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Rated: GC · Book · Personal · #2123453
GI100 Book #2...random attempts at poetry.
A second attempt at "Give It 100!, since the first one ("100) turned out pretty well even though I didn't complete it within 100 days.

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*^*Salute*^**^*Balloonb*^*  YAY!!Congratulations on your fabulous challenge of writing 100 poems is less than your 100 days!! An amazing feat so you deserve a trip to Mount Olympus for a treat! You can walk in the hall of champions. *^*Trophyg*^* Wonderful expressions! Keep on shining. *^*Starstruck*^*

These are just rough sketches and ideas that are barely a little more rounded-out...they're not perfect but they're gonna be good enough to share here at least. Your comments, support, and words of encouragement will be greatly appreciated!

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August 15, 2017 at 7:18pm
August 15, 2017 at 7:18pm

I'm sick of this story, but not the message.
What is it we're so attracted to? Why?
Don't you know the math? Divide + Conquer
only works for so long before
you wind up cutting into yourself...before
you cult yourself. I don't know how
to make the truth any more clear, but I do
know this: when there are too many
truths, there is no truth, and
attempting to push forward a new one
is a good way of ending up dead. Is it
any safer to keep running in circles
past the same markers of attempted
heroism fallen short? Following dreams
that don't exist or won't submit?
I can't watch the damage, but I will notice
what is and what is not done.
All I can do is report and you can hear,
and you can tell your friends so they
can notice what is and
what is not done. And
it'll keep going until we replace
the markers so that those coming
after us can make the same
choices we made, for the same results.
August 15, 2017 at 7:35pm
August 15, 2017 at 7:35pm

When you write your name
in tiled letters, the
ingredients of an
artificial language substitute,
do you box up the leftovers
for your neighbors (if
there is enough)? Or
do you loosely pack 'em up
and toss them where you
keep the things you hope
not to see again until
you really need to? We
live in this place where
seldom is the end of
anything, and there's
always a little left at
the bottom/middle/end
that we can't get at
or won't acknowledge other
than to admit it's probably
greater than us based on
our intentions alone to
look the other way as we
cast it aside. We don't know
how to create something
and not misuse it. And when
you run your hands across
those tiles, scrambling up
your name into fragments of
undefinable sounds, do you
feel a sense of relief
because you won't have to
share? Even if your
neighbors will still know
your mess is there?
August 20, 2017 at 1:09pm
August 20, 2017 at 1:09pm

You don't even have an army
to get you off the tarmac.
A face like herpes walking
controls your legs and your phone
rules your fingers like
democracy itself watching
self-inflicted wounds...
suicide by 1,000+ tweets
lapped up only by those
who'd do the same if they could.
But all I see are smiles
and the dumbest looks
surrounded by white hair and dead eyes
echoing cassette-fed soliloquies
blaming everyone but the real
Have another.          Here,
have another.          Here,
have another...the bones in your back break.          Here,
have another...white terrorism fuels an economy.          Here,
have another...dance, I say, dance, boy.          Here,
have another...failing, failing, failing fake news.          Here,
have another...so tired of winning.          Here,
have another.          Here,
have another.          Here,
have another...make mine a double
         and maybe it'll all be over with faster.
August 20, 2017 at 1:18pm
August 20, 2017 at 1:18pm

I've got bones that pop like I ain't worthy
of the fat they support or the muscles
that are fading with each pill I take
for this thing or that thing or
this thing caused by that thing.
My body is a junkyard symphony;
a cultural institution about to have
its funding slashed again, faster
than you can say " washboard solo
arpeggio", let alone play one.
Ligaments twang like violin strings plucked too often.
Knuckles the reminder of snapped drumstick ends, fraying.
Hips out of tune with my spine's weary metronome, and
the conductor shows up when he wants...
when he can get out of bed.
Yet everyone wants a song!
Some, because they think you can and have no idea.
Some, because they know you can't and want to see your pain.
Some, because they know you can't yet will convince you you can,
         so they can say your effort is good enough to keep you
         alive and nothing more.
Yes, everyone wants a song!
But no one wants to know what goes into
the crafting and the performance.
They don't want the soul;
they only want the show.
August 20, 2017 at 1:27pm
August 20, 2017 at 1:27pm

I'm gonna make you sound debilitated.
Full of virtues I can't spell (if I
need to look it up, chances are
you won't understand it either), I'm
determined to get right.
Determined to make right.

Do you need a voucher atlas to
tell you where to get free?
Null and void; avoid...signs
point you everywhere but where
you need to get right.
You need to make right.

Soft and loyal, soft and royal.          (null)
Crowned foal. Loose soil.          (void)
Raking coals to burn on, the
brighter to get right.
Brighter to make right.

         Seven is your secret          (null)
         screwdriver like a key in a          (void)
         car theft headed for a crash
         course to get right.
         Cause course to make right.

I'm flying calmly into a storm
full of overwhelms and unknowns.
I'm a child in your new school
determined to get right.
Determined to make right.
August 20, 2017 at 1:33pm
August 20, 2017 at 1:33pm

Jerk me off like a stranger.
Show me that finishing move.
Touch it, then don't.
Keep doing it
this isn't right
and I can only let you
get away with so much
before I pop like your balloon.
I'm a thousand skeins of
and you're just anxiously dying
to untie them all,
         aren't you?
I don't think, and
I don't think you want to find out
what happens when you
keep tuggin'.

August 20, 2017 at 1:41pm
August 20, 2017 at 1:41pm

Only you could've worn those faces.
I've cataloged many in my pages.
I'm glad to see that ability passed on.
The sole reminder the past isn't gone.
I know you wish we had more to say;
to laugh, to analyze, to commiserate.
There's not much in the way,
but what's there to deliberate?

Maybe I don't know where to begin,
or I'm afraid that it'll have to end.
Everything in between I know'll be fluid.
We've got miles of material to use.
This longing can't be my own.
We know ourselves too well for unknowns.
There can be openness within restraint,
so what's there to deliberate?

I didn't wanna be the future you saw.
You learned better than I taught.
Life's rich with subtle reminders
that time drains faster than what binds us.
No need to feel so uncertain
or wonder if approaches are worth it.
I'm sure we've got much more to say,
but what's left to deliberate?
August 30, 2017 at 4:53pm
August 30, 2017 at 4:53pm

You said "Please, stop!" but I couldn't
like a patriotic freight train
afraid of its own voice on a silent night of
tripping over variables in physical equations.
Sick of scraping from the bottom
of the patriarchal barrel, I saved up
all my hate over three decades and
switched sides, just like everyone else
and- shut up, it's my turn- why
should I, now, be the only one
who's sorry? And why'm I even bothering to
apologize? I can't own something
that never belonged to anyone
in the first place. I just think
it's funny how "We've had enough!"
is eventually, one way or another,
everyone's motto at some point, but
when it's not yours it's fine and
when it's mine it's criminal.
Words conveniently lose their meaning
over time; either through their
puncturing punctuation or their
loss of elasticity. Claws or teeth.
Bounce too high or stretch too thin...
we're all destined to meet the ground
and no matter how we get there
or try to defend it, there's
no way it's not gonna hurt.
August 30, 2017 at 5:00pm
August 30, 2017 at 5:00pm

You sound like fire.
         Not flaming,
         but crackling.
         A summer settling.
How could they know it was you
Trying to match your glow.
Errant show, blow by
         flickering blow.
They didn't understand the effort
was also
you're copy-protected.
Non-protracted. Safe
to not be erased.

You're a stranger setting fire to my head.
         Not flaming,
         but crackling.
         A summer stunner.
How could you know it was me
These words were set to explode
         impact. Blow by
         faithless blow.

I want to forget you by heart.
August 30, 2017 at 5:16pm
August 30, 2017 at 5:16pm

Face your thief; thank your demons.
We're all veins in the game of life,
Stay loose for the next fix, the best trick,
the joke sidestepped, or the misdirect.
Are you a function or conjunction?
Dysfunction or inappropriate adjustment?
Nobody wins by walking.
Nobody wins
         like, stop talkin'.
Where's your fitness? You listenin'?
Bearing witness? Goals glistening,
         go-getting and fate-tempting.
         Self-righteous. Self-underling.
I'm not noting my lack of expectations;
your misplacement (of them) is bargain basement
which seems more than appropriate for
your appropriation of my concern.
You forgot how to be thought-provoking.
You're the poem, the ode:
         "The First Syllable Of Someone Choking".
And we laughed. And we cried.
"And from one begot the other,"
         we sighed.
I spent too much time explainin'
to too many people too many meanings
to too many things they don't believe in.
So much time wasted. Left deceived and
I've faced my thieves and thanked my demons.
We're for better and for worse
         our wisdom,
         our religion, and
         our reasons.
Dreaded and threadbare but thankful.
Heavy and mangled but still manageable.
         What is worth the weight?
         Nothing's worth the wait.
Move around. Stay hot,
or remain steady and get caught.
I know someday life will outpace me.
I'm not there yet. I'm not ready.
I'm ahead to some degree;
motivating friends and bating enemies.
Classic. No magic.
Face down; closed casket.
No static. Kingdom? Tragic.
Wisdom from the back,
         bottom to the top rack.
Seriously joking while remaining though-provoking;
I'll be the poem, the ode:
         "The First Syllable Of Someone Choking".

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