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Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #959657
Just a place for the strange thoughts that often invade my mind. Expect the unexpected.
Who knows what will show up here. One day might be normal and the next strange. I love my imagination, and often spend more time there than I should. I tend to get silly at times also.

Just some of the nice comments I have recieved.

This entry is going to keep me awake all night.
How can you write something so blanking beautiful and just toss it off, a crumb for mere mortals who stare at the empty stage and applaud for an encore.

Hahahaha! You my friend are such a nerd.
Deviously Brazen

I just realized something: Whenever I read one of your blog entries, I tend to hold my breath throughout, releasing it only when you are finished.

Wish I had more time to go where your mind travels. Excellent POV, worthy of portfolio status.

You do have an interesting mind.

um, why are there cats on the milky way?
Solitary Man

Beautiful prose! I must argue that "Language is your slave" and not "Master". Your lines tease my own devils and keep me coming back for more.

That was absolutly beautiful.

Beautifully stated madness. I love it
Jaren is Avarielle

You can't say you weren't warned. *Smile*
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May 11, 2005 at 12:48am
May 11, 2005 at 12:48am
The day begins anew. A life among friends is the way to live. The past is just that and the future is unwritten. Are we not writers? Set the tone for the children and hope to see them smile.

Lucinda finally came and saw me today. I was surprised to say the least. I was certainly happy after not seeing her for so long. She took me flying again and we ended up eating lunch on a sliver moon. We talked for a long time and she told me she was helping a friend, that's why she hadn't been around in a while. After lunch she teleported us back my place. The day turned out to be lovely. She gave me a peck on the cheek when she left and promised not to stay away so long this time. It was moments after she left that Mona showed, I could tell by the look in her eyes that she knew Lucinda had been here. I may be in trouble.

How much time do you waste daydreaming?

See you in the blue.
May 10, 2005 at 12:33am
May 10, 2005 at 12:33am
Time moves slows. Questions arrive that could effect the future. It is an endless struggle that needs to stop. The hope of a lifelong dream made it beyond rejection, but yet has not been accepted.

I walked on water with a laugh. It was really easy. I didn't understand why people thought this was something amazing. It was just like walking on grass. I decided to be cool and dance on water. So here I am jumping around on the water for all to see when this guy comes walking out and pushes me. I fell under the water. When I came up he looked at me and simply said "learn how to swim, walking on water is impossible." He then turned and walked away.

What are you likely to do tomorrow?

See you in the window.
May 9, 2005 at 12:16am
May 9, 2005 at 12:16am
The eternal wait of a wasted day. Squares won't roll and mobility is useless. The loss of time becomes noticed as the moon chases the sun from the sky. The darkness came in an empty spot and the day was lost forever.

I went shopping in Seattle. I never left my home in SC, but still had an adventure. Things got a little harsh while looking for movies, but ice cream changed my mood. I then had to find a new brake light. Of course it's my luck I can't find the right one on the first try. I decided to force it in and wouldn't you know it did fit. Fabulous, I don't have to go back in the store.

How many stores are we going to go to tonight?

See you in the Prism.
May 8, 2005 at 12:22am
May 8, 2005 at 12:22am
A short-lived smile formed from a friendly call. The emptiness returned too quick. The company of trees no longer impresses. Everything is distant. The soft glow of a half living moon entices sleep. The world of dreams is often a better place.

It’s been two weeks since Lucinda last visited me. She was all flirty and took me on a picnic in the clouds. Since then, I haven’t heard from her. I'm beginning to think she was just teasing me. I mean the least she could do is call. Oh well, her sister Mona has been calling and taking me on grand adventures. She is, however, evil, but that’s okay, nobody’s perfect.

How much blog could one blogger blog if a blogger could blog blog?

See you in the padded room.
May 6, 2005 at 10:07pm
May 6, 2005 at 10:07pm
It is a dreary day. The rain fell through darkness and swollen clouds hid the day. The once soft wind was harsh and unforgiving. I wandered through pines and fell into deserts. The day began, before the day began.

Hide me in plain sight. I will surely be invisible. The eyes of passing strangers won't look my way. I could tap dance and not get a second look. I could recite poetry and none would hear. I could juggle chainsaws and no one would notice. If I dropped one and cut off my arm, that might get a laugh.

If you burned a CD, wouldn't it melt?

See you on the purple clouds.
May 6, 2005 at 12:11am
May 6, 2005 at 12:11am
The world won't wait. The boredom of slow time inhibits a forgetful mind. The once grand delusions fall to the floor like a house of cards. It can be rebuilt, but it will never Be the same. It takes eons just to pick up the pieces; it’s so easy to step on them during the wait.

A soft wind blows from the west. I can feel it even on calm days. The chance to float with the wind would be welcome, but impossible. We all know how I do with flying.

How far would you go for happiness?

See you on the sand.
May 4, 2005 at 11:49pm
May 4, 2005 at 11:49pm
The payment always comes due. It is often physical and always emotional. Sometimes even Kings weep. The lifetime of holocaust lingers in scattered mind. The future is frozen and the mirror is shattered. The eyes that gaze into the alternate world only see a broken face. Sometimes the reflection is monstrous often it is unrecognizable.

I walked around the world. I didn't speak the language, but a smile did fine. I was searching for something; I just wasn't sure what was. In the end I grew tired of walking and hitched a ride on a passing wind. It was kind of like air surfing. The wind didn't last, I ended up lost somewhere in Kansas. Maybe I can catch a tornado to Oz.

What the heck is Hominy anyway?

See you in fruit aisle.
May 3, 2005 at 11:23pm
May 3, 2005 at 11:23pm
The feeling of a bitter day emerges from the shadows. The once fond sunlight hides behind a lunar eclipse. The whole world wanders in darkness and remains blind for generations. The whimsical seem to care less. The loved hold their hearts true. The lonely and lost suffer most. Though they search, the black of night hinders their way.

The truth is empty, yet lies reach the sky. I am tired of the way things are going, aren't you? I have traveled far up the mountain, only to fall to the bottom over and over. It would be nice to one day reach the top, or maybe somewhere close enough to rest.

Has anybody seen Lucinda?

See you in the ring.
May 3, 2005 at 12:21am
May 3, 2005 at 12:21am
The key of the day is frustration. There is no escape from the history that makes the future. It is ever-present, and everlasting. The lost dreams are never forgotten. Sometimes glimpses can be caught through the smoke rising from the ashes. Desire is another story. It is something that can be lost forever.

The world keeps spinning. Someone stop this crazy thing, I want off. Make room for me on the moon, or maybe mars. There is somewhere better among the stars.

What planet are women from?

See you at the store.
May 2, 2005 at 12:15am
May 2, 2005 at 12:15am
Being lost is the common truth. So many eyes pass by the hardened souls without a glance. How many are ghosts? How many more are invisible? Maybe it’s just that most are blind. More likely, they just don't care to look. Let us all walk with pretend smiles and fake laughs. It is the only way to be seen.

I walked through the streets of misery. The second home of many barren souls. The empty world is my distraction. I can't dream of ghosts, or dragons, or even love. It is the way of the new world man.

The clown is here, he just doesn't feel funny.

How long have you been juggling?

See you under the big top.
April 30, 2005 at 10:20pm
April 30, 2005 at 10:20pm
The enticement of lost lives no longer appeals. The death of once vibrant dreams happened long ago. I want to be one with the world, just not this world. The blood flows through my veins with a crimson smile. I am a savage genius. I am the lonely lover. I am a writer. It is the curse of imagination. I wish I could soar with the wind and dine on Ambrosia. I could be a grand wizard or a dragon’s friend. In the end though, I am only me.

The dreams are so far away. Sometimes, only one can see. The circle moves as the dreamer searches for an end. It can’t be found. Someone has to stop it. Someone must help the dreamer.

Do you believe in magic?

See you on the coast.
April 29, 2005 at 11:51pm
April 29, 2005 at 11:51pm
The rejection of something loved never fails. It is not fury that reigns, but the all-consuming emptiness. It is never quiet. It reeks of loneliness and tastes of ash. The bittersweet void compels all to grow, yet there must be better ways to develop.

I was in the gym today. Don't ask me what I was doing there, I am a brain builder, not a bodybuilder. I actually was sitting on the bench press reading a book on Space Travel Theory. Some huge guy comes up to me and says "Can I use that when you're done?" I tell him I'm not really using the bench and get up to leave. He stops me and says he meant the book. Well, of course, I was surprised. I would have never thought a muscle head like that knew how to read. It turns out nerds come in all sizes.

Are you a nerd?

See you in the Forbidden City.
April 29, 2005 at 12:38am
April 29, 2005 at 12:38am
Even when the sun rises, darkness can surround the wary traveler. The endless journey is still a forgotten destiny. It is nothing more than the lost dream of some unfound paradise. There are so many that never realize what hides. Some become one within the universe, and others just meander through the countless stars, never seeing the beauty. They never notice until the mighty giant falls from grace. It is an hourglass beach filled with worry. The words of a poet are useless to a deaf and blind audience. It doesn't matter what beauty can be found if all are enthralled by the call of gold.

Nobody ever saved me from the beach. *Frown* The crabs cut off my escape from the exit and the gull’s bombardment of the umbrella finally took its toll. I was left with no choice but to run for the water. Thankfully the dolphins are my allies and they helped me out swim the dark denizens of the battlefield beach. I was really tired after the skirmish and made my way home. I was worn out. I ended up falling asleep on the living room floor. I know this, I will never return to the beach.

It isn't easy being me...
How hard is it to be you?

See you in the ocean blue.
April 27, 2005 at 11:53pm
April 27, 2005 at 11:53pm
The forbidden lingers in a mind that creates. Of all the things that can be done, it is the one that can't. This world is not alone, but sometimes it doesn't see other planets. The blackness of space is what surrounds the lonely rock. Some things just can't be helped. The vacuum consumes all. In the end, everything becomes a black hole.

I walked on the beach today, what was I thinking? Crabs attacked my toes and seagulls tried to bomb me. It ended up turning into a war zone. I was running and ducking through a myriad of messy missiles. Anybody realize how hard it is to run in sand? I finally found an exit to the road, but I was well bunkered in underneath an umbrella. The crabs were advancing and it was only a matter of time before the umbrella would give way beneath the onslaught of the gulls. Can anybody come help me?

Where in the world is the missing link?

See you in a parallel universe.
April 26, 2005 at 11:31pm
April 26, 2005 at 11:31pm
The beauty of enchanted days is missed. I walk with the world and fall with the rain. It is a simple dream that wanders through the mind of a forgotten king. I am no more than a ghost that stands beside you. You think you saw something, but really don't know.

The random insanity contained within can cause hallucination, nightmares, fits of laughter, headaches, blindness, anger, and strong urges to run away. If you feel you have any of these symptoms please consult a therapist immediately.

Okay, did you read the warning? I guess I should have put that in the first post. Its okay though, now you know. Please don't be upset, there is only a small chance that you will have ALL the side effects.

Are you experiencing any of these symptoms?

See you in the future.

April 25, 2005 at 9:16pm
April 25, 2005 at 9:16pm
The sun rose far away. It loomed close to an impossible dream. The world left me distant. I still awoke with a child’s smile, and digital tennis was the laugh of the day. Solitude sat on my shoulder and whispered words of doubt. It is far from the simple life and the memory of childhood dreams.

I saw a rat walking down the street. His Armani suit was finely pressed and the pin stripes fit him well. I just had to know how a rat could afford such a fine suit. I walked up to him and asked. He told me he was an actor. He had been in many movies. He said that chances are, if I saw a rat in a movie it was him, or one of his brothers. Imagine my surprise; I didn't think rats were paid very well for acting.

My world ended today, and began tonight. When does your world end?

See you on top of the world.
April 24, 2005 at 11:57pm
April 24, 2005 at 11:57pm
The day released a fatigued spirit. The dark ended with a smile. The daylight hours will once again be seen. It is almost magical. The written word will again be produced. Welcome back to life.

So I was laying on the couch today. I was still really sore from crashing into that tree. Man, what was I thinking? I need to take flying lessons. It would probably help if I watched where I went, not the people who were watching me. Anyway, I sat up and who do you think popped in? That’s right, Lucinda, my new fairy friend showed up. She just appeared on my shoulder. Well, I about jumped through the ceiling. I'm not used to fairies just showing up out of thin air. I thought it was funny though, she was a lot bigger when we met at sea. She stood up on my shoulder and disappeared, when she came back she was sitting next me looking like I remembered from the boat. I wanted to ask how she did that, but I didn't. I knew she had that magical fairy dust. She had come to tell me that all the fairies in Fairyland saw me flying, and crashing into the tree. It seems it is now the biggest blockbuster to hit Fairyland since George Bush fell down the steps at the White House. As if I couldn't feel any worse. Lucinda assured me it was all in good fun, and if I couldn't laugh at myself, who could I laugh at. She then offered to help me learn how to fly. Well, of course, I got really excited about that and accepted the offer. Before I knew it, we were sitting on a cloud. Lucinda told me I wouldn't hit any trees up this high and we flew around for hours. I started feeling really good about my flying skills. We decided to take a break. Lucinda made a nice picnic appear on the cloud and we had a great lunch. Then she made wine appear. Before I knew it, we were both tipsy. I wonder if there is a law about drinking and flying.

If you were alone in paradise, would you leave?

See you at the mall.
April 23, 2005 at 10:20pm
April 23, 2005 at 10:20pm
The day lingered with the usual scents. Freedom's breath could be felt near the end. It stood closer than ever, and called like a playful child. It is eager to release the words trapped in a tired mind.

I decided to fly today. I didn't do it like Superman or anything. I sat in the air with my legs crossed. It was really cool. I just zoomed along all day. I could stop and float, and then take off again. People were watching and pointing as I flew by. I decided to start waving, not just a normal wave mind you, but that good Queen of England wave, You know the one I'm talking about. It’s kind of like a slow-motion thing. Anyway, I should have been paying attention to where I flew and not to the people watching. I soon felt like George of the Jungle. The tree took some heavy damage, and I learned a valuable lesson, even though I could fly, I wasn't made of steel like Superman.

See you in the Pyramids.
April 22, 2005 at 10:39pm
April 22, 2005 at 10:39pm
Might as well walk on the sun. The endless nothing of a long day called. It was early, but it wouldn't shut up. The bottomless pits needed filled. Tireless workers are in demand. Those who can bleed without stopping get a pat on the back.

I went fishing. I was stranded on the boat for many days. I was lonely, and hungry. The fish were swimming, just not biting on my line. I assured them I was a good guy, but they just laughed and swam on by. It was about the time I was going to jump in and swim for shore that a fairy showed up. I was a little wary, after all the fairies were mad at me for trying to re-paint Fairyland. She said her name was Lucinda. She assured me that all was forgiven. They understood that I was just a stupid human that didn't know any better. She was really nice to me. She even brought me Orange Juice. It was really good after sitting in the sun all day. It would have probably been better fresh though. When I said I needed to get back to shore because I was hungry, she conjured up some Garlic Chicken with rice. Yumm-yumm. She then threw some fairy dust on the boat and it sailed home all by itself. I hope she comes on my next fishing trip, maybe she can teach me how to land a good fish.

Would you read a book slower if you didn't want it to end?

See you on the sunny sea.
April 21, 2005 at 11:18pm
April 21, 2005 at 11:18pm
The silly goose played with a goo-goo head. The wheels ran around empty roads. Laughter shattered silence as water fell on a cloudless day. The hula dancers wiggled through tiny bubbles. The smile never faded.

I ran across a telephone wire, and then hitched a ride on a shooting star. Man, those things move fast, I had planned on dropping in on another coast, but got all confused as to where I was. I mean, I was traveling like a million miles per hour, way up high in outer space. I eventually jumped off and ended up about two blocks from my house. I'm beginning to think I have bad aim.

If you could fly away, where would you go?

See you on the other side.

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