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Rated: 13+ · Message Forum · Writing.Com · #1949474
Motivate yourself to conquer your goals this week! Post on Monday; update us on Friday!
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Dec 3, 2018 at 11:48pm
Goal 12/3 - 12/7-- How is it Monday??? Anyone? Bueller?
I can't believe how quickly my long weekend went by. Unbelievable. I'm secretly hoping for reasons totally out of my control, all the things I'm supposed to get done in the next couple of weeks will magically get dispersed through the coming months or disappear from my plate altogether. I told my dad I couldn't fit one more thing on my plate right now, there was just too much on it, and he told me he'd put "a bigger plate" on my Christmas List. Ah, that's my dad. But all I can do is chip away at it. So here we go.

1) Find books and an activity to take to the senior home tomorrow afternoon. (By midday Tuesday.)
2) Finish editing the blog post for December and send it to Jared--how in the world is it already December? I just... I just don't understand. November lasted five minutes. I'm going to need it to march its butt back in here and spend at least ten minutes here before it leaves again. (By Tuesday)
3) Find titles to present on Wednesday. Figure out what I'm presenting on Wednesday. Coordinate the activities with the girl who is co-presenting on Wednesday. (By 8 pm on Tuesday.)
4) Work on the presentation with the others for next Tuesday. (As soon as can be scheduled with others.)
5) Edit the survey and send it out. (Send by Wednesday.)
6) Fix dad's phone situation. (ASAP??)
7) Call Financial Aid Office and figure out next steps. (By EOD Friday.)
8) Figure out what mom owes me for the phone bills. (As soon as possible since you need the money. Don't call yourself names while reminding yourself of this.)
9) Pick next book club book. (Wednesday night.)
10) Make flyers for next book club book to send to "Unquiet Night." (Mid-morning Thursday.)
11) Come up with something "new" for both displays and change them out. (Friday EOD.)
12) Write 4000 words.

I just... I don't know how all this is going to get done and be okay, but I know that it somehow will. I'm not alone in all of the endeavors and that will help. I hope no one else is feeling as pressured and overwhelmed as I am right now! Good luck out there this week.
Goal 12/3 - 12/7-- How is it Monday??? Anyone? Bueller? · 12-03-18 11:48pm
by Float On Alright

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