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Rated: 18+ · Book · Biographical · #1383396
My Blog. Generally Intended for Reading-Not Eating!.
Rose-Tinted Ramblings

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A Little of What You Might Expect & A Lot of Everything Else that You Don't!.

My writing style for my blog is invariably 'snarkastic'. This is because I am a nice, unassuming and quietly-spoken person IRL-and this blog is where my innermost moments and torments happen. Trust me, I am no exception to that delightful rule.


Welcome to my THIRD blog here on WDC. A re-incarnation of my earlier version of my Blog, here "Insanties and Sensibilities" this v.03 should prove to be equally...challenging and hopefully, entertaining. That said, life often weaves through our writing in mysterious ways, and this Blog will probably prove to be no exception to that. We are very likely all quite different, yet the same, us writers and our collective little whims, fascinations and insecurities.
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January 15, 2009 at 6:14pm
January 15, 2009 at 6:14pm
January 15, 2009.

Here are some more pics, of our second beach expedition-fresh off the sand and surf, this afternoon! *Down*
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Now...crawling in the tub to de-sand "Beanie". Oh, yay...
*Standard Daily Entry to follow soon.
January 14, 2009 at 7:11pm
January 14, 2009 at 7:11pm
January 14, 2009.

Whether the Weather be: 64 (F) Clear and sunny.
Events of Note: Electronic job applications...
In the Nudes: Ex-officer charged with murder in BART shooting.

*Reading* Wrote up and lodged numerous online job applications and electronic 'expressions of consulting expertise', today. Bewildering jargon in some job descriptions and advertisements. Why don't they just say what they mean, and mean what they say?. Gone is the day when seeking gainful employment was coyly described as 'going to see someone about an animal'. Most questionaires 'employ' standard screening techniques. Between that, and trying to studiously ignore "Beanie's" re-screenings of "Spongebob", my aggravation level is gradually escalating. Still, work hard, play hard-tomorrow looks like another beachy-keen adventure!.

*Sad*<-----"Beanie" had a confession to make, today. Explaining why my French door windows in our kitchen were extensively decorated with GREEN lip gloss (granted, it was partly my fault for purchasing her said lip gloss), and she's only three, but she's also bright, smart and un-silly. That greasy glop was so glutinous and smeary, that I thought I'd have to break out a smelly commercial grade solvent to dissolve the slimy sludge. In the very end, however, dishwashing detergent followed by a hot water rinse and a solid hour's worth of scrubbing finally worked. Wash, rinse, repeat. Followed rapidly by the "Don't Draw On The House" parental intervention. She's quite contrite now, so am hopeful of avoiding another performance. Three going on thirteen...

*Cool* On the subject of pre-emption/prevention, my capable husband effectively saved a client hundreds, quite possibly thousands of dollars with an emergency technical repair, today. He felt good, considering that earlier in the day, he'd said that the dilemma could prove to be either a blessing in disguise, or a disaster, and he wouldn't really know until he'd managed to work through everything.

Hope you enjoy our pics in the previous entry. More to follow tomorrow (hopefully).
January 14, 2009 at 4:05pm
January 14, 2009 at 4:05pm
January 14, 2009.

Here are some pictures from yesterday's beach expedition: *Down*
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*Regular daily entry to follow shortly.
January 13, 2009 at 10:45pm
January 13, 2009 at 10:45pm
January 13, 2009.

Whether the Weather be: 65 (F) Clear and mild.
Events of Note: Mellowing out at Moonstone.
In the Nudes: Fiji hit with more heavy rains. Pacific storms the harbinger of climate change?.

*Smile* Well, we escaped today-a mere 30 minute drive down the freeway, to Moonstone Beach for a morning's sun-bathing and clear contemplation. "Beanie" got swished by a sneaker breaker, a mere moment after I'd explained, "Never turn your back on the ocean, Beanie". She went surfing with her father, although the waters were borderline hypothermia-inducing. Thank-goodness for instant changes into fleecy warm layers, in spite of the blistering sunshine. Next, it was sandcastle construction and sand-ownership issues. I'm thinking that *someone* will sleep entirely well, tonight. *Wink* Provided that the weather holds, we plan on visiting that same beach later again this week.

*Smile* Our relaxation was short-lived, with an urgent call-out. Oh, well, there are flip-sides to everything.
January 12, 2009 at 7:21pm
January 12, 2009 at 7:21pm
January 12, 2009.

Whether the Weather be: 60 (F) Sparkling sunshine-real L.A weather.
Events of Note: Getting by...and by.
In the Nudes: Anna Paquin wins a Golden Globe.

*Flower1* Well, I'm here....on and off. Managing to get sidetracked with employment applications, testing, requirements and such. So exciting-you've absolutely no idea. Fortunately, health is one sector where the recruitment numbers are holding. In the meantime, I'm hoping to master 'Blackboard', as well as keep up with current journal articles and periodicals. Like I've said-super fun.

*Flower2* On a related point, I've been re-vamping my wardrobe, and have also gotten entirely new makeup, hair color, brow work, shoe shine-the works. Fortunately, those 50-70% off sales are working well in my favor right now. And, while I used to dread the Med School dress code, now I'm thanking it, because most of my clothes are still in reasonable shape and style.

*Flower3* Out of curiosity, I took the "Real Age Test" online and according to my test results, I'm 31, and not 36. Interestingly, my recent cold was shortened by two days at least, without the use of Nyquil, Theraflu, or any otc cold remedy. So, I must be doing something right, because I'm cutting myself some breaks at the moment.

*Flower4* Depending on if I can square away our paperwork and housework tonight, or not, we are considering taking a trip up to the mountain house tomorrow - or to the beach. We all need to get right the way out of it for a little bit, just to decompress.

With Warm Thoughts of you all, and wishing you Happy, Inspired Writing!.
January 6, 2009 at 3:31pm
January 6, 2009 at 3:31pm
January 06, 2009.

Whether the Weather be: 52 (F) Misty Rain.
Events of Note: I've gone viral...
In the Nudes: Teens flaunt sex, drugs on MySpace. Hrm, and this is 'news' how?.

*Snow1* I have an astonishingly transforming head cold. A different symptom shows up every twelve hours, or so. Today [so far] is only proving to be a continuation of that particular theme. Splendid. My husband suggested a mall rat trawl so that we could use our gift cards on frivolous consumer items, but, not today. Tomorrow, maybe, if the little green men stop dropping what feels like shards of glass underneath my eyelids, and my sneezing ceases some.

*Snow2* A new year means new menus in restaurants, and as my husband is also the graphic designer, this laptop of mine will be being co-opted for the photographic work and while additional adjustments are being made.

*Snow3* Needing to catch up on correspondence, especially email. Amazing how that becomes such an accumulation, and so prone to being equally time-consuming.

See you all, soon. I'll get to individual blogs, today-I hope.

Be well, stay warm, stay positive.
January 1, 2009 at 7:21pm
January 1, 2009 at 7:21pm
January 01, 2009.

Whether the Weather be: 47 (F) Rain and cloud.
Events of Note: Not a whole lot...
In the Nudes: The Aspen, CO Bomber.

*Flower1* Wrote an entry sometime earlier today, but it vanished on me. "Beanie" was unwell, yesterday, and has managed to pass whatever it is/was on to me, so we're a subdued, quiet household, today. Nothing special. Traditionally, we exchange New Year's gifts [more than at Christmas], and while I managed to pull some gifts together before the emergence of my grief funk, there's a shipping delay. My funk has been quite paralyzing, so I haven't yet managed much writing-merely putting myself through a lot of internal "processing". My supportive husband has been dismayed to see me so unhappy and distressed, and will do anything to help me to work through whatever is cluttering up my mind, and crippling my functioning. Crying myself to sleep every night between Christmas and now hasn't done a whole lot for my continued health, either. It's difficult for me to sift through and be reminded of the little specks of gold-dust in the life that I shared for 16 years with my father, before he died. Thirteen years were taken up with twelve different surgeries for my brother and me, as well as the challenges that come with ranching and ten consecutive years of drought.

*Flower3* Something else that has helped me tremendously, and touched me throughout the sharper, more destructive edges of this very painful soul-fog, has been the writing-related gestures of many in this community here, in particular, Alfred and Ken. Alfred has added to my understanding and re-appreciation of many different forms of poetry, the basic elements of which were all but demolished by an uncaring professor throughout my English Lit studies at university. I'm still learning and discovering, as we all are. Kåre Enga in Montana is another gem in this regard. Ken, a wonderfully engaging writer, apparently appreciates my 'short' blog, and awarded me a Bloggie, last night. To be named in the company of such glittering and acclaimed bloggers here was quite remarkable. I'm considering re-naming my blog, "Rose-Tinted Ramblings", however, rest assured that I've now become much more comfortable with the shortened format than I initially was, so this will not change-for the meantime, anyway.
December 30, 2008 at 12:25am
December 30, 2008 at 12:25am
December 29, 2008.

Whether the Weather: 53 (F) Steady rain…not swimming quite yet.
Events of Note: Hitting a low point.
In the Nudes: Fritzl incest victims leave psychiatric unit.

*Snow1* Somehow, I suspect that I indulged in one too many delicious orange mochas, too late, last night, because I had a really ramped-up fretful night. Whenever I’m in that mindset, it’s difficult to not dwell on missing my Dad. Passing years don’t diminish my pain much-just have me feeling it with a different intensity and interpretation. I shed a quiet tear (several actually) when I was in New Zealand, including at a major family gathering held in our honor, where my uncle dedicated an impromptu speech he made, to my father. It will be 20 years, in 2009, since he died, but nights like last night, make everything seem so vividly present, fresh and raw again.

*Snow3* So, I stomped downstairs this morning, in a low, foul mood, and feeling extremely unmotivated and sad. My husband keeps asking if there’s anything at all that he can do to help me. He suggested a retail therapy trip to the Mall, while he watched “Beanie”, or a bit of online shopping, but I can’t think of anything that we need at the moment. Edit: I managed to get my scarf and raincoat on, then came to the dull realization that I just can’t be bothered venturing out. It would ask of me a type of vigilance that I have no energy to maintain, nor expend, today. My sweet husband has taken “Beanie” out for a bit-she’ll either be boisterous or subdued. A break in the incessant rain is surely welcomed, too.

*Snow3* Perhaps I can best use this [latest] melancholic funk to good effect, by engaging in some writing?. Here’s hoping so.

More later...
December 28, 2008 at 6:35pm
December 28, 2008 at 6:35pm
December 28, 2008.

Whether the Weather be: 53 (F) Moderate Rain and Fog *Flood Watch in Effect.
Events of Note: Roaring fireplaces, baking cookies, watching films...
In the Nudes: Nurse tied up in car trunk for extended time (Scotland).

*Balloon1* Torrential rain, here. Our street has severe flooding, and the predicted torrential rain isn't 'supposed' to be here until tonight. Something to look forward to, with anticipation. My husband worked from 9:00am-3.00pm and then 9:00pm-3:30am yesterday/today, had six hours sleep and is now back working, again, today. Hours worked now all mean vacation later. In theory, anyway. A client gave me a $25 gift card bonus for my baking efforts, this year, which was a pleasant, and unexpected surprise. I did hit up an online store the day after Christmas, to get "Beanie" a second set of PJs and some socks, based on need, rather than just on a whim.

*Balloon2* I'm enjoying devouring delicious rashers of bacon (crispy AND fatty-yeah, I know, my diet starts tomorrow) and a steamy, creamy orange mocha.

*Balloon3* Our guinea pigs are more entertainment than a "B" grade film. One is a real character, with an evidently gregarious, mischievous small rodent personality. "Beanie" has nicknamed him, "Fast BoBi".

*Balloon4* My latest language enrichment experience is translating a Croatian storybook of fables and moral fairy-tales, written in free-verse. Must be something culturally significant about the mystical motif of rabbits, because these creatures are central characters throughout the whole book. I guess that bunny rabbits are known as 'Zecs" in Sarajevo.

Here's one of my very favorite verses-translated into English: "Zec, Mjesec, Zvijezde I Mrvke"-

"The Bunny, The Moon, The Stars, The Carrots"

"From the night hill
The bunny looks at the sky:
Countless stars,
One moon

Countless stars,
One moon.
"Which one is his favourite?"
Wonders the bunny.

He makes his bed beneath
The rose hip branches
The breeze sings a lullaby
And the bunny dreams:

The sky is an endless field
One, two, three.
The stars are the carrots
And he's the only bunny ! "

['Locked in the Heart The Little Key Lost-by Mirsad Becirbasic, 2000, Sejtarija Publications].

A sweet and cute child's book, although some of the literal translations come out a little bit zany, but the sentiments are eerily universal.

*Balloon5* Musically, I'm enjoying a music CD that my mother in New Zealand gave me for Christmas: "And Winter Came..." by Enya. Very seasonally appropriate. Why does my mother always DO that?.
December 26, 2008 at 5:17pm
December 26, 2008 at 5:17pm
December 26, 2008.

Whether the Weather: 36 (F) Sunny yet chilly.
Events of Note: Blahs setting in..
In the Nudes: Death toll in Santa C.A shooting rises to nine.

*Gift1* Did everyone have an interesting December 25th?. Most of all that happened in the Rainbowapple household yesterday mostly went according to plans of peace, joy and happiness. I took a fall early yesterday afternoon, and messed myself up pretty nicely, which made preparing Christmas dinner last night for ourselves and an unexpected two extra guests somewhat stressful, but I pulled it off, anyway. "Beanie" had a splendid Christmas morning, despite us being concerned that her Christmas surprises looked somewhat...small, this year. Nevertheless, she had a really happy day, except for the challenge of finding enough to do when it was hailing, bordering on sleeting outside, on and off. We ate a traditional New Zealand roast lamb Christmas dinner, with a really Kiwi-style 'trifle' dessert, and coffee and cookies, afterwards. I can't stand pie, so that was definitely off our menu, this year.

*Gift3* I gave some lovely, straightforward and practical gifts, which were each appreciated and commented on.

*Gift4* We celebrated Christmas dinner with welcoming an extra guest who would otherwise have been by themselves, eating a cold can of soup. No-one goes cold, lonesome and hungry in my midst, Christmas or nah.

*Gift2* We remembered family and friends, present and past, and wished for a year ahead where there will be a little more peace in the world.

I look forward to reading and hearing how each of you spent yesterday, whichever way you did, or didn't. Please know that you were ALL in my thoughts and heart, as always.

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