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by Chanon
Rated: ASR · Book · Spiritual · #1645015
The Light Worker’s Manual – An Unpublished manuscript

I had the privilege of being best friends with a psychic channel for a period of twelve years when I was much younger. The entity who spoke through her was named Alexander. Alexander and I were friends from another lifetime. When he spoke directly to me through my friend he told me many things and asked me to write everything down. At the end of twelve years my friend moved to another city and we lost touch. I began seriously to write down and arrange everything Alexander had said. The result was this manuscript.

Much of what I have written has already come to pass, and as humanity continues to evolve into the fifth dimension, I find the words spoken by Alexander are indeed the truth.

Perhaps one day this manuscript will be published and will become a Light worker’s Manual.

Live Love, because Love is all there is.

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May 10, 2014 at 11:03pm
May 10, 2014 at 11:03pm
Words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

God has been asleep. We are His dream. We are an illusion. When He wakes up, we will become a part of Him just as our dreams become a part of us. In the “twinkling of an eye”, we will be taken up to a new dimension to be with Him; then the illusion will end. A higher dimension of evolution with its lights, color and beautiful musical sounds is the reality. We are the dream.

I don’t really understand, ’God has been asleep’. Both Alexander and the Ascended Masters used these words, so I am sure we will understand it all by and by.

I have had many dreams lately about a certain man. He is a former Prime Minister of Canada. His name is Paul Martin. I liked him as a member of parliament, and I liked him as a PM, but I did not know why he appeared in my dreams so often.

One morning last week, when he had again been a part of my dream, I asked my bathroom buddy while I was in the shower. The answer came fast and clear, ‘he was your father’. This was such a shock to me, my knees felt like they could not hold me up. Then a wave of love and tenderness swept over me, and tears came to my eyes.

I did not know my father in this life-time; he died 8 days before I was born.

I am paying more attention to people who come into my dreams now. I am sure they have all been part of my past lives in some form or another.

World Peace Meditations

Wednesday, May 14, 7:30pm

(based on local time in your time zone)

Future Dates

Wednesday - June 18, July 16, Aug 20 at 7:30pm

May 3, 2014 at 11:20am
May 3, 2014 at 11:20am
Words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

God’s dream began when He decided to create humanity from atoms in the form of spirit. He then decided to give each spirit the gift of free will. He created the planet earth as a garden for those of us who chose to experience evolution in this Garden of Eden. This is the source of the story we call Adam and Eve in the Garden.

We were created from Atoms and our choice was Evolution. If we chose evolution, we came to the garden. If we chose to remain as a combination of atoms, we remained as spirit. Many chose to remain as spirit as the angels did. Those of us who chose to experience evolution took on the human form. The human form is the vehicle we needed to exist in the garden (Earth).

Those of us who chose evolution knew it would be a long and sometimes difficult experience. We also knew that those who chose to remain in spirit would act as our guides to help us through the experience of evolution. In this way we were divided, those who came to the garden and those who remained as atoms. This was the beginning.

I find getting answers while in the shower easier to get and easier to understand. I read this and copied here. Hope it benefits readers.

“Journey Through Ascension - with Rayonato


It is quite the challenge navigating our way through the multitudinous different options out there for raising our vibration, healing our energy bodies, clearing away the blockages, and generally clearing ourselves for the pathway ahead.

I was feeling completely bogged down by it all the other day, and asked Lee, through the pendulum, what on earth I should do for the best?

His answer was "Keep it simple. Love yourself."

I had an instant feeling of the Truth of that statement coursing through my body...and the sudden understanding that it's not an Ego-based love of loving the fact that I am, for example, kind...or generous...or a good friend...or a caring mother...or a successful career woman, etc, etc. It's not the love of those ego-based aspects of myself.

It is, instead, a very pure love of myself...just loving the fact that I am a Lightstream from Source...pure Light and Love...loving myself for being Source energy itself.

With that realisation came a clear image for me...of everyone as being a beacon of light, with what looked somewhat like a layer of a Russian doll overlaid over them...and that was their self-constructed 'Ego-system'...which was put in place by them...but which could be removed at any moment of their choosing. Just like that. As easy as that.

So, yesterday I did a visualisation (in the shower ...as I often find healing work much more powerful around water)...and that visualisation was to gently remove that layer of my Russian doll and to place it gently to the side of me. I thanked it for being there for me for as long as it has been, and that it has now served its purpose for me, and I no longer require it. I am now ready to shine my pure light of Christ Consciousness...and to be who I came here to be.

Next, I imagined all the negative energy that is held within my body cells joining together to form a solid layer (like another layer of the doll), which I then gently removed and transmuted into the golden Light of Christ Consciousness.

I did this one more time...and then afterwards felt that the next layer wasn't quite ready just yet.

After stepping out of the shower, I felt as light as a feather...and was walking on air for the rest of the day!

I really feel as though we can make things WAY too complicated...and that we simply came to Earth to BE the Light and Love that we are...and that it's simply a sincere choice that we need to make, to let that shine and to remove the Ego.

I feel that each therapy that we try...each method that we believe is the right one to do the job...each CD that we listen to help us 'do the work', etc...will eventually lead us to the understanding that this was never meant to be complicated.

A true desire to just BE Who-We-Are is all it takes...and an unshakeable BELIEF that this is all it takes, too.

As we know, belief is EVERYTHING!!”

(Lee must be her guide)

April 26, 2014 at 9:19pm
April 26, 2014 at 9:19pm

Words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

It seems that world leaders are dividing into two categories’ the hawks and the doves. More now than ever before the division is more pronounced, there are those that feel that aggression is the way to peace and those who feel that peace can be negotiated.

The division of wealth is a major factor in the turmoil we find ourselves in today. Negotiations and a sharing of wealth will bring about the peace we all want and deserve. Rich countries seem arrogant and lacking in sympathy toward developing countries. It would be in the best interest of all countries to stay away from aggression and ask for help in bringing about equality. It is the responsibility of the rich to sit down with the poor and ask how they can help.

It is not advantageous to give poor nations a hand up and then demand that they conform to standards set by the rich nations. Democracy is preferred but it cannot be demanded. Fairness and equality must be the cornerstone to build on, not threats and aggression.

It is necessary that those countries that have the knowledge and the resources hold out a hand of friendship to others. Only then can we begin the healing process. Help given freely and without the expectation of reward will be the way to world harmony. In time, even the most aggressive will learn to trust if a concerted effort is made towards equality and justice.

The end of this blog is near. I have no idea when the end of the world will happen, but I will soon be presenting the manuscript to a publisher. Maybe two week’s time. At that point I will dismantle this blog.

I will however, blog the last few paragraphs of the manuscript. Very few people besides me have read it. I don’t even understand it, but the words were clear when they were told to me. The words were given me in two different times and from two different spiritual people. I'm sure we will all understand them at some point in time (or space).

April 19, 2014 at 8:34pm
April 19, 2014 at 8:34pm
Words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

The true humanitarian is the person who goes about his or her work without the need for glory or recognition. The true advocate for the unfortunate citizens of our world will work for the benefit of progress, not for glory. The progress achieved will be of benefit to all people of the world because the foundation is then laid for future growth and advancement.

Those who work to achieve equality for all may not realize the full magnificence of their work until they can view their contribution through eyes that are fully enlightened. Their glory shall come from the master Himself, which is God.

April 12, 2014 at 3:08pm
April 12, 2014 at 3:08pm
Words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

When a politician is ready to retire, there is often quite a different slant on the rhetoric he or she spins. During their time in office there was not too much done to defend the defenseless, feed the hungry or make homes available for the homeless. Now upon retirement, the speeches are quite different from the actions performed while in office.

The power and glory in politics often brings out the greed in people. Promises given on the campaign trail seem to evaporate into the air after Election Day. It is true that in a democracy the people have the liberty to vote the offending politician out of office but that must wait until the next election. In the meantime, the right-wing policies can do much to separate the rich from the poor. The poor do not have a strong voice in the politics of a country. That is why it is important for us to look after our fellow man on a day-to-day basis. We must not allow the greed of rich corporations or countries to stop the humanitarian efforts needed by the poor developing countries or indeed, the poor and underprivileged in our own community.

The retiring politician can truthfully expose their humanitarian thoughts that perhaps they have hidden from the public all along just to stay in power. After retiring, a politician very often will pursue a career with a social conscience, when the pressure from big business has lessened.

I’ve been cleaning out drawers and closets this week, keeping in mind that someday I may have to move into a senior’s residents. Fourteen pairs of polyester slacks went to neighbourhood services. Remember them, from the 70’s and 80’s?

Next I opened a drawer of pins, broaches, scarves, neck laces that I wore with those polyester suits. I came across a small chain with golden cross. This brought to mind an incident that happened while I was still active in personal healing. My friend Hannah brought her friend to me for some table work. I felt her depression, and saw that she was wearing a very large silver cross around her neck. I felt the negative energy emanating from the cross. I asked her to take it off and take it to her car. The healing session went well. The three of us sat with a cup of tea while I told my client about the negative energy I had felt from the cross. I asked her not to wear it for a few days to see if it made a difference in her depression.

Hanna and her friend worked in the same mall where I often shop. The next time I met them in the store, I asked the friend how she felt while not wearing the cross. Both burst out laughing and told me the cross disappeared from her car. It was never seen again. I’m glad it was not a meaningful gift or heirloom. The depression had lifted considerably.

Now, I am contemplating giving my gold cross to my granddaughter. It was bought in Sweden, and given to me by my bridesmaid in 1958; I wore it constantly for the next twenty-five years.

Will this tiny delicate cross have a negative effect on my granddaughter? I don’t know, but I will ask her mother to watch carefully while she is wearing it.

World Peace Meditations

Wednesday, April 16, 7:30pm

(based on local time in your time zone)

Future Dates

Wednesday - May 14, June 18,

July 16, Aug 20 at 7:30pm

April 5, 2014 at 8:56pm
April 5, 2014 at 8:56pm

Words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

It is important to remember that we are our brother’s keepers. It does not matter where we were born or from which country we originated, we are all one. We were all created from the same source and that source is God. We are all connected through that source. We are all on the same journey back to that source. Back to our original spirit from where we came.

Imagine for a moment in your mind all those in human form marching together on the same road back to God. Imagine what it would be like to travel together in unity back to that brilliant light at the end of the road. Imagine how pleasant the trip would be if we all helped each other in universal love and compassion. Imagine what a joyful homecoming that will be when we all reach our destination together.

It could be a joyful trip home if we could realize why we are here and what our eventual destination is. We would not have the desire to spend time at war with each other. We would all be working so hard to get to the Promised Land that any thoughts of aggression would not have any room in our minds. We would all be so busy helping each other along the path that our thoughts would only be of love and peace. What a beautiful picture that would be. Now our duty is to make this imagined picture come true. It is our duty and responsibility to create a loving family, community and world that will lead us home to God.

“The speed of angel light of love and peace is accelerating, confusing the dark ones.”

I was given this message many years ago, but it is still reverent today and beyond. Some of the symptoms of this acceleration may be unsteadiness in gait; ringing in the ears, or other sounds that come from inside the ears or mind, not outside; feeling like the ground under your feet is swaying; feelings of wanting to be alone, but not depression. Of course, I am not a medical professional, and some of these things may need medical attention, so don’t use me as an expert, please.

Since my birthday last December, I have had the feeling that I want to be alone. If I didn’t have to go out for groceries, I would likely stay at home. I only go out for necessities, and then right back home again. Of course, I enjoy visits from my children and grandchildren, but I enjoy these visits more if they are short, better than long.

Unbalanced, yes, but that may be a sign of my age, perhaps acerbated by angel light. Sounds like motors running have been with me for at least a decade. Nothing new there. Audio specialists and doctors cannot even understand this noise, so I have stopped asking long ago.

Sometimes I want ascension to happen now, and yet, there is that fear of the unknown.

March 30, 2014 at 4:19pm
March 30, 2014 at 4:19pm
March 29, 2014 at 9:47pm
March 29, 2014 at 9:47pm

Words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

Those individuals who abuse children have a very small window of opportunity to right the wrongs they have done. They will be shown their despicable acts upon their entry into the ethereal dimension and they will be required to atone for their actions. Those who use their authority to allow children to be abused will be shown the error of their ways and they too will be required to balance their karma by being born into a lifetime in which they will be advocates for children in need. Karma will balance the totality of our individual evolution. We cannot reach the ascended state until we have balanced our karma.

Soldiers too must return within a short period to atone for any killing they took part in and any atrocities they committed while in the military. Those who were of lower ranks and were in the military forces doing the bidding of higher ranks and commanders are given more latitude than those who gave the orders.

Leaders of countries who command their people to war are required to atone for their actions and to bring balance, not only to their own karma but also to the karma of the country they ordered to war. No one is allowed to proceed up the evolutionary path until they atone for their misdeeds. All negative karma must be balanced before atonement is granted and restitution must be made before enlightenment is reached.

I read about being thankful, then it struck me forcefully, how thankful I should be for the lack of parental guidance during my youth. My father died a week before I was born. My mother was left with ten children and no income back in 1934. Mother lost her hearing when she was just eight years old. So, there was a lot lacking. But, how thankful I am, that that lack of support made me who I am today.

My older brothers went to work to support mother and us younger children. I never got to know them as adults. Thank you for that. My older sisters gave up their chance of education. Thank you for that. I was left to learn by doing, by making mistakes, by making decisions that sometimes worked out right, but often not. Thank you for that.

Sometimes we forget to thank spirit for the lessons we have learned. Especially the lessons that were not very pleasant.

As I got older, there were job interviews that did not go well. Thank goodness, I did not get those jobs. One especially, I remember the woman who interviewed me; it would have been very unpleasant working for her.

It’s easy to be thankful for the good things in life, not so easy to be thankful for the embarrassing parts. All the little pieces make up the whole map of life, both the good pieces and the bad ones.

March 22, 2014 at 9:45pm
March 22, 2014 at 9:45pm
Words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

Our children are growing up in a much more multicultural society than any previous generation. They are more understanding and tolerant of differences than their parents or grandparents. Each succeeding generation will build on this base of tolerance but it is helpful if we understand the process of this evolution in order that we may learn from our children.

Each new generation of children born into the earth’s atmosphere is more highly evolved than the previous generation. Progressively they have had more experience on the earth’s plain with each successive birth. God in His wisdom has arranged that we should learn from our children the things that are important to our own evolution. Children are innocent and loving, willing to help anyone who needs help or asks for help. They do not know hate or prejudice until they are taught to hate and fear from the adults in their life.

Prejudice and bigotry are fear-based problems. Understanding would eliminate our fear and therefore eliminate many of our world problems that lead to war and violence. Children can teach us the important things in life, to appreciate the love of family and to accept that love without asking anything in return. They can teach us to love unconditionally without fear and without greed. This is the love for our fellow man that is needed to bring peace without the need to be paid except in the return of love and understanding. This is the joy we can learn from each successive generation of children given to us. The barter system of kindness needs to spread throughout the earth and it can only start with you.

I remember when my youngest granddaughter started school. She sat at the table with me and cried. She said the boys were mean, and they teased her. Yes, I cried with her. She had just entered into the real world, where fear takes hold, and manifests itself in meanness and teasing.

At the same time I was doing volunteer work as a hands-on healer at a drop-in centre for people with HIV/AIDS. Most of the people there were young, in their twenties and early thirties. Most were affected, and most died during the five years I worked there. This was before the disease was really understood. At the time full-fledged hatred was directed towards the gay/lesbian/transgendered population, even by the police. These young people knew hate, but few that I was associated with returned that hatred.

On Sunday, tomorrow, the child that was born to me 54 years ago as a boy will be entering a specialized hospital that performs exclusively sexual reconstructive surgery. She will become the fully functional woman that she has always wanted to be. But, I’m afraid it will not end the hatred, prejudice and intolerance that she has suffered all her life.

March 15, 2014 at 9:51pm
March 15, 2014 at 9:51pm
Words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

Whenever we hear of wars on our news broadcasts, we ask you to think of how we can bring peace to our own surroundings. Is there someone in the family or community that we can help with a kind thought or deed? Is there someone to whom we could bring a message of hope? Perhaps a new neighbor is in need of a friendly greeting. Small acts of kindness could make a big difference in the life of another individual and in the unity of a community.

The more we understand the customs of our neighbors, the better we can get along together, whether that neighbor is next door or a neighboring country. Peace begins at home and it begins with understanding.

We have heard a lot about Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in recent years. That doesn’t mean it is a new disorder, just that it has been recognised more since wars and Peace Keeping duties in other parts of the world.

I think there is fear involved. At least there is in my situation. During my twenty five year marriage, I had all the symptoms of PTSD. These lasted many years after my husband’s death. But, mostly, with the help of spirit, I have overcome the symptoms. Not so with my sister.

When I look at the birth line-up of my siblings, I can understand why my sister is a tyrant, and why I fear her. There were four boys born before her, and I was born three years after her. All her young life she must have been tormented by our older brothers, so when I came along, she took it out on me. I was a skinny, weak kid, and could not defend myself against her pent-up anger. Her anger remains until today. Although there were some years we got along well. We had a mutual interest – we had similar husbands.

So that brings me to this week. My sister will celebrate her 84th birthday soon, and I decided to send her a copy of my book, The Travis Tales. I know what she will do with it. She will throw it away and be angry at me for sending her a children’s book. She will not consider what an accomplishment getting published has been. She will not consider the years, frustration, and disappointments we go through just to have a book on the market. No, she will be angry.

But I sent the book with love in my heart. I sent it because I still want to be loved by her. Secretly, I want her to be proud of me. I am sure it will not happen, because she has never felt love, or pride, and so I feel sorry for her. Not anger.

This too, or us, is a form of PTSD.

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