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Rated: 13+ · Crossword Puzzle · Activity · #2254257
I am learning how to create my own crossword puzzle.


1. What is Marvella reckoned with? (1 word 5 letters)
2. What makes Marvella humorous? (1 Word 5 letters)
3. How large is Rhymer's tribe? (1 Word 5 letters)
4. What does Lurie Park look forward to? (2 words, 9 letters)
5. What kind of speaker is Lurie not? (2 words, 13 letters)
6. In what kind of eyes does Rhymer discover the world? (1 Word 5 letters)
7. What kind of perspective does Aneska write from? (1 Word 9 letters)
8. What kind of word is Aneska's name from? (1 Word 6 letters)
9. What kind of writing does Perry Ride do? (3 words, 16 letters)
10. What does Perry look forward to? (1 Word 7 letters)
11. What kind of writer is Loren? (2 Words 16 letters)
12. How many words would Perry like to express himself with? (1 word 6 letters)
13, Did Miranda enter her Bio Block? (1 Word 2 letters)
14. What does Rhymer Reisen love to learn about? (3 Words 14 letters)
15. Which perspective of Aneska's is taken from the man's point of view? (1 Word 4 letters)
16. What is Lurie Park's age? (1 Word 7 letters)
17. What does Marvella like to do? (2 Words 10 letters)
18. How many acres of farmland did Anna live on? (1 Word 5 letters)
19. What kind of writing will move you? (1 Word 6 letters)
20. What makes Marvella a caring person? (1 Word 11 letters)


1. How many community recognitions did Miranda get? (2 words, 8 letters)
2. What year did Miranda become a registered author? (2 words, 9 letters)
3. What does Loren look forward to? (3 words, 17 letters)
4. What does Loren mostly write? (2 words, 16 letters)
5. Where did Anna grow up? (3 words, 7 letters)
6. What two animals are Anna's favorite? (3 words, 13 letters)
7. How many class members are there? (5 letters)
8. What class member's first name is spelled the same frontward and backward? (1 Word 4 letters)
9. What kind of person is Marvella? (6 letters)
10. What does Rhymer like to write? (3 words, 16 letters)
11. What kind of character of Marvella makes you laugh? (1 Word 5 letters)
12. What does Lurie love to do? (5 letters)
13. Who did Rhymer love since fifth grade? (2 words, 11 letters)
14. Who was Rhymer's hero? (2 words 10 letters)
15. What could change at any moment with Aneska? (2 words, 7 letters)
16. What kind of feedback does Loren want? (1 Word 3 letters)
17. What month did Anna update her biography? (1 Word 4 letters)
18. What animal did Anna's mother like to watch eat? (1 Word 4 letters)
19. What animal did Anna learn was born without hair? (1 Word 6 letters)
20. Which animal chased her when being fed? (1 Word 7 letters)



1. Force
2. Funny
3. Small
4. Kind Souls
5. Native English Speaker
6. Fresh
7. Different
8. Boogle
9. Poems and Articles
10. Our Reviews
11. Unpublished
12. Lesser
13. No
14. Craft of Writing
15. Male
16. Sixteen
17. Inspire
18. Forty
19. Action
20. Compassionate


1. Sixty-One
2. Twenty-Ten
3. Feedback on Writing
4. Realistic Fiction
5. Farm
6. Horses and Dogs
7. Eight
8. Anna
9. Strong
10. Comedy
11. Fun
12. Write
13. Stephen King
14. Rod Sterling
15. Her Mood
16. Any
17. June
18. Pig
19. Rabbit
20. Chicken

 2 What does Rhymer like to write?
 4 Which perspective of Aneska's has a tweet to it?
 5 What is one of Marvella's character traits?
 6 What would make Marvella a good detective?
 7 What is Anna's favorite animal?
 8 What class member's first name is spelled the same forward and backward?
 9 What is unique about Marvella?
 12 How many class members are there?
 15 How large is Rhymer's tribe?
 1 What does Perry look forward to?
 2 What kind of a person is Marvella?
 3 What animal did Anna learn that is born without hair?
 6 What kind of perspective of Aneska's has a purr to it?
 10 From what kind of eyes does Rhymer discover the world?
 11 What kind of a person is Marvella?
 13 Who does Marvella honor?
 14 Where did Anna grow up?
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/crosswords/item_id/2254257-Crossword-Puzzle