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Rated: E · Book · Writing · #2059682
Blog for October 30 Day Blogging Challenge And November, and December....and so on...
An interesting thing to do....And now I've become a blogging addict *Rolling*
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January 2, 2016 at 1:39am
January 2, 2016 at 1:39am
In lieu of the traditional Creation Saturday prompt, what is your best birthday memory?

Oh good grief! I'm not sure what I would consider a best birthday memory. I mean, I remember my dad turning 28 (40 yrs ago!) I remember that I freaked out when I turned 28, as I remember my dad doing that...*FacePalm* I was less upset turning 30 and 40 years old. Heck, I am about to turn 50 in June, so I'm not sure I've had a great one as of yet! I'm hoping that 50 will be a fun birthday, and not a scary one. I think I've already had my mid-life crisis...and I'm menopausal, which isn't a lot of fun...darn those hormones!

My oldest daughter turned 30 back in August, and my oldest grandson will be 5 this May. Where has all of the time gone? It just seems like my oldest was starting kindergarten, and now this fall, my grandson will be starting kindergarten. My mom has always said that the older you get, the faster time flies.

I really don't have a best birthday memory, not really. I mean I love celebrating my kids' and grandkids' birthdays, and I'm always ready in Nov to call my dad and my mom to wish them Happy Birthday, but for me, it's just really another day. I appreciate being told Happy Birthday, but I don't know that I would feel all that bad if it was forgotten. Maybe this year will be different for me hitting the big "five - O". Guess we'll just have to wait and see.
January 1, 2016 at 10:08pm
January 1, 2016 at 10:08pm
Well, Marbles, December was definitely an interesting time, don't you think?

I'm not sure what you mean, amyjo.

The twelve days of Christmas? The New York fiasco? The New Year's Eve celebration with Apollo and his cronies eating us out of house and home?

To be fair, amyjo, you DID go a bit overboard buying food for a few people.

What? I thought we were going to be inundated with Muses all over the place! Then instead of Muses, I had to put up with the Gods...*FacePalm* .

Yeah, well, it wasn't too bad. At least Carol called me wish me a Happy New Year *Smile*.

Well, at least there is that. And by the way, thanks for your help with the poem for the Construct. I have a feeling I'm going to be very gray by February 1st...just in time for "Cupid" to start his shenanigans.

No problem, amyjo. I'm glad to be of help!

Well, I better get to reviewing...only a few hours left in the day!

G'night amyjo...Happy New Year!

Happy New Year, Marbles *Smile*
January 1, 2016 at 9:31pm
January 1, 2016 at 9:31pm
It's Fun Fact Friday, so let's start there...

On this day in 2007, Binney & Smith Company became Crayola LLC under its parent company Hallmark. What crayon color are you?

If I had to choose a crayon color, I believe I would be basic blue. I don't try to seize the spotlight, like the oranges and purples and pinks, but I am not a wall flower either, like the browns, and grays and black colors. I like to be helpful and calm, and I do try to be a peacemaker, if at all possible. Blue is regarded to be a calming color.

It is also one of the colors in the rainbow, and I do like to shine somewhat, albeit more comfortable in a group setting, just like the rainbow. It just so happens to be my favorite color as well. In color psychology, blue is also the color of trust and responsibility. It reflects inner security and confidence. It is also the color of nostalgia. Those descriptions are pretty appropriate for me. I do like to think about the past, and sometimes get a little caught up into it. I also like to feel confident, and try to exhibit that trait, even if I sometimes have to "fake it".

Some negative traits that are associated with the color blue are depression and being too passive. There are times that that is an appropriate description of me. I try not to let that rule my life, but then there are those moments.
It is also an orderly color and disruption and chaos overwhelm it. Again, another truth about me. I cannot stand clutter, and it drives me absolutely crazy. But by the same time, I am not a neat freak. Figure that one out.
So there you have it. Clear as mud, right?

December 31, 2015 at 12:17pm
December 31, 2015 at 12:17pm
Good morning Marbles...time to wake up.

Mmmphh! Go away!

Hey, what's wrong? I thought we were having a bunch of Muses over, and where is Carol? I thought for sure she'd be here already.

She's not coming...none of them are! Apollo showed up and everybody left. *Sniff!*

Wow...we have a lot of food and electronics here...I'm so sorry Marbles...Why did Apollo show up?

Something about our "misbehavior" and how we needed to settle down and get ready to work.

Well, he is right, hon. I'm sorry the party is a bust, but we can still have our quiet evening, if you like.....

Well, since there is nothing else to do....

It'll be okay...PJs and hot cocoa and popcorn...maybe even a glass of champagne at midnight...Okay, Marbles? I just don't know what we will do with all of this food...


I'd be glad to help you out there!

Oh, hi Apollo....help with what?

With the food. I've been eating new things thanks to Carol and Noodlehead...er, um, Jim. I'm sure a couple of us gods can come by and help you eat the food so it doesn't go to waste.

Really, some of you gods want to spend New Year's Eve with Marbles and me?

Certainly, amyjo....what could possibly go wrong?

umm...er...uh....sure, ok *Facepalm*

Happy New Year, amyjo!
December 30, 2015 at 6:20am
December 30, 2015 at 6:20am
Okay, Marbles...we need to talk NOW!

What's up, amyjo? Do you like this red dress or the basic black one?

Marbles...please! Did you hear what Apollo did to Carol?

Yes...and I thought it a little harsh...why?

Listen, I don't like coming down hard on you, heck I don't even know if I could...but please, did you see what I had listed in my goals for 2016? What I would like to accomplish?

Well, yes...

I NEED you to focus! Fun is fun, but com'on! Don't make me wish for Apollo to deal with this....


Marbles, you need to listen to amyjo...she has a lot of work to do, and YOU need to buckle down. I will ground you the same way I did Carol...for six months, if I have too.

Sighhhh....yes, Apollo....I'll try to behave. I'm sorry amyjo, I promise...I will help you. ***sniff*** what is that smell?

Oh, Jim was showing me the delights of sushi.

EWWW...you need some mouthwash!

Thank you, Apollo

You just have to know how to talk to your Muse, amyjo. Do you have any mouthwash, by the way?
December 29, 2015 at 10:35am
December 29, 2015 at 10:35am
Let's see...TV's *CheckG* , speakers *CheckG* remotes *CheckG*

Marbles...what are you doing? What is all of this?

Oh, good morning amyjo, glad that blizzard is done with! Had to pay the RTO guy extra to come out in all of the drifted snow. Doesn't the living room look great for the New Years' Eve get-together?

It actually looks like a war zone in here. I really didn't want all of this, you know. And we are NOT keeping all of this stuff afterwards! I want my living room to look like a livingroom - not a command center.

Oh, take it easy, silly! By the time I would pay for all of this, it would be outdated! No, it's just for the party, and then it will go back - I promise!

And by the way, Marbles, the extra fridge is stocked to the gills with food and drink. You owe me quite the chunk of change for the food bill...who eats that much in one night? How many people did you say were coming over?

Oh, I'm not sure, I haven't read all of the RSVP's yet, but a few have responded, and of course if they want to bring a date...

Ugggh! Marbles.....it SOUNDS like a party to me...

It's the last day of 2015...you want it to go out with a bang, don't you?


It'll be fine, I promise...and I will do the cleaning up...you don't have to worry...

Seriously, Marbles...we are going to come up with some ground rules for the new year...I mean it.

Of course, amyjo, of course. Now, I really have to get back to those RSVP's. And I have to find a dress to wear...you ARE wearing a dress and not PJs, right, amyjo?

December 28, 2015 at 9:29am
December 28, 2015 at 9:29am
Ok Marbles...we really need to talk about New Years...

Yeah, ok, amyjo, I have a list here for you.

List? For what?

For the snacks and drinks that we will need.

***Looking at list*** ???????? Just HOW many people are coming, Marbles?

Oh, you know, Carol, Soukie, and a few of their friends. It really will be a quiet evening.

Uh, Marbles...will everyone fit in the living room?

Oh, just so you know, tomorrow, I've got a RTO guy coming to hook up a large screen TV or two for the New Year's Eve show. And a second fridgie for the drinks.

Marbles, this isn't what we agreed to....

It'll be fine, silly. Trust me. A quiet evening....The invites are already out and coming back.

Marbles, I'd like to do a bit of writing this last week of December. Will I get to?

Oh, amyjo, you work sooooo hard. Take a break for a couple of days...

I've got a funny feeling about this get-together, Marbles....please tell me no shenanigans...

I've got this, amyjo...why don't you go shopping, and I'll decorate the house for our cozy evening in...


December 27, 2015 at 9:36pm
December 27, 2015 at 9:36pm

Go Away! I really don't want to be bothered now....

Come on Marbles...open the door...please?

Sniff...snifff...I really don't want to talk about it, amyjo...

It can't be that bad...I mean they let you go, didn't they?

It's horrible! I wanted to watch the New Year's ball drop...

Well, you can watch it with me, Marbles...I'll even make some cocoa and popcorn....

In PERSON, amyjo...on TV's not the same....sniff....

Well, I'll tell you what, Marbles...let's just let the dust settle for a while, we'll do some great work together on the Winter Construct Writing, and I'll call the Mayor and vouch for you...and we'll go to NYC next year, okay?

Sniff, you'd do that for me, amyjo?

Of course I would, Marbles...where would I be without you? Don't we do great work together?

Well, yes....

Then, let it go for now. We'll watch the New Year's ball go down on TV, and we'll get some great work done. You'll see Marbles - It's going to be a great year...

Uh, amyjo, one thing?

What's that?

Can I invite a few people over? It would be a cozy little get together with a couple dozen of my friends, and...

Uh, Marbles....I really wanted it to be a QUIET evening...not a party....

Oh, don't be silly, amyjo....it's NOT a party til 50 or more people show up....what can happen with just a few people over?


December 26, 2015 at 9:38am
December 26, 2015 at 9:38am
Aaahaaa!!! Now I know why you were late reporting in, Marbles! Just couldn't keep out of trouble for even one day?

Apollo ratted you and Carol out to Jim over IHOP pancakes. I had a wonderful Christmas, thank you for asking...but since that was your one phone call, don't you think you might have mentioned where you were???

TRY to finish your vacation OUT of trouble??? I really will need you for all of the projects going on soon! And Jim needs Carol....so COOL IT!!! You guys are so lucky that Apollo has a fondness for you Muses...

Ok, I'm done ranting, now, Marbles! Just come home in one piece, okay? *Headbang*

a frustrated human

Note: See Jim Hall 's blog NonBlogger's Blog for details:
The Non-Blogger's Blog  (18+)
a look at my Muse, her misadventures, and her political opinions--right or wrong...
#2062342 by Jim Hall
December 26, 2015 at 1:28am
December 26, 2015 at 1:28am
Hiya amyjo

Marbles here in NYC with Carol! We've had a great first day, settling in and all! Just wanted to drop you a quick note!

Lots of things to write and see! Hope your Christmas was wonderful!

TaTa for Now

Your thoughtful, fun loving Muse

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