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Rated: 18+ · Book · Inspirational · #1489243
"Scattered leaved with poetic imprints." My new collection of poetry.

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Well, it's now mid- 2019 and this is still the only book I use to house part of my new poetry.
I began using it years ago due to a lack of storage space in my over-700 item WDC portfolio.
I really need to do some spring, summer, fall and winter cleaning.
There are still lots of static items which have never received any mention by other members here.

But that's part of the problem of being a writer ( musician, artist, actor ... ).
I do not know how to network.

Thanks for discovering this link. Please leave a comment.
Bookmark it, please....
This is a writing site and not FarceBrook where it's so easy just to press the button "LIKE."
(( And I am not a fan of the fact that WDC has added it. ))
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August 24, 2010 at 3:21am
August 24, 2010 at 3:21am
hell’s darkness invades the sky, anthracite and coal
layer the clouds with the rumble of thick menace
rain crumbles with an oppressive thrumming
that consumes chaos within a whirlwind
screech of devilish ferocity, its angry howl
a harsh wet battle that infiltrates life’s cracks
in a growling stench of autumn’s late decay
green leaves wrenched from supple branches
snapping, delicate flower petals brutalized…
on the horizon, a heavy glow of pink resistance

unrelenting contrast
August 23, 2010 at 1:26pm
August 23, 2010 at 1:26pm
banana and rhum smooth sun-gray sky blues
our rock collection rules all corners
shelves and table tops, beneath, mottled dust
strains to rival contemporary canvases
rain-white sleet pings against windowed pains
visions with sentiments I cannot frame
destined to remain salt-dried sediment, while
my heart throbs from a thunder clap awakening
electrified by your center stage departure, alone
I count tear-blurred stars without believing in wishes

rocks and stars

A first text for
 Invalid Item 
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#1701070 by Not Available.

Ten-line poems are not easy, and I'll be writing a large group of them in order to have a wide choice to submit to Joy's contest.
August 22, 2010 at 1:52pm
August 22, 2010 at 1:52pm
tango in the night
tango filled with stars
stars light for your eyes
stars shadow my fear
fear not
fear only not loving me
me thinks
me for you is our motto
motto mottled in stucco
motto painted over our hearth
hearth, heart, heat
hearth, earth, ear
ears which do not hear
ears only for my songs
songs, you are my angel
songs for tomorrow’s light
light trades shadows
light evades mystery

mystery, tell me my secrets
mystery, tell me our truth

truth in your eyes
truth, to trust my tears
tears of joy
tears of longing
longing for yesterday
longing for this challenge
challenge me to return!
challenge me to leave you!
you, life’s center
you, life’s end
end without death
end without my angel
angels float
angels occupy our cloud
clouds smile
clouds laugh
laugh, my love, can you
laugh without my love?

love challenges
love is my strength

strength to leave you
strength to return
return to the haven of your hearth
return to the simple dance
dance, fair troubadour
dance like the Milky Way
way to mourn your heart
way numbed from my sleeping pain

the heart’s tango

A Blitz Poem
after an idea by NOVAcatmando

August 16, 2010 at 10:20am
August 16, 2010 at 10:20am
I am the wind
the sound of my voice
quietly evoking yesterday
dissipates like the clouds
I fade slowly into the shadows
beyond the valley of promises
my ashes will only add a gritty dust
to the clutter of cardboard boxes
an unopened résumé of my life
in a distant nephew's garage
because of all those who ignored my death
I remembered him best
we never whispered together
our voices perched between secrets
but his charity will not allow him
to relinquish a dead man's wish
though that too will vanish
a silent shimmering evocation
lost in the wind

I am the wind
August 14, 2010 at 10:49am
August 14, 2010 at 10:49am

after the desert dryness of an inhospitable land
monsoon torrents defy man’s memory
and transform life into survival

within an apocalyptic decor of mudslide
that entombs destruction and distress
wailing exceeds the millions of souls
who explode the homeless population

deep within the hospital ruins
the timeless ones quietly
try to save a fragment of humanity

more than hope remains unreachable to them
amid the chaos of human desolation
women call out with an unnamable suffering
no medicine, no love can relieve

where death reigns
August 9, 2010 at 10:26am
August 9, 2010 at 10:26am
artificial air currents
gently sweep east to west
from the stucco wall
to the stone-framed fireplace
the Rhone banks are crowded
the city hall fountain needs cleaning
thus a great solution for wetness
is my sunken bathtub
already filled and emptied twice
perfuming the air with lemon
outdoors is no alternative
for blue skies reflect too post-card perfect
with the eye strain of blatant summer sun
content, I remain in the relative shade
of the top floor apartment
windows tempting the air, trapped
willingly with a liter bottle
of bubbling water, a hundred grams
of roasted almonds
a book about a wild sheep chase
and several people magazines
saved from the dancing waves
of last week's holiday at the beach...
anchored calmly in my cocoon
I wait for nightfall
to once again stargaze in my dreams
wrapped in a cotton print sheet
the ventilator humming at discreet
to ward off sweat-related nightmares

staying cool after the beach
August 8, 2010 at 6:15am
August 8, 2010 at 6:15am
cast on my doorstep
three brightly colored pebbles
no rough-cut jewels

they appear as gifts
strangely discarded objects
like pre-autumn leaves

each day I find three
gifts for meditation's hold
a child's lost marbles

I choose a clear bowl
arrange the stones artfully
they number eighteen

splashed with cold water
they form a fishbowl's landscape
or a riverbed

there, all rocks glitter
washed and swayed by streaming will
where I swim alone

my clothes sun-drying
water offers zen balance
like summer blue-gold

cloudburst suddenly
I run naked in the rain
captured in wetness

I tarry slowly
nature's caprice delights me
without umbrella

new colors beckon
on return, my doorstep shines
watery gems wait

gifting pebbles
Chain Senryu
August 7, 2010 at 6:03pm
August 7, 2010 at 6:03pm
ultimate midnight
time suspended in a single shooting star
wishful hesitation to caress the shadows
guarded by the yellow clad hermits
found deep in mountain secrets
from summit to summit they resonate
the rhythmic bongs that herald dawn
acclaiming the golden hued power
to blossom hope
from the long dark hours
of meditation

in a single breath

August 6, 2010 at 5:09pm
August 6, 2010 at 5:09pm
the lamp is broken
wooden base chased from its wicker pole
by old age, the shade casts no more hazed light
to illuminate his midnight lecture
our outcast lantern thrones darkly
atop the dirty laundry chest
reminding us
of the bedroom’s dreariness…
I leave him retired to the plush salon armchair
his body pillow plumped for added comfort
he hopes to finish "Millenium, Tome Deux"
I have not unveiled Lisbeth's fate
later if my dreams grate against my peace
I may find him caught by slumber
the book creasing his chest
not a rare occasion, though tonight
darkness will shroud my sleeping hours
until tomorrow, when we will choose
Ikea or Pier Import to replace
the discreet incandescent shadowing
that will remove gloomy corners
from the room where I sleep
and he tries nightly to read

broken lamp
August 5, 2010 at 5:17pm
August 5, 2010 at 5:17pm
he stares with childlike wonder
at the infinite sky
water billows against the boat
clouds form in stylish waves above
impossible to gaze in every direction
he must select the beauty
that marvels his eyes
blue-silver shimmering laps
at a distant rocky coastline
gulls hover, a dolphin swaps air
for water, a tiny island appears
to the west where unexpected colors
somber and bruised
join the horizon, cloud-layered now
with a mobile storm, unrest flashes
only as silent lightning of summer heat
illuminates the darkness gathering
where brilliant sunlight fades to an
early glimpse of fall's paleness
the boat sways, wind chastises
the sails that swell, push ahead
arrival later than the brochure’s schedule
safe in the busy fishing port...
rain never falls, electrified by cloudburst
his wonder complete, he chooses
a water-side restaurant hours later
melon and prosciutto as antipasta
he sips rosé wine while
delighting his companion
with joyous drunken tales infused
by his youthful, fertile imagination
what might have happened
on a shipwrecked island
during the first storm
as Crusoe's new man Saturday....

the sea's afternoon

August 4, 2010 at 12:26pm
August 4, 2010 at 12:26pm
I wait, yet once more,
for revelation…
photographing for my own memories
the silent, invisible prayers
of thousands who have never trespassed
worthy and uplifted
in their praise of the heaven's
kings, godly sons and disciples
I am held breathless by the perfection
in the details of spirituality
moving each heart, mine included
as it steps into the quiet light of marble
or the coolness of stained glass
here, imitating piousness
I honor this beauty as I may
with subtle details
I capture discreetly on film
for they will not remain embedded
upon the empty well of my heart and soul
leaving an tangible imprint
a stain, like divine grace
coloring my disbelief
into a permanent ecstasy

to search for a different light
July 19, 2010 at 11:33am
July 19, 2010 at 11:33am
like a mountain torrent
words so clear, inescapable
our minds like an hour glass
meaning drifts from one half to the other

the sand cannot clot, no rain
can spoil its perfect dance

the case is a polished diamond
reflecting every possibility

a bottle cast to sea waves, corked
expeditor's full address
a simple message slipped inside
if i ask no questions...

one day there will be an answer

a stranger calls on my shady doorstep
attired differently than my people
a warm, inviting smile, bottle in hand
my heart wavers

I never imagined beyond the happy end
a reincarnation of the daylight

is it the summer's warmth
or the joy of holding your hand

I am topsy-turvy in love
a rainbow that captions a stormy sky
and when I speak
the miracle is the whole world listens

simple words

July 17, 2010 at 4:57pm
July 17, 2010 at 4:57pm
overlooking the chalet
the mountain summit
has vanished
in the thick promise of wetness
like an elder, head in the clouds
it abruptly disappears in whipped cream
pondering the inclemency that claims
the summer air
we, familiar with its contours
know every missing bolder
and crest, and beyond
its northern face, rain falls silently
imagined easily
by the blackness of the sky
here below, the vineyards
are verdant and our balcony
is flowered with bougainvillea
hibiscus, begonias and geraniums
their feminine colors
contrasting the dark wood of the walls
and the brown-orange tiles underfoot
birds cluck impatiently
waiting for the storm, the trees
sway and dance in supplication
and I, ever ready, have powered
my camera to flash the anger
as it resonates over the valley
hoping to catch the ultimate
white of nature’s fireworks

summer artistry

July 16, 2010 at 9:21am
July 16, 2010 at 9:21am
unlike the blank page , a white screen
hovers, mocking us without even
the former buzz of TV snow
deprived of quick amusement
disappointed and quickly irate
we rap on the box, hopeful, yet
no nimble spirit reappears
while we stare at its nothingness
others sharpen pencils and empty
trash of useless but useable
crumpled papers
who thinks nowadays
about good book substitutes?
bother the inconvenience
of this mess of vacantness
today’s machines don't hum or purr
like twenty-year-old iceboxes
or the lawnmower carefully oiled
each summer, yet waiting for
the screen's animation, the grass
grows savannah high and ideas
float in the pictures clouds form
all forgotten when tiny bells ding:
you have new mail....

A Random Act Of Poetry for Teri

July 15, 2010 at 5:46pm
July 15, 2010 at 5:46pm
ten years is a long time
the ocean waves still separate us,
uncounted moons
sun rises, shines, sets… i’ve stopped
looking for shooting stars
a true unbeliever now
i don't know why
the days no longer have numbers
there are no special ones among them
if you sang for me, i never heard words
rustling in the wind, even in thunderbolts
maybe your thoughts and prayers were too timid
to fly along time’s borders towards me
there were no promises — you could not
have kept them, are you that heartless?
i too am selfish, for you do not
welcome my lovers…
your home has become your fortress
instead of a family haven
i find it in other arms, although
i don't cry for the loss between us
who would hear my mourning?
do you weep
at night with my yellowing picture?
i remember your rare smiles, the moments
they spoke of truth… i have
no hearth to lighten my heart
in ten years life has stopped…

ten years
July 14, 2010 at 12:24pm
July 14, 2010 at 12:24pm
I’m a fool in front of the camera
the lens captures only my nonchalant
inability to be natural
people watch, I freeze
this brilliant idea was to say hello
video style, to virtual land
i.e. internet in any language
but I get tongue tied
and French and English
get mixed up, every other
parole comes out as a word bathed
d'un fou rire, and great belly laughs
are the perfect way towards
the camera-man screaming
“take seventeen!”
(I tried, I really did
to imitate Clark Gable, suave
and serious, but Salvador Dali took over...)
behind the iPhone
he said to write my text — anything
coherent and sensible —
decide what to say once and for all
(winging it freestyle
with improvisational jazz overtones
just gets more an more comedic…)
memorize it, like TV speakers
I mentioned prompters and he said
no way, so the would-be modern
means of communication is reduced
à un petit mot d'un poète
poetically penning vacation post cards
(a holiday in any language
bon voyage et tutti quanti
did I say we're off to Tuscany next week?)

trying to say hello
July 13, 2010 at 10:34am
July 13, 2010 at 10:34am
placed between parentheses, I wait
upon earth-shattering events to chronicle
I strive not to stifle my creativity
trapped at the wrong end of the equator
mosquito bitten, baptized the collector of berries
the twin rivers give sweet refreshment
and after three months, I have gone
from welter to featherweight with daily promenades
a sweaty two kilometers to the beachfront, midway
a jazz pianist breathes swarthy song
into similarly sweltering air
melting the silence
the road quiets of carts and vendors, his improvisation lazy
like the clouds afraid of spooning even a drop of water
onto the parched earth below, a hymn of this civilization
hammocks sway, my papers stuck to my wet chest
eyes bleary from the torpor
yet under these tropical heat waves
there are grapevine words that tremor
of an organized native upheaval
imagining rights to the rumored western ways
I wait, sketching faces and postures
my stock of pencils is waning
they tell me my blond hair brings them luck
so they all sit patiently, humming unrecorded melodies
I become their historian, faithfully setting my own life
aside, punctuated by the eclipses of their smiling faces

before the pencil stubs

July 12, 2010 at 1:12pm
July 12, 2010 at 1:12pm
Creamy ivory white pages. Blank.
The ink is a succession of thoughts,
invisible, forgotten. Dreams not yet born
birthed in silence. Flotsam
on the shores of a deserted island.
Our love, a slow decrescendo
escalating out of control. A spiral of tears,
a forlorn fumbling of mid-life.
I am a beggar, choosing other relics
from dustbins in the chic neighborhoods.
Or a naughty child, punishable.
A recurring fantasy, the truth is gone.
Am I asking you once again if you love me,
did I say it? Once more I mouth the same.
No, it didn’t used to be that way. We ran
on that beach, isolated just
for our communion. I am no one any longer.
Will God retain my soul when I die?
I drink from a blue bottle containing your tears.
I am a sieve, maintaining nothing. Dust. Sand.
Slowly I will forget you. Do you love me still?
I have forgotten to write the words, today,
Chilled, I wear three wool sweaters.
I look at the calendar. November.
I don’t remember Halloween
nor the reason a red B decorated the twelfth
day of august…
Bella? Bernard? Do you still love me?
There are shelves of matching books filled
with my handwriting, it seems younger, more sprightly.
They all have the same colored pages, some speaking
of dreams, hopes, scenes from a life I cannot
remember. Do you still love me?
When I was a child, I rummaged through
the neighbor’s trash. There was a blue shirt
with an eagle embroidered on the sleeve. I look
at my tattooed arms. The same.
Its colors have faded. Do you….

at the end, we all forget

July 11, 2010 at 6:27am
July 11, 2010 at 6:27am
exit from the shower
delicate ping of wood on brass
a song of encounters strangely pleasant
indoors the breeze displaces dust
windows and shutters creak
it’s almost cold on my naked skin
heat storms cull the air’s freshness
disguising the mugginess in friendliness
when the strikes-and-spares booming begins
and the blue-to-black transformation swells
with lighting effects of a fluorescent nightclub
finally afternoon sleep will dull my senses
deprived too often by hot and humid nights
while in a frenzy the wind chimes sing of freedom
rainfall, a childhood lullaby
lulls me into safety

when she used to sing
July 10, 2010 at 3:08pm
July 10, 2010 at 3:08pm
the scar on my forehead is a thin line
the others, deep and mysterious
are buried under the blazing light
of another continent, where I was just
a number to be extracted from existence
today, i drift from smile to smile
sharing a kiss only under the full moon
closeness belonged to another life
i have my stories, ghostly and precarious, they arrive
with candlelight and wine when curiosity peaks
and each man cries out when caught in their spell
terrors of my past… my tears are dry and spent
my voice calm and too matter-of-fact
for their comfort, I speak of independence
and suffering when there is nothing on the table
they nod, as if they truly understand my tale
and pose a warm hand on my shoulder
thinking to comfort what should still be my distress
in response, I tell them
each of our lives is a piece of tomorrow’s puzzle
but mine is merely the shadows cast by the clouds
masking the thin line of the horizon

a question of comfort

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