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Rated: E · Book · Writing · #2059682
Blog for October 30 Day Blogging Challenge And November, and December....and so on...
An interesting thing to do....And now I've become a blogging addict *Rolling*
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March 1, 2016 at 5:14pm
March 1, 2016 at 5:14pm

Type type typity type type....*click* ...send
Type type typity type type....*click* ....send

Uh, amyjo?

Type type type type type....*click* ....send


Type type type...typity typity type....*click*....


***looking up**** Huh? wha??? Oh, hiya Marbles! How's it going?

I could ask you the same thing - What are you doing?

I'm reviewing, writing new things, entering contests. I finished up my first raffle/auction and getting things going for March.

amyjo, are you TRYING to drive me crazy? What have you been drinking? You DO know that too much caffeine is bad for you, right?

I don't know, I haven't been drinking coffee or energy drinks...I just feel as though I've pushed through a rough beginning of the year, and am feeling like my old self again!

amyjo, I am very glad that you are feeling better, honestly! But if you keep this up, I'm going to need ANOTHER vacation!

Relax Marbles...I promise not to wear you out, but really, I'm just happy to be reviewing and writing again *Smile*

Well, ok...I guess you've got it under control for now. I'm going to go find Carol and see what we can do this year...I certainly hope Jim isn't wearing HIS muse out....***grumbles indistinctly***
March 1, 2016 at 9:44am
March 1, 2016 at 9:44am
Now, your prompt for March 1st:

Tell us about the last book you've read or are currently reading. Would you recommend it?

The last book I read, actually was the other day...It is a specialty book put out by Time Magazine, and is called Secrets to a Healthy Heart.

It has some startling information regarding heart disease, some misinformation that has been given, and where to go from where you are at this moment.

It is 100 pages in length, and is broken up into three sections with several chapters under each section. Section one: Eat Right; Section two: Live Right; and Section three: Treat Right. I found it interesting and some things have hit home and confirmed that my goal to become more active is a GOOD choice.

I would recommend it for those who are predisposed to heart disease, or for those who have loved ones who are predisposed to it. It is written in clear language, not "doctor-ese" so it is easy to read and understand. It also gives you questions that you can take to your doctor, and help you become pro-active in managing your own care.

My rating: 5 *Star* or 2 *ThumbsupL*
February 29, 2016 at 1:15pm
February 29, 2016 at 1:15pm
Happy Leap Day, all!

Well, I must say...This month has flown by, and things are still running full tilt. I am finishing off my first auction/raffle, and it has been a blast. I've gotten a little bit of reviewing in, and have broken the 1000 review mark...woo hoo! *Bigsmile*.

A couple of tweaks on some newsletters and a couple of new contest/challenges to go...not to mention my own contest come March 6th! *Facepalm* staying busy, staying active, this year doesn't look like it's slowing down at all *Bigsmile*!

Onward and forward!
February 28, 2016 at 6:44am
February 28, 2016 at 6:44am
Well, February is just about gone. Where in the world did the time go? And why won't it stop for just a minute so that I can catch up and breathe? This month, even with the extra day is still a shortie *Smile*. Lots to do today, so I guess I better get crackin'!
February 26, 2016 at 11:21am
February 26, 2016 at 11:21am
All of us are located in different places on this globe and with that comes quirky laws. Some are downright hysterical that they even exist and some are really restrictive. Tell us about some in your area and how they affect you. I've included a link of the ones that made the bizarre list.

Well, I'm not up on the legal system in Texas, however as of January 1st of this year, people are allowed to "open carry" a firearm. Talk about bizarre! I haven't noticed anyone doing so just yet, but I imagine it's just a matter of time. I sincerely hope we don't go back to the days of the Wild West *Shock2* *Facepalm*!!

To me it smacks just a bit of "fringe element" in the right to bear arms argument. But then again, you are talking about a state who has bumper stickers all over the place with just one word: Secede. Talk about a rebellious teenager mentality.

~Just saying.
February 24, 2016 at 6:18pm
February 24, 2016 at 6:18pm
*BoxCheck* Day 51 (Feb 24)
Didn't get much "formal" exercising in, but sure did run around all day getting everyone registered for school! My grandson, my daughter, and myself! Then shopping...was on feet a lot of the day! Wheww!

*BoxCheck* Day 52 (Feb 25)
Walked around a bit, a little windy outside, but it felt nice to be out of doors for a change. Definitely need a pedometer so can at least record steps, if not time *Sneaker1**Sneaker1*

*BoxCheck* Day 53 (Feb 26)
Felt bad today, so this is day four *Checkg* off *Frown*.

*BoxCheck* Day 54 (Feb 27)
OMG! A guilty pleasure day...danced to High School Musical *Blush* Zac Effron was such a cutie pie...*Facepalm* But I do have to say it was fun! *Bigsmile*

*BoxCheck* Day 55 (Feb 28) Boring day, after yesterday...lol...on the bike for 30 minutes...going to see about shaking things up this week.

*BoxCheck* Day 56 (Feb 29) Took a walk...beautiful day. Had to get out of the house for a while. Walked around Hobby Lobby (not far from home *Facepalm**Rolling*) Then back again.

*BoxCheck* Day 57 (Mar 1)Sweating to the Oldies. Love the music. Had fun for an hour. And yes, I did sweat! LOL

*BoxCheck* Day 58 (Mar 2)Back on the bike! Only 20 minutes this time and 2 1/2 miles. Slow day, but still moving.

*BoxCheck* Day 59 (Mar 3)Wondering if there is a calorie count for typing? LOL...*Laptop* On a roll! Stretches to move and groove, and get all the kinks out. Not very strenuous. But felt good after being hunkered down all day.

*BoxCheckR* Day 60 (Mar 4) Check in day! Days off: *Checkg**Checkg**Checkg**Checkg* uggh! Biking again, 30 minutes and 4 miles...Hoping to break the barrier of 30 minutes...but may have to wait to get an outdoor bike. *Frown*...but going onward and forward. Would love to have an adult tricycle...LOL *Facepalm*

February 24, 2016 at 6:05pm
February 24, 2016 at 6:05pm
I was reading this blog today and thought this would make a good conversation for us bloggers. I've included the link


Do you agree or disagree with her opinion about positive thinking meme's? Do you react positively or negatively when seeing them yourself on the net? Do positive thinking meme's have value to you?

I didn't know that what I considered "bumper stickers" were called memes. Simple words in a one-size fits all society. The problem is that one size DOESN'T fit all. There are always individual quirks that are not taken into account. And they are not always meant to be a cure-all or be-all to end all.
So the best thing I can suggest is, if it is appropriate, use it, if not, or it goes against what a doctor/therapist/whatever tells you, then DON'T use it.

~Just my opinion.
February 23, 2016 at 8:43am
February 23, 2016 at 8:43am
Prompt is: We've all heard about bizarre occurrences. I am providing a link to one mystery I found interesting.I would like to know your thoughts about this mystery. Do you think this is possible or a farce? Please comment on your fellow bloggers entries too,, on Tuesday's getting to know the competitors.



There is a saying, that truth is stranger than fiction. This seems to come out of a Twilight Zone or X-files episode plot. While I do not have any experience with reincarnation, who are we to say that it doesn't exist? The events described are quite bizarre, and while part of me thinks that the grieving parents may have projected some of the events, it is quite detailed and I am sure that the parents would not have told their young children about the accident that was so horrific in that kind of detail. Weird, to say the least. I am just grateful that whatever the girls experienced, finally did go away, and that they were able to lead "normal" lives of their own, without the interference of the girls that were gone. Perhaps the parents needed reassurance that it wasn't their fault for the tragedy? Who knows? But this is definitely not an everyday occurrence, or at least I hope not.
February 22, 2016 at 10:06am
February 22, 2016 at 10:06am
Though the book "Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs" is fiction...giant portions of food begin raining down from the sky! How do you spend your first week in this new world where hunger is a memory and umbrellas are a necessity? Creativity really matters, lets see where you muse takes you.


Well, since hunger isn't an issue, I thought perhaps an umbrella boutique might be nice...where you can get customized heavy duty umbrellas to look stylish. I mean, the'd have to be heavy duty, as you don't want to get pounded by meatballs, right?

And just so you know that I'm not crazy, there ARE already customized umbrellas already out there:



So I would spin off that and make heavy duty umbrellas with that personal touch. Functionality and style. How could you go wrong? (wait...don't answer that *Facepalm*)!

February 21, 2016 at 3:58pm
February 21, 2016 at 3:58pm

Marbles! you are back! I am so glad to see you!

Hiya amyjo, I'm glad to be back as well. Mount Olympus can get crazy if you stay too long. It was definitely time to come home.

I'm glad you got to catch up with everybody. I've been quite busy here, and could have used your help. But you are back now, and that's all that matters.

Just so you know, amyjo, some of the gods are a little peeved at you.

Huh? What do you mean? Is it my writing about them?

Yeah, some of them feel that you haven't given them the focus that they deserve. Tyche, for example feels a little short changed. You DO realize she's the goddess of fortune? Do you really want to tick her off?

Well, yes I realize some of the gods/goddesses have shorter writings, but to be honest there isn't a whole lot of research that I can find about some of them. It's not like I can interview them and write about them first hand, now...


So, you want an interview?

Uh, amyjo, this is...

**Sigh**....let me guess: Tyche?

You know, Marbles, your human isn't exactly prostrating herself before me. I AM the goddess of fortune, after all.


Hello, um, er, goddess? Tyche? How should I address you?

Hmmmph! I guess Tyche will do. So you don't have enough information to give me a fair shake in your writing. I think we should clear this up now, don't you?

Let me get a pen and paper, Tyche. Just make yourself comfortable. And Marbles? Don't you go ANYWHERE!! Got that?

I'm just going to unpack, amyjo. I'll be out shortly.

*Facepalm* *Headbang*

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