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Blog Challenge And Other Tidbits
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January 30, 2020 at 11:28am
January 30, 2020 at 11:28am
PROMPT January 30

Congratulations on making it to the last day of the competition! What was your favorite prompt from the last month? Did you learn anything new about your fellow competitors? What was the most rewarding aspect of participating in the competition?

Well, well, well, we have arrived at the end of our January journey. And it's been great fun. I enjoyed most of the prompts. Oh, there were a couple that just made me groan, but 90% of the prompts gave me a run for my money and sparked some much needed creativity.

My favorites? Here's the list:

1. Show N Tell - Made me think of my mom and that tatty old rag of a sweater.
2. Wrong Assumption - reminded me why I should never ever buy blue cohosh.
3. Imaginary Friend - This was just a lot of fun and maybe my favorite. It got my creative juices flowing. Who knew Chauncy could do that?
4. Fill the War Chest - I appreciated this very much. It gave me a chance to make suggestions and see what everyone else is thinking.

Did I learn something? Heck, yeah! I got to meet some great friends and bloggers. I got to see some new viewpoints. I got to experience a little bit of someone else's life. And for myself I was reminded how much I love to write for fun. And when I write for fun in the morning it gets my little gray cells working and makes the rest of the day go better. Mostly I was reminded that even as a freelance writer working for other people I still need to pay attention to myself and my own writing.

Thanks to everyone. I'll "see" you again in another challenge.
January 29, 2020 at 2:26pm
January 29, 2020 at 2:26pm
PROMPT January 29

Everyone did a great job with filling the war chest yesterday! There's so many great prompts and I'm sure Em will love every one of them.

Since today *is* War Chest Wednesday, I'm going to grab one.

What is your favorite virtue? Give a few examples like kindness, cleanliness, tact, truth, generosity. Is your favorite one you possess, or one you simply admire in other people? Do you have a strategy to develop it yourself?

It's hard for me to believe that we are so close to the end of the month! And in keeping with our prompt I'll say that commitment is one of my virtues. When I say I'm going to do something I actually do it. And I do it until it's completed.

Take this blogging challenge for example. There have been days when I've been running late and experienced some stress about getting my entry posted. But I stuck to it, and got it posted. I didn't just give up and say, "Oh well, I'll manage tomorrow." No, for me that would be the easy way out. And in this situation I'll give it the old college try. And that's because I know there will be times when it's just not possible.

I've also had some days where it's been painful to sit at my desk and type. Today is one of those days. I've been down with a nasty sinus infection and the last thing on the planet I want is to sit and type. Just the sound of my fingers clicking the keys is making my head pound. And the glare from my screen is assaulting my eyes. So...poor pitiful me...but I half thought about just skipping today's prompt.

But then I decided that there's only a couple of days left. And I also told myself that painful or not I could sit for fifteen minutes and type. So...here I am.

I think this is a great prompt, but for me it would be better to approach it at another time...a time when my mind is clear and bright and my mood is clear and bright and my outlook is clear and bright. For today, though, I'm going with commitment. That's my virtue because I'm going to finish.
January 28, 2020 at 12:50pm
January 28, 2020 at 12:50pm
PROMPT January 28

Let's fill Emily's war-chest of ideas!

What's a topic you've always thought would be a great 30dbc discussion, but has never come up in the prompts? Why do you believe it would stimulate discussion?

I was happy to see this prompt...for a few of reasons:

1. It validates the fact that the people running this challenge are committed to the creativity, opinions, and enjoyment of the challenge. Thank you!
2. It gives me a chance to have my voice heard. I can give some suggestions. We can use them or not.
3. I am totally under the weather today. Sinus infection with intense dizziness. Yuk! As soon as I'm done typing it's off to bed for me.

So hear are my suggestions for the War Chest:

1. Let's talk about dreams. What they mean. Why they're silly or prophetic. What brought them on. Things like that.
2. A few years ago we did a challenge that virtually took place in a national park. That was a ton of fun, and I'd like to do that again.
3. Let's talk about professions. What each of us does. What we've learned from business, etc. It would give us a chance to get to know each other.

I really wish I could give more today, but right now I really need to lay my head down on a soft, soft, pillow.

Until tomorrow...
January 27, 2020 at 11:38am
January 27, 2020 at 11:38am
PROMPT January 27

Discuss a time in your life when someone has tried to "fix" or "solve" a problem for you - but you didn't see it as a problem in the first place.

How do you generally handle unsolicited opinions/advice?

I realize that people by their very nature want to help. So it seems perfectly normal when someone starts blathering on about something whether it's solicited or not. The problem is that they just blather. They don't stop to consider how their words will be received by the other person. I'm guilty of it. In fact, everyone is guilty of it. So I get it. I try to understand this crazy phenomenon. And I always hope that I'm sensitive to it and remember someone is only trying to help. I always hope that I don't blow my top. And I try REALLY hard not to blow my top. I'm not mean or cruel by nature but sometimes my temper can get the best of me.

And I remember clearly a time when it got the best of me. A little background information is necessary to understand. My dad and I had the same birthday. June 10th. And that was always very special to me. My dad was always the one who got to pick our birthday activity, our birthday dinner, and our birthday cake. For me that was normal. I didn't really care. I just wanted to spend my birthday with my dad. And coming from a large family it was extra-special. I had a unique and deep connection to my dad.

He passed away 14 years ago...on June 9th, the day BEFORE our birthday. For me it was devastating. And that particular birthday will always and forever be the "one that wasn't".

Fast forward three years. My supposed friend invited me out for breakfast for my birthday. Not only was she late to the restaurant but she also complained that I couldn't find another day to have breakfast. Right away that got my ire up. And then when I ordered breakfast she had the gall to judge what I ordered. "Isn't that too many carbs?" she sneered. Yes, sneered. I should have left then, but I didn't. I wanted to be polite and I was hoping she didn't mean anything by it.

You can imagine that our conversation was strained to say the least. And during that conversation she asked me how I was going to celebrate later on. I told her my husband was going to take me out to a special restaurant. And I also told her that things were still strange for me. I really didn't know how to celebrate my birthday. I felt a little lost. And I told her that I still missed my dad very, VERY much.

A side note right here. I lost my father-in-law and my brother in August of that year. I also lost my mom in December of that year. And then I lost my dad the following June. So I'd lost a lot. And the grief was astronomical.

Anyway, back to this supposed friend. She actually had the nerve to say to me, "It's been 3 years! Why are you still thinking about it? Just move on and make your own birthday. You don't need your dad."

I was shocked and terribly hurt. And in that moment I threw my napkin at her and shouted, yes, I shouted, "When you have the same birthday as your parent it's almost like having a twin. AND I DON'T HAVE MINE!" Then I stood up and threw a twenty-dollar bill on the table. I picked up my purse and left. I didn't speak to her for another six months.

Surprisingly we still spend time together. But for me it's very guarded and very short. I only see her once in a while.

I try hard to forget what she said and the anger I felt. But it's not going away. And I don't expect it will ever go away.

But the lesson for me is that people say dumb things. They hand out "advice" at exactly the wrong moment. In the end, people are just people.
January 26, 2020 at 12:04pm
January 26, 2020 at 12:04pm
PROMPT January 26

Yesterday was Opposite Day!

Today I want you to take an opposite point of view.

Imagine a place you go to regularly - they gym, your regular coffee shop, wherever you choose. Take up the POV of the person at the counter, the bike across from you, any one person you choose.

What's your first impression of yourself?

Is it the real you or one you plan and project?

The place I go regularly? Well, I'm a creature of habit so I go to the same places all the time. On the same day. At the same time. Probably wearing the same clothes. So it's hard to choose. But I love to cook so I believe I'm probably at the grocery store more than anywhere else. I always seem to need a little of this or some of that or an extra item or two. I don't always have everything I need for a recipe.

And here's the rub. I have my three places to shop for groceries. The first is Nugget Market. Quite a nice store with lots of selection and top-quality produce. But it can be pretty pricey. Next is Raley's. Also a nice market with a fair selection and pretty good produce. Then there's Safeway. Trying to be a nice store but just can't get there. Produce is ho-hum on most days. But not pricey. So depending on how much time and money I want to spend will dictate where I shop. I try for Nugget most of the time...but, hey, no one wants to spend a fortune on food!

So the people at Nugget see me the most. I always try to smile and make conversation with them, but what do they really think?

Here's what I hope they think: "Hey, here comes that funny lady who makes me smile!" Or, "Gosh, it's nice to see you again, Mrs. Whoever You Are. I appreciate your smile." Or, "Can I come to your house tonight? Because whatever you're making with these ingredients sure looks good."

That's what I hope.

Here's what I really think is going on: "Here comes the crazy lady with the funny looking hair." Or, "Hey there, Mrs. Whoever You Are. Your jokes still aren't funny." Or, "You're here AGAIN? Can't you keep the fridge full?"

It always feels like me vs. me. Who I think I am and who I really am to other people. Regardless, I can only be who I am. And I don't intend on changing that anytime soon. So...I can smile and nod, and they can think what they think.

January 25, 2020 at 7:43pm
January 25, 2020 at 7:43pm
PROMPT January 25

CREATION SATURDAY! Put on your creative thinking caps *Smile*

You're headed down to Imagination Station to pick up your imaginary friend.

Tell us about the friend - is it human? Humanoid? Animal? Talking banana? Three-headed monster who's afraid of heating blankets? What's their story? Likes/Dislikes? What name do they answer to? Why are they in your life?

Don't forget to tell us how your friend ended up at the station in the first place!

Oh gosh, it's 4:14 p.m. and I'm late. As usual. Poppy is going to be so dang mad. She's on my back ALL the time about being on time. "Why can't you just check your watch?" She says that to me A LOT. "Why can't you just leave a few minutes early?" Also something she says to me A LOT. "Apparently you don't value my time." You guessed it. Something she says to me A LOT.

All this makes me wonder. I'm usually on time everywhere I go. In fact, I'm never late. Anywhere. So...why with Poppy? Why the heck am I always late for Poppy?

Could it be that she stands 6 feet tall? An entire foot taller than me? Maybe that's intimidating.

Could it be that she tips the scale at 290 pounds? Quite the chubby thing. Takes an enormous amount of clothing to cover all 290 pounds. Of course I'm no lightweight. I weigh in at 50 pounds over my upper limit. So, no, that can't be it.

Could it be that she wears purple clothes and purple eye shadow and purple shoes and a large purple hat? Everything about that woman is purple. Talk about a walking grape. But...maybe she's just eccentric. Yeah, maybe that's it. Of course I'd certainly hate to see her dressed in chartreuse! Now that's something that could possibly make me vomit.

Could it be that her fingers are long knobby claws? There's nothing feminine or soft about her hands. And the fingernails? Well, those are quite long too. And fake. She can actually reach out from a foot away and touch me with one of those claws. Yikes! That's disturbing. But then again, I've known a lot of women that have plenty of fake stuff.

Could it be that she carries a big purple purse/bag/tote or whatever that hideous thing is called? Filled with all kinds of crazy stuff. Aspirin in case she has a headache. Rolaids in case she has a stomach ache. Kleenex in case she bursts into tears. A loose $20 bill in case...well just in case. A notebook in case she says something witty and needs to write it down. A stack of credit cards secured together with an ugly red rubber band. Exactly 4 pens. Two with ink and two without. A tube of mascara. Purple of course. A tube of lipstick. Purple of course. And a thousand bits of this and that. There's probably $100 worth of loose change in that thing she calls a bag. And by the way, it's large enough and heavy enough to actually do some damage in case she needs to defend herself from the bad guy. In fact, she weighs it every now and then to ensure it's hefty enough.

Could it be the saggy, baggy nylon stockings she insists on wearing? With her thick meaty thighs I can't see how any type of nylon stocking would sag...or bag...where does she even find nylon stockings these days?

Or...could it be that she's just plain mean and judgmental and aggressive and outspoken and doesn't fit her name at all? YES! This could be it! She's not a Poppy. She's more of a weird mutant venus fly trap. A big purple venus fly trap!

I'm pretty sure that's why I'm always late. I just don't want to be around her. In fact, I don't want anything to do with her.

So my mind is made up. She'll just have to wait. I'm turning around and I'm not showing up. Someone else can deal with that big purple fly trap!
January 24, 2020 at 4:08pm
January 24, 2020 at 4:08pm
PROMPT January 24

Yesterday celebrated National Handwriting Day in the USA. How often do you still hand write anything substantial? Do you think the decline in children learning cursive writing will be a hindrance to their generation?

Handwriting, huh? Well...mine is terrible. It was college that ruined it for me. Trying to pay attention to the professor, taking notes so fast, and not paying attention to penmanship. That's the trifecta that killed my handwriting.

But when I wasn't taking notes I was printing. My father was an electronics engineer and he printed in capital block letters all the time. And he was FAST. I thought that was cool so I started doing that. And I was fast too...just like my dad.

But whether it's printing or cursive I still prefer to pick up a pen and a notepad. There's just something about handwriting a note or a card or a letter or a document or even a book. It allows time for deep thought and creativity. And it doesn't matter if I mess it up. I can just cross it out.

I usually draft everything I write on paper and then I type it up. Now I'm pretty fast at typing, but I always handwrite first. Over the years I've noticed that this process is such a huge time suck! I'm literally writing everything TWICE!

So this year I made a resolution to try typing first...it's frustrating for me, but I do think I'm making some progress. And that kills me because I don't want this experiment to work. I just want my paper and pen.

And I don't think handwriting is going away anytime soon. Not by the amount of paper and pens and pencils and pencil sharpeners and binders and folders on the market. I just think people like stationery. Maybe they even love it. I know I do.

At the end of the day, I think handwriting is here to stay, whether it's cursive or print. And everyone should practice good penmanship.
January 23, 2020 at 8:11pm
January 23, 2020 at 8:11pm
PROMPT: January 23rd

Finish this story:
A girl, sitting alone on a rock at the edge of the woods, jumps when she hears…

This is a great prompt. I hope I'm up to the task...

A girl, sitting alone on a rock at the edge of the woods, jumps when she hears the maniacal, chittering laugh of Chauncy Cutthroat, a nasty, ill-tempered, cheating wood elf. He has beady little eyes, black as black comes. His wiry, dirty hair sticks up in spiky patches around his head. The most amazing thing about his hair is that when the wind blows you can actually hear it crunch. Pieces tend to break off so it's all different lengths. His chin is covered in the same spiky hair, except it doesn't break off. Instead it collects the remnants of whatever gruesome road kill he's been eating. He's fond of slurping when he eats and purposely lets the nastier bits fall from his mouth, and into the wiry hairs of his beard. And the skin on his face? Well, I wouldn't really call it skin. Rather, it's papery and brown and creased all around. Because the creases are so deep they have a tendency to collect...well...everything. From dust to dirt to grime to...you name it. If it's out there it's probably in the creases of Chauncy's papery face. And don't even mention his teeth! Most are broken, with sharp edges like little knives. Some are missing, leaving ghoulish holes and a demonic little smirk. Some are even green. Now there's some bad teeth!

Chauncy knows he's ugly. Both inside and out. And he plays to that ugliness to frighten and terrorize every creature in his path. He is truly an awful little brute.

But Chauncy, for all of his ugliness, has one terrible flaw. At least he feels it's a terrible flaw. And to his chagrin, it's something he cannot control. And it's so horrible he spends his days spitting and hissing and pulling his crunchy hair, crying out, "WHY? WHY? WHY?" It's truly a horrible sight. And painful. Chauncy actually cries out in the most agonizing pain. He fears he will never be free of this terrible curse.

And the curse? Well, it's...LOVE. Chauncy is in love with the girl who sits on the rock at the edge of the woods. For him it's truly horrible. He wants only to pet her long luxurious locks of silky brown hair. He wants to touch her creamy face and gaze longingly into her chocolate brown eyes. The sweet notes of her song make him swoon and he wants only to lie across her lap as she sings the songs of love. He wants to feel his lips, what lips he has, against hers. He wants to breathe in her perfume and lose himself in romance.

But he can't...because he's Chauncy. And Chauncy is ugly and smelly and frightening to behold. He's even scarier to hear. Angry and frustrated and pulling out his hair, Chauncy screams the high pitch of a painful soul. The sound pierces and stabs and sends creatures running. And the girl? She runs too. She jumps from the rock and dashes into the woods. She's quiet and swift. She leaves the scent of fear behind. And she also leaves...Chauncy. Leaves him to pull his hair and scream again another day.
January 22, 2020 at 2:32pm
January 22, 2020 at 2:32pm
PROMPT January 22nd

Your bags are packed. You have unlimited funds and resources to travel anywhere you want. Where do you go, who do you bring with you, and why?

So now you've gone and opened up a can of worms! Thanks a LOT! I've had such a bad case of wanderlust lately it isn't funny. I keep bugging my husband to please, please, please book some tickets somewhere. I really don't care where. Just somewhere. I absolutely MUST get out of Rocklin, California. And he just keeps telling me he's not sure where we should go. Are you kidding me? Just pick a place! But that's not him. He'll ruminate on this for quite some time and then one day he'll finally make up his mind. But that could take weeks, months, even a year! Oh man! I may just have to book something without him. I've just got to get out of here!

Now that I've made THAT opinion known, I will have to say that I'm the kind of person that can pack a bag and be ready to go in a half hour. Just give me the word and I'll happily throw together everything I need for a trip away from home. I've always been like that. My father was like that too, and maybe that's where I get it from. My dad would just announce one day...or night...that it was time to go. That's it. "Everyone get in the car. It's time to go!" That's all he had to say. Day or night. And we'd all pile in and take off. Most of the time we had no idea where we were headed, but that was okay. We always wound up someplace nice.

Who was it that said, "If you don't know where you're going, you'll wind up someplace else"...??? Oh! I know, Yogi Berra! He was right, and he was also wrong. That's because we always wound up somewhere and it was always just the right place.

And just so you know, my heart belongs to France. No, I'm not French, but I love France and everything French. It's my go-to place. If my spouse can't make up his mind, then it's off to France we go. Gosh, maybe we should think about branching out a little...you think?

By the way, my bag is packed...where are we going?
January 21, 2020 at 11:07am
January 21, 2020 at 11:07am
PROMPT January 21st

How much of your own life or the lives of people you know do you put into your writing? Do you mine your past for inspiration, or do you create wholly new places and characters?

Yesterday I chose to voice my opinion on the content of a person's character. And I mentioned that it's time we paid more attention to that. So I guess it's only apropos that we're writing about characters today! *Wink*

I do a lot of people watching so I pull character traits form there. For me it's a lot fun just to sit at the mall and watch people as they go about their day. I try to figure out what they're up to and where they came from and what they're about to buy...or steal...I ask myself a lot of "what if" questions about people at the mall. If I let my imagination loose then I can usually come up with some interesting traits. I can usually find a victim, a villain, a hero, and a guide. But the mall isn't the only place!

I like to write murder mysteries. No, I am not a murderer, and I am definitely NOT planning to murder anyone. But I do love a good mystery and in every good murder mystery someone gets killed. So that means my no good, nasty villains need to know how to get the job done. In order to help them out I watch a lot of crime shows! I'm always looking for a new way to kill someone, and what better place than those cheesy poorly-produced crime shows. Well...I guess there's always prison, but who wants to go there? So crime shows it is! I love People Investigates and Dateline. I also like Father Brown and Shakespeare and Hathaway. They're all completely different, but they all give me some good ideas.

Of course I can always turn to family and friends and all the people in my life, but for me it's just more fun to spend time at the mall or in front of the TV with a big bowl of popcorn. Here's to all the villains out there!

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