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Rated: 18+ · Book · Other · #1920162
Are hash tags still cool?
After recovering from a small bout of depression, I'm back again to talk about first world problems, make fun of my ridiculousness, and find a place where I can just be me.
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March 13, 2013 at 6:50pm
March 13, 2013 at 6:50pm
Prompt: Where do you go when you just want to "Get Away"?

I go home when I just want to get away. I live alone, keep my place reasonably neat, and I have nothing to keep alive besides myself and a plant (the plant is starting to die). Sometimes, when I'm feeling really adventurous, I'll go watch T.V in my living room. I never hang out in the living room unless I have a guest.

When I was growing up, I never wanted to go home. My house was tense and chaotic, my mom and step dad could start arguing at any moment about anything and anyone. It's hard living under that level of pressure. As an adult, I don't want that kind of chaos in my life, and I don't tolerate it.

That's the great thing about being an adult, you can take charge of your life. You can pick a path to live and live it. Growing up I used to be so depressed, and I hated it. Now, I can truly say that I may not have every single thing that I want, but that I'm happy. Whenever I'm at my apartment I'm happy. Happiness is its own escape.
March 12, 2013 at 7:19pm
March 12, 2013 at 7:19pm
Prompt: Have you ever seen a ghost? If yes, describe the experience. If no, do you think ghosts exist and would you like to see one?

No, I’ve never seen a ghost in real life. I think that’s a good thing because I don’t think I can handle unsettled spirits being added onto my list of life problems. Maybe in 50 or 60 years, when I’m hanging out at the retirement home ghosts might prove to be a good diversion from my 100th game of bingo, but right now the ghosts have decided not to haunt me. I’m OK with that.

As far as whether or not ghosts actually exist, I have no clue. I mean, I did once think my friend's desk at work was haunted but it turned out to be a mouse. The only thing that I’m sure of is that if ghosts DID exist most of the stories about them would be false.

Back when I went to catholic school, everyone loved to tell the story of the girl possessed by the ghostly spirits of the Sisters of Divine Providence. To make a long story short –-because it’s a really long story and I never paid full attention to it—a girl was possessed by ghostly spirits, walked out onto the firescape, and killed herself. Every single time that someone told this story to a freshman, I rolled my eyes. Hell, I was rolling my eyes when someone told it to me and I was a freshman.

Number 1, if the story is true then it’s far more likely that it was just a regular run-of-the-mill suicide.

Number 2, this possession took place in the 1970s and if I ever had to write a research paper totally dependent on a card catalogue before Google was invented, I might jump off of a firescape, too.

Number 3, when gossip has been left in the rumor mill of teenage girls for 30 years, who knows what you’ll get. In fact, by now the possession probably sounds like Farrah Faucet’s doppelganger jumped off of the firescape to be with her vampire lover.

The biggest reason I rolled my eyes was that if I were an evil spirit, I would hope that I had something way better to do than haunt a High School for eternity. It’s lame. I also think haunting someone by flickering the lights is lame. No, if I were ever going to be an evil ghost I’d haunt somewhere good like the romance section of the Library.

Checking out Nora Roberts, AGAIN! BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!

I’d be doing people a favor by diversifying their reading profile. Plus, no one would ever turn a book in late because if they did then I’d follow them to their house and scare the shit out of them while whispering Hunger Games until they returned it. When I got done haunting the libraries, I’d go haunt the houses of my favorite writers.

THAT’S A TERRIBLE ENDING, BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! More character development, BAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! You're naming the baby what?, BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!

Then, I’d go haunt the houses of my favorite celebrities. At that point, I’d actually be more of a peeping Tom than a ghost. Well, until…
Are you marrying Ryan Gosling!!!! BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!
March 12, 2013 at 12:48am
March 12, 2013 at 12:48am
Prompt: Yesterday, Sunday March 10, was the start of Daylight Savings Time. Research DST and provide us with your thoughts. Feel free to take this prompt anywhere you like.

It’s interesting that Daylight Savings made its grand debut during war-time in an effort to capitalize on day time hours. However, Daylight savings was not an official annual occurrence until World War II. February 9, 1942, when Daylight Savings Time was officially implemented, occurs within the height of Fordism.

Fordism refers to the system of mass production and consumption characteristic of highly developed economies during the 1940s-1960s. Under Fordism, mass consumption combined with mass production to produce sustained economic growth and widespread material advancement.

For the purpose of this blog, you do not have to completely understand Fordism. All that you need to know is that before Fordism people would go to a dress shop where a seamstress made every dress in the store, candy stores where candy was made by hand, and toy shops where toymakers made their toys.

During Fordism, everything was made and standardized by machines and assembly lines. Every Twinkie was the same size and shape, and you could buy your Twinkie from Illinois to Alaska. As a result of the machines and assembly lines, more people were put to work, and now more people could afford to buy the products made by the machines and assembly lines. To put it simply, people worked at manufacturing companies to afford things made at manufacturing companies.

I often think of Fordism as having a stick up it's butt because fordism is known for being very rigid. Workers were forced to work a standardized amount of hours with little flexibility.

I think that Daylight Savings Time did not just save money during World War II, but it also gave an increased amount of daylight hours to factory workers. Manufacturing companies could reasonably ask workers to work a standardized amount of hours because the amount of daylight hours, thanks to DST, would always be the same. This makes me wonder whether or not Fordism is the real cause of the official adoption of DST. It also makes me wonder about the extent of Daylight Savings Time’s effect on the economy.

If you want to read more about Modernism and Fordism you should check out:

The book Conditions of Post-Modernity by David Harvey

March 10, 2013 at 2:50pm
March 10, 2013 at 2:50pm
Prompt: Blog. Tell us about your week. Include your favorite blog entry from your fellow challengers from the preceding week and, most importantly, why.


Maddy's at the top of the pyramid, again! Abby doesn't give my daughter a chance to shine in the spot-light.

Oh wait, I got my life confused with Dance Moms again. Since, that's all I do on Mondays, it's pretty easy to see why.


I met beautiful man-candy at my gym! I fell even more in love with everything that the Eliptical has done for me. There's nothing like loosing weight!


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Because that's what I did at work all day.


Did More of Control+C, Control+V, Submit, Delete. Then, I went on a gym date with the hot guy I met at the gym. Did I mention that he was extra hot? Unfortunately, the guy was super-duper boring! Which means our conversation went like this:

Me: What do you do for fun?
Date: Work-out
Me: I love working-out.
Date: I know
Me: So, um do you have any other hobbies.
Date: Huh?
Me: Do you have any other hobbies.
Date: Uhm?
Me: What else do you like to do for fun?
Date: Oh, I just like working out.

I got tired of hearing him struggle, so I walked him to my car and kissed him. What a great Kisser! This presented an extreme conundrum. Do I go out again just for the kisses or do I throw this beautiful fish back in the sea? He called me telling me that he thought our date went great. I developed a new dating motto, "I like people who like me."


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My new dating motto proved to be stupid. Talking on the phone to gym guy is booooorrrrriiiinnnngggggg. There's no future in our relationship. I don't know how to say, "Hanging out with you really isn't that fun, you're beautiful, but you're boring. No, I don't want to be friends." I spend all day thinking up outlandish maybe-lets-not-hang out excuses and trying to switch gyms. The excuses are amazing:

I was injured on the eliptical and had a severe hip flexor tear. The doctor is going to have to operate. I will be under heavy sedation for weeks. Maybe even years. I don't think I'll be able to date you.

My past crimes caught up with me. I used to be connected with the mafia, and when I was pulled over during a routine traffic stop the officer ran my license. He arrested me for crimes to heinous to repeat. My DNA is all over the crime scenes. They're locking me up in prison for good this time. I'll be unreachable. Don't visit me, I don't want you to get caught up in this.

Send text message with the following text: This is Dar's friend. Dar was hit by a car at Mihocana Meat Market when she went to buy a box of mexican Oreos, Horchata, and things needed to make her own puffy tacos. The oil spilled all over the road. Even though she was hit by a car she was OK. Unfortunately as she was walking away she slipped on the vegetable oil, and hit her head on the concrete. She is now in a coma. No one knows when she will wake up. She was looking forward to the next date, but I don't think she'll be able to see you for a long-time. Maybe never.


I decide on honesty but that's only because they don't sedate people for years, no one would believe that I'm a criminal, and I don't trust the meat from Mexican meat markets (you think you're walking away with beef but really it's ground sheep liver). I procrastinate, do my laundry, and pick my favorites of the week:

Ren the Klutz! 's coffee blog needs to be printed out and put on my refrigerator as a deterrent from Chai Lattes and drinking Pepsi straight out of the gallon bottle. It's OK, I live alone. I also need to find a tattoo artist to tattoo Just Say No under my eyelids. I'll probably chicken out on the tattoo, and get a temporary tat on my forearm.

Ren also wrote a great blog on Eve this week. I think she may be writing excellent blogs--and this is just a theory--because she hasn't rotted her brain from reading large amounts of fiction. She resists fiction because when she was reading the last Harry Potter book she was struck by an asteroid. This allowed her to increase her brain usage by 30% and do smart people things like research and read non-fiction for fun. She currently resides on Area 51 and is solely responsible for the asteroid's near miss of our planet. Thank you Ren for saving my life!

Here are Ren's posts:
"Invalid Entry
"Invalid Entry

SapphireRainee wrote about her desire to kill children. As I dislike children, I loved her post. You can find it here: "Invalid Entry

OK, LOL, I'm kidding. She wrote about harsher punishments for young offenders. It was actually super interesting, and made me wonder if providing the death penalty to teens may be a more effective crime deterrent.

Last but not least, I loved ember_rain's "Invalid Entry. I love paranormal fiction, and she included some writers that I'm going to check out. I know she has good taste because she included JR Ward. As a fellow JR Ward fan, anyone who mentions BDB is apart of my Black Dagger Brotherhood Brotherhood. That's right Ember, for better or worse, you're my brother, true? Now, let's go put on our shit-kickers and kill some lessers!

March 9, 2013 at 11:12pm
March 9, 2013 at 11:12pm
Prompt:Tell me how you would give a plot twist to one of your favorite movies. Perhaps try your hand at script writing.

I love whoever wrote this prompt. So, whoever you are. Wherever you are. Call me.


Jack: Don't do it.
Rose: Stay back! Don't come any closer!
Jack: Come on, just give me your hand. I'll pull you back over.
Rose: No, stay where you are! I mean it! I'll let go!
Jack: [He approaches slowly, gesturing to his cigarette to show that he is approaching merely to throw it over the side into the ocean] No, you won't.
[Rose Jumps from ship.]

The rest of the movie features a love sick Jack, who nearly dies on the titanic, but survives by floating on a door because there’s only enough room for one. It also shortens Titanic into a one-disk movie, and fans don’t have to decide whether they want to watch a love story or a sinking ship.

The best part is that Leo doesn’t die. Fans are shocked that he doesn’t die at the end of the movie. As a Result, he doesn’t die in Inception, The Departed, Shutter Island, Blood Diamond, Man in the Iron Mask, and Django Unchained. Directors decide not to hire him for his superior dying skills, and someone else plays Jay Gatsby in the upcoming movie The Great Gatsby. This may seem like a terrible career move for Leo, but it’s great for people who meant to read the Great Gatsby but always found something better to do. They’ll be shocked when Gatsby dies.

The Matrix
Neo picks the red pill and lives in the Matrix. BOOM! Now what Laurence Fishburne? Now what do you do?

Magic Mike
Get rid of the plot. Just have Channing Tatum and the Guy from I am Number Four stripping for two hours. Trust me, no one who went to see Magic Mike will notice the difference.

Pride & Prejudice
Elizabeth never misjudges Mr. Darcy. This may shorten the movie, but it will reinforce the lesson that women are humble and superior creatures who would never misjudge anyone because women are always right.

Harry Potter 7 Part 2.
Movie ends with, “to be continued,” as a teaser for Harry Potter 8, 9, &10. The release of books 8,9, & 10 will stimulate the economy and bring America completely out of recession.

The Breakfast Club
Judd Nelson’s character thrusts his fist into the air, then runs into a slightly nerdy looking girl with Brian’s picture shoved into a stack of books. The books fall to the floor and the camera focuses on a binder with a heart around Brian’s name. This gives hope to the nerdy guys in the audience, and Brian gets a better ending than writing a kick-ass book report while all of the other kids make love connections.

Roman Holiday
Audrey Hepburn decides not to be the princess and runs away with Gregory Peck. They have a beautiful American child, but the royals demand Audrey back. A sequel is made called Vegas Wedding Holiday.

March 8, 2013 at 8:44pm
March 8, 2013 at 8:44pm
Prompt: Have you read or written anything funny on writing.com lately?
Share a link and tell us what about the storytelling stuck you as particularly innovative or hysterical.
Why should we read/review it? (This is a time to brag or to promote someone else’s work )

Well, it seems that I’m back to my plain old life after a super-exciting week. I’m happy to be able to take some time on this prompt. It’s nice not having to bang my fingers on the keyboard, and then run off to do something else.

Aside from this challenge I don’t have a lot of time to read the other work on writing.com. My life consists of work, dinner, blog, and sleep. When I do read something else on here it’s usually not funny. It’s super-serious.

The funniest things that I’ve read on writing.com are the blogs. So, I’m going to give you a list in no particular order of hysterical blogs.

Ren the Klutz! wrote "Invalid Entry about the coffee size reduction in New York. While most of the blog article discussed her outrage, she added little bits of humor that had me snorting with laughter. She’s great at being outraged, because I sounded little like a pig while reading this blog especially when she talked about people wanting to loose weight and not wanting to do the work.

Towards the end of February Brother Nature wrote "Invalid Entry that included a breaking news story about cows. It was so funny that I called my best friend and read the story over the phone to her. We laughed for about 5 very long minutes, and randomly texted each other, “It’s a great week for cows.”

I know I talked about this in the Sunday review, but I just thought I’d bring it up again. Just in case you were shanked in a prison fight, didn’t kick the nurse, or got into a car accident with a PTSD truck driver, I’m giving you a second opportunity to read "This one's not about the Oscars. by Fivesixer . The motorized shopping cart incident is definitely worth the read. While you’re over on fivesixer’s blog you should also take the time to read "This one's about the king. because it’s really really extra funny.

If you’re really lazy or drunk and didn’t read any of what I just wrote, then click these links for a ha-ha:
"Invalid Entry
"Invalid Entry
"This one's not about the Oscars.
"This one's about the king.
March 7, 2013 at 6:34pm
March 7, 2013 at 6:34pm

Prompt: Write about your opinions regarding something currently in the news. Please provide a link to the story or a brief summary of the article before stating your opinions on it

If this blog seems a little rushed, that's only because it is. I've got a date tonight with that guy--you know--the one that I met at the gym. If there's two things that might beat out my love of writing about myself it's working out and cute boys.

Attorney General Eric Holder Defends Aaron Swartz Case  

Elizabeth Warren Takes On Eric Holder's 'Too Big to Jail'  

A 35 year prison sentence for downloading too many academic journals? To the average person it's a tad excessive for a nerd crime. Attorney General Eric Holder says that it is an adequate administration of Justice. But wait, it gets better. During the same week, the attorney General said that it may be hard to criminally convict big banks because of the potential economic fall out. Huh?

This is whack!

Let's convict the little guy for crimes against big business because nerds should know never to push a bully on the playground. For the bullies, let's look the other way because the playground can't survive without them. Imagine if big banks were held to the same no tolerance stance on crime that the rest of us were subjected to. Would average folks have a bit more money in their pockets? Would only the businesses survive who conduct themselves in a fair manner? I know America has laissez faire marketing, but if we're going to have a justice system it is only effective when it dispenses justice evenly and fairly.
March 6, 2013 at 8:32pm
March 6, 2013 at 8:32pm
Prompt: Who are your favorite authors? What about their work most interests you or what about their work do you most want to emulate?

I love reading, so I’m going to be sticking fairly close to the prompt on this one. Which is actually funny because I never stick to the prompt on anything. No promises though, I never know what I’m going to write before I write it.

CD Payne

Why do I like CD Payne? Just read the first paragraph of Youth in Revolt:

“My name is Nick. Someday, if I grow up to become a gangster, perhaps I will be known as Nick the Prick. This may cause some embarrassment for my family, but when your don gives you your mafia sobriquet you don’t ask questions."

Youth in Revolt is just your average love story in which the male protagonist pretends to be a woman, gets facial reconstructive surgery to look like John Paul Belmondo, and burns down half of Berkley in hopes of ensnaring the heart of his beloved, Sheeni.

CD Payne manages to blend the perfect amount of humor and I-CAN’T-BELIEVE-HE-JUST-DID-THAT to create classic characters fom14-year old delinquents to pigeons escaped from a laboratory. For his characters, no path is too strange to follow in pursuit of a goal. I’d love to emulate both his narration style and straight-up humor. Plus, I love that you could grab a CD Payne book at any page with the cover ripped off and immediately know who you’re reading.

Stephanie Meyer and EL James

With Stephanie Meyer and EL James reading their books will start innocently enough. Maybe a friend is reading Twilight, or you hear someone on the radio talking about mommy-porn. Either way, you’ll say to yourself, “Those books are all about the hype, I’ll never read something that lame.” And you won’t, for a while. After all you’re better than dirty books and teen vampire trilogies, you’re a real reader and you won’t fall for bad writing.

And then, curiosity gets the better of you.

When you finally pick up Fifty Shades of Grey or Twilight (and you will, eventually.) You pick it up saying, “this is a hot wreck, the narrator is an idiot, who falls for that?“ You’re not sure when IT happens, and you’re not even sure what IT is, but IT will happen.

You’ll know IT happened because 3 days later, there is a trail of cheese-its leading from the kitchen to the bedroom and you in the same clothes you wore 3 days ago emerging from the most consuming books you’ve ever read in life. Holy Hell! And even though you swore you’d never like the book, when the new book is released you’ll be in line with a fake mustache and trench coat hoping that no one you know sees you getting your fix.

I’d like to be an addictive writer like that.

James Joyce & Chuck Palahniuk

“...and maybe we have to break everything to make something better out of ourselves.”
― Chuck Palahniuk, Fight Club

“Gazing up into the darkness I saw myself as a creature driven and derided by vanity; and my eyes burned with anguish and anger.”
― James Joyce, Dubliners

I’ll never forget Tyler Durden acting as a human sundial, or the way James Joyce describes Gretta standing at the staircase. If you read Fight Club or Dubliners neither will you. You won’t forget the story and you won’t forget the characters for the rest of your life. I think everyone want to write stories you'll never forget. I know I do.

March 5, 2013 at 9:45pm
March 5, 2013 at 9:45pm
Sorry I'm later than usual. I went to the gym to work on my current fitness level. I also met a really cute guy there. So actually I'm not sorry that I went to the gym instead of sitting on my couch eating cheez-its and writing this blog.

Prompt: If you were assembling a time capsule of your entire life, what items would you select or make reference to? Reflect on things you have done and events that have happened in your lifetime.

1) The Museum Photo

When my youngest brother was 5, we took him to the museum to celebrate his birthday. The special exhibit was dinosaurs. My brother loved dinosaurs, or so we thought. Looking at the brochure, my brother started looking nervous, and finally said, "D.J. are dinosaurs real?"
"No, they're extinct."
He went quiet for a long moment and said, "What's extinct?"
"If they're dead then how are they in the museum?"
"They're not real. They're fake. You'll know they're fake because they won't move. They'll just stand there really still."
This calms my little brother and he starts looking forward to the exhibit. He trusts me to tell him the truth. We go right up to the T-Rex and I say to him, "See how it's not moving."
Well, at that moment the T-Rex decides to move and growl.

Turns out this was a SPECIAL dinosaur exhibit where all of the dinosaurs were animated. As a result, my brother goes tearing out the museum exit screaming and crying.

When we found him he looked like this:
** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **

2 Me n my bestie
My best friend would demand that she be included in my time capsule even though she'd forget to include my photo in her time capsule. I'd demand to be represented in her time capsule, and I'd also demand that since she forgot me she needs to stop making Ryan Gosling her fake husband because he's mine.

** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **

She'd also want revenge for me taking Ryan Gosling and sneak this photo into my time capsule:

** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **

::sigh:: Friendship ::sigh::

3) A half-eaten box of Cheez-Its and a single Oreo

I'm a junk food addict. You should see me at work. In fact, I'd fully intend to put a full box of cheez its and oreos, but I'd probably eat most of them before they made it in the time capsule.

4) A treasure map to my millions.

As we all know I don't have any millions, but I'd enjoy leading folks on a wild goose chase.

5) A copy of the Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock.
Whenever I have a late night and I'm coming back from a bar or a club or somewhere. On the drive back, I look at the sky and quote parts of this poem.

6) Tap shoes.
I danced for a large part of my life. It was only recently that I stopped. I miss dance. It's a really huge part of me.

7) The letters.
Whenever, I'm having a bad day I write stupid letters to people that they'll never get. I've got quite the collection, and sometimes I look forward to bad days because I know I'll get to write a letter.

And here's a list of all the other things I'd include:
Crystal light peach bellini flavor, colored jeans, a mooyah burger, an entire season of unwrapeped, Campbells soup, the tabloid about OJ Simpson's prison fight, a breakfast burrito, a handful of fortune cookies (suspiciously missing the fortune), lots of gum, glazed pecans, Freddy's french fry sauce, cherry pepsi, Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, old people candy, rainbows, a chimichanga, scarves, a wand from Harry Potter World, and a letter.

The letter telling whoever finds my time capsule to live an awesome life because I sure did.
March 4, 2013 at 8:23pm
March 4, 2013 at 8:23pm
Prompt: March is Women’s History Month. Who, in your opinion, has been the most influential woman in history (alive or dead) and why? Provide sources or concrete evidence to support your choice.

The most influential woman in history alive or dead, hands down, is clearly Eve from Adam & Eve. She was the original woman, and had the most profound effect on the way woman were viewed in the bible, and consequently throughout history. She made one little mistake, and then BAM we’re dammed for eternity. Sadly, Eve made the same mistake a lot of women make. She broke her diet.
But since someone already did Eve, and did Eve a whole lot better…::cough:: Ren the Klutz! in "Invalid Entry ::cough::, I’ve decided to change tack.

As a woman, I’m tired of listening to all the sweet girls who wrote a book, or did something that a man could do. Honestly, men should know by now that anything they can do, a woman can do better. I think it’s time we give the bad girls in history a little bit of credit.

So, I've decided to write about the most influential bad girls named Mary.

Mary Magdalene
Even though she reformed, no one can be more straight-up bad than a prostitute. Mary Magdalene went from a lady of the night to one of the greatest ladies of the bible. In fact, she’s even a saint. I don’t think people see her image in tortillas yet, but there’s no denying that her impact on pop culture and throughout history is extremely significant. She’s got her own gospel, and was one of the few women allowed to kick-it with Jesus. She’s been depicted by Da Vinci and Picasso, written about by Dan Brown, and hasn’t even gone all Hollywood on us. No matter how many years pass Mary Magdalene’s lesson is still the same, Christianity will take whatever it can get. I mean, you can come from any background and still be welcomed into the folds of Christianity.

It’s interesting to note than in original biblical texts Mary Magdalene wasn’t referred to once as a prostitute or a sinner. In fact, that’s a common misconception. It wasn’t until one of the Popes got hold of Mary Magdalene’s story that she became Mary Madalene, Trollop. Despite the fuzziness on whether or not she was a prostitute, I still think of her as a bad girl because Jesus delivered her from 7 FREAKIN DEMONS, and still hung out with her afterwards.

Marie Antoinette
When I was younger, I didn’t think it was a bad thing that Marie Antoinette said, “let them eat cake.” Who doesn’t like cake? But, I guess when your people are starving and they can’t even afford a 99 cent box of Betty Crocker Butter Recipe Cake Mix, it’s a little rude. Marie Antoinette was a bad girl because she ruled the French like the popular girl in middle school. Everyone talked about her behind her back, but in the end who was played by Kirsten Dunst in the movie Marie Antoinette?

The funny thing about Marie is that most of the things that were ever said about her were false. In fact, it’s extremely probable that she never once uttered the words, “let them eat cake.” In fact, she seemed like a nice chick, because her last words before she was beheaded were to the executioner telling him she was sorry that she stepped on his foot.

Either way, Marie Antoinette serves as a figurehead, lol.

She reminds us of the importance of even the poorest of people in any form of government and not to make the French mad.

Bloody Mary

What happens when your dad is a gigantic tool, you’re declared an illegitimate child, and then you inherit the throne?
1) Execute your annoying cousins.
2) What religion did was your Dad? Protestant. Become a super-catholic.
3) Bring Catholic Church to its former glory by killing Protestants
4) Have everything you did undid by your sister

Why do I consider Mary an influential woman in history?
Because whenever you go to a sleep over and end up spinning around and flushing toilets you say, “Bloody Mary. Bloody Mary. Bloody Mary,” and if you stick your tongue out at her, she’ll chop it off.

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