ask Patti". I took it in another direction, I wanted to conclude it, in a good way. It got bogged, down in the middle, due to technical, difficulties. I wanted to keep it in, a good, mode without saying, she got the whole world. I left room for you to, "fill in the blanks".
This is an assignment, I just did from a famous writer. You write a two page story, from one of these scenes: (a)A hospital room,(b) A dark alley (c) A Church
(d) A Jail cell, just write from your heart and your head. I picked, a church. When, you write your story, post somewhere, where we can see it ; blogger.com, or writingRaw.com, or googles', blogs, anywhere you have a journal. Those sites, I mentioned you can start them, for free.
I chose, a church. I didn't post it here, but here's an outline: A man sitting, in a dark church, after service, with tears on his face. His best friend one of the deacons' come back, and talks to him. They discuss, his family and his finances, the deacon, offers suggestions. They go back, to his friends house, for dinner and some information.Don't forget, to drop me a note, when you write your story! Tell us where it is, I'll go read it. I'll tell everyone, about it, and that you stopped by.
April 4, 2010 at 3:59pm
April 4, 2010 at 3:59pm
I hope you're having, a happy Easter!! It's like a second, Christmas, or Thanksgiving for me!!! I already colored, my Easter eggs, and getting ready to dive, into some food!! I know, I've taken my time with this, story, i promis to pick up the pace. I've had some, hacking and technical difficulties.
Take care-rixxie
March 8, 2010 at 7:47am
March 8, 2010 at 7:47am
Dear Readers, and I don't say that lightly, I thank you so much, for being a reader. I enjoy, creating urban, cultural tales, so much-to have people who are into the stories, is just such a bonus!

ON A MISSION-stories-Outline of Main stories

1) Annie May
Annie May was, a survivor, of an alcoholic, first husband. She enjoyed the wit, and love, of her second husband, Jimmie. Her son was twelve, he got along with his step dad, like a buddy. That made, Annie, happy, she had worried , about them getting along. the first, marriage, had taken a toll, on her and her child. She was glad, that time and distance had separated him.
As she watched, him, and Jimmie, show their company, how he had ran the church lady, out the house. It had been, a combination of a nasty, little dance, they both did, and too much magic shave. She new, she had found the love of her life.

Clara -Jean
2) Clara-Jean, often, felt she lived for her mother; that she was her arms and legs. She didn't mind the endless trips, to feed the homless, and the lonely. The pots that cluttered her kitchen, and the masses of cooking tools, at her mothers'. Clara-Jean, fully supported, her mothers' church work. She was just hoping, one day in the piles of food, and stacks of clothes, she'd find , a little bit of her own life.

3) Itty-Bitty-Ol' Nasty Man
I'll skip the sordid, details, of how little old Drunk willie Bopeson, came be known, as the; "Itty-Bitty-Ol-Nasty Man. You can, find his drunk, clowing self over in the park, on Saturdays, and Sundays. He'll be there long enough, to chase disgusted people away and do a dance. And wait for the Church ladies, who bring him some, warm homecooked meals. He could, be reminded, of his sweet late wife, if only for an hour.

The Mighty Zay-eus
4) People, can only really guess, what really drove Zachery over the edge. It's hard to say at this, point. If it was just the fire; or the pink slip, and most probably, all of the above. Bigger, and more powerful men, have fallen, into a dark ugly place. Zachs', spirit, was still alive, despite all the ugliness, he had endured. You could tell; even as he lurked in the shadows, of a room full of guests. He would, come out of the shadows, briefly to offer, a small kitten, from his basement.

March 4, 2010 at 8:58am
March 4, 2010 at 8:58am
We're back to the story! The action, is going to pick up. And Rhonda, will figure out when the story, ends in a few days-what she REALLY wants.

take care--talk at you soon-rixxie
February 16, 2010 at 7:41pm
February 16, 2010 at 7:41pm
I know, I know! I took too long! i promise you the story will, be on track soon! I had too-many nutjobs, hacking! Take care-rixxie!
January 23, 2010 at 8:39am
January 23, 2010 at 8:39am
does rhonda, have attitude-or what? she got, crazy with her boyfriend, now she's being googled, all over the place! That's what, Jerard led, her to believe! he's, kind of flakey, and nasty his doggone self. She was trying, to make up for, her whole indulgence, with her Idol, singer. I hope she wins, the contest, 'cause right now she's tripping!
Take care---rixxie
January 1, 2010 at 6:54am
January 1, 2010 at 6:54am
Happy new Year!!! It's 2010, already I remember, when everyone was all afraid, of "2YK". It just seemed like business as usual!! It's a brand new year-write it all down, you can do it! I found, the things I wrote down this year, I got the majority of things done. I'll show i not scared of making resolutions and keeping them. I'll share a partial resolution list of mine, for 2010. Don't laugh, and don't make fun, that's not nice-and anyway you didn't do what you said you would get done! Yeah-I now! Okay-here it goes, just a smal part, I have 36 things to get done this year some big some small. I break it down to, getting three things done on my list a month.
rixxies' 2010-Partial Resolution list!
1.) Improve Finances
2.) Grow some HAIR-(I told you don't laugh!)
3.) Find who's hacking my computer
4) Relocate to another city
5) Promote my gift shops more aggresivley

Now it's your turn-write YOURS down! It can be as simple as, "See MOM, and visit Disneyland!"

Take Care! Happy New Years-2010!-rixxie

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