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When you really have nothing better to do.
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March 19, 2013 at 9:27am
March 19, 2013 at 9:27am
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"The Worker"
March 19, 2013

In This Entry

"Blogging Circle of Friends Blog Topic: "When was the first time you really felt like a grown-up (if ever)?"

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Hello Friends

It's approaching 8:00am, I've been up and "at em" since 6:00am. I have a bit of snow clearing to do, left over remnants from yesterday's snow storm. I have to go take care of Mary, She is one of my customers, who on March 10, 2013 celebrated her 106th birthday. I don't want to go there too early as not to wake her up. She likes to sleep in. Awesome Lady!!
I have a couple other customers to check on, then I'm off to my friend's place to help install a door. It's a good day for a carpentry project, as it's The Feast of St. Joseph's Day.

I want to quickly write this blog entry (you can read slow if you want) so that when I get back home I can add in a 30Day Image Prompt Caption, then move on to more work on brothersblog.ca (which is still in the construction phase) I just confirmed another contributor to the site content, so I'm confident I'll have some good stuff to keep it lively, fun, and entertaining. I hope you'll all visit often, (It's not like I'm not going to be spamming you all to death)

I'm hoping to have some time for a quick work-out and a shower, or at least a shower, because I'm going to a special mass, with a reception to follow, where Father Bo will be serving up some homemade German Sausage. It better be good, because I'm missing a hockey game (Winnipeg at home to The Big Bad Boston Bruins) to be there.

Okay, okay... the prompt....

One of my life long friends and I were blessed to spend many weekends at a small cabin, near a large lake, an hour's drive north of the city. I'm so thankful that I was invited to share this experience with what has become my extended family. As kids, my friend and I loved those weekend, we got into all kinds of trouble fun. As teenagers we stopped going in favor of having weekend long parties in his house, while his parents were at the cabin. Then as adults, we returned to going out to the cabin, but it was different. Now we were guests of his parents, and joined in their activities. We sat around the fire and shared stories and jokes. Stories that were once topics to be kept secret, for fear of being punished. Now we could talk about our adventures at the lake, when we would disappear for hours. Stories about the parties his parents never knew we had, and jokes we would only tell among our peers.

Now we were among our peers. These times were the first times I recall, feeling like an adult.

From the first dates gone wrong department.

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I could tell from the look in her eyes, she wasn't impressed with the salad bar.

Thanks for lending an ear.
Have a great day.

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March 18, 2013 at 2:26pm
March 18, 2013 at 2:26pm
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"St. Joseph's Eve"
March 18, 2013

In This Entry

"Blogging Circle of Friends Blog Topic: "In honor of St. Patrick's Day, blog about anything that has to do with the word GREEN."

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Hello Friends

Chris Hatfield, Commander of the ISS, took a snap shot of Dublin, Ireland as it appeared from space on St. Patrick's Day. It looked pretty much like any other city would look like from the same vantage point. Chris Hatfield was wearing a green shirt and a green polka dot bow tie when he took the photo.

What does that have to do with St. Patrick's Day, you ask?

About as much as, green beer has to do with anything.

It's a sad comment on society, that most people equate St. Patrick's Day to Leprechauns , Four leaf clovers, and green beer. Drink plenty of green beer for St. Patty's Day, they say. It's an Irish thing, they say. Then, on any other day of the year, a person of Irish Nationality would be offended if you gave them the impression Ireland is a nation of alcoholics. And rightfully so, violent drunks, sure, but not necessarily an entire nation of alcoholics.

But enough of my needless bashing of a bastardized Christian day of honoring one of their saints. And, of course I wouldn't want to offend any of my Irish friends. Who would I drink and fight with?

Question for you...If you're still reading.

What do you know about The Feast of St. Joseph? It is celebrated on March nineteenth. (Tomorrow)

Here is what Wikipedia has to say about it.

Saint Joseph's Day
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Saint Joseph with the Infant Jesus by Guido Reni
Saint Joseph's Day, March 19, the Feast of St. Joseph is in Western Christianity the principal feast day of Saint Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary. He is also the step-father of Jesus of Nazareth/Jesus Christ[1]. It has the rank of a solemnity in the Roman Catholic Church; Catholics who follow the Missal of 1962 celebrate it as a first class feast. Previous to 1962 it was celebrated as a feast of the rank of double of the first class. It is a feast or commemoration in the provinces of the Anglican Communion[2], and a feast or festival in the Lutheran Church. Saint Joseph's Day is the Patronal Feast day for Poland as well as for Canada, persons named Joseph, Josephine, etc., for religious institutes, schools and parishes bearing his name, and for carpenters. It is also Father's Day in some Catholic countries, mainly Spain, Portugal, and Italy.

March 19 was dedicated to Saint Joseph in several Western calendars by the tenth century, and this custom was established in Rome by 1479. Pope St. Pius V extended its use to the entire Roman Rite by his Apostolic Constitution Quo Primum (July 14, 1570). Since 1969, Episcopal Conferences may, if they wish, transfer it to a date outside Lent.[3]

Between 1870 and 1955, a feast was celebrated in honor of St. Joseph as Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Patron of the Universal Church, the latter title having been given to him by Pope Pius IX. Originally celebrated on the third Sunday after Easter with an octave, after Divino Afflatu[4] of St. Pius X (see Reform of the Roman Breviary by Pope Pius X), it was moved to the preceding Wednesday. The feast was also retitled The Solemnity of Saint Joseph. This celebration and its accompanying octave was abolished during the modernisation and simplification of rubrics under Pope Pius XII in 1955. It is still maintained by Catholics who follow the missal of 1962 or earlier missals. As the traditional holiday of the Apostles Ss. Philip and James, May 1, had faded from the memory of most Catholics by the mid-twentieth century, that of Joseph the Worker was created in order to coincide with the celebration of international Labour Day (May Day) in many countries.

Get my point?
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There! Now to get out of here, before Andre shows up and fails my blog entry, and drinks all of my green beer.

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Instead of taking a bus, run behind it, and save $1.50
Better yet, run behind a taxi and save $20.00

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OMG!!! I'm going to be on Brother's Blog!

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March 16, 2013 at 11:01pm
March 16, 2013 at 11:01pm
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March 16, 2013

In This Entry

"Blogging Circle of Friends Blog Topic: "Write about what you think about that moment before you go to sleep."

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Hello Friends

Another Saturday finds us stuck in the city. We bailed on our plans to head off to the lake, because there is a predicted snow storm heading our way.
We try to avoid the situation where we're forced to be driving on the highway in adverse conditions. Better safe than sorry. We decided to celebrated Christmas in the city again by cooking a turkey dinner with all the trimmings. Next week we'll spend New Years Eve at the lake.

Thinking is the worst thing I could possibly do before I go to sleep. If I think, I don't sleep. I lay awake thinking. I've learned to relax my mind and body before falling asleep. I begin with some deep breathing, ten long deep breaths, counted down. When I'm totally relaxed and comfortable, I'll recite the Lord's prayer. Afterward, I let my mind go completely blank, (Some people say I do this while I'm awake as well.) Before I fall asleep, I listen, I don't think. I drift off to dream land. Some nights I don't make it past the ten deep breaths, and some nights I have to start the process over a few times, because my thoughts don't want to let my body rest.

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I'll be bad ass one day, soon as I get potty trained.

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March 14, 2013 at 6:25pm
March 14, 2013 at 6:25pm
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March 15, 2013

In This Entry

"Blogging Circle of Friends Blog Topic: "Are you the type of person who lives for the journey or for the destination?"

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Hello Friends

It's been a few days since I've posted a blog entry. I've been busy putting a website together. I've spent the last couple of days acquiring content. I still have a few irons in the fire, but I'm planning on launching the web site by the end of the month.

In the meanwhile I'm going to try out a couple new additions to my WDC blog, such as, "The 30 Day Image Prompt Contest" The idea behind this activity is that you write a poem or story inspired by an image prompt. There is a new image posted each day, and the goal is to complete and respond with an entry 25 of the 30 days. Of course I have my own way of participating in this contest, so I am going to "Caption" the image prompt in my blog entry each day. I hope you enjoy my attempt at this, as much as I hope I don't get expelled from the group.

Are you the type of person who lives for the journey or for the destination?

I'm the type of person to not have a destination. Sure, I have dreams. In my youth and as a young man I had intentions of following my dreams and hoped and planned to, one day, arrive at my destination. Somehow the realities of life steered me in different directions or lead me to closed doors. Having a good attitude towards the hard realities of life enabled me to embrace the concept that, when one door closes another door opens, luckily none were cell doors.
So maybe everything happens for a reason, which we are not aware of. Maybe our destination isn't of our choosing. Look at all the people who achieved their life's goal only to find themselves empty an unsatisfied.
I embrace the journey, everything, everyday, and everyone. I have no destination. Come what may, I have no regrets, no dissapointments, no envy. There is only one thing in life that you have total control over and that is...Your attitude.
What ever your destination is... Have a nice trip.
And like my friends at WestJet say, "If Brother's Blog is your destination, Welcome home."

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Romeo had no idea, he was about to be kicked in the nuts.

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March 7, 2013 at 8:26am
March 7, 2013 at 8:26am
Charles Thomas "Stompin' Tom" Connors, OC (February 9, 1936 – March 6, 2013)

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March 6, 2013 at 12:19am
March 6, 2013 at 12:19am
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"The Death Prompt"
March 06, 2013

In This Entry

"Blogging Circle of Friends Blog Topic: " Are you afraid of death? Write about your feelings on the subject."

Hello Friends

I won't waste words jibber jabbering about life and the living. Let's talk about death.

I've never been afraid of death. I have been afraid of dying, or afraid of the things that may cause my death. I don't like to think about dying, but I am curious about death, and I think about it a lot. Just my luck...I'll have to die, before I learn what death is all about.

As I walk along on my journey through this thing called life. I have experienced many changes. Changes to my body, as I grew from a boy into a man, and changes to my mind, as experience, education, and observations, fill my brain with ideas and information, which form my thoughts and beliefs. Both my body and my mind change over time, and continue to change as I age over time. I have held many differing thoughts, and beliefs when it comes to the topic of death.

When I was in my youth, death was a non issue. As far as I was concerned, I was going to live forever. These ideas of invincibility were reinforced while I was a young adult. I've been in car wrecks, drunken brawls, had a gun held to my head, a knife to my throat, woke up in a burning house one morning, dozens upon dozens of close calls, but I walked away from it all. I've never even had a broken bone.

Several years have passed since I held the ideas of invincibility in my mind. I believe much different ideas now. One thing I have difficulty believing is...how stupid I was.

It's a fact, which I believe without waver, that... One day I will die. My body will fail me, and I will no longer walk this earth.

My lifeless body, being of no use to anyone, will be disposed of in some manner. I know I will live on, in the memories of the people who knew me, as the people who I have known, who died, live on in my memory now.

But, I will be dead. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WAIT! I'm not done yet.

What if I'm asleep and having a dream, and I die in my sleep, does the dream just abruptly end? What's all this about ghosts? reincarnation? What about God? Jesus survived death. Can I?

I'm not going to talk about religion, except to say, "I believe in the Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit."

I believe that I am, in addition to being a physical body, a spiritual being. And I believe that after my body is long dead, my spirit will live on. I'm not sure what form of life my spirit will take on, but I know in my heart that my spirit will live on after my body is no more. I didn't always believe this. Maybe that is why I survived my own stupidity, so that my mind could live long enough to know who I am in spirit.

Prophet, Priest, King.

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Also by Joel aka Brother Nature
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March 5, 2013 at 11:21am
March 5, 2013 at 11:21am
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"You Can't Turn Back The Clock."
March 5, 2013

In This Entry

"Blogging Circle of Friends Blog Topic: "List five things from your childhood that you wish all children could experience."

Hello Friends

We awoke to a mountainous scene here on the Canadian Prairie, (mountains of snow!) Mother Nature dropped 10-15 CM of snow on us, here in the city, and in Miami Manitoba 56 CM fell. (a little over three feet) This was all part of the same storm that went through Minnesota as well. It's neat to think that blainecindy and I shared the same weather system. It makes me feel like we're a bit closer neighbors. So long as she doesn't expect to start borrowing tools or cooking ingredients. I was out clearing snow for three hours this morning so, I'm feeling a bit giddy.
Thanks for today's prompt, it looks like a good opportunity for a rant. I best get started.

Thing #1
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We had relatively safe streets and neighborhoods. Even in the neighborhood I was raised in, which was always known for being home to the under-privileged and thought to be the, "wrong side of the tracks," it was safe. It's sad that you can't let your children, walk a few blocks to a friends house or to school with out worrying about their safety.

Thing #2
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We had neighborhood schools, which we easily waked to and from each day, including home for a lunch break. I walked with my children, (instead of worrying about them) a couple of blocks to the nearest school, where they were loaded onto a school bus, which took them to their school five miles away.

Thing #3
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We had a healthy, safe supply of nutritious food. I wish all of the people of today could have this available, as opposed to the fast food restaurants, and the processed, chemically altered foods that have replaced what was once good.

Thing #4
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We had wholesome celebrities, which we could count on to be positive roll models. We had singers, who were actually talented singers. Movies were made to be movies, not to sell toys. We had professional athletes who were professional in every way. When your favorite idol was in the news, it was because they did something honorable, not because they committed a crime or made an offensive statement to embarrass themselves.

Thing #5
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We had ONE phone, and it was attached to the wall. When it rang you picked it up and said, "hello" to whoever was calling. I think the captioned image above illustrates my feelings on this topic.

Well, It was good to get that off my chest.
I feel like a cranky old man now.
*Laugh* Who am I kidding? I was a cranky old man before I started.

Cheer up, life is still good.

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Also by Joel aka Brother Nature
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March 4, 2013 at 9:32am
March 4, 2013 at 9:32am
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"There's nobody home but me."
March 4, 2013

In This Entry

"Blogging Circle of Friends Blog Topic: "What can you find at home that you can find no where else?"

Hello Friends

It was a pretty quiet weekend on the home front. Not too much excitement, unless you think preparing taxes is exciting.
On the blog front, it was Dr. Seuss's birth date on the 2nd, and I think I wrote a pretty fitting tribute entry.
Our friend Emily won the Quill Award for best blog. Em beat out a fairly large group of nominees, including myself. It was nice to see the winner was a blogger from our group. I was a bit disappointed that "Blogging Circle of Friends was not selected as best new group, but I understand that the winning group is also a very deserving winner. Congratulation to all the winners, and honorable mentions.

An interesting question is posed in today's prompt. I have dozens of items in my home that could not be found anywhere else, but I only have one answer to the question.

The one thing you would find in my home that is not found in any other home is... Me.

I'm only saying that so I can share a little motivating and empowering story.

Several years ago I worked for a company, where I sold shipping products. Most of the products we sold were produced by our company. The vice president of the company was a very energetic, and positive motivator. I enjoyed working for this company, and in most months exceeded my sales quota, which had a generous bonus attached to it.
One month my quota was raised by a large amount and I had doubts that I could even reach it. I felt it was unfair, so I took my concerns to the vice president, who sets the quotas. This is what he told me.

'We are in a business where all of our competitors sell the same product at the same price. You only have one thing to offer your customers that no other company can offer them. That is YOU. People buy from you, because they want to do business with you. They like you! Use that! Ask your customers to increase their order because you need to make your quota. I know that if you do this, you'll have no problem making your quota this month."

I never thought of myself as being the reason people bought product from me. I thought they bought from me, because of other reasons. Maybe because our pricing was lower, or our service was better, maybe it was as simple as, they have to buy the products regardless and it doesn't matter where they get them from. I thought about how well I got along with all the people I did business with, whether they were the shipper receiver, production manager, buyer, or owner of the company. My sales calls were always friendly and enjoyable visits. Maybe Mr. Vice President is onto something I thought.

I began that very day by concluding my sales calls by saying, " can you do my a favor? it would really help me out, if you would double your order this month."

I made my quota that moth, I crushed it.

I didn't write all of this to brag about myself. I've told this story before. I tell this story for one reason. The reason is...I hope that people will recognize themselves in the story and look inward and believe in themselves. Know that YOU are the most important person in your life. People around you love you because you are YOU. Every goal is attainable if YOU believe in YOU.

Have a great Monday.

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Also by Joel aka Brother Nature
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March 2, 2013 at 1:23pm
March 2, 2013 at 1:23pm
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"The Penguins Dropped By"
March 2, 2013

In This Entry

March 2013 Official Challenge Month "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS Blog Topic: "Today is the day Theodor Geisel (commonly known as Dr. Seuss) was born! In honor of his birthday and Creation Saturday, write a poem in the style of Dr. Seuss. If you are poetically challenged, write a goofy story similar in theme to Dr. Seuss’s books."

Hello Friends

If you were to have a peek at my bio page on writing.com you would see that I did not name a single author as my favorite. I wrote a comment stating there are too many to list. As for the favorite poet question, I listed one...Dr. Seuss. I remember that in grades K-2 we had, "Story Time" where our teacher/s would read a story book to our class. Story time was included in our Library visits in those days as well. I must have had several hundred books read to me during that period in time. I can remember four of those books. They are; And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street, The 500 Hats of Bartholomew Cubbins, The Cat in the Hat, and How The Grinch Stole Christmas, all written by Dr. Seuss.

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I think it was in either grade two or three when we were allowed to get our very own library card and begin to borrow books to read on our own. I went straight for the books I loved, and was amazed at the number of books written by Dr. Seuss. My first question to the librarian was, "how many books can I borrow?" I took my limit of Dr. Seuss books, and exchanged them for others on subsequent visits. I distinctly recall on one occasion as the librarian checked out the books I was borrowing, she said to me, "You've borrowed these same books before, you should try some other books." I asked her, " are there other Dr. Seuss books?" The librarian told me that I had read all of the Dr. Seuss books the library had, and she told me that there were many other really good books that I would enjoy. She suggested that I put the Dr. Seuss books back, and find some other books to borrow. I considered doing that for a moment, but then said, "no, that's okay, I'll stick with these, and I did.

We began reading to our children when they were infants. I read Dr. Seuss books more often than not, we have his entire collection. As the kids got older they were encouraged to select the book or books they wanted for story time, and more often than not would select one of the Dr. Seuss books.

The Penguins Dropped By
By Brother Nature
in Honor of Theodor Seuss Geisel aka Dr. Seuss (March 2, 1904 - September 24, 1991)

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As I relaxed one night in my favorite chair,
thinking of thoughts with nary a care.
I felt sad and quite glum, don't ask me why,
but that very night, the penguins dropped by.

I left my door open, I'm solely to blame,
but they could have knocked on the door all the same.
We were soon shaking flippers, saying how do you do's.
I said, "You're the same penguins I saw on the news."

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"We're African Black-footed Penguins, one stated,
and we don't like the enclosure the zookeepers created.
We are far too talented to just be on display.
We are talented musicians, and we came here to play."

"You know the red squirrel who runs down the wires,
he lives in your attic and delivers our flyers."
"He told us you play the harmonica, right?
"So we thought we'd drop by and jam with you tonight."

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So, that's how our Black-Footed Blues Band got started.
We played sold out shows to the mass broken hearted.
The penguins and I traveled the world as we played.
and had lots of fun with the money we made.

We're retired today but still, we're together.
It's cold where we live a penguin's best weather.
Now I'm happy each day, and I'll tell you why.
It's from the magic that happens when penguins drop by

Thank you Prosperous Snow celebrating for suggesting I write something about penguins

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Also by Joel aka Brother Nature
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Rising Stars "Retired Founder, Rising Stars Program
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March 1, 2013 at 3:30pm
March 1, 2013 at 3:30pm
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Brother's Blog
"March Came In Like A Penguin."
March 1, 2013

In This Entry

March 2013 Official Challenge Month "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS Blog Topic: "Is humor (satire/humor/simple teasing) an effective way to comment on, critique, and/or change the behavior of others? Of society? A government? Is it possible to be funny without having the joke be on someone, or does all comedy have to mock someone/something?"

Hello Friends

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The weather sure is full of surprises. The first of March was supposed to come in like either a lamb or a lion. "Lamb" if the weather is nice and "Lion" if the weather is ferocious.
This has happened ever since the invention of time. Maybe it has something to do with the Mayans running their calendar out of new days, but this is the first year that March came in like "Neither". Today the weather was somewhere in the middle, it was neither particularly nice, and not quite ferocious either.

I wondered what the hell March was coming in like. I couldn't figure it out. When I saw the afternoon news, it all started to make sense. You see, here in Winnipeg, we have all been patiently waiting for The Winnipeg Zoo to make a surprise announcement, about a new arrival at our beloved zoo. You'll never guess what it PENGUINS is.

That's right it's penguins. How did you guess? What I can't figure out is...how did the weather know to come in like a penguin? Those penguins are up to something! I just know it. The zoo announced that in May we will be able to visit, "Penguin Cove," and see a group of, African Black-footed Penguins.

I'm curious as to why we didn't attract a group of Antarctic Penguins.
I guess they're needed in their homeland to build the igloos. I bet you the African Penguins don't even speak English.

Funny that this would all take place on Funny Friday.

We have a pretty serious multi-faceted question about humor up there *Up*. I better take this seriously. I'll type slow, but you all go ahead and read as fast as you'd like. I better load up on some bullets.

*Bullet* Is humor (satire/humor/simple teasing) an effective way to comment? Absolutely YES. Satire, and humor (spelled humour, in Canada) make the funniest comments. Teasing however, is not always funny, and can be hurtful and even considered to be a form of bullying.

*Bullet* Is humor (satire/humor/simple teasing) an effective way to comment on, critique? Critiquing the work or product of another with humor is not advisable in my opinion. It is tempting, because laughing is fun, but you have to be very careful that your comments are not accepted as sarcasm. Sarcasm is tricky. I personally try to not use humor when critiquing, unless I'm comfortable with the person in question and I know they will accept my comments in a positive way. Like in reviewing, critiquing should be done in a positive and encouraging way and with good intentions. Don't risk offending, or discouraging someone just to make a joke.

*Bullet* Is humor an effective way to change the behavior of others? Of society? A government? I read, (with interest) a study on the use of humor in advertising. The findings reported in the article made some interesting points, such as...People indicated that they actually enjoy watching a commercial if it is funny.
People are more likely to remember your company and your product if you have a funny commercial. On the other hand the report showed that people were more motivated to make a purchase when a serious commercial was aired. This report almost contradicts my personal experience from the many years I worked in sales. When I worked in sales, including retail, direct and commercial sales, I found that if I could get my customer laughing, it greatly increased my ability to successfully make a sale.

*Bullet* Is humor an effective way to change the behavior of others? Of society? A government? In a small way humor can change the behavior of individuals in society, but has little effect on changing society as a whole. What exactly effects change on society as a whole is beyond me. For my entire life I have made humorous contributions to the society in which I am a part of. Sometimes to adoring fans, sometimes not. I made mention in my blog entry yesterday of how I will often make a humorous comment while out in public. This has been a positive experience for me, almost all the time. There are some people out there that simply do not have a sense of humor. For example: When you make a funny remark in a (let's say line up to enter a nightclub) and everyone laughs except for the humongous biker with the swastika tattooed on his face. And the gentleman is standing there with his tree trunk size arms folded across his chest, and he's asking you questions like: Do you see me laughing? or Do you think you're funny? I warn you...He is not interviewing you to determine if you're suitable for inclusion in his improv group. He's getting ready to kick your ass. It's good to recognize this situation, if you'd like to survive it. Know your audience, and know when it's time to say, "goodnight."

*Bullet* Is humor an effective way to change the behavior of others? Of society ? A government? Government, like biker dude, has no sense of humor. On the bright side, government is an easy and seemingly victimless target for sarcasm, ridicule, jokes, satire and teasing. Late night pundits have made a career making fun of the government. It's almost too easy.

*Bullet* "Is humor (satire/humor/simple teasing) an effective way to comment on, critique, and/or change the behavior of others? Of society? A government? Is it possible to be funny without having the joke be on someone, or does all comedy have to mock someone/something?" It's common place for jokes to have a brunt. Someone has to take a pie in the face or a poke in the eye for slapstick to work. It's the sad reality of humor. There certainly are many exceptions, such as, this blog entry. If reading this made you chuckle, or even just smile, you'll be pleased to know you were amused by a creation of a blogger who intended to create something funny. You're not laughing at someone, and nobody's feelings were hurt, and nobody was even poked in the eye during the creation of this blog entry.

Good night Folks

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Also by Joel aka Brother Nature
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